Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1876, p. 8

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McHenry, McHenry to any who wish, the papers on the terma annexed. Weekly Inter-Ocean and McHenry Sflaindealer, #2,70. . , ^Semi-Weekly Inter-Ocean ami Ifo- Stenry Plaindealer. $3,90. Jj Daily Intcr-OceMft and j!iai 11 dealer, #11,00. ' Westeran Rural l&ain dealer, £3,15, -Prairie Farmer and MclSewy Plain- Healer. $3,15. Young Folks Monthly and McHenry " ilndenler, $2,60. And nearly all other Leading Pub- itions at proportionate low rates. Those wishing for either of the above Xtkmed singly, who are now receiving the Plaindealer, can obtain the same Jjgr deducting #1,50 from the prices 'Mentioned. Address. J. H. GARRISON. Greenwood, 111. ottsdtn has fallen •out. Prices Way down low. Dry Goonte never so -tew. Consult Bucklin & Stevens, near thel>epot. SURE CURE FOR MARBRTEA. ", This is to certify that after coming 'iltone from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with a dlarrlwea. I tried everything that was recommen­ ded to me (but did me m> good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which complete­ ly cured me. Robert Forrest Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug* I have proved it to be equally as good for billious complaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the,,best bitters I ever used. JOHN PENMAN SEN. Town of Seneca, McHenry County, State of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of September 1875. E. BALDWIN. J. P. BLAKE & BRO., --DEALERS IS-- « Furniture! Of all Grades and Prices. Wareroeft Nearly Opposite the Post Office, ' McHenry ̂ III. • Wareroom Crammed FuM ! Where will be found anything from Common Kitchen Styles to the finest Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth and Reps. They have Chamber Sets, jand can snit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, 1 ELEGANT $ASY CHAIRS, •* LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTUBE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases •ad Coffins constantly on hand, and Wade to order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED g» all styles at the LOWEST LIVING -F**JCES. Afl Goods Warranted •Of the verv best quality and sold ae %OW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875. 1875, Pall Opening. ffflUP IHLSELER. M W» new Store, sear the Depot,i>«Tuw ready fwiththe Largest . / And 8e$t Stock of Goods I Utonr brought:tp this market, on which lam peered (ittdiptfyl make prices that will all Competition. }fy Stock Consists in part of iry Ms, (Mil, Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY^ See., J°J,hfch.Ilnv!te the attention of the buying •UullC. I ftlfio KftfiTi An IbAVul * lsvsa an<1 wall *«» wnwn liny lie the attention of the bi IS 0fep 0n ^ a Urge and MILLINERY GOODS, *sxs &."* - - " • ! Important to the Public! ||,:CAIX OX ^ I DUNDBKand RICHMOND, Cash Stores of G. F. HALL • - "a PEOPLE V , - '>#4 ww> Pay« toy Go . - J gSmmI : Best Prints,. Best Sht'Otinp,..... „ : French 0»rsetij,;Y*." .'.v.;*] Ex. Blk Table Damask^ ...... ITnbleached do....... .. Carpeting. 35 to.........i.i. Coats Spool Cotton, . 1 tb I.isien Thread......... Good Style Hats,.. Good sty le Caps, Kill Gloves, Spool Silk, 100 Yards...... Best Youiip Hvson Tea,.v» Best Gunpowder Tea,..... TIIK CHEAPEST OTORE THE NORTHWEST PKICE Best .Japan Tea,........... f*0 12 JHUINAS Hice............., £00 5 Pounds G. CofOC,. 1(K) 25 Bars Soap,. 100 18 Lead Pencils, 1 Pound Castile Soap,.L5 Floor Oil Cloth, .mViV; /WO 25 Pounds Mackgrel, .«.;., j iiSOO 8 Pounds Pared Peaches,. 1.00 8 Pounds Layer Raisins,.. L00 8Pounds Prunes, ... L00 12 do Zante Currants,... IW 7 Cans Peaches, L00 1 pound fine cut Tobacco,. 05 20 pounds Cod Fish, ... L00 pounds White Fish,.... L00 LIST,[_(i; Best SaiaratHS...., S. G. 8 tareh,;... Stove Polish,.. Axle Orease,,. Kip Boots, •r \ ,p.hica«® work'war.'. Veal Kip do Boys Boots One to...., l adies Shoes Iromone to.. ChiMvens do Itipr Bargains Buffalo Robes nil Prices. I adies Furs all prices. Water Proof, Wool Flannel Cot ton Flannel,...........J 8 10 S.00 4.00 4. SO 3.00 3.00 PERRY k'" i f - ' { Jt"" j.'fr1" >» k Hi, Headquarters for all Kinds" of ,-"'j - »w,w • f ^ ^ <•' * h . ; : v * • . . . Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and ShoeS, •for President in 1876: ^ And the Man who gets the" MOST vJOODS for his money, buys of . RotbserMr, THOMPSON,) ILMItQtt A large Stock of Men and Boys Clothing of my own manufacture,"Iwhich I will retail at less than wholesale prices. A guaranteed saving on every article offered in this market An ex­ amination of goous and prices will result iu a l»eneflt to you. Try it. WANTED'--Bntter and Eggs. Respectfully Yo«rs, c. F. HALF,.' Dundee and Richmond. 1M Every Day Brings Something New At ALDRICH & SMITH'S RICHMOND, IJLL. We are.receiving &n Immense Stock of Fall and Winter DRY GOODSL, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, &c Clothing ! Clothing* IT Clotliing' It FOR MEN, FOR YOUTHS, FOR BOYS. FINE SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR, ALL GRADES. BOOTS ATVI> SHOES for all. of the Buffalo and Rochester Custom Milk? the in M?.rk?t. HATS APTD CAPS, New Styles and in-great variety. ?tnfact it is difficult to tpll what we haven't got. Store famme-d full of New Gfoods. Call and See for Yourselves. I> Richmond, 111., Sept. 20th, 1875. ALDRICH & SMITH. HENRY COLBY, -DEALER IS-- PAINTS, OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs C H E S A P E R Than Ever ! &6«) &C« ; Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN ON WHITE LEAD AND OIL. Serictly Pnrc ct. Louis "White Lead, f 10,00 per hundred. ^oiled^Llnseed Oil, Seventy-live cents per Gallon. AH Goods Warranted && represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Pa&ronage Solicited. H. COLBY. JIcHeflry., July 27th, 1875. «J. ^ TORY, --DEALER IN- Shelf and Heavy Hardware , STOVES TINWARE, MECHANIC# TOOLS, : FARMING IMPLEMENTS, : v . , CLOTHES WRINGERS &Cf^ Ac.t WMBH WNX BE , Lake County, m: .•> And there yon cau bny Mens Buckle Artie Overshoes for $L50 per Fair, best Axle Grease Hr 10 C3nts per Box, and a nice Fine Gut Chewing Tobacco foji W Cents per It}, Also |»t* of other Good* just as Cheap. HESBY BOGEB& Volo, I1L, Dec. 14th, W75. |rhe McHenry Brewery. lUng & Herbes, Proprietors. /VVIE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the JL country and warranted as represented**- orders solicited and promptly attended toy L O W E R THAinmi-PRICES! Now is Hve time to purchase, and save mon- •y. I believe that I can furnish good goods at M low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep oft hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, WaterProof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt, Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining, - KAWL AND SEE ! Repairing Promptly attended to. A J. STORY. Opposite Owau Hills, XeHrary HI,. Jul/ V. , Goods are Selling at the N1JINDA General Variety Store. Read this Price List: TOBACCO Smoking, :..J5cts Shorts, 45 cts A A 46 cts Killikanick..... .50 cts Durham 75 cts A large Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. Plug, ..60, 75and'$l,00 Fine Cut, 55, 75 and #1 CAKDIJSg Mixed,... 25 cts Stick 20 cts Fancy 30 cts Prize .atofiO cts Sugar Sand, all -colors 25 cents GROCERIES--Young Hyson Tea 50 cent per pound. Gunpowder /5 cts. Warranted as good as you have been paying $1.00 for. A11 Kinds, Graham, Bnck- r IvUly wheat, Minnesota and Patent live FSou!-. Ac., by the Sack or pound .Corn Meal the same \J T"I n.tiUck VA A tar»e of I 111 WW very heavy Tinware and Stove Pipe. Stoves to Order. 4ST*Amateur Printing Office Orders of all kinds taken Real Estate and insurance A|f County Agent for the Protection Life In. surance Company of Chicagb, which Insures for one-third usual rates and is the safest Company Try it , WCall and see my Goods and learn Prices. underthe NEW NUNDA HALL, Which is the best in town ami will be let as reasonable as any IRA M. MALLORY. Honda, OcPMth, 187fi NEW FIRM! New Goods ! * And New Prices. Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, Aid in short, a First Class Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Dow* are thereby enabled to offer special bargains In all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live In this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to ibe what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods; We intend-to "Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. JB®"GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods and use you well whether you buy of as or not. CrocEssoH TO <X G. THOMPSON,) NUNDA, - . LOWEST PRICES. _ The Stock is New and Lan Consists of i r Dry Good#, t4 *v' 'i'V oes, •fSy Clothing, .. Boots ai Hats and Gapav Choice Groceries, &e., &c. ' T* ROTHGEEBWL 4 Nanda. 1U!,. HOT. 80th, 1875. • GREAT BARGAINS -IN-- PERRY 6l MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. McHenry, 111., July 27th, 1875. To all Whom these Presents Hay C.oie, Greeting: ' We are now prepared to show one qf the LARGEST stock of Goods ever offered by us in this market, bought for Cash from first hands, in one of the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have tmtnessed since"1857. IN DRY GOODS! We are full in all departments, from a 6 cent Print to a Camels Hair Dreas Goods Clothing for Men, Boys and YO UTIISf , that is both substantial and Cheap. Mens Boots, we commence at $3 and upwards, Arties mid Ladies Gaiters equally low. Hats in Style and Gaps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 30 below zero. Buffalo Robe*, not 100 Bales, but enough to supply thewauts of our people. Carpets. Oil Cloths and Oil Ruggs. whose beauty w'M produce a smile from the you.ig miss or aged matron. For F< t:ioy Goods call and see for yourselves, as we are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above Proclamation^ and by doing so will confer a great favor on the General Store Man. W. DONNELLY. Woodstock, Oct. 12th, 1875. (Successors to Cowlln, Dwight * Co.,) stock of very Large *nd wett Boots, Shoes, --AND-- Rubber G Of all Kinds, which will be sold •Iflht Down Low for * C A S H . Corner Main Street apd Public Square WOODSTOCK, ILL. THERE IS NO USE IN GOING OUT OF TOWN TO PURCHASE ANYtHINO IN THE LINE OF Maim UiW, STOVE8, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &C., When a better article Can be Bought for LESS MONEY at the Hardware Store -OF-- John M. Smith, AT THE POST OFFICE. We ham STO VES that make frozen men laugh, aw* them Cheaper and you Can Steal Them. We aim manufacture \ m Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Into an Shape or Vessel desired. We make a point to do JOBBING OF ALX, KINDS, I Promptly, and Warrant it done weU. We make Tinware a Specialty, because we think on this we are Master of the Situation. Come and See for Yourself. J - JOHN M. SMITH. }£cHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875. €rloves, See, --AT THE-- GRANGE SHOE STORE, % • - • South East Corner Public Square, Woodstock, Illinois. A. REIDu Woodstock, I1L, Oct. 18th, 1875. MILLINERY M aki n MPB. 8.A.RBID, East side Public Square, WOODSTOCK, . . . . ILLINOIS* Keeps constantly on hand the latent atyloa of Millinery Goods of all kinds, Knibroiderr; Oombs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors, Wecl- ding Plats, Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Pitted In the latest Style and made if desired at Y«fjr low rates. We also have a New Style of Ladies Cloak:! To which we invite the attention of the Ladle* We are also Agent for the celebrated NORTHWESTERN ORGAN Which speaks for itself. I will not be under sold. Call and see. Mrs. S. A. It KID. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Carriace MAKER. _ Shop opposite the Parker House, MCHENRY-- ILLINOIS The subscriber wonld inform the pnblic tk| he is now prepared tcr'furnish them with any* thing in his lino from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using none but the best of timber ami employing none but SKILLED WORKMEN I He Warrants his work to give satisfaction, and for good pay will be as low as can UOML bly be afforded. HE MAKES Horse Shoeing1 A SPECIAL TT, 4 R E P A I R I N G Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call amd see for yourself. L.FRANCI8CO. McHenry, 111., July 28th 1875.

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