iiaiiiig liO !auji )u sum- In the Mormon Tabernacle--Marriage OiMMMd by the Ablest Exponent of the Theories of'the Ifttlcr-Day Saints--Brig- . ham Vounsr*s Dupes' Place In Heaven, [Salt Lake Cor. Cincinnati Commercial.] - You find the Tabernacle to bo a 250 feet long by 150 wide, ft single, self-sustaining arch roof 65 feet \pigh, supported around the Bides by 46 . * ' Jsand-stone columns. It is impnble of 8,000 person^, b apparatus^ is used onl . ^mer. In one end is the organ, second in /" liize only to the Boston organ. It is an 1 Instrument of rare sweetness and power, ; piiilt by a Salt Lake saint. Hie large ^"i^ishoir, of perhaps sixty voices, is placed immediately around the organ, and in •€ront sire tiers of seats with chairs and desks in the conter for the superior offi cers of the congregation, from the Presi dent down. In front, of all is n, long table on which are placed the bread and .^water of the Communion service, which is administered every Sunday, water tak ing the place of wine. On the morning of our attendance, a children's gathering was held, prepara tory to the observance of the great Mor on anniversary, July 24, commemorat- g the " Landing of the Pilgrims" on the sand-bound shores of Sait Lake, twenty eight years ago. Some 8,000 hildren, or more, were present, belong- g to the various ward Sunday schools, .for the purpose of rehearsing their songs 4nd declamations. The delivery of the fatter indicated the influence of the thea- •ter rather than of the school, the articu lation being generally far from perfect, and the pronunciation faulty. The chil dren kept excellent time and tune. The - music and poetry were up to the machine average of Sunday selioolAferse and song. The latter-day element, of course, was prominent, as in the following: is fsic propagation of the race ; solitary Bible texts exaggerated and perverted into a revelation of absurdities and abomina tions ; salvation by marriage ; a Chris tianity. the corner stone of which is the sexual relation; a Mohammedan heaven, seen through a Hew Testament perspect ive with an Old Testament background. The large congregation, which must have numbered nearly 4,000, the men occupying one half of the house, the women the other, listened attentively, many of them admiringly. They seemed to believe this strange gospel--although how many of them, or how much of it, it would be hard to say ; time will show. WALKING. Bless Brigham Voting, we children pray, Thy chosen Twelve, in what they say; Thy elders, priests, and teachers, too, Their labors bless in all they do. We are the children of ihe saints, Of these, the latter days, • ' When Goi again has caused to shins v * Truth's bright effulgent rays. His kingdom he is building tip, ' To bear unbounded sway, ( That Zion may appear in all its glory. CHORUS. \ Hurrah! hurrah! we'll help the work along; > 'Tis expected that tho children will perform a nobis pari ty rolling on the kingdom in its ^lory.' How bright have been parental hopes About what we pbail do * ' In rolling on Jehovah's work, } And helping put it through. ] ' We'll stem the tide sf wickedness, >' **"4 That deluges the world, That Zion may appear in all its glory. ' CHOBCS--Hurrah, eto. . „ r We're heirs unto the priesthood, For in it we were born; naught but vilest actions 't . '..Can we be of it shorn. f :. We're of tho fold of Jesnajfl "--; His precious lambs are -wbj . a And, if we are pure-hearted, His face we soon shall eos. Another hymn, entitled " The Stand- ard of Zion," was an adaption of the '/j* Star-Spangled Banner," * ^timing ilia singing our eyies ranged , .gfrer the mottoes painted1 on the panels in front of the gallery. One of these read--and it found a striking exemplifi cation in the, scene before us--" Utah's ? best crop--children/' Other mottoes are: "Our own mountain home;" "United we stand, divided we fall;" " Heirs of the priesthood;" " Brigham our leader and friend;" "The Kingdom is ours;" "We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet;" "Our martyred prophet." Alter the service some of our party had & brief interview with Brigham Young, .who is said to show signs of advancing acre and debility, as might be expected ol one 74 years old. In the afternoon the regular public service was held in the Tabernacle. In Mormondom no one preaches except as he is moved by the Holy Ghost. It would seem, however, tluft the Holy Ghost generally points out Orson Pratt as the "Defender of the Faith" on rjial occasion. This is not strange* is undoubtedly the ablest living ex ponent of the theology and morals of the ,saints. He is of medium stature, wturd- ily and somewhat heavily built, with a ^ -large head, broad face, ruddy complexion, long white beard; on the whole, a fair American representative of the old-time" patriarch. He stands, speaking with a sidelong inclination cf the head and an upward cast of the eye, as though taking ; btIU! nmtino, n.Tvi nt- rt nnfii * h.it.vnTi TTia - ° Pedestrianlsin as an Kxerciw--The Most Favorabln Time for Walking. Dr. H. I. Bowditch has been writing a aerie" of articles for the London Smii tary Rccord, on " Health, and the Means of Pressing It." In his third paper, which is devoted to " exercise," after enumerating the principal kinds, as walking, running, dancing, horseback- riding, driving, gymnastics, boxing, bowling, rowing, and swimming, he goes on aa follows" ? " Of these the most universally appli cable, and usually the best form of exer cise, is walking. Unfortunately our cli mate, with its snow and intense cold in winterj and equally intense aiul depress ing heat in summer, prevents all of us from walking as much as would be use ful, or as much as can be done in some other Countries throughout the year. Whenever it is feasible it probably exer cises the body better than any other method. It becomes, however, very un/ interesting, even in a large city, if made simply for health's sake. '• Therefore it is always well to com bine ivith it another object, either of business or of pleasure. Hence a pro fession that will compel out-of-door ex ercise is the best prescription one can give. I have in recollection now a case of a naturally feeble man who had very decided signs of pulmonary disease^with bleeding from the lungs. He was a a newspaper carrier when he called to see me after one of his bleed-ings. I feared, at that time, that exposure during the winter would be very pernicious, and •perhaps fatal to him. Under this exer cise, however, taken daily in rain and storms of all weather, and by the use of ,cod liver oil, he wholly recovered. Those of my patients who have most ^frequently recovered are those who, by advice, commenced years since, and still continue several times daily, their "con stitutional " walks around the Common in Boston (about * a mile). They will continue to do so while they live because they know from experience now that not only their, health, bttt their real comfort depends upon a strict attention to that course. Omission of that exercise for a single day perceptibly affects them un favorably. Two more obvious advan tages arise from this course. 1. Efeiy muscle in the body is gen tly and uniformly brought into action by the swing of the legs and the arms, and consequentlyof the trunk in a vertical direction. The undulations made by the head, chest and abdomen, in a verti cal plane are thus not only according to " Hogarth's line of beauty," but also in the tendering to perfect health. Every internal organ is gently stimulated to more robust action. The circulation- goes more freely and nniformly. 2. Never, in a comm on walk, does a per*- son breathe twice the same air because lie is constantly changing his position. Tliis fact alone is of incalculable advantage. Some writers contend that the rebreath- ing of air once partially used is one of the most fertile causes of consumption. The most favorable time for walking is undoubtedly about midday in winter, ijnd ill the morning and toward evening in the summer. Late in the evening is less useful, because of the liability to dampness and coolness, and absence ©f the sun's rays, which of themselves seem sometimes to put vigor into the animal frame, and their absence is correspond ingly felt in a depression of the powers. Nevertheless, one cannot deny that there is a great energy sometimes given by a brisk walk in a cold, dry, starlight or moonlight night, when the atmosphere seems not only free from all chillinj moisture but absolutely pure and infi , aim at a squirrel with a shotgun. His *" voice is strong, manner ponderous, language plain and homely, style forci- j . rble rather than elegant, direct rather than correct. His address was preced- ; «d by singing and a prayer from another i brother, who prayed for the strangers present, that they might be led to see tilings as they are, and to report ac-cord- I ifig-ly, with a highly expressive syUa- • biftcation and penultimate accentuation pf the last word. ' ' Brother Orson took for his text Matt, xix., 3-9 ; and after a preliminary state ment^ that he had no knowledge of what he was about to say, but that he should speak as he was directed to speak, an nounced his theme to be marriage. He then proceeded to unfold the Mormon theory of this institution. It would be neither practicable nor profitable to give anything like a complete synopsis of this singular discourse. Suffice it to say, it ran elaborate exposition and defense spiritual marriage and polygamy. Since the apostolic age there lias been »o true religion in the world, until on April 6, 1830, the church was organized *'*new by special revelatior , with its apos tles, revelators, and prophets, just as the Christian Church was organized at the beginning. There can be no valid mar riage unle« celebrated by one specially -authorized by God. All marriages before , Jhe divine revelation (to Joseph Smith) are invalid. True marriage is for ^eternity. Those not properly married " ' can only be angels, i. e., ministering ,,, servants hereafter. Those truly, i. e., Mormonically, married shall inherit thrones and be rulers of celestial king doms. Polygamy enlarges these king doms, and so gives man a higher posi- , tion,in Heaven. Polygamy, moreover, nmkw provision for the souls of the de parted, who are as yet imprisoned in paradise. The men and women of to- can become baptized and married gr the dead, and so secure their release om Paradise, and their establishment f^s j?ods, or rulers of celestial kingdoms. And so on for quantity, and for quality a strange medley, by turns forcible and 4eebif, shrewd and silly, biblical and ^lasi>henioof, amusing perhaps, but dis gusting beyond a doubt. And this, I ip Aiarmoiiiwu--fanaticism putrifled An Encounter with a Wildcat. A Nevada paper relates the following: " Wjiliam Lyell, a rancher living near Huffaker's in Washoe county, had con siderable of a tussle with a wildcat Sat urday morning. He was out hunting with a couple of dogs, when near the lower end of his ranclie the dogs scared up a cat, which, being pressed hard, turned and stood sullenly at bay. One of the dogs, a shepherd, oounced into it at once, which action the 4 varmint' was waiting for, as she soon had him down and was biting him savagely. The other dog, attacking it from the rear, rdanaged to put the cat on the defensive. At this juncture the cat managed to disengage herself, and made a rush for Mr. Lyell, who had been unable to get a shot in for fear of killing his dogs. He received her with the butt end of liis gun, break ing it over her; but she, nothing daunted, evinced such a strong determination to force the buttle that he was glad to lea,ve the gun-barrels in her possession. Ral lying his dogs for another onset, and grasping the stock of his gun, his sole weapon, he boldly advanced to where stood the cat with gleaming eyes, seem ingly emitting flashes of fire, her tail waving impatiently in the air, as if in defiance to him. Quick as a flash the feline sprang at our hero, who with in trepid courage calmly awaited the com ing event, and met her with a well- directed blow from his gun- barrel, which he had managed to regain, leaving her dead at his feet. The cat on being taken fo tho ranche was found to weigh tliirty- three pounds, and measured three feet four inches from tip to tip."- MB. WIIITITAM M. HUNT, was recently in the vicinity of Newbeuryport, Mass., in company with a fellow artist, when a curious Irishman approached and in quired, " Woo are yez, anyhow ?" He was told that they were painters. " Paint ers, is it ? MayTbe thin ye are the fel lers that painted 4 Ward's Ink' on the side of me cart, bad cess to ye !". THE geological surveyors of Tennes see have turned up a choice collection of Indian curiosities in the mounds of Lewis aad Maury counties. Mr. Hardy, of Portlandville, who was in the Quartermaster's department at Sioux City in 1862, tells a story of won derful endurance of a cow belonging to Mr. Hagy. The oow had been tniwring for eight days when found at the bottom of a weli iorty feet deep. When dis covered she was standing en her fee with head bent around to her rump, an evidently had been in that position for eight days, without food or water. The funny part of the story is that when drawn out she continued for several days to walk in a circle and could not be made to walk in a straight line, and it was only by letting her move off in a constantly enlarging circle, until it took in the farm yard of the owner, that she could be driven to her home from the place wher# she became so set in her way.--Sioux City {Iowa) Journal. k Secret of Fine Linen. " «Ta!re," whar you git sich fine'broid- ered shirts as dat you had on at de meet- in' las' night ?" asked Pete, as Jake stood at the postoffice door, trying to stick a bent brass pin into the back of his paper collar and anchor that article in position. "You doesn't 'pear to 'preshiate nay circumstances, Pete!" "I uo's dat you ain't yearned TSttflf money to buy de buttons on dat shirt sence I no'd ye--I 'preshiates dat!" re-, joined Pete. "You's off de track, Pete, and dar you'll stay till your mudder gits ter be , a washerwoman! You hear dat ?" Pete si^iified that h'd heard enough. ---Atlai&d Constitution. f. f .. Shocking Incident. ^ A horrible incident occurred recently near Falmouth, Jamaica. A white nian, and his wife having had differences, re solved to separate, and a judicial order to that effect was obtained. A dispute arose as to the custody of their youngest child, and this one day was followed by a scuflle. Each seized the infant and at tempted to drag it from the other, and in the struggle they actually tore the child in pieces, killing it. They were seized by their neighbors, and would have been hanged to the nearest tree had not the authorities overpowered the mob and taken the wretched couple to Falmouth, where they were committed for trial t>y the magistrates. WIICHOFT'S FKVKR AND AGUX TONICS.--. This medicine is used by construction compar nies for the beneiit of their employes, when en gaged in malarial districts. The highest testi- mouialH Ijave been given by contractors and by t.ie Presidents of some of the leading railroads in the South and West. When men are con* gregated in large number* in the neighborhood of swamps and rivers, Wilhoft's Tonic will prove a valuable addition to the stock of medi cines, and will amply reward the company iA the waving of time, labor and money. We rec ommend it to all. WHKKLOQK, FIKLAX & Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. FOB hat.IT. BY AUL. DBDOOISTS. WE call attention to the OAWI nf Meaars, Back waiter & Co.. bankers and brokers, 10 Wail street. N. Y., whom we are informed are a most reliable firm, and that any business in trusted to them will be promptly executed. They are large dealers in railroad stocky bonds, gold ana stock privileges, and can give the best of references; and they solicit corres pondence with any who may wish investments made in Wall street. Send for their circular. To HAVE good health the liver must be kept in order. Sanford's Liver Invigorator lias become a staple family medicine, purely vegeta ble-- Cathartic and Tonic--for all derange* menta of Tjver, 8to»n«cl> and Bcwclu. \YIU clear the complexion, cure sick hofuiachc, etc. Seeadvertisement. THERE is no disease flesh is heir to "more troublesome to manage than rheumatism. It comes when you least expect it, and gener ally remains till it gets ready to fjo away. The most conspicuous remedy for this cotnplaint 1b Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. MYSTERY SOLVED.--The great secret of the wonderful success of Vegetine. It strike* at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system.--Com. Two OR three doses of Sheridan's Cav alry Condition Powders will cure a horse of any common cough or cold, and the very worst cases may be cured in a few weeks. We kiiow this from experience.. THE attention of Agents and Canvass ers is directed to the advertisement headed "Listen." It affords an opportunity for yo'i to secure a combination tkat FIBST GRAND EXPOSITION of the Tradesmen's Industrial Institute, PittegoiTgh, Pa., opons Oct. 7, closes Nov. 6.| Address A. J. Nellis, President. A BALTIMORE man has just presented the poet Longfellow with two canes. How TO GET A HOME. See advertisement. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CVFJIO. SCBSMCK'S PULMONIC STBUP, SCHXNCK's SKA Wod TONIC, SCHENCK'S MANDBAKE PlMJ, Are the only medicine* that will eon Pulmonary Co«- Bumptlon. Frequently medicines that will atop a cough will occa sion the death of the patient; they lock up the liver, stop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follows, and, in fact, they clog the action of the very organs that caused the COUKQ. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two- thirds of the cases of Consumption. Mnny persons com plain of a dull pain in the side, constipation, coated tongue, pain in the shoulder-blade, feelings of drowsiness and restlessness, the food lying heavily on the stomach, accompanied with acidity and belching up of wind. These symptoms usually originate from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so aifected, if they take one or two heavy colds, and if t he cough in these casen be suddenly checked, will find tiie stomach and liver clogged, remaining torpid and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lungs art' a muss of eores and uloersted, the result of which is death. Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup Is an eipectorant which does not contain opium or anything calculated to .check a cough euddenly. Schenok's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food, mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids digestion, an i creates a ravenous appetite. When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the symp-. toins otherwise of a bilious tendency, Schenck's Man drake Pills are required. Tke&e medicines are prepared only by J. H. SL'HENCK A SOK, N- E. corner Sixth and Arch Streets, Phila. And ire for sale by all <ir iggiets and dealers. S H O E S Through the length and breadth of tho land the celebrated SI1<" VKll TIPPKU Boots and S1MC;S are sold by the million, for parents know they last twice as >ong as those without Tip*. Also try Wire Quilted Soles. Have vou seen ih^ GABLE SCREW WIRE Kits and Slt<Millions are being worn; all say they are the easiest and best Shoe ever made. Also try Wire Quilted Soles. GABIiE S(sREW - ctn*i Ohio. SALARY only. Agent* wanted, Mmle female. Address, G. B. Christian, Marion, < (tQO per Week Salary. Mala or Female. Circu- far free. Address Crystal Co., Indianapolis, Ind. E VERY FAMILY WANTS IT. Money In tL Sold by Agents. Address M. N. LOVELL. Erie. Pa. WASTED AGENTS. SampUt mud Outfit ff-- Better than Gold. A.. OOULTKR A OO.. Chisago. dj C 4-r-i ^011 • day at home. Samples worth $1 sent t" WU free. STINSON A Co., Portland, Me. ff 4 A;f)C per day Send for Chromo Catalogue. iplU-a. BOTTOM^ Sons. Bortoa, Mm- CMnp Bulla Dirrctw. MMtULTIiaM. IMPLEMENTS. CmCAOO SCRAPKB ADITCBN&OO.i «S IK*, «CIK» «.» JgogJc«. UrgSTOW * OO.'S. 195 and 1S6 E. Washington, my Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at M wT * AWNIN0S, TENTS, TWINES UNO C0R0MB. GILBERT, HUBBARB * CG.. m u> m south W«*k. _ BMrliriS rOwDE* *nu EXTSflCTS. J""* m aos 8. Watar. Chicago, SM1%. 9d, St.. Lonis, 1M lblo, Cincinaatt. BANNERS AND GLASS SHOW-CARD WRITERS. MUNN A DRUM, SIS W. Madison. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION ̂ J AS. P. McNAMARA & CO., 87 B. Waahlngtoo. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE MCKEL& K. A. WAIDNF.R, 45 and 47 Hivsr. CGWiNG'S DRIVE AND WELL PUMPS, Aft, • DOWNER A WOOLNER, 98 and 100 Frankll*. * CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABRAM FRKNCII & CO., 101 and KB W«baab«*. "WAVER, SEALS, PRESSES. STEEL AN0 MUSS STAMPS, STENCH TOOLS AND STOCK. 0. H. HANSON, 18 South Clark. ENGRAVERS. 8. D. CHILOS, JR., A CO., USFnakUa. ENGRAVER, DIE SINKER & MANFR. OF STENCILS L. BOCHE, 171 E. Randolph. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPEC; ALTR. DALY, UKNROTiN A CO., 144 and 146 Wabaeh-av. , , FURNITURE. A L. UALfe A BRO.. ao 2l», 204 and gfe Raadotp^ ' FLRASS SEE0S. ALBERT DICKINSON, 117 Kinsie. GUNS-CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS, W. R. SPENCER A OO., M State. Send fin mlwllii HARDWARE AN0 CUTLERY-WHGLESAUu 8DWIN HUNT A SONS. 5S and SO Lake. HEAVY HARDWARE--WHOLESALE. KUIBARK BROS, ik CO.. SO to 84 "'rhlgan « HOTELS. WOOD'S HOTEL, 116 A 118 FVUc av. Enoch Wood. prop., late proprietor of Wood's llotel, State#*. **RKY OORT HOUSE, 143 and Hfv E. Madison. On /he pliin. 11. M. Tht>mpson, prt»prietor. I'll*' lTA«N per day. Cor. State AM ash*n.siteof old St. James, opp. l ield, Loiter A Co. OGOKN HOUSE--Firet-claae In every particular. Bar- bar & rottej , prop re. (Jor, WashiiiKton and Fninklin. H * * Washimtton. O. Sands, prop. Pace 132 per day. G. 8. Palmer (late City Hotel), clerk. LUMBER. T9,E ro --(iroen Bay Lumber. North Pier. W. K. Strong, Pres't; O. cTHempstead,Sec'y. M!SKS...0F WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMBIA SAU- CES,IMPORTED CATSUPS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. LEWIS & CO., 163 E. Kinzie. Send for price-list. REAL ESTATE. JA8. B. GOODMAN A CO . 73 Dearborn. SAW MANUFACTURERS. HENRY DISSTON A SON,N.W.cor. Randolph A Mark* SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. HOME S. M. CO., Johnson, Clark A Co., 141 Stat* WASHING MACHINES. 7or Circulars, etc.. address CALKINS CHAMPION Waaher.Co., 307 Clark. Agento nunted everywhere. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND JEWELERS' SUPPLIES. COGSWELL. WEBER A CO.. 10& and 107 State. oenfci for aampia oonr. THE $50,000 BONMZA. $5 ° $50 100 pace Book and samples Rubber Kooliiig. •is. for now roof, 4«c.alt Fire-proof,durable.cheap. Eaa&jr " ipMed with positive rite at WK* and nave money. N. Y. Slate RooflnsCo* 7 CJ5IWR sr., K. Y. Ski 9 ? day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terma VI fc free. Addresa TRUE A CO., Augusta, Main*. 20 postpaid. HOW jjv CnnvaM.^ TO mike Framed, KAUMIS, iror iKK)k and designs. J. JAY B^nrMflML ftDd "" ™»«' uioft(Miivrin ati UI1 Miorchromofl. size 24x30, entitled M (iold i ssh, K; uit and Ftower#,1' Bv:*tricn d© Cciid," mid !i The t<»TTI> *1 or *11 if*r(t for and tb« pai*?r Uro yivir?: St-nd 3 cent stamp for on sample copy, with full parties c*nva#$er* wanted everywhere. Ad- dpesw The Illustrated Weekly,11 114 Afom-oe St,, Chicago. AGENTS! 150 NEW BOOKS ARE MOST COMPLKTKI Y EEPBEriKXTED IN Ol'H CHIAXD COMISIi%'A TIO.V I'ltllSPECTI'g by sample i»!wros, t>inding«, illustrntiuiirt, etc All art P ' f f l ' f w - w k s or. firry why risk all on "i* doubtful lnx>k, when you can m»ke success mi-e. by offering «nsk>iuera choice of Our Agents have the ittf'A? track, and are de>!t«htf,d with thoir quick Ealc>8. Fin! t„>i to send i«»v i>ariiculiit« at ottee to F. A HtJTOHTSSOS! A Co., CHtCAOO, Xl.I.S. Tbto aw TrUM Is worn with perfect crimfort Qifht and day. Ad*p;* Haelf to wen- motion of tbr body, i l*»t fdniiiK rnrinre uiider the esureipe or severest strain until penuKuently enrftd. &»!d clieep !»y tiie __ Elastic Truss Co., NO. ~683 BmncSwiiy, i„ Tf. City. Saint by mail. Oil! oir for be on red. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 & 25 RANDOLPH St.sCUfCACO. Smith AKryiinldii,.VimVl, C'., my We havo sold and used S our S«!» Foam for several year* and »ir.ln>sitatin»:fj iwnnmmil it as the best Baking I'mvdor in themarUet." Smith, CSagf I\>rtl<>>nl, Ht., Wo uso It in nnrmin t'nmiiicsnnd lwlieve ittobe decidwllj the bent linking I'owder." Its economy Is wonderful: it makes •iltlbK n»oit>broad to n barrelof flour. Millions of cane sold and m>t nsinnle '• >up!:?int. Send for circular to GEO. W. <S ANTZ A Co ,178 Dunne St.,N.Y i M # IBMCISR KESDERt'D ISELE88! I _ Vot.TA'8 EtKCTK l DcLTsaud IS LIFE. Bauds iiiu indorsed by the most eminent plivsicinne ia the world for the cure of rheu matism, nenralgia.livercom- plaint, dyspepsia. Vidney ilis- 'aaae,aches. ruins, nt-i'vous dis orders.fits, female romplaints •nervous and PODTHI d bilitj, and other chronic. dies'Bfles of the chest,hend.liver, stomach kidneys and blood, liook with Sill UartiCUlali* fl ee by Vol.TA •IT Co., Cinciutiati, Ohio. c WAN IAN AGENT in every ooum J"1™ | Frame Bmlness. " •pa. n I rraaw SIDUHH. ; TED. IPbbikk, Pnb., 66 SlOOa iReads f. Picture and onth. GEO. E. St., New York. Catalogue Free. Ra* dolph <S* < o., 1018 N. 6th St. Louis, MO. IVORCI'.S lefrally obtained for incompatibility, etc.; resider cR unnecessary; fee after decree. Addreaa '. O. box 1037, Chicago, 111. S3 SAMPLE Address THE UNION PUB. CO., Newark, N. J. I A MONTH and EXPENSES to all. ArfTeieel UN< I ufw, stiijul* as flour. Samples free. V.. IjI ' IKGTON, NEW YQRKor OH 10AGO. OPIUM and Morphine habit absolutely and epeedly oared. Painloaa; no pubioitf. Send stamp for particulars. Dr. Cart- ton, 187 Washing ton St., Chicago, 111 $250 A MONTH Agents wanted everywhere. Business honorable and lirst class. Par ticulars sent frse. Address WORTH & CO., St. Louis. Mo. $77 PER WEEK GUARANTEED to Agents. Male and Female, in their own locality. Terms and OUTFIT FREE. Addresa P. O. VICKERY A CO., Augusta, Maine. eURK'8 BOOK KEEPING KS-S33 Prlt i- Sl.UO i post-paid CLARK & CO Send for circular. XV. H. 165 Plum street. Cincinnati. OhlOk rrHE WHAT IS IT.--Something new. Sells at JL aigbt. Big inducements to Agents. Samples, '-45 aents and stamp. Agents wanted. Send for Uatalogu*. U. 8. SPECIALTY CO.. II Central-st.. Boston. G INt lWA'ri UOLIiARWEGKIiT STAR. An Independent Family Newspaper. S Pagea. 4 S Columns #>iHeading, flfel P«*r 1K.\ R. Specimen Copy ritF.K. <!H_L Free of poatagaw "STAR"CO., Cincinnati. Ohio* AMraaaTfcc THIS Paper is printed v,S(W lab i.iada tsf tt. B. Kaas A Co., 121 Dearborn Street, Chicago, and for aals by US in large or small quantities. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER UNION, 114 Monro* StMt, Chicago, m. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL -H HISTDR»«"^y.S.- "iHie ptreat nit^rest Irs tB&fjfT'flliiig history of our country makes this the fastest selling book ever published. It contains over 4IIO tine historical ^'ngravinxB and 900 Pages, with a full account of the approach inn grand Cen tennial celebration. Send for a. full description and u. tea terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHIM* CO., Chi cago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. THE OLDEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA I THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. EVERY WEEK CONTAINS Continued Stories by the lieet Writers, Short Skatchaa, Historical items, Centennial News, bright Pictutas, Fashion Plate and Letter, Science, News, Humor, LUM^ ature. Boys nnd Girls Depiutment, Hrlmfni of good tliinuti. Splendid Chromo, to every SuoacrlOer. Three dollars a year, (we'nain. din trial loat taoaUH^ Al. Good Agent« wanted eveiywhere. AddressREED, WICKKRSHAM A CO., >36 Sai.gom si., Pntladelpnia, Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere, AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. gold throughout the United States on tha INSTALLMENT PLAN: That la, on a System of Monthly Porchaaars should ask for the 8MITH AMBKIOJJI OMAV. Catalogue* and foil particulars on application. WIFE NO. 19 ELIZA rif.'Q l>ebs GEO, p. RawEiL & Co. I M ATlUMONIAli INFELICITY. Stwedj n». lief to all in Probate Courta of Utah. Residence there not required; all publicity avoided. Incompati bility sufficient cause. Divorces valid. Address W. CUSHING. Attorney. Corlnne. Utah. [AD CII C Chicago Suburban Lota at flUO eacb, riln 9HLELl$ludown and $5m»ntbly for balance, within a shoA distance of City Limits, with hourly trains and cheap tare. Send for circulars. IRA BROWN, 143 LaSalle-st,, Chicago, III. 7S1 BROADWAY, New York, manufacturer of SOJLIl> GOLD F.J.NASH, T. , JEWKLKY oi every description. 1 he stoca Is largo, verjr choice nti'l is ottered nt retail at trade prices to keep our workmen going, liillb under 815, P.O. order in advance. Over $15, C O.D. privilege to examine. Oat aiogues free. MAPS & CHARTS Lit,• sit. most Ornamental nnd Correct. Special Agent wanted In eacli township. Send for free Catalogue and Terms to K. C. BRIDGMAN, 5 Barclay !St-, N. Y.t or 179 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. Hare €lm,iaee. DONT In Cbw* hotlf*. Tt-r It. Addre< HOOD A JOSKP1 You want to make Lrfrge PROFIT Selling the best articla ever offered to Agents. Ona Agent mad^.$13 y It. Addresa, ' D A JOSEPH. India<aapolis, Ind. WANTED; AOESiTS FOR THB ibwst-selitng Price Pack-[age in, tiie world. It contains I ft Sheets Paper, Envelopes, Oolden Pen, Pon Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and a Piece of Jewelry. Single Package, with elegunt Prize, j^ost-paid, 45. cent*. Circular free. BR1DK A CO., lwar. New York. BMMsJ2.50 With 100 Cart ridgas, $3.00 :80,W»bo1<! ; every one warran ted : satisfaction Kua ran teed. Jtlustrattd Catalogue Fret. WfeSTERN tit'N W ORKS, Chli ago. 111., G9 Dearborn-st., (McCormick Block). Rich _ ... menta, good Gtttjr ana $t. Kim R I-wo years od Climate, excellent Water, growioc I Schools, we offer ths Lands of tha Oitir and St. Paol R. R. and tha MoGrego? and K. a* ti to |8 per acre, < rent will bur a farm. Appur DAVIOSOK St C haSkmS Missouri on easy payments to AL.KINS, E. R. Land Office, Sibley. Osceola, Co., Iewa. Clrcisla*' AVI a, tor how |iO to in Stock Pr invested leges aid and will pay Large' °i-ofit«. Railroad StocEs. Bonda and Gold bought on/ Margins. Interest SI*' Per Cent, allowed on depo-| rite aobjeot to sight drafts. BUCK.WAL.TER A CO., Bankers and Bntiwii Mo. i® W«II Street, Kaw Sarfc BY ANN Brishnm Vo The only complete Expose of all the SRICH#M'* inouism, . YOUNG, •ballloua Mflfs," ipose of all the SCORKTfi EM overwritten, llorn lnMor- now exposes to the world, A8 „.jwnww ̂**»***>< of Poiyeamy. from the very lllustralions besuufy the wi published. | O.OvC mora Agents, mc>n ami women, can have employment and moke from SB to S, (fi dolly. ALL LIVK AOJUITB are writing for JlYuetretcd Circulars with CAROE TIRiyiS. Sent free. Bo not delay, but address at once dDsTIN, eiLMAM & OO., HABTFORD, CT., CuicAoo,TI.i,.,oi- CINCINNATI, OHIO. 1,200,000 ACRES Missouri Lands. KO OBASSHOFPSSS, 2T3 DB0793T. Tilt Atlantiuaud Pacific Railroad offer for 3ale, on long tln'f aud low prices, suiundod farming landa in Southwest Missouri, •which possess all the re quirements ot good ana-healthy clltuate, plenty of timber and pure water, long ana cool summers, and short and mild winters. Free transportation l'rera St, Louis for land-buy ers. Circulars containing map and guides, free to any address. Sectional maps, showing luuds sold and unaold, 25 cents. Address, L. DRAKE, Land Commissioner, 23 South Fourth Street, St. Loots, llo 8EST IN THE WORLD Any Shads liilM For Use. -- i Adapted to % Ail Classes $ Send for ^ S a m p l e Cards and Circulars. of Work. A<Jt*r cm0* Be snre that onr TRADE-MARK (a fac-slmUe of which Is given above) Is on every package. BBANCH OFFICKS AND FACTOKIMI 506 West Street* New York. No. 210 Soutb 3d St., St. Lovla, 91c. No. 88 West Van Bnren Rk,GUnco. *Tftc The nen<-ii ait iele- fpaphic fibers operated by the brain -, but if the stomach, the «rest vitalieer of the system, is disordered,the whole nervous organization ia partially shattered for the tiwe W^ABRANT«S SELTZER APKR1KST works wonders in eases of nervous (liability arising from dyspepsia, by restoring the stomach to its normal Condi- •ttoo ' SdlcL ^ aU The Wonders of Modern Ohernktiy. SaraiamMwift Asawlate."" CliaigM M Seem and Felt m» TkcyOaav OMWAfterUib^a FewOm«(«f ^ •i rf,V- ; K',J* BE. SADWA : :j$t?A • Sarsapariiiian §**%: fHfi ^lAT StOOD PURIFIER. " -.'U 1. Good epiTits, dteapwRrsnca «t weakness, laa. melancholy. increaae and hardness of flesh and i dee, etc. _ . 1 Strength inciwases, appetite improves, relish CSV food, r.:: soar erastauons or G%t:cn, cds ssd =sdlst.r.7l>£iJ MIWH rresn aH vfiorous. •' 1 Disappearance of spots, blotches, pimples: the akto looks clear and healthy, the urine changed from ttetarf bid :uul cloudy appearance to a clear sherry or amlM> cokir; water passes treeijr from tae bladdei thmugfctha urethra without pain or scalding, little or no .itsdljiieBti no pain or weakness. - ; f{ 4. Marked diminution of quantity and frequency of nvolnntary weakening dlscharpea <lf afflicted ?&»t MfB with certainty of permanent cure. Increased wtreantlt axhibiteil in the s«'<T«tinit gland?, and futH-tfcma>^MM tnony restored to the feveral organs. 5. VeHow tuyre on the white of the eyee, and iheeaeti thy. saffron Ri>j>ear»uce of the akin changed to x jfsr. lively and healthy color. »'!l 6 Th:)se suffering from ireak or ulcerated Inruvs cui)er<'ics will realite preat benefit in eipttcte "" fwely the t'ongh phlcKni or from tiie lac cells, bronchi or windpipe, throat or head ; dtmiti of ih; of etwgh ; *"• -r :::" throughout the syste«>; stoppage ef • pains and feeling of weakiMsa aronnd the ankl^.,tcaBk shouiders, etc.: ceasatiftn of cold and chills. I»MWI suffocation; hard hraathinc and peroiyonis of cc-ughaai " ' * All these diana3» -lyinjf down or ansirijs in the tnorrtnjr. i»K symntows icnuinaily nm". surely disappear. " A»a.IJ after do? the 8AM&PARU0<i (AW m » deposits, note, 7esorp«d ftwarASkft taken, new sijine of returain^t health will appear; as tk* hlood intprov.'S in strength and ;>urity, disease *rt3 dJ- minish, ai>.d all fereurii and impnre • umora, cKncer3, hurd lurnui, etc., be i the unsound made found and healthy-, ulcers, sores, syphilitic sores, chronic akin diseases tend disappear. 8. In where the system has been salivated, and Mercury. Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate, (the prioci- i'*l constituent in tho rvdvertlsed Snrsaparillas, associa*- ed in some cases with 11yd. of l'ot.issji) Viave accmnnlat- ed and lieconie deposited in the hones, joints; etc:, c.itisimr <virw?e of the bt^ss. yickots. curvatUg^ & If those who are taking these medicines for the ctn» of Chronic, Scrofulonn or Syphilitic diseases, howeiat slow may be the cure " feel better," and find their g*n- eral health iiupmvinpfitheir flesh and weight incnNung iU wuipv.t--t at * ii ue \»x tur tuaowm as MVM . if not arrested and driven from the blood, it v.iii spieed and continue to underjniue the constitution. Ae as the SAUSVPAKll.MAN makes the :tnd feel better," every hour you will grow bette trease in health. Btrenfttli and flesh. The Kreat power of this remedy ia in diseases Oak threaten death -as in Consumption of the Lung* mm Tuberculous Phthisis, Scrofula, Syphiloid Ulaeaaea, \VaKtinr» l)^ponerati<m, and Ulceration of the 0lnbot.es. of Water (instanUneoos relief fon1«nl vviif iv cmhet«n< have to t»e used, tbas doiiif I with the painful ouftrflttnvi 0f n»ing these inatruaae dissolving stone in tho bladder, and in ail cases of ^animation of tho Bladder and Kidn*y*» in Ch*ma saf es of Tjs'ucorrhea and Uterine diseases. In tumors, nodes, hard lumps and syphiloid atom: la dropsy and venereal sore throat, tilceia, and in tatowM of the lun«s; in Rout, cljsp«>p«ia. heumatiaro, rie^eta: in mi-rcuirial deposits--it is in these terrible fontts of disease, where the human body has become a ooan>ta|» wreck, ami where every hour of existence is tomn, wherein this great, remedy challenges the astonistUMnt and admiration of the sick. It is in such caaes,'wMM all the pleasures of existence appear cut off from tfce unfortunate, and by its wonderful, almost supemafaU agency, it restores the hopeless to a new life and9£v existence where this great remedy stands alone in Ra might and power. In t he ordinary skin diseases that every one is mora 9r less troubled with, a few doses will In most vms, uit few I>of ties In the more aggravated tons, ;ofk» manent euro. Those afflicted with chronic disease* should parol a package conuining one down botttoa. Pltoe 1 Srdoaen.orSs perhslfdoaanbottlaa,or |1 par t Sold by draggiata. RASWAfS READY WILL AFFORD INBTAJfT BASB.&4 •W INFLAMMATION OF TIIE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THB BLATOKR, ' IN1'%ANIMATION OF THK BOWRI CONGESTION OF THK LUN'" SORR THROAT, DIFFICULT BRKATHING PALPITATION OF THK HEART, HEAP AC' NEU HYSTERICS, CROUP. t'ATARfeH. INFtUK 3HE. TOOTHACHR, MUMPS. JRAltXirX. RHEUMATISM. • / COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILlSft f < " The application of the IlKADY RBSLlisfc^'to tha part or parts where the pain or dimoulty exists «• afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half »tumbler of water, will, in a Caw momenta, cure CRAMPS-. SPASM8. SOUR STOM. AGH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIAR RHEA. DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWEtS, and ail INTERNAL PAINS, _ • Travelers should always oarry a bottle of RAD" WAY'S KK LIEF with them. A few drops in tM - will prevent sickness or pains from change of water.; - IT IS BETTER THAN FRENCH BRANDY OIL. BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. Price 50 Centa. Sold by Draggiata.. DR. RADWAY'* BE6UL&TDI6 PILLS • Perfectly taateless, elegantly coated with eWeat «L purc!-^, ii.ite, vir'fy, cleanse and strength. ,t. tt A®» WAV'S I-'for the cure of all di»:r iors of,the Stoiiia h, I'owels, Kidneys, Nervoua Diseases, ileaa.tchea, Constipation, Uoativfciu'bs. Indlge#- tiGn, !>., tn> i i>iiiout>iie--^a, HiilO' JS 1 *-'V* r, luiXiiinma" tion of ihe f Files ajid all DoranKenients of tlw Internal Viscera. V/^rranted to effect a {wwitive am, Purely Vegetable, coniainingno merenry, mtnera||k ar deleterious drugs. T S ^Observe, the foSlawmff rymptoms resulting inm Disorders of the Digestive Jrgans : i Constipation. Inward Piles. Fullness of the Blooa te the EXoad, Acidity of the StomachJNausea, Hejurthmni, • DiHsust of Fitcd, Fullness or '.Ve^ht in the Sto*naolv Sour Kructatiims. Sinking or Fluttering at thu Plfeof the Stomach, Swlmiulntr of the 'lead, Hurrieil and Dtf* ficult Bre.-ithinir. l?iutterin({ ai the Heart. Choking0* Soffocatiiuc Sensations when in a . -vln* Pof-tnre, ZMaa- ness of Vision, Dots or Webs befo,. the Sixht, Ftm and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiratioa, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pain in the Side, Chi'.sls. Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning ha the Fleph. 'A few dose* of RADWAY'S PILLS will fret^tte system from all the above named dimmers. Pric<Wa Ceutrt per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. „ Read "FALSE A\D TRIB," Send one letter-stanip to RADWAY & CO«« 35J Warren Street, New York* " ' worth thousands wall be sent you. DR. MJVrOBB** -o «!2 Tkieae Gl'MS re move all snorbxvl'. or bad matter from the ijritam, • applying In their place a healthy flow of bile | Invigorat ing the stomach, causing flood to digest weilt PC- RfFYIJVQ THE BLOOD, giving tone and health to the whole ma chinery, remov ing tho cause of the diseases* ef fecting a radical cure. As a FAM ILY It Is mVEQUAL- ED, and Is AL WAYS at com Persons "'**s shouldadantthe dose to their In dividual M natt- tutlon, from a teaspoonfWIl to a tabl espoonfrOf according to ef- ftct. For all af fections of the IIVER, Irregn- larlties of Stonl- aeh and Bowols, diseases depend* ent oil or caused by such derange ment as Bilious attacks, Costive* ness, ChronlclM- arrhcea,Dyspep sia, Jaundice salt Female Weak- table-™ !• AL- M ; ; juesses. 1 table- 8AFK. spoonful! taken meneement of an attack of 8IQK 'ACHE cures in Iff mluut<-«. YJEK- OW 8MIK°MA l)i; YOlt'TP- '! For | 'miittlwiii Liver, addresa DB, SAM'OSk Hew York. SOLO BY ALL DBC«GI8ffc TH- FUL by 1 botUe. TRY IT! For ; awpl^t containing useful hifbrmatioit all about theL CUSWS MiNUAl Of Parliamentary Piact ca. Rulea of pwceedin* and debate in delil«rativ» UNO UN. This is the standard authority in «U the UnMet States and is an iniiispensatle Haiid-Bo»iiv for IIHM member of a deliberative body. a» a leady reference OM|.. the tonualitv and l.*»lit.v of any proceeding or debate.. "The moKt authoritative exjK'ur.der of American (MSfe U v u e n t a r y l a w . " -- U H A S . . S I M K E B . . . . . _ Boston, Maw<; o. w. u. HKM WRITOItt.lO ADVJ plMseiarw<«MWthr id UiOUapApcr* No. 41 y