Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1875, p. 5

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f t . Jf ^ 3*4- <\ jfl> .«*#& „/- t-*rt? *«| -^: <f * -a .»f w ^1 wui*** «8-' » . Ani-i*, ., J;. . _ i" imi i K l ;-? ^ irniwa g*"1 "•*'•* •mill WHH / W^DNESDA' NOV. 17th. 1875. Railroad Time Table GOING SOL'TH. »*•• XX, ^ CteWTftLtke Passenjrer ".• «v • 7* Geneva Lake Freight GOING NORTH. Geneva Lake Freight .10:00 A. K. Genera Lake Passenger "..7-06 K m. A. ft r. M. MASOXIC. McHitwuv CHAPTER NO. 34 R. A. M.- Remi- K^u0£I<? ^n8 Jield on the second and fearth Fridays tn each month. « a W. Ow U eft.. H. a ISISHIL P. CHURCH DIRECTORY. _ METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sunday mornini? at 1«X A. M. Sunday School at 12 A. M. II- C. Irish, Super­ intendent. Services at llinpcwood at 3 P. M. G. T. HOWE removed to Chicago last week, where we understand! he intends openings boarding House;. ^ IET !t be remembered that all new subscribe re to the PLAIKDK.VLKH be­ tween now and New Year's will re­ ceive the paper free until January 1st. THE Woodstock Dancing Club give their second party at National Hall, in that city, on Friday evening of this week, the lOth,̂ • WE have a new advertisement ft>r D. C. Mallory, Nun da, which is unavoida- My crowded out this week, but will appear In omr next. " c Til ANKSGIVINU is set down tor the ttth Inst.'and the Turkeys, as they sit on the apple tree bough*, are counting the days with their toes. ' Ai will be seen by a notice In our Bursalii Column, John Lansing, who re- altlt*M three miles West of this village, vftiw fw sale 140 head of stock steers. J. B, PKKKY of the tirm of Perry & Mart In, starte<] East on Monday mor­ ning last, having received a telegram lnfortnlug him of the dangerous illness ofhla mother. : " "": v*;i \ - WE would call the atteution of" our readers to the professional , cards of Doctors Bennett and Buck, Woodstock, to be found on the flret page of this paper. O. BISHOP, at hSsWafehtMw? |a THU Village, hasthe celebrated Belle City rand Star Feed Cutters #w sale, whicli are acknowledged by all be the best now iu use. Call aiid-.see*them. -• ; * rf J. C. CHOATK, the enterprising Oro- ceryman at No. 8 Ph«Enix Block, Woodstock, has taken posession of a column In the PLAIKUKALKU this week, which our readers in that section will do well to read. A notice of the Annual Meeting'of the McHenry County. Agricultural Board, can be found In another column. The meeting will be held on the Ofck dny of December, at which time the otfeers for the eusuiug year will be elected REV. J. T. Coopipt, has been appoint­ ed by the Rock Hiver Conference, as Pastor of the M. E. Church, in this vil­ lage and Ring wood, instead of Rev- Mr. Triggs, as heretofore announced. Mr. Cooper commenced h2s labors «au Sunday last. , . THE farmers in this section are .com­ plaining of the lack of help,tthe -wet weather early in the fall having put their work back so thai it now seems almost impossible to get It ftirtshed before it freezes up. They are offering good %v&ges- and iiiany are unable to And help at any priee. THROUGH the politeness of Frank Donnelly, of the General Store Wood­ stock,"we shall be able to keep our nese clean for some time, as those handker­ chiefs were of the flneet Jhien and ready for use. It we ever cafcc&i Frank away from home in a like predicament, we will try and serve iiim equally as well. THB following ie.tohi. lnut we doubt it!--A woman <cu*ed her husband of staying out late at nights "by going to the door when he came home and whis­ pering throughitheikey-bole, "Is tlia' yon, Willie y Her husband's name is John and he stays ait Ivwaie everv night •tow, and sleepsNrith one eye open and • revolver under his pillow. B. A. F«HD, Photographer of this village, has takes .& fine view of Jos. Wiedemann's Restuarant and Boarding House, wear the Depot. The Picture is 8x12, giving a view of his entire Wiildings, with quite a number of fa­ miliar faces in the foreground, and below is a line reading4'Jos. Wiedemann entertaining his friends," It is one of Ford's best. Miss CLARA B. OWEN, of this village, la new engaged Painting some very superior pictures, whieh we had Inten­ ded to speak of at length this week, but time and space will not permit, but shall do so next. As we have before said, Miss Owen has few equals and no superiors as ;a Portrait Painter, and anyone who loves to see a line Pain­ ting should not fail to call when in McHenry. THERE are lightning rod men around. What have we done that Providence should again afflict us in this way? It |a a calamity, unfortunately, which cannot, like the smallpox, be stayed by vaccination, nor can it be quenched with water, like ^conflagration. nor can it be overpowered by armies, like aTgbelUpn. Let the lightning strike as if it must,.but save, oh save .us jfrpm thellghts*iyjr0d^e&1 Ws had always supposed that behind the screens one sees strung across the back end df a dress-making establish­ ment was where they kept the wood box and coal scuttle, and innocently enough we started to go behind one the other day, to spit. No* it wasn't a ghost, for ghost don't yell so, or jump over a cord of boxes and try to hide behind a spool of thread, but there was enough of something behind them to keep us in the front part of the shop after this. WE are under obligation to Bobert Wright, of this village, for a copy of the Weekly News, pnbl ished at Auck­ land, New Zealand. It is a large twen­ ty-four page, five column paper, and contains reading matter enough to keep a whole family in reading for two or three days. In it we learn that in Oc­ tober they held their Floral Fairs and in January their Summer Races?, by which we conclude that the climate is a trifle milder at that time of the year than in McHenry county; W*. E. SMITH, late Postmaster at Woodstoek, and formerly the Edi tor and Proprietor of the Sentinel^ has pur* chased the interest of C. E.'Irwin, in the Drugstore of Wright & Irwin, In that city, and the mm is now Wright & Smith. Mr. Smith has experience in the business, and with his extended acquaintance and well known b.isiness qualifications, this already popnlar Drug House will loose none of its for­ mer popularity under the charge of the new Arm. His many friends «in this county wish him success. v THE Public school in this village closed the Fall Term on Friday last, and will have a vacation of one week, opening for the Winter Term on Mon­ day next, the 22d. It Is the general remark among our citizens that we are having one of the best schools taught in McIIenry for several years. The Principal Mr. Baldwin, is sparing no pains to bring the school up to a high standard, and we are glad to know that with the aid of his assistant Teachers, Is succeeding to the satisfaction ot the patrons of the school. As, will be seen by a notice el^uwfccre the firm of Cowlln, Dwfglit & Co.. Boot ««d Shoe dealers, at Woodstock* has foeeti dissolved,"Mr. Cowliu retliiiijg, and the firm 1s now DwigWt & Forrest. | Mr, Cowliu was induced to sell ojut on, account of •continued poor heitlt'li, lie1 having bef« confined to the house al­ most ibe AUtf lre time for the past year, from a disease contracted while 1n Libby Prlsoi and AufcrsonviUc duriug the war, and which he thinks in ay be helped by a change of business. Tlie new firm are both well known, and speak for themselves through an ad­ vertisement* to fee fouu<l iu another cola ui n. SCHOOL REPORT, In presenting the standing of the pupils Iu the higher department of the McHenry Public School,, we deem a few explanations neoessary. The stan­ ding given B an average of their standiugs in the written examinations, held at the middle and close of the term, and as recorded in the class reg­ ister during the last month. In mar­ king the attendanceftwo tardy marks have been counted as one absence.-- The first column denotes Scholarship and the last Atten dance. Jennie Reprs.. .W KWI Paul Brown »l 100 i Maggie Clark..,97 W0 AlmnnGransrer.02 100 Frn n k McOm f>er70 wo Grace Owen...,95 Mi Jennie Searles. ,P2 100 Mabel Smith ...91 1»* Chas Slnfter 97 Kloi^e Wtiito 97 100 Clara Wiyrhtmar. SO W Klla Kelter 4?0 WO Mary Knox 90 100 Chas Going SO 100 Stiu y Ctark 00 100 Kate Kelter. ...8S 0(5 i l>elos Watties..98 100 Ettsc Beers... .94 fr' ; ICiHe t'artisa 94 Wj Ada Gmnger... .98 100 j Nattie MrOnibor 92 S3 Mary HOSFLIN....98 C Madden W Addle MeOmber 97 R MeOmber 77 Curl Ralston 90 F.ffle Tiltrtin 75 Kttie Torrance.SW t'TWt (ii)'son 75 Magscii- Knox...S5 K Perkins.. . ..9:1 Aug Fisher 90 Chas Fay 75 Henry Hogan.. .70 K Ho»en'K«rg®r..80 II Curtirtp. .....90 Chas Owen.... ..S4 E<Edv Owen 70 S Iie5*kwith....&0 Hattifi Tiltou..,!W W Caffrey^ 90 84 90 SS 7S ss *2 100 40 #2 66 S5 90 98 7s 78 64 as 100 Jessie Wigktnt&n87 100 We also give a list of the visitors during the past term. J(. A. Baldwin, Crystal Lake,6. S Cook, Chicago, Alex. Gardner, Woodstock, H. R. Baldwin, Greenwood. F. K. Granger, McHenry J. M. Smith. McHenry, Mrs. O. W. Qwen, McHenry, Miss C. Owen, McHen­ ry, James Faulkner, Ring wood. We hoi»e all the patrons arid friends of the school will feel it a pleasure, as well as duty, to call in and see us at our work. Don't be afraid of disturbing us but call In, if for uo more than an hour. Show us by your presence and encouraging words that you feel interested in its progress, and will stimulate us 'to greater -exertions./ \ ... ;f s. kBAu»wi^'^iih#rr"^ Nor. 12th WT5. " AT the close of the FaH Term of tlie Public School on Friday last, Mr. Bald­ win, the Principal, gave two Prizes* one for Scholarship, and the «tlicr for Deportment, the first being won by Miss Mary llogan and the last by Miss Grace Owen. The Prizes were eai'h a large Picture of the School BuHdi«g with the Scholars and Teachers as­ sembled in front. The pie ttires were taken by Ford, aud like all pictures that come from his. Gallery, cannot be beat. Unlike most out-door pictures the faces ©f the scholars are all plain and recognizable,<which makes it even more t«be prised by the recipients. 3t !sjfc.rr"..eent which any scholar might be-proud of. , TJIE Wood»tock DramBtic Asdoeia- tion, »'-e learn, will give their tiext«n- tertainment some time next week, probably on Thursday evening, at which time they will/ present the beautiful Drama of "Dora," and the roariug Farce of*4Put Him Out.*1 This Association has a reputation sceoud to no amateur organization of tin; kind in the West. Many good judges, who have at fended their former entertain­ ments pronounce ithem *^u*l to many seen iu the large cities. They have the best of scenery lind ane .Constantly adding to it as they uee4 it for the Aiflerent plays; in fact awe sparing no pains to keep the Association up to t)»e high standard to which "it has attained. The two plays which itliey are now rehearsing are excellent ones, and no lover of the play should fail to see them. We shall, in our next, give the exact date of their entertainment. i. JEHNIMQ«U ill now canvassing in this part of the country for a book en­ titled "Sacred Biography and History," three books iu one, containing a de­ scription of Palestine, and modern; lives of the Patriarchs, Kiugs, and Prophets^ of Christ and the Apos­ tles, and of the most eminent Reform­ ers; Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc., to­ gether with a description of the ruins of the celebrated cities, Palmyra, Niiwv veh, Jerusalem, Babylon, &c., and a full account of the recent wonderftil dis­ coveries in the Holy Land. Edited by Rev. O. Tiffany, D. D., Author 0/ "American in China," "Brandon, or a Hundred Years Ago," etc , Embel- ltefeed with numerous beautiful steel engravings. Illustrating prominent Bi­ ble characters and events and views from the Holy Land, true to nature, l^y the most eminent artists. This is a very valuable work and wp have no douht will meet with a ready sale. We advise ot}r readers, when Mr. Jennings -calls,to give the book a careful exami­ nation. Ox Wednesday evening last a pleas­ ant surprise party visited the residence of A. H. Hanley, and all report an eve­ ning of real enjoyment, Mr. Hanley has lately finished a new resilience which is large and commodious, and although surprised he took In the situa­ tion at :i giaace and made everybody feel at home at once. T3ie party broke up iu the "wee sma' IIOUIT," and all went houie feeling better with them­ selves and the rest pf mankind for having for- onoe laid by the cares of business and had a social tiine wicii friemt* and acquaintances. And lvere let us say. we hope tU»se occasional gatherings will be kept up diirlngthe entire wlntet*. We want more socia­ bility among friends and neighbors. If families are shut up within them- •sclves our commtmity soon beobmes (ndiflereiit to all things of a social nature, selfish aud morose, and we find ourselves indifferent to all around us. I^etus have more sociability. Let us Mt apart at least one evening every two weeks for a social gathering of this kind, at the house of sotnc friend or neighbor, and then laying all busi­ ness .aside devote it tosociai enjoyment. It is & duty W£ owe to ourselves as a community, and it cannot help being a benefit to aU. Real Estate Transfers. ' Conveyances filed in the Recorder's Office >of McHenry County, Illinois, for tfce vfeek .commencing November 8th, and ending November 13th, A. D. 1875: Cornelius Hallasy. Sen. and John Hal- lasy fco Dennis Quiulaiu 145 acres in sections 21 and 22, 45, 6. $3,200. Devnis Quinlan and wife to Walter Evan*. ot Ettst half, aw, 45,6, 9I,5(Hi G Iles Parki-r to Livingston Parker 10 acn&e in rtw se, 0,46,5, $20U»" L. E. Parkerto O W Horton, $200 Olirer P Mead and wife to Cyrus Per kins. S\v .?\v (juarter. 2,55,6, ,400. John Gibbons and wife to John Rogers. Lot 1 blk 7, E t Smith's addir tion to Woodstock, 8400. O 3 iloward and wife to Fre d Selmorr. Part of lot 8 blk-4, west McHenry, .$150. Plat ol O XV Owen's i»ut lots to Mc­ IIenry, in sw quarter.20, 45. 8. Clte*terH<01mstead and wife to Jacob Talbot., 2d. Page property, Marengo, ^2.T>00. _ ^lebeHWe Draper to Orvlile A Tripp. S | lo* T sec (i. n J Jot 1, sec 7, all iu 44, 5, #2,4flO. x Tiiomas McGanley to Thomas Hay den Se sw and sw se, 33. 40. 6, #2,000. John Gillian and wife to John Gillian Jr. Lot in Uw sw, 5, 44 7, #1000. Joseph GrtfHn and wife to Polly M Morgan. South half lot 87, Mareiigo, 9400? Orin P Chesebro and wife to Newton J and George M Chesebro. 160 acres in, sections 24 and 25, In 45, 7, $3,200. Obadifrti S Rumley and wife to Jos. fichaefer. 120 aeres in 35, 45, 8, $6,000. John W Langdon and wife to E B Skinner. Part of lot 3 blk 1, Spencer's addition to Marengo, $200. Kichard Paddock and wife to James B Wilson. Lot 1 blk 2, Paddodcs addi- dition to Crystal Lake, $250. -ij. -Vi WHILE at Woodstock last week, we called at the Gallery of J. S. Medlar, and were surprised at the amount of Holiday Goods there on exhibition, consisting of Frames, Brackets, Albums, Chromos, &c.' Medlar never does any­ thing by halves, and in the line of Brackets he has the best-assortment we ever saw, which are marked astonish­ ingly low. Besides his large stock of Holiday Goods, all know that Medlar is the "Boss'" Photographer, and what mor.e Appropriate present for a friend than a nice Album with your Picture in jt.? We .advise all our readers in that section to call at Medlar's and see his splendid stock, and you will be sure and set for your Picture* before you com© out. jRead his notice in another col­ umn. ' ' . . « WCODSTCCK ! EMTORPLAIXIJEALER.--Some chang% In business firms have taken place du­ ring the past "week. Charley Irwiu retiring from the drug business and Win. E. Smith stepping into his shoes; also, the firm of Cowlln & Dwighi, become the firm of DwigljJ^& Forrest, and t\ic ScntineF8 poet having, sold, or giveu away, ids ifive hundred dollars worth of worthless stock, has departed for new fields aiu1 other conquests. Our friend Smith was in th« drng bsuiness once on the other side of the square, and is not by any means a raw hand at storekeeping. His friends will be glad to see,. htm in .business onoe more. • ; W, H. Cowlln, for,1 several months, has been unable to attend to his busi­ ness, and the state of his health makes it necessary for him to retire. Last Friday night gave our young people a choice of more amuse,vnents titan they are likely to have again in a hurry, namely, a dance in the cheese factory at Frauklinville. another, at the house of John Stewart in Seneca, as a sort of farewell to Mr. Henry Foot, who is soon to depart for the South; a reception at tlie residence of Dr. Green hi honor of the return Of Mr. and Mrs. I/umau Iloy. the latter prefcring n name of one syllable to one of four, aud we don't blame her, another recep­ tion at the residence of the new Metho­ dist minister, and that Oyster supper a't the Presbyterian church, which last could boast of much the biggest crowd and tlie greatest variety of fun. Didn't that P'. 0. bleed the boys though, at five cents for ;i letter with nothing at all in it about the weather, and bogus too* The W. D. A. are hard at work re­ hearsing their plays for Thanksgiving aud everyone who £akes a seat in the Hall 'that night will receive their moneysM ortli lu."Dora* and, uPut him Out:v:-*,. A cattle dealer riot twenty1 riifles from this town, employed a dutclunan to sell a span of horses for him The job Was done and "Chris" wants his pay which, although he sold the team for a good round pri^e. the other refuses to pay. A lawsuit is likely to grow out of It when we shall' see whether it. is Wright to emploj" a mian to sell a poor team for a big price and then refuse to pay him for the wear and tear of con­ science while performing the job. ^Ira'* .knows all about It» . ! Mayor Jefferson has l>een having his lot graded and flllod with earth brought from the old ccmcterv hilL At the late meeting of the City (Qouucil. the Health Committee repor­ ted the Pickle Factory to be a nuisance and Mr. Noble was ordered to abate the stench, hut. at this date the smell is as loud as ever. Perhaps it is the intention to wait till the Grand Jury meets and have the City Council i# dieted for interfering with the rights "of private property, Still that may strike the jury in another light and they may call in the prosecuting attor­ ney and inquire whether a man's nose is his private property. Those who are Obliged to pass tlie South end of that establishment from twice to four times each day, of whom your corres­ pondent is not oue, think that it might be improved without much expense. umIOM. • •' • Itorron' PLAIN I>EA LER : -- On* quiet and orderly town furnishes but little in the Hue of news, still I send you some 1 t«n»s this week, and if some one would get up a fight, an elopement, or a murder, the PLAIXIJEALKU would re­ ceive a letter from here each week, but our people can not be persuaded to do' arty of the^e things, so 1 have to inform your readers that Derry Bros, are still handling machinery of all kinds for farm use, and latterly have added to their list the Behihigton Sewing Ma­ chine, which they are prepared to affirm Is the best in the ^vorld. When a man gets sixty percent of the price for putting a machine In the market lie can afford to ireeomend It some. -No doubt it is a No, l machine. ' Messrs. Rogers & Randall, dealers in &o6ts' and Shoes, have opened a shop in, town where they are selling at auction and private sale at a large discount from common retail prices, but al­ though they sell cheap and warrant their goods they have not met wi th very much encobrage men t and will not be likely, to stay more than the week ont. •;/:r> *f"< '\l<1 Mr. Coquilette is offlclate for tjie Free Methodists another year and promises to make it warm for the siu- qgrs in Union before spring. the list oiTTrahsfers as published in t??e I noticed a sale of Henry ituntly 'artii wife, to James .and Lydia Haley. oU acres, in sec. 28, ll, ju tp56. r-5, SeptyS,- warrantee d, $5,000^ Now. Wlicre is township 50? NEMO. A CARD. On ftccount of continued poor health I have sold ont my interest In the Boot and Shoe business in Woodstock to Messrs, Dwight & Forrest, who are wel] and favorably kuown to the citi„ zena of Woodstock and surrounding country, and would hereby tender my thanks to my old friends and customers for favors accorded me in the past, and hope that in the future they will accord to my successors the liberal patronage bestowed upou me during the nine years I have! been in business in Woodstock. Richmond Department. I>. A. POTT El I, EniTon. fpUows^^Cr tnt'a8 pa8s uichmo«frt niatlon as * ' OOIKO SCrVTH Genera Lake Paaxen^er Genera Lake Freisfht Ooiwo xOavil Geneva I^ake"Freight ... ...,W:40 a. m. Geij^vaXfke rasseugev.. 7-.J7 r, y. M. CHURCH DIRECTt>BV. OOXOHKOATIONAt.--«®v. K J. bouglass Pa»tor. Scrvieci at 2 1*. M. METHOIHRT:--Rer. Saral. Eamgetr l*a*tar. Service* 10:30 A.M. Subbath School '9:90i A. M. J. L. Downing, Su|>t. BAI»TI*T:--Elder Wliecler T**«tor. Services 10:30 A. M. Sat>lwth 13 M. Tuesday, Nov. lGth, ground white, with snow and looks decidedly winter* ish, the fir^t this fall. Subscriptions for th^.jsl^jUarb^i|.*R" received at the Post Office, Rfchnioud,. 81.50 will pay subscription to January, 2877. ; . Tbe^f^livai announced for last Friday evening was not largely attendwd but was a very social, pleasant gathering. , Receipts good number in attendance. Cm klin A- i^nr vertisement. Buy your «u. Jiaycc. .r Ready-Madtf Clothing Violins, Flutes, and fifes. «• a THANKSGIVING PARTY. Frank Foster Is out with Invitations to a Thauksgiving Party, to be held at the Richmond House, on Thursday evening Nor. 25th. He in making arrangements for one'Of the very best parties ever attended. : i. • ' • In oitr notice last week of the new Arm w0e made a mistake in names of members ot the firm. It should be Cole, Bowei-s Waugli. R. Wray and J. S. Overton have no interest direct or indirect in the firm. Last week a party of Richmondites were over to the Lakes iu camp, tishing and hunting, and having a good time generally. What amount of fish and game they caught we Sire not advised, but from appearances they caught all they wanted and had a pleasant, enjoy­ able time. ; ' •••'*• ---• -'-f'/rf/ -..i ' Messrs. Cole, 15owers & Waugh tlie publicwill And are men noted for square, upright deal, honest weights and meas­ ures, No cohniving or silent partners, and as two , of the iirm are practical faflnOils :• =- -- tllC •**> IT farm products of all kinds,.andpay tl\ey \vill pay tlie' highest market priee for sheep, hogs, beef cattle, poultry, grain and seed, pelts* hides, aftd in fact anything fanners have to sell, Thevv will find them Mve men and f>n haml to fcttjy all favm products that has value In The qvilet of our viljsge wag groused ojte night last Week^ when all was, or ought to have been, sweetly locked; in the arms of inorpheous, by the shrill souudof tlie whistle of the engine, which continued long and loud and alarmed many, supposing some tenement or business house was on Are, but lo! It was the engine at the Mill of our go ahead business Arm, Cole, Cooley & Co., who are running their mill night and day to supply their increased trade- They keep 2 teams hauling Aotir to neighboring towns to supply tlie orders they are receiving for Hour. Wheu they put that ehgine in the Mill to supply the lack of water tlvey done a noble thing. Success to the energetic, go ahead proprietors of the Richmond Flouring Mills, fhe basement of the M. B. Civureh has been thoroughly refitted and arranged for a Ane locture room, which will be used for Sunday School room &c., As the former dingy, uncooth and forbidding room lias been thor­ oughly cleansed, wall aud ceiling papered and whitewashed, wood w*ork received a coat of pajnt and room reseated, walls hung wibh Sunday School pictures, mottoes and maps» one would hardly recognize the place' No one need take our word for it, but J. L. Downing, the Superintendent, sayg coine to Sunday School next 'Suu- day morning at 9§ * o'clpck, and his wordforit j*ou will see oiie of the Anest rooms and the very best schools in this county. All it lacks is a general ^helping hand by parents, guardians, young folks and children# HorsEKF>EPB»s DELIGHT^-IIHqttk* at Bucklin & Stevens, near thr Macliine repairs and all tewli^ machines kept by ILM. Ot\en. If yon want any kind of Farm iinpii* ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. Ready-3iade Clothing at bottOM figures at F. G. Mayes. Beaver Cloths for Cloats and Hp Trimmings, at Bncklin & Steven's. ^ The Belle Citv Feed Cotter beats world. For Bale bv O. Bishop, Henry: A large assortment of Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic views for »«de Ford's Gallery. Yon can tti»Ke nome happy by CfM* tng at Ford's Gallery and purchasing one of those splendid Stereoscopes. DON'T fall to see the Star and Bel! City Feed Cotters at 0, BishopVAgri­ cultural Warehonse. before pfu-vhasing. W yott want to g^|jhe latest style ail bestquality of 'Photographs 'call Ford s Fine Art Gallery, It Stfll fhey come and go. those cent dark colored last Prints Bncklin & Steven's. * « " & Heavy Standard Brown Stamtftifc only Ten cents per yard nt Bncklin m Steven's. ' ' C One Two Seated Buggv^ Just finished Will be sold cheap for cash or good paper. O. BISHOP, Organs and llelodeons to rent mt low figures. atr.owwf I have the celebrated Bell City F Cutter for sale.and cliallenge the wori to produce Its equal. O. BISHOP, The Bottom has fallen out. Prices way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Buckltn 4 Stevens, neafv the Depot. t ' . Allkfnd of Harnesses made by tTenl# Maddeu and II. S. Gregory, for sale by A w. OWKX. Good Rubber Boots for $3. at fP. Blake's, opposite Perry is Mart store. F. G. MATES is offering bed r«sss l-.i I.t . and see. The best assortment or Dress Goods in McHenry and cheap too. To, bo Bucklin & Steven's, Mi'Henrt. near tlie Depot. roek f «ii NOVKI.TIKS NOVFLTIKS.--Every ditr brings something new from the "Hub*1 from "Gotham" or elsewhere, to Bucklin & Stevens, near tlie Depot. "Bucklin & Stevens near the Depots have Ailed their Store, crammed, jam­ med full of Fall and Winter Goods. Os and see them and note prices. I am selling a watch named O. W, Owen which lhave made at Springfield 111. that I am selling for the most aeurat* timepiece I can get. I have sold forty- throe of which 1 can truthfully say that every oue of them are giving perfe|| satisfaction. nnrl BAA T-limn ' Come and sec them. O. W. OWKX. P.W.BLAKK. at his store oi Perry & Martin's, has just received A full stock of Boots and Shoes for tho FaH and Winter trade, among which la a full stock of Rubber goods of all kinds Good Rubber Boots for $3. . Call an4 examine his stock. INTERESTING TO ALL. This is to certify that we have used for a term of years the Custom Madt and Warranted Boots and Shoes kept for gale by Smith Bros. & Co, and can reeommerid them to be A Xo 1 In eve«y ie^M-ct.and we consider them relative­ ly cheaper than any other boots ?md shoes we have ever "used. John. Ilelman, ; B. F. Peck, IT. T. Dobeer. John Flemming; Sanil. Sherman, A. P. Colby, » • <?alvin Lobdell, E. A. Beers,: Jacob Miller 2nd, R. II. SherbuMihy C .H.: More v. fTf ^ ' We notice out merchants aft receiving large additions to their stock of Goods Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clotliiug. Bo*)ts,;Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ladles Furs, Groceries, Notic^is, &C. Stocks large, well selected aud exceedingly low.1 Those wanting goods will make money by coming to Richmond and look ov<ir Hay thorn & Co's.. Aldiich & Smith's* D. A. Potter's. Thomas Fisher's, and O. F. Hall's, extensive general variety stocks. Alexander & Hyde's Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fruits, Books, .stationery. Lamps, Plated Ware, Cutlery. Notions, &c. Hay thorn & Co., also keep Drugs and Medicines. I. N. M<*ad and M.Hicks are receiving fresh supplies of Hardware. Stoves, and in fact all kinds of goods in the Hardware line, and the loads of stoves and wares that farmers are carrying away remiud us that they are selling piles of goods, Otu .Merchant Tailors, Dres°makcrs. Milliners- and Shoemakers, are all receiving iresh goods direct from the city, and are offering them at bargains. Give them a call. Biacksmiths and Wagon makers liafe hard at work building Sleighs, and Cutters. Wagons, Buggies, shoeing horses, repairing &c. Farmers are 'hard at work threshing, husking corn, ploughing, marketing HAIR WORK. Mrs. C. Richard, Woodstock. Wotd# respectfully inform the public that stp is now prepared to do all kinds of fan­ cy nail- work, consisting of frizzes* lira ids, curls. ;md switches. She has a Rooter, with the aid of which she caa take combings and make them up into Sw itches as nice as ent hair. From heir experience in the business she can guaranteesatisfaetion in all cases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door above Diesel's Furniture Store, whera she will at all times be in readiness to attend to her customers. ^BIKD. DILLEY.--In Xunda, Nov. 8th, 1875, of in. uiiiuitiiou of the bowels. Thompson Diltoj* axett 45 y&ir& < Trustee's Sale. WHKRKA>. by his certain Trust doed, (tat. edSeptember 21at, A l> nnd recortied in the Recoraer's Office <>t McHenry Ooi)ntr( anil State ot" Illinois, in frouk ^{ofTrwt Deeds at HIS, William Wuil. uf s»id Conaty, dkt grunt, bavg'un, sell ami convey toll X Satith. as Trustep, tlie folloM iiistdest'VilH'd realasfiil# nituatwd in McHenvv (.'.unity, State of to-wit: Four acres and S»-ioo sieres oiUI«Ctte southeast corner of the northwest qnartsrw the southeast corner of ilie uoi'tbweslywMrtw of thu wattienit (juarforof sectiaa 8hii> 4ft, iiortti ran^e, X t»st, 4c-, beuadeaaa follows: at the sontlieast ronwr ot ihe al»ve ,*iet«erilKHl land, running tkMri west tea (10) chains am} 10 links to a stake, thence north on Keejf# line to the centre of taa road and to a stake; thence southeast on tlM li»e of said roaj ICAI 10) ciiiUfts »nd 57 llaks to a stake; thence south to the placeaf tawgia. *niiivr, in triHt to serui-e the pa.vioeB* of a Promlssorv Xote t>eari«K fveoitata wltti MIU Tru-t tor the sum of One Hundred aw| Fittv Daliai-Sj jia\-»»»te to the order of Job* Flitskv, with annual interest *ttoPMre«at, and due one vcar frmu the date taer«of.-- And whereas default has aia«l« la tit imviticnt of said nnt<« ami iftt«nM»t e«i tte sauie and there is now due on the MtMkt T*% Hundml »ml Forty Otte au| tt-MM polteMb. anil ai»i»licath»n lwvm« Vitwa Made |» «M W the lesriil bidder «>f uote I aUaltoa UwHt| day of 3»oyeuii*er .Httb#lKijir of One I' % oi «iud dav, at tha ftMt^Mr of tte OMNt House tn Wo«4sti«»fc,||i Mid sell at Public Auction to the highest Had best ladder for eash, the aUara dtMfittii'iniiihM to ma&A #ud satisfy e»:d indi>i>4«<iMM% •M • ' '• -s i^-:Vv *'

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