Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1928, p. 2

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pwiiW *. .r«£ , T-nr^" *"*, *, 4"^ *• *«il - v / * •«* . * i ,, •>*-' * - ••" \ •"' **?*>*' *V*. !'vr^ * ~ r®, r . V - % . . , U < ' • ' **- •* . . ; : 1. ^iv ! di SLOOUM'S LAKS Hr» and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and children spent Sunday evening at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and -son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary spent r last Tuesday evenin# at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. 1 Mrs. Fannie Carr spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Neva Stubbings at Wauconda. Leon George Smith id spending a few days at the home of his father at Elgin. Emmet Geary and son, Forest, of Wauconda spent Friday at the home of his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheelock at Wauconda Monday night. Mir. Matthews received second prise. Miss Orissa Brown and Miss Althea Coss of Wauconda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Wednesday. Mrs. Whitman and son, Ralph, of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith called on the former's husband at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilson and daughter of Palatine spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. OUie Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children attended a show at McHenry Saturday evening. Ollie Grantham attended the Waucon- j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and da euchre party entertained at the children spent Saturday evening at I £ Bagginess--scragginess--shagginess! Get the pressing habit. Let us keep your suits cleaned and presed. Small cost. * --Mr. Before *nd After "Spotless Cleaning--Permanent Dyeing Tailored Pressing" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143 W Located over Bolger's Drug Store the home of Mr. and Mxa. Earl Converse. Mrs. Clara Smith and two grandchildren, Douglas and Mae, spent last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. D. Williams at Crystal Lake. Miss Zella Smith of Griswold Lake spent last Thursday at the Page Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son attended a show at Crystal Lake last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer and Son, Stanley, of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mainam of Wauconda were evening guests at the Henry Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews entertained on Saturday night, John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren, MY. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, and Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake. Miss Frances Davis is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferris and son, Charles, of Antioch, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs Willard Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family visited al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis last Friday. Page Smith was a business caller at Zion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Wayne Bacon wdfe a business caller at Crystal Lake last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pfannenstill of Ivanhoe and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dhrwall and daughter, Velma, of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. George Roselein spent Sunday at the home of his parents on the Flats. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Brooks spent last Friday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and Robert Farron of Elgin spent Sunday at the,home of the former's parents here. Mr. and M!rs. Earl Converse and< daughter and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis. Mrs. Ollie Grantham is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Winkler at Waukegan. •-vKj •'J* T?/ • Roy Horick, a few days 1 ," •*; t '*-< f " •* t7,: ^ - «, _ ^ "4% r A * fat *oH*wrY rumnnsAUm, Thursday, January «, im« i'fe' >• . - £ \ ~ v . • t : tfim AUTOMOUBt AM WttT • • - >0101 WIU won wpi The Forward Look; TOMORROWS telephone requirements mutt be foreseen today; the service of the future must be provided for ia the present. In the America of tomorrow new Industrie# will develop, ; trade will increase, residential sections will replace the vacant - ; areas of today. TTiere must be new telephone buildings and switchboards; millions of miles of new wire and cable; yet a larger army of men and women to build and operate the «ra increasing facilities; more and more trained executives - , to manage and direct. It costs about $385,000,000 a year to keep ahead of America's demand for telephone service. If this vast sum is to be spent wisely and efficiently, future demands must be forecast with as much precision as is humanly possible so that materials, money, manpower will not be lacking when % the need comes. Only through the forward look is the telephone kept ready to meet the growing demands of a growing nation. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY KLL SYSTEM OdcMic^ • Owe System - Uslwrial Stwta Mr. and Mbrs. Henry Hettcrmann and daughter, Agnes, and sons, Donald and LeRoy, and Mrs. Joe Hettermann motored to Burlington, Wis., Saturday, where they visited with Miss Otillia Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Barney* Kelle>. Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff and children of Wheatland, Wis., visited with her parents, Mr. and M!rs. John Hiller a few days last week. Miss Ida Bresina of Chippewa Falls, Wis., who has been well known in this vicinity left her friends Tuesday to join the nuns in the Notre Dame convent at Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Joe Hettermann was hostess to the members of the Jolly Eight club at her home on Sunday evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. William Meyers, „ first; Mrs. John M. Pitzen, second and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, third. Delicious refreshments were served. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer entertained her friends Sunday. A delicious supper was served at 6 o'clock, after which the .guests played different games. Those present were Miss Helen Smith, Leo Smith and Joseph Freund. Miss Martha Hettermann visited with Miss Helen Schaefer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller visited with Mrs. Catherine Schmitt Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. Henry Mehler and Mirs. Anna Mialek of Milwaukee, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith Sunday afternoon. Nick Becker of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith Monday. Mr. and M!rs. Joe Smith and daughter, Irene, visited with Mr. and Iflrs. John Smith Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen visited with Mr. and Mrs, Nick Pitzen Sunday afternoon. J. W. Wright and Miss H. Ball of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Sunday. m Miss Florence Smith visited with M!r. and Mrs. Steve King Monday. Miss Helen Smith visited with her RINGWOOD sister, Mrs last week. Mr. and Mrs, John Hiller and family and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stilling Of McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Horick visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith Friday. VOLO Henry Casler has returned to Volo after visiting with his sister at Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus entertained a club party Sunday evening. William Rossdeutcher of Joliet spent a few days with relatives and friends here. "• Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Russell entertained their .granddaughter, Gen^* vieve Wright, a few days last week. Mrs. Joseph Vogt ;and daughter, Mary, visited the former's brother at the Lake County hospital Friday. G. A. Townsend of Wauconda spent Thursday and Friday with his soi), D. C. Townsend and family. Joe Vogt visited at the home at Earl Townsend at Richmond Saturday. M&urice Townsend was a Liberty- Ville visitor Sunday. Bernard Vogt and Earl Rotter visited William Converse at the Lake County hospital Sunday. Dr. Wheeler of McHenry was a business caller in this vicinity Monday. - La Verne Wait is ill at her noate with mumps. Mrs. Mkbel Benwell is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Joe Wagner at Round Lake. Mrs. Martin Freund visited her daughter, MYs. Frank Rosing, Sunday. John Walton was a Wapconda visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend of Richmond spent Thursday evening with the former's sister, Mrs. Peter Stadfield. Frett Bros. & MASON CONTRACTORS and CltTCREfE BUILDING UNITS i elephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-lfl '•i, • A >•;! . . r- v V" from Infancy to Old Agi The food value of good milk is too well known •|o even be considered as a subject for discussion. And when you use our milk, you will learn thai U is exceptionally rich, absolutely pure, and qur delivery service is day by day dependably We handle nothing but Borden's Pasteurize! and Degreed Products !»• J. Phone 657-R-l at is BUICKfor only *1195 Personals Mrs. Mary Hodge left Wednesday morning for Urbana, 111., where she will spend the rest of the winter ill the home of J. D. Smith. H. C. Hughes spent Saturday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and family of Greenwood ate Sunday dinner in the Ed Peet home. M!iss Flora Taylor is entertaining her sister from Winslow, 111. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake called on friends here Friday. Mrs. E. C. Hawley was quite sick a few days this week. Miss Dorothy Peet visited the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Clay, of Rockford. Mr. and Mirs. J. C. Ladd spent Tuesday in Woodstock. Mrs. Sam Rahn of Elgin, visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Ed Peet was called to Woodstock Friday on account of the illness of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas wen Round Lake visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen of McHenry. Mrs. Chauncey liarrison left Wednesday morning for Urbana, where she will represent the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau at a convention. Social Affairs Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained a few ladies last Tuesday afternoon in honor of the second birthday anniver sary of little Marian Hawley. A nice birthday supper was served including a lovely lighted cake. The ladies who enjoyed the gathering were Mesdames John M, Butler, Jennie Coalman, E. C. Hawley, Frank Hltchens and Emma Merchant. .-Mrs. Walter Harrison very pleasantly entertained last Saturday afternoon at a shower for Mrs. Stanley Thomas a recent bride. During the afternoon bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Charles Peet and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Following the games of bunco, Mrs. Thomas was presented with many useful and very beautiful gifts. At the close of the afternoon delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Ringwood Camp, No. 597, Modern Woodmen, will hold its installation of officers on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17. There will be oysters served at the close of the installation. All Woodmen are invited to attend. ./ jbr Meontmieal Trmn»portmti<m> CHEVROLET -tne Greatest Sensation of America's Greatest Industry gste* - • "A • i You may have thought that you couldn't a Block for as little as #1195--that you would have to pay considerably more for Buick quality. ~ The truth is tUst you can have aone of three popular Buick models at this 6gure a Sedan, Coupe or Sport Roadster--all of them» cars of true Buick quality. You have always wanted a Buick--<wd today's Buick surpasses allprevious creations. See it ; ' drive it--and own the car you have long wanted* •DANS *1195 to »1995 » COUPFS 01193 <0 $1850 SPORT MODELS • 1195 to «1525 i i!? ^C** '**• ** Mich., government U-v (o bc -- ' *** **• M. A. C. fimmmcM plan, the mou ttetirabl*, C available. Ovefton & Cowen ;/ Buick Dealers JOHNBBUBe West McHenry, BL--Harvard, HI--Crystal Lake, X1L Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and daughter, Marie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter, Irene, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping of Spring Grove on Thursday. The Community club met in the Forester hall Monday evening. Many"^ men were present and all enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and children and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stilling and children, Mr. and Mirs. William Hiller and Children, Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siehoff and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and family on* Sunday. e Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lay Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell and family and Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund and children visited with Mr. and Mrs, Again, Chevrolet has created an auto* Saobila so far beyond all expecta* #ons in the low-price field that It Constitutes the greatest achievement If America's greatest industry.. Built on a 4-inch longer wheelbase** offering n imerous improvements la performance, beauty and safety* 4m Bigger and Better Chevrolet •larks a spectacular epoch in tha development of luxurious trans* \ porta tion at low coil. . |li« engine is of improved valve4iv head iteslgn with alloy "invar strut" grtstons . . • hydro-laminated cam* ihaft gears... mushroom type valve lappets... AC oil filter . . . AC air Cleaner and a new crankcase breath* |ng system. ^Throughout die entire ear •*--'Vtr advancements are represented--* from the four-inch longer wheelbase and the new semi-elliptic shock absorber springs--84% of the wheelbase, to the marvelously beautiful new Fisher bodies in Duco colors. Come in and drive this great car. Drive it through traffic--and get the thrill of its darting pick««tp ... the smooth, certain action of its non-locking four-wheel brakes! Drive it on the open road--and test every point In the speed range for smoothness and readability! Try it on the hills--and learn the true meaning of Chevrolet power! Do that--and you. will agree wfeh thousands of others that here is die world's most luxurious low-priced automobile. _ cava levrolet! Read this partial list. Improved nln-ln hnd motor. New stronger frame 4' Iwmmm wheelbeae 107*. ~1 New four-wheel brakes. Thermostat control cooltag system. Ntw alloy 'lanr •trot" pUtone. New instrument panel indirect* beailng worm afl|i - gear steering. Semi-clliptic shock absorbs* springs; 84 per cent of whssfc flUety gasoline lank et rear. Larger balloon tire* 30" s 4J0^« New streamline bodies fcf Fisher. Theft-proof steering and Ignition lock. . A. C. oil Alter. A. C. air r leaner. Single-plate dry dlsr rhitrh New crankcase breathing lyMem. New two port eriiaust. Heavy on^-plece full-crows fenders. Alemite pressure lubrication. Vacuum tank fuel supply. Improved Delco-Remy distributor ignition. Combination tail and stop light. Large 17' steering wheel with •park and throttle levers Jo> cated on top. Eear view asfinesw and 4 Wheel Brakes outsit* "Prices Reduced!" The Roadster . . 1495 The Touring . . $495 The Co&gr , . . $585 The r Coupe . . $595 The Fonr-Doer Sedan . . . $675 TheSpor|( C a b r i o l e t * 6 6 5 The Impa^al Landau . . . $715 Light Delivery Truck . . . . $375 (Chassis Only) Utility Truck . $495 , (Chassis Oaly) All prices f. * b. Flint, Mich. Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191 ittferihinauuiii ; U • ' Air-' A T West McHenry O W € O

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