^ • i* if* >• < t,»nr WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22d. 1876. Railroad Time Table. I GO I NO SOUTH. .T« A. * eneva LAIDO Freight. .17,1:35 p. M. c.wxo NORTH. WCNE«T Lake Freight ..... A. M. wrnevs Lake Pasteoser 7:05p. m. MASONIC. T CHAPTER No. .14 It. A. M.--Reeti- «.• J0*1 1 °.ns h?1<l 00 the second and fourth * ridays in each irtbnth. « w • U. C< IRISH HL P. O. W. OWEN Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. UKTAODIST.--Rejr. J. T. Cooper, PASTOR. r*ervices every $nndav morn in sr fit 10 v A. 51. Sunday School at 12 A. M. II-C. Irish, Super intendent. Services at Rinswood at -2 P. M. BALLOTS! BALLOTS/ We are prepared to print Ballots for Town STeetings^on short notice and reasonable rates. Give us a c:ill. New Goods arriving daily at P. 1>. Smith's, THE Steamboat "Athlete" was again, fold at public auction on Saturday last, E. Grlswold being the purchrtser. ' WANTED, a Sexton for the M. E. Chureh, Meilenry. Reasonable pay guaranteed. Apply to F. G. Mayes. A new $75 American Sewiijcg Ma chine for Sale. Or will be traded for a^ood Cow or wood. Inquire at this Office. ,fi; • V 1 <**#*£, OUR Postmaster, J. M. Smith, re ceived the following letter which may be of interest to some of our readers: N I-SDA March 21at 187G- DEAR SIR:--Will you please gay to the creditors of the Crystal J ake P. & P.-Works in the village of Meilenry that a committee of the creditors from this place is at work trying to.effect a settlement and that in pursuance of that, onject I will be in your village ois Thursday of this week and will see them for thtt purpose V ROBERT AXDREWB. MESSRS LAUER & BECKER is the name of the new firm who have opened a Tailoring establishment in the Parker House Block, in this village, where they propose to keep a stock of fine cloths of all kinds, for single garments or fldl suits, beside a stock of Hats, Caps, aud gents furnishing go&ds of all kinds. These gentlemen come highly recommended tat first, class workmen, and we bespeak for them a share of public patronage. Read their adver tisement in another column. CARD. The Pastor and Congregation of St. Patricks Church, Meilenry, do hereby tender to Professor Smith and his juvenile Choir, of St. John's Church Johnsburg, our warmest thanks for their kind attendance and efficient ser vices on last St. Patrick's Day. "May they live long and prosper" and may God in his goodness permit them the happiness of many returns of the anni versary of our Patron Saint. Their services shall long be remembered with kindness. THE next Sociable by the Ladies of the Universalist Society will be held at the residence of MrsL*?A. dark, ou Thursday (to morrow) evening. A general invitation is extended to all. JOHN W. SMITH had the misfortune to lose a valuable fat steer on Sunday last. They had noticed a small swell- Ing around his head, but thought atotli- ing of it until Saturday, when he re fused foeat, and on Sunday died. They me nnable to tell the cause. • THE Principal of our School, Mr. S. D. Baldwin, had the misfortune to lose his pocket book, containing between 030 and $40, one day last week. It is hoped that the finder, whoever he or she may be, Will return the same \vi I fa- out delay. THE Party at the Psafkcr House on the 17th was attended by about fifty couples and everything passed off in this most pleasant manner. The hor- red condition of the roads made it al most impossible for mauy to attend outside the village. J. P. BARNKY, who resides one and a •fourth miles North'of Ilingwood, ad vertises an Auction of Stock, Farming Tools, Grain, &c.. to take place to-day, Wednesday. Having sold his farm this sale will be positive and without reserve, and anyone looking for bar gains will do well to attend. « THE burglary at Casper Wirfs, of "which we spoke last weeto^qjilminnted in the arrest of Wm. Wall, who on be ing brought before Justice Smith plead notrgullty. and was bound over to ap- peanctt the next term of Court. One . O'Brlan is said to have been the one Who ran away on Mr. Wirfs approach, kndthasslid out for parts unknown. WE are requested to give notice that the German School will open on Mon day, April 3d, and that those who de sire to have their children educated in the German language, will then have an opportunity. A first-class German ^Teacher has been engaged. The new School House, which is located near the C»*he!1c^Hnrob now nearly, com- ;p'.!t*d «nd will be ready for use at the time above stated. (WE learn that L. Francisco, oif this village has made a Patent that will prove of great value to farmers, and one that the)* will not be willing to do wfthout when its practicability is once known. It is an attachment to a Corn Planter, so arranged that a Pumpkin seed can be dropped in every other hill or every other row. as the operator may choose, and all done with the same motion of the lever that drops the corn. His model has been sent to Washington, and in a short time he will have a ftill sized attachment on exhibition. THAT novel note, a copy of which wo published a few weeks since, is causing some trouble, a law suit being now on the docket in regard thereto. We pre. sumethe question now arises whether the maker of the Xote is to pay <120 for eight months, or eight months for $20. Or in other words how often in eight months he will be obliged to pay $20, and whether the wagon has got any thing to do with the matter anyway. We think the'Justice had better decide that "Der hlaintiffund dur derfendant both have right and by dunder der kon- stable mus pay de cost." THE GagciG-wa Mir»stxi:ls gave their promised entertainment at the East "Side Opera House on Thursday evening last, to a large and appreciative audi ence, and *'Je Whiz," but it was a suc cess, and while their performance !broughfeftGwn the house, the principle **end man" brought himself down "all over the stage." 'But candidly the per formance, for amateurs, was good, and a creditrto the boys, "tfe understand they will give an entertainment at Tolo sotne night this week. WE learned of a new remedy for chicken Cholera, the other evening and, as ittfs so simple and easily applied we give it for the benefit of our readers. A gentleman Bad a hen that was sick -With cholera, and thinking that she would surely die he struck her over the Deck with a.fork and threw her out floor. What was his surprise the next morning to find her in the barn and as« -well as ever. The remedy is easily tried, and if it does not cure is sure to kill. WE would call the attention of our leaders to the new advertisement of T.G* "Mayes, Merchant Tailor, to be 4bund in another coin m n. Mr. Mayes is «ndld resident ofMcHenry,hiving been In business here over 25 years, du ring which time he has won an enviable reputation as an honest, square dealing business man, and has probable given **flts" to more men than most any oth- •r man in Meilenry county, nis refu tation as* Tailor Is to well established to need any encomiums from us. suffice ft? sky he uan «till be found at his old stand ready to make you anything Arom a-single garment to a whole suit ' on short notice and at reasonable rates. Bead Ids advertisement. • HON F. If. GRANGER now believes that it is better to foe born lucky than rich. He had the misfortune, on Tues day evening of last week, to lose a package of money containing 0170, which was found and returned to him the next day by C. T. Smith. It was dropped in the Post Office, and not be- ing notfeed was kicked ,4"to a corner and lay there until neJlHy noon the next day before it was found. Mr. Granger may consider himself lucky that it fell into honest hands. Mr Smith was handsomely rewarded by Mr. Granger. - * • . ONE of the most severe storms of rain and snow ever kno^n in this region' visited us on Wednesday last, .ecutinn ing throughout Thursday and Thursday night. The temperature being below freezing point everything became speedily ladenedwith ice.and tliecouse quence is that trees and shrubbery have suffered very badly from their heavy loads. Shade trees of all kinds are badly damaged,while fruit trees seem to stand the strain upon them better, and partially escaped. The damage to timber in the forests is immense. Great damage is also reported to the telegraph lines, the poles being broken and the lines down all over the country. Such a storm and general destruction of trees in the country is not within the memory of the "oldest inhabi tant." H**l Estate Transfer*. Conveyances filed in the Recorder's Office of Meilenry County, Illinois, for the week commencing March 13th, 1876, and ending March 18th, A. D. 1876: Lewis B Wyant and wife to Cvrtie R Clark. Lot 4 blk 14 Harvard. $3?5. Polj|y Gratton to Polly Williams, sw fie 33, (no 2p or range. Davis & Hartman to Norman Jacobs. Lots 1 and 3 atid pt lot 2 blk 9 in Hart- man's addition to Ridgefleld, and pie ces in sec 29, 44, 7, $700. John D Lawson and wife to Horace; Parks. Lots 4 and 5 blk 2,Mullen's ad dition to Huntley, $600. Morris Parks and wife to Mary A Scheme rhorn. Lot 4 blk 2, do $150. Rensalaer Faulkner and wife to I T & A L Salisbury, lot 1 blk 3 E 1 Smith's addition to Woodstock, $800. John A Winkels and wife to Jacob Jiingen. 30J acres in ne 13, 45, 8, and 10 acres in se 12, 45, 8, $24»)0. J F Barney and wife to Aaron P. Smith. 143 50-100 acres in sec 3 and 10 in 45 8. $0000. Lois F Mansfield and husband to Mel- vin J Cole. 187 acres in sec 21 and 3G iu 40, 7, $9000. Alex'S Stewart and wife to IraSJor cum. 40 ft off e side lot 7. all of lots and 41 feet ofi of undivided lot®, blk8 Woodstock, $2500. Geo Stiekney and wife to James S Watvous. 200 acres in 7 and 8, in 44,8, $10,000. fl X Hibbarfl, Register in Bankrupt cy to John J Wilson, Assignee of C L P & P W. All real and personal pro perty of which it was possessed on Jan. 17th. 1876. Miles Traver and wife to Robert Traver. Undivided I of 190 acres in sec 17 and 22 in 43 5, ^4350. B. A. FORD, the enterprising Photo- gx&pher c f this village, has been taking some splendid Views of-the'Ice covered scenery ia •• t!i:s village, which he is offering for .sale; at .his .f-^srar.. -.The views i *\ken bj* Ford are very superior and no one should fail to secure one of these home scenes. They are indeed splendid, and will in future years be regarded as rare relics. In fact 'Ford's Pictures almost beat nature itself, for we do not exagerate when we say that in taking Views he has few equals and no superiors in the Northwest. He has made some for Stereoscopic Views and some large ones for framing, the de mand of which will be so great that he will be obliged to put in all his time to furnish a sufficient supply. For the past few months his Gallery has been the liveliest place in town, the excel lent work he is doing drawing custom ers from a distance, and obliging him to put in extra help to do the 'work. When passing his Gallery do not fail to call and see the Views of our Crys- talized Village. j OLD SEITLKR'S ORGANIZATION. The Vice-Presidents of the Old Set. tier's Organization of Lake and Me- Henry counties will please report as speedily as possible, the names oi the gentlemen of their respective town ships they have selected for a Finance Committee. Each township is entitled to two on this Committee. 4 S. I. HRADBT'RY Sec'y., Waukegan. bi'ttLLINO. The following is the report of my spelling class for the two weeks ending •Friday, March 17th: Geo."Smith, 4-150; Hattie Smith, 1-150^ Emma Paige, 105; Netta Paige, 1-105; Annie Ralston, 45; Minerva Ostrander, 1-135; Fannie Dayintfnt, 4-75; Jennie Francisco. 4-105; Martin Butler, 2-60.; Chas. Granger, J-150; Daniel Walsh, 1-60; Katie Wal lace, 130; Albert McDonald, 7-120. O. X, Owjue, Teacker. Ladles Literary Society; In Seneca, * EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--It may not be uninteresting to some of your many readers to learn of the workings of the above named societj'. It was organ ized, we believe, at the time the ladies of America undertook to raise a fund to purchase the home and tomb of the Father of his Country,* and it has been in successful operation ieversince. The society is now quite large, and has one of the choicest libraries of miscel laneous reading to be found anywhere. The admission fee is 25 cents, and the semi-monthly dues arc 5 ccnts, all of which is paid for books for the library, each lady being priviliged to consult her taste in the choice oi books, .TJjft society meet.every two weeks, aud ro tates, giving each.member the pleas ure of entertaining the others aboyt once a year. At every meeting, one of their number is selected to rtfad for an hour at the next gathering, any se lections she may choose, while the oth ers are engaged sewing-.for the hostess. Books are on hand at every meeting, and no one is permitted to keep a book longer than four weeks without being fined ten cents. These ladies frequent- ly 'get up oyster >suppers, sleigh and Carriage rides and other parties, to which, of course, the gentlemen are in vited and enjoy very much. It makes life plbasant to all, and is a source of much social and intellectual benefit. May the ladies in many other neigh borhoods do likewise. OCCASIONAL. Ssneoa Caucus. ..The -3?r*ptTbll.e.*tn.Tafcr? e? <t!ie, Ua of »Se«eca, are requested to meet at Frank- linvfile on Saturday, the first day of April, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the pur pose of nominating candidates for town officers, to be voted for at the ensuing town.meeting, and to transact any oth er business that may come before the caucus. By Order of Town Committee. NOTICE. . . The co-partnership heretofore exist ing under the style of Smith Bros,. & Co., having been dissolved on the first of the present mouth and all notes and accounts due said firm having come in to the possession of the undersigned and feeling anxious to leave for mv new field of operations In Nebraska, at as early a day as possible, I would earnest ly request all parties iudebtcd to make Immediate payment. By so doing they will confer a favor that will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully. > 1). s. SMITH. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Prae Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Price per dozeu $3. All orders prompt ly attended to. Address. THOS. WHJTSON, Woodstock, 111, WANTED. Choice Butter to fill orders for pri vate families in Chicago, for Which we will pay extra prices in trade. P. D. SMITH. . LEGAL BLANKS. Legal Blanks of all kinds for sale at the Corner Drug Store of Murphy & Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by "Mail promptly attended to. : ] STORE TO RENT. I offer for Rent my Store, near the Depot, in the village of Meilenry. Or will trade the same, with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIESELER! Meilenry, 111. March 14th, 187(5. WOODSTOCK. . EDITOR PLAINDKALEU:--I iee by your last weeks issue that yodr Wood stock correspondent failed to connect, which being true to my certain knowl edge, there is no other wfcjf to git out of it honorably, than to follow the ex ample of Hessiug, Rhem & Co and those other three rascals of King Solomon's time, and plead "most guilty my Lord," and humbly plead for pardon. Has not the weather, like good Mrs. Jo. Gargery, been on the rampage though? Rain. Hail, Snow and Ice, after those beautiful Spring like day» seem rather out of seiison. The Rob ins, Larks, Blue birds, those gay "har bingers of Spring," have been obliged to cease their warbling which had be gan to make joyous the heart of man, jocund that Spring had surely come. The ice storm has made sad havoc among the trees and shrubbery. So ef fectually has it trimmed the Poplars, that In lookingover our town, through certainly, and the City Marshal, or the hazy atmosphere, one gets the idea of an extensive harbor, such is their resemblance to the tall masts, while the lower branches notso extensively bro ken but sheeted with snow and ice readily suggest half lowered canvass. The trees, whose nature is more y ield ing like the elastic conscience, make graceful curves and rest their heads up on the lap of mother earth. Notwith standing all this breaking, bending and yielding of fruit-trees, ornamental trees and timber, notwithstanding the sudden transition from the thoughts of spring, of a fruitful summer and an abundant harvest, to those of winter and devastation, the pendent gems from everj' twig, the glistening sheen of sunshine peering through, the tin kle of the jewels, stirred by the gentle '•areeze, scatter the spirit of depression and each and all exclaim with one ao- •cord^how beautiful." But as Charley Curt is has photographed from several points those tieautiful scenes, and as my pen is yot poetically inclined, you and your readers can just step into Charlie's, where Cor a few shillings you cau obtain a more perfect picture than pen and ink can draW. The lightning rods on some of cpr churches seem to have grown disheart ened in standing erect and pointing heavenward, as if to guide the soul of man to the elysian fields of raradise, and now point downwards, as to warn poor sinful man of the terrors of that other place prepared for the devil and his angels, as we are told from the foundation of the world. And what is a little surprising the rods on the Uni versalist spire for once acts in concert with its orthordox neighbors, and points downward too. One day last week among the sights upon our streets was a "yoke of oxen," a sight so rarely seen, as to cause much comment. The hand of L. Saunders, supposed •to have beeu eutirely destroyed, under the skillful management of Dr. Green, is likely to prove a great deal better than no hand and still be of service to the unfortunate man and his family. If you ever come to Woodstock when yon are hungry, and no one "takes you in," just step into the Yankee bakery and if you do not find the livest yankee you ever saw you can "'write me down »n " and I will dance at the chris tening. As a proof that people will continue to trade with our merchants! you can uote the many empty shelved in our several stores, and the busy prepera- tions of the proprietors, for their ver nal trip to eastern cities, where with ready cash and undoubted credit the summer stock is purohasod. Some have already gone and others soon to start. The bankrupt st^ek of Ileiuz Noble A Co. is slowly being worked off, but at present rates, the expenses must equal or exceed receipts if rumor talks truly. This morning at two minutes past one o'clock was our vernal equinox. Wind in the northwest. Hence if the old saying is true our prevailing^ wind comes from the northwest for the next six mouths. L. P. SQUARE. WOODSTOCK JfO. *. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Our town never was so beautiful as now; the trees loaded with rather a thick plating ot shining silvery ice. Colton & Curtis thinking that Old Prob. had got up the show for their benefit, started out with their sun painter and took about a score of different views about town. These pictures are beautiful, if winter scenes in March, can be so-called, but they do not possess the glitter that pertain to Nature's gems. Medlar, pre fers stereoscopic views and will show you some pictures of the Square that will make the cold streaks chase one another up and down your back, with the thermometer at 100 degrees in the shade, so life-like are they. Telegraph wires, and telegraph polis are down all along the road, but that datnago can be repaired easier than that done to fruit, shade and ornamental trees. Last Wednesday James McMahon, formerly a resident of this town, but now of Chicago, where he dispenses, •'crooked" whisky at 206 Cottage Grove Avenue, upon the invitation of Ssquire Baldwin, appeared at his office to an swer why he should not reimburse the township of Dorr for money spent iff taking care of his mother since 1873. Jim brought a red leaded lawyer from Chicago aud plead that he had not beeu legally notified t'rnt his mother was a pauper, ar if any man of common de cency wi uld need to Tiave legal n<ftid- cation of the condition of his aged and tlecrepid mother, when living but fifty miles away, and admitting that he heard, by means of flying reports, that his mother was on the town. Jeenis shout*! have been moro careful of his mother, and the court found judgment of $181.10 which he thinks to be cheap enough no doubt, since he could hardly have kept the old lady for$60.33a year; nevertheless he filed the papers for an appeal. Have heard some indignation ex pressed at the condition of the out houses of the School House and some have gone as far as toask "Who is re sponsible for this filthy condition of things P" There was a time when it was not so, but that was when Wood stock had an executive, now she has none. The co-incidence is striking- Street Commissioner, or some other man who can see a nuisance when it is before Ills eyes, or smell one when un der his nose, should go before the next G rand Jury aud have Babcod;, Belknap, Marsh or HeinK, Noble & Co.. indicted for the stinks at the School House and Pickle Factory. They had a nigger wedding at Ma rengo Thursday, at which "Dan'* Was a guest, and we have his word for it that lie led the bride in the first dance. M. Hickox sold on Saturday thirty milch cows, at an average price of forty dollars. They had beeu bought in Iowa, by O. Brass. One sold as high as sixty two dollars, A. L. Chollar being the purchaser, and Orin Allbee did the blowing. There Is a probability that our Pickle Factory will get upon its legs again, as* Mr. Winterbotham of Chicago is nego tiating, not only for the stock on hand, but contemplates running the machine for a series of years. It were better, as the matter stands, to allow 60tne com petent man to have the use of the buildings and machinery free for one year, than to have the thing stand idle rotting down. , A committee of four of the Directors, consisting of John Wheat, J. J. Murphy, G. T. Kasson, and A. Bourne has beeu appointed, at the re quest of the assignee, to assist him in disposing of the material on hand. The St. Patrick's dance did not pan out very well, and so the boys have to foot the bill, and that is not so pleasant as having something ahead. OCCASIONAL feMni Easiness Notices. vJhlmr white Leaf LanI for sale At f. D. Smith*. , * ' ' , * " •*« 1 - • i "• » T ottr 50et and 76ct Japan Te§» Bt'OKLtN & SfrEVKKS. The most Goods for a Comity at Buckiiu & S en's. In tha yi HE can be seen next door to "Jk, II Cowlin's on Main Street, Woodstock. For bargains ii| Shawls,call at BuckJia & Steven's SEE Bneklin & Stevens, New- Ad vertisement. ... ' Look for low prices A Steven's. • Machine repairs and aH leadiajr machiues kept by E.M. Owen. If you want any kind of Farm -itnplo~ mentsor repairs call on E. M. Owen. 60 pabs Horse Blankets at Btickiiii & Steven'» plica If yo»» want an extra gwd Shave or. Hair Cut, call on Charley, at the Parker House. A splended Piano to Rettttm reason* able terms. . V v^.v. McHenrv^IlK _ A Jarge invoice of Crockery »n4v Glassware at greatly reduced prices at P.D.Smith's. _ To make money is to save it, and to save money is to buy your Goods of Bneklin & Stevens for Cash. Times--Boy Stevens for SPRING GROVE. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Winter has come at last. The Ice is so heavy on the limbs of the trees that a great many have fallen to the ground and often time the whole tree breaks down. There is a great distruCtion of timber. It will save some people chopping their wood down. Miss Sarah Richardson came near losing h<?ir life while going from her father's house to the Grove to get her Schedule signed by the directors. While passing MrLawson's, his dog cauie out from under the fence, her horse took fright and threw her from the saddle, her foot was caught in the stirrup and the horse ran about fortjT rods, drawing her through the mud, and finally the strap broke and she was let loose, all covered with mud. Jack Lawson saw the affair and got on an other horse and followed her expect ing to find her dead but when he caught up to her she was looking for her specks, He hardly knew whether she was black or white. Such an occurance could not happen again without spme bones be ing broken. N. S. Word en's school* on Turkey Street, closed Inst Wednesday. He met with good success, William Wray is ready tq board the school main this Summer. Special at tention paid to washing and starching cloths. Spring Grove wants a wagon maker, to make wagons and sleighs and do re pairing. A shoe maker also will find plenty to do, Joseph Coolcy Is feeding about fifty head of cattle some of which he has fed two years, Now he has built a new oorn crib and hog pen,one that is hard tft beat in the county, for handnyness and convenience for feeding hogs, all of which is under cover, Charles Andrews is about leaving this country and go the Rlack Hills', if fish don't run soon. Be sure and give one of those yelps and make the red skins clear out, so they won't scalp you and your friends. James Westlake is preparing to re ceive milk as soon as his patrons are ready to fetch it to him. He is a first clas«s cheese maker and cau't be beat. Mrs. John Craine has beei^quite sick, but we hope soon to hear of her re covery. John Case is about to remove fVona English Prairie to Iowa, He served his time at Andersonville during the war. Pen and ink cannot tell the horrors he saw there. Wirtz give his men thirty days furlough for shooting a number of yank's. It is enough to make ones blood run cold to hear him tell the sad fate of his comrades, lying ia the rawd not even a blanket to cover their na kedness, and now the head officers ask-, ing for pardon. But such is war. .• - Sua We have a large invoice of Dry- Goods. Dress Goods, Notions, Ac., to arrive from New York, due March 24th. P. D. SMITH, Sure Cure for Hard yo« Goods at Bneklin & Cash. The first one ever brought to McHen- ry Connty can be seen at the Little Shoe Store, on Main Street, Woodstock, Beaver Cloths for Cloaks at Bneklin & Steven's. IfjiVe yon seen them? They are cheap as well as desirable. All who have dull Razors and wish them sharpened, take them to Charley, at the Parker Houae. All work done by the latest tip of the Wing. Boots and Shoes made to fbr Ladies and Gents, at the same prices you would pay for sale goods. Where f At Warren's, on Main/sWeet, Wood stock. The Bottom has fallppTffnt. Prices way down low. Dry Gfoods never so low. Consult Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester and Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, ai'e relatively the best and cheapest iu the market. Give them a trial. , • P. D. SMITH. Just received from Boston our first installment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of neW and desirablo styles of Dress Goods, beautiful Prints, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds. Cottonades, &e..wh ich will be offered at prices that cauuot fail to please. BITOKLIN & STEVENS. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! In order to make room for their Spring stock, Bucklin Stevens will offer Bargains in Woolens. Water proofs, Bed Blankets, Nubias, Lined Boots and Shoes, Overcoats &c., &e., iv ANTEITIMMEDIATELY . At Ford's Gallery an Apprentice to learn the Photograph Business. This is a rare chance for any wishing to be come. an artist. Ford is 5 number 1 artist, as the work he |s n?w producing is ample proof. Do not despair if your taxe« were targe. Do not give Vip if you have beeu a little careless and allowed the elephant to step on your pocket book; if you still have a skeleton of "the once fat pocket book" remaining, re member it will go along ways" toward purchasing your Spring Goods at P. D. Smith's. HAIR WORK ^ The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Meilenry and Sur rounding country that she is 'prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Braids, Curls, «fcc„ on short notice and at reasonable rates. Rooms ovar O. W, Owens ̂ Jewelry Store. __ Mus. 0. M. HOLAIES. McHenry, III., Jan. 4t h, 1870. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dominic Fowls. I shall be prepared to furnish a -limited number of settings of 3'>ggs from th» above breed of Fowls, which 4are ac knowledged by all to be the beet layers in the country. Eggs cau be obtained by calling at my farm. 4 miles South east ot Meilenry, or orders can be left at the PLAINDEALER Offiee, which will receive prompt attention. l*riee 50 cents per dosen, II. T. DOLUKER. The Beat und the Cheapest. The American Sewing Machine Runs the lightest of any Shuttle Ma chine. Makes the least noise. Has self-setting needle. Has the .most room under the Arm. Never skips stitches .or breaks threads. Is most easily learned. Can be tnsthutly adjusted to work from No. 300 to No, 10 Cotton. Is thoroughly made In all its pa,rts of th« best material, and everv machine ia warranted. O. W. Owen. Meilenry, is the Agent, whos will sell youa nut rhino on the most reasonable t"et,ms. Call at lits Store and examine it. MAKUIKD, , FRKKMAN.--At too resldenc® of the bride'8 father. C. 1J. Fromann, in M«-- Henry, March Uth, 8th, bv the lie v. J. T. Otfoper, Mi\ John Harvev, of' I'tov.«*r, Port, ago. comity, Wis., to Miss fcliJUibetii A. Freeman, of Mcllem v. Annual Town Rfeeting. VTUTH'E is IIETM;UV GIVEN t<xth* citi. v.ens, legal voters of the Townof M'-ileiu ry, in the Count v* of ?.rrHo»rv ftrv! "»tati» oF HUnoi*, that tho ANNUAL TOWN .HKfcTlN"'* lor said Tiiwii will hold at ilKs 'l'owu liotido in said Town, on ' . > , Tuesday, the 4th I)r.y ^rff April, Next, being: the first Tuesday in said mouth, for t,he purines following, viz: First to choose a Mo.k'rator.lojmjsideataafcl Meeting. Secojui--To elect one Supervisors, one Work, cote Assessor, one Collector, Ouo Com, mi*sionor of Highw aya, one Juslioe of tho ••peace to flit vacancy, as many 3|;Vsi'fer.v as the Electors may determine, ami seventeen Overseers of Highway#, to aet U{M>U any' additional subjects which «>:ri vv uv Qf law, come before saH me^iitrar vhcu, vened. Which meecir.tr will be o u?e;£ to «>*!«.- iwtween the hoars •kfii-me ami tea oYlock in forenoon, and in th<» -afternoon. Given under my hand, at Ale Henry, this ilat rtav of M ttvik, V U U7<5. * ' 4* Btciu.Hr, Clerk.