Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1876, p. 8

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̂ 1ATK DAffiY MARKETS. UTICA, N. Y., March 20th. T8. , --A general view of Itrt* trade leads to encouraging conclusions for factorymen. The steady exporta- tions of the past aix weeks ha» pro­ duced* noruia 1 and firm demand. ., Ad­ vices from London received March <Sj Mttouuce that the stock in store was •taaih Reports both private artd gen- enj agrsa iii the estimate that the number of boxes now held in New York does not exceed 100,000 boxes. Wc 'arc sure the supply in the interior is light. Fotings of the past six wee'ksshtfw that} the receipts at New York duping that time have aggregated 108,044 boxes.-- Six weeks ago the estimated amount of chefese in the interior was 100 oottboxes. Hence i< follows that the storage is now small' Making every allowance, we es­ timate the cheese now held bark at 36.000 boxes, I'he prospects are much fairer than they were last March.-- Prices range In the interior markets, as far a* sales are reported, at from 12c to isle. Burnett.--The Spring ttiake of bntter begins to be teceived, but it has not jyetjMPoduoed an appreciable effect up- •oft the market. The trade continues hKctire flttd uncertain. In Boston there is a good demand for choice grades, and there is a firmer market though no advance is quoted. Fine fall lots are quoted there at 33@35c. Sales range mostly from 2S@30c for choice New York and Vermont dairies. Bictcli vs. Horse:--A ten mile race between a fast horse named Happy Jade, and a velocipede rider named Stanton, recently took place at Lillie Bridge, England, for 9250. For the first three miles the horse kept level with the bicyclist. The ground was rather sticky {owing tolate rains,) for both, and Stanton seemed laboring, but thisls his peculiar way»of riding. Stan- fcen was the favorite at as much as 3 to H, for the start allowed him was gen­ erally considered too much. For three miles the horse went easily; where he lost at the corners he made up in the straight. This style he kept up until the sixth mile, when his stride began to Walter, not being ridden so well as J>n the last occasion, combined with the effect of the extra weight he was par­ rying. Stanton from this point grad­ ually went ahead, and ia the n6xt mile be had gained fifty yards, The hotse was now beaten, and, after going anoth­ er lap, was palled up at the eight mile. Stanton went on and finished the dis­ tance, 10 miles, less 764 yards, in 34 min­ utes 34 seconds, being at an average velocity of nearly 18 miles an hour. He rode a 68 inch machine made by Keen, weighing 40 lbs. He seemed to have a good deal more ia him ha& it bean required. N E W F I R M ! I And Bew Price*. (SucotoMKns toGowllo, Dwigfct AfOaJ i ITavo on toad a rVtr tars* and well wtoeted Stock of * Rubber Ooods, Of all Kind*, which will be sold. Right Down Low for | O A ^ ' Is;; •. Corner Main Street and Public Squaref WOODSTOCK ILL. IARKTJS' GERMAN 'The Growler iathe name of a lit­ tle paper art.. Slay City, Miclu, which published a«candaious article last Sat- uaiay., ooncerniug one Thomas Carter 4f Jthat burg. The injured party met the Growler editor, Dan Curry, on the atreet Monday, and was about to horse­ whip hint, when he £uddenly changed Ma mind, probably because Gurry stuck a loaded revolver under his nose. As tilings look it would seem that both pasties need a tittle discipline. These hitters are manufactured by the pro­ prietor from GERMAN ROOTS, imported by him. The receipt of these Bitters was obtained by the proprietor in 1845 , from an old and experienced physician (then a phy­ sician in the Prussian armv), and a graduate of the highest medical colleges of Germany. These Hitters are Guaranteed to euro the se­ verest cases of DIAKRHCEA, INDIGESTION1, DYSPEPSIA, are a certain preventative of FEMALE SICKXKMS, CHILLS AND PETER, AND AGUE. Diarrhrea is a disease characterized by an increased discharge from the Bowels, usually in a very liijuid state, ami sometimes contain­ ing a large <iuantity of Bile. Besides the vari­ ous purgative medicines, undressed or indi- gestable food, or vegetables, acid fruits, oily or putrid substances frequently cause Diarr­ hoea. Physicians distinguish various kinds of Diarrhoea", as (crapulosa) when the forces pass off ordinary quality; "biliosa" when the bile is more abundant than natural; "mufcosa" when the excrements contain a quantity of ntticas; "aerosy" in V hic.h they arc almost entirely liquid and watery; and" "licuteria" when She food passes through the body in an almost itto altered state. There are frequently, also nansea and vomiting, a bitter ta3te "in the mouth, a furred and yellow tongue, dry* and harsh skin, a fyll or sallow countenance, and if speedly checked, great emaciation. This is one of ttjose diseases by means of which na­ ture strives to get rid of impurities, and re­ store the system to its natural condition. Hence, when it fs not very violent, and the patient is strong, it is best to let it take its course for a short time, and bv taking only two wine glasses fall of the Bitters for the first ten hours. For violent cases five wipe glasses full per day, one before each meal and ttfo bet ween meals. In any case great care Bhould be taken not to stop it too suddenly. The treatment thus in all cases depends upon the cause_from which it sprang. For Indiges­ tion ami oyspepsia take one wine glass full of the Bitters before each meaL No family should be without a bottle. v ' Price per bottle, large 80 cts., small 50 cts. Manufactured bv F. MARKU9, WOODSTOCK, ILL 'A doctor was discovered holding * young lady in his lap the other eve­ ning, but he stated that he was exarainj her for an affection of the heart, and she remarked that there was noth­ ing wrong in laying ber bead on her Fitter. jr. S TOR, YV i 1.1.n , H I • Shelf and H a r d w a r e , STOVES - v' TINWARE, T. MECHANICS* TOOLSy^ J AMMING IMPLEMENTS CLOTHES WMINQE12& Ac., Ac., &c., &c., CH fcWILL BE BOLD" L O W E R THAI USUAL' PRICES! Now Is the tlmo to purchase, and mre mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Waterproof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEg! Repairing Promptly attosdfd to. J. STORY. Opposite Owen Mills. McHenry I1L, July *. HENRY COLBY, ; ' --DEALS* IW- * ' PAINT8» OILS, Painters Brashes, Bye Staffs &c., &c# - " ' 5 ' ' • Physicians Prescriptions v Carefully Compounded. 1 STATIONERY. Wehavefft fine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mourning Paper, which we are selling very Cheap. A line assortment of the latest Styles Boxn d Fancy Papers, coeutajiUy on hand. All Goods Warranted As represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage] Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th, • - O H'BA' B You didn't laugh at my stupid­ ity heforej:.3 .iMwrried;. yon _al- wijs said T was a d'ick «f » lover," gmia&leA s complaining htt«bani "Yei, that's w? replied the wife; *'and » duck of a lover is almost sure to make AgooseV>f-a husband." THOMAS CLARK WANTED. Thomas Clark, the person who worked at John Ralston's, hear McHenry Vil- l»fe, will learn of something to his ad­ vantage by letting his present ( whete- ftbouts be known to said Ralston. MrJinnry, Feb. 19th, 1876. HAIR WORK. Mrs.C. Rtehard, Woodstock.- would respectfully inform the public that sIh; Is now prepared to do all kinds of fan­ cy hair work, consisting of frizzes, Braids, curls, and switches. She has a Mooter, with the aid of which she can take combings and make them up into Switches as nice as cut hair. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door above Diesel's Furniture Store, where She will at all times be in readiness to attend to her customers. ^ BucHh\&. s*even8 near the Depot fc&ve filled their Store, crammed. 1am- meiW 0/ Fall and Winter Goads. Chicago & North-Western RAILWAY. j Passeuprers for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Mon­ treal, Quebec, Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, °g- den, Salt Lake City, Denver, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Paul, Marquette, Rscanaba, Me- nasha, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton, Winona, Duluth, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and East, should buy their tickets via. the Chicago & North-Western Eailway. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lnke Shore & Michigan Southern, Michi­ gan Central, HalU<iu>i.<i A Ohio, Pittsburg Tort Wayne Jt Chicago, Kankakee Line a»d P"n 1'andl" itoutes, for all points ifiAS'r and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Clotle connections are also made with the Union Pacific B» B. at Omaha for all far West points. Close connections are made at junc­ tion point* with train# of ailerons roads, Pullman Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on alt night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the OXL Y LINK running these cara between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Omaha otfr Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on the Union PaeiAc Rail­ road, for all points west of the MissouriBiver. Among the Mmeits olM liy this Route to the traveling public are all the modem im­ provements: Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track. Steel Rail, Kockand Iron Bridges, Parlor and Drawing Room Dav Coaches, Smoking and Lounging Cars, WestingluniBe Safty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Saietv Coupling and Platforms, Speed, Safety and •bsolate Oom- fort. Banning through Five Great States, and operating over 2,000 miles of road, this Company presents to the traveler facilities that ARl5 S* OT and£AKN OT be offered by any Competitor, All tickets agents can sell you tickets via th is route. Tf yon wish the best trave!ia» accommoda­ tions, you will buy your tickets by this route, and will take no other. XAKVIN HUOHITT W. H. 8TENNBTT, General Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agent Than Ever! Goods are Selling at th» General Variety Ctore. * -- • >*• Read this Price Lists A WBSJ CURE FOR DIARRHOEA. Tbte J« to certify that after coming hepne from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea. I fcded everything that was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which complete­ ly cured me. Robert Forrest Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved it to be "equally as good for Dillioufl complaints. It strengthens «md invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled vgins of both old aud joung. Itie the best bitters I ever need. Jmrar PENMAN SKN. f own of Seneea, JfcHenry County, tate of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn to before me thiaSdth day of September 1875. .E. Baldwin. J. P, THE McHENRY B A K E R Y , --AND-- RESTAURANT. F. BEST, •• Proprietor. opened a X*aw Bakery and Restau- wnnillM!0 V "^Ke of McHenry, the subscribe*1 pa^&ffiiaussitsf*'he ia iww pre- Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ac. , k^p'^^tockofl0W6gt Canfeetioneryp Goods, Ac., t* WSii FU!J;5rasVvVf the 1>ublic: ^ , om^osite the McIIonry, Oct. 5th. 1875. Ping, -.60, 75and"fl,00 Fine Cut, 55, 75 and fl CANDIES Mixed, 25 cts Stick 90 cts Fancy 30 cts Prize, 25a50cts Sugar Sand, all colors 26 cents Tin-Ware. TOBACCO Smoking, 35 cts Shorts, 46 cts A A ..45 cts Killikanick 50 cts Durham. 75 e^s A large Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. GROCERIES--Young Hyson Tea 50 cent per pound. (Junpowder 75 cts. Warranted a» good as you have been paying $1.00 for, 0Al>a All Kinds, Graham, Buck- • lUUly wheat, Minnesota and Patent Rye Flour, &c., by the Sack or pound Corn Meal the same A large Stock of very heavy Tfhwa?C and Stove Pipe. Stoves to Order. ' i •$3™Amateur Printing Office Orders of ftll kinds taken Real Estate and Insurance Agt Cbunty Agent for the Protection Life In­ surance ConijDftny of Chicago, which Insures for one-thim tasual rates and is the safeBt Company TrpSi «®-Call and see my Goods and learn Prieei. under the NEW 3VUTCDA HAU4 Which is the best in town and will be let as reasonable as any IRA M. MALLORY. Nunda, Oct 26th, 1875 1 8 7 6 :• ,-£r -• : ^ *0'| "i .14:..».* ' > ' X • » ,»i(. ' /•'•{! 1 . • • H •=! v* 1 ' \ a-,-, w •i5-' 'M•/, } rJr~t a f(' < , . A- , f ' > i n ' fi£2$ ?< l lL r Headquarters for all Kinds of V « Goods, CTo1iingr"1*i: Dry Hats and, Caps Groceries of all Kinds, OroclteryCHasii?Warer FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, * A n d i n $ h o r t , a F i r s t C l a s S t o c k o f G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d i z e . We are constantly receiving new Good* of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the wood#. Our LABGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee oar good# to be what they are represented to he and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive th# public, nor to #sk enormous profits on our goods. We intend to For President in 1876 : ****** who asm YKK X08T wait Man who gets the^ MOST for his money, buys of (SuccssBojt TO o. G. Tnoxpsojr.) NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS -•mm' m, Largest Stock, Best Awtssit, iOWWT PRICKS. •«% Dry Goods,- Clothing, 5] Boots and Shoes, / Ilats and j &e. S®~Give me a Call and Save Yonr Money, h* buy lag u«oda Cheap. • * BOTHGEKBKB. Nunda, IIL, Kov. Stth, 1878. GREAT BARGAINS "Live and Let live! And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same In the future. JKaP*GIVE US A CAI/L and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you boy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old: Stand of Owen & Brother. Mcilenry, JXl.r July^Tth, 187S. THERE IS NO USE IN COINC OUT OF TOWN • • t TO PURCHASE ANYTHING IN THE JJNJB Of Will U1IUD1 STOVES, TIN WARE, FARMING TOOLS, &C-, When a better article Can be &mght for LESS MONEY at the Hardware Store --OF-- (> John M. Smith, Oloves, ^ice. --AT THE-- GRANGE SHOE STORE, South East Corner Public Square r Woodstock, liernols. J A. REIO. Woodstcc*, 111., Oct. 18tr"l875. MILLINERY Dress RfakingX AT THE POST OFFICE. We have STO VES that make frozen men! laitQhtu**a, **ii them Cheaper than you Can Steal Them. We also manufacture". Tin, Copper and Sheet lion Ware* Into crv Shape or Vessci desired. Wenia&G a potest tot do JOBBING OF AlA-KINB ̂ Promptly, and Warrant it done well. We make Tinware a Specialty* because we think on this we are Master of the Situation. Come and See for Yourself. ^ JOHN M. S3UTH. MeHenry, in., Aug* 2d, 1875. Fall Opening. PHILIP GIESELER, A^u,?ulieT store»near the Depot, ismyw readr withthe Largest , . And Best Stock of Goods I Ever brought to thU market, "<m which Xaoi prepared and will make prices that will Defy all Competition* Vf Stock Consist*la part of Dry Goofls, ClolMittl Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, CKOGKERT, 4c., To which I invite attentio^pf the Uiytoi* pnblu^ I also keep oa hand * forge and wefi selected stock of MILLINEEY GOODS, Of all kinds, to wrhl«h the attention of the Ladies is especially invited, -tall and see. « « . PHILIPi<JIESBLBBi. McHenry, I1L, Oct. Sth 1873. To all Whom tee Presgnls Hay COE, Greeting: p We are now prepared to show one of the LARGEST stock </ Goods ever offered byusin this market, bought for Cash from first handst in one of the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have witnessed since 1857. IN DRY GOODS! We are full in aa departments* from 06 cent THntto aCameUHair Dress Goods Clothing for Men, Boys and YO UTIIS, that is both substantial and Cheap. Mens Boots, we commence at $3 and upwards, Arties and Ladies Gaiters equally low. Hats in Style and Caps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 30 below zero. Buffalo Robes, not 100 Bales, but enough to supply the wants of our people. Carpets, CHI Cloths and Oil Jiuggs, whose beauty will produce a smile from the young miss or aged matron.. JBbr Farwy Goods call and see for yourselves, as ive are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above Proclamation, and by doing js» will confer a great favor on the General Mor"Ua,i- UN". DOJMSELLY. Woodstock Oct.'12th, 1870. Mrs. S. ̂ L. REI I> East8ideP»blIe<v VTOODSTOCK, - - - - ^tiilNOIS. • ^ Keeps constantly on hand the latest style* of Millinery Goods of all kinds, Embroiderr* Combs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors, ' WtoU dinjr Hats, Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns. of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Style and mad# if desired at very- low rates. We also have a New Style of Lais Cloak! To which we rnviic the attei: tlon «f tlic Lailest We are also Agent for fthe celebrate^ NOIITIIWESTERN, ORGAN" Which speaks ftself. I wfll not lie nadtfj sokl^ Call aad see. Mrs. 8. A. RSBD. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. L. FRANCISCO, WAGON AND Carriage IKi Shop opposite the Parker Ho*mh M chenry* * - - • - • I llinois The subscriber wo\\^l inform the public tha. he is now prepared to furnish them with any* thing-in his line from a common FaVm Wagon to the nicest Toy .Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable raxes. Using none but tlie best of timber and employing none but SKILLED WORKMEN ! ITe.Warrants his work to give satisfaction and for good pay will be as low as can possi. bly be afforded. HE MAKES H p r s e S h o e i n g ; A SPECIALTY. R E P A I H I I V G . Of all kindB promptly attended to, Call and see for ypurself. L. FRANCI8QQ, McHenry, 111., July 28th 1875,

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