Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1875, p. 9

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V •* - * * ' ~ . - .1 . ' - '•..: w*m; mmm 9SjJ»«#3i<c '/>.[:••>' f." '•^*l »:«*,< &,,g BLAKE & BRO •V- •"" » '»*Vj " I •« * ^EAK #IE DEPOT, M'HIJNRY ^sorltiiiTOKa or M 1 'f ft %* - 7-fe' "1. ^ Cheapest and Furniture! to Suit the Times. m-m Of all Grades and Prices. 9$F An old lady observing a sailor go lr? ker door and supposing it to be' her son Bill, orled out to him, "Billy where has the cow gone ?" "Gone to ., the d----], ̂ suppose," "Well as yoi| | are going that way," said the old lady, 'p s * ul wlihjyou would just let «town r„',\v btogr I • S- • - i 'as-asajfe. . .l:" ||r i®**A woman may be of gfeat assis* V tanoe to her husband in business, by; I; ;" wearing a cheerful countenance. A 0?- man's perplexities and gloominess are Ihl increased a hundred fold when hi# bet- ^ ter-half moves about with a continual > #8pwl upon her brow. , 1V " " , MCIIENRY, 111., July 9th, 187&. jfc'] ^ * Received of the American Insurance; \ 4 Co., of Chicago, 111., through their 4 * , Agent Chas. If. Morey, the gum of sixty*: lip!/a (60) dollars, In -full of demand for the loss of one yearling colt killed by light* ning in my pasture June 3rd 1875, re- ; /,'j mittance having been made in advance V y/„, of the time stipulated in the Policy. « '4s:A *' . '• •• '• • JOHX B. Coi^Rj. /•* •v"' * *&« * ^^TVIioin it-May Cn^eHb, J'}-, • ' i' fc Thiols to certify.jpiat 1 have «^imed ^ one of the j3." W. Oweu« Watches for the 1$, v past"two or three years, and can sav j ./.rthat m my judgment there is no bet- ter time piece made. I have set mine "T by Chicago time and carried it for inonths without ft seconds variation. I candidly believe ' that it is the best Watch in the country. If I could not < ^ get another I^wouid not sell mine A* any price ^ JOHN M, SMITH. , McHenryAugust 141875. o-:', _ , \ This certify thnt^we were at a • 1 Reaper Trial on Charles Simons farm, * ^ near Ring wood. McHenry County, 111., y between the Peerless'aud William An- '\'V.' sou Wood Reapers, and that the Will- iam Anson Wood came off successful in '"j- every place, and the William Anson ^ Wood would take iKp the lodged grain |» J in good shape and lay the bundles off ^^ as well as though the grain had not been down. Signed, . . , Joux W. SMITH, Ringwood. FKEMAX WHITING, , "•[ ' CHAS. SIMONS, " T\ CHARLKS HALL, " ^#%->aiilHe!nTy,*IlI., An?. 5th,. 1875.' j--gB-L, __ GH ;i. t^ir Stock consists,% general assortment of. DBY "GOODS, GROOB- IttES, HA'l^, CAPS, J|0OTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, &@t» selected to ;:^v- ' % .rv^ MEir THE '^AOTS"OF' 'THE COMMUNITO. ' The publlfo is respectfully informed that the above nuiiied Jinn nave constantly on hand a large Stock of the very MQUNTT ROOT r THIS BITTERS, for its intrinsic properties, Is known as one of the . v , Best Tonics of the Age. w j'J'*, As a laxative Liver Cleaning, Ulood i'uriiy- - . ing Medicine, it has not its superior. It eliotild ' be taken in gnantitiea f«»m a TalilesjKwn full to a small wine giAss full three times a day, according to the strength ami age of tlie Inva­ lid or the degree of sickness. For Sale by the Cass or BbttlOf iyf, --BY-- :- KAPPLERi^ Patent©©, f . Woodstock, 111. >•; fc i ' I I |" -- ; •' 1 A. B. GILBERT, B U G G I S T , la supplied with a'fall line of DRUGS, MEDICINES! FINEST FLOUR I .1 Bolted Meal, Feed, &c., &c. We have nnasual facllities for Manufactur­ ing and are WfeU prepared to do Custom Work I With all possible neatness and dispatch. We are confident that no Mill in the North­ west can surpass us either in the promptness of work done for customers, In Quantity or Quafity. DYE STUFFS, BEXTSIIES, TOILET APTIOLES, SOAPS, Ac., &c. , jaaoKeep^onWnd *Uth»Xeadlng PATENT MEDICINES! ' OF THE DAY. Physicians prescriptions SaA Family Eecipeai Carefully Compounded. &9-GIVE ME A CALL.^ar A. B. GILBERT. McHenry, I1L, Aug. 3d, 1876. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND y m In addition \ve would inform the public that we make the justly CELEBRATED Patent Flour, Of $ kintl atrd Quality •Not' m NORTHERN ILLINOIS. --IN OUR- CHAMPION BricX Yard ! m TjTJY vmm have a Yull lino of DomegtiCs, Dress Goods, Silks, 111 I'll I llUUlJu Pangjrees, Poplins, Alpacas,..Lustre, White Goods^ Skck " ^ Ifi 'Notioas, We hive Dress Ttiiamings, Buttons, r^«ty,&c. • 'V- OUR GBOCra;:Sl|a& Mtr prt"^-H0T A full line of BOOTS AMP SHOEg, warranted work, and at Lowigst 3^ri6es. The Highest Mark®® Prijpfe paid for Butter. Eggs and Poultry. Call and see us and we vtjili endeavor, by SQUARE DEALINC} and LOW "PRICES ttjrmerit a shaje^f your patronage. fi@TGerman spoken. * BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHeniy^Jll., Jtfly 27th,'§£75. E. McHENRY, •'7J~: • - v#. F* \ A • vi:'. O W E N , - ILLInOIS, # "" General Dea •;?• and ||anufact«^t'8 the Leading Farm Machinery. • * •: *"*'•. • " . ' "' i ^ Among wfilch'I Hpresent *th« ifolloTfving: The Celebrated NICHOLS; SHEPARI)' & CO. Vibrator' Threshers" an a Mounted Powers. Also fU»»AUT.T- MAN & CO. Sweepstake Thresher. All the leading make ol^PfTUVVS. The unrivaled Vaiuliver and Quincy CORN PLANTERS. In REAPERS and MOWERS COMBINED will be found the, PEERLESS and BUCKEYE TABLE RAKE, the EMPIRE MOWER arid T ABOR SAV­ ING MARSH HARVESTER. BERTRANI) & SAMES ROCKFORD STALKY CULTIVATOR, HOLLINGSWORTIl Sulky Rakes. HAMILTON Sulky Rakes, Hollow Tooth Harrows, Garden, and Railroad Wheelbarrows, Lumber Wagons, &Cf, Ac. ^ / Prices Low and Favorable Terms. I • . I '• CASH and CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stock and compare Quality and Prices, as 1 will not be undersold in the same quality of Machinery. E. Mi OWEN. "\fartroom Nearly Opposite the Post Office, Wareroom Crammed Puff i Where will be found anything from Common Kitchen-Styles to theflneist Parlor In Hair, Cloth and Reps. They bavev Chamber Sets, and ean suit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS\ LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, Of all kinds and sizes. Whatnots, Lounges, Rockers, Hair, Moss and Spring Mattrasses, etc., „etc. In short everything you want. We, make a specialty of UNDERTAKING ! A very lqrge stock of Burial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and made t» order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. All Goods Warranted Of the very best quality and sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, III4 Aug. 2d, 1875. BEST PLACE IN McHENRY t McHenry, IH., July 4)- r We have constantly on hand a large qnantity of --A^D-- f- - *> * ' £>*.« • Shop opposite the Parker House, McHENRY - - -JLLINOI8.' The sHDscrnierironM inform the puhlu- tliat is now prepared to fuvn^h them with any- thhlg in hi'i line from :i curainmi Farm Wagon to tlie nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and Mtb reagonal)ie rates. £ TTsmj; none but the beei Of timber and employing none but I SKILLED WORKMEN ! Wi$ " He Warrants his work to f?ive satisfaction, b affiyBsarfwr-to"' - - ̂ j: } -•* 1 <>.4,1 t* -."fi , jy- i fll » HE MAKES ot*^e Shoeii igf Jk.SPBOIAl,Tm B EPAI HI N'G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and for yourself. I r D A w r i e r n Sm • •*•-»»* wawwws ^ McHenry, I&, July 2»th4^6. ade of the most, superior quality of Clay, and fully t^qual if not Superior to the celebrated Milwaukee Brick. JKTBUTEBS, please call and exam­ ine, and we will give you A GOOD BARGAIN I Orders Respectfully Solicited. Ip. H. HANLEY & SONS. JtoisMt, m, July 26th, 1875. Headquarters for/all Kinds of • Dry Goods, OlotMng,. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries of all Kinds, . Crockery, Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down a 10 thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods We know that t alk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this \ieck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be >viiat they are represent*^! to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afl'ord to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous proiits 011 our goods. We intend to " Live and Let Live !" And while we are grateful to a generous public for.their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. 8^"GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. > At the Old Stand of Ow en & Brother. MeHenry, 111,, July 27th,1875. jr. s -DEALER IK- Dry Go o ds^ GROCERIES, N O T I O N S , Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. VVESELLFOBCAKB OR READY PAY, And CAN AND WILL sell Goods as low as any House in McHenry County. Pay the Highest Market Price BUTTER --FOR-- EGGS, F*bULTRY, etc IN CASH OR IN GOODS ! BSaT" Give us a Call and learn we mean what we say. . HOWARD & SON. McHenry, III., July 26th, 1875. F. W.-MEAD, y/ACON AND Shelf and Heavy, H a r d w a r e , STOVES TINWARE, MECHANICS'TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, &c7, &c., &C., &C., WHICH WILL Mf-SOLD L O W E R THAN USUAL PRICES! Now is the time t« purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believ© that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, aa anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. K f : ' - : KAWL ARID SEE ! Hepairing Promptly attended to. J. STORY. Opposite Owt n Mills. Mclu^nry 111., July 23. isa RINCWOOD, ILL. I am mabing all kinds of WAGONS, BUGGIES, 1 and sJ SEATED CARRIAGES, And PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS of the Latest Style. 1 have n<j>\v on hand a splendid t t Jump Seat Carriage LEATHER TOP, whicfi I offer Very Cheap Anyone wishing a Carriage of that liind will do well to call and see it before buying else, where. I also have on hand ONE SINGLE BUGGY, ONE DOUBLE BUGGY, AND A DEMOCRAT, Which I will Sell VERY CHEAP FOR CASH, OR GOOD PAPER. 1 will Warrant all my Work To be as represented, to be made of the best material apd by the best workmen in the I DO NOT WARRANT AGAINST RUNAWAYS. I ALSO DO ALL ;KINDS OF IiEPATOING AND General Blacksmithing. •Special attention given to Repairing Reapers and Mowers. I am also Agent for the iiew Two Wheeled JOHN P. MANNY REAPER AND MOWER, which is tlia very best in the market. Also Hie celebrated DIAMOND PLOW, warranted to Scour in any soil. The SEAKS GANG \NT> SULKY PI.(>WS, RICH- ARDSON'S SUI.KEY ATTACHMENT fpr anv Plow. The FORREST CITY TURF and STriiUI.E PLOW; the T. DERWENT A SON ROCKFORD PLQVf and RIDING AT. TAC1IMENT. Anyone wishing anything in this line I will be happv to sl4w them my stock. I also keep the Repairs for the J. P. Manny and Walter A. Wood's Reapers and Mowers, My Motto is to Live and Let Live. I tender to the trade my sincere thanks |br their patronage in the past, and solicit a com. tinuanceof the same for the future, assuring them satisfaction in everv respeet. . , , , \ V - - l K W . M E A D * Ringwood, July 26th, 1875. > ̂ n '

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