Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1876, p. 7

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' -5 »• - " v- " ^ * * / - ' . *, ' > ^ - = : - - . -ijL-yflk . f , •. v» L I. ' • 'it. •' I. • W < , 4- #.;••• FOR THE LADIES, J ' " Spates BobmI*. Bazar sfeysr feete trimmed ready to wear have ar- sa creamj white mm ot chip, ribbons, lace and flowers, all of the one shade that is already becoming monotonous. The chips are very fine, find the preference for yellowish-white i|s marked, for although colored chips-- <y or black--are imported un- not one colored bonnet is found among the large importations of trimmed bonnets for models. The new -£Lui«lieii yet glossy straw bonnets very haiidsoine, and are brought out in the best shapes. These are not the coarse rough-and-ready straws formerly tised, but are fine satin-faced rice straws of ecru tint, yet with raised braids that give them a stylish rough surface. The new shapes are close at the sides, project above the forehead, are short behind, and those most in favor with the best miilijaers have square crowns; yet there eww mny round crowns, and many poke- bonnets of more or less pronounced fehspes; the latter are rejected by lead­ ing dealers, but young Mies have found mt 4hat *hey are becoming and are easily dimmed, hence those who do their mil- ; finery at home will select the pokes for toother season. A few bonnets have the front slightly rolled in coronet shape, but the flaring brims that now encircle the face like a halo are pane. The straw xurtaino described last week are not largely represented. Fresh Fripperies. "VERT long paletots are made of white woolen materials for peignoirs and neg­ liges; trimmed with white faille facings. OM)-FASHIONED organdies and lawns, In border patterns, to be self-trimmed , and made up with flowers, are numbered with " centennial" goods. A NEW description of oriental em­ broidery employed for the trimming of China silk morning wrappers, is net of the finest web worked with fine floss. LONG mittens are to be worn in the evening, several of the most fashionable ^Parisian ladies hving a led off this fash­ ion. They are worn in black and cream- colored silk, and show the arm to such advantage that they are likely to come into very general use. ChiiTSTBBS of small fruits, especially cherries, are used on white imported dresses. Old-fashioned crape, thin and crinkled, once so much worn for even­ ing dressesj is now being revived for imdesmaids' toilets. This fabric puffs, crimps and pleats prettily, and holds its own better wan tulle. COARSE; chip braids and straws, in the cream tints, will furnish many of the spring bonnets, which, will not be any larger than those of the present season. In their trimmings cashmere laces will play a conspicuous part. The cream tint will pervade silks, flowers and other gar­ niture used on bonnets. A NBW belt for evening wear, called La Jiiive, is made of black velvet em­ broidered with real bullion that will not tarnish; the gold and silver threads form an effective pattern in long stitches placed closely together. These belts are intended to be worn with quaint gold or silver jewelry and black dresses, first, as he threw down <* conntecfeii five dollar bill. , " 111 see thai and say nothing about the premium," said the second, as he took out a bill from a broken Canadian bank. " 111 pat this Jaxgosan down as secur­ ity." gravely added the third, as he pnlled out the gold-washed cases of a watch which answered him for a tobaooo box. A peaceful smile stole over each face as the strangers scrutinized each other. They went m and got some more bever­ age and returned to the depnfcj wonder­ ing how it was that human nature is so xiiunm&tne.--Deiroit Jfree l*reM. Secretary Taft. When Secretary Taft presents him­ self before the president, that dig­ nitary will see a man of massive form, dignified bearing, and kindly, thoughtful face, in the full strength of manly vigor, who has, by an exemplary course through life, became eminently fitted for the position of a1 . -cabinet officer. Judge Taft was born in Townshend, Vt., Nov. 5, 1810. He was early bent on obtaining a collegiate edu­ cation, and, at the age of 16, was teach­ ing school to earn money needed to pay Jkis expenses. He succeeded in going through a course at Yale college with honors and subsequently was employed there as tutor for two years. In the meantime he studied law, and it 1838 he came to Cincinnati, where he it&s admitted to the bar, and began his, TOuoiioo in 1839. He has remained at the bar since that time, .with the excep­ tion <fi »ix years, from dan. I, 1866, to Jan. 1* 1872, during which lie oat as Judge of fchd superior court of Cincin­ nati During this period he was so popular m judge that he received the nomination of both parties, and was elected without an opponent, fie re­ signed at last to join his sons in a law partnership. Since he returned from the superior court bench he has been busily engaged in a large practice. Quite re­ cently lie has been honored with the ap­ pointment of trustee of the Cincinnatti southern railway. Judge Taft has also given much attention to educational matters. He was for a long time mem­ ber of the union board of high schools, and a trustee of the university of Cin­ cinnati. Judge Taft is a man of untiring energy and unwearying patience in the prose- cution of any work intrusted to him. As a judge he was painstaking to the last degree, and no suiter ever left his court with a feeling that his case had not been fully considered. His politics have been .Republican. He has been a faithful party man without allowing himself to become a partisan. In view of the circumstances attend­ ing Secretary Belknap's fall, it may be of interest to add a word about the new secretary's wife. Mrs. Taft is also from Vermont. In intellect, culture, and in practical common sense, she is a fitting companion for her husband, and her in- fluenoe on Washington society oannot fail to be of a most salutary character. -- CknomncUi Gazette. StcpeMlNs OeoCsnnial But. recent number of La fitaMHn an Italian journal, informs us that the Ital­ ian sculptor, Pietro Quaroerio, of Milan, who won a prize at the Viennese Exposi­ tion for two groups of his which were purchased by the Emperor of Austria, and repetitions of which were afterward ordered by the Emperor of Germany, has now in hand' a most wonderful bust of Washington, Sign or Guamerio, it appears, understands it to be the inten­ tion of our Centennial Commissioners to erect' a single building covering an'arsa of 2,578,000 square metres, and repre­ senting, therefore, a length of more than one statute mile on each side, together with a tower to be of thrice the height of the so-called " Tower of Babel," of the Cathedral of Milan, or, in round num­ bers, about 1,075 feet. Naturally enough Signer Guamerio has come to the con­ clusion that anybody who expects any work of his to be so much as visible in so vast an edifice, the like of which, he justly observes, " has never been seen before on earth that we know of," must put himself to unusual pains in the way of conception and execution.. So Signor Guarnorio is now engaged in making a colossal bust of the father of our conn- try " at the moment when he gave the United States their Constitution," and, in order to give this bust " dimensions adequate to the circumstances, " he has purchased four car-loads of modeling clay, and is making a figure, the little finger of the left hand of which is to be twenty-six centimetres, or about a quar­ ter of a yard in length 1 It is gratifying to know, on the authority of La Staffet- ta, that in this remarkable work "the great citizen " of America is represented in the most simple and natural attitude possible, and expresses the satisfaction of a stainless conscience which., having fulfilled a sublime act, and being con­ vinced thai it has discharged its duty thoroughly, feels that it has touched the Summit ol its wishes. Presidents. The following table, prepared for ref­ erence, shows the political sentiments and the date of the inauguration of each President the length of time he lived after that event, and hia age at the time of his death: I. George Washington, Independent, inaug­ urated 1789; lived 10 years; age 68. ._?* Adama, Independent, inaogunlted 1797; lived 39 yearn; age 90. S. Thomaa Jefferson, Democrat, inaugurated 1801; lived 25 years; age 83. .4* Jamee Madison, Democrat, inaugurated 1809; lived 27 years: age 85. 5. Jain an Mnnm. Ussaacrat. fmnmiraiati 1817; lived 14 years; age 73. 6. Jobs Q. Adam*, Whig, inaugurated 1825; lived 23 yeans; age 81. 7. Andrew Jackeon, Democrat, inangorated 1829; lived 16 years; age 78. 8. Martin Van Buren, Democrat, inaugurated. 1837; lived ̂ 5 years; age 80. 9. W. H. Harrison, Whig, inaugurated 1841; lived 1 month; age 68. 10. John Tyler, Y. P., Independent, inaug­ urated 1841; lived 21 years; age 72. II. James K. Polk, Democrat, inaugurated 1815; lived 4 yearn; age 54. 12. Eftebary Taylor, Whig, Inaugurated 1849 ived 16 months; %ge 66. 13. Millard Fillmore, V. P., Independent, In­ augurated 1850; lived 24 years; age 74. 14. Franklin Pierce, Democrat, inaugurated 1853; lived 16 years; age 65. 15. James Buch&can, Democrat, inaugurated 1857; lived 12 years: «g« T?. 16. Abraham Lincoln, Republican, inaug­ urated 1861; lived 4 years and 1)4 taflntba; age 56. # 17. Andrew Johnson, V. P., Independent, in- All Diseases of the Blood If VEGRTINK will Fellers pain. CIMIIH, can auoh diasaess, restoring the patient to perfect haalth after trying physicians, many wtwediee, toner!n* for reus, la It not conclusive proof, if yon are a aaffeter. yon can b* mml? Why is this medicine performing soch great cane? It work* In the Mood, ta the circulating flntd. It oan truly be called the KLOO» PURIFIKR. The great sonroe of alaniM in lh« blood; and no medicine that pnblis attention. Seventy-one Tears of Age, **>* MAKBBriKU), Anc 23,187u. Mr. SnevzHa: "SEP*'"0?? '••Pi®'"»: ">ffei«<i S£?k CojapWnt, Weaknee* in my J "*• induced by friend* to try your ?ltok medioln# for«£ak \ e7*T "f*1- 1 b"® tried many rera- ^ D*T*r fonnd ao much relief ay from the VBOKTItlK. ItetrencthenaandinTicoratos my acquaintance* have taken %hi"h'•«~~ for all the oomplalnu for Towatnlr, JOSIAH B. SRK&MAIf. inaugoratecl LOgnrated 1865; lived 10 yeara; age 67. 1869* **en6ra' Bepablioan, j Tyler and Fillmore were elected Vioe-Preei dents M Whigs, nud Johnson as a Repablioac. Their " indcp®ndeaoe" followed their inaug­ uration as Presidents. 1Mb ud Bedroom. Never use anything but Vi&M blankets as a cohering for ike sick„" The heavy impervious cotton counterpane is bad for the reason that it keeps in the ex­ halations from the pores of the sick per­ son, while the blankets allow them to pass through. Weak persons are invari­ ably distressed by a great weight of bed­ clothes, which often prevents them from getting any sound sleep whatever. It is better to sleep in a oool room and dress in one that is well warmed, than the op­ posite. If it is necessary to heat the bedroom, let it b« by issans cf an opeu grate fire, rather than by a register or flue. In view of the fact that most people pass one-third of the twenty-four hours in bed, the importance of having only the best bedding needs no argu­ ment. There is no wisdom, therefore, in buying cheap or second-class articles for the sleeping room; but true prudence directs to get the very best bedding that your means will command ; a first-class hair mattress will outlast two of inferior quality. The same difference will also be found in respect to feathers, and with the latter, as with hair, the best is always cheapest. Too many young house­ keepers neglect to follow this rule, and pursue a penny-wise and pound-fooliak where they mî ht Just as well >ve adopted the opposite practice. MBS. HOUGH died in Alexandria, Va., last week, at the age of 96. She grew up to womanhood in the State of New Jersey, where she was l»orni, and when just 21 cast a vot® for Thomas Jefferson for President--a property qualification in that State then entitling a woman to vote. THE general talk is Dobbins' Electric Soap (made by Oragin & Co., Philadel­ phia). There never was a soap so highly and generally praised. It tells a story of its own merits, that cannot b« «seii- tradicted. Try it. "Enow Tbjr Opportunity." The grim monster, Death, was stealthily ap­ proaching. I could aliiiost feel his hot, "fiery breath upon my forehead. My faithless god­ dess, Hvgeia, had utterly deserted me. Only now and then would Morphea# befriend me. but on this auspicious day he had deigned to moisten, my eyelids with heavenly ambrosia, and I slept As I slept, behold, I had a dream! 1 thought, that 1 waa roaming upon foreign soil whither my physician had sent me to recover my health. I was in a great metropolis--one of the grand marts of the world. In one ot my strolls I ehanccd to meet a uuan who had in his hand a handsomely-bound volume, entitled "The People's Common Sens© Medical Ad- vieer," and .who said that lie was an egenfe for •be trie o? the book. The title waa such a novel one that I was impelled to give the work m casual notice. AM I hastily pSaneed over ita pages, 1 observed that itoontaiued treatises no* commonly found in medical works. But I had loo many timee been hoaxed by appearances, and 1 determined that I would have nothing to do with it. A voice within me, like a faithful mentor, whispered, "JSTn010 thy opportunity; in that book is thy salvation!" I began rea­ soning with myself. Although doubtful and distrustful, yet 1 put forth my hand to take the book, and, lo! the agent was gone! I was miserable. In my agony I awoke. Qreatdrope of perspiration were upon my brow. By my bedside was a friei suimber to see mo Mend who IIH/1 called daring :ny Said my friend, " ITni Tbree Innocent Men. Three innocent-looking men were wait­ ing at the central depot the other even­ ing for a Western train to go out. They were meek and lowly in general appear­ ance, and as they walked around they became known to each other, and find­ ing that they had a whole hour to spare, one of them proposed to go across the street and get some lemonade. While en route a second moved to make it lager beer. "When they got over the third intimated that whisky would suit him, and all took whisky straight. This broke the ice and they decided to play a little game of cut-throat euchre. Alter playing a game or two "it was decided to increase the interest by patting up a little money. "lean spare that much," said the Mother-in-l4iw« Why is it (says Harper's Monthly that the English-speaking man loves not the precoiioe Mid is indiileraat to the memory of the mother-in law? And why, as a general thing, do they chucffle over such statements fts this ? " It was the night on which John Todd made his great speech to the colored population on Munjoy Kill. Gapi. Mor­ rill from time to time awoke the echoes with his cannon. A man rushed up to Him and said: "' For God's sake don't fire any more!' " *Why not?' asked the astonished John. '*' There's a dead woman lying in the next house.' " 'Well,' said John, 4if she's dead the noise won't hurt her; snd the country must be saved.' 'Yes,' groaned the man, *1 know that; but she's my mother-in-law, and I've heard that guns will .awake the s ̂ Score One for the Ulster. A neat little trick was reoently played on a hotel-keeper in New Haven : A stranger lost at throwing dice in a saloon, and the proprietor proposed, as he had no money, that he leave his Ulster coat as security. Instead of the coat, the stranger left his trowsers. He left the saloon, , his high top boots and long Ul­ ster concealing the loss of his trowsers, and engaged a room in a hotel for the night. In the morning he complained to the landlord that his trowsers, with $20 in the pockets, had been stolen from his room during the night. The land­ lord, anxious to preserve the good name of his house, immediately bought the swindler a new pair of trowsers, re- >laced the money supposed to have been >st, and sent him on his way rejoicing. --New Hampshire Palladium. IT appears from a Government report that the number of persons who settled in Canada from abroad declined from 39,973 in 1874 to 20,410 in 1875. Al­ though immigration was dull everywhere last year, this city fared somewhat better proportionately than the Dominion, 84,560 immigrants having arrived at our wharves, against 140,000 the previous year.--New York Tribune. THE county auditor at Sioux City can't tell a ooon from a wolf «lrip, and it makes the boys laugh when he pays out the bounty money and asks if Che wolves are thick out their way. brought with me a book, just published, which I thought might interest you. One glance at the work, and I was assured that it WHS "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Barely, this was the veritable book which I had seen in my dreams. My friend loaned me the work, and every day, as my strength permitted, I perussd its pages. Although it contained very interesting treatises on Eiology, Cerebral Physiology, Human Temperament*, Nursing of the Sick, etc., yet, being an invalid, I was most interested in the subjects of Diseases and Remedies. I believed that I had a liver affec­ tion, and yet more than one medical attendant had pronotMioed my disease Consumption, and that! would fall with the autumn leaves. I reasoned thus: "Any man who can BO truth­ fully depict my feelings, and apparently under­ stand my constitutional tendencies, must knotr )ust what mv physical system demands. I will trust my ease with Dr. Pierce. I will take his Golden Medical Discovery as recommended for my disease." The result is, that after having perseveringly followed his prescribed treat­ ment, I once again enjoy the blessings of health. Therefore. I wotud eay to the nfflictod, j "Know thy opportunity." and take Dr. Pierce's ! Clold&n Medical Discovery. Quu. | OHIGAOO Ledoeh Best stray going. Sb« advertisement. Best Evidence The following tettwr fi-om Key. K. S. BEST, Fastor M. K. Oharch, NatU-k. MBM.. will b« raftd with interest by men; physic,lam; atoo thc«« suffering irora the tame dia- the ton of the Bev. K. S. Beat. No MM «AA doubt this tertinony, and them is ao MX enrattvn »ow*n of VKGETINB: NATICK, Mm, Jan. 1,1874. Mr. H. R iM«r STEVEN®: h*T" waaon for ragardinK yonr VMjETINE a medicine of the greatest value w ' " haa been the means of saving onr eon'a life. He is now seventeen mars of ae»: for tin " e feel ' eon's <• last two lowMiratoenmriof age, for _ jre&rs hp infeild fvom of bis Lef, caused by ocroimnus affection, and was far reduced that nearly sol who saw him thought hi* inA voanulof able ptavalcluiia could give us but the fain(*«t lu>p««f hisBver rallying, two ol the number declaring that be was beyond the reach of human that even amputation could not it?e him, as be had not Tigor #nough to endure the operation. Just th«n we com roenced gremg him VKGKTINK, and from that time to the present he haa been continuously improving He haa lately mmmcd his (tadlea. thrown awajr eratchss and euie, ana walks about cheerfully and strong. "!£ J* '* discharge from the opening where the limb was lanced, we have the fullest confidence A J * lUtle time ho will be perfectly cured. He has Uken alx.nt three dozen bottles of VKGKTINR. to* h«t little, aa he deolares that he Is too **•* Bweirtaa. - "nrfs-. VEGRTISE Is SOLD by ALL DRUGGISTS TTousEKM!P*M rejotca. AGKRTS make money with JJ. our 6 NEW articles. ww.w. A Co , Cheshire, CIt. 20 sag^sgg^ .sagRgiearw; ASTHMA. 5,000 AU the new and standard HoirrtUes and Ohromoe, Priaa Packages, Watches, Jewelry, etc. Special terma girep to AgenU everywhere. We send Vafaabta Samples, wSk Circulars of onr Goods, Aw to alL R. L. FLRTCHKR, 111 Charabera St. Haw York. DS.--%«{t *aif» or tinted Brtrtol, SOots.; 9 owflako, Marble, Rep, or Domack,3a eta.:!) •*? S?; : yonr name t^aatlfally i them, and 66 sami ««»t by retain Otoha. Best of «tr»iec Boston. Jtjb*. Tbey-.owKJNopiene.-aMiiceMw, tatitr, imS ttg (tae* 'h*n tbe J kaad BOS. B. h, ALLAN & Co., Kfra^HUfl Ut B.Uh St.. Phita., Pi, Ctrcul&raftea A. urr*s Aomrr Wumw inmtrp «OWM. AGENTS! 150 NEWB00K8 by aamplp page*. Wndtngs, Illustrations, etc. All are ptrktii, ynf mUir works on rrrry i on* dcmhttal Ixxik. when tn» ea •ibjp W hy risk all on _ . -- Jr.aks success eitre Dy overtng customers cdoice of l.'tll * Our Agon** ha»© the »»•«!<£- :r.-jand am delighted with tttetr mUt aalesn Fait nnt to send for particulars at one* to Vale Lit PUBI.IBH!N« Co., CHICAGO, ILL. WANTED AGENTS For the GREAT UNIVERSAX." HIBT0RH to the uioae ot tlie hret m yean ot our Mntlonai „mie pandenee.inciudtnR account of t\w ciMuitm Orand Centennial Kihibukm, pagM, tftno enguivuigs, low jyrlee, onlcK Kitrn terms Send tor Uiroaiar. P. W. £1R(;LKK * CXXn mi S. Clark St.. Chicago, IU. CENTENNUU. nTOTABT/ AGENTS WANTED FOR THE C E N T E N N I A L R. R MAP OF THE U. S. an making large prodta reUing our freah wovka. Cat*, tocuea and Terms frea. Writ® to E. C. BEIDGMAN A Barclay St., N«w vork. or 1T4 Kim St.Cincinnati. O, DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! ImUmtUtr Gold Watches. Send for Circular. Collins Gold Metal Watch Co., P. O. Box 3696, New York. $20 £»S A1kJr0,r r° UAKK IT. Something NEW. COK, roitew ds CO., St. Louh, Mm. SI 9 Outfit and teraM eifc frea. AddrwsTRDK *00.. Augusta, Maine. 10 F A IfiCY CARDS. 1 Style., with name, SOE. Address J. B. HUSTKD. Naasan. Renaa. Co.. N, Y. T|EAFIVRSS RELIEVED. NO MKDIOINP. * * Book fr»e. WOOD, MadilM»ni, kn«l. WUU;UUUat PAON that defy competition. Clrcu- Ian free. Address Barnas, CreeweU A Co., Kkkwood, 111. A TTENTION! --Before moving Went, or investing la A i«n<f, write for information of the Garden of to ROSAK & COMPANY, Hutchinson. Kansas. \*TANTE»-A«emfs ff sipenees,with®U.3ftc respectable. B. BIOKMKLL capital. L£OO., 100 per montlt and Business pleasaatand 174 Elm st„ Cincinnati. 'fissjsasim mall. BtowBUAGOi A Month .--Agent* wanted. 94 test sell ing articles in thewnrld. One sample fres. AuuniitfAV nnunti(l!«, l>etroit, Mich umccurera, HvrvluiBta, and otheri it It the 3I8T ever invented. 1S.QOO In use. SM'3: «S?r!>'SSgfc,!,M . _ 'doalor* in all kindi of Prlntlns Material, liend stamp for CataU»«uc.) 49 FadeMd St.. Boston- QKNTSthouid write for Aftney far n«w bowfc Isy •Ann Eliza BS»BA1T3 T jmYoung punyTillui infsitlwraU of i .OOG a wask. Full txpoM of th« horrl. 6!| lytUm of Polygamy. HhmtrnMd Onrnlan, with complHe Infwm^lon all. Address mmt offic« of |~ n Oilman * 00.«Hartford,CU,Chl<»(oli:i. if wiw «vmpinf UIC Biy (OC A MOMTH and traveling expenses t* fffc rUf 900 SKLL our Goods TO DRALKItS in every county In the V. S. No P*DDI.ISG. Cincinnati Novelty Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. MflNPV »<"**' yidb with Stanoii and Key Check mUWCB Outfits. Oatnlognes and full particular* FREE. S. M. SPKNCER, 347 Washington St.. Bosum. 300 1'THEPAI they cli Su^N. Parecnt. proCt toAflaat*. tralta, Ac., draws Machlnerr. For tall particulars address 8mltn* o«n«)h MTg Co.. fit Loola. MS. I'Thepartletwill do all • claim.'-Weakly .Y.Jso.^l8ti , Sm stamp for particn- |lan. C.F.WtnntaAOo. Kmitad,W Dnana «t-N.Y Miniature Oil Pmintlncon Canvas which will . be your own Likeness, free, with The Home eekly, sent 3 months on trial for 45 eta. Money to Agents. L, T. LUTHER, M1U Yillaga, Kria Co., Pa BOOK MOODY & 8ANKBY.--The only original, anthentlc an/, oomplate record of then men and thrir works. AG E '•TA.J- SEM'J VOBCIROULABA Aaaertcan Pmbliahln( Co,, Chicago. Ill, Stock Growers Colony, NewM9nco. Orwit indticemwtts offered to Colonists. Call or send for Circular. 130 Dearborn St., Chicago, SCROBUIIOUS HUMORS.--The Vegetine has cured many cases of scrofula of five, ten, «ad twenty years' standing, where the patient, has had many physicians, tried many of the Known remedies; and, after trying the Vege­ tine, the common remark is: " It acts differ­ ently, works differently, from ah; medicine 1 have ever taken," Vegetine will cleanse scrofula from the system. Try it PIMPLES on the faoe, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrheum and all cutaneous affections cored, the skin msdc soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper T&r Ho&p. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, is the only kind that cap be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oommon tar, which are worthless. ¥«or cd oa LIT THANSPAKKXT VisiTmt -- Ciioi. fort£ Cents. Each card «« which is not viaibk nntil towards the light, Nothing like thtiasvi? fcafbr«oflbr;?; m Ainarica. B if induce-MMsto Axenta. NOVCLTT PRINTI.N» CO .Aihland.Maaa. Fas*1" to*. A gre&t interest to gMMi. Bant bv mail t Mms. N, Oaioaao. Isi F O U T Z ' S KORSE AND OATTUE POWDERS, 1 err prevent INQUIHBrOR. V.A.DR0WH&C0S UMBRELLAS. PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK. -Tin qualities marked with their name are confidently recom­ mended. PORTABLE SOOft FOUNTAINS. $40. $50. $75. $100. CH5AF* & SUSASLE. Will vioH 400 per ceat profit. fiSHl'Fg© *JUAS>Y FOR TOE. Bcu«S for Cafaln^up. Address fh" OHiPUK i eo, »ooW fl Sadlfw, Ib4. m mm ••Habit Ctirfd At Home, Sh S5 B SB Bff pu'ullcitr. lime short, mrrai BE ST B U IvImouerHte. l.OOO.teatimoi " * • •*"jpear of unparallKd snc wite saaa. Addrasa Dr. F. k. Me.rsti,jJiulBor Wtl . Time short. nials. 5ti? success. De­ ar, Mich. M&ed Visiting Cards--SSiwwfiake, Damask and Repp--sent pontjiaid for 35 cts. Acquaintance 'Cards 10 cte. per pack, Ayenis Wunttil. Terms and samples tor green stanip. Agent's full ont- •*" F. S. TOLMAN, BrocktonTMaBS., Box 801. c The A MOITTH--Asrenta waotofl eveivwlMra. Bnslnasa honorable and first class Uonian sent frea. OO.. Bt. Lonie, Mo. P«f. Ad<Vwaa WORTH & CHKAPEHT, best family paper in the would--CHICAGO LEDOER. Bee advertisement. DR. SCHENCK'S STANDARD REME­ DIES---The standard remedies for all diseases of the lonfrs are SCHENCK'B PULMONIC SYBUP, SCHENCK'S SKA WEED TONIC, and SCHEHCK'B MANOKAU PILLS, and, If taken be tore the lungs an deitrojted, a speedy cure is effected. To thes« three medicines Dr. J. H. Bohmck, of Phila­ delphia, owes his unrivalled sncooas in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter In the langs: nature throws it off by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a alight ooogh arlll throw it off, the patient haa rest and the lunz* begin to heal. To enable the Pulmonio Syrnp to do this, Schrack's Mandrake Pills and Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic must bo freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act on the liver, removing all obstruc­ tions. relax the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative: the alkali of which it is composed mixes with tbe food and prevents souring. It assists the digestion by toniuK up tin* stomach to a healthy condition, so ttiat tiie food ami ttia Pulmonic Syrup will make good blood ; then the lunjcs heal, and the patient will surely get well it care is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenck, either personally or by letter, r.-in do so ut his principal office, corner of SIXTH and A urn SXB., Philadelphia, every Monday. Schenck's medicines are sold by all druggists through­ out the countiy. From Maine to California mil lions of children are wearing SILVER TIPPED Shoes. Why not? they ara tbo cheapest ana never wear through it the toe. Also, try Wire Quilted Solaa. To convince you of tha great populari tv of the CABLES SCREW WIRE •you need only see the base imita­ tions and vain attempts to g«fc up something similar. Also, try Wire Quilted Solca. wx r e: tf J ftCporday Bead for Chromo Cataila^uo. tPlU H. Btrrroso'e SONS, Boston, Mast. ar aa *nn • day at noma. Sainpiet worth 91 aaai fD vO lr«a. fixuuoji A Oo.. Fordma, Mo. aad Morpbina habtt abaoititaUr and cared. P&inless; no pubiotty. Dr. Old- npfnw ^ |ir j 11 ill Send atatni/ for partlcnlara. V* *WiH too. W7 Washington 8w. Ohloago, XR $77 PER WEEK GUARANTEED to Ajranta. Mala and Female, in their own locality. Terms a»l OUTFIT FREE. Addrasa P. O. V1CKERT A OO., Augusta, Main* REVOLVERS!! SEVEN SHOT K*w BuffUo Bill Kcrolvvr Bent wkh ICO Cart- ridg** for |8. Fuu< Nn PLAT*. Satisfaction ruar&ntee<L Itlunrmed CaUJO£U« rtB. Address WESTEEM GUN V0KK3, CHICAGO. I1L $3.00 WANTED paid. Men to sell onr goods to , DEALKHS). No peddling 1 from house to honse. SS(1 a. month, and traveling expenses MONITOR MANUF'T'G UO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. YniTNR 1 UUHU 111 IIXl promotion guaranteed. We BOOK AGENTS. Amcrte " IS T*-l-aa Pml MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK out­ sells everything. Don't worry about hard times. Sell this book and see how easy they are. Sand for circulars to bllahtng SoM Chicago, 111. AN „„ EIER6ETKC BU8INE88 MAN WANTED in «very County In the Union aaGoneral for a flrat-class staple article in the Grocery line. _ business can be made to pay $5,(100 yearly. Addr< STKTSOS, CAQPCSTU & Co.. 48 Jay Street, Mow Grocery Use. %!<= enf York. FRANK LESLIE'S £ OIMILAR IIOWTHLV. . AGENTS make werkly by canvassing for it; IMS pages, NO illus­ tration*-, 8 <.5II yearly, with elennt chromo. Send 9IO cents tor copy and terms to FRANK LESLIE, New York. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HISTORY of the u .S . neat interest in the thrilling history of our ooun- tiy makee this the fastest-selling book ever published. It oontaiiis si full account of the approaching grand Cen­ tennial Exhibition. CAl'TIOX.--Old, Incomplete and Unreliable worlca ara being circulutoil; see that the book you buy contains till .Fine Kiigruvl»tfi and 925 Paget. Send for circulars and extra ferine to Agertfa. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Chicago, IU. I Oldest, Lamest, Cheapest, Best. GREAT REDUCTION l« PRICE. Tlir only Fiiiniiy & Literary PajieI- lit I'liiia. <he 'v 1" ud9er- Oaaly $2.00 £*> "IT BPKCIAh CLUB RATKS: 4 copies, one year *7 ; HJ copies, one year. 8 An"extra copy Fnf^'to twenty. Sample copy mid oircuinrs r . Wiuitdl. Gold Premiums. All subscriptions can begin with a negatory Address T1IK SATDBDA1 i.V 10MM- •inn Agency. Be«nti^ BacklHur, I^M Mooay, Penakma Increase Pensions and Claims of all kinds promnUr col- lartod. Kmry soldier disabled (thoogh but slighUr) by «ouad«, injurioa or disease is an titled to Ft-aston. Where aoldwr i« dead, tha widow or ehlid is eotitied. Moatnm. ear.bsincised. Appiywoaoa. tlavehadiyears' oapertence at the front aa a soldier: 10 years' experience in owllectin* thane ?!••=>«. All Isttsrs obeotfuily aad piowpOy aiwwiad it poataje Is to aloe ed. Send M *n4 Pension law. Addrasa E. H. WKKDKN, CancAOo, Itt. Br jfo chsrze nnlsas alaias Satiafaction guaranteed In ul OS«M. P.HICAE01EDCER , FOR $1.06, POSTPAID. In ordar that everybody asay ba enabled to takoflll great Story and Family Newapapor, wo ba«a datamdMd to offer It UU Jan., 1877, for ftl.00, poatpaU. It to the LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST, »oot widely circulated Newspaper bt tbo Wi* Send OOBSI mMwmmvA r " ' 4 THK LEDGER, Cn«MO, IU. NATURE'S GREAT NEBEM." TUi Cordial la a GER3AXX? CU2UB •»r Oraglit!, Cobh, Intsrmittlaa «T tt« LuwhSon Tbiwt w« Aran, BtoMkl- tlMai If lakes 1» tlma, will amtt tkal ftul #K«e ConmpttMh Tke taurii ol this BMdlclne la a preparatloa «Ttar«b> tolued by a pceiallar proww from tke isp of tli* Pine Tree, tke •iitrtari fiatK tlea of which are well knows. Wlthtfela powcrAd clmMt are ttioroocMr tateor. poratcd sevend otkair nmtable umli> entUu each of wUtk pnaoeaf soothbm id hwltog tttriboltt, thaa makincr «t tti« PCTEKT ASvAQOaUX t« «n t%at dl«eauM» of tla* palmmanr onmes liae yet b«*s lntroduwd. DE. L. 0. 0. WISHiBrS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL la not a new remedy that haa never Iwiwi Intelligent jahyalclana ha-re nnd It, aa <1> nil TESIOC^ laatalxte^a the filahwt aT&ol>. yean, and "la 'spoken terma hy aU who hay Mnda of UNSOMC-'ITEB NIAXS prove. If yon refer n«n any ilfcaaan (Mr which this Cordial la reeoauaendedL wo nnhesltatlnrly say. " TRY ITTwE KNOW IT WIliDO YOU QOOl A alngle bottle wiM. demonatrato lta ahle qnalltlea. Sill II ILL MUCtlSTS MO STIJEKEPEIS; PRINCIPAL DgPOT, ^ 282 North Second St.. l*hUad?m» FBuTT • •r rrsn>Miosai ami Aaaateai Printers, NrkoeU, SocleUeaTiiaa iiAMtr 0Tr* CATALOQtrE, in "Ivm6 pog»t, oonteining the fieatoat GROWN seedsESStH ̂ HOrgYacOUaNo.MartDatgt.BootoB.nrai>!> nDTITTIff1*™ uriLiiri, Speedily cured by DR. BECK'S only known ait " J|« CHAM! lot awe •ntU eared. C«ll oa or addnw Sr. J.aBKX. 212 JohaSWCtadxaati,! PORTABLE GRINDING MILLS.' Bortfiaoili Mnir stiffepla. die under-runaers, cock batl ^per-n.nner^nNr^garaig llfiVMMI wKwtfWiMI rlor Mill tawea _ slsNiUenulaeBatckJ krr Boltlag CuitSTl flHia, Corn Bhellers Clcanerau OeariBg, 8b Pulllea. Hangers, etc.. alt •«« of Milljfachlnery and Mlllen* ntL^lSt Rov MM, rim4> wimm oonpoinro or PTTEE COD LIVESj OIL AITD LIME, AVIIhor'x Cot! Liver Oft and Llair.-ltf neat popularity of this safe and efficacious prenaratlMt. U alonx attributable 11> its intrinsic v.orrb. In the ciuie of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchiris, Whooping Got||U SorofulouK Humors, and ail (Xingumpnvg SymptomeT* has no Huperior, if equal. Let no one neglect the etw symptoms ot disease, wiion an agent Is thus at halts which will alleviate ell complaints of the Chest, Lun0^ or Throat, Manufactured only by A. H WILBOli, ChwoUt, • Sold by all druggists , DOMESTIC SEWING mAmmm-' liberal Terms of IfcT " ehuageior se^^nd-haH: Macniiica of ovorydi, criptioii. "DOMESTt - APCR FASHIONS The Bent Patterns made. Send Oct*, for Catalogue.- .< Address D0KESTI3 SEWIN3 MACHINE COl AGENTS WAXTKP. -C# WEW TOBKI W&KBi/ssjl I•so® to be divided among the six' most successful growers who shijl,; produce the lansrest quantity (ma I lb. of BTBY and AUPKI potatoes. Price of each, $1 per lh CENTENNIAL PREMIUMS. to be awarded for the heft collect ion, one peck each, of pot£> toes introduced by sis (since 1867. ,, ®S# for the best snd most proirpP- ising spedlincs raised this year froaa ' Prlngles Hybridised Potate Sk?e«l, Packets of V seedn, 60 otS JTho collections for which the " " Packets of at aeeda, 60 oti_ *d |̂ obeli-- < - iticik + rticulflrs wnd for our PotatB .; I fr™ to a!!. W * BIU*> Ill<^ti-itt<Ml Seed Catalojroe nnd Ania* .. ••ear s Guido to tho I lowov and Kitchen Garden. eo«i tains adi'soriptivo list ef 25® varieties of Garden, Fieli' * and Flower S.viH pxplicit directions for culturOL . 200papes, sewral hundred engntTine«i. and 8 beautiful* *" colored lithojjrapli. Sent postpaid, for 35 cents. ~; f Bliss's Gitrdeaer's asd.iftrUti/ni 7-v,«r«/ fi<xr<trn. FtM anil Fhirer .W*. 116 pages. beantK " J... . £2,^'e vmR I applicants inclosing lOch BHK8s»SIIssstrafed PotatoCataldtuf oontai^ a ne*criptjv« list ot fill the new varioties recently intr duced,with many oth«^r desirable sojrt*%alao much information upon their cultivation. 32pages, lOcentij B. K. BLI88 & 80NS, P.O. Box No. WW, 34 Barclay 8k, W.Y. upromiums or ®auu are < ffered wfll be exhibited theC'entennial Exhibition, in Philadelphia, inOctob and prcniiums will bo awarded by their cominitt For conditions and full particulars no " Premium t'ircnlar, mailed free to alt. O.W.U. 946 SiuMom Street options can . ^rHKS WilfUiO TO ADVERTISER^ POST, I T jptoaaa say yon aaw (IM adwegtUemanf et, Pltlla. I iBtElapapcr. MBRIDEN CUTLERY CO. In "PAI*ST ITOII" HAXOLB TABS® KKOT. I--A few lntalligent Ladiae and Uontlomon to adUcit orders for mrk. "MmUbt for <A« Union.'* Just tho book for OantennisJ Umaa. All expenses ad­ vanced. Refewne® reaoired. DUSTIWT OILMAN A OO.. Hafftlosdt CJows. sChioa*o» I1L; OlaolaHati, Ohio. WANTED ̂CAJT. GiiWiHl BW. work, or feioul thariain^* m how t iltit'i m-x limy lax iu.tu- Mh«l K"l>» *1 limy afleclion of»ny p^rnoii tlwey rlinohe, hiHtmiUy. 'J'hls art fx***-**, fre*1,!)/ 2T»c*nt»»; to^tlier with * Lover's Guide, • - - «•«-..* . - 1,000.000 «»1J. A Queer " " ta**" ' ' * "" " KeyptUn Oracle, Dream*. IIf 111B to lilies, Ac. 1,000.000 «»1J. A Queer book. Adlreta T. WILLIAMS A CO. , tub% FhtltdelphiM. M AN U F ACTJJ WEALL Exclusive Makers of tho HINDS OF TABLE CUTLERY. PATENT IVORY " or OoUoloid Knife, the moat durable ~ nal^ Makers of tbo HARD R' on tho blade. Warranted i 49 Chambera Street, My IlliiHtraead Floral Cualafae for 18f6 is now ready. Price 10 Centa. leas than half the cost. £. £QWSITCH,6IS WarreaSL, Botton, Maat, P E N S I O N S 'lot;: iit? TO WHOM PENSIONS A»E PAID „ EVERY soldier SfSir; .r»K'sf«' of a finger, or the loas orthe use of a finger, tha lose of an aye, the Iiw of a toe, or aay (in slot wound, or other Injury, gives a paaslon. ,, MIM A. R U P T U R E . diseaara'o? the lung®. If yon are entitled to a paaJ^n, «Mfe» m^ar^oa^uattfwoyda tvo^Lpi fir a circular Land Warrant acts tent for as ceata .

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