Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1876, p. 8

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UTK DAIRY MABKETS. UTIOA, N. Y., April Sd, *n. JCMftHk--Witli aslight tendency to tke market continues steady. jfctUM are unchanged. The foreign still withdraws tlk stock in IfeMNk The home demand is moderate, p SemER.--The somewhat extreme •Midi unusual advance In the prices of Jnilir, and particularly of new butter, .-ifsiiws to oontiiiuo ratuer than to di« ininlsh. The scale of prices for new gutter runs 10 cents * pound higher • |han last year at this time. Notwith­ standing these prices there is no over Supply; and there will doubtless be a 'tendency to'produce butter as long as possible before the general resumption manufacture by the .factories. It is lot probable that thepresent prices |rill long continue. OBGAK IN 1MB | We make the above assertion with­ out fear of successful contradiction, We are not in the habit of running jtown Organs sold by other Agents, p«ing acttiaftad to let our instrument Speak Iter itself, but we are sorry to ::||ay there is one Agent In tl«is county trno lies no compunction in that way. fie hM, we are told, on every opportu­ nity, ran down the instrument we are jelling, not because he knows anything iniiMt it never, we believe having Sean It, but In order to make people felieve he is selling the only good in­ strument offered in the county. But Eithstanding this we are, as we be-said willing to let the North ;ern, speak for itself,and to anyone Wishing to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee them a lower price and as good fcn instrument as can be found in the Korthwest. Call at my store. East ride of the Public Square, Wooodstock, nnd be convinced Mrs. S. A. Reid. Woodstock, 111. Feb 21st 1876. liAUEIR & rarcnap Merchant Tiltors, §2?Parker House 3to@le, j | MACHSNRY, - - 1LLIN&8I Tilts •nneeribers Sinviiig Opened a Jferr iiSui Tailoring establishment in MeBllry, are now prepared, with a Stock ot FHm Cloths tf sH Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en. tire Stilts, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms. *TGood Fits Guarantee* and all W«rk ' - - • :M M • jr. 8 TORY, sdB«S #« --DEALER IN-- • , Shelf and Hea Us* r d^r % iis6 f .f1" l*rl msi. STOVES < v *> . *.ii ,m ' JEINWARE* --ssr^nr-xivt: *•#:-!; - i MECHA NICS* TOOLS, * FARMING IMPLEMENTS, CLOTHES WMINGERS &c«, 4tc», 4bc., ^ WHICH WILL BE We also Keep a fall LIm e* flTS FMISHIH& mmi Httt, Caps, Ae* • Which will be sold as Low as at lishinent in the County. We havoeoanc here to stay, and respcctftally ask a share of public patronage,pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a calL Clothes Cleaned la the best of manner and en aterftmottcA. LATTER £ BECKER. X4Henry. March tttfc, Iff* : • ' 'W - Chicago & North-western - - RAILWAY. fiaSMM* fitT CHICAGO, Detroit, T»!«d^ Cleveland. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Mon­ treal, Quebec, Portland, Jioston, Sew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, St. Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento, Og- 4ts, StU Lake City, Denver, Couwcil Bluffs, e StasxClty, St. Paul.Marqnette, Escanaba, He- --to, Madison. Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton, WtasM, Dnln'h, Green Bay, Milwaukee, and Mints North, West, South and East, should y their tickets via. the ;ft lertk-Waatarn Railway, rtions are made at Chicago with t A Michigan Southern, Michi- •s Oialisl, Baltimore A Ohio, Pittsburg FmtC Warn* ft Chicago, Kankakee Line ana Tmm Bu^k Routes, for all points EAST and nOCTH-EA.<T, and with the Chicago &• Alton mi niiBois central for all points SOUTH. Qkmt connections are also made with the IMn Pacific R. R. at Omaha for all far West peiata. Ctme connections are made at Junto- 6mpoint* with trains of attcross roads, Pullman Palace Car*. Tftswe celebmt«><? <»»?« are run on all night trains w all the lines of this read. This Is the ONLY LINE running these cars Wtweeu Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Oinaha onr Sleepers connect with the Overland Sleepers on the Union Pacific Rail, gsai, for all points west of the Missouri Hi^ir. Among the Iidicemts oU lif tliis Roite to the traveling public are all the modern im­ provements : Rock and Gravel Ballasted Track. Steel Ball, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor and {toawiBg Room Bar Coaches, Smoking and Lounging Cars, westinghonse Safty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling awl Platforms. Speed, 8afety and Absolute Com fort. Bagging threngh Five Great States, and operating over 2,0(10 miles of road, this Company presents to the traveler facilities that ASfe NOT and CANNOT be offered by any Competitor. Alt tickets agents eaa sell yon tieketa via this route If you wish the best traveling accommoda­ tions, yon will buy your tickets Dy this route, and will take no other. XASVIH HTTOHITT General Supt. W. H. STENNETT, Gen'l Passenger Agent M A R K U & GERMAN BLAKE & BRO.V --DEALERS IN-- F u r n i t u r e ! Of all Grades and Prices. Wareroom Nearly Opposite the Poet OStc6| McHenry, III. Wareroom Crammed Full ! Where will be found anythinr frwn Common Kitchen Styles to tjlw finest Parlor Sets, In Hair, doth Stad Reps. They "have Chamber Sets, and can salt everybody. Markls Top Cortsr Tattos, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and made to order on short notice. PCTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Ati Goods Warranted Of the very best qnalitv and sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE A BRO. McHenry, HI., Aug. 2d, 1875. J08. WIED1MANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT pirletor Iiora ' * 0EBM4N HOOTi, IiaporU^i by him. ""ie r-rr'] t of tticse 3Iit*rs was ©litained by flts proprietor in 1915, from "Tko'l ?.ad c::pcrJenccd physician (then a pfey- iiciaa 1b Use Prussian arrav), and a Rraduate of the highest medical collet ;es of Gennany. Tiitse Bftters are Guaranteed to core the se­ verest cases of BIABBHOBA, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, and are a certain preventative of raMALE SICKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVEK, AND AGUE. DlaTrhaealsa disease characterised by an, increased discharge from the Bowels,, usually In a very liquid state, and sometimes contain­ ing a large quantity of ISiieu Besides the vari­ ous purgative medicines, undressed or indi- ffestable food, or vegetables, acid frnits, oily or putrid snlwtaaces frequently cause Diarr. hoea. Physicians distinguish varfons kinds of Diarrhoea, as (erapulosa) when the forces off ordinary quality; "blt'osa" when the bile mows abundant than natural; "mucosa" wheti theemrements contain a quantity of miicns^ •t8erS.e^T" !n w^ich they are almost entirely liquid ana watery; and "licuteria" when the food passes through the body in an almost un altered state. There are" frequently, also anil vomiting', a bitter taste in the it-. "1'^' ^ "'* j'c.V,0v* dry and harsh skin, a full or sallow countenance, and If speedly checked, great emaciation. This one oftnose diseases by means of which i?"8tfves t0.gctTL4 °.f imparities, and Bmpo twn ^t®"1 ltB nat,iral conditii Hence, n hen it is not very violent anil th« Elfe is iw^wine|tas8eVfuUof the Bitters1 for°the first ten hours. For violent cases five wine glasses tali per day, one before eaeh meal and *7? ^t^eeri mea,s- tn any case Kreat C*re sheatdbe taken not t® stop it, too' suddeifw The treatment thus in :U1 cases depends S the cause from which it sprang. For tlofi and Dyspepsia take one wine ^"b •t the Bittera before each meaL Ko feiiii ritonld be without a bottle. * l*rice J»er bottle, large SScts., small 60 eta. Manufactured bv P. MARK US, WOODSTOCK, ILL ' 5 ^ * i--- I DON'T I Soard at Wiedemann^ | Bat wish I Did Nearthe S>epoty McHenry9 III. «-We also keep the Celebrated Milwaukee Lager^Beer constantly on hand. N E W F I R M ! New Goods And New Prices. L O W E R * USUAL PRICES! Now Is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that 1 can furnish good goods at as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER such as Plain Board, Water Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! Roj>airingr! Promptly attended to. fe : • ,-^U STO&y. jfpposite ow Mills), ttcHWy m.,Julrtt. HENRY ji heiealsb • is&f. •a Painters Brashes, Dye Staffs &c*» &c. Phy #tclan«" PreSOTptfllifts Carefully Compounded. ft'1 .: I'M ' ,'f J *:4 i ^TATIO Wehave?a flue Stock of Cap, Bill* JfTeteaad [ourning Paper, which we are selling vor _ heap. A fine assortment of the latest StvU Box ad Fancy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted As represented and Satisfaction Oumanteei. Patronage Solicited. la, McHenry, Jnly J7th, 187ft. f ̂ i .. i i.'iifit. PERRY' % MARTIN. " ,T & >| vfii" \<rf srrit'? *A f *rK " .. • • in jiimi' iMm&m i > I Vf,;-' -S 1'^ ^ v«tU *' * *S" '"W •? a.' *>• ' * ; '• * H-ft Hi.-y - ^ ». V,A"' L * I' J.. .* »•**•••• ... , » n*'?, •• m Kinds of l i t ^ M i a; .1^1 • 'Ui# ,0pm hvtsfpj n! " ft >• M* J •i? imm •j iM Boots and Shoes, flats and Caps Groeeiiei bf ^ Kinds, 'i 4 i'i'.rtUv a •KK:»W fflpPRfW,,. • s| 'it*'*,. 'i"-i For Predde&t in 1*876 X. TUKAS^KOeSTtTKIKOfTTOnES. the Man who gets the"1 OOODS for his money, buys of L (Snocwsso* 90 a ti. NUNDA, • . Tnowrsoir,) ... '•Mm* FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, And in short, a First Cias Stock of 6lH#al Merchandiii. We are constantly receiving new Goodi of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, bot the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we pan say that " : • •• SftXtW OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee onr goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and henoe cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, no? to ask enormous profits on our gotods* We intend |o 1) A "Live and Xet Live! And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. fgf-GlVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of ns or not. m PERRY A MARTIN.; > , At th^ Old Stand of Owen Jt Brother. McHenry JUL, JnlySfrTth,lS7r. C H E A P E R • ^oods are Selling at the „ Qeneral Variety Store. Read this Price Lists TOBACCO Smoking .85 eta Shorts .45 cts A A 45 ct# Killikanick..... .60 cts nurham 75 cte A large Variety of other Brands dirt Cheap. XJROCEltlES--Tobbk Ilyson Tea B0 cent per pound. Gunpowder 75 cts. Warranted as good as you have been paying $1.00 for. d#%aiv All Kinds. Graham, Bnek- • IVUVy wheat, Minnesota and Patent Bye Flonr, Ac., by the Sack or pound Omrn Meal the same Ping, ..60, 75and"«,W Fine Cut, 55, 75 and M CANDIES MixeiW*- »cts 8tick 20 cts Fancy. .30 cts Prize ...23050 cts Sufrar Sand, all colors 25 cents Tin-Ware. A larj^e Stock of very heavy Tinware sad Stove Fipc. Stoves,to Order. *3"Amateur Printing Office Orders of all kinds taken Real Estate and insurance Agt County Agent for the Protection Life In- suranee Company of Chicago, which Insures for one-third usual rates and is the safest Company Try it sarcall and see my Goods and lean Price*. underthe NEW 3VUNDA HAT,T t Which is the best in town aad Trill be let as reasonable as any --"«frr TK" T' E. M. OWEN, P. MA8T t C(ra CELEBRATED OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Keeps Constantly on hand and offers to the Farmers, Leading Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, among- which can be found the celebrated Buckeye Grain Drill, Broadcast Seeders, Junior Cultivator, Plow Sulky, which con be attached to any Plow, Champion Self-Dumping Bake, &c., &c. ^ a- ' - Plows I Plows Plows on hand and at liowest Prices, the celebrated Buckeye Xunda, Oct IRA M. MALLORY. •ct 26th, 1875 \ 1.8 7 6 (Baeetssen to OewllB, ZHriffht 4 |Oo.,) Have on hand a venr l*rg» and well selected Stock of Boots, Shoes, -ASIV- '. ***** Dissolution. Notiee Is hereby given that the co-partner­ship heretofore existing between 9. a Smith, J. C, Smith anrt P. I). Smith under the Arm name of Smith Bros. A Cot, is this >iay dissolved toy mutual consent. The Irosinesa will hereafter he conducted by Phllo D. Smitb at the old stand. All notes and accounts due the Firm will be settled by David 9. Smith. All parties having elalia: against the above Firm will present the same for adjustment. SMITH BROS. ACOL McHenry, III., March 1st, 1876. <££ Buggy for Sale. . bran new two seat Buggytfor Sale a Bargain. ___ 0, W. OW*H. ~ ary.lll. Nov. 1st, 1S79. fT* Rubber Ooods, SEmBSS J?" * ** CASH. Main Street Pubtto fiquaref ILL. #i;V. *tr ," w WOODSTOCK. If you want any kind of Far jaents OT rpa^s uifi oa ̂ jl., PHILIP 0IESELER, wUh'lKfrgSi"**' And Best Stock of 6oo4« 1 ^ a" Competition. My Stock OonaUto la part of Diy Mi Clothini, GrocerlB, BOOT'S, SHOES. CROCKERY, Ac., Te which I inviie the attention the bnyinr EhS&i • *"«« "o »•« .MILLINERY GOODS, PHILIP snry, 11L, April 84,18m and see. «xs«iKiiuKr All leading Plows kept constantly Don't buy until you see them. Also see Broadcast Seeder. It cannot be equaled. Prices Low and Favorable Terms. Cash and Close Buyers are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry County. E- M. OWEN. Mchenry, 111., March 7th, 1876. FlCUMWl 1.1 To all Whom ta Presents May Come, Gralini: We crenour prepared to §hou> one qf the LARGEST ttock qf Good* ever tfered bj/minthis market, bought for Cash from first harujfc in one of the dullest Market* the Eastemmerchantshavewitnessedsinee 1867. IN DRY GOODS! We are fbU #r» all departments, from a 6 cent JPHni to aCeaneb Hair Dreu Good* Clothing for Men, Boys and YOUTHS', that is both substantial and Cheap. Mens Boots, weeommenoeat H (mdupward* Arties and Ladies ChxUers egualty to*. Hats in Style and Caps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at Hi below zero. Buffalo Robe*, not 100 Boies, but enough *> Hvplff the wauts of our people. Carpets, Oil Clothn and Oil Mums, whose beauty will produce a smile f rom the young miss or aged matron. M»r Fanoy Goods call- and me for yourselves, m we are unable to describe at this turitmg. We otily o,s)c an inspection to verify the above Prockm^m, and by doing so wiU eortfer a great favor on the General t *° reMan ' Tf.. I^,P!^[Pr36XJUY. • IP! in*## Woodatook Oet'lSth, 1678. • j f e - M » , . .«» ABOM, LOWEST raiCKS. I^The Stock is Hew and Larta. *«/! Consista of x Diy Goods, \ ] f ,! • ;. 1 : t Boots ana Bnocs# i' ' Hats &nd Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. a» Give me a Call and Save Tear Momt, bv buying Goods yheap. t. B0THQXKBX8. . ,v.3C • .i -, • • • •sv: ^ - '• - . .±.(- . BARGAINS • «.•.. •> Giovesi, --A* TWB- GRANGE SHOE STORK, ' South Swt Comer PobBe S^oare, Wood«tf>ck, Illinois, a Woodrtcelc, IH.V t. k^reid- T " "" •I'i.vW? MILLINERY --AWD- East Side Public Sqaarct WOODSTOCK, Keeps Crnistantlr e« of Millinery Goods of all kinds, KmDroiderr, Combs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colore. Wed* haa<1 tke latect it^les all kinds, Kmhroidei ding Ifata, Crape Hats, and domestic Patterns of all kinds. Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Rtyle aad made if dwind at Ttrf low rates. We also have a New Style of Ladies (Ms! T» which we tnTlto the attention We are also Agent for the celebra NORTHWESTERN ORGAN' 1 will net be vadsrj MID. Whleb sf^eaks ferttstlt sold. Call and sea. Mrs. S. Wood.tock, rtnt. iBm, ma. L. FRANOISOO^ WAGON AND Carriifi 1KI Sb<^> opposite tkaFartcar Haasa, MOHENRY-'* » • « - ILLVNO S The subscriber would tafisna the public that he is now prepared to furnish them with any. thing in his line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using none but the beat of timber aad. employing none tat SKILLED WORKMEN X He Warrants his work to give satisfaction^ be ac tow aa aan posau and for good pay win My lieaflsrdad. HI Hor»e Shoe ia j ^ , p.. < : 4 SPECIALTY. *. *vi REPAIRI1VG Of all kinds promptly attended ta see for yourself. call an* L. FRANCISCO. XcHanry, Ill.,<Jal]r 28th 1875.

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