Sim w* u t u - W • U .>&*» < < • * * " • H s T j L j r * . ' - I ,:;,.l.;-!"',>'*;" 1„" ^v^s- ** -•**4- • ,;;Vi •' . -"• '•Of * 4 /r % y i<H* ! j -;f a,,^ •^Ot« «• *• "-U .A»f •i• r/mgji mw•»*'•• JfcJeiry JUiiaiealer, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17th, 1875. jr. VAN SLYKE, Kditor. TBE LAST LOST STEAStKR. Another wail of sorrow comes up ? from the Sea, and this time from the usually quiet waters of the Pacific, whose vessels seldom founder from the violence of wind and waves. The Steamship Pacific, of the Pacific mail I A line "while on the passage fromJPort- *" land"Oregon^to San Francisco, on the 4th, and but a half day out'of portj at eight! o'clock in the evening*} went : down with her crew and passengers, a hundred and twenty souls, and all were ; lost save one, who barely survives, after hisjhardships! and privations of a day t and two Slights spent on a remnant of ; th© wreck to tell a scant tale of the terrible fate of his fellows, and noth- * • ing certainjof ite cause. The small n-""*' boats were put in requisition forescaje & r from the"abandoneil steamer, bsSt they also went down, says the surviving - passenger, from causes Unmentioned fT5""" if known by him. He was so fortunate a4fto secure, together with another passenger, a perch «n a part of the pi lot house, but his companion, less able to stand the rigors of the exposure, perished before the rescue by a passing vessel. There were harrowing scenes trans piring*! n that ocean waste, probably, which well never come to human ear. T.iere were women and children among the ill-fated passengers, as well as meu, and there must have been experienced all the horrors which ever attend a vessel foundering at sea, that most des- solate and melancholy.of all. catastro- phies. The Pacific, the account says, was a wooden side-wheeled steamer, of 900 tons burdea, and had a carrying ca pacity o£sixty cabin and on* hundred steerage passengers. She was among the older vessels of the Pacific mail company, and had been engaged in the coast service for sOme time. This fact may give rise to inferences that she was liiiRp.aworthv. "rwir itnr.ll rh« T»rojr»*- ble «*3e snrrlwor recovers strength and memory sufficient to disclose what hes knows of all the civeoinstances, the pnb^' lie will be at a loss to form opinions in" the matter. We surmise,however, that It will prove the same -old story. A vessel entirely unseaworthy, which the * penurious wners had been running On "borrowed time," for months, and per haps years, utterly regardless of the lives of the traveling public, until sud- M denly, In mid-ocean the old hulk goes down ant all en board ane lost. These startling-and herritfie head-Qlnes meet : '4 ithe eye painfully often of late, anflitis time that something was done *to prevent these niggardly ship owners from luring passengers into their rotten •old vessels. A few coats of paint covers up what too often proves to be a fleat~ 2 ng .coffin. *Welearn that the residence of Dr. E .. Dennett, at Woodstock, was entered by ^burglars on Thursday night last, and (Clothing and other, property, to the ramount of between four and five hun dred dollars stotaqp, among which was a Qiandsome Surgical Case, containing "Surgical Instruments, whi eh the Doctor prized very highly, asjt was a present to him lathe old country. 'This alone was worth $75. Ho clue as yet, has been ^obtained of the thief. N U N D A . EDITOR PLAIN DEALER>-Mrs. Sarah Huntley, sister of C. E. Warnerv came last week from York State* The funeral of Thompson Dilley was held last week Wednesday. Quite a large concourse of friends followed the remains to Crystal Lake for interment, fie went over to his mother-in-laws, Mrs. Rowley's, Sunday and was taken sick'and died Monday night. When the above funeral procession was going to the school house, some of the smaller boys were running across a pond of water on a plank, which frightened a team, they starting up quick jerking the hind seat out of the buggy, on which two ladies were sit ting, 'Mrs. Loyelace and Mrs.' Nora Tenant,.Mis, Tenant being hurt very badly. Ilelm, & Camel move their entire sjtock this week to Forksville. Lake county. , ^ John DeGrushe is talking of going to Hampshire. So w# hear. Mrs. Ann Dilley has opened a asew Restaurant in Colkins building, oppo^ site the depot, where she will keep bread, pies, cakes, crackers, candies, nuts, oysters, and all articles usually kept in a first class bakery and restau rant. MVs, Dilley Is w«rtthy of patronage and we- hope our citizens will take hold and help her in her new enterprise. Miller & Smith are putting on the finishing touches to Dr. Ballou's house, in the shape of painting. No more scrip, and the bands at the factory are pleased to have greenbacks once more, so they can be free to trade where tliey choose. ~**We learn the scrip was ordered in and no more to go out last Saturday. Law is law, and must be lived up to. One map cannot run this whole country and issue his own money, to come back to himself for trade. So says Uncle Samuel. The store lately occupied by 0. G. Thompson, has been filled up with a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., by Mr. L. Rothgerber of Chicago. Tou ought to call and look over his new stock. It will please 3rou. B. D. Vosburgh, in the. Fine Art over the 4mg«t«f^!ii>prepind^ to take pictures That's both nice and flhe, Go take a seat he'll make yon shine. Cornelius Henry and Capt. Beckley have got to running in their new Blacksmith shop, having built an addi tion on the old one. They are now ready to shoe jour horses or mend yoor breaks. Geo. B. Hyatt, at the Hyatt House, is looking just a well as ever and giving just as good satisfaction. No one «ver went away hungry of dissatisfl^;:li^o weat to Hyatt's. 3 : ^ .1 I; • OVER $1000 WORTH. Of Holiday Goods, at J. S. Medlar's Photograph Gallery. Woodstock, con sisting inji)aTi of Frames. Wall Brack ets, Kiusic Stands. Match Sates, &c.,and in short everything in the Bracket Line, jtost received from the celebrated Variety Bracket Works, South Bend Indiaua, which will be sold as low aa the lowest. It is noold stock, but. every thing new and of the choicest patterns. Call ia and we will show yon the finest Stock of Brackets and Frames ever brought to Woodstock. We also have a fine stock of Albums. Chromos &c., which will "be soki cheap. We can al ways be found at our Rooms ready to take Photographs .of any .-style, and are willing that our work siioHJu speak for itself. J14. MKDJU&B TTeoOfctock, Nov. 43th 1875. Our Bargain Column. Stock Steers for Sale. 1offer »or Sale, at rav farm, three miles W««t of the v:!!a;re of >JcIlenry, ;4C Ilsa.i of Ohoico Stock Steers. Bayers who want a prime lot should npt fail to call and see them. „ JOIIK LAN8IKO, MrHKNliT, Xor. ISth, 1875. Buggy for One hm.i new two seat Buggy for Sale at a Bargain.-"Inquire of O. W. OWK*. McHenrv, III. Nov. lst.41875. ^ « Brlek For Sale. ^The nwlerslsmod offers for Sale, th JL Store on Water Street, In the villagBre of McHenrv, now occupied by Mrs. C. H. Morey, as a Millinery Store. It la I4\:K, the upper story being finished ofTasa residence. TESKB BKASOKA«LK. Inquire of . C. II. MOKKY McHenry, 111. Nov. 1st 1875. For SaSe or Rent. Tti the village of Ringwood, a good Honsc and JL liOt, and «even acres of land. Th® hoaae Votttaliii* ton tTMims, and 5s in ^oou res»ir. Thet® Is a good froll of water and' a '.nkvn on the premises, besides an abundance of rroofl fralt. It will be sold alltocfi'thor or the house and lot or Sand ser^mta. Tkicmh Inquire of J. IV. Oristy or WwiEt LAMk Btngwcod, Nov. l*t 1375. 3m v'": .For'Sal®.^ nphe Wheeler farm, situ»t«>d 3B|rodii Hon Ml of JL the village plat of MoII<?nry, containing 3«# acres of prairie, and 8» acres of tiinher, with a good brick house, cistern, two pumps, and usual aueadages, Also 150 acres of tim ber joining tne village of McIIenryon the east, together with the persona! property. Inquire at the premises, or address P. 8. H«,whoM aW5?S» with actual possession can be had forwith by purchasers. For Sale».:JX'/v nr%« trti^ertlgn^d offers "or S«le his property, JL situated opposite th« Riverside House, in McHenrv, on the most reasonable terms. There is « goodnnd substantia! building, suit able for ii store or other business, the upper part of which is fitted up for a residence. Con nected with this is four acres of choice land, a good torn and some fruit. Persons contem plating purchasing will Und it to their inter est to call and look this property over. F. 1 HIBBAKD. McHenry 111. Aug. 10th 1875. ITfrrSnle* f ; , ASiorr and Lot formerly ovcnM dard in the village of McHenrv, is offered for sale very cheap. For particulars inq ire of G. €5. Thomas, residing four miles west of asM village, or of Jacob Story dealer in Hard ware opposite Owen's MilL G. C. THOMAS. August 30 1875. For Sale, a Cood Farm. Eighty Acres within one hundred aiiff \Jsixty rods of Crystal Lake Crossings, on easy terms. For further information apply to R. lilSHOP, Attorney, At Mnrphy A Bishop's BAiik, Woodstock, 111. Dated July 23d, r j . . . F c - r S a l s . A few Choice 'rrioroiiKiun-ed Heresniro ri)(B J\ for Sale. Stock recently in>ported from England, and very line. C. &L O^KN. MCHENRT, Sept., 20tfc»: 1875. ' • -- J^C. CHOATE, Ho.8 PMMtx WOODSTOCK, IL1XNOI8, -Mim ix-- Groceries and Crockery! •M"'- ' <Tl i V<-ii - r. >•' r. (MBm Orwui IFrsik Btuj •pioas Chravad WtaHh. Imy W««k. '- n\' 'tl " - t V ' i t !•- : nit wnouri ~ ; ;»/, -«h.. - f"' y," SfelK JtCl' - % %' *'s •• •••. - " • "m ' T" -- ' : t ! ' • ^ • « . - 4 I , , ; f" * i »> \tft rp •?(kt Goods! . . » T v : r - y * • * < : ".Thou sbalt This is one of God's commaad- mcnts. Arid sis tliat it smoke. it with such egipha- rnade the mountains And he spake * so load that it now rings in our ears* .. It is regarded by fitll ciVilined people as one of the most heinous sins. A man or woirian that is caught stealing, immediately lulls to the lowest gi*ade of society. y . • ' v " A nation that is the least civil ised is the. most addicted to steal- ele- "be wUMrf the ardless of Cost ! n.fti' #rut. ©ur Senior partner, D. S. SMITH, having long entertained a desire to #*<ff»4n Stock-Breectiitg in the "Far West," has just completed nmnvrementtt with bis sonM Nebraska, for^anrt^extensive stock Range, and is lmuad totrv that land of cheap gracing; M| in order that he may lie aide to carry out his cherished purpose, we now offer or ««Mr» stow of Good 3 regardless of Cost, to clos»e. We herev.itb§annex a partial Price'List. enough, how ever. to sntisfv anyone that wefiare sellingat Now York Wholesale Prices ^ OITR TERMS--To our old customers, who have alwavs been PROMPT in leaving their ac counts, we will, if desired,;glv6 a credit of (lO^days, interest from date of purchase OtberwfaM our Terms will be Cash Merimac, and All other best make Prints..-6 cts Wamsntta, second grade....,..,u.........S cts Best domestic Ginghams ....12V cts Second Grade do ..6 to 10cts A fine assorted Brilliar.t Alpaccas.20 cts Alarge line corded Alpaccas,'(all rolors(t>5 cts A choice selection English Crown Plaids 27 cts All Grades Black Alpaccas and Mohairs • AJfull line of Colors in Merinos Paciiic I'oplin, Cashmeres and Empresses Extv:>|h<v»vr fiist^rn WoolpWrtingSFlannel 3B Red, Orange and White|Fl»uinels, all grades Medium to good.. .....V .........18toiBI< A fall line of Ticking MtfT to 89 <it« A large stock of Mens an<| womens ghirtsiana drawers .|§ to fi,| Wan pa iierins per Roli..:......5 to ia eta Stark and Grarin lh|«,.,(i Wilts A full stock of Blif&To and Rochester OtistoM made T!.->ots and shoes at iimnufa^turers piioM M000 Worth of men s' youths' and boys Clothing We cannot quote prices, but ?narantee to'uTC yon from .*2 to $5 per suit enjfiovs and TontflM „ and$5 to JSon mens wear " Otirpenterville shirting riannel 54 cts A full stock of Oil Cloths Carpetlngs. Trunks. GoodfFu!l|Width CottonThinnel... .9 to 12 cts Felt skirts »tnd shawls ...iTT 5esi -- • • •• v ,,.14 to 18 cts i liest Young Hyson Ttea in the market. . . .tl,W Best Brown r?nd blue Denims ,.*....20cts j Good SOeta Best Cotton Battinar in the market, . . . . . . 1 8 cts i Best Japan Tba in the market.*..**.'.. m ct* Clarence Darpet Warp cts j Good 'ffieta All (irades and Colors of Waterproof. Bubbet's best Salaratns ....i....i!.!!l0etS stark :>.nd heav v Brown sheeting 10 cts | Iffrk's Savon Soap, four Bars for 81 nto Bestl YarnwideTBne bi'own sheeting--..»ets | Ashton Dairy salt per saek ISIrtt 4ww-On It is one of the principle ments in a depraved natiiro. It is one of the l-onjsrh corners of humanity, which is knocked off by cultivation and Christianity. - - . . . , . { ' - Stolen shoes are sore to hurt the thiefstbot. Li A stolen horse has many had' ricks. 4UST ARRIVED. 5TKS. C. H. MOKEY, Wishes to inform the public tliat she has Just received a splendid assortment of fall aid Winter Millery, - A stolen watch will often to the jeweler. AJ stdlen light carrier esttay. f- • HARVARD. --The boys at the depot are to have •comfortable quarters this winter. The old depot has received extensile re pairs. --Nearly all the men that have been at work on the ronnd-house have been withdrawa. ; TW house is nearly com-' pleted. r' 'J --Mrs. if. iE. Ayer and daughter ar- xtved home from Europe Saturday after an absence of four months. * --The epizootic Is troubling farmers considerably. A great many hones are sick, but the disease doesnOt prort litil. --Col. Johnson, a Harvard boy, com mitted matrimony last week. Miss .folly, of Ann Arbor, Mich., was the %appr lady. The printers were kindly jretnesttbered. W* glad to see Mr.Megran ••round agiain, as well as ever. He was fOne of-the unlucky ones at work on Ezra ;SmithliS house when the scaffolding fell. ^Kegrsii had«'Seg broken. ELECTION NOTICE, The McHenry Comrty Agricultural Board w ill hold its annual meeting at the Court House. In Woodstock, on the first Monday of Dec, ,«ext at 1 o^clock P. M. for the purpose of electing the following offtct-rs for the •ensuing year vhs: 'President. 2 Viee "Presidents, Sec retary, Superintendent, Marshal, and 17 members of the Executive Commit ter viz: one from each town in the eounty. and for the transaction of mieh other business as lawfully comes before the meeting. All who hold member ship tickets for 1875, and all life mem bers, are entitled each to one vote. JAMES CROW p"-vH«nt ASA IV. SwiTir Secretary. --T Wsodstoek, Nov. is, 1875. Consisting of the Latest Styles of Hats, Bon nets, Flowers, Silks, Velvets,ltibbons, Laces, Embroideries, Ties, Ac., &c., in fact every thing in the Millinery line, liwn't fail to call and examine Prices, Stvles and Quality of Goods, Avhicli DEFY COMPETITIOX. Bride Block, 2d Door North of Colby's Drug Store, MoHENRY, - • ILLIieOIB. A pair mittens obtained in ; ;his way will give 110 comfort to he possessor; but will burn his lingers in summer and freeze them in:^iator^v;.m,..,..^,; 1 ' ' , , If in an ttngnarded moment * _>erson should be so unfortunate as to take anything by stealth, the only right way is to go back with the article, acknowledge the fault, and ask forgivness. The loss of the article to the owner, is nothing compared tp the DISSOLUTION. TMTflnn ofCowUn, Dwipht h Ccu Is , this day disHolved by mutual consent, W. It. Cowlin retiring fiom the firm. All acnunts dne ns will he collected and receipted for by W. H. Hwiirlit. All persons knowing them selves indebted to ns will please cail a«4 set tle immediately, as w« wish to dose up all ac counts right off and must have our money, W, II. Oowbix, W. H. DWIOHT. Woodstock, Nov. 4th, 1878. LAST CALfcu The affairs of the late firm of Owen & Bros, are being closed, and we warn all persons indebted to us to pay up at once, or we shall make them cost. E. M. OWEN, Servicing Partner. McHanrj, Xov. 10 th, 1875. N E W F I R M ! New Goods! And New Prices. ..y 't. PAirriCTTLAR NOTICE. All persons icitowing themselves in debted to me are bene by notified to call and settle the .same on or before the 15th of December, as my books must beolosed. /4"'1*8 means business, and McHenry, Nov 9th, 1875 _ ^"Tb rMaaonAc ball was well attended, I those interested will jfioase bear it In very ̂ e«ea*t affair withal. The Lm]nd. -loiixjtf. SMITH ' - ™ -fl^eftded supper Ayert Hotel, was <HM«of the features «f the evening, and liM^lved full justice from all the par- tt«ker8. ' ; •^Uncle jTohn ^lAee, one of the old •neidents of Ha§ v«,r«|, died last week at 'the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Bobt. Gardner. ?Uo«fle.3«hn had been failing for a long tiqa^, ft»d hie death, ^UlOHgh eadden, was ftfrt upe^yeeted.; ; V;.' }&». CnUOTHES CWAN W Gents Clothing Cleaned a Be- :®:<"i|»ireCl on<shoit notice, at Mrs. Tu. A. ^Clark's Boarding House, opposite 4he 111. Nov. lst.!1875# Brewery -F. G. Mayes has just returned from <the City with a choice stock of READY JMEADE CLOTHING, which you will well to^eyawiae before purchasiuj; JOS. WIEDEMANN SALOON and RESTAUJRANT (8noces«or» to Otnrlin, l>Wkfht A Cto.,) Bhrae oa ha««l a T«y Large and weU selected Boots, Shoes, --A5»I>-- Rnbtoer .•4P.A*H: . t* 1 OornerMaln Street ud p^Uc Sqaltre WOODSTOCK, ILL. •' I Don'T I Board at Wiedemann's | Bat wish I Di4 Near the Depot, McHenry, III, .SflTWe also keep the Celebrated Milwaukee * #4 baud. need will lead the eifav in ,,^r.-1 " '/f;/ e are authorized by tlie owners of the Store trr ofler it for Kent. an<£ will give possession iutiine for tlie early Spring Trade, Will *efl'our Stores Furniture uud^isUireg very,.and on Easy Terms. UK 1J .1) Si, Siiiitli Bros. &, Od ' ' •' ' Mi •" ' McIIenryy JCor*. 1V:i • i l l - , l«tl875. > •hi1') •V'fjiia t • : 1 < > ' .'t-'Wi I'Kj • parties IhrTe"bte«t to^tis by N«tp of warfiwietly rrrqnnitf.. cd to make immediate settlement, as our accounts nlmt and sfiaiT tt*r closed. Smith Bros. & Co. -3K Fall and ,Winter Trade. oss of selt-rcspect and ruin character by the unfortunate. of I shall havea iinestock of goods ;br the holiday. I am Jmyinff cash Eggs and Jroultrj'. for Butter, My coffees ways ppre. , self. / and spices «re al- l gf|ud theui my- Coffec ground adulteration. ! fteih and no 1 am determined to supply pay customers with the beat and most NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. Are now prepared with a full and well selected Stock of Goods, and aro» continually receiving large additions from New York,-Boston and other mar kets. and are offering them at Lower Prices than ever before noted in the history of Mcllenry. IN DBESS GOODS, Are found Alpaceos, Armui-.s, Jonasy Bcp^l^oplluSf Ijtistree. Plaids, Empress Cloths. &c. * New Styles -Kepellants, Flannels of all kinds. Edgings. Laees. Fringes^ Trimmings, Buttons, Collars, Cufl's, Silk Ties, the best Dollar Kid Gloves, Ber lin Glove?, Hosiery, Nubias, Scarfs, Felt and white Skirts, Tncking, Veil!!* Shawls, Fancy Articles audvNotions of all kinds. Table Linen, Napkin^ Tow* cling, Blankets and Bedspreads. Clothing for Men and Boys. Hats and Caps, For the Winter's cold. Boots and ShoeSi a full Line, and Rubber Goods. Crockery and Glmsis-Ware. Choice Groce ries and fine Teas a Specialty. Canned reaches by the Case. In fact every- thing usually called for in a GENERAL STOCK, and for Cash or Beadv Pay WE will not be UnderscM. f&rThe Highest Market Price in Cash or Goods for Produce. BUCKLIN «r STEVENS. McHenry, 3U.t 0et. 27th, 1879. desirable goods. / XMJLJ one about to buy erbekery and want the newest styles, can find it at No, 8 Phoenix Block. J. C. CHOAT .̂ E.. M c H E N R Y , THE McHEHRY B A K E R Y , '--AND-- RESTAURANT. P. BEST, - - Proprietor. Estrajr flotioe. /1AME Into the enclosure *f the nnderSigaed \J on or about the 2Cth of September last, a Yearling Steer; White with a bob tall. The owner is hereby notified t® prove property, pay charges aod take him awav, „ „ JOHX W, SMITH. McHenry, Nov. Kfr.1876. H»Ting cmen«d a New Bakery Mid fieetaa- rant In tne y Wage of Mf Henry, the *ul»oWber would inform the public that he^ i» now pre- pjtred td furnMi tbetn with 1 Freeh Bread, Cake*, Pie* Ac. Of the best qnabity and at the lowest rates. We also keep a Ane Stock of „ Coufeotionei^j 1 Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, A<*>, to •which we invite the attention of the public «»~Bakery In Howe's Block, opposite the McHenry House. F. BEST. McHenry, Oct. 5th, 1S75. O W E H , - . . - * ILLINOIS, General Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in th* Leading Farm Machinery. JT,Ieprwe^ the f0"°wing: The Celebrated NICHOLS, SHEI ARD & CO. Vibrator Threshers and Mounted Powers. Also the AULT- MAN .fc OO. Sweepstake Thresher. AH the leading make of PLOWS. Tb» •unrivaled Vandiver and Qnincy COR3J PLANTERS. * . InCOMB1XED win he found the PEERLESS the EMPIRE MOWER and LABOR SAV ING MARhll HARVESTER, BERTRAXD & SAMES ROCKFORD SULKY CUJ/11XA ?ITTITOT LI^GSWOKTff Sulky Rakes, HAMILTON Sulky Rakes, Hollow Tooth Harrows, Garden and Railroad Wheelbarrows, Lumber WagoM, •v/'i Prices Low and Favorabfe Terrfis. CASH and CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stock and oom]Hpp|}' Quality and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same quality of Machinery* McHenry, I11M Jnly 87th 1879. Ma