Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1875, p. 8

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THERE IS NO U8E IN GOING OUT OF TOWN ̂ T$,#Ugg$lA&: ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF he STOVES, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &C., Whe&uhatcr article. Qutkte £kiW-M for LESS MOSEY, at the •OF* Money out of Pancakes. * "{the Belfast (Me.) Journal tells how Ml enterprising woman in making mon- •jr there: "It is not on that article of diet made by pur grandmothers that Wt are to speik, bHt ft pancake of less digestible nature manufactured at the Belfast shoe factory. Nothing in the •hape of leather is allowed to go to waste in that institution. Even the fbavings from the sole leather have their use, and from them the pancakes are made. These shavings are placed upon a table* before the operatives Who seperate and careftdly spread them out within a small casting with paste, in layers like raisins in a-box-- Ant leather, then paste, and the whole patted down compactly. When a cake Is completed, it is. about one foot in Itngth, four inches wide, and^half an inch in thickness. They are then laid away to dry, and in three or four d&ys are^ready for use. which is to be cut up j you Can Steal Them. Into'inner heel lifts. Their manufac­ ture is not a very pleaeant job, a§ the ^irlp who make them are up to their flbows in paste. When the factory "started, this work was given to Alma^House at* four 'cents 'per cake. She became so expert that she could «asly make 100 per day. Being an en- . ivnmon ep«in<r mnnpv Promptly, and Warrant it done well. We make Tinware a Specialty, because terprsing woman and seeingmoney ^ (his we are Mmter of (he Sittlation. Come and See, fir Yourself. An r-l nliA /V^A H n AA ti f wn rtr t nA I ~ •*- SI" McHeniy, IU^Auff. 2d, 1875. } M,* / si 3oIiii M. Smith, AT THE POST OFFICE* We have STOVES that make frozen men, iaughyan/dtiell them Cheaper We also manufacture . •*; Tin,T Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Into any Shape or Vessel desired. We make a point to do JOBBING OF AIX KINDS, ahead, she closed a^contract with the proprietors^for the sole manufacture, at four cents apiece, and thenhired help To-day she^has an apartment off the aale-rooip, and employs six women Who turn out from 300 to 400 a day. ^ A PuGNACiors* GOAT.--His head was the shape andjsize of a Bullett county watermelon, andjhe was so black that Charcoal would make a light mark on Mm. The "goat was asleep leaning | •gainst the side of the house. The darkey was smoking a decayed cigar. Be espied the goat, "grinned louder," looked all around to see that nobody #as looking, and then touched the lit %»d of the cigar to'the tail end of that goat. The goat turned a handspring, and the negro opened his big mouth to laugh, but the goat butted him so quickly between the chin and his - breeches pockets that his jaws came - together, making a noise louder than the report of a gun. The negro's hat, _J>oots and cigar lay_in a pile ten feet "Off, while his body was curled up like a horseshoe in the "mouth of a sewer . opening. When he came to he looked Around at each one in the crowd, say­ ing: "Will some of'you gemmen' fhootme wid a pistol? A nigga dat's as big a fool as I be ain't got no busi­ ness libin."--Louisville-Courier Journal. J. E. VASEY, KINGWOOD, ILL., Every Day Brings Something New At ALDRICH & SMITH'S, RICHMOND, ILL. \ We are deceiving an Immense Stock of Fall and Winter DBY GOODS, DRESS GOODS; NOTIONS, AC. Clothing' ! Clothing" ! ! Clothing- J ! FOR MEN, FOR YOUTHS, FOR BOY8. ae- FINE SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR, ALL GRADES. jioonnfi _atvt> «TtoT>l for all, of the Buffalo and Rochester Custom Make, the best in Marke t.-- HATS -AJNX) CAPS, New Styles and in great variety. In fact it is difficult to tell what we haven't got. Store Jammed full of New Goods. Call and See for Yourselves. Richmond, 111., Sept. 20th, 1875. ALDRICH & SMTH. HENRY COLBY, --DEALER IN-- w«i just received a fall line of Fall and Winter Goods, which lie is selling Cheap for Cash! ' CONSISTING OF jDry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. V; Boots and Shoes, Which will be sold WKight ISewn law For CMb. Call and eeo before ptnehasing. » i, E. VASEY. Uagmwd, Oct Stb, INS. OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs &c., &e. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. SPECIAL PEICES GIVEN ON WHITE LEAD AND OIL. Scrictly Pure St. touis \Vliite Lteil, $10,00 per hundred. Boil,edJLin#eed Oil, Seventy-five cents per Gallon. L ETC- BLAKE & BRO., --DEALERS IN- Furniture! Of all Grades ajid Prices. Wareroom. Nearly Opposite the Pest Office, McHenry- III. Wareroom Crammed Full ! Where will be found anything from Common Kitchen Styles to the finest .Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth and Reps. They have Cham^r Sets, and can suit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, MLEGANT EASY CHAIRS. LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, s Of all kinds and sizes. Whatnots, $ Lounge*, Rockers, Hair, Moss and Spring Mattrasses, etc., etc. In short everything you want. We make a specialty of UNDERTAKING i A very large stock of Bnrial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and made to order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles ^t the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. • t - All Goods Warranted Of the very best quality, and sold a? LOW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875. All Goods Warranted As represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th, 1875. f-ieadquarters for all Kinds of Clothing-. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Groceries erf all KindSy Crockery, Glass-Ware, | MILLINERY GOODS, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, withJheeLarS tb* D^ot' *• wa«r' , And Best Stock of Goods t̂ ' "Ever bronght to this market, on which tmm prepared and will make prices that will • Oe^f all Competition. Mf Stock Consists in part'Wf-' . Dry Gooils, CMiii, UroceriB, BOOTS, SHOES, OiiOCKERY, &c„ To which I invite the attention; of the bnylnc public. I also keep ou haad a large and weU Selected stock of Of all kinds, to which the attention of the Ladies is especially invited. Call and see. And in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. . „ PHILIP GIESELSB. McHenry, lit, Oct. 5th, 1875. We' are constantly reviving hew Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the pa,rty or parties who can undersell us don't live In this neck of the Woods. Onr £aRGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be w:hat they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous proftts on our goods. We intend to "Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. jj@"GI-VE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. McHenry, III., July 27th, 1875. J. S TjO R. Y i --DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware , STOVES TINWARE, MECHANICS* TOOLS' FARMING IMPLEMENTS, CLOTHES WRINGERS, Ac., 4bc., &c., &c., WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R THAN USU1L PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof. Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE I Hepairingf Promptly attended to. lur 1 11 i ilii NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. J. STORY. O McHenry III., July 23. Owen Mills. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF AL/.IX A l« r(i»KE, deceased. The undersigned having been appointeil Administratrix of the Estate ot Alzina bee, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at tha Court" House, in Woodstock, at the October Term, on the third Monday in October, next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notilled and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pavment to the undersigned. Dated the 2fith day of August, 1*75. 5w6 DORATJtlY OWEN, Administratrix The Cheapest and BEST PLACE IN MCHENRY TO BUY Dry Goods, GOCERIES, N O T I O N S , Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. New Store! New Goods! Prices to Suit the Times, L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND FOB CASH OB BEADY PAY. Onr Stock consists of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCE­ RIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, selected to SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, &e., Shop opposite the Parker House. MEET THE WANTS OF THE COMMUNITY. TIT TIDV nnnno W® have a full line of Domestics, Dress Goods, Silks, in JJllI llUULIu Pongrees, Poplins, Alpacas, Lustre, White Goods, Sack ing>«. Hosiery, Gloves, &c. In Notions, We have Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Edgings, Parasols,Perfumery,&c. * 1TTD PBflPPBfTPO Will -be choice and offered at bottom prices, ,KOT JUH ITitUbiiinlibO below cost.. A full line of BOOTS AND SHOES, warranted work, and at Lowest Priees. The Highest Market Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Call and see us and we will endeavor, by SQUARE DEALING and LOW I PRICES to merit a share of your patronage. ©a^German spoken. BUCKLIN & 8TEVENS. McHenry, 111., Jnly 27th, 1875. D. C. MALLORY, NUHi>A, ILL., Has inat received a full line of New Goods which he is selling CHEAP FOR CAS1L Dry Goods, CROCERIES Hardware, &c. Ladies and Child reus Shoes we make a spec, iality of, and always keefo a full line of Wall Paper, and Window Shades. All kinds of Patent Medicines, Blanchard Churns, Syrups, Teas, Coffees, Kerosene, very cheap. The Millinery Department, Under the cave of an experienced Foreman is complete with the latest styles of Hats, Bon­ nets Ribbons, Laces, Collars, Cuffs Particular attention given to Conveyancing and Collecting. , C- MALLORY, Justice of the Peace and otary Public. Nunda. July 27,1875. WE SELL FORCASH OR READY PAY, And CAN AND WILL Bell Goods as low as any House in ilcllcnry County. Pay the Highest Market Price --FOR- BUTTER EGCSf POULTRY, etc IN CASH OR IN GOODS I Give as a Call and leant ire mean what wc say. HOWARD & SON. McHenry, III., July 26th, 1875. M c H E N R Y U.UWOIS E. M. OWEN, McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS, General Dealer and Manufacturer's Agent in thG Leading Farm Machinery. Among which I represent the following: The Celebrated NICHOLS, STTEPARD & CO. Vibrator Threshers and Mounted Powers. Also the AULT- MAN & CO. Sweepstake Thresher. All the leading make of PLOWS. The unrivaled Yandiver and Quincy CORN PLANTERS. In REAPERS and MOWERS COMBINED will be found the PEERLESS *nd BUCKEYE TABLE RAKE, the EMPIRE MOWER and LABOR SAV­ ING MARSH HARVESTER, BERTRAND & SAMLS ROCKFORD SULKY The subscriber would inform the pnblie that he Iraow prepared to furnish them with any­ thing in bis line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates.' Using none bnt the best of timber and employing none but 8KILLED WORKMEN ! He Warrants his work to give satisfaction, and -for good pay will be as low a* can possi­ bly be afforded. ' "HE MAKES Horse Shoeing A SPECIALTY. REPAIRING Of all kinds promptly attended to- *n^ see for yourself. L. FRANCISCO. McHenry, 111., July 28tli 1876. M'HENRY BREWERY. King & Herbes, Proprietors. THE best of Beer Shipped to ^"yP"* ?Ji]^ country and warranted Orders solicited and promptly attended to. For Sale. ^f/nvXTOIirnOIJJ^wbRTHS^ky Rakes, HAMILTON Sulky Rakes, X^tuated op^iteX Wversid£lP^sl,rtm Hollow Tooth Harrows, Garden and Railroad Wheelbarrows, Lumber Wagons, I McHenry, . thti "b'JanMTCilding. s™?: AC., &C. , -v I Sl7for7s& Vor aresWem-e.WK SKSftSftitt is fo"r a,cre8«of choice 1fnd» neciwi wiiii 8ome fruit. Persons contem- Sfitta.'SSolSl«wlS«»a H» their l»<er. McHenry 111- Aug. 16th 1875. Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH and CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stork" and compare Quality ajid Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same quality of Machinery. f McHenry, 111., 27th 1875. E. M. OWEN. For Sale, a Good Farm. Of Fiirhtv Acres within one hundred and iixtv rods of Crystal Lake Crossings, on terms, For further information apply to easy w «. ^ BISHOP, Attorney, At Mnrphv ft Bishop's Bank, Woodstock, Dated July 23d,

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