Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1875, p. 2

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? • W ' < ft ' 'J**: W i, , "a, •4' " • e"Tr$4K m »•:> : ">2 ©» SRtStnrg $tandeaUr. J. VANSLYKE, Ptraunrea. *offl»BY, i) 1 * IULIN «nl»i am. twr w THJE BAIj li lam>*BMAN, Director ' of tu® . if.. , United States Mint, estimates the gold and silver production of the country ,/ I . next year at one hundred millions of *k dollafs, *4 Mbs. AmuwAM Lincoln, who is now sfejinflT with her sister in Springfield, ̂ 111., takes occasional short walks on the ^ streets, and is said to be ^adna% |»- church-goer and exemplary Christian so Car aa the world knew. •V covering from her mental malady. nrf h John Manning, the welbkno»wn New T«rk advertiring agent, has failed. „n*f *«-Among Ms eteditors are a large number ici ,!! of Wattem newspapers. The Chicago tlito fH6««iPiifl»eto $1,170 by the failure, and the 2$m6g$4£6. - Tfsk Iambus diamonds peeeested to 4 Minaie Fitch by the Kiie- J q diye, ,<if. E^ypt. ,remin in. the Mew ^ Yo». 'GnsfcH»-House. .• Mrs. , Fitch v < says it would be altogether too cbnger- .* 3[ oucto ^emcve them while burglars ere, no doubt, <pi the qui viva to captare hem. • < ? . «»t tlffM" '-"Wo#?' TidK, me graatweatherprophet -Nt f St. Louis, had a narrow escape from ̂Mtoi death at Washington, last week. He was taken with inflammation of the lungs J from exposure in saving a life in the North river, and took too large a dose of ? ^ an opiate to relieve pain. The physicians '̂at ̂ etiiBfi despt^ed of paving liiafu *c?; Bni is a Warning to hot-tempered lo ;people to plaeb a curb bn their angiy v passions. A Mr. Dnlry, of Oberlin, ffcMOhfcvgot into a wrangle %ith a couple mischievous boys, and during the /•^•quaiteT fell dead in his tracks. The $«>M Coroner's jtury rendered a verdict that he died from the effects of( excitement and £eaafcm produced byth/ J Tm S?i who has ifetf es, in Oregon, e in September, ohn Pendleton, e of Ma mother, Osw. JoHN -; > living at the Uppe: isjfeaince the war, died % under the alicut of ** " The latter was the Sg|| who lived in Oregon, and thither he es- J'" . caped after being wounded--not killed-- *^1 in Tennessee, so long ago. This is a re- IfH l ti_i; >*a ,veuR MCWBi«*JUCf iwiyrt- 2V| * Db. Bkabd, the English physician, has ,<t<* taken fte trouble to show that bruins are ,*H! conducive to longevity. - Intellectual jw force, he sayB, is but a form of vital •frfij force. The Doctor did not say, because 'it was unnecessary, that good morals are even move conducive to long ljtfethan ^brfains; and that the people without ^^brainfl frequentiy have a large supply of jjjwnwb, * No one is expeoted to doubt the fol­ lowing o^er-tme tale, reported by the • Hew York World .* " A'Brooklyn wtman law* badly frightened ;by a cat some «1i months jmmous to the birth Of her *»* child. That child proved to be a girl, ̂and is now 18 years of age and married. i)uring her girlhood she gave no evi­ dence of being affected by her mother's ^ight, excepting, indeed, a propensity m to chikse mice and occasionally to sit on Z '̂the b&ckyard fence and yowl a little on * ̂ix&JSght nights; but, strange to relate, ribice the birth of her own baby she aJ- ways lifts it out of its cnb by the back | of its neck with her teeth." ! ' %• 'K- Snttsiskname'fairn&r " p»pct readGrs in the West hs the pro­ prietor of a gift enterprise in Cincin­ nati, and tt^ ^n extensive advertise of 'h^ sdfcue&e.' We read in the Cincinnati y that he has become a hopeless imbecile, and has had a guardian ap­ pointed to look after his property, which ̂ amounts to several hundred thousand dollar?.; Bine's history is ̂ very renrnrk- . able cpe. S-e lost his sight through an ^ explosion of gunpowder while a printer in the Cincinnati Gozcite office. He was pursed through the sufferings , which followed at his boarding-house by a young lady whe subsequently became his wife. ; After that he sold cigars and {other things , to > printers, and, "being largely patronised ; through fraternal Sympathy, obtained a start in life which • ^ nsade the most of, being tb-dav a wealthy mm. But now to his physical lftlwdnaso has been added a mental dark­ ness that -rakw the oMhTBan truly an object <rf (sympathy. 1 > , •) T / j at Tkk Singwr will case makes a^nxriouB 'wrelatictti of domestiff toftMierH.' It lifta • 1fae^roof:t on k haxeml Mr. Isaac M. !tttt celebrated setong-macbine Oiy*«Tj» Bia&i, inraw ofjii8 novels, reVealed to the Mtside world the horrors of the mlent system " of ti oatmeal in viskim in many of the Big!isii prifiorati few ago. It may '̂geBesaHyfciO^s^^at the sss&t in- h^uiA& eceaes so (jiapuiailly depicted by Beade are being enacted in some of the penal establishments of this country, Hi the Auburn (N. Y.) Penitentiary, for instance, the dark-cell treatment is in full blast, sad; Jttdging feom an account 4"ftif VKW«lAjll WfKirtl* i* |« ww find in an Eastern paper, it is not a whit less teirible and inhuman than that which the English novelist felt called upon to expose and denounce so vehe­ mently in his own countay. In the Aabnrn prison the dark cell is,literally a lhring tomb, being a stone box three feet Wide, six feet Jong arid six feet high. The floor is formed of a single stone slab, the ceiling of a dab, and the walls of solid masonry. There are two doors, with no openings? A gill of watejr and four ounces of bread form the allowance for twenty-foe? hours. Such a horrible mode of treatment may be imagined, and we are not astonished at the state­ ment that the reports of the prison show that tqore than one-half of the insane cases at Auburn have resulted from such p n n i s b m e n l ' 1 j . Senator H a Mt.m, of Maine, ia gomg to do the best he can toward escaping from the odium he has suffered ever since that amendment of hie to the postal law was passed which doubles the rates of postage upon transient newspapers. It is already announced that he will take an early opportunity in the Senate to explain his connection with the matter, and will insist that he has been greatly misrepresented. The way of it was this : The express companies were lobbying to get the laws amended so that packages weighing as much as four pounds could not longer be carried in the mails, on the pleas that the mails were overbur­ dened with that class of matter, and that the government was carrying it at a loss. The department showed that the former claim was not true, but could not deny that the latter objection was well found­ ed, and so proposed to checkmate the express companies by not reducing the litttif Unf ^AttkTTvtrt tliA rvf postage on such packages, and "through an inadvertance," for which Mr. Hamlin claims that he was not responsible, the change was made to apply to newspapers as well. It is announced, by the'way, that the doubling of rates on packages has not decreased their number, while it has largely increased the revenue, and the postage on newspapers will probably be put back to the old figures by the next Congress. to the boys. The mrimn drMk Om blood of their victim*, and triad to wmm toe bpy, whom they had foro#d to them white their buteta!? drink UkMrise, bathe wii 1 fal eight Aft«th«flnrt W been foUMt thetwo and wertiriltod la the «ame bet* got MlttO or #1,400, foe the Border. liaip fog 1 OB, to »ha The rob­ in gold, GhMhlie, 80,000; Docwtahke, ^OOOiOIooom- 8»>0edj Wfcr- NEws bM reacned LaiVNMC, Xatnpa, of an npriHiot of the Omge ladtaas to reaiet the mi- tiiority of Agent OiMon. Tb« latar's llfo in dat«er, and trm^w have been «*Aared to the Agency for his MotMttou... . Boa. Jubm OUb, M«jw « Sen PranciBTO, <tt«d i«*ireek.... Cilia. Patterson killed B. W. Porter, a herder, nea* Sidney, Neh„ last week, ft* mA aot he w»rt taken oat or Jail by a party at Rnohen end h&uged on a trngnudi pole. J^lpptaon wm ent down by the Sheriff in tine ioaave hia life; but the mob were detemined, wiA Inaneemid attempt we more raooeasfoL aa.his corpse vte found one morning on rraoaaoaftokl. The National Gold Bank: and Trust Company, of San Francisoo, has sospended. The officers claim that the bank can pay everything, and will reciome shortly. Joseph N„ Fitsboy, late Depnty Collector of Bevonue at St. ̂ oui«, hM pleaded grjiliy to the indictments against him. T. D. Thorpean, an indicted storekeeper, also pleads guilty. The backbone of the St. Louis whi^y gaa% .m, Mkmt- onghlybrokeo. , ' aoirr*...;'( , riien were Idlled in a coal fame nea Biclnriond, Va., last week, by an explosion of fire-damp--Kv© persona *ere MU®d and several *everfefe> iojeored, at Lomat, Ark., last week, by the expteion of the boiler of a saw mill. A iarge pert of tlie bashiess oeater of Sher man; Texni, has been dafltatyefr by fire. Two severe earthqaskn' shooini were felt In AtUanta, Gkw, and the surrounding country on the 2d inst There was a rambling aound, with a wavipg motion, whidi shook f)»k, earth and hod^es,' causing some alarm. , ~ THEPoetofficeDepartenent is making arrange­ ments for a fast mail from Washington to New Orleans....The Assistant Treasurer at New York has been instructed by the Secretary of the Tteafcuy to sell $3,000,000 of gold ooin during the month of November as follows: 9500,000 eaph Thursday. The 8ecretary of the Treasury has issued a call for the redemption of #5,000^000 ooupon and $5,000,000 r^irtered bonda--total, $10,- 000.000--Of the 5.90 bonds of 1MH, The bonds included in are of the aet of June 30, 1864.... A delegation of loeal pvaadhers called upon President Grant, the other day, and urged him not to abandon the Indianpaaoe policy. The President informed them Uilihe did not Sropoee changing his Indian poU^fJjiut that he om propose In future to make ike army re- spooinfale for the distribution of Indian supplier The President also took ocoaaion to speak a good word for Commissiofeer Smith, whom he regards as a much-abased man. The following statement showa the acodition of the publie debt at the elms of OcfUfeer:: 8ix per cent, bonda,......^1,043,292,650 Wtb per cent, bends f9StsM2,780 1 fME NEWS CONDENSED.) THK BAST. . Wtixuv Thompson and William Ellis, both colored, have been sentenced to death at New York, for the murder of Abram Welsbaxg, a jew peddler, near that city in September fast Aiusa Wauckb, a distinguished American political economist and formerly Professor of that science in Amherst College, died at Boston, last week, aged 76 years..... A sad accident is reported from 'Unadilla, N. Y. While a party of sis persons were boating on the Sus­ quehanna river the boat upset, and ali were precipitated into the water. Maurice Goodrich and hia wife, of Worcester, N. Y., and Mr. Morehouse and hia wife, of Unadilla, were droned. The Goodriches were on their wed­ ding trip. The Wintbrop (Me.) National Bank has nego­ tiated with the burglars who robbed the bank four iuontus ago and recovered $50,000 insecuri­ ties on payment of £10,000 iu cssji. • • .I«o Pegt, the RenciMKOi indicted fox the murdor of Jos»- Xongomd, at P^nbrokc, N. H., has been iden- viiloci cL». --v*.-- 3G6n in lLu hsitaiiGfe feiie road the girl passed over. There is no doubt of hiagmlt. THZx£areflvemurdererBintlie jail of New York city under sentence of death.. ..A loco­ motive boiler on the Lehigh Yailey railrcad ex­ ploded near Bound Brook, N. J., the other day, with frightful effect. Five persons were killed and al oat twenty wounded, several of 'whom will probably die. Samukju T. Abbott, of Oesipee, N. H., re­ cently murdered his wife by severing her head ' with an ax. He then hung himself, but was cut down before life was extinct, and is now in {ail The Firat National Bank of Pitteton. Pa., was entered by burglars, last week, and robbed of $40,000 in bonds and money... .The : Massaaoit Mills, at Fall River. Mans., have been destroyed by fire. Loss, $150,000. : THK WK8T. At a Mate oratorical contest at Dfp Moines, Iowa, Iaatweek, the firat prize ww.woq by a woman--Kiss Evelyn M. Chapman, of Sunpeon College New and rich gold diggings have been dis­ covered in the Segre de Chrwto Mountains, in Colorado, and miners are Hocking thither m great immber8....A severe fight between United States troops and Cneyenne Indians is reported to have recently took place near Fort BUiyes. The troops twice attacked the Indians ana were eueh time repulsed with furious loss. ....A large section of the Northwest was visited by a severe storm on the 29th ult. It was accompanied by wind, hail, rain, lightning, and in some sections by snow, and played havoc with buildings, fenoes and forests Mrs. Total ooin bonda. | Lawful mo®ey debt.. $ 14,000,000 Matured debt............ as,865,l80 l>gal tenders.,,. 873,906,961 Certifleatea of <lepoait.... 60,880,090 yViottonM cur?eiicy...... 40.687.fl9B eSrSUiCBwiisi^ .*'• a . a . iej,fl43,368r i,TQO,579,900 Total wttbont interest 480,612,681 Total debt ....*13,317,953,161 Total interest.. 34,844,100 Total debt and Interest H,252,m,2«l Oaah in Treasury: ^ , Coin.... ....$78,783^489 kH- Currency 9,786,671 If'i '! 8peclal d«voaita held fori*- |i\m dempttoa of oertllloates . . of deposit ..... 80,880,000 Total In Treasury. ....$ 184,400,110 ••Blillionaire, left $13,000,000 and twenty 55bIk children--two having died--by five „ ^^Kfferent Women. He got divoroed from 1 ^^blm liflooln' has reeovtred from her late Af fff£m ftTirl WM not i, i aberration of mind, and is now considered eu-t#o of tHem anawaa not married to the tirely free from her affliction, she is living One whom he left the largest portion of j jjjth her lister, in Springfield, lil. ' -idi he publicly ac- " Itiiqwtedgetl'lier m his wife. The strik- (hihg about the mil & that he acknowl­ edge! all liia illegitimate children, calls all by name, and makes provision 'J?1 all e t them. There is no shirking of ^M^ponsibility, jao mealy-mouthed aubter- * j^e, no polite; puevarioation, but an ^)typne$t eonfeasion of relations which f ppat men would havB ahrunk from ae- ; tqaoMrledging before f(^ks. Yet this Btyodem polyg^nmt was aot only a auo- / |̂P()^ ̂iiifantor and biiiwiwi-- m«n) bat a murder of an old Italian and three boys in Denver, Col., and tSie finding of the dead todies, in an advanced Mate of putrefaction. Ill the cellar of a dilapidated auuity, has bean mentioned in these columns. A Denver dis­ patch announces the arrest of three of the participant* in the butchery, who have made & confession, but claim that they were unwilling •coesaones to the horrid deed. They say that onei Galhod, a Mexican, was the murderer, and wuat the killing was done in broad daylight, rneir story, if true, stamps it as one of the most fiendish and inhuman butcheries of the age. Two of the murderers and victims were playing cards, and the old man was deal­ ing, when Galliod came up behind him. drew his head back and cut hia throat, the blood 8p^! ̂ the cards and table. Tha bora ?*?*** «at and stabbed. Galliod the old aun,and Moa utsda an end Debt lew caah la the Treasury ...$#,118,397,211 Z>e57SS£3 of debt Ccptciubet... . • 4,0u5,0iS Decrease since June 80, 1875 10,291,614 Beads issued to the Fadfio B*Uwaay ̂ Companiea, interest payable ialawfuT money: Principal ortstandlng 64,898^3 Interest accrued and not yel p«tf. 1,3*3,470 Interest paid by the Utited States 38,303,807 Interest repaid by tuunqportatfari tof mails, etc,,...... 6,432,701 Balance of Interest paid by United States.. 31,780,106 Thebe waa ooined at the varions mints of the country, during the month of October, $5,- 785,225 worth of all kinds of coin... .The pro­ ceedings of the Third District Court of Utah Territory, ordering the imprisonment of Brig- ham Young until *9,500 b© paid by him to Ann Eliza Young, waa brought Wore the Cabinet, at a meeting last week, and by them referred to the Attorney-General, with a view of deter­ mining the exact status of - the case. The question presented is, whether th<§ arrest of Brigham Young could be made on the grounds claimed by the woman, for the reason that her marriage with Young was illegal, being con­ trary to the laws of the United States, and that she cannot take advantage of her own wrong. The Secretary of the Treasury has addressed a circular to the Collectors of Customs announc­ ing that no importation of neat cattle or hides T: •} sllbtred from England from thL, date, in Oonsequeuee of the prevalence of the mouth diaeftse in that country, - QEMCBA^ : Toe October report of the Departzpent of Agriculture contains accounts from New Jer­ sey, Wisconsin and Minnesota, showing a large debrease in the cranberry crop by insects and front. The rice crop of the South is larger than usual. The sugar cane crop promises a poor yield. Hie sorghum crop is represented as generally fine. The hop crop is quite good. The hemp crop is very fine. The number of fattening cattle in the country is somewhat greater than last year The greatest loss by the Virginia City lire will be the stoppage of wdrk. The destroyed machinery for crushing ore and separating dross from the precious metal cannot be replaced in less than four months. The gold product will be les­ sened thereby *1,000,000 per month, and the silver product #1.500.009 per month.... News has reached Boston that the crews of two vessels which left that city last Hummer have been killed and eaten by cannibals in the South Pacific Ocean. According to the story, the ill-fated vessels--the barks Jewess and Delia M. Long--became becalmed in the Auckland Islands, were boarded at night by horded of cannibals, who overpowered the crews, plundered the ships, scuttled them, car- ned the prisoners ashore and had a big feast off them. r " A dispatch from Quebcc states that daring a recent gale and snow-storm in the Isle of Or­ leans an accident occurred at St. Famille, by which about twenty persons lost their lives* The people, who were principally residents of the island, were returning from markets were being landed from a steamer in a qoow, which capsize'l, and all on board, with one ex­ ception, were drowued. ». Two new planets of the twelfth magnitude have been discovered--one by P&lioa. at Berlin, and the other by Paul Henry, at Paris. POLITICAL. \ Thb official canvass of the votes of Nebrtaka at the recent election shows 40,000 cast. The new Constitution carriea by nearly 25,000. The coupon leaving to the people the power of lo­ cating the capital hM 7,500 majority. The coupon giving the people f»ow©r of expresaing preference for United States Senator has 18.000 majority. The Republicans elect overvthinc? exoepting *po District Judgee and«oe District Attorney. , v FOREIGN. v A Lowdon paper, in an article on the cattle plague, says the number of cases in to the quarter ending on the I6U1 of October |w«§ aa follows t In Bonumetahite, 88,000; tetahire, 44.000, wickahlfa, 8t^M; TTnifiiH iff.ffHrVltlijai land,28,000. Thnngboal EnglandattAWalaa ttierawin tar aome tfaaa ovarSO&OMmm. The money damage taraatiinatad it "' Thk Oarlist oa»attte*4a Lowli^ oMM».4o have news of a »r«ii «0flai Provinee of Nayarfe, SgHMp.. ..A #6at*' will be «5«led tramiwSi^ll^oo '|W' term of fpriaoaniut ex^rea.. ..Baglaad, tbe Hong Kos"-* ^^natohea staltH aMpmbt# in her demands, whieh Om Obloaaa gofwument .iharacteri^fts as "nnjustiflabla and lr^aeent." A Canto dispatch hjb ttia Kgy^tian away has entered Abyssinia, and that tbe Al)S>slniatui araretreating, offering no .i^Tawa haa been reoelved of tha Bntiah a«paditionto punish piratical natives on the Congo river, in Africa, for murdering English aaflora. • Tha entire squadron on rue exjaas of Africa! wse engaged, and sent boats up the river. Marty villages were dest royed and a large mutober of natives killed. The British lost one man.killed and six wounded. A fobce of 1,800 Turks haa been badly routed by insurgents in Herzegovina.... A battle waa recently fought between libarian troops and a large body of native savages in Afttoa, M which the former were totally routed, with the.loes of their artillery. Sib Jokk Gardner WmrasrsoK, the eminent English areheologist, is dead... .The ship Cath­ arine Griffiths, from Snnderland, Eiaglaod, for Bio, has been wrecked oa the Scilly Islands. Eight of her crew were drowned.,. .The Ger­ ms® ratesiens to Italy have been raised to era- bsmies... „ More heavy commercial feilurss are reported from London. Ctar-AT BaiTAii? k looking with hccgry ey#a upon the Egyptian country. Hie Pall Mail Gazette of a recent date says: "The English occupation of Egypt is only a question of time, as that step is neoesaary for tbe preservation of Sofiya the iSSbS '̂Ar^nriS^S^SmS | ton ifc t4 11 Me totally destroyed by f«te. The loss is estimated w^s rauavea of that baromi lie would at $5,000,000--A London telegram saya Aus- yet recover. At daybreak he would aux- tria is preparing, at the invitation of the north- iottely inquire, " Cm yon keep me till em powers, a proposition for gnamiteea to be ̂ ̂- - demanded and the control to be exerotaed to in-4 sure the performance of the Saltan's promise of reform to the insurgents in hia vassal State*. DeatM sf Uri Cwrrath. iMAfiwVlnriaiiid, K. jr., says: Oanath, editor of tibe Yindbawt " ' " Aot by Hr. died Afta: the ̂ t: ana taken s W^pprn ZmUf Wavxv uk> was kept ^mt «hre» mo«tli8 tgo, when he on $50,000 basL Siuce hia Mr. Iiandia apdhis attorney laws OuRQlh in Clinton, N. Y., where gone for his health, to twaad ft settlement. Luidis offered _ ̂ #000 in cash and about 880 ac«* wjMk whioh,rw*i indufxuwtijx*. ms^^iB^ejto^rOTarn fromni^^tto ^ case one time M institntinff a civil snitfor damages, fill tish% at a firm opinion that Landis would not settle naleas com­ pelled to do «>, A third attempt lo set­ tle with Carrttth atOlinton havingfttiled, some, mutual fdO^Jwye beau, end^wor* ing to bring about e settlement smoebis ret'onj. from the lfortb.5 and had pro grossed so Ut that a few days since the sum of m,min mwh.-mCi. aeormtieshad" been agreed upon and the papers <m)y awaited the SEgn&t&e of Landis, but he iosifrfc-d that Oamiith' leave the State before the (settlement was pelr- fecied. ̂ •; p Oarrnth has been fafliftR1 eVef since his return from the North, and hafe been unable to attend to any buamees, his toind bein^r constantly excited in regard to a settlement. Up to within a week or Let Us (Jive Thank** . The following proclamation has been issued by the President: In accordance with a praetioe at onoe wise and beautiful, we have been fwxmstomed, as the year is drawing to a dose, to devote an oomsion to an humble expression of thanks to Almfcrhty God for ceaseless and distinguished benefits be­ stowed upon us as a nation, and for His mer­ cies and protection during the Mining year. Amid the rich wad free enjoyment of all our advantages, we should not forget the source from which they are derived, and extend our obligation to the Father of All Mercies. We have full reason to renew oar **»»»»%• to Al­ mighty God for favors bestowed upon us during the past year. By Bis continuing mercy, civil and religious liberty has been maintained; peace has reigned within our borders; labor and enterprise have prodnoed their merited re­ wards, and to His watchful providence we are Indebted for security from pestilence and other national calamities. Apart from the other na­ tional blessings, each individual' among us has oocaeion to thoughtfully recall and devout­ ly reoofcnize the favors aha protection which he has enjoyed. Now, therefore, I, THyesee B. Grant. Presi- in we United States, do recommend that 5»e ?5th day of November, -the people of the United States, from their aoens^ tomed vocations, do assemble in their respec­ tive places of worship, and in such form aamay seem most appropriate in their own hearts, offer to Almigntv God their £ekno%vledgmente Mid thanks for all His mercies, and their humble prayers for the continuance of His divine favor. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1875, and of the independence of the United States the one-hundredth. U. 8. Gbaxt, President. , HamfcTON Fish, Secretary of Stale. , A Hunter's Fatal Shot. A. dispatch from Hazleton, Pa., . James Phillips, of Tobahanna Township, on Monday, went out on the Pocono Mountain hunting deer. TK* dogs started a buck, and drove it in the direc­ tion of the great swamp known as the Shades of Death. Phillips followed. After walking a mile or so he heard the hounds coming toward lum again, and soon afterward saw something disturbing a clump of bushes about fifty yards away. After watching the movement of the bushes for some time he fired into them. The movement of the bushes ceased. Before he could go to the spot the buck came bounding along to his left, and dis­ appeared in the swamp before h© could nre. He thai walked to the tmnhea. and was horrified to discover the body of a little boy about nine years old. The body was riddled with buckshot, and was lying in a pool of blood. A small basket, half filled with beech nuts, stood a short distance from where the child lay. The boy was an orphan, and lived With a German family named SheibeL Sure Care for Epilepsy. The son of a wealthy merchant n a large seaport was troubled with epilepsy, and the father was advised by his physi­ cian to send him to sea. He was sent off with many prayers and much bag­ gage--was to be exempt from all labor, and by no means to climb a mast. One day the Captain "heard something drop," and to his horror found the youth had fallen from the masthead, whither, boy-like, he had ventured. On picking him up, they found he had sustained but slight injury, and the strange part of tho story is that he never had another attack of his disease. Meeting of th ̂Rational Grange. A call has been issued for a meeting of the National Grange Patrons of Hus­ bandry, at the Gait House, Louisville, Nov. 16. The members who expect to attend are requested to bring samples of leading products from this year's crop, minerals and other interesting specimens from their respective sections of the country. Dickens, in his "American Notes,' published thirty years ago, described a prisoner in the Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia, whose solitary oontine- men the great novelist lamented. This person, Charles Laudlieimor, still lives, at the nge of 75. He has just been sent back to his old headquarters for the sixth time, for the offense of stealing-- a passion which lias kept him in jail for more tha half of his life. Thb West Jersey Game Preserving Society are stocking the streams there with black bass. The woods are to be replenished also with grouse, quails, and other game birds. In Mower county, Minn., an impudent dog went to sleep under the tumbling- rod of a threshing machine and waa oaught by tho tail and wound up iij| the tail gave way and came out. night so we can fix those papers t" and at night, " You must keep me till morn­ ing so we can settle that matter." His friends did not let him know that a set­ tlement could be brought about only by his removal from the State. He has been confined to his bed for some days back. Last evening he ate his supper in a re­ clining position, feeling, to all appear­ ances, as he ha 1 for some days past. About three or four hours later he was taken with a oonvulsion, followed by a violent fit of vomiting. He then sank into a stupor, from which he was re­ lieved by death. Landis was delivered by his bondsmen to the authorities, who rearrested him and took him to Bridgeton. * A Hard, Ride from Ocean to Ocean. Wednesday afternoon, as the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy train was aiont to pull out from the transfer for "the East, m Omaha gentlenum observed two men seated on, or rather clinging to, the trucks under the dining car. One of them, apprehensive of being in­ formed on, entreated him, "For God's oolfA r-ww-i-- -ftuiAii " - T!-.-. man questioned, them, wad learned that they had ridden in this manner all the way from San Francisco, over 2,000 miles. The train started up and stopped at the depot in Council Bluffs, when the two " beats/ supposing that the train had been halted in order to put them off, skipped out. The conductor, when told of the fact, remarked that " that was nothing. He had had six on the trucks and six on the roof at one time." It seems that the amount of stolen riding obtained at so perilous & risk is greater than any one has any ;ide* of, and the wonder is that so few lare killed. As a rule, they generally '-® ride on the trucks during the day time and at night crawl up on top of the car. If they are discovered and put ofl, they wait for the next train and resume their ride, many of them going from ocean to ocean in this manner. The Union and Central Pacific railroads have a monop­ oly on this sort of travel, as well as on every other kind, to and from the Pa­ cific coast. Many of the persons who thus steal a ride from the Pacific ooast went there "well-heeled," in search of a " Big Bonanza," traveling in first-class style in Pullman sleepers, and enjoying three square meals a day, and, becoming busted, they take their chanoes in get­ ting back home in this way. Such is life. Winter, however, generally puts an end to this, although onoe in a while -*-j, y^u oilt iruiu the toolbox, car, half frozen to deaths under a Omafia Bee. Fe?er Infection. Hi| of science speak of epidemic J w*v ̂andof aeari* l^er beh^^ST Igr Stib*, few drops of otiJk ""W iirto jour tea, or the- --ina<£shof strawberries.- v^fglaprwadQU, aJMhionable din-" ' In T rfmjpn • +m%t\awaa - fcwwt members oF fhef";'.' h^Wfobc)l%ito0kscarietfever. Obviously,"'.': the nafscoop must have been caught at- diliiiai party; but how was the puss- T®? inquiry, for no one in. jna Mnaly Qf lhe host wis known to have- W Aoto* wMh the abort*. Was#; tfaediBgasftbrought to tto house by afe"- «!!£% ^"ttewrreyed in tfi»-lablel f * F" soinBtiow* inccMnarn,MAMd; in the \<tVt«nn tha&r had htm m& in thedeeeertt Sbvesti 8*^® on these and other points,**as wi undonland, was made, but not with an The cream w/ "thou^li to be the most likely tehidle oi rofection) but how could aqj ono b@ C6F* toin on the point ? The cream employe^,- in fashionable dessert in Londop ia posl' ably made up of half a dozen cream*, from as many dairies, and inquiry end#r-:; only in vague conjecture. Rather'a haz ,̂ j; ardotus thm^: 0110 would say. going ow&> > • to dinner where you may run the chancel? oLbcmg Idlled ina manner 00 very ays^ tSBhafl. People, in their innocence, ai Ow 0^ ̂SWBre of the maiioor m. wJnch«X"">'Qfe*-""- tapoua diseases may be communicsted bf::." EoMKc conveyances, by articles of y dwellings, by the very atmosphere^ We have just heard an instance of th|\. ooimnuiueation of scarletJever byn»an# of a "kist," the name usually givSTiZi: Scotland to a servsoit'S trunk. A servani girl in Morayshire fell ill with scarlet fever and died. HOT kist, a wooden box, containing all her wondl^ goods, her later clothing included, wa, sent home to her relations, and lay foi some weeks at a station on the Spejfeidi railway before an opportunity oecufrec* for removing it by a oart to her mother'# oottage among the hiUs. During tliff tervftl the station-master's children ̂ h$ romping about, oondnoted their gambol* on the kist, which -#as a repository of contagion, and in due course were struei. down with scarlet fever. At length th# fatal kist was conveyed to its destination* and the contents were dispersed among-" friends and neighbors. The donalionp •were kindly meant, but they prove^*' fataL No precautions had been taken tjp-: disinfect tb articles, the result b^in# that wherever the clothes of the decease# girl were taken in, scarlet fever found1 its- victims,, For several months the fever raged, until the wave of its infection was- expended. Now ensued a remarkable ' event. The outbreak proved to be a#' opposing barrier to the spread of a mor» virulent type of scarlatina advancing ; from another quarter at a later petiod oT • the year. On reaching the former sceno of the <}ijpeasef it was arrested for want- of material to feed upon, a second a%. tack being very nmmtuL-~»Vhamber̂ ' J o u r n a l . 1 ™ ^ : , : - : : r Eggs ftir The white of an egg has proved of lat» , the most efficacious remedy for burnefe- Seven or eight successive applications of this substance soothe the pain and ei» fectually exclude the burn from the aiik Tliis simple remedy seems preferable, tjj*.' - collodion or even ootton. Extraordinary stories are told of the healing propertiq|-;' of a new oil which is easily made front the yolks of hens* eggs. The eggs ar9' first boiled hard, the yolks are then r |̂ moved, crushed and placed over a fir%, where they are carefully stirred until tha •whole substance is just on the point of. catching fire, when the oil separates and - may be poured off. It is in general usj> among the colonists of Southern Bussi*. as a means of curing cuts, bruises and scratches.--Boeton Journal of Ciuartr iatry. ___________ WiiiiiiAMt aam Haitse, -William I* Terry, of Wayne oounty, Iowa, adver­ tised that his wife, Hattie L., had le|)|( his bed and board. She retorted witfe an advertisement to the effect that shfr did not want any of his bed o.v board, or to be trusted on his account, or to bear his name a moment longer than might be necessary, or to ask anything from him exoept that he mind his own busi­ ness. She does not consider herself the wife of " any such a pouting, -scolding, deceitful woman-killer." It is easy to ;seo why she left WiHiara. I ¥• > r< 1 ' ' » ' 1 f / T4 as / . *»arr* •>f 1 f , f- • ?ty <. } ' \ 'nsi Deadly Colors. According to a report by Prof. Ginti, it appears that the public is exposed to a new source of poisoning from the use or arsenical glycerine and the arscniate of alumina as mordants. He states that these substances are now coming largely into use, especially among the English and Alsatian manufacturers oi cotton printed goods, as substitutes for albumen, which is more expensive, some substances be- ing required to fix especially the aniline colors, which are now so much in de­ mand. Such goods have recently been sold in Austria, and ̂ speciilly in Prague, containing, according to Prof. Ginti, as much as fifteen to twenty-five grains of aisenious acid, in the form of arseniate of alumina, to the yard ; and this is by no means an iuBoluble salt, 'out one more poisonous than the much abused green arsenic colors. The more suspicious fabrics are stated to be those cf a violet ground with white figures, and those printed in brownish yellow or reddish brown designs, and which are sold at low prices^ The Hog Cholera. The reports of the hog chofeti£,Vhich is taking off thousands of swine in In­ diana, MJaeauri, Illinois and other West­ ern State;, are a serious matter. Our Western farmers, most of whom have a large surplus of corn, were expecting to put much of it into pork this fall. Should this fatal hog disease extend and continue its ravages, their expectations in this re­ spect would be sadly (lisapointed, and they would be obliged to sell their com at the prevailing low prices. We trust, however, that the- fatal disease will not become either as general or as fatal as is apprehended.--Chicago Journal. • | ' •' " r, ' r- Winn Continue.--" Yea, purty tuff times," replied a Detroit boot-black the other-day, " and Bill says tbey is to be still tuffer afore spring, I'd go on the jstage this winter, but I hain't no good clothes. I'd like to git to be Cashier in a bank, but I hain't high enough. I've thought some of being a lawyer, but they say that lawyers lie ao. I guesp, if the weather holds bad, 111 go to holdin' pn office of some kind in the City Hall." THE MARKETS* HEW YOMC Hoo«--Dieaaed. « Cotton 13 Flottk--Superfine Western....»... S 10 Whkat--No. a Chicago 1 28 COKN . 73 Oats 47 rte...^ 88 Pobk--New Meat jo 90 I«uu>--Steam 12 CHICAGO. Bmetk#--Choice Graded Steere 5 « Choice Natives, , 5 jo Good to Prime Steam... Gowb and Heifers...2 23 Medium to Fair. 4 00 Inferior to Common 2 60 e m 13 13 _ 14 & 5 40 (4 1 30 <* 7<f @ 61 @123 00 d 1» Hogs--Live Ftoua--Fancy White Winter.... Ked Winter Wheat--No. 1 Spring... No. ̂ Spring........ No. 3 Spring 0OBH--No. a Oath--No. 2., Hyk--No. 2..: Barley--No. % Buttkb--Fancy, £goh--Fresh..., Pork--Xett l_ „ " ' "sx . iouis . I Wheat--No. a Bed.. Corn--No. 2 Oatb--No. 2 Ryu--No. 2 Pork--Heart..., Lard Hom Cattlb ......... „ MILWAukiui." Whkat--No. 1..... No. a Oo«f--No. a... Oatb--No. a....... Bin * Baeley--No.a. "* CINCINNATI." Whbav--Ke» OdBK... Oats..... . * »*• Pobk--Hew, Liid ti '"'""'"TOijuia' Whkat--Extra....... Astber S°»» Oa t b . . W * w DETEorr. Whxa^--Extra No. 1 W1dt»,.T. No. 3 White.,,.. Amber,............... Cob* Om Baruy -No. a.. Pobk--Hera..... ® 5 90 & 5 80 4 20 & 5 00 <3 3 25 <$ 4 25 @ 3 00 @ 8 25 7 75 ® 6 60 ® 1 12 ® 1 10 <$ 93 .............82 00 (3?a 76 <4 8 00 6 90 & 6 10 1 16 ® 1 19 1 08 <§ 1 JO. ; 67 31 68 1 06 . I as .. 88 ,. 88 ,. 78 SO 60 89 <3 31 « 70 (A 1 10 & 1 98 0 60 « 9 80 #91 50 19% 1 83 1 17 88 39 ® I 96 <3 1 19 <» 89 ® 40 I 88 m I 85 1 24 A 1 3S * IB |l 17 117 & 1 ao 64 9 88 37 Q 89 1 90 0 1 96 aa 00 933 80 CLEVELAND. WHKAT--No. 1 Red A 1 40 . *o.#8ed.......„.,. 2180 0OB» a i is OAW...... 5 >5 sir JL „ " <'

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