' V THE SUPREME COURT. ' Mine Hundred Cases Behind, a Few live • - *• Tears Old----Three Years Required to * Clear Off Present Business----A BUI to Relieve this Annoying Difficulty. The condition of business in the United States Supreme Court, says a Washing ton correspondent of the Hew York Tribune 1B such that it has ceased to be an organ for the administration of jus tice. There are at this time upward of 900 cases on its calendar, extending back' five years. To such an extent is it be hind in its business, that it has come to be regarded by persons familiar with the facts that a case may as well be apanJoned as to try to bring it up for trial in that court. The number of cases on the calendar is so great that if the court should sit every day, including Sundays, and dispose of a case every day, it would require nearly three years to dispose of the old business, to say nothing of the current cases during that time, which would be quite sufficient to occupy the time of the court. The ques tion as to how the court could be re lieved has been one of much interest, not only to the judges, but to the law yers of the country having business be- iosTc XiiitHAAn A j6sr ago the limit was in creased to $5,000, so that no case involv ing a smaller sum couid be brought be fore that court. It was then supposed that such action would relieve the busi ness, but instead, the cases have in creased and the term of the court has beer. lengthened. The business in all the United States Courts is also yearly increasing, except the United States District Courts, where there is limited jurisdiction. The nine United States Circuit Courts are very much over crowded and behind. In view of all the facts, and after con saltation with several of the Judges of the Supreme Court, Mr. McCrary, of Iowa, introduced in the House on Thurs day a bill designed to reform the judi ciary of the United States, which seems to be what is required to settle the dif ficulties. The bill in question requires the amount involved to be not less than $10,000, and provides for an inferior Court of Appeals in each of the nine Ju dicial Circuits, and enforce Circuit Court powers on the District Courts- permitting the former to transfer to the latter after next September any cause on \ its calendar. The Court of Appeals for each of the nine Circuit Court Districts is to be composed of the Justice of the Supreme Court assigned to the Circuit, the Circuit Judge thereof, and the sev eral District Judges of the Districts composing the Circuit. The bill pro vides that appeals may be taken to this Court from the Circuit and District Courts, and that the decisions upon When in this terrible fright I looked around for an escape, I found every way, on both sides of the gangway, blocked up by the ruins. Looked up in the steamer! And I thought every second she would sink, because it was my opinion that the boiler had exploded. It took mo two to three minutes to make a way, and then I found, groping my way over corpses, bodies without heads,* some without arms or legs, over heads without bodies, over lakes of blood ; I found my uncle and my aunt, both I might say, naked, lying down and embracing each other, groaning and almost in the face of death. In the same moment my brother fell into my arms, sound and safe! And the other two, axe to be saved, too l • . Finds in the Rag-Bag. The "finds" in the rag-bag and the rubbish-heap are sometimes not a little curious. A mistress allows Betty, the maid, to keep a rag-bag ; and occasionally Betty yields to the temptation of putting into that bag articles which are certainly not rags. But apart from any suspicion of dishonesty, valuables find themselves in very odd places, through inadvertency or forgetfirlnesft. We need not ssy much about such small creatures as insects, spiders or lizards, that are found by the paper-makers in bundles of esparto; they are unwelcome intrusions rather than finds. A patent lock was once found The Toilet. DECAY OF TKEXH. The causes of the decay of the teeth are two --acids and minute fungus, abundantly found in the mouth, and called "leptothrix bucoalis." All acids, both vegetable and mineral, act prompt ly on the teeth by dissolving the enamel and by softening the dentine. Sour fruits and vinegar salad are likely to in jure the teeth, unless the mouth is care fully washed out after eating them. The little parasitic fungus can only be re moved by alkaline mixtures. Soap is one of the best dentrittoes. It appears that the parasites grow and multiply very rapidly, and especially between the teeth. It would be advisable, therefore, for those who wish to preserve good teeth, to carefully use the toothpick and scrub the teeth with soap and water after every meal, or at least twice a day. CARE OF THE KAILS. The correct management of. the nails is to cut them of an oval shape, corres ponding with the shape of the fingers. Never allow them to grow too long, as it makes it difficult to keep them cleaii; nor too short, as it causes the tips of the fingers to become flattened and enlarged, and turn n.pward, which gives the hand an awkward appearance. The skin which grows in a semicircle on the top of the nail requires much attention, as it is often drawn on with its growth, drag- „„„„„ -u - . . * t i S igingthe skin below the nail HO tight as among the contents of ttftmily rag bag ; u, £llae it to divMe into what ̂ termed American Parlor Organs Abroad. In the year closing June 30, 1875, the United States exported to foreign conn tries, as shown by Custom House re turns at Washington, parlor or reed or gans to the aggregate value of $303,132. Ihe exports for the previous year were $292,15J f showing some increase. It is remarkable that more than half of these exports in each year were the cabinet organs made by the Mason & Hamlin Organ Company, whose exports in 1875 IS® $185>.820».»»d in 1874 were $163,- 169. Considering that there are in this country from two hundred to two hun dred and fifty makers, tliis fact that more than half the instruments exported are from this one company, shows in what high estimation its work is held abroad.--Ar. K Com. Advertiser. flwCAEO IEDGER AND PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. «' Heal Thyself." * The People's Common Sena® Medical Ad- ™er,<5kn °f Rbout ^0 pages, illustrated with over 200 stigravmgs and colored plates, and sold at the exceedingly low price of $ 1.50, telle Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary Publication, East or West. . CAHYASSERS WANTED IN TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES. Liberal Premiums and Club Rates offered, a Circular containing fall information, eto. copies famished oq application. Addraas Write for Specimen questions of fact shall be final and con clusive, and also on all questions of law where the sum involved is less than $10,- 000. The judgment or decision of the Court, if upon any appeal, shall be re mitted to the Court appealed from to be enforced, Book Learning. Charles Francis Adams, Jr., has writ ten a letter to the Quincy Patriot on the ' snbject of the education derived from the reading of miscellaneous books. Mr. Adams, who is one of the Trustees of the Public Library of the town, says that four-fifths of the book education we , all have is acquired from miscellaneous reading. Schools and school teachers have nothing to do with it; but it is home acquired. He considers the read ing of books, in itself, the poor man's university. ID referring to circulating and public libraries, and the kind of lit erature in most demand, he says that " three-fourths of the demand is always for the most vapid and sensational book." In closing his letter, he says : " Most assuredly, parents ought not to turn their children loose in any library. In our library there is now no exchse for their so doing. Before the catalogue was published they might have excused themselves on the ground that they had no means of selection ; and the catalogue was prepared with that very considera tion in view. It was intended to lay open to any person sitting in his own house the whole contents of the library, for his own use and that of his family; it, in fact, put at the disposal of every resident of Quincy an almost complete collection of the stand ard works in the language, for all prac tical purposes, just as much at his dis- Eosal as if ho owned them. It put the brary into the dwelling-houses. Under these circumstances, it was hoped that a great improvement would be noticed in the character of the books called for. How far this hope has been justified I cannot now say, but there is certainly yet great room for improvement. The great majority of the books borrowed are borrowed by young people, and still, apparently unassisted in their choice by any one. I am very confident that a competent trustee, who could give his whole time to the library, and do noth ing but examine and purchase new books, and advise those who come there, es pecially the young, what to read and how to read it, could do much more for the higher education of Quincy than is done through the whole agency of our high school; nor in saying this do I mean to Sftv anything derogatory to the high school, either. This we cannot expect. We ought, however, to be fairly able to expect now that parents and those en gaged themselves in the work of educa tion should realize what a large part in the work miscellaneous reading plays, and so try to give some direction to it." A Wonderful Escape. The friends of Mr. Fritz Zumann, of Springfield, Mass., reported lost in the terrible Bremerhaven explosion, have just received letters announcing his miraculous escape, and giving a graphic description of the disaster as he saw it, as follows : A box of dynamite explod ed. The box was stored on a wagon, and was to be shipped with our steamer. Such a power had the explosion that everybody, Bay everybody in the cities of Bremerhaven and Geestemunda, were thrown down. Windows were broken at a distance of three miles and even farther. Nearly everybody on board or near the steamer had his ears burst through the terrible din ; but my brother and I have not a finger hurt. When the explosion took place I was down in the gangway of the steamer, and all at once I felt as though two cannon-balls were boring into my ears, and then glass pieces, broken plates (I stood near the kitchen), doors, beams and boards, all flew around me, but nothing hurt me. and as it was worth five shillings, the buyer was content. An old Latin prayer-book, bought as waste-paper, had a bundle of nails, curiously linked together, packed inside it. Half-sovereigns and other coins are found in cast-off pockets, in the heels of old stockings, and inside the linings of dress es. An old coat, purchased by a London dealer, revealed the fact--a joyful f. ct to the buyer--that the buttons consisted of sovereigns covered with cloth. Three pounds sterling, in German paper money, found their way into a bundle of German rags that reached a paper- maker. The London Bag Brigade boys once found a bank check-book, and on another occasion six pairs of new silk stockings, in waste paper and rags which they had bought; these unexpected articles were, to the honor of the Brig ade, at once returned. A rare find onoe occurred in the Houndsditch region. A dealer--of the gentle sex, we are told-- gave sever.pence and a pint of beer for a pair of old breeches ; while the bargain was b ung ratified at a public house, the buyer began to rip up the garment, when out rolled eleven golden guineas wrap ped up in a thirty-poun I bank note. We rather think, that in strictness of law, the guineas of this treasure-trove belonged to the crown; but most likely the elated buyer and the mortified seller made merry over the windfall. Many people, in the days when banking was little un derstood, had a habit of concealing their spare, jnoiiuj about their persons ; thus, an old waistcoat, bought for a trifle, was found lined with bank notes ! But of all the finds, what shall we think of a babyt A paper manufacturer assures us that in a bag of rags .brought from Leghorn, and opened at an Edinburgh paper-mill, a tiny baby was found, pressed almost flat. Poor bantling! Was it accidentally squeezed to death in a turn-up bedstead, or was some darker tragedy associated with its brief history ? -- Chambers' Journal. "A Saluple Case. , CHAPTER I.--It was New Year's morn ing. He had been thinking deeply for a day or two, and there was a Spartan look on his face as he sat down to break fast. He was unusually quiet, though he said he never felt better in his life. CHAPTER II.--Rising from the table he drew forth his tobacco-box and said to his wife : c "Hannah, I'm going to (quit the weed!" ^ " "No!" " Yes, I am. I've been a slave to the disgusting habit for forty years, but now I am done with it! Come here, Hannah." She followed him to the door, and he flung the box far out into the back yard. CHAPTER III.--Four days had passed. Dried pumpkin, cloves, spices, gum and dried beef had been chewed in place of the accustomed quid. The family cat had been kicked out of doors ; the dog had fled ; the hired girl's nose was up ; every peddler in town came to the door. " But you will stick to your resolution, won't you ?" asked the wife. " I will or die!" he replied. CHAPTER LAST.--'Twas dark. Man sneaked around the house--on his knees on the grass--pawed around--fingers clutched an object--lid flew open-- moved his right hand to his mouth-- Yum! yum t But what a fool I was I" MORAL.--Don't chew.--M. Quad. Made a Mistake in His Man. An insurance agent called into an es tablishment on Main street the other day, with a large account book under his arm, and, walking up to the proprie tor in a business sort of a way, he in quired :" How's business--how s stock?" "Oh, business is very, very dull," re turned the tradesman. " 'Pon my word, sir, I haven't got $900 in the house! Terrible dull!" and he paused and looked inquiringly at his visitor. Only $900 ?" said the insurance man in surprise. "'Pon my soul, sir," re peated the dealer, " I don't believe there is a d >llar more--look for yourself," and the man looked sad and sighed. " Then, sir, said the insurance man, with a good deal of warmth, "how does it come that your stock is insured in our com pany for $4,500, eh?" " Oh! ah ! beg your pardon !" exclaimed the dealer, in great confusion ; " I thought you was the tax man! I was sure you was the tax-gatherer, or,' 'pon my soul, I wouldn't a-said that, when, in fact, my stock is worth fully $5,000--look for yourself, sir!"--Dayton (O.) Demo crat. A XiADY at Bradford, N. H., has had a narrow escape from being buried alive. She had been sick for some time, and had apparently died. Preparations for the funeral were made on the third day after the supposed death, when it was observed, as she was placed in her coffin, that one of the eyes was partly open. Nothing was, however, thought of this, as it was thought to be muscular con traction after death. But when all the arrangements for the funeral were ooin- plek she astonished the attendants by a sudden request to be placed on one side. A ooiajplete recovery is expected. agnails. This is prevented by separating the skin from the nail by a blunt half- circular instrument. Many persons cut this pellicle, or thin skin, which causes it to grow very thick and uneven; and sometimes damages the growth of the nail. » CARE OR THE HAIR. To keep the hair healthy, keep the head clean. Brush the scalp well with a stiff brush while dry. Then wash with Castile soap, and rub ipto the roots bay rum, brandy or camphor water. This done twice a month will prove beneficial. Brush the scalp thoroughly twice a week. Dampen the hair with soft water at the toilet, and do not use oil. FI*E9H WORMS AND PIMPIIES. Try this recipe : Wash the face twice a day in warm water and rub dry with a coarse towel. Then with a soft towel rub in a lotion made of two ounces of White brandy, one ounce of cologne and one half ounce of liquor potassa. Per sons subject to skin eruptions should avoid very salt or fat food. A dose of Epsom salts occasionally might prove beneficial. Them Hoods. As Bijah was at the door, shaking th corn-husk mat, an old man came along and halted. He had a Roman nose, a pale blue eye, and he was bent and gray. He stood so long and looked so fixedly that the old janitor finally inquired : " What yer looking at ?" "I have come a weary hundred miles," replied the old man, " on purpose "On purpose to git to be a clerk in the Custom House ?" interrupted Bijah. "No, sir. I have journeyed far on purpose to " " Git into the Postoffioe ?" "Nothing of the kind," said the old man. " I have traversed a hundred miles of highway on purpose to see your feet. I heard of them clear up it Port Huron. They wanted to bet me ten to one that you had feet as big as soap boxes. I am old and near my grave. ! wanted to see them feet--them hoofs. Where do you stable 'em ? Who hauls 'em around for you ? What do you do with 'em in freezing weather ?" "See here!" whispered Bijah, in a voice choked with passion, "I'll murder you if you don't dust out o' here I" "What am I doing?" asked the old man. " Hoofs, eh J" yelled Bijah, as he dropped the mat, "call them feet hoofs ?" Some said the old man got away by crawling under a wagon and dualling down the alley. Some said he wasiu the morgue with all his limbs broken. life has many mysteries twice as large as good old Bijah's feet--Detroit Free Press. Peculiarities of Henry Claj. Iii his day it was the habit of the po lite world of the Capital, dressed in their gayest, to repair to the Senate* Chamber to listen to him whenever he spoke. He WHS everybody's pet. No man has ever had such adulation since. No man has ever got habitually such splendid and brilliant audiences as he. Those were days of grand debate, when the press had not gained so much nrestige--be fore oratory had given way in Congress to the reporters. There were no holes in the sky then, and you could not prick an orator, like a bubble, with a witty sarcasm. Clay never disappointed--he would not have dared. But he dared things that no other man then or now would dare. At the end of a brilliant passage he would pause deliberately, and walk six steps across the ftialft to Robert J. Walker's snuff-box, and, tak ing a pinch gracefully between his finger and thumb,, return to his desk and put it with such ineffable distinc tion to his nostrils that the whole audi ence was ready to burst into applause. With any other man thin would have been ridiculous. Clay made it sub lime. _ It was the great King going to bed in the presence of admiring courtiers. you how to euro Catarrh, "Liver Complaint," Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Sick, Bilious and other Headaches, .Scrofula, Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases ; all d is eases peculiar to women, and moat other chronic as well as acute disorders. It contain* -- for the young and old, mall a^d female,I^Tgie and married, nowhere else to be found. Men and women, married and single, are tempted to aak thoir family physician thousands of ques tions on delicate topics, but are deterred from doing so by their modesty. This work answers just such questions so fully and plaiuly as to leave no one in doubt. It is sold by agcats, or sent by mail (post paid) on receipt of price. Address the author, K. V. Pierce, M. D., World s Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. A YALCABIJE WORK, [From the Lafayette Daily Courier.] Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, distinguished iu surgery, and the general practice in the profes sion he honors. bag m»de a valuable contribu tion to the medical literature of the dav, in a comprehensive work entitled "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser." While scien tific throughout, it is singularly free from technical ana^Mtilted terms. It comes right down to the common sense of every-day life. Dr. Pierce is a noble specimen of American manhood. H© has sprung from the people ; and. with many sympathies in common with the masses, has sought to render them a sub stantial service in the great work of 1m life. CHICAGO LEDOEB--Best story paper going, ee advertisement. THE LEDGER COMPANY, Chinajro, Hi. Books, Kurious Good*, Sporting Articles, etc. (Vl-pnge Book for two 3c. stumps. BALDWIN A CO., ill Nassau St.. N. Y. AGENTS *11 for 11, which cost $35, World era- ."Sc. stamp for Circular to JtiO. A. CLARK, Inventor, Nanttk, N. J. RICK .tan ilOA IVOROKS I.KGALLY OBTAINED forincompt! bility, eto. Residence not twjnirod: scandf.l avoided, ee fiffc-r wfim Address I*. O. Box ;4S&, Chicago, Hi. A Month.--Agent* wanted. beat sell ing articles In the world. One sample free Address JAY BROVSO!V, l^ioit.Mich $330 lliit Mi! Qetxe'b Sbhool for Putar Oigaulf-- It,la dxwriy in the'ufnda at MMO lrjmm and «* Road Or* ana, aad deeeto* ar & t Contains 176gradedleaaona,incibiL'" aS^rtOag mw, a dozen Songs, and 36 ahort VoSl.. riaa. | Bellak's Analytical Method For Pianoforte. j*r$t instruction book (for th© ftwit S oa ton FianoK Botbinf OMM be better. V« nicelynacmd and graded, Bo98: diryuat aaddntdctcy te finfc s away. ; 75c. Nigh School Choir, Vov High School*, Academic*, ^eatfnaiiM. Gems of English Song. . elegant collection of Choice Songs, with * Jrssn.accompaniment 2S2 pages. Sheat MS .8S.50tn Boards, $3.00 in Cloth. •Ik books malted, post for retail |ig|n OIJIVEIR DITSON BOSTON. rH, BITSOIMk CO., . I. E, BSTSCK TO Broadway |StKM<ts«ersto Lee ft W&«r • - saw r- SttiadelphtQ*., , / A6ENTS * Oil < hromo*,mounted, n%1E.fl I © giZe Pill, for Si, NorelUog and Chromos <y detention. National Ch-onr' V. Phila., Pa. MHNFV 'Xa?!JraP"il!/ Standi and Key Check ! J Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars 1REE. S. M. f>PKNCKlt, 34" Washington St., Boston. U PIMPLES on the faoe, rough skin, ctinppod hands, saltrlioum and all cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper Tar Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from common tar, wliich are worthless. FOR catarrh the only Substantial bene fit can be obtained through the blood. Vesre- tine is the great blood purifier. CHEAPEST, best family paper in the world--CHICAGO LEDGER. See advertisement. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, SEA WI5KD TONIC AND MANDRAKE PILLS. --These deservedly celebrated and popular medicines have effected « revolution (n boiling art srd "roved the fallacy of several maxims which have for muy years obstructed the progress of medical aeienoc. The false supposition that "Consumption is Incurable" deterred physicians from attempting to find remedies for thatdis- •aae, and patients afflicted with it reconciled themselves to death without making an effort to escape from a doom which they supposed to be unavoidable. It is now proved, however, that Consumption can be eur«d, and that it Hat been cured in a very great number of cases (aome of them apparently desperate ones) by SchencV's Pulmonic Syrup alone; and in other casaa by the same medicine in con nection with Schenck's Sea Weed Tonio and Mandrake Pills, one or both, according to the requirements of the case. Dr. Schenok himself, who enjoyed uninterrupted good health for more than forty years, waa supposed at one Oreo to be at the very gate of death, his pliyaiciaiiB hav ing pronounced his case hopeless, and abandoned him to his Jute. He was cured by the aforesaid medioines, and (•inco his recovery, many thousand® similarly atfected have used Dr. Soheiiok'u preparations with the same re markable success. Full directions accompany each, making it not abso lutely neceHsnry to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and for this purpose ho is professionally at his principal office. Corner Sixth end Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where ail letters for advico must l>» uddressed. Schonok'a medicines are sold by all druggists. 5=gflntfii«gQ"Trnini-s off (ha AGES, Our ^Government and History. Goodspeed'a --1 IIKK• Book. Bible and Map House, CHICAGO. to »flO I forf j. - Wfrk and Expenses, or $100 „ -- forfeited. Ail th« new and standard Novelties. Chromos, etc. Valuable Samples free with Circulars. R. Lt. 1LKTOHKR, ill Chambers Street, New York. IVINS PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS. the Qpwns of Fashion. K. IVINS, No. 2903 North Fifth street Send for circular, street, Philadelphia, Pa. YKTANTKI* A(.K\TS--Canvassers should secure ' territory at once for Th<-I.if* and 1'iiblir Sereicr* B-V KX.IAS NABON. For terms address the Publisher, B. B. RUSSKLL, Boston, Mass. REVOLVERS r CQ nn „r 8»n« wllh 100 CMV. *•" Bfttlefftotioa riisraotoc Addra« WSSTE&N iiVti WORKS. CBICAAO. IU. W«at«d. J. I-TPatten & C«i.\ 'ivi'a'William St. New fort 1* and Painless; no pubi< OPIUM $250 and Morphii speedly oured. lofty, r. Oarl-8end stamp for particulars ton. 137 Washington St., Chicago, III A MONTH--Agantawanted srerywhnt* Business honorable and first class. Par ticulars sent fraa. Address WORTH A CO.. St. Louis. Mo. $77 PKR WKKK GUARANTEED to Agents Male and Female, in their own locality. Terms and OUTFIT FRKR. Address P. O. V1CKERY A CO.. Augusta, Main*. DO YOU WANT AUNJCil I Male or Female. Send your nddres* and get something that will bring you In honor.iblv over 81 "i(( a month sure INVENTORS5 I'MON. I If SJ Greenwich Street, New Ybtk. Men to trar»! and sell our goods to DB.t T.RRR. No peddling trom house to house Eighty dollars a month : hotel and traveling ex penses paid. Address ROBB A CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED! KIDDER'8 PA8mE§}M<!04t) ̂ mmL ibymaiL Stowcll AO0b iCbarlestown, Maga. O P I U M scribe i Haltit Cared At Home. No publicity. Time short. Terms moderate 1,(KK) testimonials. 5th year of unparalleled auueees. De- Address Dr. F. K. Marsh, Quincy, Mich. NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY.n This Cordial to a CERTAIN for Conghs, Colds, Inflammation of Lnnfifgore Throat and Breaat, Bron tig. and If taken In time, will arrest fatal disease Consumption. The BUL . this medicine is a preparation of Tar ol tallied by a peculiar process from (he sul, of tlie Pine Tree, the medicinal prraev* ties of which are well known. With this powerful element are thoroughly Incoi* porat«d several other vegetable Ingredft* each of which possesses soothing IUM! healing attributes, thas making It th* HKMt POTENT ANTAGONIST to all diseases of the pulmonary organs thsl has yet been introduced. DB. L. Q. C. WISEAET'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is not a new remedy that has newer beca heard of before, but an OLD. HCT.I. ABLE, AND WELL-TRIED medicine has been in daily nse by families aunt intelligent physicians for the last alxts Toiir Sfasn® Elegantly Print- ed OB 12 TrA N S P A KENT V * S ITi NT, CATIDS, for 25 Onto. Each card contaiiu a> tcene which 10 not visible until held towards the liphf. NothinglikethenieverbefofeoflVredin America, liirinducc- menta to Agent* NOVELTY PKINT<NU Co.,Ashland. Mass. 9SECRETS WONDERS Ana illyniories. A T»2 I><>OK IUU OJ |)ECUUI*R ffi»oiw»un'I» Illustrated. Seos fuv to all for 2 poatase stumps. Address FI.LTCHKB & CO., WiMwutburgh, New York S H O I I Those T"hs like to aee a ragged toe and dirty ti'taoktag will not care to buy KlliVki; TIPPED Shoes. But those who woa!4tatlt> er have a neat Silver Tip ehoulr1 insist that t heir shoe dealer should always keep them. t'PSl'CHOKAAiCl', or Soul Charming • h.,w <«.mt m-x limy liiHi'iimi," una h-uii «.,« l«»v« n To have comfort and health, wear Roots and Shoea that will not leak and are pliable--auohoniy are i made with the < A1IL.K SCREW WIRE. Try them. All bear the Patent Stamp. | 6ABUE SCREW W X RE tt <1 ~ QC per day Send for Ctaromo Catalogue. Mr 1 w H J. II. Bvrrouu's SONS. Huston, Itiaaa. d*C F A (Oil a day at home. Sample* worth (1 asnt #0 ®<uU fraa. STlKaoH A Oo.. Portland. Me. Oil FANCY SCROLL CARDS, 5 stjles.no name. 10c. hi v* AddrettH J. B. HUUTKD, Naaaan, Renca. Co., It. Y. AfU'rtion <>l ftny 1)i« y cluH>m\ iii^1iiiit]>. frer, l>y mail, 2'» n-nl*; tojfWlr^r wlfh •KtfjpMnn Oniric, l»r»'anis, Hinieto s, A<\ uueerbook. A-UlroM T. WILLIAMS A <U. J't ml Thin art all run u LOV*T H OuUlc, 1.000.1HI0 HOLD. A b'H, W IMMEDIATE!. ANTED 43 MoreVounc Men to Learn TELEGRAPHY. Good sit mat ions tuaran-witli et.'itnp, SUPKK-INTKNDiiNT I'MON TKLlCGUAl'll COMPANY, UUURLiS, OHIO. Y Q Gla f ARDS.--30 white or tinted Bristol, !iO eta.; SO r Snowtlako, Marble, Rep, or Damask, 35 eta.; !>0 ass, 40 cts.; with your name beautifully printed on them, and Ott aampleaof typo, agents' price-list, etc., sent by return mail on receipt of prk't?. Discount to Clubs. He-«t of work. W. V. CANNON, 4|'» Knoeland Street. Huston, Refers to S. M. PEXTKNGILI, <fc 0o. WORK At Home. Either sea. a month . Agcnta' Supply Co.,461 Bowery.N.Y. AfiTUMA •"<» CATARRH. Sara Care. Trial fraa NO I 111*1 II Address W. K. Bum, Indianapolis, bd. WANTED ABSENTS. Sample* and Outfit fret Better titan Bold. •. OOULTKR * CO.. Ohio*** THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY -is- VE6ETINE. MAKE IT PUBLIC. The Waste of Greenbacks to be Stopped. Treasurer New has just issued an or der which will save the Government an nually half a million dollars, if it is not interfered with by parties interested in the manufacture of liber paper. The order, in effect, is to prevent the return to the Treasuiy at the expense of the Government of Treasury notes and frac tional currency not defaced, mutilated or worn out, and, in case Government notes »»re returned, the cost of counting and retuiiiiiig will be deducted from the amount at hand. All notes sent for re demption the United States Treasurer is coin| elled to burn to secure proper vouchers for the Redemption Bureau. The destruction of so much papt-r money requires the purchase of a larger lot of the expensive fiber paper, increased ex penses in the Printing Bureau, as well as the necessity of employing a larger force in the Redemption Bureau. The saving proposed, with the cutting down of ex traordinary expenses for worthless patents used in the manufacture of our paper currency promises an annnal re duction of over a million of dollars. Socra Botrros, Fab. 9,1871. H. R. Stktexs. Eaq.: Jtear sir--I have heard from wry many sonroaa of the great Buccess of VKGliTINE in caaeaof Scrofula, Rheu matism, Kidney Complaint, Catarih, and ail other dia- eaaes of kindred nature. I mako no hesitation in anying that I know VKGKT1NK to be the most reliable remedy for Catarrh and General Debility. My wife has been troubled with Catarrh for many years, and at times very badly. She haa thoroughly tried every supposed remedy that we could hear of, and with all thia sne has for several years been gradually growing worst', and the aio„fiarge from the head waa excessive and very offensive. ;&lie was in this condition when ahe commenced to take VKGF.TINK ; 1 could gee that she waa improving on the second bottle. She continued taking the VKGIiTINK until she had used from twelve to fifteen bottles. I am now happy in informing you and the public (if you cnoose to make it public) that she is entirely cured, and [^"humanity to th f. for" I believe it to be a good, honest, vegetable medicine, and I shall not hesitate to 1a"' Store 451 Broadway. VEGRTINR aote direct Iv anon the eamo« r>f these complaints. It invigorates and strengthens the wbote system, act® upon the secretive oygans, allays inflamma tion. cleanses and cures .ulceration, cures constipation, and reguiatea the bowel*. HAS ENTIRELY CUBED ME. BOSTOH, October, 1870. Mr. Simm: Itmr Sir--tij dangiitar. after bavin* a aerere attack of Whooping Congh waa left In a feeble state of health. Being adviued by a friend she tried the VEGKT1S K, and »fter using a few bottled was fully restored to health. I have been a great flufferer from Rheumatism* I iiave iaker; .-ieveral bottles of the VEGETlNE for this com plaint, end anriapiiy to say it haa entirely cared ma. I have wooinm^idea the VEGETlNE to ctbera, with the same good reeulta. It is a great cleanser and purifier of the blood; it Is plawsiit to take, and I can cheerfully reoueuowad It. J CHIHK ^ Sold by all DragfW* and Dealtri Brtry wkwii floral Caralotrunfov _ Price 10 Centf.h'ssth Mh slf the ( {3 now ready, trico 10Cents, h-ssthiu half the cwjt! WILLIAM E. BOWDITCH, 6-15 "\Y arrcn 66.s Boston, Mass. MOW lUHiJv 1'Olt TI1K !.(MIO.IHMI. 0UKWESTERi>l BORDER N E H U N D R E D Y E A R S A C O . A < >ni pliic History of the Heroic Kpoch ol American Hor- Life. Its thrilling conflicts of Hed and White foes. KxcitinsAdventui'«'s,Cn|>tivitie8,]"oriiy8t Scouts, Pioneer women and boys. Indian Wnr-paths, Camp Life, and Sports.--A l>ook for Old and Young. Not a dull pace. No competition. Enormous sales. Agents wanted every where. Circulars free. Address .J. I . fllrt'l'KDY oi CO.. Sill Ave. mul Adai»» St.. Chicago, 111. MMTS SCIOPTICON, With new, improved aui ehespenad KAOIO LANTEBN SLIDES. yenrs, and Is spwteeM of to tike hlacUeat terms fey all who h«vc u«ed It. m ftm HANDS of UNSOLICITED TESTIMOM NIALS prove. If you suffer FLRAM ANY AINFAAE AMP which tills Cowllal Is mommendad, wt nnhrMtatingly s«yi " TRY IT, WB KNOW IT WILL DO YOU GOOD.** A single iiottle will demonstrate Its nlnt ulile <]tia]ltlr*. Sltl II Kl mceiSTS III STREMMS. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 232 North Sccond SL. Philad>a~ #14 aday »t lxnu. Annu nnwd. Outfit and feanaa • I £ fraa. AddrMa TRUE A CO., Avrtiti, Main*. "QQUU" MONKYFORALL. Only two Dimes. if if if ij Onlx (wo dimes. It ia :ilw;. ys darkest before dny." To any render who will senfl 2i» cont« to ns» we will send one hoi of WW3 which we fjtnr:tlit MO will put you in the way to make $i(K) a month, and n it tjiko lia.SC your time. Suitable for men or women,boysor fcirls, anil la entirely new. Thousands can now secure paying bt»i- ness. and constant income. This ia the "chance of «. lifetime." and if you will not embrace it tel! your friends, for it is A Fonrt'NE for some worthy deserving person who needs a helping hand. Not a recipi>. jewelry, or other humbug, but a AAFF. and BURE guaranteed businesa op portunity. Sample box, circulars, Ac., Jtc., are sent at cost. 20 cents, only to introduce it; none free, nn.l non* need reply miless they want to make $'2,(100 a year clear. , Hundreds are making that, and 20 cents and " WXt" will ehow you " how 'tia done." Addreaa IiUKTKKdc CO.. Hinsdale, N. «. PQRTABLE GRINDING WILLS. Rcw< French l»us'riitr*j>lri» die ismli'r-rmiiH'is, >'ocfi ni>ix r-i miiu iH, for Farm or Meifbiitit Work. Suae* rior Mill MS OIK'S of all tiiCIIMtlM' Itlllrh All. krr B«>lti»ir (ioth. Mill PMili * <ii u .Midlers and t'leaiiwa, liearins; Slmltin^, I'ttlliea, II an^ort,. etc., nil UimU of Mill 3'uclunei y una Miller-,' fiiipiilics. .Send lor PiHisplvleto Slr.iub 31111 4'oiupany, HSU. 4'inciiiuafi. O. S E ED ST My ILLUSTRATED SEED OAT A LOG UK rnrlBlf 18 NOW KKADY.and wilHm nmiled, VREK OK CHAUfi^ to all applicants upon receipt ot t» for pu»t« a(e. Enciiah and Get:;;:!!! I'Miiion A.t.'.rnnK J O H N K E R N , 211 Market Street, St. Louis. t3T~ State where you saw thla advertisements nGNTBNNUL b<r 1JC'«OK J. l.osfiisa l.L. D H I S T O R Y • i or TH* li UNITED STATK«. . now rc«D.T ' RHT NITGRPM- p'lrtfi IJUtc:;, of cur wfiotc Count™ in on- ,\;m itvhlv brtund. yet lou-inire<i voluin»-- over cOO jrmviuuH -- n-« onlv otw worthy to he pvthllftbeti huih ami Kuh i»u.« «i> »>-hivirntM aC'VM.'« f 'te Urmui *rnft>n"4 • braVon AGENTS WAMTBD ! lupidlr* .»~ lere«i evcrv >vn« m the fin-tUing history •! onr xcnirjr; heBoe, rare rhanc A pent* A first l»» k. » otf n*i leneod at <*nc* lor full de oriptJuB *tjj lii vrai uu, F. A. HUTCHINSON AMD COMPANY, Chicago, UL For ttnmea, Seaday-Mhoola ad Lecture-rooms itaiaada tNKlVALLKD. ' Brilliant and ea*y talhov | Olmlin of SPECIAL Offer free. Bclopticon liiiDuul (6th Kd.) M su. L J. XASC7,1340 Chestnut Strott, PhiUUpUt, H. ^ O X J T Z ' S HOR3E AND CATTLE POWDERS, D0MEST16 SEWINC MACHINES. Liberal Terms of Ex* chasgefor Second-hand Machines ol emty de»> cription. "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. The Best Patterns wade. Send Set*, for C'atalos«e. Address DOMESTIC SEWIMi HACSZHE Ca AciJtTs'WiKirD. " C1! 1E1V YORK. $ DOWN WITH HAITI TIMES. $ CfllfC MflUCV *nc' do it. huj' where .von era OHVu IIIOllCI OKT YOUR MONF.Y'S WDRlit. The (SreatN. E. Dollar Sale. 33 Bromiield St.. Boston, Mm. since 1H73 has sold goods to 126,t*H) patrons, it oilers every variety of Dry. Fancy, ami Staple (looOn, tiro- ceries, Books, Cutlery, Gla.es Ware, Jtc., 4c., at nboot half price, and sella CVKRTTUINU at ONLY ONK IMUJLR. - - - - - l t b u n f r o m m a n u t a v t u r e r s a m i first hands, and can rail half price, and sella evt FIRST HAND8. etxre or prevent Disease. INQUIRB Z"C»3E«. , V.A.DB0VN&W UMBRELLAS. PHILADELPHIA and SEW YORK.--The qualities marked with their name are confidently recom mended for what countiy dealers ask $3 to for. This is no hum bug, no " tickets " or lottery. See our circulars, ^:ul vft the thousands of articles offend at only $1. We are in- M| OINTSOoaM write fwAgeney for atw Wok W • /h Tfjliv RJinnliifoza ^miYoung SclHnft >t a* rata of 1.00O a week. Foil expo** of t!»e horrl-U* •yetem of Polygamy. Dlaitratcd Cireolan, with complsta infonnatioD free to all. Addrau anrnt offlca oi' Dustln. Oilman A COM Hvtford>CU,Cbl«a«o>lll.,anc.unaUl E1 OPIUM Morphine Habit Speedily cured by DR. BECK'S only known and sure Remedy. KO <J11ARW£ lor treatment until cured. Call on or address Dr. J. a BSCS, 112 Joirn St, Cincinnati, 0. dorsed by the beat patera of Boston, and by 10U.0UU 1 rons. See our circulars. UIC P AII and xill! i«13 you goods at less than any other « ™ """ houu®. We send by mail or express G. (X I>., and let you see goods before bnying. We want everywhere. No risk, no capital needed, flyC PCIIT bui's a postal card. Send one. for all •iplfc Utll I our iMtiers,. cin-ular*), and li-sta. We OAK and DO sell $3 articles. books, Ac.,ull for a SI!€- Gt* DOLUS. Beautii'ul Kings, Fins, Bracelufs. Subs. Pipes, VtoMnaJBaitars, Castors, in fact 2,0UU a.'ticlets, ail at $1. SxmdNo" Slease try. Addt r. E. DOLLAB SALE, S3 Bromiield St., Biwtoa.i Yon CAN do tt; Address ail orders to H. ORMISTON *Oa. low, and save money. WILBOE'S CCMPCUSD 07 jct v COD LITIS OIL AKD LIME. Wllber'-i Cod LIvrr OU and JUlme.--Ferasaw who have beau taking Cod IJ Js learn that l>r. Wilbor has succeeded, fran directknaa at oeveral nrofesional gentlemen, in tumhinbag oil and lime in such a manner th.it it is pMwaaal tt> loa taste, and ita affecte in Lung tk.nsplalnta ate truly w* darfnl Verv many peaaons whose eases were Bounced hopelese,and who hnd takin theetoar oil far akor time without inarktnl affect,have been entirely cotSF by using this genuine. Manufactured only by A. B. WILBOR.C&M»> KCBOK-O™ Sold by ail drugiUU. a m. v. WRITHTG TOAjgVKHTOBUM^ 1TBEH VVI TTjilcaMMjrjroBUWtht tatiStopaprav