Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1876, p. 1

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- ;•;• - ..'. '. - - r*"J" , , ̂ „7,_ " " ' "" " • •» - - - -*••- » t , V mmmm ' > ..-rv,-:- • • •;-'••'••«-'i. :t. - •' - - ,<X.^ ' ..J - - -- • • -• ...;••' ^lix. i'/.viiM <1 -*r-^ - ' - *-V :i * t34#-:Si ,... S$..r, ' -. „H t "; »ly(M <£ Swi ̂»" ̂ butto Truth, to Liberty and L#*j No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Aw*" .*#* »-*k.. VOL. 1. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1876. NO. 36. Published Every Wednesday by V-AJV HLYKE P. % " • t 1 . ? •" Mltormt PnhliAu. .. ""' in Riverside Block, Over Smith Bros, & Co.*8 Store. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 0** Tme, (In Advance,) j*1 BO If pnt Psirf Tjrirhin Three Months ._»_S 00 •abacrip! leas received fbr,th*eoor tlx nsatlu same, proportion. Mf BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARD'S. E. BENNETT, 31, D., QT7RGEON and Artconcher. Diseases of lT> Wnmon a sweioUv. Office and Residence on Clay Street, Woodstock, I1L W. H. BITCK, M. D., , fL| OMEOrATHIC PhyticiA* and Btrfmn Office East Side Public Square, Woo II stock, TIL to 4 P. M. .ood- Offlre hours 11 to 12 A. M., and 3 O . B I S H O P , WHOLESALE and Retail dealer In all kinds and the best <juality of Farm Machinery. Second to none in the Market.-- H.t«l and Soft Coal constantly on band.-- «WAlso buys and sells Foreign Bills of Exchange on all the Principal Cities of Europe, McHEXSY, . ILLINOIS. PR M I Wat* \B: T. BROWN, M. I>. T8ICI.VS and Surgeon. OWce in Brick Block «vev F. G. Mayes Clothing Store Ster ftSroet, McHenry III. E.^uBEKBSH. ». hyhcjan and Surgeon. Office atresidenoe, two doojjs west of Post Oflice, McHenry ©. .3* HOWARD, M D. "tjHTBKJlAN andiSurgeon. Office at the store MTof Howard #.*Son, McHeury, I1L ,,, Ft G. MAYES. KltCHAirT IPailpr, and dealer tn ReadyMade **m. Clotblng, Cloths, Cassimeres, Veatinsr Jkc., One door north of Colby's DrugstoreMcHcnry nt M • v K. C. IRISH, ATTOKJTEY AT LAW, McHenry, til "RICHARD BISHOP, A TTOKNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. A Office in rear of Murphv & Bishop's Bank KorthSide Public Square, Woodstock, III. GEO. A. BUCKLIN", NOTARY PUBJilC, Conveyancer and In­surance Agent.. Office at Bncklin ft Steven's Store, hear the Depot, McHenry, IlL E- Et RICHARDS. XT AS a eowplete Abstract of Titles to land XX In McHeprv. Omntv. Ill'nois. Office with Owinty Clerk, W66dstocfc, III. D. A. POTTER, RICHMOND, ILL., Notary Pnblic and Cob-veyancer, 1T.;B. Claim, Insurance a Collecting Agent. 111. HECHTL^. TTOCTK. 8i«n and Carriage Painter, Jtl ry HL " McHen- Will do all work pitanptly and at nasonable tates. /GENERAL AT Asrent ii :V;*tl£?OWEN.' and .Manufacturers in Leading Farm Machinery, low and Terms favorable. *i McHENRY, >. ^ - - - ILLINOt* • • ff-r ! ' -• ' :-- GEGi «C!HREINER SALOON and Restaurant. Nearly opposite the Parker House, McIIenry 111. <0"First-Class Billtard and Pool Tables. Waukegan Cigar Wanufactory, E. Kl. DENNI8» Proprietor. Kktfnftetnrer ind WholesaleDealw- m CIGARS, TOBACCO, 'J f.iip*;.'. •. - r\*'• .• '>.u.-ai « >• - a '» Pipes of Every 65 GENESE^ STREET, WAUKEGAN. ILL. \ O. W. OWEN, S3 ' " WITCH MAKES & JEWELER, Mchenry ill., Peakirin kindsW Ameriean iinrt Svri^s Watches, Clocks from the best flt<^f^es in.the country. SHver, plated ware, Silver Spools, ftcn AI^OASEXTFfflt THE Weber and Bradbury Pianos and The Estey Organ ! Which we Wlieve to'be the best Organ in the market. We think we know that t|y experi­ ence, and we believe It, for Il ls toekwl up by the i Best Musicians in the World. ;1 other Organs at less prices tb L ui v ' u L iuooommend lliem to be " "'v4%" ' ' ./OVit-OWEN. SEARCH THJB SCBiPTUBK Belknap Is now searching out the lowing passages af scripture.riz: * that is |»orn of a womai^ is of few and full of trouble." "A prophet ft9 without honor save In his own coimt^, "Mourn not for me but mourn for y selves." "By their fruits ye shall them." wTh© way of the transgi is hard." **"Those who seek me shall find me." "This day eh alt thoi with me in Paradise." 'fcI will my eyea to the (Black) hills whence cemeth my help. And another book was opened wl was the book of Congress: **801 V«st in horses, some in chairiots some in mnle canines, but I will ti In post traders.'1 "^There is a way tb seemeth right unto man, but the ®i#t thereof is the way of death." "And.i (Marsh) departed from thence M went into Canada, and the eyes of t multitude were turned towards lilnp but he spoke not,neither did he return, uAnd when they had sought and di inot find him, they returned each to own country, and there was weepi and wailing and gnashing of teet "The wicked shall flourish for a seasoi . "J"-' but mark their end." Mrf SOLON. Editor Flaikdealss --Charley told Tom, Tom told Algeman, Algeman told Harry, Harry told Hob, and Rob told the Mayor. Everybody has been telliug every other body, until at last the truth is fnlly established in the minds of the people that it m very muddy. Speaking of the Mayor, reminds me that city elections are coming on. W# have among us quite a number of men of ability and integrity, who are not only willing but anxious to serve the city and make themselves conspicious, by holding some public office of honor and profit in Solon. For Mayor I can think of no one better qualified or more willing than the present incumbent M a y o r H o d g e . F o r C i t y C o n s t a b l e w e | i ^ t i r i w would reccommend Mr. Thomas Sutton, I Kn JSxtS SCHOOL REPORT. Below will be fonad the report of the Mcllenry Schoola for the term end­ ing March 24tli, 18T6. As some came in after the term began, and a few left before the term closed, the marking it for the time their namea were on the poll. The standard varies of course, in the different departments. The first column denotes Attendance, the next Deportment and the last Scholarship. iHOHH DBMBy*B*T.--CLASS C. Maggie dark...... IW ft Eflie Curti9 Mary IIog.-tB Char'otte Madden, A.ii(1st; McOiuber.. Curl Riilston. Msttie McOwbes*. Belle stwidard. ......... Ettie Torrance.,.,w..... Eugene Perkins August Fisher........... Thomas Murphy......... the Este as good. July : . J. BONSLETT, SALOON and Restaurant. * Neariv Owen's Mi)i, JWcHvury, HI. Fresl . _ •ervcfl up in any shape desired, or tor sale by the-Can. STABLING FOR HORSES. W ----' -- ^.WIEDEMANN. SALOON and Restanrant. Near the Depot Mcllenry 111. Boarders by the day or week at reasonable rains. Warm and cold meals at all. lioura. , , •WGood Stabling1 for Horses.^|r HfiHENRY LIVERY STABLE. H. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor, rigs, with or without at reasonable rates, done on short notice. First Mass drivers, furnished Teaming of all kinds w. w. Ellsworth, BREEDER o the Celebrated Magie Hog. Also Light and Dark Brahma Fowls. Pigs •hipped to all points by express. P. 0. Ad- iress, Woodstock, I1L, Warranted. ROBERT MUEFITT, A WATCH-MAKER of 18 years experience, has located at Nundn, ""1 will glvo -atien- tiin to the Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Ac, in Wfwon & '"'•u*'.?' .rrug'Stc'ri#." >Alt' .Y» -jVk •URPHY & BISHOP. BANKERS. W O O D S T O C K , • • • . . . . I I J M N O I S . TRANSACTS a General change Business. Deposits Heoeived. Banking and Ex-VI Interest allowed on Special Deposits. Buy ami sell United States Benda, Gold, Gold Exchange, etc. Exchange uu all principal cities in Europe for sale. • '•>» • Woodstock. III. 4£i . THE OWENS Foz River Valley Mills. H. D. LUFF, Proprietor. Mcftienry - - - - Illinois. PETER LEICKEM. REPAIRS Watches, Clocks and Jewelrv of all kinds. Also Repairs Violins in the best possible manner, on short notice and at rea­ sonable rates. Also Violins for Sate. Shop first door North of Riverside Block, McHenry M. ENGELN, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. Scale Repairing done promptly at short notice. Keep on hand a good stock" of Guns, Revolvers, Pow­ der, Shot, Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, Jteercliaum and Wooden Pipes. M c H E N R Y , . . . . . I L L I N O I S . and Mr. James Bobbins as Fire Marshal. We mention Mr. Bobbins in this con­ nection because we believe that in case of an emergency he could raise a larger force than any other man,--the ladies would work well under his direction. Fer Aldermen of the West Ward we would have Messrs. B, Gardner, C. Turner and H. Beading. For the East ard Messrs. A. Cole, H. Turner, and G. Goodliand. It seems now to be the ^desire of the people to allow Mr. Moore to remain at the head of the '"Board of Trade," that we may not have to trade preachers too often. Let him stay. Of these candidates one and all we will venture to say that should they be elected, they will be faithftil, digni­ fied, and prompt, and never abecond Small boys The Senate Bill Krdveinf t Salary. On the 14th of March the TTnite States Senate passed a bill reducing tl President's salary fron^ #30,000 to 000 per au.num, by a vote of 20 to This was undoubtedly a - wise actfc All the Presidents' i»l> to Grant havi managed to sttbsfst on year|with the people%~'rnoni^.' At the time the bill was passed raising! will have t0 walk 8tril,ght whIle Tom the Presidents salary, the oountrj|]s ar0Und, while Jim will take good financially was in very bad shape: zA carc that the fire does not cousutoe the business was badly depressed and th^ gjrjs general stagnation in trade which fol^ The next meeting of the sewing so- lowed tlie war, was at It® higbes^ ciety will be at the regj^e,,,^ of Mr pitch. As a crowning act of lawless^ ?Wni. Gardner. We believe that this ness and extravagance, Congress thert ltociHy it doiuff a good work and u i# passed a bill raising theisown and thd the duty of all to support it. However 1 resident's salary. Many of the me ran it iu» its ludicrous side and occasional bei^, when they saw that the new law. Igii„ip,e, of this we cannot refrain had made theiu unpopular, returnee^ t-from mentioning. For instance their the amount they had drawn to the U? ^,lo agailIgt gossiping. Just ,f S. 1-n^sury. Ben Butler said, whoivj ^omeu could get together and stay one as ed In relatiod to the bill* that he« p* hole afternoon and not gossip. It is \OtC<1 for it bcCAU86 1)6 wautert tllCl IsmiKino' t.A IAA who t AVHAilinrtfci •«* Nettie Stoddard... Emma Gregory..., Alinou Granger,... Nick AlUnttif..* ~+-- wanted thei ^musiug to see what expedients are money and that most of the membersfe^rted to to evade the law Were in the same fix but were not hou-litzv4|«y niightjust as well ask a nen no For gos- ' W ' WUKTIflTI lt'Ugf |T» JToC country was then, groaning under an enormous debt contracted by reason of the war, in the face and eyes of which Congress passed the salary grab bill to tho utter amazement of the people. We think the action of the Senate in this ease will meet with the approval of all who have an interest in the wel­ fare of the government. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CUSTOM GRINDING Done promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed Thankful for past favors a continuance of patronage is respectfully solicited. ' SVThe Highest Market Price in Gash for good Milling Wheat. H. D. LUFF, Successor to Owen Bros. McHENRY HOUSE. McHenry, I1L John Karges Proprietor. Centrally located and the best of accom­ modations furnished. Charges reasonable. {RICHMOND HOUSE. XVIOiiMONI) ILLINOIS. Frank Foster Pm- IV prietor. Good accommodations for afi •partipu S.o.mplerooms for Salesmen. Stable attached. Public Hall for atowa &c., Livery Lectures, FRED. RENICH, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, -AND-- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS. KWS. i , A. A. SICK. Ii, C. RICE & SOX, D E N T I S T S , PPi, ILL 4 WatlRfUctlort fTfraYan teed mi all work. ¥eeth Cleaned, Filled and Extracted in a careful and skillfni manner. Artiflcial Teeth inserted in full or partial piates, on all the basesfenowa fo the profession. Call and have your tanth examined. OFFICE of L. C. Rice, West Madison St., Chicago. Oflice of A A. Rice, second doer Nortnof the M. E. Church, Nunda, I1L RkfkrencwI. -- Wm. Archdeacon, Nunda; Rev. Frank Burr, Green St.j Chicago, IlL "Will visit McHenry every Saturday.-* at the Parker House. W. H. SAN FORD, Merchant Tailor. In the store of C. H. Dieklnson, East side of Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL.' ""A jrood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suiting? al­ ways 011 hand. Suits made to order ana a fit warranted- Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock IlL, Sept. S7th, 187&. MOCNTI" ROOT B I T T E R S . THIS BITTERS, for Its Intrinsic properties, la known as one of the Best Tonics of the Age. As a laxative Liver Cleaning, Blood Purifv- ing Medicine, it has not its superior. It should be token in quantities from a Tablespoon full to a small wine glass full three times a day, according to the strength and age of the Inva- Id or the degree of sickness. For Sale by the Case or Bottle, --BY-- X. KAPPLER, Patentee, Woodstock,. 111. The HcHenry Brewery. King & Herbes, Propfietqrs. THE best of Beer Shipped to any part of the country and warranted as represented.-- Orders solicited and promptly attended to. A Good Ha u l .--They tell a story about a farmer living off on the Big Slough making a very nice liaulof wild geese the morningDf the ice storm. A flock had settled in the slough over night, and the farmer noticed the next morning they appeared to be fast, as they did not move about any. He went to them and found them all froze in and so covered wljth ioe that * <"•» The farmer 'secured the Whole lot, some say there were aev- ^ty.- --Thfrwiife: dolajrir-verjr g°°d bus­ iness for' one taornlttg.--Be^•'deqe Standard. 3®" The Daubury News man is an usher in one of the Danbury churches aud on observing a gentleman come in with a lady he always whispers: "Mar- to cackle or a hog not to root as to ask a woman not to gossip, it is born in them,educated into them, and is as natural for them, as it is for a man to. grab when he sees a dollar ahead. Pen cannot picture nor mind conceive the innumerable ways devised by feminine Ingenuity to tell the news artifl avoid gossiping. Oh that some voice Wght be heard,--louder, stronger^ clearer, and more powerful than t|jat <vhich rang through Salem's courts--instruct­ ing the people against this giant social evil "gossiping." Not a village in the land is free from its blasting influence With a sly c*t-like tread it enters the family circle and seizing upon some little thing insignificant In Itself, paints it, magnifies it, and holds it up to the gsrc-iQjf.a^ ""wl, .h^sr^ssf -.varld, -and: then with keen flight and Ravage rfewa the Jiprony of its. vic­ tim. A curse be on the head of .neJshhnrhosd v^s." da! monger. ISBBTIA. 10*+*. .100 se ..tu 89 .100 94 ' +++** .M 9S »«««*. .M »1 W»f»* 98 m n .M SB .M s» .M n ::S m 9» MR) .100 95 82 ..84 88 .too 81 .tto 96 >*•••'• .M 88 .no 97 i we ss ..M 9S ..84 9S ..98 as «•••• .vm 84 • • • » . ..m 94 .M 93 .MS 98 IDS 93 »» »Vi ..80 86 ..80 9» • • • *» .100 96 ..98 91 ..80 82 .100 90 ..98 81 .81 88 • • • .100 as '• ..9* 84 1 96 1 .98 84 .85 90 l'aul 'Brown Dorr Kennedy Blanche Mcomber... •Grace Owen Jennie Searles......... Charles Slafter. Mabel SmirJl Eftte Tiiton Elois« Waite...... .J Jessie Wightinan..... Frank Going Lizzie Best John Kelter Nellie Holmes........ Fred Schnorr Hernian Ourtis.............. Charles Owen............... Delos VVa 11 les Charles Going ...... J?... Edtly Owen Kate Ivelter William Cattey.... Del In era btree ;.. /.;.... Lfaia Cooper ;»i. J0 CUMi. Frank McOraher ..N M Geoige Madden...< .i.»w.V..iv...98 89 Clara Wightnian. i. .V. M t| Ernest Wrightw'»» 101 9 8 George 'l'Uuilwdl..........i.....JW ss Stella Beckwith. ..9ft 91 John Murpliy .....® 80 S. D. BALDWiK, Teacher. ISTSBVGDUfl DKPABTMKNT Philip Buck. ,.100 8® John HistK>p ,.K» Joseph lliuk.............,..,..v...M Nick Bishon.»...* Willie Best?. ;.........vTTCv...SO Fred Colby «W...«5 stac.v i lark............ u >.........OS Eumia Fay .!» C liar lie Fay M....« Lewis Fisnet..........95 KI la 11 a I siiii U ,,<• • ®1 John Hatpin,'.,. Henry Slogan i, *. .. ....*• John llogrtiui...„.ivvii,....i *»..SS Ella Kelter...,,..,....,... 100 Mary Kn>»x100 Lizzie lving...».»,...%«,.tt»,^Vsiri..7l !• re I King. ..... t'uia McOmlnn*.. Hubert Madden. Bertie Norti Clyde Nichols Howard I'erry Minnie Snfder. Joseph swaderish-s..4.., Frank Torrance..,.-,^..., Jesse Van Slyke......... Carrie Waite Katie Wendcl.. ,...4..w,. Clara Wright -.. ... Beniue Wright........... Etta Itosenberger........ Katie llalpin.... ........ Flora Cooper.............• Dehbv Cooper Walter Wright. Maggie Knox....... Minnie McLean Andrew lverus........... Dblla Bkown, Teacher. FRIXAIT DKl'AllT M EXT. Mabel Ford sp" 85 88 ioo 80 55 82 »;i .'.m 80 80 M 85 85 .M 84 85 ..88 82 83 .88 85 85 .88 85 90 m 85 87 .88 83 80 .95 97 98 .»• 85 85 .95 80 80 100 88 88 100 98 87 .40 90 76 .88 85 87 ELGIN. --A stranger while riding on the westward bound Freeport passenger at 11 o'clock ou Friday evening, walked rled If the gentleman says yes, the jf^* UP®U ^he Platform of the coach and usher seats the two as he best can, even if it is five rods apart. If the answer be in the negative,.-he gets both of them in one pew if he has to split some one in two to do it. Five years ago he was so kicked by an indignant young swatn whom he inconsiderately sepera- ted from his affianced, that he has never forgotten it. IfcUrMarsh says he will come back and testify, if he can be granted a full pardon. His wife probably sees she has carried her quarrel far enough with Mrs. Belknap and is anxious to make up. Taking the entire history of the affair Into consideration, not a great deal of reliance would be placed on any statements Mr. Marsh might make. If he is not a fair specimen of a thorough­ ly corrupt and unscrupulous man, where will we go to find one. ®®"In view of the recent fall of meat at Mudliek, Ky., the New York Evening Post thinks Old Probs should be on the lookout and send in reports something like this: "For New En­ gland, the middle state* and lower lake regions, falling barometer,Increas­ ing cloudiness, with beefsteaks chang­ ing into mutton chops in the northern part of these regions during the night. jumped off while the train was under full headway. The train was stopped and the search continued for an hour without finding the eoeentric individual It is probable he was killed. --A peculiar oase of hardship result­ ing from the blundering ot some offi­ cial, probably the assessor, has been presented before the council and has not yet received notice in the press. Mr. John Nish,of the hardware firm of Kimball & Nish, gave in assessment of personal property including household goods,etc., at $136. -The assessor so entered it sad everything' was con­ sidered lovely until Mr. Nish was called upon .to pay a tax of $76 upon personal property assessed at $136. Shades of Mike Evans and Boss Sheppard, what did this mean? Upon investigation It was found that a mysterious figure 3 had been affiled before the modest as­ sessment by mistake! The uufortunate owner of the household goods should have paid perhaps two or three dollars but. instead of that, the cruel oollector Dr. Tyler, foroedhim to pay #76 and frightened his wife besides. Geo. P. Harvey was th® brilliant assessor whose blunderlngextorted seventy dol­ lars from Mr. Nish unjustly.--Citizen* v I®*When a man earning a salary of fifteen dollars per week can dress his wife as well ^s a man earning $10,000 per year, what's tfce *» > 0f earning flO,000 per year. Eva llaupish.... Oscor Norton...... Frank Fa v.. N ic k liar burn Mary Madden Marv ltonslett.... Phil* Ma ves Mary Wightmaa.. Millie Waite....... Glenn Waite...... 'J "uriisi be*. '.Mary 5 wd e rlsh... Jimmy Knox.. ,.. >lary 'Stegemann.. Bernie Norton..... Tommy Kearn*.,.. M'! !ard S todlaftf >. Willie King Fred Fisher 87 74 30 100 »9 S5 36 92 82 »» m 'Si 100 30 80 100 90 90 ft* Al>A j Hannah Barbion.. Lena Smith Rena Stnith Philip Wendell* ••• Fred McOmber.... Deiny Wendell Mary Wendell.... Annie Cor win Maggie Hatpin Eddie Knox Alex liearns Cbvio Wc-.iei... . Susie Barbian Nettie Cooper Peter BacSr. Jlinmy ..... Nick Buchr Jakcy Hauprlsh... Ella McLean...... VOWS OLD Onr tatSp fs spent it* MMf sirs Uke Mart ! M e 11 bnry him and then ihtl** 1«*?» wtet'a noble Let's do It after the fifffh Komatr fashlofl. And make death proud to take as. Oon« away. This case of that huge spirit now fs eold.M Editor Plaindealehr--The stow quotation from Shskcvpsie tor. an epitaph on an old log honee may not appear very appropriate to many, hut we think an obltnary shonM be writ­ ten np by some one, on th* feet house erected In Volo, Forkarille, Crotch- town, the three several names the town has assumed. In 1846 the first building was erected here, upon the premises of B. I. Huson, Esq., for a tenant, one Set It Smith. The honee was built of log» and raised by three men, a boy and ft pair of oxen. The cattle were placed in the Inside and the logs rolled up aronnd them and with sufficient chains the cattle were made te assist is draw­ ing up the logs over the top. When the building was of snffieient height a door was sawed In, the oxen nnyoked and then driven out. The first occa- pant stuck out a shingle marked "Piaa and Cakes," and immediately tin place was dubbed Crotch town, Th« house yet stands In the very center of the town, once a Hotel, Dry Good* store, Saloon, Boot and Shoe shop, Jue» tice office and Doctors office. Here to where Xlvin Truesdell first held fortli on ^Fanaticism Exposed.*' "Now what is noble will fill its place after the high Roman fashion. Several old settlers In the west paM| of Lake comity are not well pleased with the Committee tor appointing the next meeting nt Wankegan. Now to make the crooked straight and th* rough places s.nooth. That decision was just and proper, (If the coart knows herself) and for several reasons. First, there is too much expense and s greater burden than McHenry la or should be willing to bear, to hold it there year after year,because MeHenrjr is the most central point, and eventu­ ally would end in a mighty big fizzle. Waukegan has promised the free use of her Fair Grounds, and without dovbt will do the agreeable to the satisfoe* tion of the mese fastidious old settler* inner man, and e^ery one can expert and will ^lve a high, jolly good time, jubilee for old settlers. We'll voodt for Woodstock and know she will d* her duty. But you will all have to «tlr about to rival McHenry in 1878,a* Smith declares they will have tin* largest cask of lemonade that was ever made in Illinois and a "stick from old Kentuckv for all that desire. Let those that wish the next meeting held at McHeury posses* their souls, but wait and see the amount of Chicken*, Turkeys, Ham, Bam. Lamb, Sheep^ Mutton, Yeal and Roast Oxen that wlff ~ be forth coming at your next Old Set* tiers Meeting. Thaymow Giiiron Teacher. Division. •M' ..83 M0 ..78 ..OS ..98 flS?"An Irishman recently solilo­ quized: "What a waste of money to be buying mate when you know the half of it is bone, while you can spend 11 for whisky that hasn't a bone in It." Machine repairs and all leading machines kept by E.M.Owen. oaoetowx Elona Beckwith Eflle Gilbert Minurva Ostrandeft llatlte Smith...- Mattio Smith Georgia Draper.. ., Amos Smith W Henry Smith.....!».«.....u"**.*.tS Ed. Warner ,...,,..,........84 Willie Wen ( worth.. A...... A.. . . .8i Augustus Nicholsw**... 87 Fred Nichols 7.7^... 88 George Smith v..88 Annie Kills ton .................... .6U lteka Nichols ..... W Gal he Bncklin.... ̂ ..... i .& Nellie Bucklin.....^ 87 Jennie Francisco./.'...............80 Eva FraneiscO 1................86 Willie Bucklln «•...........» Lizzie Wirf .M Jason Francsco. ...71 Alonzo Francisco,,................71 James Walsh ..,..88 M 1c ha el Walsh T7 Cora Paige *»-J® Mariah Walsh 70 Anna Ben ttleld V........... -81 Mary Buss .86 Netta l'aige 81 Lewis Owen..... ,..,88 Eniina Paige 88 F ran k Han If .C......91 Nelson Sntitil 100 Will Smith. fW Charlie Paige -87 Charlie Granger Nellie Davment.. ....*. .88 Albert McDonald ••*•..85 Peter Brahan £7 Ma11ie Butler Michael Butler....i;.38T James Brahan John Butler 98 Lillie McDonald Edilie Frett (ieorge Butler ................60 George Davment .88 Martin Butter .SB saminy MclkUMld.................7% Edward Brahftn...... .j87 John Walsh. ........67 Fannie Davment ....... Sammie IKiyment ,.87 Iteiniel Walsh .i:........A.8? Henry Day meat..... v M S t i s i > i B l a t t i n a n . . , 8 0 Jennie Smith.....,.. .1... ,.8S John Miller Kayiuond Owen.....*...4,60 ICat ie Wallace,. .. II I,.. ,,,,,,ea ^Jaeob Wentwera. . ,,«7 Site Palter.. so 80 85 90 Bo 80 »5 86 80 90 85 DO 100 95 85 90 S 90 ,8 95 W 90 90 96 fcO 80 99 80 86 100 95 80 80 88 86 a so it st 83 91 84 84 m * 8A 86 H 84 8T 87 oa 5 s 80 95 80 80 85 85 80 80 75 91 85 85 98 85 85 96 88 84 82 75 82 84 84 86 99 100 88 80 86 86 84 98 100 86 80 84 84 84 78 84 86 m 97 87 S 80 81 80 86 *1 82 80 84 98 88 75 95 84 84 Oi«ivsas N. Owfcx, $ea«feer. tSflt a young lady has auburn hair, she is called ua beautiful blonde," but if a man's hair Is of that shade, the hoys eall him red-headed son of a gUB * UTK WITHIN YOUB MEAN®. Live within your means. This 1 good rnie foro^r"-holders andbu»* men generally. When the man of mod* : eraro income e»»^«aTor» to !ire as pensively ea.ajnnn.of wealtlt fitfltet-i-#". '• can bo easily writton; a IlttI© ment, periods of anxiety, burdenscm* debts, a desperate struggle to keep u|t appearances, ultimate bankruptcy, and a red flag to notify the neighbor* that the sheriff Is master of the attn*. tion. One-half the dishonesty of tb* present age springs from this' foollsfc practice of imitating the style of oth* ers. The man of a thousand a year wants to live equal to the one who r* ceives five, he in turn aspires to make as big a show as the one who receive* ten, aud the receiver of ten lab*s* t+ keep pace with the on* who count* hit income among the fifty thousands It it any wonder that so many foil i« business or forfeit by tiieir ninoB^el the confidence of friends? W* musf come back to our old-fashion*d way of living, and this can h* done only by obeying that iiOunctioa, Live within your means. Life is attegfther 1* short to destroy its eqjoyunenta by tax­ ing soul and body to keep up false ap> pearancos. Contentment comes with . moderation;mentalsufifering and keen anguish with extravagance. To tho young man just starting in Hto, we say, live within your means. To the oflee- holder who hopes through honorable conduct to merit promotion and dis­ tinction, we say live within your means* To all who labor for honor or profit we commend the motto as a safe and sen­ sible one. and one that will pay o*m- pound interest in the end. A ffcitfcftal adherence to it by old and yooof, rieh and poor, will restore oontdMM* in business and otitic!*}olrcle*,and tttbe laud with happy hoas**. wbitfc*HM*m anate a spirit of purity *aB*«||i|% |l»*f maintenance of pubiie vi Kc. A large invoice ware P. D. Smith's." w *f f- II v;i aiMi i *•jbm. ' Glassware at great); r*rUwtdp*M-- 40

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