Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1876, p. 7

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; - - •i^j:;! v:r -' ,** Jobnwra's; ReTeng*. ! John Prince Johnson had an object •-^ getting drank, John Prince John* sdivB wife is not more than nine-tenths altgel, according to his story, and he Han ted revenge on her. The other day Ae said to him : ' ' . "Getup and dost and go opt ,and ^fbrk and earn some "iah and help me piy the rent and liny '%od and something in the cupboard." "f That was a, nice way for 3 loving -vrife to tarn to a fat hiwbMid with a bald spot on Ms crown. He wanted to sit around tad get his breath for the spring cam­ paign, but she didn't seem to care if he worked himself to death. He looked at across the stove and replied : "Florinda Jane, I'll make you feel bad for saying them words," and he put on his boots and went out into the cold World. When his Honor asked the • prisoner if he had any excuse for being drunk, John Prince Johnson looked greatly pleased and replied : " None at alL Fine me $5 and shell Itttve to pay it out of her own money!" That was his plan to secure revenge. His Honor also seemed tickled when he heard it, and he made the sentence for six months or $50 fine. When John Prince Johnson heard the words his legs gave out and his teeth chattered, lie said he had a lame leg, the asthma, a touch of consumption and a taste of dyspepsia, but nevertheless he would go right, out and tear up ground and throw bricks around and strike a job if the court would let him off. The court wouldn't do it, and Mrs. Johnson, who in the audience, went out doors, a^ing " He [e may howl, And rave, and per­ spire and expire, but right up there is where he'll roost till his time is outI "-- Free Press. Juvenile Amusements in Denver. Top-spining, marble-playing, and all other similar sidewalk pastimes, says the Denver News, have suddenly been su­ perseded, among bad boys, by a new and eruel sport called 44 jewsharping chickens." Procuring a grain of oorn, the heart is hollowed out, and in the hole thus made is tied a piece of string. To the other end a straw is secured. When this is done the whole is thrown to a ehicknn, whiuu gobbles up and swallows the grain. Of course the string and straw follow® lodging in the throat with the end sticking out of the mouth. Then the sport, if anything so cruel can be called sport, begins,. The ebioken, unable to get the straw up or down, begins a motion with one foot, while standing on the other, whioh is not un­ like, that of a boy playing on a jewsharp. No music of course proceeds from the . throat of the unfortunate chicken, but itsenrioufl gyrations afford an infinite fund of amusement to the boys, who look on in very much the same manner in which a crowded audienoe views a screaming farce. It is a terrible ordeal to the chicken, but then it is so much fun for the-hoys, and Tut mg Amerioa, you know, must have its part. prions Death-bed Scene. Near Stanton's Mills, Somerset county Pa., there died recently two very aged wotaen, sisters, the elder aged eighty- seven and the younger eighty-two. They resided with the family of the son of one of them, and both became somewhat childish and intractable several months pflor to their death. They were sick at the same time, and occupied beds in the same roonis footing each other. It is related by a neighbor that the two old women quarreled just a short time pre­ vious to their death about the position in which the Bible should be placed upon a table in the room, and each was bound to have her way. Too feeble to move, they lay in bed, and in the man­ ner of little children called each other 44names," meanwhile shaking their fists in a way they probably thought was very threatening. It had been the boast of each that she would live longer than her sister; and at last when the younger woman peacefully passed from earth;, the elder seemed for a moment to glory in the fact that she had won the race. But it was not for long. Even before the body of her dead sister was cold, she, too, relinquished her feeble hold on life, and sought the sleep that knows no wak- ing thirmde the portals of the tomb. Dead letters. ' Thttfe were 4,40{/,GGG letters received at the returned letter office in London last year, of which 20,000 were not ad­ dressed. One of them contained over $10 ,000 in bank notes. Among the odd addresses were the following: 44Mr. Smith, at the back of the church, Eng­ land," and " My dear Father in York­ shire, at the White Cottage with White Pailings." One was directed, 44 This ic for her that makes dresses for young ladies, that lives at t'other side of the road to James Brockslip, Edensover, Chesterfield." And another, "This is for the young girl that wears spectacles, who minds two babies, 30 Sheriff sheet, off Prince Edwin street, Liverpool." A Man and Wife Parted. A reverend gentleman horrified a small oqampany a few evenings ago by telling them that he and his wife had separated. 44 Net parted?" inquiringly exclaimed three or fcur in a breath. 44 Yes," said the gentleman with a sigh ; 44 we had some words and parted." A shudder went round the room, when some one inquired, 44 For good?" „ "Oh, IV)!" the divine. "She has only gone to the country, and will be back in a day or two." " But," said one of the bolder ones, after a while, " did you really have any words with her ?" r " Oh, yes 1 She said, 4 Good by, dear/ and so did I.--Boston Transcript Tnx railways in different parts of the The plans and prices are not completed, but the proposed schedules fix the rates at a trifle above half the usual fare. Yis- itorg will then be enabled to go and re­ turn from Philadelphia at a little more than the regular fare one way, which will bring the excursion within the reach of the great bulk of our people, and Ipake a paying business for the railroads, lithe pians are properly matured, there ilUio good reason why at least 10,000,000 qt our people shall not visit the Centen­ nial this summer. The great hotels in Philadelphia offer accommodations at from $4 to $5 per day, tyit the Genten- " ' 4 nM Agency has arranged with several thousand boarding houses where visitors can be accommodated at $2.50 per day, exclusive of the noon meal, which it is presumed wfU be obtained on the grounds. Theee houses are to be placed under the supervision of inspectors, who promise to see that everything is decent and in order. So far as prices are con­ cerns* the arrangement promises to be all that can be expected, and it is hoped they will be so in every other respect The Belgn at Alexander 11. , A letter from St. Peterburg says : 44 Russia celebrates to-day (March 2) the twenty-first anniveitairjr of Alexander II.'s accession. The n6w reign found a debt of two milliards, the budget was 200,000,000 roubles, there were only 974 kilometres of railways, the river naviga­ tion had 144 steamers, the people were in serfdom and had no right of real pro­ perty, there was no popular education, justioe was administrative. To-day jus­ tice has undergone liberal reforms, in­ cluding the introduction of juries or bar­ risters ; there are 22,000 elementary schools; the people have been enfran­ chised, are endowed with property and have the right of voting; 18,414 kilo­ metres of railways are at work, and 2,079 arc being constracted ; there are 700 packets and 2,500 merchant vessels; the budget is 570, (HK),,000 roubles. The purchase of the property given to the freed peasants has cost 500,000,000 roubles, and the railways 550,000,000. The total new expenditure would amount to two milliards, which with the pre­ vious debt would form four milliards. Yet the public debt is only 300,000,000 more than twenty-one years ago. Such are the blessings of the reign of Alexan­ der II.. executing the last wishes of his august father, daily caring for peace, and twakirig the welfare of the nation the aim of his whole life. A Contrary Mole. A farmer in this county (says a North Carolina paper) has a mule so awfully contrary that he can do nothing with it. Put Mm in harness, and it is hard to say which way he will travel. Pat a saddle on him, and he appears to doze« but to try to mount himr and he will all of a" Redden bsgsn to kick' every way-- straight out, straddle-bug, with all four legs at onoe. As to eating, he will eat anything, from his feed-trough up to a wooden saddle. The owner took a not tion to have him shod, but he kicked ou- the bladksmitb shop and returned home. The owner tried to kill him, some time back, so he tied his ears with a trace chain and rode him for six consecutive days md nights as hard * as he oould under whip and spur. The faot is, that he nearly killed himself in the effort, and had to be carried up-stairs to bed, and his firm belief was that the mule would die that night; but, to his astonishment, the next morning he found that the mule had kicked to death a Chester sow weighing 800 pomxd*,. bit a piece ont of his norse's shoulder, ate up a saddle, blanket and bridle, tore down the fence, and was splurging about, more devilish than ever, to find something else meaner to do. A NEW idea in life insurance has sprung up in the Southwest. The au­ thor would have attached to all policies an agreement to the effect that 44 the in­ surance company promises in ease the insured becomes the victim of chronic disease affecting his prospects of lon­ gevity, which skilled mcdical advice, combined with climatic treatment, can greatly mollify, to furnish the advice gratuitously, and also, if needed, to loan the insured a given amount of his policy with whioh he may be enabled to go to the climate prescribed." THE Kentucky Legislature has passed a bill taxing all dogs over three years of eage $2 each. Dogs refusing to give their ages to the census enumerators will be dealt with summarily.--Free Pteu. Ax our request Gragin & Co., of Phila­ delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen cents to pay postage; a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. A r«« Words to Fesb!« and Dullest* By R. % Pmo, M. D., of the World'* Dispensary, Bnffso, ST¥js author of "The Peoplfc'a Coauaon Bens* Meaical Advisor," etc., etc. Knowing that JOE are subject to a great amount of suffering, that dolicacy on your part • has a strong tsndeney to piolODg it, and th« longer it I® neglected the more you liavo to en­ dure and the more difficult of cure yoor oase becomes, I, as a physician, who am daily con­ sulted by scores of your H®S, desire to say to you, that 1 am constantly meeting with those who have been treated for their ailments for months without being benefited in the least, until they have become perfectly discouraged, »nd have almost made up their mind never to take another doe© of medicine, or be tortured by any further treatment. They had rather die and have their sufferings ended than to live and suffer as they have. They say they are worn out by stiffening, and are only made worse by treatment. Of anything more discouraging, we oertainly cannot conceive, and were there no more successful mode of treating such difficul­ ties than that, the principles of which teach the reducing and depleting of the vital forces of the system, when the indications dictate a treatment directly the reverse of the'one adopt­ ed for them, their case would be _ deplorable indeed. But, lady sufferers, there is a better Mni far more successful plan of iroaiuioui for you; one more in harmony with the laws and requirements of your system. _ A harsh, irrita­ ting caustic treatment and strong medicines will never cure you. If you would use rational means, such as common assise should dictate to every intelligent lady, tab® such medicines as embody the very best invigorating tonfea and nervinee« compounded with special refermoe to your delicate system. Such a happy combin­ ation you will find in nay Favorite Prescription, which has received the higheBt praise from thousands of your sex. Those languid, tire­ some sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet or ascend a flight of •tair»; that ooutinaal drain that is sapping from your system all your former elasticity, and driving the bloom from your cheeks; that con­ tinual strain upon your vital forces that ren­ ders you irritable and fretful,--may all be over­ come sad subdued by & persevering ut»& of th*t marvelous remedy. Irregularities and obstruc­ tions to the proper working of your system are relieved by this mild and safe means, while periodical pains, the existence of wfeksh is a sure indication of serious disease that should not be neglected, readily yield to it, and if ite use be kept up for a reasonable length of time, the special cause of these pains is permanently removed. Further light on these subjects may be obtained from "The People's Common Sense Ifedic&l Adviser," in which I have devoted a large space to the consideration of all forms of diseases peculiar to yoxir sex. This work will be sent (poet-paid) to any address on receipt of $1.60. My Favorite Preemption is Mid by druggists. GHXOMO LKDOKK--l$est story paper going. Bee advertisement. Mrs. Fitche's Diamonds. The revenue authorities are puzzled to know what to do with the Khedive of Egypt's famous gift to Gen daughter. The diamoi in the big vault in the Sub-treasury Sherman's onds are looked up They were placed there in June last, and unless they are taken away before next June, they will be classified AS nn claimed goods, and sold by auction to pay the duties and storage. If this should hap­ pen. she money, after the deduction of the officii*! charges, would be paid to Drexel, Morgan & Oo., in whose name the diamonds are consigned. The trouble is that Congress in authorizing Lieut. Fitch to receive the present to his wife, neglected to relieve him from the pay­ ment of the duties. The necklace and ear-rings which compose the gift were first said to be worth $250,000, but experts have since apprised them at $75,000. The duty on this amount would be about $40,000. Gen. Sherman feels that he is too poor to pay this, and he is unwilling to appeal to Congress for an exemption of the payment of the duties. Neither the Secretary of the Treasury, the Col­ lector, nor any of his deputies are dis­ posed to exercise their power of grant­ ing & free permit for the diamonds, and the Turkish ambassador, who has the official prerogative of receiving them in his name, will not ask for their release, because the Khedive is only recognized by his Government as a vassal.™Jfei® York Sun. RHOGO 1ED8ER FOR SI.m, POSTPAID. MM order that 'TtirlmttT Tnny hi fWihlnil to ttkttiili giMt Story and Family Newspaper, m h«w> to offer it ttll Jan., Mf>7, tor SUM, postpaid. It to the LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST. widaijr (Mit«4 Kewspepar in the W«at- if ftifdresied *81 LKDGER. Cmcaoo IUL XME. DEMOREST'S PORTFOLIO OF FMONS For Spring and Summer, 1876, flftjr twn folio 1-rsrc lilu.itffiitini, aoa nir reohr.ivhf and popular *tyl es for Ladiea1 ana Ohudreu s Dress, with French and Kngltth deeorip- 22K: 4 °5 P081 free- Soid Mnuv Demo- naro Acenctea in Rurope and America, or addreee BINE. DEMUREST. «••»•••• • W ESast litis, Strert, New Ywrk* MME. DEMOSEST'S WET TO WEAK • FOlt THE- SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1876 Contains 'ull ami Complete Information on *very de- Map of the Stack nm«. The Bismwck Tribune, published seventy- five jpilee nearer Bl&ck Hills than any other nwttspjvper, gives mor© reliable information concerning them than any other. Sent to any widress six months, together with a chromo of Gen. Ouster, or a new and correct pocket map of Dakota and the Black Hills., showing faote gleaned by all official surveys and iate exploration^ for one dollar. Address O. A. Lounaberry. Manager, Bismarck, D. X. CHAPPED hands, face, pimples, ting- worm, saltrheum, and other cutaneous affec­ tion* cured, and rough skin mad® soft and RteooMi, by using Jumper Tar Soap. Be care­ ful to get only thai made by Cauweli, Hazard & Oo.} New York, as there are many imitations made with oonunon tar, all of whioh are worth- VEOKTINB is acknowledged by all classes of people to be the best and most relia­ ble blood purifier in the workL CHKAPBST, best family paper in the world--Oiamoo LSDODL Bee advertisement. OK. SCMSU<CK.'a STANDARH HffiBOC- DIBa.--Tte standard remedies for all dimwtM of til* LANE* ere SOHKNCK'S PCZJCOMIO STBOT, SCHBNOX'G SKA WKS® TONIC, and SGHEHOCS MAMDBAJUC PUXE, and, if taken More ui« laagB axe dastoyed. & speeds rare ia effected. To thee* t hroe medioinee Dr. J. H. aeheoek. of Phita. delphla, owe® Uia antivalled eoeeeM la tbe treatment of pniiiNDKi dilemma. Tbe Pulmonis Sffrap rlpenatlM morbid matter ta the tanga; nature tbxqm it off bp en «MT ejtpee torn tion, tot wben the phlegm or Matter ia ripe a alight ootagh wifi throw It at, the pattawt >11 mt aal the laasa begte *• heal. To enable the Palmonlo Syrap I© do tbia, SebenoVa Mandrake Pilln and Sohanok'a Sea Weed Toole mnst be freelj aeod to cleanse the atomach and liver. SohenckV Mandrake Pille ecuan the lives', euaavlas all ntotoiM HOBS, tulaa tho gaU BIAADER, the bile start* fiafay, aad tbe liver ia soon relieved. Schenck'g Se» Weed Toato la a gentle atlmnlant and alterative; tbe &lkali of whioh it ia oompoeed mixes witli tbe food and preventa aouring. It aaeiata tbe digestion b]r toning ap the stomach to a' > a heelthv oomUtfcra, Syrup wifl make good e patient will career gt reab>oold. >r. iMaeook, either peEVonaUy itter. can do ae at hth principal office, comer of and AKOB STB., Philaaelpbia} every Monday, nck'a medicinec are aold Df all draggiata tbra the food and tbe Pulmonic then tbe lunga heal, and the . If eare ia taken to prevent freeh •11 who wiah to eonault Dr. " or bjr letter, can do ao at hth SIXTH and ~ " Sohenck' outtbaeoaatry. «»(bat blood; rm well tbroogb- VBR T1PPBO ud Shoes are aold by tbe million, for parents know they last twioe aa long ae those without, Tine. Aisu try Wire Quilted'Soles. HOOHAIIHEt COT III THE SOU Standard Screw ONLY ABSOLUTE FASTENING FOR BOOTS & SHOES. Jtyles And Prices of Matorinte .ii&d icst tojiuatjon cvory Morcbjtnt, MiUinar, ^ R-i rMf>ni' including ' aueh ... ,.,c mAser snd l>adjr want# to know. Price, 10 cts. , Post Free. MMR. DENOHE8T, ^ y W Kast 14tl» Stnrt, New York.-' TEES] ONXi" OIL CHROMOS Ttft havesneoeeded fea standby theMt of arittaism ind become tralj popular « v * ARB T II B Picturet Presented to the 8nb*oriber« •--OF Demorst'i Monthly Mapiiie! "Tlw Old Oaken M Home, Sweet Hame," " After til* fl liiii." a lad "Captive Child.** IJMSV aasqaaled Pictures (alee of which are 17 by W Inches) were originally aold at $15 each. A choice of these w now offered aa a premium ta eaeb S3 yearly aub- acriber to Oemorvst'a Monthly Muailac, the largest and b««t Magazine now publlahed^ lf the Chro- mos are mounted on stretciker fsr fesming. Ml ota> extra, Which includes transportation Address W. JBIfflUOS BBMORBST, IT bat 14th Street* Sew T«k. Aim y ELIZA OuitlHi Vs» If * SAMKBY.-Thseate authentic aad complete resowl men sad their wotms. <n*n <M<ra((o«u. Bmtd roa otaooL&ea ileacs, III. BOOK |Moo« ® W T 1 2 / i ^ i r o H o n s . B m > r o a O t a Aasrlcaa PabliafctMg €•., CMeafi Yoor Name Eltpintl; PxiB*°« ed en !« TRAHSPAREMT RTSTTTM. •• CABRAf ftwts Cants. Esch •MBS ".yhleii aoi Tblbu «w43! iiekl tewnnla Ms light, " " " IkkethsmeverbsfbrsoAradln America. Biglnduce- Agente. NOVSLTT VIUKTIKO Co.,Ashland. Mass. SPECIAL HOTICE TO OUR READERS. armciAL CALL . AGENTS WANTED To sell the New Patent Improved EYE COPS. ^ Qvarantsed to be the 6esf paying btunuemi oftrtd Agf nt* bv any Houte. An easy and pt*a«ant em* plovmsnt. The value of the celebrated new Paten! Improved Eye Cuim for the restoration of eight breaks out and fcttko# In the evidence* of over R.mjfl gesniae tests. mooiaSfi of ctspes, ssjd rrcomrr.fiided by more tbaa 1 000 of our best pbyaictaue in their practice. The Patent Eye Clips are a scientific and philo. sophical diecovery, and as ALEX. It. WYETH, M. D„ snd w*. BKATLBT, M. D., writes, thaj are eertainly the greatest invention of the age. Read the following certificates: FKBGUSON STATION, JLogan Co , Ky., JnnaC, 1872. DR. J. BALL A Co., Oculists r G*STI.F.MKK : Your Patent Kye OIJW ire, in my jndgiuent, the momt splendid triun<ph which optical science has ever achieved, but, like all grsat and important trutbt>s in this or in any other branch of aniens and pfeilosop'!;', havf n:v,c!; to costruu wnii from tbe ignorance and prejudice of a too skeptical public; but truth is mighty and will prevail, and it is only a question of time as regards their general acceptance and indorsement by all. I have in my bands certificates of persons tectifying in unequivo­ cal terms toHheir merits. The uiost prominent phy­ sicians of my county recommend your Eye. Cup*. I am, respectfully, J A L BOYKR, WILLIAM BEATLF.t, M. D„ SALVISA . KY., writes: "Thanks to you /w the tfrmte»taf ait invention* My eight it fully recto red by the use of your Patent Eye Ottpft, after being almost entirely blind for twenty-six years." ALKX.k. wv^th, M. D.. ATCHISON, PA., writes: "After total blindness of my left eye for four j't'arR, by paralysis of the optio nerve, to my utter ant<ini*h- ment your F-Uteni liye Cup* restored »uy eyt sigut permanently ia three minutes." Rev. b. B. FALKiNbBUR'3, Minister of the M. E. Church, writes: "Your f\,Unt Kye Cups have re­ stored my eight, for which I am most thankful to the Father of Mercies. By your advertisement I saw at a glanoe that your invaluable Eye. Cvps per­ formed their work perfectly in accordance *ith physiological law; that they literally fed the even that were starving for nutrition. May God greatly bless you, and may your uatuc- be enshrined in the affectionate memories of multiplied thousands as one of the benefactors of your kind." HORACK B. DITRANT. M. D , says: " I sold and effected future sales liberally. Tbe Patent Eye Cup*, they will make money, and make it fast, too; no snmlL catchpenny affair, but a superb, nnmbeir one, tip-top business, promisee, aa far aa I can nee to be life-long." Mayor E, 0. ELLIS wrote us, November 16th, 1669; " I have tested the Patent Ivory Eye Oiipn, and am aatis&ed they are good. I am pleased with them. They are etrtaitUg the (rreatett invention of the age." Hon. HOKACX URBFXRT, late Editor of tlifc New York Tribute, wrote: " Dr. 3, BALL, of our city, is a conscientious and responsible man. who is Incapa­ ble of Intentional deception or imposition," Prof. W. MULBIOK writes: '* Truly I am grateful to your nobis invention. My sight is restored by your Pff.te.nt Ey Cup*. May heaven Ideas and pre­ serve youu I have been using spectacles twenty years. 1 am 71 years old. I do all my writing with­ out glasses, and I bless the inventor of the Patent Bye Cups every time I take up my old steel pen." Ai>OLFH BIOKKBKBO, M. D., physician to Emperor Ssnnlcnn, wpqfifte? hi'.lilj SiS Sight rastovin! bj oar /*«a#nc Eye- Cttjm; « With gratitude to God, »nd thankfulness to the inventors. Dr. J. BALL k Co., 1 hereby recommend the trisl oi the By* Cup? (in full faith) to all and every one that has any Impaired eyesight, believing, as 1 do, that ainoe the experi­ ment with this wonderful discovery has proved suc­ cessful on me, at my advanced period of life--90 years of age--I believe they will restore the vision to any individual if they are properly applied." ADOLPH BIOBNBEHG, M. D. Crmimonweattk cf MoMachumtt*, Etsex. si. June 5th, T3, personally appeared Adolph Biorn- berg, made oath to the foregoing certificate, and by him subscribed and swora before me The Wonders of Modem "htmirttjt Sarsaparflliaii asi_Its Assoctates. " Chsnges »• 8e«a sad Felt »a Th<ryOsUif Occur after Cilaf m. Few Domea of ' ,' 1>B. BAOWAFB ' 4*, Sar«aparHlia!|- Resolvent^ Ihe eiiif BLOOD PURIHER. ^ 0 .J. Qood spirits, dlsappeataM* of weakness, {afieiHlgp melancholy Increase wnd hardnem of fissh and mSf CMS, eto. 8. Strength incresses, food, no more soar < gestion, calm and. wn vigorous. i Wfappsarance of spots, blotebes. pimples; the skji looks clear and healthy, the mine changed beam Ite tt£r bid and cloudy eppearanoe to a clear sherry or ambit no pain or weakness. 4. Marked diminatloi> of quantity and frequency a InyoluntaiT weakening -^ae (tf afflicted th«t with certainty of pennantIncreased RtreniS Mses, appetite Improves, relish te r cc watostsa^, Rood nndiatarbed sleep, awa&n fresh -aasT Ity of iwrmjin . exhibited in the secretinK Increased Btrei •f* functions! lonyrestored to the ss-vera! organs. 5. Yellow tinge on tho white of the ejt. tber.widl tey. saffron of the akin changeu to a «. Those hollering from weak or ulcerated lungs tubercles will realise great benefit, in rreeiy tbe toneh phlegm or mucous from the lungs. i_ cell& bronchi or windpipe, throat or hssd: db&iniahitB. of the frequency of cough; general Increase of strength throughout -<yMeas; atoppage of night sweats Sm pains and fr-Min* c,f weakneas twound the anklee, leak, shoulders, ct< .; relation of cold and chills, sense W suffocation; hard breathing and p&rcjtzmns of coueb sin lying down or arising in the morning. All Sh«*>» dW wat- 'r 'irraM,fci.„. „ taken, new signs of retorning health wi3 appear ;sstha blood improves in strength and rarity, dlsecae will di­ minish, and all foreign aad impure deposit*, todfa tumors, cancers, htidmisM, et«., ibo tweolvwl aw&ysM the unsoond made sound and healthy; ulcers, fever sores, syphilitic sores, eliroaio skin diseases gradual^ disappear. 8. In cases where the spitem haa been (salivated, Mercury, Qnlcksilver, Corrosive Sublimate, (the prind- P*1 constltaent in the advertised Sarsanarulaa, assocm- ed in some cases with Hvd. of Potassa) nave accumulate e<l and beoome deponted In the bones, joints, etc.# causing caries of the bones, tickets, spinal curratuna. contortions, white swellings, varicose vsina, etc.. Hi SAStSAFARIUUKAMwCii rasf-ive mmipthme da- system. 9. If thoM of oErontc, slow mar be tne i health impr ran keeping i creasing. In feel better improving, their flesh s and find its own. progressing better or w< or worse the vims of tbe <B •nested and driven from the if not Ism* •Lttwfl . and continue to undermine U e eomtituftloa. As SM| as the 8AE8APARIUJM ili: ttl pat&Br "feel better." every hoar yoa will giow better and tap crease in health, strength aad flesh, 4 The great power of this rsmedy Is iadiasaass tIMr threaten death--as in Consumption of the Lsflsgs us Tuberculous Phthisis, Scrofula, BypMIsM Wasting, Degenscation. and Uloeration of the WM. STEVENS, 3. P. lawBKtfOB CrrT, Mass., June 9th, 1873. We, tha undersigned, having personally known Dr. Adolph Biornberg for years, believe him to be mu iiooest, moral man, trustworthy, and in truth and veracity unspotted. His character is without re- M. BO> proach. «. BONNEY, Ex-Mayor. S. B. W. DAVIS, Ex-Mayor. OEORQE S. MERBILL, P. M. a soem • ssa1 Wanted to iearn Telegraphy. Bltaattons furnished. Steady _ -- v H. w. promotiun guaranteed. We supply all operators hired by HetropoUtcn and American District Telegraph Cos., Chicago. Send for Circular. N. W. TELEGRAPH IN8TITUTK. JanesvUle, Wis. CM ICACOIGn»ranteed to do double the work y **_• ~ y lof common scrspers. Townships SC|w APE Roan take them on trial. Price 9U. il?P I Send for Manual of Road-Making (WMAura IvidDitching,free.AddrsssOhiosgo 1M»96MERk)£enip^ *B* DHchsr «fc.Ohtss--, f" raiCER REDtCKD. Befit Quality TIFK'IAL UMHH KHliNtiiclorT or 1 •• CHKArr.nV ii riK Li. nurtuar CENTENNIAL YEAR, CHAS, M. EVAN'S, Mnnuf'r, 152 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. O. . Ky Fourth aud Market 8ts., Louisville, Ky. •lO snUty attoss.BjfentewMjt^, Ontfltandlsisss f l « f r e e . H k d d r m T K D K * O O . , A u g u s t a , M a i n a . O fk Samples VISITING OARDS,wlth name, 10c. 800 £i\1 styles. Address O. B. HAVENS, Summit, N. Y. 2ft M1MD CARDS, with name. £d\J 10 cents,postpaid. I ^ JONBS A Co., Nassau, N.Y. (&4ftA A MONTH. Agents wanted. ExoeL Mfg. "" Co-, !•>! Miohlgan Avenue, Chicago, I1L FREE GIFT of a Piano for distributing our circulars. Address U. S. PIANO OO., 810 Broadway, New York. OK fAWCY CARDS, T Styles, with name. lOc. Ad*J Address J. B. HCSTED, Nassau, Renss. Co.,N. Y. HOCSKKEKPEBS rejoioe. AGENTS make money with our 6 NKW articlea. Oinwiu A Co., Cheshire, Ct fl © © d fepw day SBM R'-« * W hj? xMJ. li. Bur *- • - --UFFOBS'S SONS, Boston, Mass. HB tfi fS9!l ? at home. Samples worth fl sent WW w free. r.riitBOH A Oo., Portland, Me. A GENTS I Belf-octin^ Copying Paper copies all ar- ticles instantly. lJMO copies per hour. Chemicals and instructions, 50c. Copying Paper Co., Mendota, 111. TVORCES legally and quietly obtained for incom­ patibility, Ac.: residence unnecessary; fee after se. A. GOODRICH, P. O. Bo* 1037, Chicago. & &9Qfl PER MflllYli AGBMTS TOFLDI M WvU i fell IVvWH 111 a0w6sPsisa&StaajnCaokiag Machine." Addrsss.with stamp, T. B. PACK, Toledo,O. 5 AAA A6i» » nANTHO. |IOto|»ll • w W a Week and Ripenses, or §1WI forfeited. All the new and standard Novelties and tSinmios, Prise Packages, Watches, Jewelry, i>to. S|x>clal terms giten to Agents everywhere. We send Valuable Samples, with Ciruuiara of our Goods. Free to all. &. U FLETCHER, 111 Chambers St., New York. &SWE BOBT. B, TEWK8BURY, City Treas. Bander, those are » oertiflcatef of thon- WB**i »• Moeiva. *nrt. fha lured. *p $rtl| $n**ai*to* your old aad dleewsed eyes can be ?.na tie new; your impaired sight, dimness of vision aud overworked eyes can be restored; weak, watery and sore eyes cured; the blind may BOO ; spectacles be discarded) sight restored, and vision preserved. Spectacles and surgical operations useless. Please send yous address to us, and we will send you our book, A GEM WORTH READING I A DIAMOND WORTH BKKING. fiWw your eye* and restore your night; (ArowMMy your spectacle* ! By reading our Illustrated PhyHiology a nd Anatomy of the Eyetight, of 100 pages, tells how to restore im­ paired vision and overworked eyes; how to cure weak, watery, in&amed and near-sighted eyes, and« all other diseases of the eyes. Waste no more money* by adjusting huge glasses on your nose and diflgur- mg your faoe. Book mailed free to any person. w m WAMT m ia to sell tbe Patent Eye Cups to the hundreds of people with diseafted eyes and impaired sight in your county. Any person can act as our Agent. To gentlemen or ladies $5 to $20 a day guaranteed. Full particulars sent free. Write immediately to DR. J. BALTi & OO., SO. 91 LIBERTY STREET. (P. O. Box 067.) NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Do siot miss tlie opportunity o? being first in the field. Do not delay. Wrne by first mall. Great in­ ducements and large profits offered to any person who wants a first-clans p.tyinK business. IF" THE LAROKST COMMISSION ALLOWED TO AOBNTa BT ANX HOUSE IN THE UNITES STATES. BCDUCED TO A CERTAINTY. Chance to Gain $50,000 8end for circular at once. No time to lose. W. H. J'EHDLKTCN, Banker, 74 Maiden Lane, r^'.v Yosii. ^ t i t i d l i f t ? | i r o i and Liquid Ertraci of Jit Iu44g Liver, HlmMt'j-, Ki'in^v claM aa v it ticS cr raU.H In |a i " God-jwnit to fer...... . ^ -- School Phy«ici»a« r«>j>ort: *'U the very median* for thiidrtfi and /male*." "Theoiily Liquid h \ tract of B«*f with Tonlcii and wc will fir^rif^." $11 p«T tatttt. IICHARDSON A rVUIBQI, CINCINNATI, I. , , Wioii. Lhrar. RUddi-j', Ki.ln<-v ninl itlmid *«iu»le Phyrt- V it m\*r raiit (n FEMALE DISEASES*•'« God fli-ntl to frnriii^. Ilonsnopatnie ana Ola REVOLVERS! I ESsrsS $3.00 for |3, Fvu» Nicitti. Pun. BMiafmlat nanAtwd. Ilhutrata. C»Ul0ffu« ha AddrMt WESTZKN GUN WORKS. Cliciao. I1L AIIVITIff **0 Morphine hahtt absetateEy (|U|||H apeedly eured. Fiinlsss; ne peblfeitg. Ill 111 HI MI stamp for parttenlaw. Dr. Oart W* ton. U7 Waahisctoa St. Ohtoag®, IB anu C-tuilii*. $15. $20 and $25 each. Chains to $12, to match. Jewelry o Title same. N*ot C. O. D., by Kxpresn. tteu<l stamp for IllustratrdClreuikr COLLINS METAL WATCH ¥AQVOUYs KROAD^EJP KCWYORK. BOX 9696 S260 A J^gMata wanted everywhere BaeineM haaonble and first elasa. Par- ooB!S SSl.']R. Addw" WOKTH * The partloswill do al I tbey clatm/-Weeklv 8untN,y.Jao. WJ876 OGiQ or parties- in. C.F. limited,69 Daaae tt.N. Y 1ntat« ACo» 25 Any one having a deceased relative or friend, by sending 25 cts., with name, date of death and age, will receive a handsome MEMORIAL with space f'"" pbotofreph, hsfr or Sowerc. Address K. STOREY, P. O. Bo* 1741. PhUadelphia, Pa. onun Habit caredi. Chinese mode ©f^Cnre, Painless. No publicity Boes not interfere with bosineM or pleasure. Cure miarauteed. Adrtsess DR.'J. B. WILFORD.Toledo, O. M show and IND READING, PSYCHQMANCY, FASCINATION, Soul Charming, Mesmerism and Lovers' Guide, THIS NKW ELASTIC TRUSS [BaiaPad differiaclroB all ethera.U tsap-ihapc, with Self Aija«lin| Ball ia oenwr. adapu jtwK to all peat- Km «f lbs body, tS' ball tbe enp presaei back u>« in- W TDIISA testlnes Just ss ® ^ie^son A \1TRU9*M with the finger, with Jr ll«bt prenre lbs Herfl* la held •ecurelv d>T audaliftit. and a radical cure certain. It ta "iy, darnM« and obeap. Kent by mail. Circular! free. ECOLESTON TRUSS CO., Marshall. Mich. $350 A Month.--Acenu wanted. Hi beet sail­ ing articias In the world. One sample free. Address JAY BRONSOM, Detroit. Mioh DOVER EGG BEATER. Family Six*. Diabetes. Stoppage of Water (UuMantaaMM leMf s*» forded where oathetera^have to hroS diaanlvinK stone fnthe bladder and in «U _ flammf.tion of the Bladder »nd Kidneys, in Chi cases of l^noorrhea and Uterine diseases. disease, where the haman body haa beoome a o wreck, i nd where every hoar of eziatenoa Is ta wherein this great remedy challenges the satoaish and sdmiration of tbe siok. It la In noh ossss, «M • all the pleasures of existence appear cat off from tha u ri fort mate, and by its wonderfal, alnoil sopmstaal restores the hopeless to a new life and ne* existence where thla great remedy stands alone in ttg might and power. In the ordinal? aUn dltames that every w» is mora er less troubled with, a few doeea will In most cases, and i tew bottles in the mom avisnled fornw, work a p» mnnent cure. Those affliot«d with ohroaio a package o ger dozen, or Sold by cted with, ohronio dlssssen shoald pwwhasa RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WllLIt AFFORD HTBTAJIT BASB. ' INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDIfBTB, INFLAMMATION OF THB BLADPKR. INFLAMMATION OF TH15 OONOR8TION OF THIS , SORB TflROAT, DIFFICULT BREATH PALPITATION OF THB HKART. HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPHTHKBIA, OOLD c; The application of tbeKESADY RKLIBV foflMK part or parts where the pain or dtiBculty wrists w afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tamb*erof water wUL in a ftp moments, cnie CRIMPS, SPASMS SOUR ACK, HEARTBURN. SICK HBADACHK, DIAK RHF. .. DY8KNTRRY. COLIC, WIND IN TO BOWELS, and aU INTERNAL'PAINS. ^ Travelers should always carry a txittlo of R1V1V WAY'S RELIEF irith them. A few drops in watt* will prevent ticknfeM or pains from change of water. « IT IS BETTER THAN FRENCH BRANDT SITTERS AS A 8TIMULANT. f Prie« 50 Cents. Paid by Drag^M*; DR. RADWAY1# r *'U ML--- m >| Under Patents J 'KS MaySll^ andouem Psrfeotly tasteless, elegantly ooatad pnrge, rfsnlnte, pntify, cleanse and stfengwien. WAV'S FILLS, for the eum of " Kidneys, >> FILLS, for the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, " Mlft irders of the of alii ys. Bladder, Nerr I.-.........., L.IADACUS.CVUSTTPIMUU, UOEUNOBIR, 1110S' tion, 0,v»t!3DBia. BuloasneSR. Billons Fevsr, iBuiu_ tion of the Bowels, Pilea una all Derangemeats of 1 Internal Viscera. WatYouted to effect a positive cu Purely Vegetable, oout&ining no mercuiy, minerals, 1 deleterious druns. nrobse^e the foilowiip symptoms JBSsiaag Sistm Disorders n: he Digestive Organs : " * " -- - " " '• BI00S In Stoinecl Sour Eruefestlons,' Sinking or Flui Stonssch, Swimmiiw of the Head, Hnrried an< ficult Breathing, Fluitering at the. Heart, at the Suffocating SensstionD when in a Lying Posture, _ nessoi VUkm, Dots or Webs before the Sight, F< and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of ~~ Yellowness of the Skin snd Eyes, Psin Cheats, Limbs, and Sudden Flashes of Heat, Burning i the Flesh. A few doses of EADWAT' 'AY'S PILLS will feseUav ) BY DRUGGISTS. W system from all the above Ctaisperllox. HOLD Read FALSE AJSD TRUB.** Sand one letter-stamp to MDWAY d(CO^ Wo* 3S W«rre*» Street, Mew Yerlt. Intomattee worth thousands will be sunt roa. ?, DO YOMS OWN PRINTING! £3T UraT^OPEISS. I ^BBBVdeslers in all kinds Send stamp flnr Catalogue.) rrinwr., nT.iwu>aj others Mis In use. $150.00 Madame FOTS Oorget Skirt Supporter increases in Popularity every year, aad « For HKA LTH, COMFORT ang STYLE i« aekn .wledg. d I UK UKST ARTICLE at tl-.e kind avar uisiii F'<r *ala t>y alt Ismiur jni i-«ra at>-i ra- la'lrn. Bewara "f Imlutinna and lalriagd MANOFACTCRBD SOLELT BT l.'OY & HAU310X. Sew Hsveo. flonii THE NEWEST THIMG 0 1 L O C R A P H 8 IN- FZOTUREI-- Ths AMERICAS OiLUuit APK C O. are wiouuiie fcpucimpiis, »u©y win BIJ"*. •very subscriber of this pai>er who will return thena the annexed Certificate with fifty cents, a superb Oilograph of Mary Spencei 'a »-iiiiiieite flower vault- ing, "SPBIKO BEAUTIKS." Tins picture, measur­ ing 18x18 inahea, retail® for $3.00, snd Is » fsc- abnile of a is oil painting worth J1" also distribute specimens of their more elaborate Work, they will forward jtratultonsly, to every tentu parohsser of the above, whose names wiH be regis­ tered as received. & mnpniticent #•» Oilograpn, «t« inoliea, entitled " BOSOM b'uiESDB. Address AM. OILOGHAPH CO., No. 183 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. COT OTTT THIS CiaxiricaT*. W&KSusst,: flU&OO to be divided atr.onc too Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. ̂ Thete Standard Instrument* Soli bj Undo Dealers Er«rywfa^re- MENTt WANTCa IN EVEIY tOWII. ttaonghont ths UnlMI IMM «a tt» ikstaLlment furi BOOK I MARK TWAIN'S new BOOK out- I sella everything. Dont worry about ! AGENTS hard timaa. Sell this book aad as® how ; fM aa a of Monthly Parasato. r ji rtissm aasw A««Mq4J<^aia OiUlM-- a•< Ml iiimfci mrntHtitmm ^ ftffOOOTff1M?*MW<ftno<iOoaooooooooooo<>0<>0^0^^0^>^^| Thin Certificate, acooiapanied by nm CENT*, entitles the sender to the §3.00 Oilograph, Spring BeantUs, adfertl&ed by AM. OILOQEAPK CO., 183 Walnut St., Cincinnsti, O. ; '^qftftftft^MMWinnnonnodlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi 7.000,000 THE^ •cows MILK VALL7 or CONSUME in the mitnnfnettire of mitterandCheeae In theTTnl. ted States. Tho Best Clieese and Bntter Making-Ao- paratusismadeby H:, li. ROE A CO.( SeaMorCtoeatar. Mi^lakaCftiO, most snccesaful gmweis who *ht. irodnce the largest quantity from . lb. ol RVBY and ALPHA potatoes, price oi each, $1 per ibh CENTENNIAL PRKMIUMfta •ISO to be awarded fbrthebeifc collection, one peck each, of potic' toga introdncsd byns since 1S67. tir IM for the best and most pw.iifc. •sing seedlings raised this year froa PrtsglM Hybridized . M«ed. Packets of US seeds, ,'d cUk' j-JThe collections lor which the ki* two premiums of saop are offered will be cxhibsiodai the Centennial Exhibition, in Philsdelj hia, iu and pi-etmuma <.'iK be awarded by thoir crnunittee. For conditions and full particulars fend icr our Potato Premium Circular, mailed free to all. • Bliw'ii IllBBtrated Seed Cntalocre iritAmv teur » Guide to the Hbwer and Kitchen (harden. <t-na t.nns a descriptive list of 2800 varieties of GhhU-h. Fietf and Flower Seeds, with explicit directions f.«r fuiui'tt, 'JOOpageH, seTeral handled engravings, arda liean; ;«•»]». colored lithoarrnnVi. 8»nt ro«t|»nid. for 3S eorts. BUNN'M flnrdciier'aAlmBniir iind.l' ••'•/> latjwt}" fritrrf, }'i*i't and Fio't rr 1 K j-nrt" . t'*>.*?•" * ^ laUv illu~trat,-d, mailed to sill applicants inc'osin*- idcts. XtllMa'allluatrattM) cont*i!.«« ade«.iiiitjve list of oil the new varieties rect'titly iu'ro- duoeO.witfc manv other desirable sorts.alsoinnehnsen-1 inlonnation ujjon their cnltivst ion. 32 ps^es, lOcenUa. B. K. BLISS St, SONS, P.O. Box Na. 0712. 34 Ban-Iny jJfw ** '* POBTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS. $40. $50. $75. $100. CHEAP & DURABLf. a^_«ws-Kas~ CBAWANI CO. lad. a w. u. INlM In tfiis p*ptr. •m (h

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