%.&&&&** &M-J V " -iL-»a- M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, I PablWi«d K*ery Wednesday by idf'. V»*i Slyk jEdlfcor and Publisher. M;e in Riversfde Oyer Smith Bw>». & Co. s-8 tore. ,s. 'TEHSIR OF StJBSCRiJPtiON:'- -•?• t© JTear, (in Advance,).. -- -- % fact Paul within Tferee Months 2 w sriptiony received fortftrfe or six in^uttes |6Mrie protioriirtrv -'" ' B13SSXB*SS CAKPK. i ;*'• Mrl'KXRV Il-f-i, Itolw in allkind? of Anieri'***: and Watchee,{;ioeks from J,he beat factories 1 country. Silver, pluted wure, Silver i?r &c.» ALSO ACKXT Ft>lt THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos • ASD TOE *;- H. T. BROWN $1.1?. i and Surgeon. Office 'm Brick _ BlWfk oref p. G. Maves Clothing. Store Water Street, Melfenry I1L " _ . ^•Tf B. A. BEEES..M, t- ^ "E>ht«oiak u4 Surgeon. 01B<*» ^resi^en^s. In two doorer west 6f Post Office, MIL " '•••••'• *w:-- O. .J. IIOWAKD M. D. STCrAJf an<1 Surgeon^ Office at the 8 of Howard & Son, Mclletifv MeHenry f F. 6. MAY.ESV; , , .. Bbrchant Tailor, and dealer in Beady Made doming, Cloths. C;issimores. -Ve «t in? ;;t)»e door »orth of Colby's Drugstore Mclfenry it. c. iKlsfer, • *'••' r . k TTOBN'EY AT LAW, •* ' J ^ 1MCHAKV BISHOP, ^TTOKNEY AND COtTXSK LOR AT Office in ve-ir of Murphv ftBisho, North Sidi Publte Square, Woodstock, TXA' dt AW. nk GEO. A. BtlCKLIX, XTOTAHY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and % ; i^i suranc.e Agent. Office at Bucknn # Steven's Sto re, near the Depot, McIIenry, 111. E. E, JtlCHABDK. ?j. tr TTAS arom^tete Abstract of Titled t*> land Vl, Jtl in McHenrv County, Illinois. Office with JCJoimty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. '•4- 1). A. POTTER, u/natvnui tM ,«*«» vevahcer, U. . K . . n .^Collecting Asferit i., J*OM'< S. Clai * ,u*i : uollc sud Oon- lnsuranee au4 G. A. CANFIELD./ ~ iiTTOTJBE, Riff" and Carriage Painting, Pn.per mm. Hanging, Calcimining, ftc.\ Mixed Points i kijids t'onsiantly on handi AH "order8 iptiy attended to'. McHenryxJlk- "MU Fit HECHTLE. VI * - TTOtTSJi, Si«n and Carriage Painter, ' i t vv III. Will do all work promptly and at >.2,ft reasonable rates. •. • •: ' , i-j. . -- OBO. 8CHREIXEII. ,v Nwrif iC* SAT.OOX and nestamant. Xeanj 1;h« Parkter House, McHojjr?' IQ.'. 9*$? SnwflSi--" AXNV'. iKivtUws hv the day '»r «ad *'#ld MrllKXUY LIVERY STABLE.. ; E. WiGTlTMAK, Proprietor. First cla»« rlsrs, v. ith or without drivers. ft»rni^ie(% at reasonable r^tg^ done on short notire. 'r rk'dMi <' \Y. W. ET-LRWORTH. . -S "DBEEOER of the (V-lebrated Maoris Ifoar.i . >' ,"*«»,! Jt> Also Liir'igMtnd P-»rk Brnbma Fom'Is. Pi?s Mhippcd to pll points .-y exyress. 1'. 0. Ad- -.,, dresis,-Woodstof-kv-HL, . .j.; 3 « PETER LEI^KKi^ .v ;t-rrrr#rtrt EPAITfS tV"atehe.'<, Clorrks ami Jcwelrv of 1-kTndfu Also Hepsirs Violins in the Ik st -lHisHiiiie inanner, on short no tire, and at rea- Honuhle raten. Also Violins for Sale. .Shop Irst door Xorth of Riverside Block, McHenry jll. * ' M. EXGELN, ITX AND LOCKSMITH. Scale tO done Vromptly at short notic WA-ti tiring _ feep o» hiand a ffoml stock' of Guns, Bev<^fers; PoW- ' der, Shot, Gun Maternal, Fishmg Tackle, Meerchaum and Wooden Pipes. M chenry, . . . . I llinois. RICHMOND HOUSE. ^ 131CHMOND IliT.lNOIS. Frank P^eter Pm. ill prietor. tiood accommodations for &ll> mrtfes. Samplerooms for Salesmen, l.ivery Stable attaeiied. Public Hall for Lectures, Shows &c., i • •*•>• ----•--* KiVERSIDE HOUSE. ti,f rHENRY, 111., H. Wheeler Proprlefeli IVI New!v furnished and refitted. Splenffii<| hunting and limbing on l'istaqua and Fr>x! Lakes, a short distance above. Boats and Oarsmen furnished at reasonable rates. Liv- ery in connection with the llonse. Free bus to "and from thecars. I.arjfi* and airj' apart ments for families during the summer. Th<? splendid side-wheel Steamer will make trip* to and from the J,tikes during the Summer months. No pains spared to promote the com- fcrt of guests. Teims, £2.00 jier day. > .!* ^ --' ', '"""--: ----rr ^ X. C. RICE. ~ : A. A. ; i. c. ki<® & son, j B E N T I S T S , it 1 ... NUNUA, n,r.. ^ . *' - . . . i > SatiafiWJtion Guaranteed on all w :;'r Cleaned, Filled and Extracted ea and skillful manner. Artificial Teeth inserted in full or mrtial plates, on all the basesknown to the profession. Call and have yoiw teeth Examined. ^ ,, j - OFFICE of L. C. Rfce, West Madison St., €hitmgo. Office of A. A. Uice, serokd do^r S'ortli of the M. E. Church, Xuuda, 111. • RBFERKNOKS. -- Win. Archdeacon, jj^nnda; Be I. Fmnk Burr, Green St., Chicagf^lL A For Sale, a Good Farm. Of Eightv Acres within one hundred and sixty rods of Crystal Lake Crossings, on eas* terms. For farther information apply to y R. BISHOI» Attorney, At Mtirphv & Bishop'^ Bank, Woodfltock, I1L i lHted July 23d, :-- 111 . -. TllEl). UENICIL ^ ^IGAR MANUFACTURER, -AND- TOBACCONIST. WWDSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Whioh vre believe to l«e the befit Organ in the nun ket We thiftk w e fcj«v\r that bv fixperi- elice, tucd w« iwlifeve it, for it is backed up by the " Best Musicians in ttse World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than eto't(^eomm«nd them to be the Estev, Iwt asgood. : r Jnlf- 83. i JO. W. OWKN. {>' MURPHY &. BISHOP^ BANKER. JJfflce Xortli Siii^of Public Sqnure, WOOl>StbCK, • ^ V . ILLINOIS. TRANSArtV General change Business. Deposits Ucceived -- Interest allo\s ed on SiMJcial l>eposits. Buy and sell United States Bonds, Gold, Gold Exchange, etc. ,.v v t * i lianire on all prlttclpal cIHe» in Eurot>e SUcli Hfe ii stock, ill. OWENS MILLS^ | McHenrv - - - - - Illinois. CONSTANTLY ON HANI). CUSTOM GUI1NDING Done ppomptly, and satlsftvctlon gnarantoed Thankful for |>ast favors a <'ontiuwR«ice ©i' jMitromige is resj>ectfully Bolicited. ,v L si£- •OwenBf08.fi 1675. •••;• . ^ ;HENRY' 'COLBY, ' : ^:TpJkS3$rTGis Painters BrnslieM, Dye <.'t\ ••Hi.,- ?n " sicians A*>< •• if^reScn^ Compounded. f 'fv Zi0 lSPECtA®:;' PRrCESO, WIllTE LEAD AND OjL ON Scrletly Pur# per hundred. s wwt® :|^ir *10,00 G %^cl I'^i18^ed ^ ' Sey^nty-flve <fent^ per ' « ^ " * * . Ail Goods Wan-anted AB RFPRE^EITED «OI! HATIE®ICT!ON OUSMIIU'E'V Sv .Batjtomtije'SolicIted. •' •• • H, C04.BY. "JfcHenry, JtUy 3fth*3f76.. GERMAN M'HENEYBREWERl ; King & Herbes, Froprietonj THE best of Beer Shippted to any part of tli cofcivtrv and warranted as represented,- Orders solicited and jpronsptty attended to. ~W ,1. VAX* SLYKE, NEWSPAPER Book nnd Job printer Orders I"roniptlv attended to. Offic Iversit'o Block, McIIerny, I1L '^wm These bitters ale ^anuladsnled by the pr'* jfrietor fr«m imported % him. The"f»c^ipt of_lhese"Bjtters was obtained by the proprietor in 18+5 , trojn an old and experienced physician^/the'i » phy sician in the*I'rus3EMi arinv), aftd a graduate ol tfi< hisheet medical colleges of Germany. Tlios-'o Hitters are Guaranteed to Cure the se verest cases uf * DIAlililtpiX, IN DIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, • . * • and a{Ngflpt>taiu pr^ventaliVe of female sidHriss*. chills and fever. ' 'w T.f -.«i - AND AGiTKr- v " »«' j , Uiarrhoja disease <rhaa-acteri7ed liv an incrdaseil discharge from the Bowels, usu-iliy hi ft. very Unuid s»te, and Boiuc.tifaes co»ttti|i- ihg ft lHrgf"-'!»»wtTty of l?ile. Besides the vari ous mutative vned'ieinfs, uad>6ssdd or. li^> irestalde food, or vejfetubies, •acid 1'ruits, oUy or,iiiitwd substances frequently; cause IHarir. h«ea. Phv.s'uuans distinguish various kinds pf Diarrlnca", as (crapulosa) when the forties jrmss otr<wdina*v <|i'.autv: •ftiiio^"*'when the bile is inoce at>unilat)t»M5<in natural: "mucosa" when the excrements contain » quality of nmcus; "slro.sv"m wlilgh they are almost entirely liquid and \vat#fcj£; and "Ucuteria" when the food oasses through the bodv in an almost un altered state. VBier# ate fraquently, also uasiseaattd vomitiug. a. bitter jtasto ia tlie mouth, a furfed anft vldlow toftgue, dry and harsh skin, "a full^r sallnsR cflniuteuance, -and if speedly checkeiH, great emaciation. Tlus is one of tq ise <iiseases l^v m^aus <jf whidi na ture strives to get rid of impurities, and re store the system to its natural condition. Hence, when it i- not very violent, and .the patient is t-tror.^it'isljett to Jet it take its course for a A<»r* time, ,a'»l % Wking only twn wiae glasses fall of Bitters fox tlitt flratten Jionjfs. >>ff violeiSi five wi ie glasses full per day, one Iwfore each meal a.nl two between oieals. In any ease great care should be la,ke» i»t to stop it" too 'suddenly. The *ice»tu#ent,;tiig»,iii.all teases depends ny#i the iiause from which it sprang. For ludigeS- tiou and-Dysuepslia take.one wins glass full of the Bitters before.'..ejich in«ai.>. No shotild be without a Iwrtye. ^ li l»riee per iwttl^, lt^e^c*s.^sniall SO fcts. ^ k^«5S5^Li. ; hJOIVaru. " EMtOR PLAIK'DfeALBR:-- this evening I picked up a miinj^r your pai»er, and was agreeulily pri.«-?d to leai*n therefrom that you eondnded to upft3dl« vonr own can< From the appearance of the first ber. and knowingyour experience ability in that Hue, I have nohesita in saying: to the people of McHe that they haw r.n InsHttition in Melfenry PLAINDEALEK that will pf an honor aiiH he a lasting benefit fco -1 village and s«rroaiid?i!{^ »ouutry. Thinking periiaps yom-readers1 ail, want to know what is going oa In »i atotind *vard, I Will give you a fV brief iteiae of news in my blunt, yo«j way, and leaVfeyou to put on the pol ish or throw tliein iu the fe-*ste ha^e^ as you may see flit ] Itichardson's new block is ahout Co plet«d, and w%s think is one of the be IJBshiess buildings in Harvard. T mason work was done by Mepsru. Thar- well & Wheaton, the foilier from yoril village and the lattpr from 3*uii(1a| They are good workmen, as the work oji this building ia ample proof. 1 I uotice you speak of the 'excellence^: of your Hotel accommodations, all of which we ar| willing to acknowledg?^ and arc happy to say that Harvard I# fegually blessed. In the Walker House and Ayer's Hotel we have accommc.la- tions for the tiMveling public second to none. "Butt" says if you don't, believe it come down and get one square aqd l>e convinced. ; There U some greatmystery ill Con nection with a certain Sewing Machine Agent who occasionally visi ts tliis bttrg. Without knowing iany of the particu lars, we ar«S of the opinion that if his mother (or his wife) don't knovv he is out it is about time she had learned that fact, If the boys should happen to "bounce*' him gome moonlight sisrht it might prove « seri our affair. iThere is^i scarcity of eggs, but! or, etc., in thisVarket at present, On ac count of the farmers--the mainstays in the -produce line--being very busy in the harvef-t field. . /f The farmers in this section are* re- Voicing over their puccc#^ aud prospects for corn ami other grain, this year/*nud well they may, as many wtSll-^o-do* l ai did so before Ooq»^t in the evening shade is very fashionable here, just now. Almost>v* ery y.inl is fnrnislied for the game. , We saw in town to-day, (after coni- mtssarj' stores we pivsunioc) your old friend Jake Wood. He was just lis Uatulsomo and good Matured w ever, ami saj's he cau prove It by you tU»t the W ood Washm- "beats the world." Be that as it may we know thero i a Woman in the West fone of these machines at fact an^ W^ see the us anil Shall Awe." ^rrrrrrir- AUGUST lh 1875, '0 ; i-ntm&m- ISfviTOE •> J--We 1se?day' Hie i£fiih i f July, Mis. 0, E. Warner met with n ^^jt«?fere accident. She fell downstairs strS&mgon her hands, break lug her right one acyfcss the palm, one finger, and on her left haaid broke two fttige rs and put |wo, out of jol nt. He r left shoulder and «Me bit(dly touip- ed algto^ "' - There was^l^stslt before Justloft irettibone on between**. duller ,F,. Morris^ for;||||>rt -wbicl\ Ves'ilted in ruUer gettlng & lvdgaiejrt ' " " :• will be a Club Harvest Party at Nund^Hall, Friday eveniag, August 30t|t ®v?rjt)6dy is invited. C. Kow- Jev, <^. Simon?. J.DeGrtishe, Committee I>«lK1?.~Iu (Jrystal Lake, July 28th, 1875. of Paralysis, after an illness of ariy m*** X)r* IT, G rsyes, .a^'Mi 44 years, Master of Ills' profession, eminently killful ift»hi* pra«<tiee, very successful rand always at tlie post of duty, Dr. Graves will long be remembered by a liost of friends and patrons. ~ . _ On Tliuitwlay last the Nttttda Base Bali €lnl) played the Crystal Lake Nino. Evo rvthing passed oft" iHeasantly ex- jeeptingthafe Murphy got run into on the first base and hurt quite badly on ^hc fopt. Halght made every man keep still and let the Captaiue do the talk- lag, which wal right. Our boys say soah overspread the body? Is heat the ^ e ' cause of this local trouble " : A NKW CUIUS FOK SMAJLI.-POX. - Qtoibthus ltecom6nded far this Moat Lonthnome Ifaccum. Dr. Tbotnjvs Nicholson, of St. Louis, writes to the Mepubtiam regaxliug the nsa pf gasoline as a cure W tlie sinall- ^'fbe importaftoe tW.it'c^;te, te world-wide, |m«y If ihy discovfery lSp successful Iit'lfs^jveneriil application it will be hailed as bencticifi! roliu?i?:;ni- ty as the discovery of H«c protective ]Ktwer of vattpnation by the immortal Jenner. ; . •*" _ My specia?, stmjy of;. this most loath- some disease heg&tt in New Orleans la. 1870. f knew wen there was no?,peci% f remedy to cure it. There 'are many' paUitives, it b trne, but upon the whole In the language of an eminent author, Br. T. Jf. banner, F. fi. o., LeudoR, "tlie ICHR drug# ARE used in the . treats nient of small-pox the better; they wiU aicither shdrten the disease nor exert arty favorable influence ujion the eruptiori."- The horrid"" disease occurs now and then a« if by cycles, malignant,or mild, as the conditions of the mysterious cause are more or less poisonous, and the best sanitary* pro- phylatics--not excluding vaccination even. . " It occurred to me as sound j li'losophy that the vis medirafric naturae would go on much better if there were no skin trouble--no pimples and pustules to interfere with and wholy or partially destroy the, natural excretory function of the skin which is so essential to life. 1 then began to ask myself whether the ewtption was necessary ? What causes itP How does the unsightly shield of f dre oah bfci the patient fn* pimple,1 r the livati permitted to* the tody, do together, and tfrol violent sfgn«s of 'the skin. Check nnvthijsj, lifeip for this is - dangf-r. " Nf>w gasoline btllug. one .®i,. reWgernts m4mt inferior m-A I fcvhuit. It is e.tsj to tuitferstisi oretieaHy,- Why 'thfo sitnple '4|i6n2cl &ct in.., At. i&mt.. '<lisea.jie,-ft.'ltd I am-svirethere vftt dtsi>f>}M>int»neni in practi^^ t&e&ti&eftfi of felftvoM VSBS^S H'WM u m j * ' " Tiaa^ipgi«n'iy prescrijit modflWWngit: .^a^olMie, oue plait, - r:-'; Gum camphor, ;is ; solve. PulveHsed sulphite df ftol Pure carbolic aci^Balf Covwr the bodv with a and s])ouge the gasoline occasion requires,»then tlnnc the prow " If2 tiiey never could get the other papers to Jmblisha seol* for them, sol herewith ||ppend the i«core| io tty th® Plain- ^ » K A L E I t : V . . . . v . " 0,... • y • pCBYS.TA&.iA'M* ' S," ' 1 • •- • iT ? ' .©J •'•'•••"" u. a Raight,Sd !»,.,..M / 3 Butler, 2d ^tieMoti, 4d b...,;, 1 4:T. Leonard, s. Hnrpltv* l*t b.v'i 1 4:Leonard. L f.. IV. Unjoin. s.«. 3* fine cut, L (.,... 3 'sley, p.,;.. 8 att, e & Lincoln, c. f... 3 J V 8T 3-B 8L a f5 t'ord, r. t. 0 2 ltlakeslev, 1st b. 0 8 Allen. < -*«»•••• A & 2 MCKowI'TBP .. 1 S H'Kowley,..«TT>'... 0 3 ;i,Brink, e. f....... 0 4 I« 5»- •CORE br^itxtiiiii:"~ 1 S « 4 6 6 7 « 0 8 I 3 I 0 AKLF-3 8 0 • 8 0 0 Belo^f is the score of a game played AigAiiuhi on Saturday last, between JSulpii and Algonquin Clubs, which Suited in favor of Algonqulii by a re of^ to ll; NUNIIA I ALGONQUIN. ** *2 I'ingrev^s: •'iiAlarshail, It,, i JJ Buffall, 3db.V,. S 2'Peacock, 2*1 !»./> S.l'hilp, c......... 4i W » 4 Butler, 1. L.. ,v. 1 mmi) Jtt, 1st I t . Vfiwent.-•} i..<... 8- Millar. M b..V.,. f W. Lincoln S.8... "ft Hcavilslev, p....*. 0 Sttntanl, c....... ̂ O. LiiWfolii, i f.,.. 0 •ft' 871 14 af 1-14 who., ever. SCOTtE OP INSIXOS. 'I 3 S 4 5 « T Hmtoguh,-: 4 o i o i o a ALGONdJfTIN -- 1 2 ,3 13 0 « The AlgonquirK^folks felt good over and rang the School House ely manner when the vioto- was announced. That's ^hen you have a chance.-- f be in the otiier^ corner next time. v" • . ... . . m;, ]<W:> Ten»n Frontier. ^ follow i ng froyythe 8aci#> rnitt, Union, and as it pre- phase of our troubles, on tYoiiiier, we give ii for the our readers. reports from the Texan frontier contiiuie to represent a chaotic state of ufthiins raids being the order of the day, und every dav, aftd assassinations luiv- iug been acclimatized ou both sides of the prtr.der. It Is worth Svlule to boar iu mind, while reading statements of perpetual Mexican atrocities, that the Mexicans have nobody to report their fide of the case, and that the Texaiis of the Rio Grande have uev^r borne a par ticularly peaceful reputation. Iu fact ive are strongly inclined to tlie belief that they are quite able and perfectl y willing to give the Mexicans a Roland for fheir Oliver every time, and that a he is having manufactured for 1 is own If*' s pu.ssi °ua te inquiry would demon- ,r. „ i4.„ krate apretty even exchange of raids, robberies, murders, and other frontier iiienties, It would be a mistake to sup- *o«e that'the Cortimts and other Mexi- in batxlits were exercising their law-' Something tq; dldate for "Now We tie timt nu We pres grateful ing the mi "organiz wbicil; if means mak'^ ;.mJtes on p*>w>' ^|^rinciple?'idHHHpPr uSen& tififion the out po'slPH^OTe also,;- ghtd to know there is a "Plaindeaxek- ^auiong uW faking, notes." Let these ieaifcus ^au<^ be exposed and tlMS^pe^ |)le wfll bv S'ou. ' , SS5 V-^W. ^ Bid Thi^g QN A Piybr.--Mr. A. Dun ning qjT Jefferson, near Chicago, If the Inventor of a pateut fruit dryer whicti use; which h$s a capacity sutticientsf tip aecoipimcdate all ids neighbors. It is fiiniislteM* with an upright Cylinder of ; sjheet |ron to serve a8.%heater, vltli^a1 furnace at the base. A circular frame w*ork is built around the Cylinder in which the racks containing the fruit are* .placed,'the «'wSWfet?;l!ie'sting, on a pivot upon which l|^fps|ve tlxereby #qu^Ii^ iitg tlie heatMi^he whblo apparatus^ will not cover au are a often feet -square/ and yet between twenty and thirty1 bushels of fruit can be dryed iu|t $t ^ time, in from two to three hours witiiot * injury to the fruit, and at «^a expense, - •* little Britisli gloop of •• seven tons, named the Wliim, Captain Wiggins, sailed June > 28-r on trip to the -Arctic seas., Times »ays; >Capfai|i% niaruled an expe'J[il ion seas last year, aud^ tliat a vali^ble^Jield tifj <>ndon ns... «5Cm&- ^.T. A^'ctic- e "ofiinlfen .. .stigatijn and trade is open to the iPfSnthroplBt and commercial mong i|ie sc;i|:tere/j,.j>eetple w|pjgj|^upy Samoy^e Land a«t| nor|berii»^t:Bussif^euerai^r, an« he aiip h# cr<ew' "g& out in pursuit*^f ^l^ier Hf^pgati^' ia ttae inJipate'dv - • < - #•, "0. Machine raachfncs ] repiri apt by • •; • 1' .. '•£*£•ij- t l r . rs and ,all E. M. Owen. <*/ ' ss indinatioiif5 upon an ordeily, peace ful and defenseless eonmnity. Texas has long been a retreat and rendezvous for Americau as well as 'Mexican des peradoes,.and the proportion of sober settlers So be found upon the border wjiere .the .troubles exist is certainly very small. No doubt the Federal (iov- ernhieut has taken tliese facts into t;on- f iteration from the first, and has conse quently bgen 'slower to interfere than 4t"wouid otherwise have been. There is a class of border ruffians on both sides of the llio Grande, the mutual extermination of w hich would be emin ently conducive to tho, progress of civilization, and perhaps the most effective course would be for the two Governments to foliew the precedent set by King James with the turbulent Highland clans, and let the fire-eaters fight it out together on a pitched field, ivell guarded ou both sides by troops from the respective /countries,.so that the combatants should not retreat. This may,seem a somewhat barbarous proposition, but there Is reason to h lieve that- nothing less decisive wlll^ tie the troubles without involving, "~ ico an4 tbe United States in a 1 au#'4ltogetlier unn^cessaiy^"8^?* '* conumieatky Chapter Ko. 34 wi Haft on Friday even All l^rripanioi nti |yo ? ' And is it not pretty certain thaf the crop of erup tions is the seed by means of which the foul diseases propra^ates itself i The f>oison is not contained in the blood nor n the ordinary secretions of a small pox patient since persons vaccinated with either remain unaffected. It is "contained in the contents of the pust ules and in the perspirations. This is proved on the one haiid bv puccc^sf".! vatreination with the contents of tlie pustules, and on the other by the con tagion, which, in most cases, results without immediate contact with small pox patients." Were it not for the sever© Inflamma tion of the skin there would hot be nnv eruption at all. This led to the convl- eatiou that heat was the primary1 cause of the destruction of the skin, indeed!' the inflammation of the skin is in exact proportion to the intensity or height of the fever; and the severity of the erup tion. There is no danger at all wheji the fever is low and the quanity of eruption little. i Jsow the destroying heat of tlie skin is not the disease', nbr is it a caiise cular action is^oiiig on to JS?bliiUie heal and constM^enl skin destruction, if this raging firtl Ik: not checked or quenched there is imminent danger of the patient losing his life, or he hid eously marked for lifci> We kubw iiiaf if the whole skin be varnished it will cause tlie extinction of life; how much greater therefore, the distructlve of the inflamed skm surface! >:• The constitutional heat or fever ob structs nature's being process of regula ting the temperature of the skin and body, namely, the process of exhala tion and evaporation. Man can endure a tempraturo of 300 degrees, or COO even, with perfect impunity for a time, pro vided the skin acts freely, and the pers piration that exhales from the surface is freely evaporated, but itot otherwise, l >r. ff.raspju* Wiisnn .testified that he sat w ithout the slightest jnconvenince in a'hot-air bath at 240 degrees, that is, 28 degrees above the boiling point! And he says; "If I had had bread, or meAt^or eggs with me they must neces sarily have been cooked at that heat." Now, why is a beefstake or mutton chop cooked in/ii hot-air .bath, the high temperature of which the human body flamation have No lj^ht sht> the patient wfc" bc caust ^ tsoll substance. I now use»a pound its a linimel as erysipelas, rf carbuinles, sc^dt: infiauliuatitni, tlw rage of there is nothit soothing and e»eeS.W- g How IT;€amw1 old traditions si$ felt in the cotni life, especially i buving and selling, old- superstition that festival of Saint Met" June), it will rain fo^ tiief| days, op th*4 other bsn ' on Saint Medard's day, the1 will coi.tinue for forty days, drop of ruin fell this year o»t the, June, and it is a fact that t* *corn went up two francs in^ of the d-rought which It should be added tl was falsified in less hours, and a heavy over night. Air , tt>:Fl>!i'!'UNATK very amusing ii at the Crvstal I01 ~ Colmii#fl from lit# i footiiig. _ . , tiwee ste^.fll-^-:#e|Si|«P back, his legs alone being visi We. coiu-ret-qtjMps led to a burst of laught« which nearly unnerved the choir, airt! was renewed with Increased hilarity when, upon the choir arriving at the words, "the vonfcln begiipii to rise4" ttipy unfortunate merrl»iei|k >\ picked himself jwiwiUed his plat# no one laughing inbre".'heartiSji- Madam GoMschinldt. c. "M$ .rock.. can emiure with ptirfect impunity, way, with pleasure? /rhe following is the scientific reason: A vast number of minute glands spread over the inner surface of the cutis vera, or true skill, for the purpose of- secreting a watery fluid for evaporation. At high tempera ture these glands are excited to secret ion iu proportion to the aiuouut of heat. Exhalation becomes copious--evapora tion takes.place rapidly, and thus the skin surface is kept i loist and cool. Hence tiie capacity of the human body to endure high temperatures with im punity must be measured by the pow ers of exhalation and evaporation its cutaneous organism posseses. Because were the skin choked up, so not to secret and exhale sufficiently, the action of the high heat of the fever on the skin surface would i&bliterate its natural functions and <l€ath results. , _ *. ' It is a settled principie in mechanical philosophy that heat is but a form of meleeuliar energy, or simply a mode of motion: why, then, cannot the heat of the inflammation of the skin of a small pox patient be transformed, on the well known law, that heat is absorbed and carried off on the conversion of • a liquid into the gaseous state ? Any very light substance, which rap idly evaporatcV, would do this as either; but the application of any such, except the one to be mentioned ami it rela tives, to an inflamed surface, is Irrita ting and smarting. We must also have something which will destroy the pois- oaous exlmlatioiii. 1 discovered iliat common was the .igenf fought, for. It- kuoVufhat this volaiilc li<u44i great refrigeruiit. lt.i/- «Jk very disinfectant. If tlie,ll|w%'w-1* . pox patient hw#refWly sponged svitM it and geiillf fanned it (prickly rcducese the etitafieous heat, neutralises the- «as:W: t y ,order tvhieh exhales from the body, produces a mosl delightful The Deepest Well in T'uk ' --At about twenty miles from JS|p|»t Is situated the village of Spereaiilg, noted for the deepest well that hasever been suuk. Owing 'to the presence of gypsum iu the locality, which is at ft moderate distance from the capital, it oecured to the governm#iir, authorities of the mine to obtain a supply salt. With this end in view th ing Qf a shaft or well sixteen diameter was commeneeu- years ago, and at a depth salt w^reaeiied. Tlie borl tinned to further depth of diameter of .the bore being reds* about thirteen inches. The were subsequently pt aid of steam until a dej was attained. At thijf ] was discontinued, the" in the salt deposits, whlchj bit the8 enoruioiis thickii feet,. •'- - XBW SlAMKTK .TWINS. (S. C.) Courici'^J&mmai 26th of June last eol&red7 born on the farm of Mr, near Lmnbarton, wi connection neartbe the twins has nelj,heft nor feet, and the only for a mouth is a p»n>e|i|l;l ning lengthwise of the%a to be perfectly dumb, apt to: noiirisUmenl e^jkirely from* th .v child, whoMs well fosspHl .«a«il Wt If the; dumb dlild Is t^lic one fpels it. and, if asfeei avvakens. Tlie l>crfVcyylib®iei®«Ki as may he supposed, is a the dumb annual belongs ^ persuaslom Quite an excltuieut created dofwn in that region, and sew®*? al enterprising Barnums have already- * appeared .upon the scene and made ex~; ,if travagaut ofler^ to.the parents to allow ^ their abonormal oflsi»ring to go on ex- \\fl hibitlou." v':f- Chiton & jCnrtis, \\"oo<lsto<<k, t< fine Photo of'the Spring Iloi^»« al ' . -W; j'A*. V ' ' ifc' Jtte',. > Drt% Storf M« MtllKNIvY, Received of the ;i«o,'