Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Dec 1927, p. 6

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Ptf i W» . ."*>* « -*, !,&#&« J P&n'- m £?*'" i:'S-' fe »&' X. fev, $&?* ">?. *> af'&'V •*\s. , af"1' < m;.:: •|M V COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed 1M ^ ^ Q^. yrientiji*' «• krl Whiting was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. J. E. Pufahl was a Chicago visitor Monday. v W. P. Vogt w*« a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. Simon Stoffel spant Monday ip Chicago. Miss Dorothy Walsh spent Monday In Chicago. Miss Lillian FYeusd was a Chicago visitor Monday. , Miss Lillian Buss was a Chicago visitor Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Reflianspergvr visited in Chicago Monday. Mrs. C. W. Klonts was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and MVs. W. F. Vogt visited at Elburn Sunday. Mr8. F. E. Cobb visited at Waukegan Saturday. Mrs, A, L. Fumy was a Waukegan visitor Saturday: Miss Theresa Karls spent Sunday a£ her home here. John Sutton of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Pat Sievert of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Mrs. Anna Barron was a Chicgao visitor over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda were Edward Brefeld of Chicago visited relatives here Thursday. Chicago visitors Saturday. ' Mrs. Henry Heimer spent" a few days last week in Chicago. Miss Hazel Bacon- visited her 'sister, Fern, at Waukegan Sunday. Misses Calla and Olive Vaaey were Waukegan visitors Monday. Eugene Perkins of Little Rapids, Mich., visited here Tuesday. Miss Loretto Steffes visited friends in Chicago over the week-end. Mirs. John Bolger of Woodstock visited relatives here Saturday. Miss Misner and Miss ODwyer were Chicago visitors Saturday. J. B. Kelter of Chicago was a McHenry visitor over the week-end. Mrs. Edwin Knox spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. Misses Jean and Dorothy Matthews were Chicago passengers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and children were Chicago visitors Monday. Ed Aylward of Solon was a recent visitor of Mrs.' Margaret McCarthy. S. H. Freund attended a meeting of the supervisors at Woodstock Monday Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter, Ruth, were Chicago visitors Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family visited at Crystal Lake Sunday. Miss Clara Miller was the guest of friends in Chicago over the week-end Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter Btoth, were Chicago visitors Friday Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicag6 spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. John Relihan entertained several guests at dinner Monday evening. Miss Berteel Spencer of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. adn Mrs. Mat Steffes and family visited relatives in* Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughters and son, Joseph, visited at Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Jacob Justen is spending the week in the home of her daughter, in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing aiid children visited relatives in Volo on Sunday. Miss Claire Frisby of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Mary Powers and Mrs. Laura Kent were Chicago visitors last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan of Chicago were guests of relatives here on' Sunday. Michael Weston of Woodstock visited in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby on Wednesday. Mrs. Linus Newman spent a few days the first of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan were McHenry visitors on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund and daughter visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Miss Amelia Eddy of Elgin was a guest in the Andrew Eddy home the first of the week. George Meyers spent m few. days this week with relatives at Forest Park and Chicago. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, spent the week-end with relatives at Long Lake. Mr. and Mirs. Walter Brooks and little son spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter of Chicago spent*, the weekend with relatives here. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. A. Krause and daughter, Marian, an J son, w'cr: Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dent and son of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mrs. Mary L. Hoffmeier and Fred Cooley of Chicago were guests of Mirs. Mary Simon last Thursday. Mrs. Laura Karls and daughter, Ruth, visited in the home of Mrs. Joe Guth at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and family spent Sunday with relatives Sunday with relatives at Woodstock. Jack O'Shea of Boston was a recent guest of his brother, Dan O'Shea, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs. Mr. and MTS. Lee Eaton of Lignite, N. D., spent last week as guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller spent the week-end at Winnetka, where they attended the wedding anniversary of a friend. Mrs. Nick Pitaen returned home last week from the hospital at Waukegan where she nad an operation. She is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Conley and little daughter, Mary, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Miss Kathleen Powers of Alden spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin spent the week-end with home folks. Miss Eileen Steeger of Lima, Ohio, spent the past weeft in the home of M)r. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M„ Phalin and son, Harold, and daughter, Ruth, were in Woodstock Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peter and daughters of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler and children of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the W. A. Sayler home. Mrs. Louise Baldwin of Waterloo, Iowa, speYit a few days the first of th^ week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy. Mrs. J. J. Frett went to Chicago Sunday where she spent a few days the first of the week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Conley. Mrs. Philip Koerner returned to her home at Chatsworth, 111., the last of the week atfer spending two weeks as a guest*in the home of her son, Elmer Koerner and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller called on the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Dreymiller, at Woodstock on Sunday. Mrs. Josephine Dreymiller is staying with her daughter, Mrs. M. McNamara, while recuperating from an operation at the Woodstock hospital. ' SLOCUM'S Emmet Geary and son of near Wauconda spent Saturday at the home of the former's parents here. Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake was a business caller at the Joe and Ray Dowell homes last Saturday. Lillian Winkler who was ill with a severe cold last week is better now. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Orhwall and daughter, Verna, and Stanley McGee of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Edwin and Mary McCabe of Norwood Park were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary;'" " - '• • «- . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., and son of Waukegan were last Sunday guests at Ardelow farms. Mr. and Mfc"s. Earl Davis and children were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of the latter's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington spent Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and M!rs. Henry Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son attended the movie at the Miller theatre at Woodstock last Saturday evening. Miss Mae Pfannenstill is spending a few days it the home of her sister at Crystal Lake. WmW. THE McHKKBY PLATNDEALEB, THU&SDAY, DBO. 16,18g* Mrs. Blomgren spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mrs.Raymond Lusk near Wauconda. Page Smith was a business caller at Zion last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and daughter spent last Saturday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and son, Edwin, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Staneck of Crystal Lake were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Many people from this community attended the Junior play and dedication of the new addition to the W. T. H. S. at Wauconda last Friday evening. Page Smith served on the jury at Waukegan Monday. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren attended a show at Fox River Grove last Saturday evening. Miss Myrtle Darrell spent Sunday night at the home of her parents at Oak Glen farm. Mrs. Clara Smith spent last Saturday visiting at the C. K. Wirden home. Mildred Hoffman and,Mrs. Libetigood of near Wauconda spent Monday in Waukegan. Mir. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. George Harner tobo has been employed by Harry Matthews for the past five months returned to his home at Martinsville Saturday. 'He plans on entering the Eastern Illinois state teachers' college at Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mir. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham attended the Wauconda Euchre club entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Monday evening. Mrs. Grantham received high score while Mir. Grantham received the consolation. t McHenry Cartage Service Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. •too do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates v /fOR QUICK SERVICE CALL McHENRY Uj. £ &k?V ; rv * * >- AUCTION We will sell at public auction on the farm known as the Stanford farm, locatcd on Route 20, about 6 miles east of McHenry and 2 miles east of Volo, on Thursday, Dec. 22 Beginning at 12 o'clock sharp LARGE COWS--A CLEAN TESTED HERD 5 New Milkers, balance close springers and heavy milkers • "' ' 8 Yearling Heifers One 2-year-old Bull Two registered Holstein Bulls, one Yearling and one 7 months old. 8 Head of Horsei 3 Brood Sows--8 Shoats General Line of Farm Machinery Large amount of Alfalfa Hay, Straw, Grain, Barley, Oats. Crib Corn and Shock Corn & Renehan Round Lake, 111. We have on hand an Overstock of small Which we have decided to offer a$ x HALF PRICE L h ; Here la an opportunity to please t|e el^I^ren $ small expense. Come in and make youf > flections while the stock is complefefcl" . ? FOR THE MEN - - Shirts and Ties, Sets of Sox, Ties ap<TEatf& kerchiefs. FOR THE LADIES Silk Lingerie, Silk Hosiery, House Slippers, Toilet Articles. FOR THE CHILDREN. Gloves and Mittens, Stocking Caps and Leatherette Coats. fUhel your Xmas Tree and Ornaments at this store. A Santa Glaus Free with one pound of Candy •"» 90% Filled, at 49c Jos. J. Millet Riverside Drive and Pearl St. Phone Santa Clans will be in the New Carey Building Saturday Afternoon December t7th and Saturday Afternoon December 24th GIFT HOSE Burlington Hose, the new Diamond Heel. ' In attractive Christmas boxes, priced at, $2.50 per pair. :'/ • • GIFTS FOR FRIENDS Fancy Aprons : -' y • 50c to $2.25 Silk Scarfs ...„. .$1.00 to $5.00 Nice Handkerchiefs 50c to $1.50 Silk Hosiery - ., $1.00, $2.50 Table Scarfs $1.00. $3.00 Boutoiners and Bouquets, 25c-$2.75 Hand Embroidered Luncheon Sets, Table and Dresser Scarfs , BABY GIFTS Cunning Bonnets .$1.00, $2.00 L ^ $4.50 ^ $2.00, $5.00 ^ $2.50, $4.00 50c to $1.00 75c to $3.00 ,25c to 80c 75c to $&00 NOBBY STYLE SHOP Christinas Gift Suggestions Open Every Evening Until Christmas Smart Dresses Specially Priced for Christmas Selling In light and pastel shades and the syles are the latest. Black are included, regular $12.00 to $16.00, now-* $10.00--$14.00 The Latest in Novelty Shoes </ Velvet] Suede Pumps and 1 Strap, priced at--- $4.507$5.00^$5.35-$5.50-$6.00 CHRISTMAS MILLINERY A display of the lovliest hats of the season. Charming for gift giving. I SLIPPERS The Gift that's Always Welcome. Felt, Silk Satuk and Kid, 75c to $2.25 per pair. GIFTS FOR MOTHER Smart Kid Gloves $2.00, $3.59 Suede Gloves ...75c to $1.5(t Silk and Wool Hosiery ...$1.00, $2.00 Handkerchiefs .........50c to $1.50 box Perfumes 25c to $1.00 Flannelette Gowns $1.00, $1.50 Felt and Silk Slippers, $1.00, $2.25 deliver packages between 6:QF and 9:00 o'clock Christmas Eve. % U Leave your orders now. Smith Bros. McGee's Clothing Store Careyffelectrlc Shop '•M Quilted Robes ..^ Silk Jackets Baby Bunting Booties Baby Blankets ..._ Rattles ... Dresses Baby Bath Robes Baby Carriage Booties $1.00 to $1.50 Baby Bibs and Sets 25c to $1.50 Brushed Wool Sets .....$4.50 to $6.00 Sweaters $1.40, $2.50 Dolls „......50c to $3.79 Fancy Teething Rings Carriage Robes GIFTS FOR BOYS Kindergarten Shoes--a pocket knife with every ptfc ••(tarts • -. Handkerchiefs > \ ' Sweaters Ruffled Curtains and Bed Spreads « A most desirable gift--a nice variety to select from. Priced Reasonable. • •. H I; i n*i ii ii • ii ijipjjii!iiiii_i;jliTr[) itijfrij* Goodrich Lo-N-Hi Zipper Boot -- INTIMATE GIFTS Silk Crepe Chemises „_$2.00, $3.5(1 ^ Silk Crepe Night Gowns . $2.00, $5.00 Silk Crepe Step-ins .,_$2.35, $3.00 Silk Bloomers $1.25, $1.8$ Silk Pajamas $2.50, $4.50 GIFTS FOR GIRLS Silk Dresses, 7 to 14 yrs. $10.00 to , $16.00. Jfancy Garter Sets 25c, 50cir ZIPPERS Goodrich and Ball Band Specially priced for Christmas selling at $2.50--$5.50 -^_^5ilk Hosiery Kid Gloves Slip-on Sweaters "Bedroom Slippers Hand Bags Silk Slips Bath Robes Coat and threes Fl iety. 'String of Petti Scarfii\.„ Dolls _ $1.00, $2.5Cy Mr#' - 4 - iti'm iMMfirtiiiiii varto $3.00 to $5.0Q to ffl 7ft i

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