Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Mar 1876, p. 5

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MBCil WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st. 1-8*6. Railroad Time Table. • OOINO '""J7 - Geneva'Lake Prnxenger. Gaire*a Luke i roiKlit ,.,,, .|;85y. X. GOING NOTTTH. , GENEVA Lake Frfeight i . . .** . . 1&:00 A. *. Geneva Lake-Passeneer......,- .T:05r. St. MASON icf. MGHEKRY CHAFTRR No. 34 R. A, M.--'Be (TU­ tor Convocations " held on tUe second and fourth Fridnyts in each month. < 1L Q. IRISH H. 8^. O. W. OWEN Sec,, CHf'K( H DIRECTORY. METHomsTk-rKev. J. T. Cooper, f^astor. •Services ever*' Siuailav morning at KMtf A, Bnnrtav Schoolat 12 .Y."M. II- C- Irish, Super­ intendent. Services at Rincwooa at 2 P. T FRESH Oranges-an^l Lemons, jtyst JOE<- ^ceivsed., at L. Stoddard's; SCK notice of Village Lot foi -Saje, in the Bargain Column. THE next Sociable will be held at the residence of Dr. II. T. Brown, (on Thurs­ day (to-morrow) evening. The Doctor says the latch string will be <tttt and all, both old #ttd y<wmgi use o^#*lly itt*iM ted. ' ;* TIF.M. MCOMBIJR was severely injured by Jte.ii>g thrown from a bviggv on Thursday of last weqjc. He has since been under the care of Dr. Brown of this village, and hisifjieuds hope to see him around in a few days. THREE weddings in town on Thurs­ day last, aud inconsequence a grand jubilee at the McHenry House iu the .evening. Dancing, Singing,end a gen­ eral good tiuue is what is reported by those who'were there. S. I. BRABIIURY. editor of the'Wauke- gan Patriot, ami E. M. Dennis, of the same place, t shed the light of their •countenances in our Sanctum on Wed­ nesday last. They were here attending the committee meeting of the Old Settlers. •4 .THE Hay Press neat' the Depot" f« now in -active operation, and Hay will soou be ready to ship to the mar­ ket. This, we think will prove a great benefit to our farmers, as it will give them* ready market for their surplus liay, and at good figures. THE Yolo Band were in this village -on Wednesday Inst, and when we take into consideration the fact that they have taken .but six lessons, furnished :some good music. We predict that "before the Centenial Year is over.they will prove themselves second to none in take County. Success to them. BEAK in mind that this office does all kinds of job printing--and makes a •^specialty of all kinds of commercial -printing, sueh as bill head?, letter heads envelopes, cards, &c. We do all kinds • >of poster work in plain or fau<$F colors* . Our prices are those of the great cities. •We cannot "be'beat.- "Give us a call. If. $. (jiREGORi' lVis -.opened his new Harness iSUop., next dooi to the Postr Office,-and is now ready for business. He has a neat and iasty little shop, and if you want a new outfit for your hor­ ses Gregory is the man who will fit you .otut ^out in good -style *»ta reasonable price. Call onfd see him int»l*»e»r quarters. ^ Tpg Committee of Old Settlers of McHenry and Lake Counties met at the Parker House, In this village, ou Wednesday last, and organized a per­ manent Society,-by the eleetion of officer?, &c. It was resolved to hold the next Re-Union at W^ukegan in the early part of June. We shall publish the proceedings in full next week. f . ' 1 1 1 ^CAST your bread <upen the waters" and throw Pbysies to the dogs?' are common expressions, but Tip Smith let $75 blow away in the wind, (or *{H»e other way) in bis Warehouse the other day and only £55 returned, and he has not as much faith in the old sayings as heretofore. He says wheu the wind blows he will holdou tighter in the future. W" rE nl'xt Meeting of the McHenry County Teachers Association wijl be .held iu this village on Saturday March Tllth, instead of March 4th, as published . in last weeks proceedings. The Te^clt- ,.era will please bear in mind, Saturday ,of next week, the 11th. is the true date ..of the meeting, to be held at the Schoql House1 iu MeHepry. --TnE Warfti. pTeaslfnt spring weather , of last week was changed on Saturday night to a heavy rain which continued most.of the day on Sunday, and on Sun- , day night a hail storm set in, hailstones • falling the size of a walnut, coming • with such force as to break windows in t some parts of the village, Before morning it changed to snow and on •Monday we had,quite a young winter, more snow being ou the ground than at' . any tiius. this season. We way yet have wsix weeks sleighing in March.* THE new Steamboat, "RF Emerson," ' has arrived, and now stands on the .banks of the "raging Fox," ready to be launched as soon as it is definitely set­ tled tlifit OKI Probabilities will quit ; freezing every other "light. It is a . neat and trim looki ng little craft, and, t if she will run as well as she looks will ' be a good addition to Nthe Pox River • "Fleet;" and can safely be called the .Flag Ship of the Squadron. When she ,1s launched due notice will be given v that,, our; citizens may make the trial •trip* . , . . . A THE next and fourth Party of the :Hc?IetM7 Social Club will be held at the Parker House on Friday evening of ;this week,. March 3d, and then every i two weeks: the re after until the entire <Opurpe of ten have iteeu completed. -These partie&are becoming more pop­ ular as. each one is held, the last one, qn (.the „2?d being attended by 114 couples, everything passing oft in the , most quiet aud pleasant manner. Be- -member the next one is to be held on Friday evening. Thickets only 75 cents. •.The best,of music" In attendance. THIS has been a great wiuter|for ly- <ceums. They have, been .flourishing in iSnaHy of the country Villages and ham­ lets of this part of the State "like the gseen bay tree." Questions simple and tprofound,are discussed and <decided by -them, and occasionally one exceedingly comical. But whether the discissions rare wise or foolish, they are gooibedu- .cators, and spme,of the great orators .4tf the future have ptobably commenced .to develope in those lyceums the latent rtalent whichis - in J^em. Jjtick to.ttoe ilyoejams. HOK. HANK MCLKAN received a val­ uable present fpom an Old Settler, through the hands of m Old Settler, on Wednesday last, -and that it was a settler for Hank he is willing to ac­ knowledge. He said 1t was the first ol that kind he had taken «k»ee January let. Well, there is <one .consolation. There is more where that oome( from, and freshi It was some time befm*e lie could tell what it was, lie said it had such a funny taste. WE have one jLawyer in McHenry county whose abilities in drawing^, up iVcgal documents is surely not Jinown. The following is a copy of a note late­ ly drawn by him: -----Feb. 23d, 1S7« I promise to pay twenty dol­ lar?, for eight months., "with six per cent intent, for oi*e light wagon Sigiwd, - Kow whether this means twenty dol­ lars for eight months of Ayers Alma­ nac,-or six per cent interest f&r one light wtigon is whajt puzzles the holder. ©JI Friday evening last a very pleas­ ant party was given ;at the Parker House, in honor of Win»low Buckliti and Miss Herakl, who were visiting at. Mr. Parkers, which proved a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. The invitations were Aery general and about twenty-five couples were present., who enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent, dancing being the order of the evening. The party dispersed about twelve o'clock well pleased Avith their evenings enjoyment. MissiHecald and Mr. Bucklin departed for their homes, at Picatonfca, 111, on Saturday jnor- ,,ing* ' i ' ' SPELLINtJ. Tlift following is the .report, of my spelling class for iheitwo weeks ending Iveb. 25th, 1&7G: Mary llogan, 250.; Char­ lotte Madden, 9-250; (Charles Slafter, 200; Mabel Smith, 13-250; Eloise W.'Vlte $^50; Eugene Perkins, .150; John Kelter, 1-250; Nellie Holmes, 5-250; Aug Fisher, 5-250; John Claxton, 5-175; Rose Wattles,3-200; Nettie Stoddard, 7-200; Addie Mc©mber, 1-125; Mattie McOmber, 8-150; Effie Curtis, 12-200; Ettie Beers, 4-250;--Jemtie Searles, |'we lvftve endeavoreU, since 10^250; iiate iKelter, • 3-225; Jessie Wightman, 2-225; Grace Owen. 4-225. T 8. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. ItfUUPBSi IT^l.raiD, thunder and lightsing en Sunday evening......... .Candidates for local olTiees wili«oon be on the ̂ ragged edge.'1 iBemember the Sociable at t!ie residence -of Dr. Brown on Tlmre- day evening........Isn't an aim with- oat ft mtue synonymous with anaht- mous Anonymous ?....... ,The next Old Settlers' Meeting has been fixed -for Jttrie ", at Waukegan..St. Patrick's Day will be here in a few days. Get ready for "the wearing of ;the green.*'........ W riting School Closed on Friday evening last Waistjng sweetness--Putting your arm around a pretty women.........The next Club Party will be held on Friday •evening of this week, the 3d Egg i^unday comes ou the 16th of April • this year. We are anxiously waiting for that diagram. By all means give u» the "Qneen's Favorite!".... A ... The young man who is continually shaking his handkerchief at every lady lie sees on the street, would do better if be would use it to wipe his nose..».»,,. One hundred and fourteen coitples at­ tended the 1'a.rty at the Parker lionise on the 22d....... ,If yon have Anything to sell give .through tlve columns of the FLAIKDEAI.ER. ....., .He asked us if we didn't think this had been a winter of mtuy remarkablenesses^ tttul we renoailted that we did....... ."Moth­ er-in-law we at he i*" is what * eoiiteui- porary calls the present winter. Old maids are like sour cider, they grow more crabbed the logger they are kept., and when they see a little mother they turn to vinegar at ©nee .'..The Gagetown Minstrels »t Gilbert's Hall this evening. "Where, O where,, has my leetle dorg gone" will be sung with variations ..\.AueW set of Fair­ banks Scales can now be seen in front ofO. Bishop's Warehouse.,,. Lent commences to-d«y ..And Spring Marches iu at the J^anie time,, This beivg^.eap Year every woman has the inalienable right ;to make love and the fires iu the morning It there is anything in this world calcu­ lated to make a man.forget that he has been to hear Moody and Sankey ob the juaeyjous eveuingit is to bounce cheerily out of bed in the morning aud light en the business end of a tack C. T. Eldredge is still shipping piles of Poul­ try every day .Robins were seen in this section last week,, but com­ plained of cold toes ou Tuesday morn- !'£••• I Jnes on the ^Beautiful Suow" .are now in order. TfiR Hibernian Debating Club, in District No. 5. Nnnda, (School House near Mr. William Mosgrove's.) will give a grand Exhibition on Friday evening of this w-ek. March 3d. Ad- nxissiou lOvcents. Jonx Kxox,, am., President. Keal Eitate TramfeM. Oooreyances filed in the lteeorder's Oflice,.of;JIcIIenry Comity, Illinois, for the week,commencing February 21«t, 1876, aud ending February 26th, A. D., 1876: Lucia M. Mead to William Hider.-- 5 acres in e^eej 17, 44, 6, 825. R C "Jefferson to Magdalina Hartlett. 200 acres iu sec 16, 21 and 22, in 45, 7, $8000. i John Ilari'iHon and Wife to O H Gil- more. Lots.6, 7 :and 8, blk 7, Railroad addition to Richmond, $500. O II Gilmore.aud wife .to.John Harri­ son, samf. $500. 'Frank W md wife to UTicholns BUtke aud John Myers. Lots 14 and 15, Simmons addition to Ringwood, 81700. John J Myers and wife to Nicholas Blake,-same, $225. D C Mallory, and - wife to Michael Kelter. Pt lot 2 Ulk^, Nunda, ^113. Robe ft Welsh and wife to Francis R Guth. nj se nw ne se 21, all in 45,5, ^1000. .Stephen Friend to Henry Miller. Pc of land in sw cor nej lg, 45, 5,0250. JOavid Ercanbrack toa^m«>eis Forrest, n^ u£ sw se 32,45, 7, $10. Daniel Sullivan and wife to Margrat McCarthy, ne se 32,46, 6,. $500. .Daniel S.Sitzer and wife,to.Edward Brown. 10 acres north end-e^ nw, 18, 45,6,^100. Edward Brown to Johannah Crean. Same §90. Chester 6 Blackman and Wife to Patrick Conerty. Lot 1 blk 12 Black- man's addition,to Harvard, ?175. •Wm Hart Jrto Adaline C Warren.-- Lot6 blk 1 Hart's addition to Harvard, •100. Adaline Warren to'Fred Peters. Lot 6 and part lot 7 Hart's.addition to Har­ vard, $500. / George M Oakley Jwid^wife to Daniel Collins and Johsi McCarty. 23J acres near 11, 44, 5, $423. Geo I Cawthorn and wife .to Jacob H Seaber. nw sw 24, .44i8, $1*40. Jerry Ilowley And wife ,to J.apies '.Howley. nj se J 28,45, 5, $2000. .CONSISTi;>ClT. We receive d a few days since through the Post Office, the following letter. EDITOR PLAINUEALER :--Keep puffing ascertain ',Soeial>]ev but never say an enconraging word about matters in the Methodist Church, as all editors are so perfeotly iuiparti al. A HEADER, Now let .us see how "impartial?" "A Reader" is Uiiaself. He seems to be greatly troubled because the ladies of the Universalis^ Society are.holding weekly Sociables for the worthy object of repairing their church, and without daring to sign his name^gives us a stab becaut-e we notice such Socialdee as a matter of llocal news,.and , accuses us of being partial ii> the matter. Now while we do not'belong to the Uuiver- < < WII4.1AM M «OLM. We ^ere c^ledupo^,-iuourlasJisR|ies to make the sad announcement <©f the de^th of Wj^, M. CoLi*v,<.but ^s the painful intelligence reached us #s we mere going to press,, we were obliged to defer the following narfc!ciijiii-<j 'intil tbls issue. »- . WILLIAM M. CTEFEWR was bora SEFK tember 11th, 1851, at the old bome*; stead, near tlie village of McIIenry, 111„ where he lived until 15 ye&rs of .age. surrounded by a large circle of relatives, among whom jpk was jthe youngest nod favorite. He then removed with his, father to Ringwood, remainiug there three years, when he returned to "Mc- Heuryf* engage in tlie study^f his profession with his brother, Henry CoJijy, During the time (that he was pursuing his studies he also took charge; of the Post Office, performing all its. duties with an activity and promptness i that received the commendations of the higher authorities as weH as those of the commnnity for »*l).om belabored. He was an earnest student and an inde­ fatigable worker, yielding to uaUght th'at-^ersistent e^rt and patient toil could overcome, and at his departure to enter into business for himself, few h^d acquired that thorough comprehen­ sive knowlKdgc of hU professioii that lie possessed. In Ocjtober, 1872, he bade farewell to his native village, and accompanied by the regrets and best wishes of a host of friends, he went t6 Gibson City, Ford County, 111., to take charge of # Drug Stor,e, in partnership with his brother, Ora C. Colby. This was the tlireshhold of business life to .bit#; the doof from boyhood to mjinbood. On t.he one side ho jeft all the watchful care aud kind solicitude of his boyhood home and stepped forth to meet jthe active duties and stern realties of a business life, but lie went forth firmly and bravely, and tii^vgh t.liis >vs» his first business experience it proved emi­ nently success fid. He remained there until June, 1873, when, tlieyhaving sold their business, he made a short vislit to his old home. Alter# few asoetUe wandailngs lie again, in partnership with his brother Ora, established a Drug business at Neosho, Newton County, Southwest Missouri, .whe^ic he retrained one year, when they removed tu Granby, a min­ ing town eight miles N-ortWast from Neosho, where he wjis residing at the time of fois decca?e. Here, -as hereto­ fore, he labored earnestly aud faithful-: ly until prostrated by Typhoid fever,, which terminated so fatally. The first symptoms of the . fever manifested themselves Feb, 4t!\, but .as ;they did not assume a malign-ant form his-friends ilid hot anticipate any danger or feel .Any seriou? av^ietj until the merulug of Feb. 20th, when an alarming change occurred, artd his whole constitution, undermined by constant applictttio»j, sank hcncatli the ravages of his disease without sufficient vital force to rally, immediately on the .first apprehension of danger a message was sent to rela­ tives here and his brother, Henry Colby, made hasty preparation 'to go to 'him, but was deterred by a second dispatch announcing his death, which occurred ou the evening of Feb. 2Qth. This an­ nouncement east a gloom, not only over Richmond Department. D. A. POTTER, KDITOR. Passenger traips pass RicttwroKi station as follows* OQ1NG SOUTH CcnsTR r<«k« jr»«s«ngcr............. .7?B» 4, *. Geneva Lake Fmaht K* NOR*« Genera Lake Freight.;.. ...J9:V» A. M. Genera Lake Passenger *......7:£T p. M. CliURCII DIRECTORY. •COKGK?:G.\ TI' »>;AI :--ITOV. Jfc'. J. DOVGLASS P»«lor. Services at 2 F, M. Mj>;Ti!or»isT:--Rev, Sum!, ftarnjjfv Pastflir. Pcrvioes 10:30 A. jf. S*bb<Mii 8chool^:30 A. M. J. L. Wowninp, Supt. B vi-rrsT:--Eliler Wlieplfr Fn^tor. Services A. M, SabKitli Sch«H>l 1? M, A actios of meetings fteipg held at tlie M. E.. Church, salist, Methodist, or airy otherdiurch, (which, perhaps is unfortunate for us) hearts of;the numerous relatives !.the .first issue of this.paper, to notice all public doings, no matter of wBft denomina­ tion, and we think the Pastor of the M. E. Church, and many of'its membei*# will bear us witness that we have re­ peatedly asked them to furnish us witli any notice* which -they wished pub­ lished and we would gladly insert them. And in Tact we believe they have never had any services *but what hare been liberaly noticed in our col­ umns, the notice of their hour of service and Sunday School standing conspicu­ ously at the head of our local column every week. Now if our correspondent is what he purports to be "A Reader," he knojws this to be a fact, but as he does not sigu his n^me. we are led to believe he isuot so "peifectly impar­ tial"'1 as he claims to be. We are at all times ready, willing and anxious to receive and insert local notices for all parties, but would like to have honor awarded where honor is due. *>0, Con­ sistency thou art a jewel," but thy name is not •"Anonymous." WE were shown a new Boole just is­ sued, entitled ^History of the United States," which is a oomplete record from the Aboriginal times to the pres­ ent day, embracing accounts of the Aboriginees, Spanish., Engltsh, aud French discoveries, the growth of the colonies, the establishment of. the Union, the Norsemen in the new World, the planting of the settlements, the struggle for liberty in the revolution, the development of the Nation and the Civil war. The author is John Clark Redpath, A, M, whose name alone is a guarantee that the work is one of tlie most accurate and reliable. It is pro­ fusely illustrated with Maps, Charts, Sketches, -Portraits and Diagrams, bound in the best and most durable style, and pointed on the best of paper and with clear plain type. Mrs. L. A. .Claik, of this village, is the authorized Age fit for the town of McHenry and Nuuda, and will call upon the citizens of:tixo»e towns in few days With asam- ple copy of the book It is a book which should be in every family, and we bespeak for her a large sale. HE can be seen next door to A. B Cowlia's on Main Street, Woodstock. who were summoned from various parts of the country, ibut oye.r the hearts of all this community where he had lived and.been loved. 'WILLIli was a noble, loving boy., :an earnest, faithful man. Endowed with all noble and elevating attributes, he ever won the;love and confidence of all with whom he associated^ In the vari­ ous communities he always connected himse.lf with Church and Sunday School work, living steadfast in principle and laboring quietly but faithfully in the, cause of that pure religion which teach es love and charity to all. Earnest iu purpose, faithful in duty, sacrificing in spirit, ever aspiring to all that was ex­ alting and noble in life, he was indeed a bright example of true manhood. But God called him and he has gone, leaving many, many mourning hearts, father and brothers, sisters aud friends, and one dearer than all others, whose plighted vows with his formed bright links in that chain which bouud their hearts and souls In a union that death itself cannot sever; a union Mfhieh, though unrecorded on earth, God's Angels have recorded in Heaven. He still eud hearts, why do ye mourn, , * Aud murmur neath this rod, for >ViUic'B voice bids you to tftrj}, JTor comfort to youi- God. ' Beeiy Tryon, who had his leg ampu­ tated, is 1 ni pro vinir rapidly. We think t1»e snow makes it loofc de­ cidedly wintcrish jn|t now. The sudden changes In the weather appears so give o«r Physicians plenty of business, but n6 prevailing epidem­ ic, unless you call colds an epidemic. The Leap Y<ef,r Party at tlie Rich­ mond House, 011 the Anniversary of Washington's Birthday., -was the .lar­ gest of the season, the Hall being full. Farmers are anticipating an., early Spring, as the fainter has beenjso very mild there is but very littl£ frost in the ground. A few days of warm sunshine will make the ground ftt tie p#t in Spring grain. Wanted--The attendance of the pa-' tfonsof Richmond Public School at the School Rooms. The 'leather will give you a heart y welcome and it will go far towards giving pew life to the School. TryH/" . * -• The Donation of the Rev. f5/Earn|*y passe doff very pleasantly Jbwt Thurs­ day evening. All appeared happy.-- The net receipts of the evening were nearly or quite $75, which, for the num­ ber present, was.« noble Donation. The- week has given HI the usual ditinges and a few days pf very fine weather. OB Sunday evening thunder, llglitnuig, hail and rain; colder during the night and sleet and1 snow, the most at any time this season, but as it fell in mud and water fine sleighing is horri­ ble, mud fnd water predominating. Sheriff Church is in town looking af­ ter the unfortunate ones who required him aud his Deputies to suour the .country in the mu.d. during the last term of Court* to call men to Wood-, stock. Gentlemen, walicnv^ and pay the Fee Bills. It maybe a dear School. Merchants are looking over stock and jogging the memory of slow,.forgetful customers, with an eye to an early Spring trade. We guess the.y ate a little anxious to hurry up Spring- trade, so they can have rtime to attend the Centennial or some of the Political Conventions that are on the programme for the comiug season, as some of them are said to be aspiring, but we do notj say for office. None of them expect to be tlie next President, although they have some of the requisites. " Honest." Xast Wednesday and Wednesday e vening some 80 couples mot at the house of B. C. Martin, in Richmond, to celebrate the Crystal Wedding of Al­ fred WUcox and Mary Wilcox his wife, being the loth anniversary of;the happy couple who were the recipients of such marked attention on that day. Every­ thing was done that could be done by Mr. Martin and his excellent lady, and also A. Wilcox and lady, the .bride And groom, to make it pleas(vi\t and agreea­ ble to al). Thfldr .table was loaded with all the [luxuries that one .could wish or desire. We will not attempt to enu­ merate the presents received but they were munificent and such as are usually presented at 6uch times, ouly % little more of them. Notice to Stockholder4. OFFICE OF THE UNION COMCAST, ^ McHenry, lH., Jfeb. £8tji, "*7C. i Public Ndtice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of tl^e Stockholders ot the Union Company will be held at the Pickle Factory, in McHenry, on Satur­ day, the eleventh day of March, 1876, commencing at the hour of one o'clock v. M„ for the purpose of considering the question of amending the By-Laws; of said Company so as to provide some method of .filling vacaucies in its Board of Directors, occasioned,by tlie resig­ nation or otherwise.qf t£ny of its mem­ ber?. Also to elect a Director in place of A. H. Hanley' By Order of the President. E. JBUESEE, Sec'y. (c- ̂ ̂ Business Notices. /fry pw 60pt and 75ct Japan Tea. » JiuvKLiy & SrEVK**. The most Goods for n dollar In tW County at Buck! in &Stevetrs. For bargtins in Shsrds,can at B«ddla^ & Steven'# ' SEE Bucklin & Stevens, New Ad? vertiseinent,- Look for low prices at Bucklin St Steven's. • Machine repairs and all leadiif machines kept by E.M.Oweo. If you want any kind of Farm lmplv*' mentor repairs call on £. M. Owen. pairs ITorse Blankets at low pric* at Bnckl i n A S te v e n' A splendid n»oo to Kent on reasoi^ able terj^, „ TT ^ O. W. OWV*J McHenry I1L JatuIfStfi, tSH. To make money is to save It. and to save money is to bey your Goods of Bucklin & Stevens for Cash. Sure Cure for Hard T!mn--Bar yoii Goods at Bucklin 4k Mteyena ftt Cijsh. The first one ever brought to McHen» ry County can seen at the IJttl# Shoe Store, 011 Main Street, Woodstock, Beaver Cloths for Cloaks at Buckllu .<& Steven's. Have yon seen them? They are cheap-as we lias desirable. Boots and Shoes made to order for Ladies and Gents, at the same prices you wouid pay for sale goods. Where f At Warren's/ou Maiu street, tVood* stock. Special Attention paid to Dyeing and Shampooing Hair, Al?o attention given to the cutting of Ladies and Ohildrens Ilair, Remember Charley sU»|* at the Parker House. The Bottom has fallen ottt. Prices way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Biickiin 4 Stevens, nair „t!ie Depot. BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned is prepared to flat* nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or slug!« Meal, giving good accommodation at a moderate price. Residence first stflseft West of the P<ut#e -Square. MRS. U 4. VeKenry, flL March in, H78. BARGAIN SI BARGAINS!! In order tj> make room for their Spriug stock. B^kli«i & Stevens wU| outer Bargains Jn Woolens. Water­ proofs, Bed Blankets, Nubias, Line<| Boots and Shoes, Overcoats &c., «fcc^ j^f"The Bibcock trial ,is ended,-the verdict of the Jury being 'NptQuilty.' ** Thus endetli that chapter. SENSIBLE TO THE LAST. , Give theip g^'ay buy an Estey. FOR SALE. A -House and Lot in the 'Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, wcllilocated for Livery and SalejStables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured ;hy mortgage. For parti­$re#8 or call on #>. A. POTTER, P. M., Richmond, I1L . READ! READ! \ Wfl jnive made arrangements where­ by we are able to furnished the papers n^med ;below at the following low rates. Inter-Ocean and the McHenry Flain- dealei;, $2,70j - ' Harpers Weekly and McHenry Plain- dealer $4,85 Harpers Monthly ^nd McHenry Plain- dealer $4,75. Live Stock Journal aud MoHenry Plain dealer #3,00. Godey's Lady Book: mid i¥eH»niy 'Plaindealer $4,10 Prairie Farmer i^nd McHewy Plain­ dealer $3,0i> Call and subscribe and get your readiug at Club Rates ^XKXANDER & HTOE. DrqggistS. Richmond, Feb. 4th 1876. BOARDERS WAITED. ' In consequence of Mr. Bacon's long continued lameness, without any pros­ pect for the better, I.have decided to solicit boarders that can lodge them­ selves. .Can lodge-3 or 4. Mas. J. BACON. Richmond. Jan. 1st,1876. THOMAS CLARK WANTED. Thomas Clark, the person who worked at .John Ralstoii's. near McHenry ViV* lage.. -wijl learn of something to his ad* vantage by letting ids present whe*0» ahouts1>e known to said Ralston, JtfcH.ourv, l!)^, l«(^. ,u.'. . . NOTICE. to „ 1V> all person? iudebted-t#° Smttti Bros. & Co.y allow us to call your es* pecia! notice to our claims. For many rears we have sold you goods and ah* lowed you to pay us at your owu con­ venience.. ButAtow we are closi,ug out our business, with the view off jeaving the country in the Spring, Therefore you must see the necessity of prompt payment. All accounts not paid soon will be put in course of collection. Wo are tin earnest in this matter and woulft not advise delay. Respectfully. 8MITII Btt03..$5£a, January 24th. 1W. ^ o The New American Sewing Machine still continues the leading Sewing^ Machine. It has attained its dignity by being firstsin every particular, possessing new and valuable improve­ ments, and being sold at standard prL- ce$. Cheap machines will find piu> chasers, but the intelligent mind recognizes the fact that standard articles always bring standard prices. The merchant who patronizes his gro­ cer and butcher well, .a^d dresses his cf|ilUU'qu1neat-,w(Hit8ttUe Amenicaii, on ficcavint of its be! ng rnadc iu the h|^h» est stjie of ast and of tlie best material. Self-threading throughout, being thi# only one in the world, light ana < running, simple, durable and perfect! reliable. Call on.O. W. Owen, Agent at McHenry. and see for yourselves. Try the American and you will buy 110 other. Chicago Oiflce, 244 Wjihash Avenue. THK BEST ORGAN IN THE We make the above assertion with­ out fear of successful contradiction. We are not in the habit.of rupulng down Organs sqld by ,other Agents, being satisfied to let our instrument speak for.itself, but we are sorry to say there is one Agent in tliiscountyj. who has no compunction in that way; lie has, we are told, on everj' opportu* nity, run down the instrument we are selling, not because he knows anything* against it never, vw,e believe having seen it, but in (Orde^r to make people believe he is selling the only good in* strument offered -fn the county. But notwithstanding this we are, as vf-e be­ fore said willing to let the North Western,.s-peakfor itself,aud to juiyr\ne wishing-to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee t nem a lotvcr pAce and as good an instrument as can be found in the. Northwest. Call at -my store, East side of the Public Square, Woo«td»t<4ck, and be couvinced Mrs. S. A, iteid. Woodstock, 111. Feb 21st 1*7»>. McHUNRY MAfUVsaw. COBKECTUl> TCKSDATOV jgKm Wheat, J^o. a Spriugr Wheat, No. 3. Spring Si T« If you-want an extra good Olivet ;«r Hair CU^, c^il on Charley, at the Parker House. Rejected, Oats -No. 9 0»rn, (per 60 t^s) IJarley No. i .. RarloyJfo. 3..... Rejected.. ...... -Untter, (tnb») ... -Butter, (rolls)... Egps, Lanl,.... -- Oheesq, Dressed Hogs,.... JJTU Jioga,... Cattle ..... Beans Wool, (w.»she<l) -- Wool, (u »> wa slied)... .......... These weeklv reports are thea -tual parchaMwef that day, rciivxt uoon.

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