Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1876, p. 8

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| LATK D.illiV MAItKliTS. UTICA, ST. Y., March 1*H». kt* [_ The Liverpool- quotftttimlk ' lias advanced three smiiiui^s since last Tuesday, ancl the" foreign rt^ufajK1. not Only continues Brm-, but Hs irknvhlg.' Our advices agree in announcing that „ there ia a perceptible scarcityof choice; . The extreme prfc£, 3Its Is . Jfcsked with increasedconfidence. Ktuw^ :ijnai quotations liave not changed since last \veek> but the trade ̂ approaches a |>oint from which there will doubtless /"iron be an advance, The increased firmness is also reported from Boston And Philadelphia. There Is no change In prices at the former market, quota­ tions ranging from 13 to 13$c for choice factory. An increased horiie demand Is likewise reported from New York, though Jhe home trade is still some­ what dull. The exports continue to exceed the receipts, and both export® and receipts exceed those of* the cor­ responding week last year. Indeed, the trade is much more animated this cpring than last, and the prospects of a bare market are much better. The factories will re-open at the usual time, with fairer prospects than they did last year. In the interior we be­ lieve the stock is light. Few reports ©f large lots in hand have reached us and at Little Falls and Utica choice factory may be quoted at 13 to 13$c. BUTTER.--The tone of the market has improved at all points. ' The best grades are .scarce, and fair grades am in increased demand. A LAWYEK OUTWITTED. A similar case to that of the Presby­ terian clrgyman commemorated in the Editor's Drawer of the Jantiary Har­ per's occurred in a Massachusetts town of high repute quite a number of years ago. The town, now a city, maintained a high school, according 1 to law. A teacher was employed at a certaiij salary, by the year. After a while his services were not found satisfactory to the school committee, and their chair­ man, a smooth spoken member of the legal profession, was deputed to per­ form the ungracious task of informing the master of the state of the case. After the settlement of preliminaries, the point was reached and the proprie­ ty of the master's resignation was di­ plomatically and politely suggested. The incumbent, if not qualified to teach such a school, was a shrewd Yan­ kee. lie expressed his willingness to "^eavi "so readily the commictee-man became uncommonly gracious at the gacccss of his mission. "But," said the worthy pedagogue, "if my services are not satisfactoryIjere, they may be in some other placp; and as I must get my living, I presume you will give me a recommendation ?" "Certainly," replied the committee­ man, thinking only of relieving his own town of an inefficient instructor; and accordingly drew up the paper on the •pot. >' The master -read it, aad found it highly satisfactory. "And now," said he, glancing keenly at his employer, "upon this recommendation I am so well fitted to teach, I will thank you to pay me the rest of my salary for the linexpired half year. The lawyer was caught, and the mon­ ey was paid. Goods AndNew Prices.^ Have on hand I^arf* and tvpil *oU>ot«d Stock of ! * Boots, Of all Kinds, which Down Low Car --AN ill be soldi €3-A. Corner Main Street and Public Squaref WOODSTOCK ILL. M A R K U S > CERMAN * These bitters a» manufactured by the pro. prictorfrnm GERMAN ROOTS, imported bv him. The receipt of these Bitter* was obtained by the proprietor in 1*43 , from an old and experienced physician (then a phy* sician in the Prussian arinv), and a graduate of the highest medical colleges of Germany. These Bittern are Guaranteed to cure the se> verest cases of DIAlll'HCEA, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, and are a certain preventative of FEMALE SICKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVJCR, AND AGUE. Plhrrlwtfsi !s a disease characterized bv an increased discharge from the Rowels, usually in a very liquid state, and sometimes contain­ ing a large quantity of Bile. Besides the vari­ ous purgative medicines, undressed or indi. gestable foo«l, or vegetables, acid fruits, oily or putrid substances frequently cause l)iarr- h<ea. Physicians distinguisjLvarious kinds of Diarrhoea. as (crapnlosa) wlm the forces pass off ordinary quality; "bil'os;if*when the bile is more abundant than natural; "mucosa" when list* eSt-reiri<55ts fi-ntsiii « qusiatity •'•? raucTTS't "serosy" in which they are almost entirely liquid and watery; and "licnteria" when the food passes through the body in an almost im altered state. There are frequently, also nausea and vomiting, a bitter taste "in the mouth, a furred and yellow tongue, dry^ftnd harsh skin, a full or sallow couritenance, and if speedly checked, great emaciation. This is one of tqose diseases by means of which na­ ture strives to get rid of impurities, and re­ store the system to its natural condition. Hence, when it is not very violent, and the patient is strong, it is best to let it take its course for a short time, and by taking only two wine glasses full of the Bitters for the first- ten hours. For violent cases five wine glasses full per day, one before each meal and two ld'tu een meals. In any case great care should be taken not to stop* it too suddenly. The treatment thus in all cases depends upon the cause from which it sprang. For Indiges­ tion and Dyspepsia take one wine glass full of the Bitters before each meal. No family should be without a bottle. Price per bottle, large 80 eta., Bmall 50cts. Manufactured bv P. MARK US, WOODSTOCK, ILL Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY. BSrThe Portland Oregoniqn has a letter from Independence,' 'Oregon, which says: "A Mr. Elkin had two of his sous attending the deaf and dumb school at Salem, when they both were stricken down with fever so prevalent all over that school. He took them both home to this county, and attended to them with great care; but while one of them got wqii quick, the , other re­ mained very low, eansed, as $he doctors said, front the eruption of tfce ear, which was continually running. Bnt what was the joy of the father when be percievcd that his son showed signs of being able to bear! It annoys him yet to be spoken to, or any other harsh tioise, but he can bear even the snap­ ping of the fire. The boy is getting now slowly better, and the father has great hopes that he will be able to hear hereafter." HAIR WORK. Mrs.C. Richard, Woodstock, would respectfully inform the public that she is now prepared to do all kinds of fan­ cy hair work, consisting of frizzes, Braids, eurlp,and switches. She has a Rooter, with the aid of which she can take combings and make them up into Switches as nice as cut hair. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit tire liberal patronage of the public, lier rooms are one door „ abcv^ Y'^""® Furniture Store, where she v ill at all times lie in readiness to attend to her customers, Bucklin & Stevens near the Depot have filled their Store, crammed. Jam­ med full of Fall and Winter Goad* A SURE CURE FOR DIABRBKEA, This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with n diarrha-a I tried everything that was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until two bottles of F, Magus' Bitters wliiah complete­ ly tsured'tne, Robert Forrest Peter Blane an A ptliers can testify the above to be'true and no humbug. I ium; proved i£ to be equally as good for billions complaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries oft" the bite, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever wpd, JOJJN PKXMAN SEN. 'JWn of Seneca, Mcllenry County, lllinoi*. - Subscribed and sworn to be for® the this 28th day of September 1875. \ JE, BALDWIX. J. p. •; -onus'IN-- i > ' •. " "; iS«ffand Hcjwf;"4! H a r d w a r e STOVES * , "1 TINWARE, MECHA NICS" TOOLS* , ̂ ; JAMMING IMPLEMM CLOTHES WlilNGMBS WHJpi |WILL BE SOL®^ ^ - L O W E R T H A N nstrjj, PRICES! Now Is the time to purchase, and mo BUM. ey. I believe that I can furnish good goo«l« as'low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! - 't V ---- J.8TORY.f 'Opposite Owen Mill*. McHenry 111., JtilyJB. Promptly attended to. HENRY COLBY, - -r- ' ft*. pAi^m soils, ftt PaMters Brushes, &C«y &c< Physicians Prescriptions Oar«fuiiy Compoun^ad. ,, iSTATIOlSEIlY. rouif We have a fine Stock of Cap, Hill, Note and Mourning1 Paper, which we are selling very Cheap. Aline assortment of the latest Styled Box nd Paney Papers, oonatanftly ,«tt;l»»nd. , '• s ' - " i $i All Goods Warranted As represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage} Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th, 1872. a C H E A P E R Than Ever! Pasfm?wr« for CHICAGO, Detroit,' Toledn Cleveland, Hufl'aio, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, ilon- treal, Quebec, Portland, Jioston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St, Louis, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, O^. den, Salt Lake City, Denver, Council BlufTs, Sioux City, St. Paul, Marquette, E.scanalta, Me- naeha, 3Iadison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton, Winona, Dulutli, Oieen Bay,•Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and East, should buy their tickets via. the & Koxth-WefiUi'ii Clo«e connections are mad« at Chicago with the Lake Shore ft Michigan Sonthern, Michi- wf?i« ficntval. TiaUhnore &. Ohio, PittsburK Fort Wayne & Chicago, Kankakee Line and Pan Handle Houtes, lor all points EAST and SOUTFLK AST, and with the Chicago It Alton and IlUnoia Central for all points MOUTH. Close connections a?re also made with the Union Pacific R. It. at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections are made at junc­ tion points with trams of aU cross roads, Pidlnuin Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these cars Ivetweei! Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Omaha oar Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on the Union Pacific Rail­ road, for all points w«st of the Mi»»ouri River. Among the Mncents ofereil ty this Route to the traveling public arq all tlie modim Jm. lirovements: Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track. Steel Rail, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor an<i Drawing Room Day Coaches, Smoking ami Lounging Cars, . Wesitlngliouse .-tiafty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Oonplliig and Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute Com­ fort. Banning tbronglx Five Great States, and operating over 2,000 miles of road, this Company presents to the traveler facilities that ARE NOT and C'AXNOT beoHered by any Competitor. All tickets agents can sell you tickets via this route. If you wish tbe best traveling accommoda­ tions, von will buy your tickets by this route, and will take no other. Goods are Selling at the NUNDA General Variety Store. Read this Price List: TOBACCO Smoking, 85cts Shorts, 45 cts A A..I... ...45 cts Killikanick 50 cts Durham...... 75 cts A large Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. GROCERIES--Young Hyson Tea SO cent per pound. Gui»j)owder 75 cts. Warranted as good as you have been paying $L00 for. All Kinds. Graham, In IC*" P jp wheat, Minnesota and Patent Rye Flour, Ac., by the Sack- or pound Oo|a Meal the same Ping, ..60, 7f>and'*l,00 Fine Cbt, 55, 70 and $i CANDIES Mixed, 25 ct« Stick .....20 cts Fancy.... 30ct| Prize, . . . 7 . ...25a50cti Sugar Sand, all colorb 95 cents * s*5 am™ A lar^e Stock of 9 Sfl^Ww very heavy Tinware am| Stove Pipe, .Stoves to Order. JOS-Amateur Printing .Office Orders of all kinds taken • J Real Estate and Insurance A^t County Agont for the Protection Life In- surance*Company of'Cliicago, which Insures for one-third usual rates and ia the sat'eat Company Try it *fi9"Cail and seo my Goods and learn Pricw, underthe NEW NIJINPA HALL, Which is the best in town and wlU lie lot^ls r e a s o n a b l e a s a n y r - v - r - I I ' M. MALLORYJ Xunda, Oct 2'Jili, 1875 - - ;u. PEEBX™& MARTIN, %m « For President in 1876 ':iAl ; :f I - Kf. i* iejfi » tn*r ' t*$t' fymom?*® "* ' a, )0 i OivW* <>3 Ltj.m Headquarters for all of imiWf Wi: bm Mi*- <$0ii i i • Cto ' him 'rikmikj-' • HtN iA4i kwnf, n^.i # : ...••••ijp'i ¥i • <h-4 _ (rtf JiSiKuiimT 4 , i.- .VI -.Ji -. Mittfir ltJH> S.::u m . .Ti-.I J: Groceries of all Kinds, Glass-Ware, if ir • FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS^ ; i And in short, a First Clas Stock of 6eneral Merchandize. 4 -O- Ji.'J tvt ii Wo are constantly receiving new Gooda of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains In AH classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties Who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that I OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We'.always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to enormous profits on our goods* We intend to a And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. JOS^GIYE US A Ui^LL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not.* ** I IBS Wktf WXOTOTS THX MOST YOESS. the Man who gitf^he^MO; GOODS for his money" buys of »J8*« (91'WSMOP TO o, u. TinniriKM,)'!;; NUNDA, •«,% ILLINOIS ' ffttm-- • " aiuii 3'30'f i BH fJ«r> J! kowsvr' PRicteiBi^S afe-TlieStock to NpW aid Large, Largest Stoci, Bfst Assorliottj -I Consists of Dry Goods, .ft nil: jxi'i; I; rtT.' • and Skooi^v^B t f i 'liii&iril Hats aa<J (Sps^ (latl •' U: Choiftt'ffroceries, &c., &c^ *5"Giye mc a Call and Save Your Money. buyEng' GoOdsehoagfcr .i J' ' Nunda, • i UiiK- -' i Iv :?j .ni " r-Mh' "It t fVl't BARGAINS . 3± PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother* McHenry,1111., July~27th, 1875. THERE 18 NO USE IN GOING OUT OF TOWN , . „ TO 'PURCHASE ANYTBTSA IX THE LIXE OF » ai ffiffl Mill, 3TOVE8, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &c.t When a better article Can be Bought for LESS MONEY a t the Hardware, Store --OF-- John M. Smith, fAT THE POST OFFICBr We have STOVES that make frozen men la/ugh, and sell them Cheaper than you Can Steal Them, We also manufacture ' Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware* Into any Shape or Vessel desired, Wenvalt* a point to do JOBBING OF AÎ L KINDS, Promptly* and Warrant it done well. We make Tinware a Specialty, because we think on this we are Master of the Situation, Cotne and See .for Yourself, JOHN M. SMITH. Mcllpnry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1878, 1 8 7 0 . MAEVIN HUGHITT GeneralSupt. W. H. STENNETT, Gcn'l Pftsnen^er A^ent THE IVfcHENHT B A K E R Y , --AND-- RESTAURANT. Pr B5$T, - - proprietor. HaflnKooen ed a Wtrvr IJakerv and Restau. rant m_theTilla}te of Mr.IIenry.'lhe aulMirribor w«»uld uifoi-m tin' imlilic, that li® Is now pre Ltared to lurnlslj tiiem with '-t Bre^» Cakes, Pies, Ac. Oftliu Jici»t < | n a 1 i l y and at the lonrest nlet, We also keep a line HUkk of Coiifoetion^ry, fancy Groceries, Carnifrt Goodn, Ac., to which we invite the att«'ntif>n pf the nublic , KfT Fijpn oysTKVtS con.lantjJ on hand aud for h»)9 by tiie Can prJMsh, ~-f *^"J{ukery in Howe'a Blocfe, W>o*ite the »< IIeniy House. J,', Wciluniy, Oct. 5th. 1875. Fall Opening. PHILIP GIESELEE, At his new Store, ntffr the 0MAt«1aao«r »e»dy with the Largest And Best Stock of Goods I Ever brought to thi« ^luktL 'an wUdl I in prepared and will make thfc; Wul? r . Defy all Competition. My Stock ConuUts in ^part of Dry Gflofe, ^€l0tMnE, Groceries BOOTS, SHOES, CUOCKERY, A*., £ To which I invite the attention of the bnyini public, I also keep on hand a large and wel selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, to which -the attention of tbe Ladies is especially fnvited, Call and see. „ «, ~ . JPIUMPJtilJSSELBA McUenry, 11L, Oct. 5th 187& To all Whom ta Presents May Cow, Mil: . ' , » ' . " U We are now prepared to show one of the LARGEST stock qf Goods ever offered by us in this market, bought for Cashfram first hands, 4r» one qf the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have witnessed since 1857. ^ IN DRY GOODS! Wq are fuill in all departments, from a 6 cent Print to a Camels Hair Dreu Goods TO UTHS>, thai is both tubskmticU and Cheap. Metis Boots, we commence at 93 and upward», Artie$ and Ladles Gaiters equality tow. Hats in Style and Caps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 30 below »ero. Buffalo Bobe». not 100 Bales, but enough to supply the wauts pfour people, Carpets% Oil Cloths and Oil Buggs. whose beauty unll produce a smile from the young miss or (if/cd matron. Ear Eunoy Goods call and 8ceforymirselve#, ati we are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an impertion to verify the above Proclamation, and by doing so will confer a great favor on the General Store Mem. ' " IV. DOlfNELLY. Woodstock Oct.:lathi 1878. AT THE-- GEANGESHOE STORE, Soitth East Corner Public Square, Woodstock* l!!!f!«!£* A- HEI& Woodstock, ILL, Oct. l8tii, 1875. MILLINERY -AX&-* Dress Making! MCrs*. ̂ --A-. HEIiD East Side ^Public Square, WOODSTOCK* - - 3 ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the latest styles of Millinery Goods of all kinds, Embroidery, Combs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors, Wed. dine Hats, Grape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest style and made if dosirod at very low rates. We'also have a New Style of Lais Cleats! To which we invite the attention of the I>adloa We are also Agent for the celebrated KOKTHWE 3TEIl?f ORGAN Which speaks for Itself, sold. Call aiid see. I will not be-under; Mrs. 8. A. RRID. Woodcock, Oct. 18th, 1S75. L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Shop opposite th? Parker House, MoHeNRY-^- - - - - ILLINOIS The subscriber would inform the public th» lie is now prepared to furnish them with any. thiiur in his line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short nouce ana at reasonable rates, Using none but the beat of timber and employing none but 8KILLED WORKMEN ! He Warrants his work to «*•« satisfaction and for good pay will be as low as eta possi. hly lw allorded, PE HAKES H o r s e s h o e i n g A SPECIALTY. BEPAIIUNGj Of all kinds promptly attended to. s^e for yourself, Cull an4 L. FRANCISCO, McHenry, HI., July 38th 1875.

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