Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 May 1876, p. 9

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LATK 1JA1KV M AKKfc^TS., . •- ! '- 'TRRICK, N. Y., my lath, T«. The trade «iw>n the U*M market Monday displayed more 111 ,t.. f;: 'i than ou the preceding Monday. Cheesed ~ <1 wae nearly all whole-tiiilk, with once a day and sotne «very other day cheese. Frequent bids of from 9|v *11 @10c. were made; but most salesmen^ preferred to forward, or to hold anoth-, f i er WMk rather than to' accept this* price. Eight lots were forwarded <M| v "3< guarantee of from 10@10jc. No farm! fp dairy was offered. Actual sales did not exceed 600 boxes. The range of price* | • was 9£@llc. Twenty-eight factories > ^ were represented, ottering 1,850 boxes. BUTTER.--The extreme rate fo# creamery pails is 30c. while dairy paih^ y %% and half firkin tubs have ranged at 27($ 88c for the finest lines. For Welsh tubs 28c has been an extreme figure through* § ,5^ 4>ut and ths -taMtt general rates for; •':^|jines has been 27c, at which there has i been plenty of sellers, r CUKICSE.--On the Little Falls market HI Monday., about 3,000 boxes were offered aJU skimmed more or less, but,the gseattr ^proportion w*s every day cheese. The number of boxes disposed of was 2,725, of which about 1,000 boxes went on commission. Prices ranged from 6@4j, with 8 cents as the ruling $ price, the average, 8| for leading '•* tj factory and 9c for the highest. M BUTTER.--About 300 packages were Offered and 1P0 packages sold at 22@26c only one tub bringing the latter figure. 0AGO, Detroit, Toledo* ara Falls, Pittsburg Ibany, Toronto, Mon-^ Boston, New Yorki Washington, 8t» see, Sacramento, Og- nver, Council Bluffs* w f m m North-We Cliicago M* ^tAtLWAf, U Ft-4* • Pas TOT) p Cleveland, Cincinnati, TREAL^ QUEBEC,' TOR Philadelphia f Louis, Cain), Ran F den, Salt Lake City, j Sioux City.St. P«ni;s nasha, Madlsaa,Ch«y raaette, Kscana East. ghou C. F. HALL, but first ,1: . |tY PRICE LIST s ^ The ruling flgtfles were 23@24e. HENRY COLBY, ^?.T, " ---BE ALE R IN-- OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Staffs . « & c . fi^sni presciiptioiis Carefully Compounded. STATIONERY. ̂ , >, re alfine Stoekof Cap, Bill, onrnin Paper, which we are selling very cap. A line .assortment of tlie latest Styles mi Fancy* Papers* constantly on hand. t fi - *AII Goods Warranted 4 , ' * v . ' ' ' i / • * ' * ' , Afttopreseated and Satia&cHtoB Gaaranteed. ^ Patronage Solicited. "'if. '• • h. llcHenry^July 27th, 1875, m T 0 » Y , -HDEAtEB Shelf and Heavy i ife'l :i ardware, Best Prints,......--.... Best Bleac-hed «••> * U<st IT »i bleached do All Cambrics *'•»• i • .•>• All Dress Braids...- Bleached Table Damask,.. iTiiiiiftwiwd dqf ~ Cheviot Shirting.ii.v-...'.'••• • • •••• ••• Oarpetinp, C'oiiLs Tiireiid...ii............».•• . 1 » Linen Thread, ... 100 Yard Spool Silkv,i....i .^>i.-*».v... Good. Shoes...... Uood Corsets -- .v..... .1'.4 Job Lot Dress ©oods. Xo 1 Aljacca-- ......; A MensSuits T Boy s Stri t s . Beet Young Hyson Tea-.-..... Best Japan Tea... Bestiiunpowdcr Tea --.... 12 lb Itice •25 Ifcirs Soap .».* 12 Cakes Fancy Soap •*... X O Molaaaes ...wu.......... 6 to 7 cts 10 cts 9 cts Vets 6 cts 60% t s 40 cts Mets cts 6 Cts 60 cts 10 cts 9<> cts 150 cts 12 X 25 cts 46 to $25 2,50 to It) 90 cts 80 cts 1,00 1,06 1,00 25 cts 88 cts No 1 Syrup, Pum......,,.^;^*.^^;,. 1 lb Castile Soap Box Layer lUislaf v-Jii.tistHiW.. 12 1b Pared Peaches.......^,.i...,..j. Best Saleratus.. 8 G Starch .V;V.10< Corn Stru'ch !•< 20 lbs White Fish.I'00 20 ftw Trout It00 20 lbs Codfish--.......1.01 25 l^Pallock -- i....,1,0S 8 Tbs Lr.yer ltaifdna -- . 1,09 12 lbs Prunes..... V..».... 1,00 12 lb^Zante Currants. 1.00 Xo 1 Fine Cut TotMCOO.. AO 50 Good Cigara.........UiVyVi; W Stove Polislu. „ ..4 ii, i . R1 Best Axle Grease 81 Ladies Shoes....„. 3,00 C h ildvens Slioea......i... BOctStO ,LfO Best Kip Doots.^«i.i... 4,50 Good do 8,00 Boys Boots (1 to $3.00 TSo 1 Floor Oil Cloth Agricultural "Warehous e If now filled to overflowi^ %!th Machinery of all kinds, which prepared to ftirnisli at Low FIGUEES and warrant as represented. We have the Celebrated ENOCH & DOTY PL0W| I Which are WARRANTED to Scotir iri any Soil. In Plows of any kind 1»By their tickets via. & M«tl*We*tarn Ballwey. . Close connections are matte at Chicago with the Lake Stove A^liehfcritn Southern, Michl* t -- Ohio, Pittsburg avoejfc Ohloago, Kankakee Line amd Jftonte8« fw a11 iwints E AST and F?i!•" T' antl with the Chicago & Alton e Stove ?an Centra^ Hal1 ayoejfc nUle Ro -EAST, and Illinois Central for all points ffoiJTH. Close coiir.ecti<»«8 are also made with t Union Pacific it. it. at Omalmfor all fjir Woit points. Close connections are made at junt- , Hon points with trains of all cross roadit l^iiliiiian Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these car* between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago we is Dayton Dump Rake, can suit you both in quality and o e . 4 ; > , . Kid ,<• Which «5 acknowledged to have no Superior. Do not sail Table Oil Cloth Patterns. lets Am prepared to nave you Mon/ev and an examination of 4iooda snd Prices will convince. Mv Clothinjr is all Home-Made amd Custom Made, and will be sold in all cases at less than Wholesale Prices. Consult your own interests and patrrmige a Store that^ deals >tnctly for Cash. Everything as repSreacxited or money refunded. WANTED--BU AJTVBR AND EGGS. C. r HALL. NAILS, NAILa NAILS Fence m. r "*e, •• •• -, s - :;t Crowbars, Mauls, . Forks, Rakes, SHOVELS, HQES, «nd a Frill Lineff afcjjr We have a large Stock of Fans, Pails, Milk Cans, and a Full Line of Tinware of all kinds. ALSO SCREEN WIHE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, foot everything y6ii Want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES. |g^"Call an(J examine. No trouble to show Goods. _^F| JOHN M. SMITH. ITfcHenry, 111., April 3d, I8T61. STOVES TINWARE* "'J%$!* 1", FARMING IMPLEMENTS\ CLOTHES WRING EM, • &c.,. &c»i WS1CR WILL BE L O W E R T H A N U S U A L P B I C I 8 ! Now is the tine to purchase, and Bare mon- my. I believe that I can furnish good goods ftt as low prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDIXG PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof. Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining., KAWL AND « Repairing:» Wtmptly attended^to. J. 8TQ1Y. Opposite Ow Mills. MeHffliry BLAKE & BRO., -- -- J . •. kir^:' • j_ 1' & is& M rnituref Opposite Ow 111.. July 28. 1 8 7 0 \ | PHILIP GESELER, At his new Store, near the Depot, is now ready with the Largest And Best Stock of Goods! Kvcr brought to this market, jon which lata prepared and will make pricea tliat w ill LAUER & BECKER, M e r c h a n t T a i l o r s , Patter House Blook, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS The subscribers having opened tt Merchant Tailoring establishment In MoHenry, are now prepared, with a Siuckot Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en­ tire Salts, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terme. - ? ; - W: V V my Warehouse fi>ry#urself. and to call at examine one Keajera (and Mowers. t We handle the WM. ANSON WOOD and the MCCORMICK, both of which are so well known by the Farming community that they need no recommendation. These Ma­ chines can be tested beside any other in the market,'? having beeh tried in many fields and never found wanting. WAjGON^I WAGON^I v In Wagons we beat the world. We keep thel ceiebrated Blake Wagon, manufactured expressly for us, which we warrant in every particular. In short there is nothing in the line of Agricultural Machinery, Tools, &c., but what we can fiirnish you and at prices Tliat DefJjK Competition. McHenry, 111., April 18th, 1876. O. BISHOP. PERRY & MARTIN, Milwaukee, At Omaha Overland 8 our Sleepers connect with leepers on the Union Paciilc B road, for all points west of the MissouriItiver* h tha Rail- Among the !y ftis Route t o t h e t r a v e l i n g p u b l i c a r e a l l t h e m o d e r n i < n - m-ovenientH: Eocli and Gravel Ballasted Track, steel Rail, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor anil Drawing Room Day Coaches, Smoking and 1 Lounging Cars, Westinghonse Safty Air Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling and Platforms, Speed, Safety and Absolute Com. fort. Btmning through Five Great States, and operating over 2,WH) miles of road, this Oompanv presents to the traveler facilities that Allte NOTand CANNOT be offered by a«y Competitor. . All tickets agents can sell you tickets vis this route. If you wish the best traveling accommoda* tions, you will buy your tickets by this route, and will take no other. MABVIN HUGH1XT General Supt. . ^ Gen CLOSING- OUT SALE. On FOR account of poor health I ir ill sell at COST CASH my entire Stock, consisting of Cloths, Beavers, Crams, Fanoy Vestingt, Trimmings, Ready - Made Clothing! Jouth sad Ftee For Men, Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. f. ®^*My Stock Is in good condition, a large part being purchased this Spring for Cash, and as this is no catch, but % sale to dispose of Goods at Cost, I wish to say to my old Customers and tb© public generally, Come and Get Bargains ! As I am determined to close businestjt short time to try and recruit my health. flg^Sale to Commence oi| Monday, April 24th, and continue each day na» til the Goods are disposed of. F. G. MAYES. McHenryy EIL, April 21st, 1876. For President in 4876: THE XAN WHO GETS THE LOST VOTES. And the GOODS for\ [an who gets thel Is moueyvimys of MOST °.85 Of ail grades and Prices. Warexoom Nearly Opposite the Post Office, McHenry, III. Wareroom Crammed Full 1 Where will be found Comniop Kitchen Styles from est i. Defy all Competition. My Stock Consists in part of Dry Goods" Gotiii, groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, OBOCKISRY, &c., which I Invite thf ifcttcntiou of the buying blic. I also keep oh hand a large and well ted stock of MILLINERY GOODS. •Tow: anythiiu i to the fin Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth «nd Bepa. fhey have Chamber Sets, and can suit«very body. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS* LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING f A very large stock of Burial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and made to order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. All Goods Warranted Of the very best quality and sold < LOW Afc THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. Aug. 2d, 187ft. I Of &U hi . Ladies is to which the attention of the ially invited. Call and see. , McJlfWty, XlL,Aiw] »HILIP 13d. U7W. We also keep a Pull Line of CrEHTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Ac., Which will be sold as Low as at any estab* liMhment in the County. We haveeome here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of publio patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may gire us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, March 90th, 187s. -EFWAOQRMOCTOWQNO^STQANAAAINRAMQM kill HI BTZU JIO 81 J08. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT McHenry, 111,. For Sale. *phe undersigned offers for Sale, tne Brick X Store on Water Street, in the village of McHenry, now occupied by Mrs. C. lUMorey, as a Millinery Store. It is 14xii5, the upper Story being finished off asa residence. ~ SEASONABLE. Inuuire of U. IL M McHenry, I1L Xov. 1st 1B75. TERMS W"«T I DOH I Board at Wiedemann's | But wish I Near the Depot, McHenry, III, WWe also keep the Celebxated ICUwaokoe Lager^Beer coaataBtljr oa haad. Headquarters for all Kinds of T Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Cap3 Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, i AnilMn short, a First Clas Stock of General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live In this neck of the woods. Ottr LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. - 1 •&::v We always guarantee otfr goods to be what they are represented,to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nOr to ask enormous profits on our good#. We intend to Live £ nd Let Live!" Ci And While ^ are gratettd to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope «|erit thI same in the future. j8fir*GIVE US A CALL and we wUI show Qwtls aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old* Stand of Owen & Brother. Mv '....'Mi IScBenry, VL> J*of 1875. ( (SVCCK8SOS TO O. G. THOMFaMU NUNOA, - - ILLINOIS^ Largest Stoci, Best Assortneit LOWEST PRICES. So?" The Stockis 2»iiW iuid Large, tad Consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes* $ Hats and Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. WGive me a Call and Save Your Money, by buying Goods Cheap. L. ROTHGERBER. Nnnda, IlL, Nov. 30th, 187S. For Sale. The undersigned offers "or Sale his property* situated opixisite the Riverside House, m Mellenry, on the most reasonable term*. There is a good and substantial building, suit­ able for a store or other business, the upper part of which is fitted up for a residence. Con­ nected with four acres of choice land, a good barn and some fruit. Persons content, plating purchasing will And it to their inter est to callaud look this property over. F. A. IIIBBABD. McHenry IlL Aug. 16th 1875. NED ALHAMBIIA. This highbred trotting Stallion will stand the season of 1876 at the barn of £, M. Owen. Nod Alhambra was sired by O. 9. Dole's .Al- hambra, dam Norma by Little Douglas* he by a grandson of American Eclipse. Dole a Alhambra was got by Clay's Moinbrino Chier he by Mumbrino Paymaster, by Moinbrino out oftt mare, by imp Paymaster. Membrino waa a son of imp Messenger, tho sire of Abdallan and the grandsirc of ltvsdvck's Hambletoniam ROBT. (j OS LING, Proprietor. BARNEY SEARCHER, JR. This thoroughbred Colt was sired by Barner Searcher sired by King Searcher by Sir Henry bv Margrave by Eclipse by Duroc out of Gillett's celebrated mare Danasel sired by Messenger. Barney Searcher s dam was sired, by Young Weasel he by ^ easel he "V jn'P°r'®d Black llawk. His dam was a full-blooded Black Hawk mare. , This Colt can be seep at the village of McHenry. He la OW was raised by the subscriber^ Buggy tor Sal©. f\ne brim new two scat Buggy for Sale " » U Bargain. Inquire of Oe W. OwtR, McHenry, UL ©

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