J: ~ *$ •*: t 3 v#r i /;* < r;* f > "r^s * - v '•*'•*£ r-V»V> ; *7 J :g Mark* End at Harvatt •^The harvest moon ti the foil omob ing nearest the date of the an* AD called because It cornea at tha completing of the harvest At this ||ma tha mooa oftao rtsaa at abott fee aama time for several nights. HERMAN J. SGHAEFER Moving and lung Distance Haqling Phone 126-R McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freunji, Prop. & ^ Eoad Building and Excavating of Every Description ^ ; Estimates Furnished oil y u Request fagh-grade Gravel Delivered §t any time--large or small Orders given prompt attention, phone 654-M-2 McHenry f^:L: b ;-j. Old-fashioned . wad AURA WORTHLEY had passed her thirtieth birthday some years since, and although she was possessed of more than ordinary good looks, coupled with a good disposition and an inherent ability for home making, she had never had a proposal of marriage. Once, some one had almost spoken the words-- Laura often thought of that wonderful evening since--but just as it seemed that the fateful moment had arrived Aunt Mabel had come seeking her for something or another. Next day Robert Barrett had left Lindenfleld and Laura had never heard from him since. The passing of time had eased the pain in her heart and she had managed to go about and show a smiling face to the world, but often she felt m self-rising Buckwheat Flour Now is the time to begin to think about some of those wonderful buckwheat cakes. There is none better than the product of the * ^ Ndlenr) flour Hills V Wm' McHenry, III. j 4l& your grocer lor it '.^Twenty-fire Tear.; 0. W. KLONTZ, M. m Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone McHenry, III very, very lonely. But she told herself that she had no right to think of Robert; he was probably married and settled down long before now in that far-off land where his company had sent him. Rut, always as Christmas approached she found herself thinking of him and picturing the home that might have been theirs together. Aunt Mabel had been dead two years now, and since her death Laura had felt very much alone in the world, in spite of many friends. But every year at Christmas time her cousin Vera, a widow of limited means, came to spend the holidays with her, and always at this time she gave a party for the young people. And lest any of them might be thwarted of love and a proposal, as she had been, she saw to it that plenty of mistletoe was in evidence. She- looked very beautiful now as she welcomed fier guests to her annual party. She was one whom years give new and added charm in recompense for the rosy flush of youth that they steal, and as she walked to the door to answer a new peal of the bell, she would have attracted attention anywhere. Opening the heavy door she looked without A little cry sprang to her lips, for there she saw Robert Barrett. A rush of joy, of wonder, of delight, flooded her whole being. He had come--he still loved her--else, why would he be here? Steadying herself by the doorway she bade him welcome, and as she recovered from the sudden rush of joy at seeing him again, her voice grew cool and composed as she assured herself that his coming meant nothing more than a friendly visit-- that even should he be still unwed, It would be some one younger, fairer than she that he would now seek. He seemed rather ill at ease, and he blundered and stammered so when he spoke, that his voice was almost drowned in the sounds of gay laughter and music that came from beyond^ Then, suddenly, without warning, . his arms reached out and he clasped Laura close and she felt his kisses upon her lip^. He was asking December, 1877 The new drop curtains, painted for the Good Templars by C. P. Waite and George Curtis, of this village, is certainly a very fine Job of work, and does great credit to them as painters. It must be remembered that this was their first attempt at scene painting, and shows a skill in that line surpassed by few who make this line of painting a specialty. By a little practice they.could produce scenery that would do honor to any stage. Smith and Snyder are erecting a new house nearly opposite J. Draper's. It will be for rent. . It has rained almost constantly for the past three days, and no man can tell how deep the mud is. Travel is almost entirely suspended, and consequently business is at a stand. How long, oh Lord, how long? Butter receipts Sor the week were 19,713 packages. Exports, 1,291 packages. There have been sales of some good sound dairies for Boston account at 20 to 21 cents. Holiday goods marked down at the P. D. Smith store. Heavy grey flannel 20 cents, regular price 30 cents; heavy red flannel 22 cents, regular price 28 cents; men's overcoats, $18; men's suits, $16; two-button kid gloves 75 cents; ladies' felt skirts; $1.15; and men's knit jackets, double, $}. WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Oflee with Kent & Company Every Wednesday 8 McHcory, DL PLAINDKALXB, THURSDAY, DSO.S2,1MT Qnnsfanaa jPropasaL Katkerine Edetman .T* H A* •* . .uL {•>. ... V . * * ** ... -,qfV - f : fntweiung Bits of NewstUn Fro* the Columns of the |C:i ,W~^ r- f f t xU~ ^ ^ * ; „ - ' V ** - " ' t .T* <* - -> * • ^ i * 4 ; ^ V December, 1902 Carpenters are at work this week repairing the room over Chappell's store for the Pleasure club. Two new windows have been put in on the south side and a doorway cut through leading to the front hall.. The walls will be neatly papered. Two large windows have been cut in over the front doors in the vestibule of the M. E. church. A much needed improvement which adds to the appearance of the edifice. Henry Schaefer's harp orchestra has been engaged to furnish music for a dance at Palatine. This orchestra is gaining ?n popularity and has many engagements booked for the future. . Last week <#ficials of the North Western road were in McHenry looking over the grounds and laying plans to erect a new depot, a most gratifying piece of news to the long suffering public. The old antiquated structure has been an eyesore and inadequate to the needs of McHenry for many years. At the regular meeting of Lodge No. 158 A. F. & A. M. Monday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: S. S. Chapell, W. M., James Conway, S. W.; Will Gallaher, J. W.; Clyde Thurlwell, secretary, O. N. Owen, Treasurer, Sam McDonald, Tyler, John Parks, S. D.; Charles Harrison, J. D.; Charles Stephenson, S. S. ^ . • . mmm % L telephone No. 108-R. Stof fel & Reihansperger Insorance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois Phone 206-J MtHenry, I1L 126-W. "" Reasonable Rate* A. H. SCHAEFER Drajing . McHENRY, ILLINOIS hsare-h Sure-Insorance Win. G. Schreiner Auctioneering AT RESIDENCE SlcHENRY, ILL WITH the question that she wanted most to hear, aud he was telling her that she meant all the world to him. When they both came back to earth be showed her the spray of mistletoe above' them: "It gave me the courage I lacked long ago," he whispered. Later he told her why he had never written. Aunt Mabel had spoken to him the evening before he left, and had told him that It would not be fair to tie Laura with a promise; also she had hinted of another man who was more favored. The company had just brought him back to Lindenfleld, and as soon as he got in, learning that Laura was still free, he had come. And because it was Christmas time, and also because the years that were coming held a wonderful promise for them, and they* could afford to be generous, there was no resentment In their hearts for the thing Aunt Mabel had tried to do. (ft IHl. Western Newspaper Union.) Entertains at Bridge On Sunday evening M!r. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy entertained a few friends at bridge, with high honors going to Mrs. Minnie Miller and E. G. Peterson. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. Minnie Miller. Drmulng an IdmM The average woman has a false picture of herself In her mind and too DENTISTS I often she tries to dress this picture -- *8& McCHESNEY ft BROWN V*Oman's Home fomniinion (Incorporated) »r. L W. Brown PROTECT YOUR CHILD'S HEALTH Dr. R. M. Walker Through thoughtlessness the slight btaUhhed over 50 year* cough or cold of a child is sometimes 4oing business at the old stand Vtouuis In First Class Dentistry at ^ - . Moderate Prices Penalty o§ Distinction •1 represent the dignity of labor," Mid the mechanic. "Yes,," replied the man of wealth and responsibility, j "you can work In your shirt sleeves, speak your mind and quit wbrk when ' your hours are through. . I've got to wear a high hat, guard every word that I speak and keep busy fourteen hours a day, I represent the labor of dignity." !* For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE DR. HENRY FREUND Optometrist your neighbors aafi ?$&.£•••• Friends about us, . ~ E. Cor. Clark and Randolph 8t % 145 N. dark St, Chicago ' Daily B to 6, Banoays i to 11 Central 2047 - ^ * . v , ; ; - - T . , 1 'n T s » *• ^ ^ -* t fifeotnnfis IHA nfiliA Ynlafi^ii v. ^ ^ • i . . _ a Down through the centuries the message of the Yuleti<le season has come--the words unchanged bat the Christtbfttt ever kfon, ,. .* * ;v. r-v As you'seek joy in doing things for others--in spreading happiness through good feilowshi^-r-jtw become a pigt / of Christmas itself. ' ' * : '• " • • With hearty appreciation of the friendships and greater good-will the year has brought, we at t.h j& iaat.ilulinn IV A-W i * rf* V- '"' you the brightest, merriest Christmas. ; -v-v ' V ^ IA Observance of CHRISTMAS «AT this institution will not be open Ifcaday, December 26th Fox River Henry L. Cowlln, Solicitor State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, January Term, A. D. 1928. Bertha Gruber, Complainant ' vs Fred Gruber, Defendant In Chancery--Bill for Divorce. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been | issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 9th d&y of January, A. D. 1928. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 6th day of December, A. D. 1927. Charles F. Hayes, Clerk. (Circuit Court Seal) 27-3 Adding machine rolls at the Plaindealer office. 0 m> t m m \ the last .minute at the neglected and becomes serious. A few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, at small cost, taken at the onset of a cold, brings speedy relief. Be prepared, have a bottle of this safe reliable cough remedy on hand1 and give promptly when a cough or cold is first detected. Equally effective for grown persons. Ask for Foley's Honey , and Tltf*. ft Druggist Pries Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. Houra: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 s. a. to 9 p. at. • > Phones: Office McHenry IBS ]; Residence, McHenry 178. jOJSL'L; >) :