Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1876, p. 5

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Jfc^niy flaMealep. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th. 1876. Railroad Time Table. GOING sot;TIL' ©etfeva Lake* Passenger Geneva Lake Freight « Sx. ™ 001X0 Geneva iStfkc Freight Geneva Lake Passenner. J? :5S A. X ......1:35 P. M. .;...11:00 A. 1W. ......7:05J'. W. MASOXIC-jT HCHRNRT CITAPTKR NO. 34R. A. 31.--Ttepn- lar Con vocations held on the second ami fourth Fridays in-each month. •_ ... - H. a IRISH H. P. O. W. OWEN Sec., CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Be v. X T. Cooper, Paetor. Services every Sunday morning atf'NW A. St. Sunday School at 12 A/M. \VM. PAGE, Super­ intendent. Services at Kintcwood at -2 P. M. AT the Election on Saturday last for one Township School Trustee, Henry Colby was re -elected to fill that office. Anew $75 American Sewing Ma­ chine for Sale. . Or will be traded for a good Cow or wood. Inquire at this Office. THE Block occupied by Mrs; Searles, at a Millinery estabHshment, and owned by M. Kelter, is now receiving a new coat of paint, which will greatly im­ prove its appearance.. MRS. Dr. MORRISON, daughter of Samuel Stocker, with her family are visiting at her parents in this village. We understand she intends" remaining about two weeks. THE Village Election, for Six Trus­ tees and one Clerk for this village, takes place on Tuesday next, the 18th. The Polls will be open at oue and close at six o'clock p. M. I THE person who borrwed ft '1 \ inch auger from the shop of F. A. He bard, would confer a,great favor by return­ ing the same at once, as he wishes to use it, and will lend it to you again at another time. WE are now enjoying the first real Spring weather of the season, apd, the roads are once moj;e getting passible, the first time since last Fall. Farmers will soon be able to commence their Springs work, and then will be happy. L. FRANCISCO is now prepared to at­ tach to Planters "bis Patent Putnpkin Seed Dropper. Call at his Shop, oppo­ site the Parker Hotise and he will fix you out with one of these indispensable articles on short notice. IF there is anything in which house-, wives take delight in all its moods and tenses, past, present and future it is in house *, soap-making and tear­ ing up generally. If you listen atten­ tively youwill already detect premoni­ tions •of .thejjatlieriug storju close at •hand. . Ax exchange is offering extra induce­ ments for sub«cribers. It says: "Sil­ ver taken for subscription at this office, when offered." If our exchange don't stop trying to get ahead of its neigh­ bors in such underhanded ways, pretty soon we shall offer to take goldfor subscriptions. , RFTHHL .VFLT', . IT has been discovered that there is danger of taking typhoid fever by hand­ ling a dish-cloth. And now some things are as clear as the noon-day sun that heretofore have been shrouded in mys­ tery, for of course mothers are less liable to be attacked by the fever than their young and tender daughters. F. G. MAYES and family have been severly afflicted with sickness the past week, atone time the entire family being under the Doctor's care. Mr. Mayes himself was at one time very low. We are glad to be' able to state, however, that they are all now improv­ ing, and their many friends hope to see them around again in a few days. WE are informed that some young ladies in Lake county, got up a dona­ tion party by retailing kisses and dis­ posed of ninety, aggregating $4.50, but the investors complain that the girls pinched up^,their lips and skimped the measure so that they mjade a profit of 500 per cent. Five hundred per cent profit on kisses at five cents apiece! And that's the kind of girls they have iu Lake county. F. K. GRANDER, at the old stand of Howard & Son, lias replenished his stock with a full line of Domestic Goods of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public, guaran- teeingto sell them goods at or below Hard Pan Prices, The, buying public are respectfully requested to call and examine goods and prices before pur­ chasing. The highest market price in cash or goods paid for all kinds of Country Produce. WE have several timet asked the question '"are we to have a Celebration the coming 4th of July in McHenry." Neighboring towns and villages are moving in this matter and it is high time that we should bestir ourselves if we are to get up a celebration. We have all the advantages and there is no good reason why we cannot get up a regular old fashioned celebration, A meeting should be called at once aud action taken in this matter. Who will make the move ? In artotlier column c&h be found a new advertisement for C. F. Hall, of the Dundee and Richmond clieapstores, by a carefill readiug o^.which it will be found that he is selling goods at hard pan price's. He advertises that '"Cash ls~King," and proposes to convince you of the fact if you will only give him a call,- , TJ»E regular monthly meeting of the County Teachers Association was held in Woodstock -on Saturday last, and a good attendance and an interesting andprofttable meeting reported. An Essay was read by Tlios.MeD.Richards which is highly spoken of by those present. We shall publish the pro­ ceedings in due time. THE new Machine Shop of Bugbee & Freund is in active operation and ready to do All kinds of general Jobbing. The business will be gradually extended, and a general manufacturing business.commenced at an early day.# This, we predict, will prove a great benefit to McHenry and the surrounding country. INDIVIDUALS with hook, line, bob and sinker, are now daily seen wend­ ing'their way towards some sunny point on the river, and while they flsl» •with,a good deal of patieinoe the an­ swer most invariably is "nary bite." But as soon as the river settles a little .some rare sport in this line may: be expected. WE haye recieved a copy of the Speech of Hon. S. A. Hurl but, delivered In the House of Representatives on the 24tli ult^.the Legislative Appropriation Bill being uuder discussion. It is au able and masterly production, and *ve are sorry that it came to hand too late toTje Inserted in our columns. The speech is certainly an honor to the Member from this District. , EVERY farmeror poultry raiser SHOULD take the Poultry Nation, a neatly priii- ted sixteen-page monthly, splendidly illustrated, devoted to poultry and pet stock, edited by the experienced breed- <«kr and fancier, W. II. Todd. Only «rrty cents a year. Published by the Poultry Nation Co., Birmingham, Erie. Co., O. Two months on trial, ten cents. Try it. <$, 4 IT is^§ be quite the fashion to seal up boxes and mark them to be opened in 1976, Local public bodies are doing this, putting in statistics con­ cerning their organization and direct­ ing Oha*; they be transmitted through their snccessors until the time comes to openthem. Letfs have a McHenry box of that sort, and all endeavor to be presents ben it is opened. THE building season has fairly opened, and work for carpenters in this village is now getting lively. Parker & Son's barn is up and enclosed, Isaac Wentworth's house is being pushed rapidly to completion, "and work on the foundation of several other buildings is being hurried forward as fast as the weather will permit. In the building line McHenry is fairly waking up, and a larger number of new buildings will be erected this year than for many years before. Let the good work go on. : " ,i <j THE Base Ball Club of this village have re-organized for the season, and propose giving a Social Dance, at Riverside Hall, on Friday evening of next week, April 21st, for the purpose of raising funds to purchase Balls and Bats. The Club as organized this yekr promise to show themselves among the first in the County, and our citizens should encourage them that McHenry may not be behind in the great Nation­ al game. Let the entire dancing pub­ lic turn out on Friday evening of next week and give them a rousing benefit. Tickets only 75 cents. The best of music in attendance. Tickets will be issued in a few days. BUCKSKIN JOE, the noted Indian ex­ plorer, who l;as spent seventeen years of his life among the Red men, gave one of his Lectures at Riverside Hall ou Saturday evening last, and we must say that it was most interesting and instructive, and deserved a better au­ dience then was there assembled.; He lias recently visited the Black Hills, and what,he says about them is alone worth the price of admission. His Lectures are Illustrated and he shows a large number of Indian Relics, and explains their use, together with In­ dian habits, superstitions. &c. It is a Lecture that should be heard by every man, woman and child in the land, and we bespeak for him crowded houses in other parts of the county where he pro­ poses to Lecture. "LET no guilty man escape" was forcibly illustrated on Town Meeting •day in this village. Two individuals got into a dispute on some trivial mat­ ter, when ope of them struck straight from the shoulder, for the purpose, we presume, of giving more force to his argument. The person who was hit had him promptly arrested and Justice Smith fined him three dollars, but as he did not have so much of the needful about him, it became necessary for him to* furnish bail, when the party who had been assatrited promptly stepped up and wfent his bail. Thereby the law was .sfully vindicated, and wounded. honor*, if not a wounded head, was healed. George and Peter 4id dispute And George hit Peter on the snoot, George was lined t>»U iiis greonbacks failed So Peter stepped up aad went his liaiL Det vas goot, by shimminy. _-- Go and-learn the great Bargains offered in Domestic Goods of all kinds at F. K. Grangers, m IJOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR L«7«I The followiug is the napes of the Board of .Supervisors elected on the 4th inst., for the year 1876, as far as heard from: •:? ; , R»ey,. A. SEARLKS MareAIDS.- E.GOODRICH C. DIGGIXS Chemung*. --. . . . . . . , . J . T H O M P S O N Alden, • Hartland,......,,.I?...R.D. COOJTET Seneca,... C. O. PARSONS C o r a l , . . CALVIN GILBERT Grafton^..-;.. . . . D . E . W O O D Dorr,.. .v.... -- M. L. JOSLYN Greenwood,. .GEO. II. GARRISOX Hebron...... Richmond,,,...............MARK FOOT Burton...... . ........ McHenry,.... .i....... .JOHN M. SMITH Nunda, ....B.F. PECK Algonquin. C„ F. DIKE IT is characteristic in some men to stand near a competitor's place of busi­ ness and watch for an opportunity to interfere with his business and custo­ mers.--New Era. We wonder if Elder Ringland, when he wrote the above, thought how "characteristic" it was in him to inform every one whose ear he could get for a moment, that acotemporary ucould not live three months," and that they had better subscribe for the Era in stead. And at the same time he claims to be a truthful christian gen­ tleman. This story we know he has repeatedly told in relation to the PLAIN DEALER, and have heretofore taken no notice of it, bat when we see him preaching to some one of the sin of what he is every day doing himself, we cannot refrain from showing him up iu his true light.. We would a'esp^fct- fully inform this editorial blatherskite that the PLAINDEALEU will be alive and respected by the people Jong after him and his great moral sheet are forgot­ ten. ,, Real Estate Transfer*. Conveyances filed in "the Recorder's Office of Mcilenfy County, Illinois, for the week commencing April 3d, 1876, and endiug April 8th, A, D. 1876: M D Hoy and wife to Elizabeth Wil­ bur. Undivided I J .part of 120 acres in 3, 44, 7, $1:>00V • John J Knickerbocker to Edward J Keating. 120 acres iu se/ 14, 43, 7. Henry L Johnson and wife to Frank­ lin II Bosworth. 13 acres in sw 7,46,5, $500. Davis & Hartman to Charles Kelley. Lots 2 and 3 blk 8 Hartman's addition to Ridge field, $200. Mack Church. Sheriff, to Loren Woodard. Lots 3 and 4 blk 3 Safiord's addition to Marengo, $150. Augusta Kupfer and husband to rence Deviue. 120 aoras iu 8, 45, C, $8000. Richard' I Bullard and wife, to R Borchert. 39 acres in ne 21, 43, 8, $1100. Henry W Mead and wife to John Piercc. ne ne 8, 46, 7, $1000. Same to Lorenzo D Seaman. 40 sq yardg in lot 28, nw 16, 4<5, 7, $40. Clarence H. Truax and -Wife to N B Harback. 10 acres in ae 11,43, 8, $760. Andrew Brown and wife to Charles Judson. 43 acres iu 4, 46, 7, $1600. J M and Agnes Anderson to D C Hastings. 220} acres in sections 12 and 13 iu 43, 5, $5500. Ira Daveuport by Executors toll W' Mead, ne ne 8, 46, 7, $600. Joseph D Whitely and wife to Joel Hopkins. All interest in nw frac i 4,46 7, $50. ^--*_ A CARD. To THE PUBLIC :--Years ago having spent a number of years in a Manufac­ tory of Musical Instruments, in Boston, Mass., I am now often inquired of as to the relative merits of instruments of differant Makers, to which inquires I motet1 resj3ecfcfully submit the follow­ ing: First, 1 believe the Hallet& Da­ vis, Clvickering, and Steinway, Pianos, are the best made, although mauy others have merits which recommend them favorably to the public, such as the Story & Camp, E mmerson. Brad­ bury and others. Second, I believe the Esty Organ is superior in every particular to anv other Organ made, although other Organs are much deser­ ving, and obtaining much praise, such as the Mason & Hamlin, Prince, and others, yet I know of none which will bear so clo§e a scrutiny by the Musical talent, aud receive as a verdict from a disinterested public the high encomi­ ums which are so unanimously accor­ ded to the Esty Organ. In purchasing a musical instrument of any kind, be­ ware df traveling .Dealers or Agents, which infest the country, unless you want to know how it feels to be robbed. If you have a dealer in musical instru­ ments In your midst, whose reputation for honosty and square dealing is be­ yond reproach, and is able to back up what he tells you, you cannot make a safer or better trade than you can with him. This may always be relied upon as a rule without any exceptions. Re­ spectfully submitted. j. W. CR1STY. Ringwood 111., April 10th 1876. J. S. MEDLAR, Woodstock, has yet on hand a few more of those splendid Ice Views of Woodstock and vicinity, and those wishing them should order early. They are valuable and in future years will be highly prized. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address J. S. Medlar, Woodstock, 111. New Goods just received at Howard & Son's old stand. F. K. GRANGER. • The Pearl Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Frandseo. Sliop opposite the Parker House, GREENWOOD- EDITOR PLAINDEALR:--Again do we fiud ourselves floating mid a quiet Sea, surrounded by a tumultuous, clamor- tag; political world, the inhabitants, some, of which at least, am constantly crying "Corruption," "Colluufoe? "Per- fidity." {Fraud? and the like, claiming that our "National Bark" is stranded upon the sandbars and crags, thrown up by the present party power, and that we as a Nation are *wrecked." But lo they have discovered a Beacon-light; a guiding star; they hare discovered upon the Ilorizou a small white sail, which iu their imagination is attached to the Main Mast of the Brig of Salva­ tion, but as this Clipper (rigged and built for the occasion) approaches more closely, we discover written upon her Mainsail, and the Flag that floats, above, the words 44Independent lie- form" Jeff Davis, Captain. Crew. Sore headed Republicans, disaffeeted fossil (yffice seekers, and Democrats, Sailing in" the interest of the people and for the good of the Nation and not in the individual interest of members of a porty. At our Annual School meeting W. C. Herrington, was elected Director. It was decided by a unanimous vote to grade the school for the winter term the ensuing year, employing two teachers. "Fort Adams" has again received re­ inforcements, Mr. Howe moving in. The balance of the Fort is to have an ezchange, Marble moving out, and God- dard moving in., "Buffalo Bill," again on the rampage. The tables of the "'Sole" replenisher has been overturned, and thrown oat iu to the streets, Anucrs is out. The fine weather and the drying winds for the past few days, are be- giningtohave a Springlike effect upon the farmers, whose dormant energies are thawing out to a sense of the ne­ cessity of bestiring themselves,to make ready fdr the seasons campaign. Some have already commenced plowing others all hurry and bustle to begin. # Our Annual Town Meeting ou Tues­ day last was attended with the usual excitement consequent, upon such oc­ casions, where two parties- come in contact. The result was as might have been expected, where the difference in choice aud qualifications of some of the candidates was so great. We eannot refrain from referingtothe sentiments expressed by the majority of our citi­ zens, who have justly and most em­ phatically by their vote denounced the actions taken on the part of some of the would be leaders of the "Indepen- dant Reformers." That the major portion of those selected were men of ability, and good worthy citizens We do not deny, and men whose names were used without their knowledge or consent; But when a party who are crying so loudly for reform, take or import from "Teutonic" ranks, one whose impertinence and "cheek" are the predominating elemeuts of quali­ fication, as standard bearer, whose re­ peated attempts to crowd himself upon the suflerage of the people, are becom­ ing obnoxious in the extreme, allowing himself to be used as a tool, for the purpose, and in hopes of controlling certain political strength, It looks] wa little too thin." "A man of influence, is what we want," says one. The Town Ticket gave a majority of 31. Mr. G. B. Crawford, employed to teach the Snmmfcr term of school, was called suddenly aud unexpectedly to his home in Pennsylvania last week. Consequently our Directors are in search of a Teacher. In the case of Annera vs., Cpwdry, for forcible ejectment, before Esquire Baldwiu, Attorneys , Marble for Plain­ tiff, aud Toles fo.r Defendant, judge- in ent was rendered for Plaintiff for $30. EVKN. THE BEST OKGAN IN THK MARKET. We make the above assertion with­ out fear of successful contradiction. We are not in the habit of running down Organs sold by other Agents, being satisfied to let our instrument speak for itself, but. we are sorry to say there is one Agent in this county who has no compunction in that way. He lias, we are told, on every opportu­ nity, run down the instrument we are selling, not because he knows anything against it never, we believe having seen it, but in order to make people believe he is selling the only good in­ strument offered in the county. But notwithstanding this we are, as we be­ fore said willing to let the North Western, speak for itself, and to anyone wishing to buy an Organ we will guar­ antee them a lowor price and as good an instrument as can be found in the Northwest. Call at my store, East side of the Public Square, Wooodstock, and be convinced Mir,. S. A. Reid. Woodstock, 111. Feb 21st 187G; WANTED IMMEDIATELY. At Ford's Gallery an Apprentice to learn the Photograph Business. This is a rare chance for any wishing to be­ come an artist. Ford is a number 1 artist, as the work he is now producing is ample proof. The Union Corn Planter, the best In market, for sale byL. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. A nice lot of new Dress Goods at F. K. Granger's, at Howard & Son's old stand, McHenry. New arrival of Clothiig and Hats and Caps at P. D. Smith's. Machine repairs aud all leading machines kept by E.M.Owen. L. STODDARD has just received a lot of new Maple Sugar waranted fresh and pure. Also nice Oat Meal CrackesJ. Store i a Howe's Block. iiiii mumum WOODSTOCK. EDITORPLAIKDKALEU:--Spring seems to have put iu its apperrauce at last and all nature, whether animate or in­ animate, gives It kindly greeting. But DanielWeaver, Esq., or as he was wont to call himself, the Fifteenth Con* mandment, has jugt done gone and done it for shoo, Yes, Dan has left us. No more, in the sultry days of the ap­ proaching summer shall we be permit­ ted to quaff "de cumulation" lemonade from Dan's mug. No more are we to eat of "de cumulation" Ice Cream pre­ pared by Dan since the Weaver House has closed. But blessed be the one coin- fort left us. What is our loss is Dun­ dee's gain, for it is to that city he has goue. God bless you Dan, and "may jour shdaow never be darker. The fact that the voters in our School District turned out so generally and so nearly unanimously elected t bree ne# members of the Board of Education, would indicate a desire for some change in the running of our School. Not be­ ing posted 1 will not attempt" to ex­ plain. Our Town Meeting passed off with out much interest and no excitement, there being virtually but one ticket. The session of the Teachers Associa­ tion at this place o^i Saturday was very well attended and the exercises were generally interesting. The only tedi­ ous exercise was an address by a gen­ tleman by the name of Andrews, from York State, who should have known better than to take up so much of the time of the Association with an ad dress so open to criticism. Thos. McD. Richards road a short and appropriate essay which was well received and con­ tained some good suggestions to the Teachers, Township Trustees of Schools and Supervisors, but as none of the said Trustees or Supervisors were pres­ ent the suggestions so far as they are concerned will have little 6r no effect. Our Pickle Directors were in council Saturday evening. Deliberations not known. Also on the same evening a meeting at the Court House prelimi­ nary to Centennial County Celebration on the approaching 4th at Woodstock. That is as It should be. Begin in time and get up arouser. About every wagon that left town on Saturday evening had one or more plows aboard, and if the weather con­ tinues favorable isome of them will get pretty thoroughly scoured, before the week closes. Ed Couse was kicked in the face by a horse, but being so near the animal, he saved his face, and undoubtedly his life. It Is generally conceeded that Wood­ stock will elect a license ticket at the approaching municipal election. Well, if it takes a four horse team to draw the beer now demanded, bow many horses will^It take under a license, was the questiou asked by one of our citi­ zens the other day as the brewery team passed well loaded. , / Rumor talks of th# resignation of several members of the Board of Edu­ cation which if true will necessitate another election. Weather beautiful, birds happy, farmers busy, merchants preparing for the Summer campaign with cali­ coes and other fixings, aud the rest.of mankind mixing iu as best they may. L- P. Squab*. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and SaleJStablea. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance .secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. M., Richmond, IU. KOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore exist­ ing under the style of Smith Bros,. & Co., having been dissolved on the first of the present month and all notes and accounts due said firm having come in­ to the possession of the undersigned and feeliug anxious to leave for my new field of operations In Nebraska, at as early a day as possible, 1 would earnest­ ly request all parties indebted to make immediate payment. By so doing they will oonter a favor that will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully. 1). S. SMITH. HAIR WORK. Mrs. C. Richard, Woodstock, would respectfully inform the public that she Is now prepared to do all kinds of fan­ cy hair work, consisting of frizzes, Braids, curls, and switches. She has a Rooter, with the aid of which she can take combings and make them up into Switches as nice as cut hair. From her experience in the business she can guarantee satisfaction in all cases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her rooms are one door above Diesel's Furniture Store, where she will at all times be in readiness to attend to her customers. Bucklin & Stevens near the Depot have filled their Store, crammed, jam­ med full of Fall and Winter Goads. Elegant patterns of Notingham Cur^ tain Lace from 20 cts.. and upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at very low prices, " P.D.SMITH. EGGS FOB HATCHING, From Pure Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Prioe per dozen $2. All orders prompt­ ly attended to. Address. Tnos. WHITSON, Woodstock, 111, DRESS GOODS. New Mid desirable shades in Ecru Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacas, at P. D. Smith's. * Bi!Kin«w Notices Best thing fn Plows. Call and see. , £. n.owBK. ; Groceries at Panic Prices at F. K* Granger's, at Howard & Son's old stand* ^ TO RENT. [ House, If appliecf jfet tO«w> "E. M. OWEN, Wi A good House, if applie fill be vacated 16th inst. A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain Cffpeting beats them ail. For salftat P. 1>. Smith's. . v HE can he Men next to A, B Cowlings on Main Street, Woodstock. If yon w^nt an extra good Shave or.* Hair Cut, call on Charley; at the Parketf House. A splended Piano to Rent on reason* able terms. . „ „ o. W. own. McHenry .III. Jan.|mh,*T876, The first one ever brought to McHen­ ry County Can be seen at the Littler Shoe Store, on Main Street, Woodstock*. SEED CORN.--Orders will be received at Bucklin & Stevens' for the Iowa Seed Corn. Sample to he seen at their store. Good dreis Prints, fast colors, only 6 cts.,per yard, at P. D. Smith's. All who have dull Razors and wish them sharpened, take them to Charley, at the Parker House. All work done by the latest tip of the wing. Boots and Shoes made to order for Ladies and Gents, at the same prices you would nay for sale goods. Where ? At Warren's, on Main stretft, Wood* stock. SEEDS! SEEDS I All parties designing to raise pro­ duce for the Pickle Factory, will please leave their orders for Seeds at Bucklinr & Stevens, that a full supply may be had. ( ' It if the universal testimony that the Rochester and itunalo lioots aud Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapett in the market. Give them a trial. P. D. SMITH. LEGAL BLANKS- "Legal Blanks of all kinds for sale at the Corner Drug Store of Murphv A Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. If you want to get the latest style and best quality of Photographs call at Ford's fine Art Gallery, McHenry, 111. Price only $2 per dozen. STORE TO RENT. I offer for Rent my Store, near the Depot, iu the village oi McHenry. Or will trade the same,with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIESKLER. McHenry, I1L March 14th, 1876. MARKET ON SUNDAY* I would respectfully inform my cus­ tomers that my Market will not bo open hereafter on Sunday after 11 o'clock A.M. Those who wish meat ou Sunday morning should bear this in mind. I would also give notice that here­ after all bills must be settled at the end of each '.reck. Short credits makes long friends. W. FISHER. Do not despair if your taxes were large. Do not give up if you have been a little careless and allowed the elepliant to step on your pockct book; if you still have a skeleton of "the once fat pocket book" remaining, re­ member it will go along ways toward purchasing your Spring GoodS at P. D. HAIR WORK The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of McHenry and sur­ rounding country that she is prepared to do all kinds of Hair Work, such as Switches, Braids, Curls, Ac., on short notice and at reasonable rates. Room* ovarO. W. Owens tJewelry Store. Mas. v. M. HoiofBi. IKaHeary. I1L* <!aau & fe, 1878. BOARDERS WANTED. The undersigned is prepared to fur­ nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or single Meal, giving good accommodation at a moderate price. Residence first street West of the Public Square. Mai. L A. Ouuc. McHenry, IIL Mftroh 1st, 1878. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dominie Fowls. 'I shall be prepared to furnish a limited number of settings of Eggs from the above breed of Fowls, which are ac­ knowledged by all to be the best layers in the country. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my farm, 4 miles South­ east ot McHenry, or orders can be left at the PLAINDEALER Office, which will receive prompt attention. Price 60 oents per dozen, H. T. DOLUKER* The Best Mnd thrCheaptit, The American Sewing Machine Runs the lightest of any oniutie Ma­ chine. Makes the least noise. Has self-setting needle. Has the most room under the Arm. Never skips stitches or breaks threads. Is most easily learned. Can be Instantly adjusted t<* work from No. 800 to No. 10 Cot ton. Is thoroughly made in all its parts of the best material, and every machine is warranted. O. W„ OweiV McHenry, is the Agent, who will sell you a machine on the most reasonable tetins. Call at his Store and examine it. XeHKNHY MARKETS. COBBSOTKP rrMaY or KACH WKKK. M ?« et Wheat, No. 2 Spring Wheat, No. 3, Bprimg. Rejected,..., Onts No.* Corn, (per OS fes) Barley No. # . . . v Barley No. S..... Rejected..,..;...... Butter, (ttibi) .... Butter, (roil^.... Eggs,..v..:w.«»». Lard* «.•• Dressed ««« • >%• s ae Live He?*,..--•.... JIEAU# 10 rw*shod) m W o o l . ( n n w u s h e a K * . . . ' . . J l , M These weekly *eporta mtt Corrected from the actual pare!**** of that day, aad imr W relied uuoa. i ** *-• * + +**+•±++4,4 14 31 fit ML 23 » m u n 1*H

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