Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1875, p. 5

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i.L WS ,tt»M » • iimJM ft •» JtlJeiFy piaiiiealer. WEDNESDAY, NOV. !8th. J37S. Railroad Time Tab)*. rxo BOI senger e Freight... • GOIXO SOT; TH, OenertLake P&tsenzer.. - J • ^...gjGeaeTA Lak " - * f ' going JfOHTH. •:-i/^|Genev* Lake Freight.. „• _ i-'^pOeneva Lake Passenger........ , .1I» A. * X. 10:00*. X. T:«, - MASON ia ; « MCHESKT CHAFTEH NO. 34 R. A. M.--Reim- Umyw/ut:. Convocations held on the second and . Jtoarth Fridays in each month. ^«. ^ j®- C. 1*1811 &F. aW.pwEK8^., r,-'vV- they come and go. those 6J dark colored fast Priuta at -,tv . JSucklln & Steven's. •«?C • OH AS. T EL DREDGE, Is agafn in the \^«>|iaarket buying Poultry, for which he Is paying the highest market price tn R. A. HOWARD, the Jimior*n«ml*»r - - the firm of Howard & Son, Is fitting ^ ,V lip rooms over their store f6r a resi» GENTLEMEN wishing clothes cleaned repaired, will do well to read the iiotice of Mrs. L. A. Clark, in another ^li'SMumn.. ' ••£•'&*; • : ' OUR Greenwood correspondent gives d iw the particulars of the killing of N. T. '^"fiBryan, of Queen Ann Prairie, by being " "kicked by a colt. TfiEfiteamer "Athlete* has gone in-. :^H«|O winter quarters. Thus vanishes our -long cherished hope of making anoth­ er trip to the Lakes this Fall. WE are again under obligations to . the Union-Pickle Company, of this vil-r for a pall of nice Pickles, such as .SLi*® only found at this Factory, 'f'iffir owr subscribers whowisb to their subscription in wood will do v .1|n a favor by bringing it along at once. The first time you eome to town please bear this in mind. /• j - , , BY a notice in another column it will peen that John M. Smith Invites all ,. * jflidebted to him to "walk up to the ! ^Captain's office and settle." Those In- ' terested will do well to read. WE understand that a farmer, who ....-- ...iseslded near Riehmond.7osr"f?rturday JBiorning last drank from a bottle of 1|lue Vitrol, mistaking H, for whisky, *nd died within an hour. We di<T not Jtfearn his name, « o LET It be remembered that all new Hibscribers tOf the PLAIXDKALEM 1m- ..fween now.and New Yeat"\ .wilVww «eive the paper free until jatmary 1st. • Subscribers now can secure the paper fourteen monthsfor $1,50. - UNCLE Billy McCullum has left at our sanctum a White Radish that meas­ ures two feet eight inches in circumfer­ ence, and weighs 10J pounds. Vegeta. bles of this kiud seem to have 110 limit as to size this season, and a common family who own two or three are well supplied for the winter. TnE Publie School at Union, in this county, opened for the Winter Term, on Monday, Nov. 1st. with A. W. Cum­ ins, of Woodstock, as Principal, with Miss Susan Clark in the PrlmaiV De­ partment. The attendance as. yet is small, owing, no doubt, to the fact that Com-husldng is not over. The citizens , of Union can rest assured of having a good school. JAMES A. Dtrrifc,LI», formerly Agont for the Singer Sewing Machine at Ma* Tengo. has removed to this village and . taken the Agency of the Remington Machine, which is said by those who have used them, to be the best machine now in the marlcet. "Jim" is one of the best agents now on the road, and the Remington Compithy are fortunate In obtaining his services. When you buy of hi in you can rest assured that everything will be as represented. Henry TOalman, Merchant Tailor. Wauconda. Is a live man in his business, and if the people of that part of Lake County dp nojt get "fits" it will not be bis fault. He keeps constantly ou hand a good stock of cloths. Cassimeres. &e, suitable for whole suits, or a single garment, which-he 4s prepared to make up at as low figures as any man in the State, and guarantees satisfaction. Our-readers'intiiat section should not foil to give him a call when in want of anything in his line. ) As will be seen by an advertisement In another place in this paper, the firm of Smith Bros. & Co.. are offering their entire stock of goods at cost and less, for the purpose of closing their business, the senior member of the firm, D. S. Smithy having decided to remove to Xebraska. and in connection with "his son, engage in the business of stock raising. Their stock uow in store comprises .a foil line of Fall and Winter Goods, bought with especial reference to the wants of the people of this seo- tloh, andi as will be seen by reference to their price list, are offered without regard to cost, as they are bound to ctitoe within the next ninety days. In DJjs^jGroods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c,, they are offering decided bargains, and the buying pub­ lic wffl do well to read their price list And examine goods before purchasing. THE ONION PICKLK COMTANY, On Tuesday last we made a visit to the Union Company's Pickle Works, in this village, and were shown through by the Secretary, Mr. E. Brcsee, and by him the workings, iiud operations of that Institution were explained to us. We learn that they have this Jrear taken carc of 18000 bushels of cucum­ bers, 12 Tons of Tomatoes, 26 Tons of Cabbage, and 4 Tons of Cauliflower The Cabbage was made into sourkrout, the Tomatoes into Catsup, while the Caul­ iflower was used for mixed Pickles. Everything In and trroimd this Facto­ ry, although not the most expensive*is substantial, and for convenience for both makiug and shipping is not sur­ passed by any Factory In the State. The manufacturer, Mr. J. F. Welsh, understands his business thoroughly, his Pickles last year being pronounced by good judge* to be the best In the market, and the Secretary inform? us that this year they will be even better than last. We were shown by Mr. Welsh some Samples of Green, Home- made, and Mixed Pickles, Catsup, &c., which surpassed anything we ever saw at Fairs. In short, as a manufacturer of Pickles Mr. Welsh has, few equals aud no superiors IN the West. Unlike most other Factories which we have visited, there is no disagreeable smell, everything being kept in good order, whietff~7ogether with their superior drainage, removes all steneh. and makes it clean and wholesome. Thev are now engaged in rutting up Pickles preparatory to shipping, which together with their Sourkrout ami Catsup, will keep them busy for sotne time to come. ' Their barrels and cs.sks are all made in a building adjoining the Factory, which not only saves the company the expense of transporta­ tion, but gives employment to home industry. This Factory is emphati­ cally a home institution, and as such is proving profitable to the Stock­ holders, and of great and lastiifg benefit to the commun! ty around. Xmv any man who lias a half acre qf luiisl can realize a snug little sum therefrom. We hear of some who furtiislnd Pickles for the Factory this year who realized as high as $300 per sicr*. There is no other product that would average one half'this. _ • j It is certainjy ji great pity tliAt some other manufacturing interest Is not started In connection with this. The location and advantages are unsutv ^passed, and the re milt arising from such an enterprise[.cannot bs doubtful. THROUCM* the kindness of Mi-sJ L. A. Chirk we received a liberal pSeCfe of cheese, from one sent her by her son, G. W. Clark, of Burr Oak. Iowa, who Is running a Cheese Factory at that place. Mr. Clark started the first Factory ever ruu in that section, about three yeais ago, and is. we "are informed, meeting with unprecedented success. The cheese made at his Factory lias taken First Premium it all the Fairs in that section, and if the piece which we tested is a fair sample, he richly de­ served it, as it was certainly as good as any we ever tasted The douor will please accept our thanks. RICHMOND. WeiaSde a flying visit to Richmond the other day, aud found that live little town as usual full of business. Our stay was necessarily short, and consequently our oalls were the same. The first was on our old friends, Al- drieh & Smitb, who we found up to their eyes in business, with A store craraed full of new goods in their line, and from appearance they will have to fill up again long before Winter sets In. They arfe both live, go-ahead busi­ ness men. anfr deserve the gwfif £U£C££S with which they are meeting in trade. Across the street at Alexander & Hyde's we found w Joe" ail busy as a bee, and when we say they have a handsome and well arranged Drug Store, we do not exagerate In the least. You will always 'find one of the proprietors there ready to sell yon a Box of Pills, a dose of Salts, a copy of Hostetter's Almanac, or in fact any thing found in a first class Drug Storey And ^ ques­ tions asked. \ ; ! < In the next door we found Perry Wodell. And by thef way Perry has become one of the most liberal men in the county. He is now "taking Pic­ tures for nothing and then giving the money back." If you dotf t believe It just step into his Photograph Gallery the first time you are fn Richmond and be convinced. Mead & Harrison, successors to R. Sibley, are doing a fine business In the Carriage and Wagon line, and their work is giving universal satisfaction. In their shop they have a large stock of seasoned lumber, all cut out and ready for use, and if you want a new buggy or wagon, or one repaired, they can do it on short notice and lh the best pf manner. They warrant all work as represented, and as they use none but the best material, and em­ ploy only first class workmeu they tie bound to win. The "Richmond House," Frank Fos­ ter, Proprietor, is- one of the best Hotels in the couuty, aud this fact is becoming so well known by tl'ie travel­ ing public that it Is hardly necessary for us to mention it here. Time would not permit us to accept mine host Foster's invitation to stay to dinner, but then we wilt happen urouud again when we are a goo»l dfeal more In ueed, and- then Frank look out for a rise la provision. On our next visit to Richmond we will make a longer stay And speak more at length of her business and business men. j. The best assortment of Dress Goods IB McHerrry and cheap too. To be found at Bucklin & Steven's, McHenry, near the Depot. BiAfBEN QOt --We learn that porter Chat field has sold his farm a few miles north of the village, to a Mr. West,of Pingree Grove, for $7,203. Mr. Chatfleld gives 'posses­ sion of the place next March. --Mr. E. Howe has rented his farm and 16 cows, for a cash rent of $459 per annum, to I*. A. S mi th, of Boom: Couuty. Mr, Howe will move to tho village. . --When returning from Denver last August, a thief came aboard the train on which Mr. Alimm-Vail w/is riding and stole his satchel, containing some $800 of valuable pnpers, etc. After stealing the satchel the thief J eft fhe train at tho next station. Mr. Vail soon missed his satchel, and remember­ ing a suspicious looking charaerer who came aboard at one station and left at the next, telegraphed his loss to the station agent, and a description of the thief. This was near Joliet. Before arriving at CMe-ig'> he got a dispatch that thief aud satchel--were captured. He returned answer that he would re­ turn on Monday (this was on Saturday) and identify him. He did so, aud the tjiief was bound over for trial. Last week his trial came off, and Mr. Va(l got notice Tuesday morning that the satchel-grabber was duly ticketed for four years at Joliet. Served bim right.--Republican,. Jury List The following are the names of the grand and petit jurors chosen to serve at the January term of tbe Circuit Court, A. D. 1876: G&AXD JURORS, Dwlght Smith Johnathan Brown F Col It* x an John Mt-Coanel John llnrpat John Hciman JAMES J? TERRY Goo I'arks William TItns Henry Saunders Warren Unlet Ahram Oarmack Wm l'aul Frank liordwell John A Kennedy G W Goodrich Titos Gilkerson G D Torrenee Edward Baldwin Calvin Pike James MrtfilUa John Gillilan Elijah Buck Park Mason J B Ashcroft E A Douglas G T Barrows Ezra Smith Morris Clary G W Grig world J C G001 •sell U W Cornnl Wm l.aBreck J F Hawver F B Fay Phil Smith Wm Clarisy Win Crabtree PETiT JURORS, I A B McConnel ; ' John C'vstis'jn EK Fellows F O Ditlev Win Morton James CreigbMd E Gates Abiel Dike Daniel Dennlson . K'.ijean Lawaon •* Timothy Lawler Clark Itoffers Christopher Webber Jacob Allen < W W Derry Beaver Cloths for Cloaks and the Trimmings, at Bucklin & Steven's. GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAIKDEALKR The elec­ tion on Tuesday last was attended with but little interest, it being the smallest vote polled at an Election, since t,h& organization of the town. There were but 32 votes cast; of this number Mr^ Lamb received 19, which according the ScntinePs version wotdd be a "Bour-i bon" Democratic majority of six which however is not the case, as then is scarce a man of the whole nineteen, but what claims to be a true Republic:*) A general feeling of careless iiK'.if- ferance seemed to exist throughout the day 011 both sides, among those who voted, apparently little caring for whom or how they voted, while with mothers it amounted to disgust, leaving without voting at all A sad and painful accident occurred on the farm of Nelson T. Bryan about three miles North of Woodstock, on Wednesday evening last. Mr. Bryan went Out for the purpose of feeding hts hogs; in attempting to drive away some Colts which were standing near by at the time, one -of them kicked him in the face, breaking and smashing in the lower jaw, killing: him instantly. Mr. Brj-ah was considered a fine man and respected by al| who knew him. His sudden death falls heavily upon his family of six orphan children, who were very much attached to him, since the death of their mother, some two years since. The youngest four,and the pldest a girl of ninetecu.- W.D. Stewart sold to Mr. Eckert of, Woodstock. 20 Hogs the past week, averaging some 3o01bs each, at seven cents per pound. There Is a disease among Threshing Machines, this fall,1 which with some, it takes the form of "Rickets," while with others, an "Asthmetic," form. Cause, to much wet grain and old age. On Friday evening last our little town became the scene of coat-sliedding Want of Sitnd prevented the shedding of anything deeper, (so we are In­ formed) then a few loud words. Jimmy Crookshank lost a fine two year old colt the past week, supposed to have been killed by lightning. Madam rumor says, and report con­ firms it, that "Some who are now odd, will ere long become" EVEN. WOODSTOCK EDITOR PLAINDKALER.--As far appears to me there Is neithei- joy nor sorrow sver the result of the iate elec­ tion unless it may be among those who received A majority, or those at the other end of the ticket. The 44Repub­ licanattempt at wit, at the expense of Richard Wray might have been omitted from the columns of the Senti­ nel last week; no one would have missed it, but Babcock ought not to have put a travesty of another mans words into the mouth of Mr. Wray, In order to make him seein in a ludicrous light. Greenwood is not a healthy town­ ship to live In if the past two weeks form *ny criterion. Week before last it was George Sneider killed by light- "ing, last Friday evening Mr. N. T. Bryan, living about three miles north of VY oodstock, on his return from town was kicked by a colt, and instantly killed. o more cabbage will be received at e stink-house by the railroad, so the manufacture of krout, for this Season Is at an end, but not so the manufacture of a first rate article of perftimery. A compound of skunk, musk and co­ logne were uothing to it* Have we a poundinaster among us admits of but one answer after the pounding the cows got last week. Still we must be allowed to say that Billy's adminstration is somewhat spas­ modic and has more the appearance of getting all the money he can in his pocket, that he may swap it for ben­ zine as your readers must know that our pouudmaster is a painter, not ex­ actly with a brush but by means of absorption. If the object to be ob­ tained by having this ofllcer be to keep the streets clear of cattle, our ei-ty paps have chosen a queer way of paying him, since he can only raise the wind when cattle run at large, whereas he should be paid a salary from which a deduction should be made for every day an ani­ mal should be allowed to run at large in the corporation. Now he lets things run at loose ends till the owners of cows begin to ask themselves whether the poundinaster has not resigned, or moved to Harvard, then one lets his cows out for a short time then another tries till, by and by, down comes "Old Billy" and at one fell swoop, scoops up the cows, and wets his whistle. In the thunder storm of last Friday, week, George Bunker lost a brood mare She ought n«^ ^o bav» stood under that tree. ' . The present week finished Mr. Curtis* writing school or rather his term as he is to continue through another course, having one school here and one a Crys­ tal crossings^ ODD. Richmond Department, D. A. POTTVR El'TTfiK. , Passenger £i%iu» pass follows- 001*0 SOCTB Geneva Lake Passenger.. , Geneva Lake Freight 001 NO XOBT1I Geneva Lake Freight 1 v Geneva Lake Passenger ...... .£'37 r. 1il ....7:0* A.M. ,H:30K M. . CIIUBCH DIRECTORY. COKGREOATIONAL:--Rev. F. J. JDomrtaaa Services at 2 P. M. 6 METHODIST:--Rev. »aml. Eararey Pnutor. Services 10:30 V. M. Sabtaath School $ :30 A. M. J. L. Downing, 811 pt. BAPTIST:--Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:90 A. M. Sabbath School 13 M. C. G. Cot ting and son have ground and made into cider this fall over 1300 bushels of apples. Last year they only worked up 450 bushels. Increase near» ly 800 per cent over last year. Frank Foster, proprietor of the Rich­ mond House, Is making some decided Improvements In and about the Rich­ mond House, and is having a large traveling custom, Geo. W. Eldridge has made arrange­ ments to buy Poultry this Fail and Winter, and says he will pay as much for Poultry as auy man in McHenry County, and George won't go back on his word. Dr. S. R. Ward's business lias increased within the past season so that it be­ came necessary that he should have a partner in his business, so he concluded to take in a private counselor. It is now Dr. S. R. Ward & Son. The son weighs 8 lbs, and the whole ftmlly are pleased. ' S. P. Potter is having his house put oil that gray, dingy look, and put on a beautiful white. A coat of paint im­ proves its looks wonderfully. If some more of our citizens would follow his exam^>f£ It would improve the appear- pf our town ycr^ mafpri^ Try It friends. . '" t ' 4'."" k HAIR WORK. Mrs. CL Richard, Woodstock, would respectfully inform the public that she Is now prepared to do all kinds of fau- «y hair work, consisting of frizzes, Braids, curls, and switches. She has a Rooter, with the aid of which she can take «ombings and make them up into Switehee as nice as cut hair. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit the ' liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door above Diesel's Furniture Store, where she will at all times be in readityese to attend to her customers. N U N D A . ^EDITOR PLAINDKAI.ER.---The Decl- ple& bave rented Nunda Hall for a year, and preadhfng may be expected there every Lord's day. Elder Raymond, pastor of the Bap­ tist church at Crystal Lake, has been holding meetings, in Xunda Hall. This week they will be held in tbe M. E. Church. The dance In Xunda Hail Is post­ poned indefinitely on account of sick­ ness. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes returned last week from a 13 mouths visit to relatives in York State. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Barnes have ted turned front a visit to New York l d State. Subscribe ftri? the PLAIXDJIALER, the best family and . county paper now printed. Ira Mai lory received a new stock of Groceries this week. Young Hyson tea BO cts. Gunpowder 75 cts. Can't be beat. Look out for the following bills and not take them: First National Bank of Chicago 111. First National Bank of Canton III. First National Bank of Paxton 111. First National Bank of Aurora 111* Traders National Bank of Chicago lil. List of letters remaining In the Post Office at Nunda III,, Nov. 1st, 1875: Miss K. A. Bennett, John Dal ton, John Duff, Miss <A. Woodward, T. J. Bur- veil. Geo. Hall, Geo. Smith, Andrew Love, John Logwood, M, Schyler, C. Senndby, Gertie Thompson, Ole Felan- der» D. B. WARMER P. M. Mr. Murphy, day operator here, has been discharged and the night opera­ tor takes his place. Mr. Smith will be night operator. Mr.H. S. Richards, who dyes clothes of all kinds, aud has had 20 years expe­ rience in dyeing, eame to Nunda last week and is stopping at McDonalds. Anyone wishing clothes dyed will do well to call on him. Prices reasonable. W.R. Sunderland, made us a call on Monday. Mark A. Foot lost a bunch of keys We here buying Stock, Farm Produce, Poultry, &c. The firm we learn is Cole, Wray. Bowers, and Waugh, and we think James S. Overton. That makes a strong firm, which with Holian and Eluridge they ought to be able to pur­ chase all the Grain. Seed, Stock, Poul­ try, or whatever farmers have to sell and at least give a fair price.c Alexander & Hyde have Improved the front of their store by painting in large letters Drug Store, which means a large and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Notions, and fruits of all kinds, Books, Stationery, and all goo^s usually kept in a retail Drug Store. Fruits, Books, Stationery, &c., are kept in a full line, and they are both on band promptly to supply the calls of their numerous customers. Business Notiees. % ^ "-Uv- - i Buy your Ready-Made*H<>tIilB£r F.G. Mayes. w 0 Violins-, Flutes, and v4*if%, ai __________ O. W. BotsfiKfififiHiS DELIGHT.--EumiiH at Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depoi Machine repairs and all leadii machines kept by E.M.Otven, If you want any kind of Farm imple<] mcnt8 or repairs call on E. II. Owen. Ready-Made Clothing at bottoi figures at F. G. Mayes. Heavy Standard Brown Sheetini only Ten cents per yard at Bucklin Steven's. W?» evTflr° **fated flnlshedi w in be sold cheap for cash or good paper. O. BISHOP Organs and Melodeons to rent at very i low figures. -'V -- CFC W. OWE*. I haw the celebrated Bell Clfv Feed Cutter for sale.and challenge the world to produce its equal. O. Bxgnop. The Bottom has fallen out. Price* way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. All kind of Harnesses made by Henry Madden and II. S. Gregory, far sale by O. W. OWEK. Good Robber Boots for $3. nt *P. W. Blake's, opposite Perry Martin's store. ' F. (J. J^AifEs 14 offering bed rock price In Ready-Made ClotUng. Call and see. ' » NOVELTIES NOVFX.TIKS.--E^ERV dar brings something new from thi ^*Hub', from "Gotliain" or elsewficre, to Bucklin & Stevens, near the Deiot. Bucklin & Stevens near the 'Depot, have filled their Store, crammed, jam­ med full of Fall and Winter Goods. Go and see them and note price*. F. G. MATES lias just returned from the City with a choice st<&k of READY MADE CLOTHING* which you will do well to examiue before purchasing elsewhere. last Sunday for which he oilers a suita­ ble wnvuni. On Monday D. C. Malk*y and L. W. \>alkupeach received a new safe of the Jlosler, Bauman & Co., kind. Weights ii'h 1400 lbs. That looks like hn°|^ii% PApfi^TAirNdricE. 1 • All persons knowing themselves in­ debted to me are hereby notified to call and settle the same on or before the 15th of December, as my books must beclosed. This means business, and those Interested will please bear it in "JINA ' JOHNM, S>»TFL McHynry, Koy flth, ms \ CLOTHES CLEANED, Oents Clothing Cleaned and Re-» paired on shot t notice, at Mrs. L. A, Clark's Boarding House, opposite the Brewery. Mt)H«i«-yfIli,Nov. 1st, 1876. The First Quarterly meeting for Richmond charge for this Conference year will be held at Hebron on Satur­ day and Sunday. Preaching on Satur­ day at 1:30 p. M. and 7 p. m. Love Feast Sunday morning at 9:30 and pub­ lic preaching at 10:30 A. M. and at 7 p. M. Rev. W. P. Gray, P. E., will be present and conduct services. All are invited. Noserviee at Richmond next Sabbath at M. E. Church. DIED.--Nov, 5th, 187t^^. fhe resl- ence of her father. In Richmond,' of Consumption, Margaret Welsh, aged 17 years. Maggie hag been a great sufferer but it Is all over now. She is at rest. Tfcc funeral services were held at the Cath­ olic Church. There was a large attend­ ance of neighbors and friends who tru­ ly sympathized with the family in their deep affliction. Services were couducthd by the Rev. M. Welby, Cath- olic Priest of McHenry. MARRIED.--At Genoa Junction, Wis. Oct 31st, A E. Bobbins and Miss Sarah A. Otis, both of Richmond. No cards. FESTIVAL;. The Ladies of Richmond have made arrangements for an entertainment, to jbe given Friday evening Nov. 12th, at the M. E. Church. A part of the even­ ing will be devoted to listening to essays, dialogues, voca! and instrumen­ tal music. After which all are invited to partake ot a Chicken Pie Supper in the basement of the Church, which will close the exercises of the evening. All are invited to come and invite their friends to come with them, . I am selling a watch named O. W\ Owen which I have made at Springfield 111. that I am selling for the most a curate J. timepiece 1 can get. I have sold forty- three of which I can truthful] v say that every one of them are giving perfect satisfaction. Come asd thfuu- ~ O. W. OWEX. P. W. BLAKE, at his store opposite Perry & Martin's, has just received a full stock of Boots and Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, among which is a full stock of Rubber goods of all kinds Good Rubber Boots for Cali atkd examine his stock. INTERESTING TO ALL. This is to certify that we have used for a term of years the Custom Made and Warranted Boots and Shoes kept for saie by Smith Bros. .& Co. and can recommend theiu to be A No I in every respect, and we consider them relative­ ly cheaper than any other boots and shoes we have ever used. John Hefinaii, * a B. F. Peck, H. T. Dobeeiv • • John Flenim!ngt~ Saml. Sherman*' A. P. Colby, Calvin Lobdell, E. A. Beers, % Jacob Miller 2nd, R. H. Sherburn, C .H. Morev. sm Trustee's Sale. TXTIIEREAS. by his rertnin Trust deed, dat. ft i>il S»'))temlK'r 21st, A 1> ISfiS. awl recorded in the Recorder's Oflloe of McIIenrv t'ountv, and State of Illinois, in Rook SlofTrust Deeaa at page 318, William Wall, of said Countv, did grant, bargain, sell and convoy to B X Smith, as Trustee, the followingdescribed real estate situated in McHenry Countv, State of Illinois, to-wit: Four acres and 2»-l00 acres out of tho southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast corner of the northwest quarter, of the southeast quarter of section 27, town­ ship 4fi, north ran^c, 8 east, &<•-, bounded as follows; Beginning at the soiuiu-itst cornor of 'he sbvc described land, running thenee west ten (10) chains and 19 Iln?v to n stake i thciicc lioi tli ou. lvct,r«iiiui. to llu< ofth# road and to a stake; thence southeast ou thl line of said road ten (10) chains and 57 links to a stake; thence south to the place of bctfim. ning, in trust to secure the payment of • Promissory Note bearing even date with said Trust Deed, for the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, payable to the. order of John Flusky, with annual interest at ten per cent, »tnd due one year lrom the date thereof. And whereas default lias been made in the payment of said note and interest on the same and there is now due on the same Two Htuidred and Forty One and 25-100 Dollars, and application having been luade (.0 me by tl»c lejrai holder of said note I shall on the iOth dav of November at the hour of One o'clock {' M of said day, at the front door of the Court louse in Woodstock, in said Countv, sell a| Public Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, the aliove described premises to par and satisfy said indebtedness. Dated, Woodstock Oet^Truste^, We are called ui>on again t*»announoe the death of another old resident 0$ MeHenrv County;. " DIED.--On Monday Oct. 25th, 1875, at the residence of her Juisband, Wm. H. Hamilton, near Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, Mrs. A. E. Hamilton, aged years. Mrs. H. was born in Litchfield, Conn., and gave her heart to God and united with the Presbyterian Church In early life, and for nearly 60 years maintained a epotlees christain character. She leaves an aged husband and aeveral children, who deeply mourn their loss but her eternal gain. Wm. IL Hamil­ ton with his family moved Into this County some 28 years ago, and lived here until 12 years since, when they moved to Central Ills., and a few years since moved to Kansas. For a large part of the time they resided in ' Rich- moud, while in this County, and the many neighborly kindnesses and ehris^ tian words and acts of kindness shown to the many families of Richmond, en­ twined her around the hearts of many who will sympathize with her family tettefrkm. C H E A J ^ E R i Ever! I*;- .J: • 1' tlriV ^lHng-.i|^. 4*6^. General Variety Store. Read this PriceLitill % TOBACCO Amok lug, .35 cts Shorts « cts A A.......i» <*.45 cts Killfkanlck..... .50 cts Durham 75 cts A lartre Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. Plnp. .60, Fine Cut, 55. 73 and #| CANDIKS Mixed,... Me* Stick............,20 cli Fancv .30 eta Prize Snjrar ^Utd, all color# 20 coats Flour, All Kinds. Orahain, Bttckv wheat,^Minnesota and Patent; Rve Flour, Ac., b^ (Us Back or pouad Oonft Meal the same Tin-Ware. ^«ry lioavyX^warT and Stove Pipe. Stoves to Order. Printing Office Orders of alt kinds taken Real Estate and Oonnty Agent for tho Protect!* snmnce Company of Chicago, will one-third usual rates and is Oompany Try it «-Oill aafl see my Goods and hiani Prices. under the •»* * t NEW NTJNDA IIATT , Which is the best in town and will let ftm raasonable as any :v IRA M. MALLORY, Jlinida, Oct »th, .L\ "J r

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