Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1875, p. 1

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aMealer. Published"Every Wednesday by ail* Slyke,-J ^Editor and "Publisher. • :'W : Y' Office in Riverside ©**r Smith Bios, ft p6.'s Store. : TElRVft OF SUltSCiirPTIO!?: One tear, (in Advance,). If not Paid within Three Months,.... . / Subscription# received for three or six 1 Hi the same projiortion. ,«1 80 Y«00 lontlis BUSINESS CAKDS^ E. A. JIEKRS, M. D. 1 •pnvSTCTAN and Surjreon. Office at residence, Jl two doors west of Post Ofllce, McHenry ~~ H.% BROVOf M. D. TJHYPiTCIAN" and Rtirjseoii. Office in Brick J Block over F. G. Maves Clothing Store Water Street, McHenry I1L O. J. HOWARD M. D. PHTSICTAV and Snrjreon. Ofliceatthe store of Howard & Son, McHenry. III. F. <i. MAVKs. VfEttOHANT Tailor, and dealer inReadv Mnde ITI Clotluiip, Cloths, Cai»»inw>re«, Vestfnjr One door north of Colby's DrngStorts McHenry 1 . i "7' . II. C. IRISH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McHenry, Ilj. RKMIAUI) BKrrop, A TTORXK V AX I) COUNSELOR AT LAW- IX Ofllce n) rear of Murphy & Bishop's Bank North Sjile I'jublic Square, Woodstock, III. m :o. A. BUCK LIN, T^OTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer and In- surance Ajrcnt. Office at Bncklin & " Steven's Store, near the IVpot, McHenry, 111. E. E. UICHAKD8. HAS a complete Abstract of Titles to lanrl in McHenrv County, Illinois. 'Office with County Clei'k, Woodstock, til. I). A. I'O'I'TLH, "DICHMOXD, IT,I,., Notary Public and Con" -IAj veyanccr, U. 8. Claim, Insu Collecting Ayent. U, A. CAXFILLD. HOTTSK, Sijrn and Carriage Paintin Hanging,-Calciminintr, &c., Mix< ncly All orders I1L Hanf!inR, Calcimininjr, of all kinds constantly on ha promptly attended to'. McIIen ntinjr, Paper Mixed Paints FR, HECHTLE. HOUSE, Sim and Carriaare Painter', rv 111. ............ ,a ....... .. McHen. Will do all work promptly and "at reasonable rates. . * GEO. SCIIREINER. SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker H >nse, McHenry I1L JOS. WIEDEMANN. Near the Depot Boarders by the day oY week at reasonable rates. Warm and "cold fmieals at all hours. SA^^OON nnd'lfcstauriti t. Mcllentv 111. MrllKNRY T IVERY STABLE. H. E. WIC.IITMAX, Proprii'tov. First, clnlss ...rises, with or without drivers, fnrntaheil nt reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinp'ti done on short notice. I - W. W. ELLS WORTH. • REEDER of the Celebrated Masrle Hoar. Also Li-rb? and Dark llrnlmin Fowls. Pics shinped to all i>'<iut-bv express. P. O,^Ad­ dress, Woodstock, 111..' * B' n. I>. HOLMES. vy BIT^LTARD Rooms, in Howe's Block, McHen­ry 111, New Billiard and Pool Tables of the latest «!vle just put- in, and rooms newlv refitted. Call ami see. JI.'I). Holmes Propri­ etor. R PETEti l.KICKEM. EPAIRS Watches. Clocks and Jewelrv of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice. and at rea­ sonable rates. Also Violins for Sale. Shop ' first door North of Riverside Block, McHenrv III. M. ENGKT.N, FN AND LOCKSMITH. Scsle Rernirinp done promptlylit short notice/ Keep on h^nd a good stock .of (Jims, Revolvers, Pow- der, Shot, (Inn Material.- Fishing Tackle, Meerchatnn and Wo<VVen Pipes. MC H E N R Y , . . . . . I L L I X O K C RICHMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND I LI INOIS. Frank Foster Pro. prietor. <iood accommodations for all parties. Snmplerooms for' Salesmen.- rivery Stable attached. Public, Hall for Lectures, Shows &c., itlVEltSIDE HOUSE. MCHENRY, 111., IT. Wheeler Proprietor. Ne\yly fijrnishe<l and refitted. Splendid hunting and fishing on Pistaqun and Fox- Lakes, a short, distance above. Boats and Oarsmen furnished at reasonable rates. Liv­ ery in connection with the House, Free bus to ami from t hecars. Large and airy apart, ments for families during the summer. The splendid side-wheel Steamer will make trips to and from the Lakes during the Summer months. No pains spared to promote the com­ fort of gnests. Terms, $2.00 per day. JU C. RICE. A. A. RICE. L. C. RICE & SON, D E N T I S T S , NUNDA, ILL. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all work. Teeth Cleaned. Filled and Extracted In a careful and skillful manner. Artificial Teeth inserted in full or partial plates, on all the basesknown to the profession. Call and have vour teeth examined. OFFICE of L. C. Rice, West Madison St., , Chicago. Office of A. A. Rice, second door "North of the M. E. Church, Numla, 111. RErKRENOKS. -- Wm. Archdeacon, Ntinda; Rev ; Frank Burr*, Green St., Chicago, III. For Sale, a Good Farm. 'Eighty Acres within^ one hundred and ixtv ro" easy, terms. ( )s ixty rods_of Crystal .Lake Crossings, on For further information applv to R. BISHOP, Attorney^ At Murphy St Bishop's Bank, Woodstock, 111. Dated July i'?d, FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, --AND- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. M'HENRY BREWERY. King & Hertoes, Proprietors. THE best nf Beer Shipped to any part of the countrv and warranted as represented.-- rdcijj socilietOd ami promptly attended to. O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER* & JEWELER, HcHEXRY ILt., ^ ©pterin all kinds of American ait4 Rwlss Watches, Clocks frotn the best factories in the' country. Silver, platedware, Silver Spoons, ALSO AGENT FOR THE Wetjer and Bradbury Pianos AND THE ;,E*ste5f';' Orofan ! '.r Which we believe to be the best Organ in tju? market. We think we know that bv experi. ence, and we believe it, for it is backed up by Best Musicians in the World. I also sell other Organs at less prices than the Estey.JMlt can't reccoBimeud them to be as good. . . _ v O. W. OWEN. July 2S. MURPHY & BISHOP, BANKERS. Office North WOODSTOCK, - of BattUc-Square, t • - ILLINOIS. The Old "Tribune" Clock. . Orange'Juild, the celebrated cultural editor, writes a letter to tl © Suylps Civilization owes debt to those .who had the ••No" an irredeemable Printcrfjat the Case. 11Y B. F. TATI.OR, Tri'nue telling how the old THbuaei tliink "Xo," and the eourago to stick to dock made him a rich man. We quote* It. G;dileo,Melanfhton,l,u: Jiev.IIamp- and CQtnmend Its perivsal all bus!-! den, Bentham, .Tenner are among the ness men.'-•Some' twenty years ago, heroes who, in defiance Of PopSs^ Em- liaving Jtist siiceeeded from the editor^ perors. Kings, Gouiicils and all the ial chair to the proprietorship of the «ultieg have ^aid "Xo," to the high- American Agriculturist< I decided to ̂ 'placed and convenient wro^i^--to the ascertain by trial whether advertising f time-honored error; and, unlike good wjcMild not-do as well for a gbod thingjJLamicelot Gobbo, refused to Wll tht^ir 8* f<)r patent nicdiciiic^ and otSser lmm-^«oiiscience ."Ylftr, All these,^tnd more " the same kidney, have at one time n stigmatized as infidels, traitors, amers, charlatans. Kveu inour own times we have men iti theology, lities, arts and sciences whom we call dreamers- because they see a little'furth- wisdom to ^'^« of the most eloquent speakers III" S bugs. Tliough having a small working capital^ I resolved to do then what, was rather a -large tljiua, viz.. to .takiff forty lines tinder "Special Notices^1' all in one advertisement. lining unexpect­ edly delayed, I reachcd the Tribune ofllce at 2 p.- in., witlv the advertise- rer than we can; and charlatans because ment still to write, while an engage- jthey are sayersofuXo'? to the coni'e- rp«ANSACTS A GeneHir Ranking and Ex- X cliHnge Business. Deposits Keceived.-- Interest allowed on Special Deposits. Huy and sell United States Bonds, Gold, Gold Exchange, etc. . Exchange ou all principal cities in Europe for-salei. Woodstock, 111. OWENS MILLS, McHenry - - - . - Illinois. ment in the-country required me to take the 4 o'clock boat from the Fulton slip. Seeurlog forty line space at the head of the liivt coin inn, I went to the little desk on the'south-west side of the office, over which had stood the old clock for many years. 1 intended to write rapidly a variety of matter dur­ ing thirty minutes, and in the next twenty minutes pick out the strong point?, and conde0-e'to the forty lines. Keeping mv eye on the clock occasion­ ally, I wrote oil "letter backs"'fur­ nished at the desk, and pasted them to­ gether until I had four feet Or more o D CONST AN T L Y ON II AN 1). CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Thankful for past favors a continuance of patronage is respectfully solicited. /Owen Bros. McHenry Aug., 21875. HENRY COLBY, --DEALER. IN-- PAINTS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stufifo &c., &c. Physicians Prescriptions aient doctrine that whatever is right. --is right. On the other hand, how humanity might have gained if some great ones of the earth had been able to y "Xo" to their ambition, their vices d their Self-will! Suppose Cjvsar had t been ambit ion-*, Louis XIV. vicious our own George 111. pig-headed? pose--to reverse the posiiion-- iz;ibeth Tudor had said " Yes" to the ng of Spain? Such speculations be­ long to that history of thiugs which never happened, suggested by the el- •|ier Disraeli, and which 1 aiu not going f ^o write. So, to de.-cend from great copy to condense 1'iom. I turned to things to small, suppose "White had the clerk and a-ked if,I could have a line or two more than forty. '*Yes,'* he said, "you have the fiist place; take all the space! you w.nU." Clhaucing to notice the Cilj'- Hall clock, it pointed at ten minutes of four. The old clock had stopped at twenty .minutes past three, unnol iced by me. 1 attempted to draw the pencil through some por­ tions of the manuscript, and in dispair threw the whole at the clerk with an order to insert it, and ran for the boat, to save a nine-mile night walk. Tlie matter troubled me all night,, "as an over-hasty thing, and I feared to see the Tribune and the probable bill. Starting before daylight the next morning, I bought the lirst copy In the hands of a newsboy, and counted 190 Carefully Compounded. SPECIAL PRICES OIVEX WHITE LEAD A XI) OIL. OX Scrictly Pure per hundred. Boiled Linseed 0il» Soventv-flve cents/ Gallon. St. Louis-White Ltfad, $ 10,00 per All Goods Warranted As represented an<l Satis,f:H-tion Guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. H. CQLBY. McHenry, July 27th, 1875. A R K U S GERMAN T the pro-These bitters are manufactured by prietor from "r GERMAN ROOTS, imported bv him. The receipt of these Bitters was obtained bv the proprietor in 1>'4">, from an old and experienced phvsician (then a phv- sician in tlie Prussian army), and a graduate of the highest medical collesres of Germany. These Bitters are Guaranteed to cure the se- verestcases of UIAUUHtEA, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, and are a certain preventative of FEMALE SICKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVEB, AND AGITE. Diarrhea is ai disease characterized bran increased discharge from the Bowels, usually in a verv liquid state, and sometimes contain- inp: a larjxe quantity of Bile. Besides the vari­ ous purgative medicines, undressed or..indi- pestable fo<wl, or vegetables, acid fruits, oilv or putrid substances frequently eaust* Diarr- h<va. Phvsieians distinguish various kinds ot Diarrluca" as (crapulosa) when the/orces' nass offortlinary quality; "biliosa" whtfh the bile is more abundant than natural; "mucosa" when the excrements contain a quantity ot mucus; "serosy" in which they are almost entirely liquid and watery; and "licuteria" when the food passes through the body in an almost un­ altered state. There are frequently, also nausea and vomiting, a bitter taste in the mouth, a furred and yellow toninrc*, dry and harsh sHin, a fiillor sallow countenance, and if speedlv checked, great emaciation. Tliis is one of tqoieidiseases by means of which na­ ture strives'to get lid of impurities, and re. store the svstem to its natural condition.- Hence, when it is not vefy violent, and the patient is strong, it is best to let it take its course for a short time, and by taking only two wine glasses full of the Bitters for the lirst ten hours. For violent, cases (lye wine glasses full per day, one lie fore each meal and two lmtween meals. In any case great care should be taken not to stop it too suddenly. The treatment thus in all cases depends upon the cause from which it sprang, tor Indiges­ tion and Dyspepsia take one wine glass full of the Bitters before each >neaL No family should bo without a lxittle. ; > Price per hftttle, large 80 cits., small 50 cts. iistuufactu'red by •! , ^ F. MARK US, WOPDSTOCK, I L L . cents, aud speci.d twelve and a half cents a line--a terrible dose for a liter­ ary man, new in business, and with a small capital. Hastening to the 7V/6- u/ieotlh-e-J^paid the bill, and slowly and sadly went down to my second- storv olliee. fi-lly resolved to act more tlelib'erately in Hie future. The re­ sult:' The bold advertisement, cou^ spicuoii.-ly inserted, aftracted atten­ tion of the multitude coming^n on the morning train-:. Over 100 dropped in and subscribed ou their way to busi­ ness; others ^nt in messengers, and bthers ealied pn their way to a lunch. At3jl. in., I had recevied 226 subscribers frwtn that one advertise? ment, and more eaHne next day by mail. I repeated the dose in the Trib­ une mvl other, .papers. This experi­ ence taught me that if I wanted to move a crowd with a big rock, I should hurl it at them, and not throw it out in bi-tsof pebble and sand. From that day to this I have never been afraid to advertise largely and boldly--the only limit, being the time I could devote to preparing good, truthful adve persisted in Ms "Xo," to Smith's re- that little bill---that bill, the proceeds j|f which were to get good, easy Smith l«t of an ugly serape--that bill which. I*e was certain he could "take up"' long *---oh long! before it would'become due. jSmith gat a "Xo" at first,.and observed f'Oh,indeed! I thought you were my d; but 1 can easily get some one Some one else! Some one to bom Smith 'would point in the future nd say, "Capital fellow--Brown! Did |we ever such a good turn once when that sneak White shirked." Well, the hame is writ down, and the bill is not taken up. Babv falls sick unto death, and tlie re is a guinea a day for a fort­ night payable to Dr. Calomel, The lines; costing $24,50 a« that tune, whet*)closed an eye aU ordinary advert! emenfs ̂ Svere eight that weary time---breaks down; both are ordered to the seaside, and (thanks to Smith) there is n6t a five'pound note lpft in White's treasury! IIow he wish­ es now that lie had stuck to that "Xo." What \yould he care now if^r^ry man he met from llighgate to the bank and this explains the mysteries of the wonderful word that can kindle a home as no song can--that can warm a heart as nO hope--that word "we" with a hand-in-hatid w armth in it.fa* the aftth- or and the printer are engines togeth­ er; Engineers indeed! When the little Corsiean bombarded Cardix at a dis­ tance of five miles, it was deemed the very triumlph of engineering. But what is that paltry, range to this, whereby tht\y bombarded the -.ages-jet.- to be? ^ shals into line the forces armed'-with truth, clothed with immortality and against members of the nobility. When English. And what can be more noble than the equipment of a thought in sterling Saxon--Saxon with the ringof spear or shield therein, and com­ missioning in when we are dead, to move gradually on to "the last syllable of recorded time ?" This is to win a victory from death, for this has po dy­ ing in it, . The printer is called a laborer, and the ofllce he performs is toil. Oh! it is not work, but a sublime rite he is per­ forming when he tlms "sights" -the en­ gine that is to fling a worded truth in grander curve than missives ever be­ fore described--flings it into the bosom as an age unborn. He throws oft* his coat indeed; but we Wonder rather that he does not put his shoes off his ijuest that he would put his -name to feet, for the place whereon he stands is njmmd. ttle song was ifttire.U somewhere. called liim a sneak, so that he had that The flour is sifted in a wasteful man- fifty "pounds safe for poor pale Bessiene\ and the bread pan is left with the and her bairn! but it is too late. Mr. Shadrack has that fifty pounds, and Smitli does not, dfr>p into tea as he used to do. JBg^Day before yesterday Mrs. Bliss, noon i Mullett street, found a euuhre deck in her bo^'s pocket. an<l'when she took him by the hair he calmly said: "Hold on, it isn't your play.*' "I'll j.lay you."' she hissed, tightening her grip. "How come you by these - cardsV" "Mother, you shouldn't trump me this way!" he exclaimed, "Trumps! trumps! What do you know about trumps:"' "Why, moth­ er, any fool knows that the right bow­ er will take an ace every, time." "It will, eh?" she liissedas she walked him around. 4iOf course it will. If dia- rtise- i mon!'s are trumps, for instance, and I holy g A lit long ago; it wandered to the twilight feebler than a star; it died upon the ear ;J»ut the printer takes it;, up where it was lying there in the silence like a wounded bird, and he sends it forth from the ark, that had preserved it, and it flies into the future with the olive- branch of peace, ami around the world with melody, like the dawning of a spriug morning. . -- •" ^ . Y--_ »' •'?*' WHty Some 1'cojile are Poor. - 'Oliver spoons are used to scrape ket­ tles • " - . Cofl'ee tea f^epper and spices are left tp stand operand! lo«e their strengtlw^ Potatoes in the cellar grow and the sprimts ar«"hot'reaioved uufil the pota­ toes becoiiie tiselfiss. Brooms are never hung up and soon spoiled. Xice handled knives are thrown into hot water. John Bright lias long been regarded the English House of Commons. But it is not so well known that h!« j?*wer of sarcasm is almost unrivaled. Whel"-' provoked by the tannts of opposition to use tl»is weapon, which he does but . seldom, his retorts are overwhelming. Quite recently he replied, to some ot the Tory party, who Ijiad been tindingf fiiViilt with measm-es ofYMr. Oladssone, l; He said: "These gentlemen must find fault; it is their nature; if they had been in the wilderness th§y would havd Complained of the Tisn Commandment* as a harassing piece of legislation." : But his sharpest sarcasms have been boasts have been made of theauitlquity' of a prominent family, that their ances­ tors came Qver with the Conqueror; his reply was prompt, "I never heard that •they did any thing else." A noble lord' once said, on occasion of Mr Briglit's sickness, that Providence was punish- « ing him for a misuse of talents by in- Y flictiitg a disease of the brain. The ; sarcasm ©f the rejoinder was terrifio wlien Mr. Bright resumed liis seat, "Iti* \:.- may be so; but, in any case, it will be some consolation to the friends of th<TY noble lord to know that the disease ia one which even Providence oMftl not iim^ct^ipon him." -Y; JU M Down to the Itottom. Y - We might as well make up our to it. Everything .has got to come down to the bottom. The days of cor­ ner lot prices are' numbered. The credit of the people has been strained to the last tension in- paying specula­ tive prices, not only for the necessaries of life but for everything else. The number of gentlemen who live upon .the toil of others has got to decrease, and the number of workers increase. We want more hard hands that will be -addjng something to the wealth of the-; count ryi>y daily toil, «nd we have got / to have them in order to restore th«f . nation to prosperity. The bauble of paper credits as a medium of wealth has bur=t, and must go back gen* - nine old theory of securing wealttt'--'- ̂ tUfougli a compensation for toil. Pull oft'your coat and lay hold of some pr ductive labor. This is the only way out. If every man earns more than he consumes, there will be an end to panics and an end to hard times. x mer,ts,<aml to select good mediums-- the latter a work of no little difficulty. My success" in business has been abund­ antly satisfactory to myself and, I trust to my patrons also. My rule has been: Find customers by free advertising, and then keep lliem by supplying good articles and by fair-dealing; and what­ ever of success I have had has been largely due to the old Tribune chick, which stopped so quietly aud at *.he proper time forme. BSS^The festivities incident to a marriage at Christianburg, Va;, were somewhat peculiar. A venerable preach er of that place recently married a couple, where, upon the conclusion of the ceremony the bride challenged the preacher to run a foot race. The old man of sixty years accepte the challenge hold the ace and left bow " "Bowers bowers! Ill,bower you to death, young ma«r she skid as she walked liim the other way. "Or,.suppose' that spades were trumps, and you held the niije 8pot and king and turned up the ace, what would you do?" he earnestly in­ quired. "Oh, I'll show you what I'd do!" she growled as she got in a left-hander on his ear. "I'll teaoh you a lesson you'll never forget!" "That wouldn't be Hoyle, mother; you could pick up the ace and make a point every- •" But she drew him over her knee and played alone hand.--Detroit Free Press. A GOOD SUGGESTION.--Machine shop surgery is not the most delicate or least painful, though men heroically under­ go it rather than stand the loss of time due to an inflamed eye or festered .flo­ at once, and preparations were made j ger. Iron fillings have a way of imbed- for the contest. At the dropping of a hat parson and bride started off at a tremendous rate of speed, amid the en­ thusiastic applause of the bystanders. Atilirst the young women fairily leaving the veteran considerably in the rear, but later in the race the old gentleman's staying qualities told in his favor. He passed the bride on the home stretch and came in a clean ner. ding themselves in the eye which denies almost every ordinary means for their extraction. For their removal, a small blunt, pointed bar of steel well magne­ tized, will be found excellent, and we should recommend that workmen liable j to such injuries keep an instrument about them. It would be a good* plan j to insert such a bar in a penknife, in a win- tiianner similaV to a bkde.-i&^ttfi/fc American. * C. B&yTlie Secretary of the United 6f&*We frequently hear women ex- States Treasury is conducting an exam-j claim, "I wish I was a man;" but my ination into Alleged frauds in the con- j dear countrymen, you never saw a man struction of the Boston Post Office. AU information as to the exact results of the investigation, as far as it has gone, is very carefully guarded from the iwess ; but it is learned, on the very best authority, that tlite Government has been systematically defrauded, in one way and another, out of large sums, who wished he was a woman. Which is an unanswerable argument in favor of the inferiority of wo--hello, my dear, I didn't hear you come iuv Have a chair. Sit down. With an eye on the olive branch, we will draw a different conclusion--which is an unanswerable argmneut iu favor of women' sufferings. dough sticking to it. i Clothes are left on-the line to Whip to pieces in the wind. Tubs and barrels are left in the sun to dry aud fall apart. Dried fruits are not taken care of in season and become wormy. Bags, strings and paper are thrown into the tire. Pork spoils for want of. salt, and beef bec:/use the brine needs scalding. Bits of meat., vegetables, bread, and cold pudiling are-thrown away, when they might, be warmed* steamed, and served as good as new. . 5 J&r-The death-of Andrew Johnsptt leaves the country withotvt a single „ex- President living. This has not hai> pened-since the death of Washington in the adminY; iaiiou 6s the elder Adams. When John Quinsy Adams was inaugurated, lY.y years ago, all tlie Presidents for tlie preceding seven terms twenty-eight years, were living, namely. The elder Adiim-, Jefferson, Miidison- arad Monroe. When Polk was # T inaugurated , thirty years ago, the in­ cumbents of the previous twenty years Ave terms, were living (except Harri­ son, who was in ofiice but one month), namely, the younger Adams. Jackson, VanBuren and Tyler; and when Lin­ coln was inaugurated, fourteen years ago, no less than five of ills "illustrious predecessors" survived, VanBuren, Ty­ ler, Fillmore,Pierce, and Buchanan. The mortality among our public men has been very great. Of Liii'colns Cabinet officers only two. Montgomery B|air, and Gideon Wells, are now living. JB^fA young ni/in, when he was mar- riad, didn't.want to pafrouize the ba­ ker. He said bread tasted ever so much sveeter made by her dear hands. This delighted her. But when she wanted a scuttle of coal, and be suggested that she get it, as the fire would feel so much-better if the coal was brought by her dear hands, she was disgusted. She remonstrated with him with the poker, telling him he might enjoy a trouncing from her dear hands. THE WORLD'S IKOV AND COAL PRO* Dt cnox.--The world's annual produo-» tion of cast or pig iron, is set down at 14,485,^72 gross tops. In production, (?reat Britain leads the world, its pro­ duction of pig iron, in 1873, being 6,066f 451 tons. The United States during;, the same year, produced 2,500,962, Germany comes next, with 1,804,80^ tons in 1872, and France, with 1,381,000 . tons, in 1S73. j f The annual production of coal through­ out the world, for 1873, was 202,567,342< Great Britain heads the list, with 127, 016,747 tons; the United States stands^, second, with 45,413,400 tons; Ger third, with 42,324,569; France fourth- with 10,500,000 tons. In 1872, Belgium produced 15,658,948 tons; Austria, 10,- 443,998, while the Great Empire of llussia produced only 1,097,832 tons, &Y trifle more than Xova Scotia, which produced l,0f»lyt67. The'"""coal prodiio- - tion of Germany has been more than* doubled since 1862. 1 '" .J In 1872 the production of iron rails in the United States aggregated l,OO0;0O(k- net tons. In 1874 the production fe11^< oil to 450,000 net tons. During the lat» H-:"*""1 ter year; the average price of best iron rails, at Philadelphia was 058.75. In, 1872 the price was #83,12. The sudden stoppage of railroad building accounts for tlie difference in prieo a^4 produtx tion. fiS^An elderly gentlemen returning home from church, began to extol the merits of the sermon to liis son. , Said he: "Jack I have heard one of the most delightful sermons ever delivered be­ fore a Christian Society. Jfc carried me to the gate of" heaven." "Why didn't you dodge in? replied Jack; "You will never have ^nothe? -% chance^*. - --"Y CSTPreachers without churches may be able to Appreciate the following. Whether churches without pastors can do so is perhaps questionable. We give it for what it is worth: WANTED.--A preacher neither too short, too tall; too large, too small; too orthodox, too liberal, too old too young. Must not have a pug nose nor an eagle beak; should wear a full beard without mustache, must dress in style, be dig­ nified, courteous, gentlemanly, affable, ; pleasant jovial, able to preach with the efficacy of the diciples at Pentecost but without hurting any one's feelings. t Must not be niairbed--unless to a lady of great wealth. For such a one, if |a field of labor is what he wants, if salary is of no account and if he can visit ev­ ery family in the parish weekly and vet preach to excellent^discourses each Sabbath besides attending to the needs of the Sabbath school, all denomina­ tional gatherings and general social " and religious meetings, officiating at s funerals aud weddings, delivering oc­ casional lectures anil writing poet*y for all occasions of interest to his church or any member of the society or their friends, an open pastorate is wait* ing. Address, Ac. Hold your horses. Bncklin & Stevens will soon have their Fall stock of Goods consi s t i ng of Flannels and Woolens to newest Tinnts ;u>il Shows _ Olnth. fug and in facta general assortment fj|i treasonable gqods at lowest prices, S v? i * ' •

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