•f. Y .. V sm|s jiiiSSiti em No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe. 'Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; p »vi «OT i\ Zlf* 104; WiCO-NS M'HEXRY, ILLINOIS, iV1!/ VOL. son. Parsons*. OWEN T .T Published Every Wednesday by "V a 11 »ly 1c © , <..,' . , Editor and Publisher. jf III Riverside Block,/ Over Sinitli Bros. ® Co.'8 TERMS OF SuIsCitIPTI0S! One Year, (in Advance,}... ... If not Paid within Three Months, ^Subscriptions received forthree« jkitfhe same proportion. six months MCHEXBiq j .yk W WW 4 *11 kinds of A mert^^£*w1rt Watches, Clocks from the best factories in the conntry. Silver, plated ware, {silver Spoons, *<"•. . \ • ALSO At*EXT FOR THE Weber aiul Bradbury Pianos AXi> THE \ BUSINESS CA"S H. T. BROyN ,M. k. 'l: PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. ohw ln Briclc Block over F. Maves Olbthing Store Water Street, Mcitenry III. ••< " , i " E. A. WEEKS, M. W. T>nvsT^f ax and Surgeon. Offing at residence, JT t\yo doors west of Post Oi McHenry O. J. HOWARD M. Ij>. PHT8IOTAN and Surgeon. Oflieeiat th® store of Howard & Son, McHenry, IIL F. G. MAVES. MEHPIIAST Tailor, and dealer in Beat! v Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimer#, Vestiv* Ac., One door north of Colby's Drug store McHenry 111. 7 H. C. IRISH, J^TTORXEY AT LAW, McHenry, III. RICHARD BISLIOL', ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOB AT LAW. Ofllce in rear of Murphv & Bishoti s Bank North Side Public Square, WoiwIstocJjf, lit, GEO. A BUCK LIN, | * "VOTARY PUBLIC, Conveyancer! arid tli- _i.\ surance Agent. Ofllce at Bucklln & Steven's Store, near the Depot, McHenry, III. E. E. RICHARDS. HAS a complete Abstract of Titlesjto land in McHenrv County, Illinois. Ofijlce with Conntv Clerk, Woodstock, III. I>. A KTCinroxT), iT.I . vevancer, IT. Collecting Agent. POTTER, «., Notnrv Public :|m«l Con* S. Claim, Insurance a G. A. CAN FIELD. HOTTSE, sign and Carriage Painting, Paper Hanging, Calcimining, &e., Mixed Pair.is of all kinds constantly on hand. All oniers promptly attended to. McHenry 111. Fit. HECHTLE. HOUSE, Simi and Carriage Painter. McHen-ry 111. Win do all work promptly aim at reasonable nttcs. S GEO. SCI1BEINEB. ALOONawl Restaurant. Nearly opposite tlie Parker House, Mcllenrjr'l^l. •JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and Bests u rant. Near the Depot Mcllenrv 111. Boarders bv the day or week at reasonable rates. Warm and cold meals at all hours. 8tii"Gooi^itabling for 31"rse.s,. gjr H. E. WNSIITMAN, Proprietor. rigs, with or without dri\ers,-furnished at reasonable rates, done on short notice. Teaming First class -furnished of all kinds W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDER o the Celebrated Magie Hog. Also Light.ind Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs shipped to nil points by express. P. O. Ad dress, Woodstock, I1L,* Kstey; Org:aii\I Which we believe/to lie the best Org*n in the market. We till- ik we know that by ^expert- enoe, ami we believe it, for it is backim up by the I Best Musicians :n the World. I also sell othiL- Organs, at less prices ?linn the Estey, but<Hiri*t reecommeBd them to be lugpol.. I . » O.W.OWEX. July 23. \ - MURPISY BAN: & BISHOP. ERS. blic Square, ILLINOIS, Office North Side of \ 1* WOOPSTOCK, . a General fl A change Business. Dep Interest allowed on Special I Buy and sell United Stat Gold Exchange, etc. Exchange on all principal cities In Enit.^9 for sale. Woodstock. III. nnkW* "n*1 «*-' ts \Vreived.-- K'posits. \ lioiuls, Gol«lv OWENS .MitLLS, McHenry • - *•, L Illinois. FLO! IS CCKSTAXTLY OX HAX l\>. CUSTOM GRIIVD1XG Done promptly, aiid satisfaction guaranteed Thankful for ppitt favors a continuance of patronage is resjjjoctfully solicited. r Owen Bros. McHenry Aijig., 2 1875. Waukegan Cigar Manufactory, E. M. DSHNIS, Proprlotor. Manufacturer (ijKl Wholesale Dealer in c i g a r sAt o b a c c o , ••THE BOYS." . Ye local is ol'teu indebted'!, to "tlife boys"'for a lively item, of a personal character, which is usually as much ap preciated by them as by himself and the many readers of his columns. It is perhaps well to explain who *4the boys" are. "The boys" are a jolly set of youiig men, just emerging from their "teens,*" cutting their eye-teeth with wonderful perseverance and patience, and ripe for fun of any kind. They are always "hale fellows well, -nef^--rusually taking their -'hale" from a long-necked coffee cup--and are continually on the alert for every species of mischief Which an inventive brain can conjure up. The trak throws upon them the responsibility of all the harum-scarum capers and pranks perpetrated in the community--and the responsibility is not often misplaced. The "crowd" in this 16cality numbers not more than half a dozen, but this "select few" pos sesses enough deviltry for flfty# ordi nary persons. They confidently asset t that they "know a thing or two;" and we shouldn't-be surprised if they did; indeed, we are inclined to the belief that they know as many as three or t, •• things. They believe in every- ' -to drink, and make, fre- tli.ug goottr . nuot-iUon--"Be vlr- queut use of tlu> -,n,y_b„t voti'll ttious and you'll be hax imbound- lose lots of fun V They ha>v erR of ev1 conH(le!R»e4ii the curative *o Monougsi-heal-a, aud are very apt^-v imagine themselves ailing, and there fore consider it an obligation to the natural law s of their being to "aire" themselves if possible. They have the curieht jokes of the day at their ton- gues' end, aud if you are not "up to snulT' yon will find yourself the victim of-a "sell" whereupon your ears will be saluted .with the cries of "sugar in mi he "I'll take mine barefooted and bareheaded," and sundry other phrases enigmatical to theniuiuitiatetf. A joke at their expense may be considered perfectly lawful, and It is your duty-- as in dealing with a lawyer--to •'beat" them if you can. We make memoranda of the "drives" at their expense, and occasionally "let out" on them. This, ho'vever. is acccpto:! as a matter of course, and if they furnish material for thie local to -work upen they usually ^on- sole themselves with tbe rellection that they have-conferred upon him a conshl- eraUlc degree of happiness. "We think i Proceedings of the Board of I Supervisory Tttelfon. Board of Supervl»^P# <»f McHenry County met at their mom In the (.'ourt House in Woodstock, Tues day, September 14th, 1875. Called to order by the Chairman, The following members were present: Messrs, Searls, Goodrich, Crandall, Diggins, Thomp son, Southmayd Cooney, Parsons, Bar tholeinew, Van Valkenburg, Joslyu, Garrison, Brown, McConnell,. C'oolcy, Crispy, Peck, astd Nidi. Sundry bills were received «*|d re ferred to Committee on Claims. Several claims for rebate of State tax 1873, where receipt was lost were received and referred to Special Com mittee. Board adjourned to meet to morrow morning at nine o'clock A. M. WEDNESDAY MOKMNG, 0 A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All present except. Diggins and Baker. Minutes of yesterday's meeting read and approved.' Several bills were read and referred to their respective com mittee. Oil motion of Sup. Bartholemew it was voted that we raise by tax for courfty purposes only sufficient money to pjay interest on county indebtedness antifto meet the current expenses tlie|rtyir. T|»e report of the superintendent of thefpoor for Town of Marengo was re- ftei|edt3,;»d read to the Board. On on of Supervisor Joslyu it was ~t all bills for supplies fur tikv "^spital, and all expenses 1 at "I*. ><; insane paupers to edluwnbkw *rgeable to the lospital be ftv persons come Fov|ns from which Bo Pipes of Every Description. 55 GEXESEJ; ST11EET, W.VI Ki:C7 AN, TLJl̂ . H. I). IIOLMKS. BILL TAB D Rooms, ill Howe's Block, McTIcn-rv 111. New Bi!li;frd :ni<l Bool Tables of the latest stvle just put in, and rooms newly retltted. Call and sec. II. D. Holmes Propri etor. » PETEIt LEICKEM. IP* EPAIBS Watches, Clocks and Jewelrr of X\. . '1 kinds. AlsoBepalrs Violins intheWst possihi;' manner, on short notice and at rea- sonahle r4. fes. Also Violins for Sale. Shop first d<K»r No "1'1 of Biverside Block, McHenry III. * " X •;LN\ Grx AND LOCKs>fJT"v l^JwiriiiK done nromntiv :.i . »^rt Keep on Be vol vers, Pow- Fishing Tackle, IXOIS. der, Shot, (inn MatcrUt 1 "a" Bleercliauin nnd Wooden Pi% • ILLIX M< HENKY, RICHMOND IIOL RICHMOND ILLINOIS. FRD line tor. (2ood acconimoc parties. Siimplei-ooms f<»r Sale Stable attached "" Shows Ac., Public Hall '."Iv „t Pro- ttious f;r«U mneti. .Livery V,»r Lectures, JUST ARRIVED. MRS. C. |I. MOREY, Wishes to inforirf the pulilio that she has just received a spie:/idid assort incut of Fall and Yfinter Millinery, Consistinjr of the TLitest Styles of Hats, Bon- nets, Flowers, Sil/gs, Velvets, !{il>t*>ns, l aces, Embroideries, Ti«/!S *<•., See., in fact everv. thing in the Milli* ierv line. Don't tail to call and examine Pr^-es*. Stvlcs and (Quality ol' iioods, which DtoFV COMPETITR>X. Brick Block, -2d Door North of .Colby'* ' Drug Store, McHENr.?Yv - - ILLINOIS. MAEKUS' CERMAN K1VEBSIDK HOUL >E. MrHENRV, 111., H. Wheel . Proprietor; Newly furnished and r«»fl tt<,rT 'endid iinntinK and flshiiitr on l»i#? "t-. Ijikesa short distance j^1Ui OarsmenJurnished at reason/ ery in connection with the F v" to and from thecars I arc ?• .J11"®® l>us meats for families durina ^ iV an ;llrv splendid side-wheel Stcaf/ 1,10 "V™"'>r. The to and from the Lakes / -nake trips months. No pains siKire/ ."urll,K the Summer fort of quests. Tenns / to l)r'-»mote the com- • V $2.00 per day. • / - FRED./rt/NICHi CIGAR M'ANUr-ACTURER< --AND -- m T OBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. L. C. ^ '1 ,CE- A. A. RICE. L. C. RJC: B & SON, x * ' E N T ' I S T S , ^ NUND A, ILL. m' •"•atisfactlon Guarant 7 leaned, Filled and and skillful manner, in full or partial plate to the profession. Ca) examined. OFFICE of L. C, I Ohicaw. Office of/. North of the M. E. CI REKKKKXCEB. -- Wi Kev. Frank Burr, Gi «g-Will visit McJ Booms at the Kiversi eed on all work. Teeth Extracted in a careful Vrtiticial Teeth inserted s, on all the Imsesknown 1 and have your teeth lice, West Madison St., u A. Bice, second door lurch, Nunda, I1L n Archdeacon, Niinda; ecu St., Chicago, I1L lenrv every Saturday.-- de House. For Sale, ? ^ Good Farm. Of Eighty Acres , s«xty rods of Crv easy te^is. For fq- Ak?£\r,ihT & Bial) -Dated July jrithin oni? hundred and still Lake Crossings, on • fther information apply to IK. BISHOP, Attorney, bp's Bank, Woodstock, III. the pro. hoots. These bitters are manufactured by '••tor from pt" " 'KMAN '"he recei])t of these Bitters ^imported by him. >rictor in 184.5, from was obtained'hv the pn-t. ici.in (t hen a |khy- an old and experienced pb**-- d a graduate sician in the Prussian armv), M " -nnanv. of the highest medical colleges Oi *v . These Bitters are Guaranteed to cure the se verest cases of DIARRIKEA, INDIG ESTIOX," DYSPEPSIA, and are a certain preventative of FEMALE SICKNESS, CHILLS AXD FEVER, AND AGUE Diarrlnea is a disease characterized by an increased discharge from the Bowels, usually in a very liquid state, and sometimes contain- ing a large ouantitv of Bile. Besides the vari ous purgative medicines, undressed or indi gestible food, or vegetables, acid fruits, oily or putrid substances frequently cause Diarr- h<wa. physicians distinguish various-kinds of Iliarrlnea^ as (crapulosa) when the forces imss off ordinary quality; "hiliosa" when the bile is more abundant than natural; "mucosa" when the excrements contain a quantity of mucus; "serosv"in which they are almost entirely liquid and waterv; an<l "licuteria" when the food passes through the body in an almost un altered state. There are frequently, also nausea and vomiting, a bitter taste in the mouth, a furred and yellow toneue, dry, and harsh skin, a full or sallow countenance, and if speedlv checked, great emaciation. This is one of tijose diseases by means of which na ture strives to get rid of impurities, and re store the system to its natural condition. Hence, when it is not very violent, and the patient is strong, it is liest to let it take its course for a short time, and by taking only two wine glasses full of the Bitters for the first ten hours. For violent cases live wine glasses full per day, one liefore each meal and two between meals. In any case great care should be taken not to stop* it too suddenly. The treatment thus in all cases depends upon the cause from which it sprang. For Indiges. tion and Dyspepsia take one wine glass full of the Bitters ltefore each ineaL No family should be without a ltottle. Price per bottle,-large 80 cts., small 60cts, Muiufactuled bv F. MARK US, WOODSTOCK, ILL. iff titiy'oi|>ec^jgjft tye will iTe liK'idt'Nt of our rocollectioai. Thev .a«s<'ttiI)l<M|, as usuiii, ohe cold night, aud rc.-ol\ c<l upon an oyster supper, to. be yuietly enjoyed in one of the htisi- ness-oiilcej! of the city to which they had access. The oysters were' pro cured. The mental equilibrium of the crowd was Mtlllcietitly preserved to en able them to decide that tlue oysters were the' genuine bivalves; but the milk puzzled them. One of'the tnnin- ber had procured a quantity at a ba kery and subjected it to the inspection of the balance. It didn't look just right, they thought, but they hadn't enough confidence in their own judge ment to pronounce it wrong. It was finally decided, after much hesitation and doubt, to be cream, and was on the point of going into the soup, when some brilliant genius discovered it to he y<uu*t} Now. whose fault was it ? Didn't^:"* messenger make himself suflii-ienlly .ntelligible at the bakery to be understood; and was the doubt and discussion at the place of supping occasioned hy the absence of any Knowledge about fanning?--or was the man at the bakery drunk ? The boys think the latter from the very nature of the case, must be the true explana tion. Like the yeast, they all "rise"-- to explain, but it looks "thin"--the ex planation, not the yeast. We might tell how^a couple of'tlie boys" went to call upon a young lady hot long agot ami how, not approaching the dwelling in the usual manner of visitors, were made targets by her for the reception jf stones. It was dark »nd she thought •e burglars. We say we might forbear. so- „ lock P. M, .., o w 1 adjourned untl 1 i teB£v ~»f>nt •> adjonrni. morning V /,* and vt, liiehmond (iraUiHi, Greenwood Itilev, Dunham '11 u 11 llartlatx Nunda, tliey tell this, but Wv . All will admit that u»T '>?3rs are cial, big hearted and most fellows, but'they are tlieir own woi>k enemies. In sowing their '"wild oats" they leave out of inind tlie - time- of reaping, and we are afraid they will find- the result a hard experienced Maiiy a young man has fouiuHt so, ami many more will. Socialljr, we like»^c boys, and find much in them .that is cointneudable, and always-ex counted their friend. / ; - - r , " ^ ' figT Judge Xyre of Almeda county, California, has decided that in future he will not naturalize any person who has not read, or heard read, the .Con stitution he swears to support. This causes a good deal of caviling, but the judge has the j^vel of consistency to back his position of not the sledge of law. H WEDNESDAY AT ti©ard met pursuant t Present the same as in tl 'Jfl»e Committee on Tlon Bridges made the follow ing rep^. w|i»ch. on motion was adoptt d; 1% ihi Hon. Chairman and t ite Board >Suj>ervi6orfi. /'Tour Committee on R. >ads and B^ges have examined the 1 oad war- r|M8 returned from the different tllt^, mid report as follows: ', Correct Ntot Sworn, n lietnrned IS 13 I 0 lft It \ I <1 • \ 0 17 17 \ 0 « 8. \ 0 * fc 9 1A 8 4 5 HI W n tt « n All of which U respectfully submitted. NAMI KI. W. BBOWX, B. F. PKCK, .1. H. COOI.KV, C. O. PARSONS, It. D. COOXKV, Tour Committee would recommend that the Overseers of Highways have until the 15tli of October to return road warrants to the County Clerk. The Committee on Fees and Salaries made the following report: STATE OF ILLINOIS, If > J*M MCIIKXRY OOt'STT. I " . To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Sept. Term. >1. J). 1875. Your Committee on Fees ami Sala ries would most respectfully recom mend that the anuual compensation of the Treasurer of this County for the term of two years, 'from tli'v first of December 1875, to the first of Decem ber. 1S77, be fixed at the sum of one thousand dollars, with an allowance of five hundred dollars for necessary clerk hire, fuel, stationary, and other neces sary expenses of said office. Respectfully Submitted. G. H. GAumsoy, ") S. S. CRANOAU, M. L. .JOSI.VN, ^COM. , JAB. THOMPSON, J Sup. Bartholomew moved to amend said report, in regard to the allowance for clerk hire, fuel, stationery, etc. That amount of said allowance be 9200 instead of 8500. Amendment carried. Ayes, 0, nays, 7. Ayes--Searl?, Thompson, South mayd, Cooney, Parsons, Bartholomew, Van* Valkenburg, Brown aud Cooley, --9. Nays--(ioodrich, Crandall, Jos- lyn, Garrison, Cristy, Peck and Bartholomew, ketiburg.--7. * On motion of Supervisor GnrHsou. the mrtter of purchasing a tax compu ter for the county was referred to Mr. K. M. Lamb, the purchasing agent, with instructions to purchase tlie same if he deemed it for the interest of the county after examination and trial. Committee 6ti Claim-1 made tlie fol lowing report, which on motion, was adopted: /. ^ .- STATEoriuw,^v,^ ^ MCHKXHY corvTY, S ^ Mr. Chairman am\ Gentlemen qf the Hoard of Supervisor*. ; Tour Comnvitte on ( laini« would beg leave to report that they have eVajuined all claims presented before them, and reccommend the payment, of the fol lowing, and tliitt the Clerk l>e d4»-ccted to issue orders for the several amounts to the severalclaiments,to-wit: M. Church, Sheriff, Summoning Petit and Grand .Jurors Sept. ,v, Term and dietins Prisoners, at-1 < tending Board of Supervisors at i ^ ^ .]uly Term, .: fK8,<® ..I.Gates, fixtures and furnlsh- arrtcles for Jail, etc., ....... D; C.Green, Physicians vlaii*»n<i medicine for prisoners,.., Adam Mosgrove, excessive Taxln 1S74, State jfJoftnty • • • \v. Curtis, screen t'rinnes for windows and one door, cords In windows, pa in ting and repairing doors and window s, Asa Pease, building fence'at. the Court House, Whit son & Sons, Scantling, etc., Illinois State Hospital for Insane, transfering Timothy Hallney to Elgin, chargeable to the town of llartiand, Illinois Central Hospital, Insane, Jacksonville, clothing lor ;.Iane Burns and transfer to Llgiu, chargeable to town of Marengo. Northern Illinois Hospital, Elgin, clothing Winnifred Dougherty, chargeable to town of Coral,... Northern Illinois Hospital Insane Elgin, clothing James f lark, chargeable to town of Dorr,.... M. Church, sherift", conveying .Ju lia Callahan, Insane, to Elgin.. To theBx)rd of Supervkan qfMcIIeturjf Couidy Il/inolti. Your Cosimitfee on Town AttwWp ^ beg leave t® report that they Intve Ex amined the [estimated mniouiitt voted to be raised in the several towns of this count v If or town nnd corporation expenses ai)d road AUU- brltlgc 1 * 1 .-'"tl" . 11.46 1LOO 2.80 L« 11.40 1100 MU7 moo 4.50 1.-27 poses: Biluv. totrn pi»rposes,..., " " Itofids and l*ridges,.. Marengo, Corporation, • <• Town incidentalexiwiwWi •«. Itoad nnd bridge.......... t»unham, town expenses, «• • " Boad and bridge,. Cliemung, town exlienses,...*.*;;•»« •* nmd and t<ridge,... ».i.». Aid en, tow a expenses,.............. " r««adand 'irklg®, llartiand, town expoiij»e&,.... Seneca, town expenses,....,,...t..*. Coral, *Own expenses,. «* n»ad and bridge,.... Grafton, town parpo^i,,v.ti'v " r«mii and !>iidg«,..,.••4.' lluntlev Village, expenses,....,*... Ikur, town expenses •• i"oad and bridge,...... Wo» wis lock, corih»mUon,... Ureenwotsl, town expenses,,...... " r-Mid am! t>rldge....... Hebron, town expenses, • Bichmoud, town expenses,. •• road and bridge, Burton, town purposeg, Mcllenrv, town purposes,...,,,... •». . mid and bridge,......... Ktimin, town expense*;.... r.W»> " ro.nl and bridge,........... Nnnda Village expenses Algonquin, town ex|icnse»,„ Crystal * :-/s wo m iso so m im law o» aD»i» m <» «« W MK» "» m m» lfiMl OH «J5 «TT Vsa «» yr. ni jsa tw Mtm t«> oo «» 00 ow ... .. SKW W 4*M) 00 ^'^.••jpoo «» wi tM10 (N6 «» ioi» «» . . . «» ... laoooo ... 8SOtW subin it- wmr>r i 4m < «5S mm 14.25 14.S5 K.<n 16.05 4,06 400 Lake Village,..../...^..-- Ail of whicli is respectfully ted. . - ; - -«5'; C. «*. PA*MO$fc 5'^ 1«AK.HKAH|1%, • J. H. C001.KV, H The Grand Jury wu selected as per statute required. On the motion of Sup. I>arsons it was voted that the usual per diem and mileage be allowed the members and Clerk of this Bonn?. Ou motion Board adjourned to meet at the call of the Clerk. M,; » W». A. M«COK*i|Ut» Attest, P. WIIITNKV Clerlt. WSM s» W» m 10.00 7.M 01.S0 MIMITG8 *F TKACIIKIW AMOCUIION. .1^' E A Muiphv Jt Co., clothing for outtit of .Julia Callahan. Insane chargeable to town of . 1 1111»« a ...... 7»W» llartiand,... M Church, Shcvhi*. costs in suit P«j»ple vs. F. Foster, i>ald,....6L80 nnilier 15, 1^ -nuittee would further reo- Scpk. ^ bills of J. O. Callen Your Ct»^ "d Anson Vail cotnmend that tin, "««' for der, J. P. of ("iUMiinng, ^ constable, of JIarcugo, be An ther consideration to Dee. meethin of this Board. ' 7.. K. (»ootn;icit Chairman. Sup. Nlsli presented the following resolutions; KBSOLVED. That Geo. H. Garrison ^appointed a oonrtnittee of one to ™it our Kane and Bo<.iu»\s poor Farms. To ascertain the .statistics of those Institu tions, their mode of operations,' and all other obtainable information bearing on that sysM'tn of earring for the poor, for the fdrpose of comparison and criticism with our mode by townships, and report to this Board* at ite next meeting in December. On motion of Sup. Cristy it was voted th:>t this resolution be laid on the tulde. Ayes--So.arls. Southmayd. Coo- p.ey, Bartholomew, Van Valkenburg, Brown, (Jooley. Cristy nnd Peck,--9. Xays--Goodrich, Crandall. Thompson, Parsons, Josljm, Garrison and Nish,-- 7. The Committee on Finance made the following report, which on motion, was adopted; To the. Jfwwrahle Jiortrd of Supervisor* of Me Henry County Iflinots. Your Committee on Finance would respectfully submit the following re port : J ' We find the amount of outstanding indebtedness, Sept. 1st, 1875 as follows: No. of outstaniliiiir ijSlOO 10 per. <Vt. «>7 $02,100 00 Held in District No.i. Greenwood ft*a*- ship, June Mh 18W. j Called to order by Prealdeut a^ about 11 o'clock A. M., (the rain in Iftcrj morning preventing an earlier ing.) The first exercise was one In reading^ , y and w as conducted by A. W. Cuminsn i The time was mostly spent In reading hy the difi'erent memliere of tlie class J'\j with some little discussion as to tlrt - r emphas's, Intteetlom ete« • ^ct of Xatwral History (di was |>resented hy Ml%| " arranged , ,'r - The subji vision mating I.ettie Cuthins*, per, read by her tiou. Wanted at Bucklin & Steven's, near the depot, choice Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, for which the highest price will be paid in cash or trade. j?M»ervisor Cooney moved to amend the repou 'uaking the compensation of the treasurer #bvJ0 instead of $1000. VntendiiB^tt lrtstl Ayes--Cooney, Bar- tliblomew, Vaii Valkenburg,--3." ^Searll, Goodrich, Crandall, Tontp- spii, Southmayd, Parsons, Joslyn, (,Tar- rison, BroM-n^HDooley, Cristy, Peck -afid Nish,--13.' / " 7 ' On motion of Sup. Garrison the re port as amended was adopted. . On motion of Supervisor Cooley the action of the Board in regard to coun ty tax for the current year was recon sidered. Ayes, 10; nays, C. Supervisor Joslyn moved that the sum of #10,000 be raised by tax this year to apply on county indebtedness. Motion carried. Ayes--Southmayd, Cooney, Joslyn, Garrison, Brown, Coo ley, Cristy, Peck and Nisli,--9 Nays --Searls, Goodrich, Crandall, Thornp- Connty Monde :jl)7, Total indcbtediieS^ of the County,.. 02.100 00 Total Beceipts during year. 18 Aiuoiiui expend^.i <l'uriug year,.,., 17.1«J» ti Balance in Treasury........ frVJW) !W EstimateiT'expehses for the ensuing year, and interest uuCounty llonds, $18,000 00 Amount to be raised to pay on Countv Indebtedness .'.*10.000 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. M. L. JOWI.YN ) C. O. P.vttSONS, j lit A E. s i: A jti.s, •.Committee. .1. H. C<w)MJV, f 1{, O. SOt TllMAVll J Tlie following report from the Spe cial Committee on Claims for rebate of State tax 1873, where recipts were lost Wits read, and on motion adopted. To the Honorable Botird of Supervisors of McHenry County Illinois. Your special committee to wiioni was referred the matter of refunding ex cessive State tax paid in 1878, beg leave to report that we have examined the affidavits of the following named persons and IhuJ the sum set opposite each name due hini from the refunding fund now iti the couatv treasury: ; Win. O'Leary • • .#1.73 »Peleg Dai 1 v - 1 .-19 3ST. T. Brvau 1.27 V. II. Whipple 4.02 V. 1.. Mead ... A.,'... 1.69 M. M . Clothier 2.15 Robtr Kichardson..«. ... ,".:8aW Alan-son Martin. i'ww'f. $.71 Win. Wall .1.48 G. W. Conn "2M4 All '^f which is res}>ectfully submit ted. C. O. P.vnsoxs J. H. COOLKV B. I). COON K Y The Committee on Town Accounts made the following report, which ou motion was ddopted: ** ActJnmtrcfTfor «m. Superintendent Xieii afternoon exercises with tion of the rudiments of giving. Iijg manner of same. •J. II. Burger, lie Ing assigned His msed "Chicago •' its origin, grow til a present condition, as his subject, an gave many facts connected with tlu same, not usually found in common schools histories'." Ills recitation vu interesting and instructive. II. M. So per occupied a few minutes in speaking of the benefits of thorough ness in arithmetic. It was then proj>osed by A. W. Onm- ins, that we close our summer sossiou* with a picnic meeting. After consld. erable discussion a motion was made and carried that Ave have a picnic two weeks from to-day at Crystal J,ak«. Alter more disciuydon the motion was recousIdei*ed. and finally lost. . A motion was then made and car ried tlmt when this association ajt- journs, it be until the first Saturday in October, 1875, at such a place as shall be selected by the officers of this so ciety. The contents of the Query Box were then discussed after which the Pru dent declared the meeting adjourned.; , A. W.(TWINS ^*resid«n$g' '8. IX HAUNT?* Secretary. • HARVARVI --Richardson Is iftoving.lnto liis new store as fast as the carpenters and painters get out of hlg way. i --I)r. B, A. Wade iufortqp us that m vineyard was uninjured by tlie late frosts, lie had bonfires kept^n differ ent parts of the yard the frosty uighU and thus saved his entire crop. --There i<Mt move on foot to ham Eld. Woodworth preach here once » month. We hope that it will prove successsul. It would he better If lie could bo prevailed upon to preach every Sunday, but once a mouth is better than nothiug. --The largest fish taken oat of Delia* van Lake for some time was captured by But. Walker, last Saturday nlgHt. It was a pickerel, and weighed tweuty<* one pounds and three-quarters. But. always manages some how, to catch DM most aud largest fish. --The expressJ company have finished searching tor express matter lit the creek at Lawrence. Tlie report that several ix'rsons including one lady had been found under the wreck, wa* false. A whole milliner shop went ttv siuash in the express ear but there waft- no lady behind the counter,--^ pendent. - A. y»Sis £?£ i ' * ,vi"' • MM