Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Dec 1927, p. 5

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WW *» I-"*"* &IK.1 THE MoHENRY PLAIItDEAIJUt, THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1927 '^;*f: - •'•'*>• IOHB OF AMTJSBMENT "WE CANT PLAT THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" SHOWS 7:30-9:00 THURSDAY • FRIDAY Dec. 8-9 •%... . . . "THE DESIRED WOMAN" -:A • •; Starring Irene Rich;; >. . with v ' : '. . William Rnssel, William Cottier. Douglas Gerrard, Jack Ackroyd and the comedy >BUSTER COME Off SATURDAY • Dec. 10 Buck Jones L "BLACK0 JACK" Whirlwind Romance of Lawless Days of Old Nevada, Introducing the Famed Horse "Silver Buck." With Pathe World's Latest News VAUDEVILLE And the next chapter of the Great Adventure Play "BLAKE OF SCOTLAND YARD" |SUNDAY Dec. 11 Matinee 2:3# DqrihyMackaill . - Jack Muihall in "SMILE BROTHER, SMILE The Wrong Number "Hello Girl" iql the -Traveling Man in a Wortd of Clean Eenjoyment with VAUDEVILLE > And the Pathe Comedy "ONE WILD RIDE" Special Engagement The World's Most Daring Film THREE DAYS , Starting Monday, Dec 12 Ladies Only--Daily Matinees and Wednesday night. Men only--Monday and Tuesday nigfeit: •: . "IS YOUR DAUGHTER SAFE?" An Eminent Sexologist in personal talks at all performances. No one under Sixteen year# of age admitted THURSDAY - FRIDAY : . Dec. 15-16 •••- Fred Hum# ^ "BLAZING DAYS'* SATURDAY ~~ Dec 17 Tom Mix "SILVER VALLEY" | When Phillip Received That Christmas Gift PRISCILLA was making pumpkin pies. The fruit cake had been ripened and the turkey lay, In festive state, stuffed with sage and onion. Although it was really a chicken, one didn't mention that, no more than on» mentioned the fact that daddy was Santa Claus, or that the little black stockings which. hung before the hearth Ore would not be very full. There was only one blot In Priscllla's Christmas Joy. "I can't give Phillip anything," she said to her mother, worriedly. "It isn't as If he were a youngster and satisfied with red-yarn knitted mittens, or as if he were a poor boy, even, but when he sends me orchids, mother, I--I don't know what to <&." Phillip was the young man from the city who had been exceedingly attentive to Priscilla. Flowers he sent, and fruits and dainty candies, but not the simple, homely kind to which she had been accustomed. It was not this air of richness though that made Prtscilla's heart beat quick and thrilly. It was the simple, boyish way of him. Dear? Yes, she bad Just admitted it to herself. And now he was coming to Christmas dinner with her and her happy, humble family and Priscilla In her unp\ worldiincss, felt that she had no gift for him. Her mother, though, was wiser. She looked with a tender, wistful pride at her fair young daughter, the daughter with soft eyes shining, with hair curled gayly in the steam of the fragrant kitchen, with rose-petal cheeks, blushed warm by young love and by Christmas. She finished her cooking and set the long white table where the hearth fire glowed and the Christmas tree was festive with red and tinsel. Then Phillip had come and the dinner was progressing, fluffy potatoes and gravy all brown, the roasted turkey which was a chicken, really, the old fruit cake and, last of all, the spicy pumpkin pie. The mother watched and smiled, but her eyes were moist a little, for every bit of flood Priscilla served was as a gift If only Phil could know. But no one could explain to Phil. After the meal was over and extravagantly praised, the rich boy from the city seemed comfortably at home. He and Priscilla took a walk through the crisp, snowy Christmas starlight and still she could not tell him that she had no gift {or him. Back to the front steps tUSlilHIMBMBJb of the shad ows B house. first £ for explanations. The snowflakes saw him take the gift of all.--Maxlnp Chapman.- ((£), 1927, Western NVwanspey OnlOB.) The American Turkey •)! PERHAPS the most distinctive feature of our American J Christmas dinner is the turkey. This noble bird Is a Christmas feast requirement, whether the dinner be prepared [j in Texas or Wisconsin, New York or California. It Is interesting to recall the origin of fj our national Christmas bird. {J The story of Capt John Smith, jT 21 fresh from his wars with the ,|* Turks, surveying the wild fowl fu in the forests of Virginia and f] of his uproarious laughter upon seeing the turkey gobbler strut ' proudly before the hens is perhaps fresher in the minds of our school children than in our own. At any rate, we agree with his H comparison of the proud gobbler, for he "is exactly like the Jj» proud Turk showing off before ft his harem." So the name tur- J key Is no longer familiar Just to J| L Americans, but has fast become an international medium of cele- tjl $ bratlng the happy Christmas 'M season.--Frank H. Sweet. (©, 1927. Wntirs Newapaper Dnlon.) (L Czechoslovakia!! Pottery Powder Box De Luxe Smfmct That "Stumpy The spelling of this sentence is said to trip up many of the best stenographers : "It fs agreeable to view*, the unparalleled embarrassment of an harassed saddler or peddler serenely sitting upon a cemetery wall gauging the symmetry of a perfectly potato."--From the Outlook. Mrs. Henry Heiiner was a Oricago visitor a few days the first of the week. &' ELMO scon WATSON "The Mildest Manner'd Man That Ever Cut a Throat" WHEN in 1696 William Kidd set forth from England with a royal warrant to hunt down certain "wicked and Ill-disposed pirates," one of those specifically mentioned was a certain Capt. Thomas Tew or Too, a native of Rhode Island whose headquarters were on Madagascar. Captain Tew had originally sailed from the Barbados with Captain Dew under privateering commission, but Tew and his men turned pirate and sailed to the Red sea. Here he met i ship engaged in the Indian trade and found her a rich prize so that each of his men received 3,000 pounds sterling as his share of the loot. Then they returned to Madagascar, the lair of pirates In the Orient, and Captain Tew*s position with these gentry was firmly established. At ore time he joined with the famous French pirate^ Misson, originator of "piracy-without-tears," at his Utopian city of Llbertatla, but a quarrel between the French and English pirates threatened to wreck tbat peaceful republic. A duel was arranged between the two leaders but it was averted bV another pirate leader, an Italian, and the trouble was settled by Tew being appointed admiral and the diplomatic Italian, secretary of state. Misson's Utopian colony finally broke up and the French leader and Captain Tew went their separate ways. Tew returned to Rhode Island, where he settled down for awhile and engaged in honest shipping enterprises. But the call of the sea and the lure of "going on account" was too much for him to resist and in a short time he consented to take a pirate ship to the Red sea. Arriving there, Tew attacked a big ship belonging to the Great Mogul and in the desperate battle which followed he was mortally wounded. An old historian tells with grewsome detail of the wounding of the pirate leader and how, almost disemboweled, he kept up the fight as long as he was able to stand. Then, when he dropped, his men surrendered forthwith. Thus did this famous pirate cheat the gallows In Execution dock, but nd him a name _ degree of Jr. pirates of well hav^ amous" "character! zatl< was the mildest manner'd man that ever scuttled ship or cut a throat" <•^#*1. WMicro Nawepapw PaliM - Much to the joy of the art connoisseur genuine Czechoslovaklan pottery is finding Its way (reasonably priced considering its beauty), into America's yuletide displays. This ware is actually handmade and hand-decorated in the very peasant homes. The highly colorful designs are the same as in vogue as far back as eleven hundred years ago. Anyone would be proud to receive a gift of pitcher (note Its unique convex handle) and goblets to match like the one in the picture. Ornate Dresser Things Ideal for gift occasions are exquisite articles which show French inspiration in their elaborate finishings of gold lace and satin garlandedP lowers of superb silks and rib [Ing a superior hand time for Queen of all she surveys is the silken lady posing so statuesquely on her throne, which turns out to be a very useful little box, just large enough to contain the Indispensable powder and puff. Now that it is fashionable for these charming china doll fantasies to take up their abode in every well-appointed boudoir, 'tis a clew to "what to give" at Christmas. LADIES AID TO HOLD DINNER AND BAZAAR Big folks and little folks, be sure to attend the bazaar and chicken dinner and supper which will be served at the K. C. hall on Saturday, Dec. 10, by the Ladies' Aid society'. This is an annual event put on by these ladies who have earned^a wide reputation by the delicious dinners which they always serve. The various committees are hard at work in an endeavor to make this bazaar bigger and better than ever before. Many useful and attractive articles may be found aj the different booths. Beautifully dressed dolls of all descriptions. from the baby dolls and little curly-haired nigger babies to the large beautifully dressed dolls will be on sale and a good variety ef home bakery goods. Dinner will be ready at 11 o'clock and continue until all are served. Supper will be ready at 5 o'clock until all are served. Your patronage is solicited and appreciated. Come, f Don't miss this delicious dinner, only 50 cents. MENU -- roast chicken, mashed pot&tise&^gravey, baked ham, parker house rolls, cabbage salad, pickles, celery, cranberries, cream peas, pie, jello, wafers, coffee. Tennessee Rose is delightfully grant and refreshing. For sals St4- Bolger's. \ * Timepiece Not Sim pi* A watch Is comparatively s simple machine, containing an average of about 100 distinct parts. However, by actual count It has been found that the production of these parts requires over 8,700 separate operations. Failure Shook Coventry f i September 19, 1873, the banking firm of Jay Cook and company of Philadelphia. agents of the United States government and leading bankers of the country, failed. This failure precipitated the financial panic of 187S Tribute to Scriptural If there be anything In my styls or thought to be commended, the credit Is due to my kind of parents la In stilling Into my mind so early lovs of the scriptures.--Daniel Webster. Your Pullets'-- Will like our egg mash and we'are sure you will be pleased with it, too, because it contains aH the necessary ingredients for an increased egg production. Perhaps you will be interested in knowing thatitcontain* the following feeds, properly balanced: ' . Bran Middling!, Oil Meal Gluten Feed Germ Meal Hominy Salt Gluten Meal Meat Scraps Dried Buttermilk Bone Meal Alfalfa Meal Poultry Mineral * We also carry the Full-O-Pep Egg Mash as well as the Full-O-Pep Scratch Feed, Clashed Corn, Oyster Shells, Cli&J'coal and Pearl Grit. Why\ not make our store headquarters for your poultry feedf "Our Service Will Please You--Your Will McHenry County Farmers Co-Op. Ass'n Phone 29 •iii s .*•• t Byrons ' Election of Officers Riverview Camp R. N. A. will hold their next regular meeting Tuesday evening at which time they will have election of officers. Members please be present. Chicken dinner and supper will be served Saturday, Dec. 10, at K. C. hall by Ladies' Aid societyt Come. 27 the dr this picture, cov veiled with all-over gold lace, tured with a cluster of handmade taffeta roses. The comb case and top of brash are mnde to match. • Hot Water Bottle Always expel the air from the hot water bottle after you pour the wster Into It by gently pressing the bottle upward toward the stopper. Never fill the bottle more thaa two-thirds full. Mistletoe and Kissing The mistletoe and kissing are mways Inseparably connected In the minds of Europeans, and as far back as tradition and history can go the quaint berried plant and kissing have always gone hand in hand together. Christmas Day Christmas Is the sweetest day of the year, for the reason that it is. In Its proper observance, utterly unselfish, and because it is the golden link of time that serves to bind heaven and earth In a closer understanding. j*££l8tT#red Beverages io Your Home Distinctive Recipes CHICKEN SALAD (& sewings) Sweet Pickles, minced?"1 tablespoon Almonds, minced, 1 teaspoon Chicken, diced, 1 cup Lemon carbonated Beverages "Two 7-ounce bottles Gelatin, 1% tablespoons ; ~ Water, cold, 2 tablespoon* , Water, boling, Hi ci*P. Vinegar, 1% tablespoons Salt, % teaspoon Oelery, diced, 2-8 cup Olives, minced, 1 tablespoon Ham or Veal may be^mbstituted for Chicken * retain carbonic gas stir mixture as little as possible A "NIGHT CAP" Ginger Ale or Birch Beer with milk, half and half, makes a nourishing "nijsrht cap" %$ EDW. J. MERTES, Distributor Better Gift Than a box of the several v standard brands of Candy which we can supply in fancy h o l i d a y b o x e s . Come in and look them over before buying. We also have a full line of bulk candies, fruits, nuts, etc. Unti GROCERY and MEAT Specials^* For Saturday, Dec. ft at Frett's Grocery and Market Phone 3 West McHenr; Don't Miss These! 5 No. 2 size cans Vegetables, Early June Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin, and one can of Pumpkin free. _Total value, $1.10. Sale price 60# MEAT SPECIALS Fr^h Pork Shoulder, per lb. 18# Side Pork, pieces 3 to 7 lbs. whole piece, per lb. 20# Beef Pot Roast, .per Bk-i --22^ Buy where you get the most for your money, no matter where--But be sure to consider quality first. The first set of Children's Furniture made in McHezfff will be given away Dec. 24. Come in Saturday and register and get full particulars. v Santa says: -- Listen to me and you'll give an R. C. A. all-electric t. T r *.vl ? * • ^ P-i;: "<! » - f : $ * ' I ' r" • Christmas" is QZO Something New-Telechron Observatory time--direct from your light current St a ^ a small initial cost. Prices $22.50 ^ Christmas Qifts of Quality in Jewelry, Music and Radio at N YE'S West McHenry, Illinois" 9 e • r* : W1 m • v- -i • 's v£ :£k:':

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