Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1876, p. 4

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* •*. V ' * - > • -- "-a-*, <•-•« " J5?~. . , - »--JSBKlj" , ---- IS-- .w-- V • rttf'wmi J|£fJ|esry l̂ aMeafep. WEDNESDAY, 5IA11CI1 i2d, 1876* .V. VA3V NLTKK, Kdltiir. WHO UIAU BE GOVKKNOK? The ".Ring" politicians and bench-- men of Governor Beveridge are now actively at work laying their plans to •ocure the re-nomination of that indi- ^vlclualat the coin injf lie publican State ConveiitC6nvand if one were to believe *11 thtey say the Governor would have to be set dflrtvn as one of t he most pious, 'and christian -gentlemen to the State, -Irnfortimatcly, however, for tHese ^e lit It men. many of his acts during his term'of offlkve "will not bear them out in their assertions. Many of these Anxious henchmen, in this part of the State in particular, are m«n who, through th« influence of Governor BeveHdge, have been paid,"highsalaries o«t »f tke State Treasury for virtually <h){rtjp»o thing, except it fee to pull the wlrt's and put up slates for coming elections, The people am therefore obliged to pay taxes to support these Individuals, who have neither the abil­ ity nor brains to earn an honest living, and while drawing their sustenance from the public crib, attempt to dic­ tate to the people for whom they shall cast tlieir votes. The manner in which the Governor has abused the pardoning power, is another question ou which the people will demand an explanation. The pe o pie are in earnest in the coming cam­ paign. and ring masters will do well to . take warning in time. For Governor of the great State ef Illinois a man of known integrity should he seleited, who is known to bo out- aide of all ring frauds, and one who can © >nviuce the people that he has the. bone to shake off these-brainless biood-suckers upon the Treasury. Such a man can he found, and if the, will of the people is defeated In Convention they will surely apply their remedy at the ballot box. The people have takeu that kind of a "beverage" until it has become nauseating, and now de­ mand a change, and the delegates who assemble in Convention at Springfield on the 24th of May will do well to heed the distant thunder. Vafos made are all for the full round trip. All Ageiits the Chicago and Xorth-We«tem Railway will, in due time, be fully advised as to rates from their stations for these . Centennial Tickets, and will after April 1st, 187U, be glad tb answer all inquires in regard %&&&£%a* V : BAD ICE W SPA VERS. ThMNHwe newspapers which are obe­ dient to the dictation orsuggestions of individuals^, and have not a single opinion which they can properly -call theirown. They publish long edito­ rials reflecting the interested wishes of others, and thus become the variest tools. At times they preach a kind of lofty virtue and at other times they deoeadiuto the depths of folly and falsftood. There is no consistency in them, no genuine truth in them. They are tools--tools because they have neither conscience nor convictions Black Is white to them ff they are cun­ ningly or boldly told that, it is, and vice verm. They never lead; they are led; and still worse, they are led by the nose. They sometimes discourse about newspaper moralities, because t«ld to do so ; and they know no more about those same moralities tfeah a parrot knows about Greenland. They have no independence, no manliness, no nothing which commands itself to Ae better feelings and judgment. They are incapable of discriminating be­ tween the trug and the* false. They put down facts as slander and slander aa facts with equal facility, or guesses as proofs and proofs as guesses. They can look nothing square in the facc and Be# it as it is. They cringe and cuddle, and heat around the bush, and disgrace tlieir profession and the race. They slobber and sleep. Fortunately such newspapers are not numerous, but un­ fortunately there is once in a while one. And, wa are . sorry to say, McIIenry county has representatives of tltis class, in the ne*wpaper line. They pretend to lead but are themselves led by the nose, and that by men who have neither manliness nor brains. Out upon each journalism. *; GREENWOOD ^ - 1ST>LTTFR PLAIN DEAI^R J---'That oft •t^gicatcd sentence "a thing of beauty, te'* Joy forever," has at last been "proved to be a fabulous fabrication of the human language. That the pres­ ent crystaline display, covering and fringing all inanimate objects with its glittering drapery is a "thing of beauty" none will denv, but that it is a "joy forever," who will afiirm ? The whole-, sale destruction of our "timber, fruit, shade trees, &c.> is lamentable, and may be justly marked as another episode in'our-'Centennial- History. The amount of damage doue through­ out the Northwest cannot be estima­ ted. The Greenwood Literary Association held its last meeting for the season on- Friday evening last. The attendance was small owing to bad weather. Those present1 were entertained for a short time by some very interesting remarks from Dr. Hart, Toles, and oth­ ers. Adjourned to meet again on Fri­ day eveuing, Nov, 3d, 1870. The Greenwood Mutnnl Protection Association, maet on Saturday," April 1st, at 2 P. M. The legal Voters of the Town of Greenwood, are requested to meet at the Sfliool Houses In 'tlfe Village of Greenwood, on Friday, klarch 31str at 2 P. M.. for tlie purpose of putting in nomination persons to till the various offices of the town for the ensuing year. By order "of 'Committee. Garrison Bros, are prepared to fur­ nish any-or all who may'choose to fa­ vor them with acali, (by order or oth­ erwise,) with choice Flower, Garden and Field Seeds, in large or small quan­ tities to suit, at reasonable rates. Choice Yellow Dent aud Sweet Corn, Also, Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Bulbs, Plants &c.A at the lowest living rates. Those wishing Seeds or Seed Corn, will do well to offjer early. EVEN CORRECTION.--In last weeks commu­ nication, the types made a slight blun­ der. In speaking of the tnail carrier where it said ""has teeconre somewhat dissipated," it should have read uhas become somewhat disaffected." The error was caused by »u oversight in proof reading.--[EMTOK.] to TBI CENTENNUL EXPOSITION. **Tho Chicago and North-Western Railway will, on and after May !st< 1876 and until October 31st, 1876, have on aale in ail of its coupou ticket offices, (including its two tickets office at Omaha,) round trip excursion tickets to Phil del phi a and New York and re­ turn for Centennial visitors. These tickets for the round trip, will be sold at one and one half of the usual rate for a trip one way. They will be of |w« classes, but will be sold at the same One class of tickets will be good Xast of Chicago, going and returning 1>J the same route, and the other class will be good, East of Chicago, going fejrone route and returning by anoth­ er, thus offering to the purchasers a ifcoieeof routes and chances to see ya- ffasis parts of the country. 2Tcltb«rcars nor trains will <be char- tared for excursion parties going to the £*GUennial this or any other road, aarwfll rates Ua less per person for parties large or entail. Every person jfolwg will have to PV the same rate «stfs paid by his neighbor. No other poad tfttl be permitted to sell round Mtip tltJcats /o,r the OeufcMUiial at any rlaas rate, than .is quo.ted a bore. Redu- JMU rate tickets reading only to the Jfecpoaitf QBt*Ul .no.$ acid, sad the R I N G WOOD. EDITOR PLAINEEALEU As Mr. S. D. Baldwin was passing from his house to the Depot on Tuesday of last week he bad the misfortune to lose hie pocket book containing forty dollars. It is hoped that some one will find It and return to Iilm. We are sorry that Mr S. D. Baldwin has left us and gone to MeHenry. Our citizens were just getting acquainted with him. Brit what we have lost Me­ Henry willga in. Tiere was a very agreeable time at Mr. TV. LadiFs on Tuesday evening. The Scholars of the Ringwood school met at his lionse to spend the evening with their Teacher, Capt James Faulki ner, pfepartory to liisjeaving for Cali­ fornia, which he will do on Wednesday morning of this week. The Captain has made many warm friends here. May success always attend him in his new field of labor. The storm done a good deal of dam­ age'to the shade trees in this vicinity, though mother nature has made tlie^n look gaunt for the time being. A Bankruptcy is reported, but what the liabilities are is not known, as yet, if any above the assetts. Elder Cooper delivered a very inter­ esting sermon on Sunday last at Ring- wood, explaining the meaning of the Holy Ghost and its influence among the people on the day of Pentecost. MELTOJC * Hetd March 11 th, 1876. The few teachers who met at the school building in the forenoon eoft- V'luded to dispense with work until aft|rno#n, and accordingly adjourned. Called to order at about 1:30 P. M., by the President, and proceeded to the dispatch of business. Minutes of the meeting at Ringwood read and ap­ proved. Minutes of the meeting at Richmond read, corrected and ap­ proved. The President then appointed John Gracy,as Critic and Messrs. Black. Alex Gardner and S. D. Baldwin a commit­ tee «»-program me.; . J. H. Black being reiQ^ste^ • iKip- duct an AVitluaetic exercise, toolk. the floor a'ud illustrated m his^tstuil lively manner several points in the science of numbers. Multiplication is a short method of finding the sum of numbers, but is not a short method of perform­ ing; addition.. Ia multiplication the multiplier must be used abstractly, and in division both dividend and divisor are concrete numbers. By request, J. Morton theat occupied a short time with the subject of pen­ manship showing that hew more seri­ ous defects may be observed and rem­ edied. INTERMISSION. History by A. E. Baldwin wa» the next exercise. He stated that he had had more difficulty in obtaining satis­ factory ̂ results in teaching this branch than any other, from the fact that pu­ pils could not remember the date of the occurrence of even principle events when taught in the usual manner. In­ stead of assigning a certain number of pages for a lesson, he would assign a subject and have the pupils learn what they can from as many different auth­ ors as possible, and: when called to re­ cite would have each one tell, In his own language, what he knows about it, and then have it placed on the board. Grammar, by Alex Gardner was the next exercise. He explained' his man­ ner of teaching a class- of beginners. As usual, this exercise called forth dif­ ferent opinions and provoked consider­ able discussion, the members being un­ able to agree upon the gender of "cousin" in the following sentence: "James went to see his cousin" The Committee on programme re­ ported as follows: Place of meeting, Woodstock. Time, April 8th, 1876. 7 FORENOON.--J. IL Tappan, Philoso­ phy ; C. A. Gardner, Zoology; Thos. McD. Richards, Essay., AFTERNOON.--R. Morse. Elementary Algebra; T. S. Denuison, Language; W. W. Parsons, Orthography; Eunice Knapp, Essay. Query Box. Ou motion, the above report Wf# 1£? cepted and adopted, and the. commit^ tee discharged. The contents of the Query Box were then discussed. J. H. Black reading the queries. Next followed the Oitic's report, which showed that some \vords had beeu improperly used. 'A hearty vote of thanks was then tendered to the people of McIIenry for their hospitality. After which Mr. Cooper addressed the Association in a few brief remarks, during which he stated that the present method- of in­ struction present a pleasing contrast when compared with those pursued when he was young, and fully agreed with the opinion previously expressed by Mr. Nickle that the meetings of the Association are both interesting and beneficial. Adjourned. WH. NICKLE, Presi&eriT. Joiiw MOKTOK. Secretary. ; >• Years ! Gtf McHenr*.', Hk% f)/Sh(urcPtiy, 1 Jo an Appreciating Public. THE BEST UKGAX IN THE MARKET. We make the above assertion with­ out fear of successful contradiction. We are not in the habit of running down Organs sold by other Agents, being satisfied to let our instrument speak for Itself, but we are sorry to say there is one Agent in this county who lias no compunction in that way. lie has, we are told, on every opportu­ nity, run down the instrument we are selling, not because he knowh anything against it' never, we believe having seen it, but in order i;o^ make people believe be is selling the only good in­ strument offered in the county. But notwithstanding this we are, as we be­ fore said willing to let the North Wes tern, speak for itself, and to anyone wishing to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee them a lower price and as good An instrument as cam be found in the Northwest. Call at my store. East side of the Public Square, Wooodstock, and be convinced Mrs. S, A, Raid, Woodstock, I1L Fob 2 let 137& BOARDE RS WAXTED, - The Undersigned is prepared to fur­ nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or single Meal, giving good accommodation at a moderate pnee. Residence first street West of the Public Square. ^ MRS. Jj. A. C&ark. MCHenry, Hi. March 1st, 1S76. MARKET ON^UNDAY. I would respectfully inform niy cus­ tomers that my Market Will not be li",, Afdta/W^ on s«nday after 11 Q»i°i • **' , * hose who wish meat on mi"day tno ng 8ll0U*d bear this in - n ° n o t i c e t h a t h e r e - aft r l\il bills mngfc be settled at the week> feluort credits makes long friends. W, FISHER. If you want to get the latest style and best quality of Photographs call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, Molleury, 11L Price only $2 per dozen*- .LAUER & BECKER, Merchant Tailors, l'arker House Jilock, MCHENRY, - • iluinosi The subscribers lisrvinjr oneno't a Mcrchwnt Tailoring cstivblishuvwnt in jMcHenry, arc now prepared, with a Stock ot Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or env tire Suits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. *®~Goo<l Fits Onaranteeri and all Work Warranted. TO - trf-I liaVc carried>n McIIinrv twfcn :v livo roars, ana many ot yon have dealt wltJi iae all those yisirn, ami I thank von, trPiirlcmon, for your knMily feel- * 1 have evidence ny inc p'wmi mendation vou frequci'tly gsve of my ability to please tluw® in want of anything m my Hoe It has been tiiv aim to do proud work; it has beeninv aim to jfive you f*» mueh' »9 yon pay for That I have failed to please yon at limes) through all those need not sur­ mise ton, if vou will only look back and see Kow vour own "best intenthms sometimes dls. annoint you. 51 v laMsii^ss circle extends at least ten miles aironnd McIIenry, besides many orders from a dtstanct\ even the eity • «i Chicago, and Iai» making it psiy on the CASH PIUXCIPAL, Small Profits and Quick Returns. I made the experiment a few years ajro and iav customers appreciated the change anitlso do 14 MR STOCK OF CIjOTHS and Ready - Made Clothing Is now complete for the Springr trade> a®d I am prepared to. - Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit you to Order*.;-..-' Suit you in Price. Suit you in Style... Suit you 011 Fit. Thankful .for past fftvors awl hoping ft* a oonttut^nce of the same, I rcmiun, • XOUR0 Trily, - F. C. MAYES. Mc.nenrv, 111., ilarf,h 20th, 157(5. BLAKE &-BRQ., -DEALERS IN-- Furniture! 4 ' l\ AGENT FOR A - T ' J s ' ^ fryr I , C' # ' " P. MAST & CO'S CELEBRATED nnltnniiT' "T k ir« ni SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Seeps Constantly oa hand and offers to the Farmers, Of all kinds, among1 \rhich can be found tire celebrated Buckeyfc Grain Drill, Broadcast Seeders, Junior Cultivator, Plow Sulk^ which oqh IM> to any Plow, Champion SEU'-DUNITING BAKE^ &c., '• -Q- •„ / ,1 ;y. ; y*1- Plows I Plows 1 PBwi ! All leading* Plows kept constantly on hand and at Lowest Prices. Don't buy until you see them. AW seo the celebrated Buckeye Broadcast Seeder. It cannot be equaled. Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH ANR'CJLOSB BUYERS are invitedeto inspect stock and com­ pare Qimlity and Prices, m I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity ©f Machinery in MeHenry County. 171 "** MeHenry^ Ill-v March 7th, 1876.. E. M. OWEN. Fall and Winter Trade. -p- Of all Grade* and Prices^ WarftifOom Iveavly Opposite the Post Mtcc, ' MeHenry, 111. Wareroom Crammed Full f Where will be fo«n<I anything from Common Kitcheu Styles to ithe llucst J Parlor Sets, I\i Iluir, Cloth and £eps* They have Chamber Sets, and caii suit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CTfATTtK LOOKTNV GLASSES* AND PICTURE Fit AMES, UNDERTAKING I A verv large stock of Burial. Cases and CbiHirs constantly on hand, and made to ordev'oft short noticc.. PCTlieES FRAMED In all styles at t'ae LOWEST LIVING FRIOTS. All Goods Warranted Of the verv best quality aad softd as LOW. AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BROv McIIenry. 111.; Auff. 2d. 1875. JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT I Do*'* I Board at Wiedemann's-f Btit wish I Did Near the Depot, MeHenry, III. flSTWe also keep the Cblebrated Milwaukee Lager.Beer constantly on hand. Dissolution. Notice is herein- sriven that the co-partner­ship heretotore existing het»wecn D. S. Smith, J. O, 8mith and 1', I). Smith under the firm .name .of Smith Bros* ft Coif is this day dissolved by mutual consent, the business will hereafter be conducted by Philo D. Smith at the old stand. All notes and aenonnts due the Firm will be settled by David 8. Smith, All parties havinjf claims against the above Firm will present the same for adjustment. SMITH BBOS. & CO. MeHenry, 111., March 1st, 1876. We alio keep a Full Line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, ' Hats, Caps, &c«, Which will be sold as Low as at airy estab­ lishment in the Coilnty. \W liaveeoim' here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage, pledging our- reives U» do our best te> please till who may give usaealL - , Clothes Cleaned in thc b«fct of manner anti on short notice. LAlJJKlt & BECKER, MeHeay, Mur.-h^otti. |S7«. For Sale or Rent. In the Village of Ringwood, a pood House and Lot, and seven acres of land. The house contains ten rooms, and is in good repair. Thei'e is a good well of watorfind a barn on the premises, besides an abundanee of good fruit. It will be sold altogether or the house and lot or land sepHrate. -I'KKMS KEAROXABI.E IiKiulffc of J, >V, Cristy or 4 WjftEV LABD. Hingwood, 5Tov. Ikll87ft. 3m Buggy for Sale. One-bran new two seat Bngpv,for Sale a Bargain. Inquire of "O. W. OWE*. MeHenry, 111. Nov. 1st, 1875. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Sloes Rabbet €Jowfe, &c., fot- tlie Fall arid Winter tradft whicVr I can ai>d will stall at prices that DEFY Competition. ALL GOODS, Warr«nt« D M repre­ ss fit cil. CALL aud 0. ! At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PEIUIY & ^LUINX'S STORE McHonry, 'HI. SDCKLIN & STIffilS, . ft • NEAR THE DEPOT, M'HENRY. Are now prepared with a full and well pel'ectetl Stock of Goods, and *f©' continually reveiving lai-ge additions from New York, Boston and other mar­ kets, and ai-e oft'erlng them at LOWGf PriCOS tliau ever before noted iti th© history of Mctleury^ IN DRESS GOODS, Are- fownd Alpawofv Arii>ures,.Joiia&, Reps,.TN»j>liits, Royals, Cashmeres Lustree. Plaids, Empress Cloths, &c. Shawls, Fancy Articles atu\ Notions of all kinds, clingy Biaiiketa and* Bedsprends. Table Linen, Napkins^ow- Clothing for Ken and Boys. Hats and Caps, For trhe Whrter'swldt B%>OtS Slid Shoes* a full Line, and Rubber' Goods. Crocking and CrlnsH-Wftro. Choice Groce­ ries and line Teas a .Specialty.. Canned Peaches by the Case. In fact every­ thing usually called for in au GENERAL. STOCK, and for Cash or Ready Pay we will not l»o Undersold. ... 9^ The Highest Market Price in Cmh or Goods Jbr Produce:*%Bi. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. MEHENRY, IIT.R OET- 27TH, lS75. NAILS! Nails, Nails, JIlTF x^ East -Side Public .Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL BARGAIN COLUMN. Village Lot. For Sale. Lot I. .Block 1., We .-it Milluiiry, containinsr" ono aero of land, wliicii is'w«U fenc«»l ai»(l ou which in an Oirlianl of good ^rnvft, is now offered for sake 011 roasonalilo terms. It is one ot tne mostilesii'.Lt>lo IjniMinj; places in tho village. For further purtieulura inquire tit- the rtAINUEAJ^li utileu. Mcileury, 111., March 1st, 1876. For Sale. Thoroughbred Short Horn Bull, fonr- _ years ohl past. A very line animal. >VHL be sold at a. reasonable lirice if applied for- 8tH>n. Can be seen at my farm, one mile Welt of Mcllenrv Depot. U. C. MEAD.. •<3tclicBry,"lll.,:l>'eb.-!5tht. 1S70. A "orse for Sale. A good five year old Horse, soaiul trua in every particular, well broke cithar-doable or c-uigle. Will-be soiu reasonable for eitlicr cash or approved paper. Inquire At the PtAiNDBAiiKU office. For Sale. The under.sijzned oilers lbr Sale, the Brick. Store oil Water Street, in the village of MclleKry, now occupied by >111*. C. II. Morey, as a Millinery Store. It is 14x:i5, the upper story being liuLshed offasa residence. TKKMH. KKAJ><>SAlHJi. Inquire of C. H. MOREF MeHenry, 111. Nov. 1st 1875. Tor Sale. A few Choice Thoroughbred Berkshire Pigfl. for Sale. Slock reweutly iu'ported froui Kngland, aud very Hue. E. M-OWEN. MCHENRY, Sept., 20th, 1875. For Sale, a Good Farm. Of Eighty Acres within one hundred and sixty rods of Crystal Lake Crossings, oa- casy terms. For further information apply to K. BISHOP, Attorney, At Murphy & Bishop's JUiiuk, Woodstock, IlL. Dated July 23d, House ami Lot for Sale. SITUATED near the Xippcrsink Point, on the noted Iluntingantl Fishing Grounds of i'ox ami Pistaqua i.akes. The House is well built and capable ol" accommodating twenty persons. There is a good' stable, two acres of choice land and one of the best spring of water in McIIenry Oouuty. Any parties con­ templating building a Club House will llnd this ajyjrand opportunity. Will be sold oni tho most rtfnsouabie terms. For Further Particu­ lars inquire at the PLAISDKALEK Office. For Sale. Tho Wheeler farm, situated SOjrods south of the village plat of MeHenry, containing- SOOacres of prairie, and SO acres of timber, with a good brick house, cistern, two pumps, and usual a pondages, Also 150 acres of tim­ ber joining tlie village of Me Henry on the east, together with the personal property. Inquire at the premises, or address J. WiiEEtEBl McHenrv. P. 8. Household furniture, etc., together with actual possession cau be had forwith by purchasers. For Sale. The undersigned offers *or Sale his property, situated opposite tliu Kiverside IlOuse, in MeHenry, on the most reasonable terms. There is a good and substantial building, suit­ able for a store or other business, the upper part of which is lil ted up for a residence. Con­ nected with this is lour acres of choice land, a good barn and some fruit. Persons content plating purchasing will tind it to their inter est to call and look over. ,r „ F. A. HlBBAKD. McIIenry I1L Aug. 10th 1875. m l > '-tel. ••:

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