Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1876, p. 4

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a : W . \ ' i ft < : • *#• far****.:-#** C -M '#a»W'T ,» I V*w.V - . . *' . Atiif VIP V _ » ipw.yj«.p 111.^ I „ I.»Ml, ,1,...,,«•«•««*. ipp« > I '« i't ft 4 r~ .? <*.'•»;? \ " ', " '• * *&* «** y* „• fAi t«* Mfeit #? * M*>* •#<>*- 4Nw <*S | ,.* Wh + # .-< h / i ' ' *' * .. «. v •j: - • • • • • • - J e, ?«f* ' ,-•>«•* ,i, .V v ftv '4 >**•„>. It »**». * -Si, ?f7 * >'»«. |* M I r';k.^ *'4 " >>WJ,4 i,, , ,1.;; • •**' - v " earj *w*ccawpga«waw»aMpp - WEDNESDAY, MAT 30th, 1876, •X. VAN NLYKE, Alitor. |®*The County. Convention, oil Sat- %[ > lirday last, passed ofi very»harmoniou»- * ly, but the feeling of the delegates did |»ol nnit* accord with the slate laid •*1'.-^ 4K>wn by the Ring. The result was the , loosing of four Tmti-Bcverirtge, and three Beveiidge delegates. "The best laid schemes of mice and Weiyg^i^^| ' >glee'^,.J= i ~ ^ir'V:.*4:; 9&$*The St Charles Leader says: 41 As * straw which shows t.lmt tfie La­ throp breeee it dying out wfe cite the fact that the Aurora JJeacon has ceased 'to say anything 'in his favor, and is vigorously reaching out after and phi)- lishing everything it can get hold of favorable to Huribut. That Lathrop woveutient has proven a. sorry fizzle. "OttlWtn's candidacy for tfiegover- ip'fs gaining strength every day. it is claimed hy his friends in Chicago that he - will have the majority, if not -nearly all, of the delegates from Cook <Jon?ity, Beveridge's home. We spent two days in the country this week, and inquiry re teals to n« the fa eft that the 'majority of the people *1n tiris Section are impressed decidely in favor of Shelby M. Cullom',--Elgin Advocate*., mm tt£f* Olive Logan's first husband * was • Frenchman, and obtainod^an office from the late Emperor through her in­ fluence, as her present husband has now received an appointment as American Consul to Italy, through her influence. Female lobby Influence ruined great Home, sapped the strength of Greece, and had much to do with shaking Na­ poleonic France to pieces. Is America going the same way? 'One of the mgst wondertnl trans­ formations ever reoorded took placc on the Vandalia Railroad a few days since 1* Two freight trains collided, and it was found after the collision that the shock had changed several bajrels of "mess pork'1 into good merchantable whisky, the marks on the barrels, remaining en-* tirely uuaffected. The matter is under­ going investigation at the hands of ex­ perts, but the prevailing impression is that the change is due to the tactf' that the pork was corn-fed. ' ife: S®"It is thought hy some that the grasshoppers will visit Colorado again this summer and renew the close in­ spection of the climate, crops, etc., ^where they left oil" year before last. A man in Colorado is looking for a chance to harvest the young fry and wants ;.v,Congress ta appropriate a fund of #1,000,000, sti as'to be ready to pay for liis season's work. lie might make n^re than by farming, alfhough it Is ,«,to be hoped that the reports this year may he without foundation; and that*may he less injurious than last .. JT. V R.KANRT JITRIKA. ' . . '• •; , _ grand juries cal heneht to the country,has long been an open question.. That they are the prorhict of a vast de«l of evil ho one can for a rnoment douht. and such they will'Coutinue to he a,s Jong as Jthey are conducted iu the . manner which lias prevailed in latere a rs. The great cost under which the grand jury system ^s carried on has been advanced a*s a rea­ son for its abolishment, and not without good grounds. Anotherseemingly log­ ical argument against them ia that they are of no earthly ttse in'one case out of ahundred. Suppose a man to he arres­ ted ou ja charge of felony and lodged in jail. He is obliged to wait until the grand jury meet, wheh the government brings forth what testimony it consid­ ers-important and presents it to the jury, who si t in. fecre t conclave, and vote upon the question of the man's gnilt orinnoeenee. If twelve of the 24 are of tlie opinion that enough has been shown tOv make the defemlatit's guilt probable, an indictniput is drawn arid a trial follows. Then for the lirst time, the accused is given an iopi>ortH- nity to ffie^t tire testimony against him, which he ihight he able jo coiitrol immediately. In any case all the form gone through with soeins superfluous and needless.. The. accused could be first brought before a primary justice, and if probable cause of guilt, is shown, his case could be thus sent to a trial jury for a full hearing without any of the circumlocution, trouble and expense of an crpartc examination hy a grand jury. Justice would a£ surfel^ 35e sub­ served and much more quickly. A great deal of attention has lately beetr given to the Subject by the people of Illinois, the refcent whisky'examina­ tions bringing up the matter in full force. Michigan abolished grand juries years ago aud has, accordi«g, to state­ ments, never seen reasons to regret it. >*n ,,f ones tliat were in circulation 4 year. 'MS' •;< ^ - tO"After traveling several hundred « miles by ox team or on foot, the gold hunter reaches the Black Hills and finds himself in the presence of the following prices for supplies, which is about a*s 'bad as being scalped or broilgd by the noble red man: Flour 10 to it cents a pound, and \,aeou 25, .^.gar 10, salt 12. and beans 15 cen& a pound, while mo- 2asses sells at #2.50 to m per gallon, and tobacco at from 31 to $1.50. Whis­ ky is not quoted, it no doubt being the practice of all prudent explorers to carry a supply of that "necessary of life" along with them. Proceedings of the Republican ' County Convention. f ' > Pursuant to notice the Republican bounty Convention convened at the yourt House, in Woodstock, on Satur­ day last, May 6th, and was called to order by the chairman of the Count v Committee, and on motion A. B" Coon. Of Marengo, was chosen temporary chairman and G. S. Southworth, A. M. Leland and J. Van Slyke, Secretaries. On motion of Sidney Disbrow, of Al- den, the chair was empowered to aj>- point a committee of five on creden­ tials. * The following was appointed as such Committee: S. Disbrow. M. L. Joslyn, F. K. Grange^ Johu Gillilan, Ira, R. Curtis. The Committee reported all towns represented except Coral, Grafton, "Burton, Greenwood and Hartland. On motion the^report of the Com­ mittee was excepted and adopted and the committee discharged. On motion of B. A. Wade, of Che­ mung, the temporary officers trere made the permanent dfficers of the Convention. On motion of M.L. Joslyn, of Dorr, a committee of from each town was appointed to present the* names of seven delegates to represent the Coun­ ty in the State Convention. The following were chosen as such Committee: Xunda, M. F. Ellsworth ; Chemung, Ro'.t. Gardner; Iiiley, II. Underwood ; Richmond, G. P. Wodell; Dunham, O. C. Diggins; Algonquin, G. W. Earliej Seneca, J. A. ,Bayrd; Mc- lGF*uMr. Lathrop, the Rodfcford maa- Ikln, Is not going to have a w alk-away for congressional honors after all. Tlie trick by which he was'brought out by a half-dozen ring papers simultaneously, was finally played; too.flne, iudced, to •uit the people. And since tlie amaze­ ment, which the springing of the trap created has died away, Mr. Lathrop has had ample time to discover his mistake, to learn that a coup cT ctat can, never win when people have time for reflection. If Mr. Lathrop could have •prung his trap a week or tw<* 'before *| the calling of the convention, lie might have won. As it is now, however he feas no posgible show for tion."--'Exchange. a nomiua- •The nmMBl FIUNDA. James Robbins. AfiKXT I'VHi I! 1 Henry, F. K. Granger; Dorr, E. E. Thomas^ Hebron, J. II. GHidings; Al- flen, S. Disbrow; Marengo, W. C. Stewart. The Committee reported the follow­ ing as delegates to the State Conven­ tion: F. K. Granger, McHenry; James Crow, Algonqnith; A. B. Coon,'Marengo; E. E. Aycr, Chemung; J. V. Aldricli, Kichmoud; M. L. Joslyn, Dorr; Samuel Catter, Alden. The report of the Committee was accepfrp4"and adopted and the Commit­ tee discharged. On motion of Wm. E. Smith, of Dorr the delegates to the State Convention were instructed to vote as a unit on all questions except as to Governor, and that they be empowered to fill all va­ cancies. On motion adjourned. A. B. Coos, Chairman. G. S. Sor riiM oitTii, A. M. Jy Kl- ANU J. Vl§ StrKB Secrctarici. Rock ford Register savs: -"The withdrawal, of Mr. Washbinne from the gubernatorial canvass leaves tbm field clear for Iioa,,A. M. Jones, of Paviesa. as a caudidate for Lieuten­ ant-Governor. Mr. Jones took a very 1 wil^ <1° well to sfettte the same prominent part in the work of the Leg- ' * ^ ialaturei of which he was a member, *nd his record is in eve^y respect a NOTICE. All the Notes and accotirtfk of the late firm of Smith Bros &CoM are now in the hands of, John M. Smith Esq., for Collection. Ail persons 'knowing themselves to be indebted to ffftld firm HlMWB PUlNItlULKK: viw once given by a father to his son "that "when he had nothing to say, to say nothing.** Tliiu together with ab­ sence from home is the cause of there being no items from |*nn4^i4in last weeks paper. Business called the over to Marengo and thence through the village of Uuion back to Crystal Lake, and as the weather was fine and the road leadiug' through Pome of the finest farming lands In this .county, it was a pleasure trip as well as business. Farmers were very busy along the. entire route with their plows aud seeders and a large breadth of land is being put. in to small grain. ' Meadow liahds were looking very fine both cl6ver and timothy. We met our old friends Col. Avery and rhilias Wells and ."both look as if Time was very partial to their genial coun­ tenances. I had bnt a moment iu winch' to visit the Nurseries of E. D. Peck & Co., and X, M. Woodard & but time sutticieht to satisfy me that some .very large orchard^wer^ being set out somewhere, and somebody's grounds hiiridsomely ornamented5 with evergreens and ^sliade trees judging from the number of trees taken frofu there while J was present. Besides I think 1 never.saw a^tiner lot ol trees^in any nursery than I saw at E. D. Peck «Sfc Co.'s 1 visited the Butter FaMbry of I. Boice & Son, (where nothing ' but "gilt edge" Butter is ipauufactdrfed) aud were shown through tlie establish­ ment by the junior Mr. Boice. They wei-e using some 7,000 lbs of milk at tliis,time, sitting it in eight vats'or large pans. Everything was in perfect order showing system»TiTall their oper­ ations. After passing through the milk room and churning room wo were taken to the stables where the same systematic order was apparent. They have overfa hundred choice cow^ of their own, many of tlieni being Short Horns, Durhams, and various crosses of different breeds. They raise most of their calves and had sixty font- in their pens then that were six months old and as large as two year qlds. The finest lot of calves I ever saw. The calves were held at forty dollars per head and sold readily at that price. Two hun­ dred hogs were being fed in their pens. An hour was spent very pleasantly and I left satisfied that I. I^oice & S^n un­ derstood their "BIZ? V; . ,, Our merchants and business irfen are having a general overhauling of their wares, painting, and brushing up their, establishments, making choice addi­ tions to their stocks ami making every­ thing pleasantTor their numerous tCUB- tomers. ' 1. i Mr. Rw G. Benton has bought the stock of goods at the Bakery of Virginia Ilickox where his customers will find him ready to pass ever the crackers and cheese in exchange for some of, Uuele Sam's new silver coins. He will not refuse the greenbacks I presume, and were we' to judge, he must think we Nundaites are a hungry set if he ex­ pects we'll eat all he has ia his estab­ lishment before , next Christmas. Those Centennial Cakes would make anyone feel hungry, and the more you eat tlie more hungry you get. Just try them. , Xunda has been visited by an Itiner­ ant Troupe, the central star of which was Prof. Blitz, the* "boss" illusion­ ist. and we are satisfied he merits the "handle" to his name by the way We were all sold. They-left in tlie morn­ ing forgetting to settle their Hotel bill, we heard, Ther should have their exhibitions as remote from eaeh other as possible, to insure success. Your correspondent with some oth­ ers from this placp had the pleasure of listening to the lecture delivered by Theodore Tiltou at Elgin in the eve-! ning of the 3d inst. in the Opera Hall of that place. Subject "'The Problem of Life." Mr. Tilton is a fluent speaker a solid rcasoner, and leaves a good im­ pression with his audience, and as a lecturer he is perhaps second to none. I should judge thata thousand persons, wore present and lietehed «with pro*# found attention. The farmers are rejoiclfrg over the fine rain that visited ,U6 on Saturday hist and point with pleasure to their fields of growing grain that already seemed dressed in robes of green. Some have..finished up their planting and are now ready to go fishing. t. Services were held in, the Church and in Nunda Hall by tlyv Methodist aud the-peciples, each/ having good ap­ preciative audieuS^#-^ TYKO. AJfll FAOTU UK IIS AfiKNT for the Cliaun»i<>u KI::UH'I' and Mower, the Gor- hiun Corn (Julti\atnrs and Piiimuii«l I'low, warranted to Scour in ;uJy noil, the Forest City Seed Plow and State Beam- stubble Plowtt Corn Planters, llor.-e Kitkes, &c„ Will take Casb or (Jood Notes in exchange for any and all of my Uoods. Office* Solon JUST RECEIVEP.- A full Stock of Boots & Sloes Rubber Goods, &c.. for the Fall and Wintertrade which I can and will sell at .prices that DEFY ̂ Competition. H^ALL ,Goons Warranted, a# repre­ sented. CALL and C. ; I, At P. W. BLAKE'S, Stcfias-' McIIenry, 111. "T--M' ' .J 'If - NAILS!: • *, f ' ' •' * ' ' & , Nails, Nails, £ fe! Ki £> > (-3 j\sr Agricultural "Warelious e Is now filled to overffowing with Machinery of all kinds, whicfc he is prepared to funiish at Low FJGUP.ES and warrant as represented. We have the Celebrated ENOCH & DOTY [PLOWS! Which are WARRANTED to Scour in any Soil. In Plows of any kind ii". mmmmp* ' w^ can stitt you both in quality and Price. The Saytoji Sull^r Which,.js acknowledged to have no Su|)crior. Do not faiL to call sit my Wtitchonse anda examine oij< for yourself. • *, • »» . . . . - Reapers and Mowers. W e handle^Jtlic^ A\rM. ANSON SI .OGI? AUD TLLE MCCORMICK, both of which are so well known by the Fanning community that they need no recommendation. These Ma- "/' i, can be tested beside any in the market,^having been ^ tried in many^fields and never found ADVANCE WAGONS ! WAGONS ! In Wagons we beat the world. We keep thel'cclebrated Blake Jigon, manufactured expressly for us, which we warraut in every particular. In short there is nothing in the line of Agricultural Machinery, Tools, &c., but what we can furnish you and at prices That I>eiy Competition, McHenry, 111., April 18th, 1876. O. BISHOP. There's Millions in It. What? Why, in Buying Yotir riciltiral iMleieits --OF-- mi. commendable one. He is a man of ctrict«st integrityrfine abilities, with an unlimited cajjacfty for work. His Bepublicanism Is of the Btauncbcs kind. Mr. Jones i» stronglj supported at home and the press Ifi vitnoiis parts of the State has given him ilattering en- ^PfMineitti. We should gla<| M r . J o n e s n o m i n a t e d . " . . . " t ' . without delay. MicIfeBry April ZiLh J87«, WANTED TO EXCHANGE.--First <jlass CNsntistry for# a few chickens. Ate© forOals, Corn or Ilay, for which the blftast Clarket price will be allowed. Address, Deati|t(, X'arker Uou^« 31o- Eearj U? potatoes. Fifty Bushels Pure White Xeihauoc Potatoes, for ^eed, for sale by F. K O ranger. '«f£^1?ie"a>er tUat ^"^klin & Stevens £ l,eir goods at the very lowest ,^d fiigir'8'a,ld fgutter FOR a FLUE^^fortineBt of I)ty Good^, Groceries, go to F. Iv. Or-ani^r's at the oM staiid or Howard &, Son. Elegant patterns of Xotingham Cnr- taJn Lace tioin 20 cts.. ami upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paiwr, and Window shades, at very low pilces. V. D. SM1TIL EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice ia hereby given that on Thurs­ day the llfch day of ilay between the hours of ten oYlock in the forenoon aud -nve o clock in tlie afternoon of the said day, at the late reoidencie of William S. Jjlead old steers, 1 blooded hull, 171 sheep. 9 horses and colt?, 1 horse rake, 1 com planter, l niower, 1 reaper, 1 corn plow, 3 double wagons, 1 light double wugon, 1 covered carriage, li stubble plows, 1 tweaking plow, 1 drag, 1 cultivator, settf< double harness and many other fanning tools. A quantity of wheat, oafcK, buckwheat., huugariau and corn. Also household furniture coiiaistlng of beds, bedding, bedsteads, tables, look­ ing glas9e.«, pi«( urep, chairs, carpets, Jtc and other articles will IJO sold at I'ublic {sale, inaccoir4\aui:e with an order of the County Court of McHenry County. TEKMS OF SALE.--Ou all sunns less than §10 Cash. Sums of §10 and over a credit of 8 months will be given on ap­ proved Notes at 30 per cent interest. J. \V. CRIST Y, Exooutor. JEHKY KOIIIKRON, AurtioiHser. Ring wood JIuy 1st 1876. L . F R A N C I S C O , Opposite, the Parker House, McHENRY, - - - ILLEVOISw East Side Public Square, He is selling tlie cerlebiated Union Corn Planter, the One and Two^IIorse Champion Cultivator, the Best Gang Plow in the Mar­ ket, Carr, Scott & £Jo.*s Threshing Machines, the eelebratod WOODBTO®, ILL. Kirby Reaper and Mower, CLOSING OUT SALE. o On account of poor health I will aellat COST FO& GASH my entire Stock, consisting of Clatlis, Beavers, Cassimeres, Fincy Vesting!, Trimmings, 1 • W 't I • • Ready - Made. Clothing Tl^e Improved MEADOW LARK MOWER, and other first class Machinery. The Kirby Reaper and Mower is now acknowledged to have no- equal, and will be sold as liiw as any other first class Machine in the Market. Kerne in her 1 will not be Undersold when first class Machinery is in com­ petition. Call at my Shop and examine Machines and learn Prices. For Men, Stockof Youth and Boys. Also a Fine Gent#' Furnishing Goods. ~ fif^* My Stock is in good condition, a large part being purchased this Spring for Cash, and as this is no cateli, but a sale to -dispose of Goods at Cost. I wish to say to my old Customers and the public generally, Come and. Get Bargains ! As I am determined to close business a Short time to try and recruit my healthy figg^'Sale to Commence on Monday, April 24th, and continue each day un­ til the Goods are disposed of. k F.G. (HAYES. McHenry, Itl., Aprll2l8t, 1S7B. -< t Executor's Notice. of Williasi S. J[«ul Docened. JZj The undersigned lmvintr been ujipoinled F:xcft!tor ol' tlie last W ill ami Testament of William K. Mead, late of the Oanntv of Me- lleurv, aud State of Illinois, duceaswl, hcrulty "give notice that he will nppoar befbre the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock at tlie June Term, on the third Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this Hi st day of May A. D. 1870. J. W. CRUSTY, Executor. ^McHenry, May 10th, 1870. L. FRANCISCO- 1876. 1876. ME. BUCKLIN & STEVENS, t. n -i 0 XEA31 THE DEPOT, M'HENRY.. . . . . . . . , . ' >. - . > ' 1 • v . ' * Have a Fnil and Complete General Stock for tlie Spring and Summer Tradel ' . Uniformly Low Prices / FOR CASH* j •. j Higbest Market Price for BUTTER EGGS, in Cueh or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. McHenry, 11L, April 3tls 1S7G.

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