Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1876, p. 7

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l.mIMTMW A STRATUM 8TAT1MEHT, ' Tfc4 FSroceaa of the Formation of Aathik- cite OmI DiscoTered In the Indian Bidfe ! The Shenaadodi (P^JSTerofei, of* : recent date, nVs : We have before as now ov our table ft tpediiii wl . ite coal^ ana the - i 4 iecttment, that four ~ir fct'N# ®1 For ove: ' §; £&*heretoa<i beefa in use in tlv 1 dianBi4fl6 Shaft of the Philadelpl •'landKg&g Coal and Iron CompNty, a wooden pipe, about sts iaehm in diameter, made of inch boards nailed together, which served to carry -- israter frcsa one of, the rings in the shut to a lowar leveL The rings are boxes ZzouBu lue sides of the shaft, which catch the water coming oat of the rook, slate, or coal, and are put in to prevent - the water falling down and making a 'regular shower-bath of the shaft. At the ring in question a large spring in the slate, about thirty feet below tiie Primrose vein, had been struck, the water from which is apparently as pure - as crystal. Some four months since it was found that this wooden pipe had become .so clogged with the .reddish' turned aod at times seemed to dtatrge oil their assailants, coming down so < lose to the man that they oonld almost feel the wind from their wings. On Friday other men went down with rather poor suooess, the pigeons seemed to fly high and scarce, but on Saturday again they put in an appearance in untold millions. They are evidently meetuig aaftt thqpb una the sport will scon begin Is sarnefti The memory of the oldest inhabitant reaches not to the lime whef they pot in such an appeaiVMoe. 1(pi3C|D<W; are alive with them, single pigeoftu oortdng continually *n sight on the trees.'* Why Hard Times I The Unitarian Review has an article on the "JBusiness Situation," in which the present stress of the times is ascribed to over-prodnctioB the gorging of the market with more of those commodities which are in general use than the market can bear. The position of the writer, John C. Kimball, is thus stated : '* 3t is due simply to the introduction, during the last twenty-five years, of such an enormous amount oi machinery. There is nothing in our modern eiviliza- tion which is more wonderful, more (rig- brown "sedimePiSiat is deposited by all j *»««»**, more wide-reaching iaits rela^ mine water, that the open space in it was I tions, than this use of machinery. A Jnot more than two inches in diameter, and not large enough to carry off the water from the ring. Consequently a new pipe was put in, and the old one. nearly closed with the sediment adhering to ite sides, was left standing. The water was then turned into the new pipe and cut off from the old one, which ia some fifty feet or over in length. On Friday last, after remaining in the shaft without any water passing through it for over four months, the greater part of this old pipe was taken out, and when broken open the wonderful phenomenon presented itself that the sediment was gradually changing into what appears to be anthracite coat- About a half inch of the inside of the sediment lining the pipe had changed into coal, and the re­ mainder was also gradually changing, the only portions of the sediment re­ maining quite soft being that part de­ posited first and next the sides of the F?P6- !"A cross section of the pipe mow shower commencing at the center, first a circle of About a half an inch ii» diame­ ter tirfroftliding the two inch opening remaining in the pipe, then a circle of sediment partly turned into coal, and then the sediment in its natural state and the sides of the pipe. The surface of sediment which was exposed to the ac­ tion of the atmosphere nas changed first, and the same influences or chemical combinations which had changed ite nature wore gradually operating on the rest of the sediment. The process of formation is plainly seen in the sediment next that already turned into eoal. Samples of ooai taken from the pipe have been.tried on the blacksmith file at the colliery^ and it makes au exceed­ ingly hot fixe, but being of a softer na­ ture than the natural anthracite it clink­ ers badly. Fortunately there are any quantity of samples of this wonder! ul formation, and those who are unwilling to believe without themselves seeing and touching can be accommodated. There is no Keely motor business about this diseovery. A section of the pipe, about sixteen feet long, has been left standing in the shaft to see what results will fol­ low in the next six months or year. Samples have also been sent to Gen. Pleasants at Pottsville for examination, and we suppose the public will soon have the opinion of gentlemen qualified to judge on this surprising formation-- but if anthracite coal will form from sediment deposited by mine water when exposed to the action of the atmosphere under certain conditions for a period as short as four months, what becomes of all the pet theories of the geologist and mining engineers on the subject ? How about the great heat, the millions of if years of time and tremendous pressure which, according to the various theories of the heretofore accepted authorities, were necessary to account for our de- deposits of the finest and best fuel yet found I' The United States Senate. Tndre are in the present Senate forty Republicans, twenty-nine Democrats, four independent Republicans, and one vacancy, a full Senate consisting of sev­ enty-four membeiB. two from each of tin) • thirty-seven States of the Union, In the previous Senate there were only nineteen Democrats, less than one- fourth, but in* the elections of 1874 the Democrats gained ten Senators, which increased their number to twenty-nine, more than one-third of the whole body. Twenty-six newly-eleoted Senators will take seats in the Senate on the 5th of March, 1677, in plaoe of the following, whose JUttta expit* on the 6th ofMaiefr, 1877: ' Alabama, Gcorea OoldthwJt* D0ml Arkansas, PowaH Glayton, Bep. ' Delaware, Eli Saulabury, Bern, Georgia, Thomaa MJ Norwood, Deo. Illinois, Jobu A* Lqcra, Rep. „ lowfcTOSBge G. Wi&ht, Rep. ^ K&mttiJimm M. Harvey, Bep. p f; KenMslgf, John W."ftoveu»cm, Dfau" , Loub§uMii J. Rodman West, Bep. » >. < MsMt<0i M. MoniU, Bep. Massachusetts, George 8. Bouiwell, Rep. - Michigan, Thomas wl Ferry, Rep. luiiiuwivU, William w intiom, Bep. Mississippi, Jamee L. Aloorn, Bep. Nebraska, Phineass W. Hitolicock, Rep. New Hampshire, Aaron H. Crag in, Rep. New Jersey, Fred T. Frelingliuyaeii, Ren, Nortfc Carolina, Matthew W. Hansom, Mk Oregon, James K. Kelly, Dem. Rhode Island, Henry B, Anthony, Rep. South Carolina, Thomaa J. Bobartaon, Rep. Tennessee, Henry Cooper, Dem. Texas, Morgan C. Hamilton, lad, Bap. Virgii liit, John W. Johnston, ien. WeSt Virginia, Henry G. Davis, Den. Wisconsin, Timothy O. Howe, Rep. Front |h® above list it will be teftti that df those whose terms expire in 1877, seventeen sire Republicans and nine are Democrats. Of those who hold oyer, twenty-seven are Sepublicans of various shades, and twenty Democrats. A Pennsylvania Pigeon Boost. An immense number of pigeons have in ado fr.hwir "roost" in the neighborhood of CarpMitoris, Pa.* and their habits are thus described in the Elmira (N. ¥.) Advertiser.* < " On Wednesday the air was literally blue with, tfc^em. On Thtirsiay a large party of gentlemen went down from this city and had a lively time. The soene as described by an eye-witness was very exciting. Pigeons were in the air all the time, at mwi ooming so thiokly as to darken the As tba shot was poured mf» than fljey wlieeled and single pegging machine will tarn out more boots and shoes now than, a whole village of cobblers ai work in their little cubical shops fifty years ago. The cloth woven in at»y of our large mill-towns in probably equal to half of what all the Ladies used to produce by the hand methods of the middle ages. Steam en­ gines alone are doin$ a work which, without them, would give employment to everyone of the multitudes of w en and women who are now living idk A latter from the Savloef, Among the countless curiosities df literature which the search for oentei*- nial relics has brought to light, a partid- ularly curious one has just been pub­ lished in the Mason (Mich.) News, It purports to be nothing less tnan a li translation of a letter written by CI him»!ff aad fe5es»:'stete#« mifes f*o: •eonium sixty-three years'after th© ciflxion, the original.JHebrew copy o copy lurnished the News VMls brought from England by Mis. Herbert, of Piamwell, sixty-three years ago, and was extremely old when it first came into her possession. In fflunfc. it. ffl pieces with age, and its owner, who sin­ cerely believes it to be the word of God, set about joining the pieces together, a task which took her weeks of persever­ ing labor to accomplish. As for the let­ ter itself, it is f simple exhortation to keep the Sabbath ; to keep the com­ mandments; t*> "fast for five Fridays in ^ every year, beginning with Good Friday;'* to " cause them that are bap­ tized to go to church and receive the iliur&metita, andbenxade members of the church together with other good ad­ vice, suoh as a modem pastor might properly write a member of his fiock without any pretense that it was of di­ vine origin. Doubtless, however, that which led to its having been so idng and sacredly preserved--almost worshiped as a fetioh--Is the concluding paragraph, which runs thus: "Remember, he that hath aoopy of tins letter, written with my own hand and spoken with my own mouth, and keepeth it without publishing it to others, shall not prosper; but he that _ in our country. California a few years ago was j publisheth it to others shall be blessed groaning over the introduction of so { of me, and though his sins be in number much ' Chinese cheap labor,' and yet at | as the stars of the sky, and he truly be- that very time most inconsistently Vas giving a welcome to mowers and reapers and mining apparatus, which, for cheap­ ness and facility of «.sep made even a Chinaman dear. And then, when it is seen how these muscles and nerves of iron weighing twenty tons down to the finishing of a cambric nsedle, and from the sewing of a button-hole to the sow­ ing and reaping of whole States, who can wonder that the market is over­ stocked /» " Of course the increase of facilities lor doing work increased for a while the amount of work to be done. But suoh a process could not not go on forever. There was a limit even to the number of stitches which could be put into a iadj's dress, and to the amount of wheat which even an American family could do away with. And this point hws at last been reached. The occurrence of our civil ww, with its enormous destruction of property and its withdrawal of energies into the battlefield, put off the day; but the end of the war, and their return again into the pursuits of peace, soon filled up the gap and brought us to the point where it was hardly possible to consume a half of what was being pro­ duced--the point, therefore, where busi­ ness was obliged to stop." __ -- - -- 7 -\ What lieves in me, they shall be pardoned; but if he behove not in me and my com­ mandments, I will send my plagues upoj§ him and upon his children and upon his cattle; and whosoever shall have a copy of this letter in Ms house, nothing shall hurt them--neither lightning, pestilence nor thunder ; and if a woman be in labor and a copy of this letter be about her, and she firmly put her trust in me, she shall safely be delivered. You shall have no tidings of me but by the Holy Scriptures until the Day of Judgment. All giNxbieas, happiness and prosperity shall be in the nouse where a copy of this latter is to be found." a Phyrfcian Extracted | Little Girl's Uvula. Four months and a week ago th*fl*e- years-bid daughter of EdwaraCahffli, of 102 Mary street, while playing with a brass thimble, swallowed it. From that time until yesterday the child has under­ gone terrible suffering. Several physi- oians were consulted in the early stages of the child's sufferings, but they all concurred in the opinion that the thimble would pass away, and that it would do no great harm. The thimble did not pass away, however, and it did do great harm. The poor little sufferer could not draw a full breath, and consequently could not sleep at night. Her face broke out in great sores, and there was a con­ stant discharge of putrid matter from the nostrils. Gradually she was Wasting away, and notwithstanding the assuran­ ces of the physicians they had called in, the friends became terribly alarmed, finally they called on Dr. Bergen, who was at first of the same opinion a-s other physicians. The child continued to grew worse, however, and yesterday morning he had the little girl taken to the City Hospital, and there, using a needle as a probe, he discovered that the thimble had lodged crosswise back of the uvula, whieh is the conical-shaped flesh body suspended from the middle of the lower border of the soft palate. It was a diffi­ cult place to reach. If it had lodged where it could have been cut from the outside, the doctor could have adminis­ tered ether and performed the operation while the little girl was insensible. But situated as it was, he feared that the dis­ charge of matter and the flow of blood would ohoke the child to death, if she was not in the active possession of her senses. The operation had to be per­ formed without the use of anaesthetics. It was a painful operation. He had to out through the uvula, insert his pincers, and draw out the thimble. He had three strong men as assistants. The odor from the discharge was so powerfully nauseat­ ing, and the poor child's struggles under the torture she was suffering were so great that the three men had to be suo- ueedeu by a fresh relay before the oper­ ation was concluded. It was safely com­ pleted, and last night, for the first time in four months and one week, the little girl slept soundly and uninterruptedly. This morning she is much better, and ate a hearty breakfast. There is now no doubt of her speedy recovery.--Utioa Observer. ^ To Toung Ladles. Be cheerful, but not gigglers. Be serious, but not dull. Be communicar tive, but not forward. Be kind, but be­ ware of silly, thoughtless speeches; al­ though you may forget them, others will not Beware of levity and familiarity with young men; a modest reserve with­ out affectation is the only safe path. Court and encourage serious conversa­ tions with those who are tally serious ndoomreraible; and do not go into val­ uable company without endeavoring to improve by the intercourse permitted you. Nothing is more unbecoming when one part of a company is engaged in profitable and interesting conversa­ tion, than that another part should be trifling and talVing nonsense to each other. Fnrr thouaanddoUac* ha«e bee* «f* fered for the privilege of sweeping and keeping in good order the floors of the different Centennial buildings. Cruelty to Children. Too often, from ignorance of signs of approaching disease, a child is punished for what is called idleness, listlessness, sulkiaeas; and punished, too„ in the un wisest way, by an inorease of teaks and confinement to the house, thus overtask­ ing still more a brain already overtasked, and depreeshig still ts* robbing it of oxygen and exercise, a system already depressed^ ~ . Are you aware, I ask again, of all this ? I speak earnestly upon this point, be cause I speak with experience. As a single instance: A medical man, a friend of mine, pasnng by the schoolroom, heard one of his own little girls scream­ ing and crying, and went in. The gov­ erness, an excellent woman, but wholly ignorant of the laws of physiology, com­ plained that the child had of late become obstinate, and would not learn; and that, therefore, she must punish her by keep­ ing her in-doors over ttie unlearned les­ sons. The father, who knew that the child was usually a very good one, looked at her carefully for a little while, sent her out of the schoolroom, and then said, " That child must not open a book for a month." " If I had not acted so," he said to me, "I should have had that child dead of brain disease within the /ear."' P'1"" .. t ,v\ .. Now, in the face of such facts as these, is it . too much to ask of mothers, sisters, aunts, nurses, governesses, all who may be occupied in the ireof children, espe­ cially girls, that they should study thrift of human health and life, by studying somewhat the laws of life and health?--Charles Kingsley. AT our request Cragin & Co., of Phila­ delphia, Pa.; hate promised to fond any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob- bina' JEUgo&io tioap to try. Bend at once;. The licenses to shoot game in Scot­ land amount to $3,000,000 annually-- much more than all the game is worth. Bf*edia* from ILuugs, .Catarrh, Bronchitis, Consumption. A Wuiuieriul Cure. ROCHESTER N. Y., Jan. 18th, 1875. R. V. PIERCE,, M. D., Buffalo, N. ¥.: Dear Sir;--I had suffered from Catarrh in an aggravated form for about twelve yearn and for (several yearw from Ikonciiial tronblo. Tried mojiv doctors and things-with no lasting bene­ fit. In May, '72. becoming nearly worn out with exoeaaiY© Editorial, labow-on 6 paper iu New York City, I was attacked with Bronchitis in a sever© form, suffering almost a tottd iosa of voice. I retained bong here, bat had been home only two weeks when I was completely prostrated with Hemocrlufe from the Lun^s, having four $*oere bleeding spells within dm weeks, and first thnt imWe of nine days. In th® September following, I improved sufficient­ ly to be able to be about, though in iv very fee­ ble state. My Rronoliiul trouble remained and the Catarrh was tenfold worse than before. Every enort for relief seemed fruiUetw. J seemed to be losing ground daily. I continued in this feebl© state, raising blood almost daily uutil about the first of March, '73, wLen I be­ came so bad as to be entirely confined to the house, A friend suggested yonr remedies. But I was extremely skeptical that they would do me good, a» I had lo»*t all heart in resneclie?*, and began to look upon medicine and doctors with disgust. However, I obtained one of your circulars, and read it carefully, from which I came to the conclusion thnt you underHt o4 your buaiue^B. at least. I finally obtained a quantity of Dr. Bale's Catarrh Remedy, your Golden Meditial Discovery and Pellets, and commenced their vigorous use according to di­ rections. To my surprise, I goon began to im­ prove. The Discovery and Peiletu, In a short time, brought out a sever© eruption, which con­ tinued for several weeks, _ I felt much belter; my appetite improved, and 1 gained in stroiigtu, Mid llesh, la three months every vestige of the Catarrh was gone, the Bronchitis had near­ ly disappeared, had no cough whatever, and I bad entirely oeamd to raise blood ; and, con­ trary to the expectation of some of my friends, the care baa remained permanent I have had no more Hemorrhages from the tungs, and ain entirely free from Catarrh, from wiSeh I had suffered so much and so long. The debt of gratitude X owe for thehleseiugl have received at your hands, loaowa no bounds. I am thor­ oughly satisfied, from my experience, that your medicines will master the wont forms of that odious dtsssss Qatarrit, as well as Thmt and Ltmg Diseases. 1 bavejeoooacnM tfeens to very many, and shall ever speak in their praise. GratefelW yean, WJL H. BPESum P. a Bat, 607, Rochester, S. JT. '• " f i' CHICAGO Ledgrr - neat story paper going. See advertisement. Boathtra Botcl, St. Loot*, Mo. times with the best th© market sffoiws. .Timfxjbs on the face, rangh sk^n, ohspped hands, mltrbeum. and all cutaneous •fflMtums eared, the stun made soli snd SBMWth, by the me of Juniper Tar Soep. Tbait made by (Well, Hazard & Osl, MewTotk, is Um ouiy kind uiiti c»n be reixsd on, ais there are masy imitatio&s, made from <wlmai tar, which ar« worthless. Vegbtine thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire system to a healthy condition. Chkapkst, beet family paper in £he werid--CHICAGO Ledokb. See advertfeesaeiit, BSS. SCnb.llK'8 STANDARD HEME- PIKS.--The ctand&n} rwmpdiM lor all dtwaaaa of tba Ions* am SOHEKCK'b Pclmoktc SYRUP, HCHKNCK'» Ska Wef.D TOKIC. and Sobimoi'i MiNOBm P11.U. and, tf taken before the tangt m destroyed, a apeady «ni» i* effected. To thwwj tore* medMiMa Dr. J. H. SelMnek. <» PhOa- dalphia. own* hl» unriTalled toooaai In th* treatmaat of palmonair (Mseasfeg. The Pulmonic Strap Hpea* th* mortild mattar in the lnngr* i nature throws it off by an easy nywtfflrttiftiii laf whan the phlegm or matter Is lip* • aUtflt eo«sh «U thww Hoff, the patiant hsfl reat and the lone* btfia t* beat To enable the Puhaonio Srrap to do tbla, Sohenok^i Mandrake Pills and Sohenok** 8m Weed Tonlo must be f rsely used to cleanse the stomach and Hrer. Schenck** Mandrake Villa art on th« liv«r. mraoriair all obsiroo- ttoas, rates the gall bl&ddw, th« t»U* starts fraely. and the li*«r !« soon relieved. SchMicli's Soa WV<h1 Tonic is a gentle stimulant and nltarativw, ih<i nlKa:: of which It I*oi»n»c«<wM witii toe food id prvventa tunnng. It a*hi»(a the diitostiun » m1 ,®* ,e 141 a healthy condition, f»> ; :iit the foot* u-rnl the Pulmojiio Syrup will nni:» KiHHi-hKHid: then the lungs heal, and the wiU surelr get **U t«k«n to pi ovpnt frpsh cold. *ho wi&h to fonsalt l>r. SrbPtu-.k, eitherpersrtnall* or by letter, cm so at nis in incip il otfii-o. corner of SIXTH ana Am u Sxs.. Pliil.nlelpii' I every Monday. Schenck 8 medicines are sold by all druggist* through­out th* eountqr. - -.V- • -i 'jt* PaMlly ;oo POSTPAID. I* order that OTWTbodymar b* awshUd to take this IteaUyKewtpaee. w* ^»«rroioed »IttttJaiMMiy. nn.tot «U0. postpaid. lti*th« LARGEST, HAHDSOMK8T, 8E8T, s i ' TKK LRDOKR, CHICAOO III FOR S1.00 POSTPAID. In order that evwybodr mnv tw Mublm) te uJr» thla sto»y *id Fasnfly Shmpapm. -m h«.ve tattaod to offer it till January, W77, for jll.PO. ptwtpaid. It is the LARGEST, MAHHSOftiS&T, BEST, and moat widely cirenl%ts<! Nempaper ia the .Wet «*od amr addressed THE LKOORB. CiaoaM, Xl£* ¥*•*» P.HICAG01EDBER ^Atlantic Cable w a natioi SffvIpiIPPEi I ft* children. Nerer wt th st the to*. ', try Wire Quiltod Sol««» Tested by . Governmt RE" Soots AND SHOES Are the Best* HoosKXKKFEBanjaiM. AGKNTS malm money wtth onrfc new arUol*a.Oar*w*x,i, A OoTOheehlie.Ot C4Ac<COCl>*r<l*y g«ndforChrsmoOatal*gne. H. Brm>HD*8 SONS, Bootoa, Uui 'T&o'Sft r$<£ 20 ASTHMA. A DAT. BOW TO MAKE IT. fifcmafMaf cox, roKGM A co.. st. io*u, SS. $20 *wm»ss«e«s!rtJssiBar img«i«aes!B CftA ||||l| ®wi«*w«os, I to4 fsst; lOOuWSOiag* Plant* yUyiwUVat price* that defy oomp«Ution. Oiron- larsfr**. Address liarnsa, Creswell S Oo.. Klrkwood. IU. SI Blooded ete., ?•. OOI'T»JMSNOIL, ai^ 75 «sals. Mailed free. Ten style*. Send for Prioi-LMrf Jewelry, eto. HIOKS A Oo..WUliamsb«ich, NT $360aH tl».---Ag*»lswanted, aebsstssll. arUol««in the world. On* uatpls (msl JAY BRONSON, Mtok m GGGGGATI yCW PALMKR LKO. Peraoni walk in th* Patent PKK WKKK GUARANTEED to Agent* Male and Female, in their own loealUs. Terms and OUTFIT FRKB. Addrass P. O. VHJKKKY & OO.. Auroata. Maina, $77 oriDi REVOLVERS!! fSEXz $3.00 " ,w • • 8»t with 100 em. Hqsti for $.1. Pvll Kmrh gatisfaetioe ffuarantmt liUtutrated eMatocu* Fin. Aftd*e# W£8TfiM( «VK W0H£^, ' POOKS rw.Melalm bought and sold. Correspondenee solicited, elalyre, Olive «t., St.L,oals,Uo. n O 1 it SIFF.*.SA&'!IA.A^«!A li f 1 II |V|BMderate. 1,000 testimonials, (th w • • 'w • * "year of nnpamllsled auooesa D». ssithe ea*». Addrsss Dr. F. K. Marah, Quiney, Mioh. LAND!! Choice and select, on time or for caah, in the best county in Kan­ sas. We have a fine StcMiiu Mill for sale at ooantyseat. JOIlNn'TOBI lfltOK., Henrra, Kunnas. 4 NiniatitreOll PaImIIng;onOanvas whieh will A. lie your iwii likeness, free, with The Home WiK«"kly to Agents. IG yottfc •« »v i a a as swsss, lit -- ---- -- -- - pfcfy. sent I# months ob trtel for S5 ota. Money - I*, T..;LUTHKR, Mill ViUm*. Erie Oo., P. FOR SI,GO POSTPAID. In order that »wt}b«dj- may bo enabled to take **•*» KtMt; Story and Family NewspHppr. we have determined to offer it till Jannsty. 187?, for $1.00, postpaid. Itlsth* LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST, snd Sod tfhhb c!ros!«ts4 SstrspitpSr is nW> Send mon«* addnHuuxt THE LKDGRtt, CHICAGO, III. nWCflBtll EDBER FOR 11.00 POSTPAID, In order that everybody may be anabled to talc* thla grant Story and Family Nwspapar, w* hav« determined to offer it t?l> January, 1877. for fl.00, postpaid. Itlsth* LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST, and mast ateoalated Hswspspsr la tiw Wsst. r •ddrssssd^^ HHICA601 EDBER FOR S1.00 POSTPAID. In order that everybody may be enabled to take this (rsat Story and Family Newspaper, we have determined to offer it till January, 1677, for $1.00, postpaid. It Is the LARGEST, HAIKUSOMEST, BEST, and most widely sjiroaUted. Netimpapsr in U» West. Send monef addres**d 7 THR UUWRlt. omoaao, 1M. P.HICHG01EDGEB FOR SI .00, POSTPAID. In «p4w thM ***qrtoody marbasnafclad take this great Story and FamUy lfewspapar, ws have detomtead to offer It till Jan., 18!?, for $1-00, postpaid. It in th® LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST, sod moat widifcr oirmdated Ntwnmn- Jn the West Send mou*y addressed THR LEDGER. OmOAOO. Ixx. #t fn #9|k a day at trass*. Samplse worth $1 •« W 94U fi«» STXaSOa * CO.. Portland. I llto week (rations. §'4..' cents tor copy am Ms. A«*M?lo,Kln£ 1 /early, with elegant chrnmo. Send HO d terms to IBANK LKSLIB. Newvetfc. I MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK oat. sells everything. Dont worry aboat hard t iraes. Sell this book and see how Send for circulars to Chicago, 111* BOOK they Anssrlcsa PsblUhlng Co. CHICAGO SCRAPER '--ANDt- DITCHtR. (iuarunt«><Ml to ilo doubl* th*wnrfc of common scraper*. Township* can tttkx them on trial. Prie* $(t. Sonil for Manual of Rosd-Makinc And Ditching, fres. AddtSMOhleSfO Soraper and Ditober Co., Chicago. SAFE AND RILIABfcgf Bare Yon Weak l^mxtcn ? // Have Yon a Cough f Have Yoa Paia iiYoor BfiaKif Have Yon any Throat pis< Have You Conwnmption ? PSEDs.L.0.0. FBffl TBBB TAR yttMlC Are Yoa Weak and Debilitate*! ? Do Yea Sutter from InJiltwrtlony Have YotrNo Appetite ? l>o You need BnlldlngtTp y |Po Yon wlrii to be Strongan4H< MM L Q. C. YiniBFSL fiSSSmSSSmmSSLmtimmm^SJBSSSBS^m^ a ma TMB TAB COMUL Sold by all Ihragglfita. i « Principal Depot. Ko. 888 North Second StoFMlL AGENTS! 150 NEW BOOKS. ORAM t&o.ftacst aonntmi two*, vrhenyon can •Serine customers choice of titOI Mm trot*, and axe delated salsa. Fuil not to send tor paraetttaf ut PcBtiaHmn Co., CHICAGO, Iui. i.ssro ijr ; hm fianf* TTMP'R.TNT.T.AG PHILADELPHIA snd HXSW YORK qualities marked with their mom am conwtostty i -Tft» J4A1 "rr* TT 'T1 !7 3 C! JOR3E AND CATTLE POWDERS, swill uaal W«*l Bo ar*;C.P.WIns4sA lallkUtDo>H«t.N rfnsiaiOMASCY, or Soul Charming" S How \Uu. r s<x liiiij iun iuutv .f'f'n -tiie -4o> un j.T*v lloit ol«:iy ,. .. .'it l y. rilU «rt all ma pan***, (iw, liy nmtl, T> n nl*; toiwft.or wi'.li ft ' i litnl;' ti* IfiQS.GQV rolj. A qncor bonk. i. V, I LI. I,* "V.i i CO., Tait's, rhU '̂lclphla, CARDS.--50 whit* or tinted Bristol, JtOct*.;M SnntrOake, Marble, Hr.p, or Dauiaak. 33 eta. :IH) Glass, 40 ots.; with four niun* beautifully printed on them, and CO samijlea or' type, agents' price4ist. etc.v i mail o| receipt of prioe. Pjsociunt to Kent Ij retain >• receipt of prie*. Dtaoount to . work. W. O, CANNON, 4C EbkmIsdc 8tc*at. Boston, Mmtolili. PtrrnaiLLS 6s. Olabs. $eat of \ It VEGETIJf® will relieve pain, clasnse, purify and enr* sucb diseases, restoring the patient to perfect haahh after trying different physicians, many remedies, Suffering for years, la it not conolosive proof, IS you are s ntferer. you can be eurad J Why I* thla medioinu performing such great cures? It works in the blood. In the circulating fluid. It can truly bs called the OHtAT BLOOD PUKIF1RR. Th* graat source ef disease originates In the blood; sad no medicine that does not act directly npon It. to purify and ranovate, has say |ost dalm npoa public attention. Seventy-one Yeai*s of Age. Ran HaasanttD, Auc a, 1870. air. Snmm: Pear Sir--I am s*r*nty-one years of ac*: hare snfferel many years with Ktdney Ompl»1nt, Weakness In j».y Back i>nd Stnnsseh I waa Induced by friend* to try your VKOICTIN'K, and I >iUnk it tb* btist medicine for Weak ne«s of ilu' Kirtneys 1 ever used. I hare triad many rem­ edies for this omplaint, and never found so much relief as from tho VKGKT1NK It strengthens and invigorates the wh.-.!.- Alany ot niy acquaintances have taken it, and I believe it to be good for all the complaints for which it is recommended. YouMteitiy. JOSIAH M. BUSBMAN. Best Evidence The followiiif Mtsr front REV. B. S. BEST, Pastor M. B Church, Notick. Mass., will be read with Interest by many physicians, also those suffering from the same dls *ase as afflicted the son of the Rev. E. S. Best. No per­ son cau doubt this iMUaaatw, snd ilmm la s»4o*bt abost tbeeamUte power* ol VEGBTINB: Hr K R 8«™., mmm . . . w-uJ? ?*> j -£•»" s 1 fsruia -t -. t o • inth. nad travolhig ojtpeases ZQffiZOB £IANUF^0C70.» "V : MO;. : -5 A W KG ¥ t: -Taa atO| , ftithentlo and oomnlate i ) original, < AG EWTS.]2t temen and works- Smror* tfssgs sss'tsr- YQDHOME»?iS'~^ supply all operators hired 1>» Metropolitan and American Distriot Telegraph Cos., CSuoago. Send for Oircnlar. N. W TKLBGRAPH iNSTTTUTE, JsasiTille.. Wis. -- -- OAKDS. fbr U Cents. Eaoheardcoatain: s tctne whkl;, in not visibls until h*ld towards th* liftht Nothingllks themevtr b«ffcrso<ftr*dis America. Blglndue*. msnts to Agents. KovafcTTf PaiST«a» Co , Asklssd, Msas Al Paakagas, Wi to Agent® svs Orcalwm of qar Goods. tVee to all, , " nviwwf MMI VUiUIBW| s riM itnir sir--We have good reason for vsgarding teatvalne VRCKTINK a medicine of the greatest "vaTn«""i^ey?eti assured that it has hsen tb* m*ans of Saving oar son's life, lie is siowj for tti* last two veat* iiu hi; eggwtfftrem?*crBS<* o?jls Leg.eausnd by Scrof tiwiiB agectlon, and was so far redueed that nearly all who mw him thongbt his recovery Impossible. A conncil of able physician* oonk) gtve as bat tbe faiots»t bope of bis ever rallying, two of the number declaring " " ' * " mediee. tbat that be was beyond tb* reeeh of beman re: even amputation ouuld not asve hiss, as be had not vigor enough to endnrs the operation. Jost then we con menoed giving him VEOKTINK. snd from tbat time to the present be hw b*en eonttnuoua|y improving. He has lately resoSMd Hs Stadtes, thrown away crotohs* «^l ease, and wafts shoot clmsrf ally and atrsn* Tbongh there Is still some discharge trom th* wher* th* Umbwaa taacedL w*.bav«tbe fnliaat that in alittfe time be wUl h* psifsetly cu.-ed . Hehastaksosbouttiireedoxen bottkesof VROBTINK, but lately ass* bat litU*. as ha daslaies that As la to* w*U to be tsklac •adletos. BUT. w VMlflHlaM)U9hrALLPRi;a<aiT9 R. It. FLBTCHEK, 111 Ohami>*ni SC. Nsw Torit. RrlUssMtal ?!s£s! Csta«5WSf?ll8?i is now rondr, Price lOConto, less thanhs Is now roodr. ¥rl«e iff Cants, lesathsa hsif na Wxuuumi»Boirscraa,«ttWarMa8t4 Boston,] Allen's Planet Jr. Silver MedaL Band UKILU< aad Waist, Boo. Tiiass nsw otTk-s. TUey"to*U*»aekarm,"andhoslsasr^ raii'Y, end six tfme* /otter tbaa th#, hau4 hoe. 8. L. AU.KV * CO., Mfrs.( U»S.4th St.. Phjl»., Pa. Circulars free." A Lnra lean WaSrss <n svwy <««««» ,TVi"v;a? mmu waited m the? I :ewtewnial ; v n i d i u m ^ • « The great Interest in the thrilling history of oar try makes this Urn fastest-gelling book ever pobli It contains a full account of the approaching gnmd ten nisi Exhibition. CAl'TIOW.--Old, Incomplete and Unreliable are being circulated; see that th* book yon bay com 44 M Fine Engraving* and WIS Pagta HISTORY OF MM mi, k ® . t Send for oircnlar" and extra terms to Agenta. I ilitlMIS W-NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Ohfes^n,£U. i € S©l»et«d Trmmsih Burr BCII1 - '** <, Of all sisss, and aupevtar* - W for Jtwumm i«i $ „ W*srk ^Ocaatas ialth A. kerBslUag (Islh, Mi Pl»k* Ojjrn Hhellers and Mtaftiiut, alt itmc pplien. Sc!m1 (or Mranb nta waapssy, Rnx ifsa, Claoisnstl, Ohio. h* I Pampli JHBEP SHKEP SHEEP SHKEP SHEEP SHEEP Every Perrnvn raising few or laany SHKICP will find a vast anu,.iut of most exc >ll«-nt. plain, practical informa-tion. all about Breeds. I'mfit#, Ffieding, Oare, Diseases, in short. KVKH VT1IINO ABOUT fcHFKP, In anew Bwkof^reat VHlne, just HKRO'S » isstieii, viz., the MANUAL." 2u2P«ges. Well Illustrated with tine En-Bound. gravingS: mid. 0 - . .. s _. Publishers, M5 Broadway, Msi? York, Price only $!.&•); spnt moat- ORANGK Jt'OD tXIMi'AST. O YOUR OWIf PRINTING! f >Wlf I Per ProffmloBiil and Amateur I en styles, Wo«fr«n(fi.00to»l£0.0® wBKBussl FEINTING rofesslonal and Asutesr PrlBf sn Ten Styles, Prioes from (fi.OC .. BCNJ. O. WOODS A CO. Man^nsnd dealers In all kinds of Pf lfttlnK Materials Stall stamp for Catalogne) 49 'MtAlU. Boston. are efferrd^ two premiums Cen ! pr< „ For conditions and fuU particulars ret 1 remtam Circular, mailed free to ait. to ho divided air.cnx tbe dx Imost euccesafnl growers who shsB potatoes, Prie* of each. $1 pec Ih. iCCNTBNNIAL PRCMIUNW. SIM to bo awarded for the hast [aaUaetion, one peck each, of pots- n traduced by as siuce ldCr. lor the best snd most push seedlings raised this ,v>>sj' fsaa ouectioss for whkhthe ,. A willbecshibitsdsk tao Centennial Exnihition, in Philadelphia, in Ostiilw pteraloras will be swarded by tl A f nd by th. ir corrrvtt* s fend Kf our iVtsi •lbn's iiisrtraM Seed cWfnlcgue sr<* Ai.rsssa $50,000 •and lor circular at once. No ttaia to loaa. W. H. FlKDLiVak Jukir, w Haldw Liat, mbwtoSE _ Seeds, with explicit 201)pages, several handled to'orpd lith Mrraph. Pent BIIm'. <rfsH*n»r's engraving^ and s beau »* k l+ivro/'finrden, firiJ-fft F--' tr St-!*. 1 if pa**S, beavti* iac&angWsfe. illustrated, m;dlt»d t« all spjJirant^ioc: a»iiss»sr- -- ilHsalrated iwntly intpi. ad.iftcriptive list ot all the new varieties i d'jced.with many other desirable scstoate asa^kaamil Inidriustiua npon their coUiv*tion. # pag*s,10sssK B. K. BLISS A SONS* _ P.O. IlaxV*. iriflb M UmwtU9 IMfc an.u. I«o 13 WBITIHG TO AJDVlCMMMUk «nf}sattwtMMni(iMMP< + -4> tf- ' ••tf.1 X* *£ p

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