Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 May 1876, p. 7

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HAJKROW-GAVeE* [Dea Mottiee Oat. Chicago Tribune.] id the Hon. J. JL Graves, the Iowa id king, fa the Lerialatare, last winter: Nin*4enths of all the railroads built in Iowa, the next ten years will be of the narrow-gauge. Aa he i« a broad gauge man, there must be some good reason for hia opinion so positively ex­ pressed. Practical aspcrisnce is the best of all tests in any enterprise. The nar­ row-gauge from this city to Ames, in Story oounty, thirty-eight miles, has now been in operation two years s with a suc- oess greater than anticipated. From J. B. Bailsman, eml engineer, the follow­ ing details are gathered as to the practi- OU operation of the road, which will be of interest to other localities where rail­ roads are being projected: There has been more difficulty in rela­ tion to looomoiivee than any other de­ partment of the bnnmem. After various trials of tliHweufc, the conviction is settled that cylinders should be 10 by 16 inches; driving wheels, 42 inches; weight, 12 to 16 tons,--15 tons preferred. The weight of rails should be 30 pounds per yard. Of coaches, the weight should oe 7 tons; length, 35 feet; width outside, "'8'feet; capacity, 40 passengers, mm of wheel, 26 inches, The average speed of passenger trains is 18 miles per hour, although 25 miles has been severs! times made. Of freight earn, economically oonmdemi, the length should be M feet width, 6| feet; weight, 5 tons; capacity' 8 tons, though 22,600 lbs. has been car­ ried without appreciable effect Of stock cars, the length shonM be 22 feet; width, 7 feet; capacity, 10 steers, or 40 to 45 hogs. Six oars will cany the same Dumber as four cars of broad-gauge. The rolling stock of this road now con­ sists of 4 locomotives, costing $7,800 each; 8 passenger coaches $3,600; 24 box cars, $425 each; 10 stock and 18 flat ours. Iron required, including side­ tracks for main Hue,, 51 tons bars, 30 feet . long, per mil©, at a cost of $56 per ton at present, rates, delivered. The rails are as good as when laid. Ties in use, 5 by 6 inches, and 6 feet long; road-bed 8 feet, to protect the ends of the ties from unequal thawing and freezing. The total cost of tMs or a similar road --the grading being mostly on the sur- face-soil--may be fixed at $9,000 per mile, including all cost oi construction and equipment, with the road ready for busi­ ness. The reoords of this road show that last year its traffic was $1,800 per mile; its operating expenses, 65 per cent, of that. It is estimated that the addition of $5,000 would add to the capacity of the passen­ ger rolling stock three-fold, and to the freight four-fold; and that the whole would be sufficient for a road 50 miles long. It is hence deducible that a road of 50 miles, with maximum grades of 50 feet to the mile, easy curves, and a traffic of $1,800 per mile, can be operated with proftt to itn OTTOOrD, Comparing the cost of operation and construction with that of the Chicago and Northweste r from or to which the narrow-gauge receives or delivers about one-half its business, for the same num­ ber of miles of road, the saving, includ­ ing the cost of transfer, by the narrow- gauge system, is $17,975 per year, esti­ mating the freight business at 150 tons per day. Ravaged by the Plague. Onoe more that mysterious and awful disease, the Oriental plague, is ravaging Kmaimtk Turkey, It seems to have taken its start in a locality about sixty miles tenth of Bagdad, and has now invaded the city, and is sweeping both sides of the Tigris, fatal in 60 per cent, of the eases, and fearfully rapid in its progress. To all therapeutic processes the plague is as scornfully superior as hy­ drophobia Bright's disease, or snake- poisoning from the bite of the oobra. Once in the grasp of tne disease noth­ ing can be done for the patient save to apply cooling lotions to the loathsome carbuncles and buboes which break out all over Ms person, and to assist his natural sfcrougth by such tonies as are at hand. The result is with Providence alone, and it takes little short of a special dispensation to save the unhappy .cofferer* The true remedy is prevention--a Strict iugard of the laiown principles of tjgiciiO in daily life ami habitation, j lie great power of this against the disease is clearly visible in its complete banishment from Europe. Up to the middle of the eighteenth century Europe wm almost as subject to it as Asia. Ite last visit to England was in 1665, but previous to that she had a ter­ rible invasion of it almost every thirty or forty years. Marseilles was ravaged by it in 1720, and Moscow in 1771 and s72. Its last European stronghold was in the Neapolitan dominion, where it broke out so late as 1815-16. Since then it has been unknown to the Continent. The growth of civilization, the advance­ ment of prophylactic medical science, the drainage of swamps, and the more rigid care of the health of great cities, have destroyed the materialout of which the disease was bred. But in the far East the fearful scourge still flourishes with unabated vigor. The alluvial and marshy grounds; the hot, moist atmosphere; the low, unventilated, and densely packed houses; the rapid decay of vegetable and animal matter ; the lack of nourish­ ing food, and the iiltliiness of the in­ habitants, are just the conditions which favor the development of the disease, and Asia affords them in abundance.-- Cincinnati Times. The Silver Currency Question. [Washington Cor. New York Times.] The officers of the Treasury depart­ ment are anxious to do anything possi- oopt in the case of two or three individ­ ual banks. The silver coins, however, are supposed to be generally retafoed by those who reewive them as long as posn- ble, people for the most part paving out fractional currency and offering bills to be changed rather than part with their silver nnro* On the other hand, many business mfln or consumers that wot© in the habit of paying out freely fractional currency as fast as received, are now keeping it over, from day to day, as much ss "ossible, fearing lest by sonic accident the next day's supply may be short. It thus happens that in some large cities, chiefly in New York and Boston, both currency _ and silver are largely retained from circulation. This condition of affairs, as is supposed, will not be long continued, and the indica­ tions point to a more rapid exchange of coin for currency. Sentenced for ninety-nine Tears. On the 16th of April, 1875, Peter Brown, a negro, pounded his wife's brains out with a club in a little hut in Hog Hollow. He carried the body on the following night to the Missouri river and sunk it, and then burned bis cabin and fled. He was arrested in J unction City, Kan., and having been convicted of murder. in the flrst degree, he was sentenced to be hanged, but the case was taken to the Court ©f Appeals, and that tribunal reversed the judgment. This morning the prisoner pleaded guilty of murder m the second degree, _ an€ Judge Jones sentenced him to imprison­ ment in the penitentiary for ninety-nine years. There is State law that enables a man who haw been sentenced for life to demand and receive his discharge at the end of fifteen years' imprisonment. Hence the term of ninety-nine years was fixed.--St. Louis Republican. Destruction of Fractional Currency. A Washington dispatch says ,the Treasury department officials are led to believe that fully one-fourth of the out­ standing fractional currency has been destroyed and will never be presented for redemption, and that the total amount in existence at this time is not over $30,000,000. The basis for this be­ lief is the total amount of old issues of fractional currency which have been re­ deemed and replaced by newer ones. In paying out silver coin for fractional cur­ rency, the amount of these old issues which has come in is found to be very limited, justifying the conclusion that fully $10,000,000 has disappeared from circulation and will never make its ap­ pearance at the Treasury again. The great Empire of Brazil, with a spendid map of South America, is ex­ haustively treated of in the American Cy­ clopaedia, together with a special notioe of the Emperor, Dom Pedro II. This great work ,1b nearly completed, the last volume being in press. The cost' of this immense undertaking is over $450,000, exclusive of paper, printing, and bind­ ing. The publishers, D. Appleton & Co., New loi-k, buppiy the work in monthly or bi-monthly volumes when desired. They will supply Bpecimfen pages, on application, gratis. At oar request Cragin & Oo.p of Phila­ delphia Pa., have promised to send any of our readersjgzatis (on receipt of fifteen oents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. A Liverpool firm recently divided $200,000 among their employes- who had been with them five years and more. Miss Cushman has left abont $500,- 000, and it is rumored not one cent for charitable purposes. A Toast. Two Important Discoveries! The diaoovery of America by Columbus, and Dr. Pierce'i» Golden Medical Discovery ; the one opening up to mankind a new continent, the other a foun­ tain of health, which is indispensible to the full enjoyment of life and it* biasing*. In re­ sponse to the above sentiment come the unso­ licited attestations of tens of thousands of grateful patients, who have been relieved of chronic ailments through its instrumentality. Those voices are limited to no one locality, but from ©very city, village, and hamlet, in our bioad domain, as well as from other dimes, and in the strange atteraiwen of foreign tongues, like the confused mUrtnur of many waters, come unfeigned and hearty commendations. It ia, la combination with the Pleasant Purga­ tive Pellets, the great depurator of the age. Under its. benign action eruptions disappear, essessi^s waste is checked, the nerves are •fctougthened, and health long banished from tk® system, resumes her reign «und re-c-stab- iisbos her roseate tln ono upon the cheek. All who have thoroughly tested its virtues in the " leases for which it is recommended unite in pronouncing ii ihna gmm Medical Bisoovery of the age. Piufcbs on the face, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrheum and ail cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper Th Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oommon tar, which are worthless. looks, al Me to relieve the stringency in fraction al currency in New York and other places from which a stringency has been re­ ported. The trouble is that they are Completely tied by law, which requires that no silver shall be paid out except for fractional currency. The difficulty hw been that scrip has not come in so rapidly as usual for redemption, and the sUvern&s therefore been paid out much dower was expected. -Treasurer New is of the opinion that the current is now fairly started, and that a few days will solve all the difficulties. There is no hoarding of fractional currency for speculative purposes known to exist, ex- • Decidedly the .best remedy that has ever been discovered tot rheumatism, swollen or stiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts, and burns, is Johnson's Anodyne Lini­ ment. We use it, and always recommend it to our friends. Mom daUghtfnl to hart dry faat. j BBTflferlfc Boota ill Shoea mnc dp or Also ask lor Wirs QeHted Solas. 1 C A B L E 5 > C R 1 A Y W I R E : ABERT8 fibiot is to $20 i;SE, rsffHsavr $10»$25mJ£!SS5S±»£ ^OAA A MONTH. Agent*wanted. KiooLMf* jjJAUv f»., 1S1 Michigan Atcom, Chicago, M. *12 6VERT dssirabte l»W ARTICLES for Arwta. MaafsaVd by Q. J.Oapawell * OoTOtMshtaeTOofm. MTHNM. OA Bon Ton or Centennial Card*, with nasis.lOc, OU postpaid. J. B. HU8TKO, Nunn,Rar* Co., N.Y. a Day. UOVF TO MAKK/T. Burtn«s*N«m* HonorabU. COS, VOX GE <t CO., St. Limit, Jfo. $20 Oft TErtra STine MISS© iAHDg, with namt». julf 10 oents, postpaid. L. Jskei A Co., Hassan, R.T. 3» Outfits % FRfl 'FHJIITS of tike AGS8. Our t and History. UoOatPKED'S in POOTPBI Book". Blbla nod Map Hogno. OaicAoo. AACUTfe the best Bofosl HaClV I O. and moat MONK*, adariwr I Austnur PcBfcMKnto Com?AJfT» Anlmrn, N. Y. I $3M AMontfc.--Atwte wanted. 3©5>«*t*eU. tac »rtioSe» in the world. Que wmpl* free. AddNMJAV BRONSOM.Detroit,Mich $125 Addreu M< A MONTH and tr*T»ltn* expenses paid ^ for SAIJB8MKN. No peddles* wanted. MONITOR MAWtrrO CO.. Cincinnati. Ohio. Um JL ilTCn SALESMAN on Fair Salary to VV #%lw I Wm<mS9 introdnoe our *ood» in every ~ in the U. 8. WK Mm! Bttsinebs. Address HOVBLTY M&Nura OO., CIMCIHHATI, O. MAto SAO m, Week aad Kip«nses, or §100 14" forfeited. AH f hs new and standard NoT0!ti<5«, liromos, etc. Valuable Samples free with Circulars. . L. FLBTOHRR, 111 Ohamber* Straet. New Tor*. We should not hesitate to recommend to any friend of ours. Parsons' Purgative PiUs; they are spientifically prepared, and are adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. Veghtine has restored thousands to health who had been long and painful suf­ ferers. The attention of all lovers of the home is called to the advertisement of E. 0. Stone, in another column. To AXJL, partienlaity inralidi, spring is a trying seasoa. Indications of sickness abcrald at onoe be attended to. Fatal diseases may be oansed by allowing the bowels to become constipated, and the system to remain in a dis­ ordered oonditlon, until the disorder has time to develop itself. An oonoe of prevention is worth a pound of eon. is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with the complaints now very prevalent --headache, indigestion, disordered liver, want of appe­ tite, nausea, or feverish skin--to take, without delay, Sohwck's »*-•"«--v- puia. We know of no remedy so harmless and decisive ia its action. It at mm* strikes at the root of the disease and produoes a healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the liver if they would take this excellent medicine when they feel the first indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost Instaata- neous effect. They will relieve the patient of headache in one or two hours, and will rapidly cleaaae the lifer of surrounding bile, sad will effectually prevsnt a bilious attack. They are sold by ail druggists. REVOLVERS! lEm $3.00 Fro Wkhml Put*. KMMm pwliil nhumt*4 <^<sw na>, Addnas wxsnan otm voin. cskmo, im. {25A IrflVU £M£s.MO. "" -- " " $77 FSB WEEK OUAHANTKKD «s Male and Female. In their own Terms and OUTFIT FRBB, P. O. VIOKERY A OO., AagusU, Boot Dressing for Ijidles' Shoes. . Satiskaction Guaranteed. .Jerchants, send for Circular, ORVKL HOLDBN ft OO.. 187 K. Kinsie St., Ohioago. JETTINE! Indies, ask for it. Me YOUR, own Jkeness in oil otdort, to show our work, painted on canvas, 6)4x7 X. from a photograph or tin type, free with the Home Journal, $2.50 a year. Sample of our worlr paper, tsnss to agents, 2c., IS ssuis, L. T. LUTHER, Mill Village, Erie county, Pa. WANTS-; salary and commission. . --A few reliable, enengetic men to solicit orders. No pedaling. Trav- and hotel expenses paid. Libenu WIlSUilNlulU Address 1'aioa lndiutrlal Works, eiMcinmwt!,©. AUappUcationsatuwered. I'nnT Tfarari 1 - e<l on IS Tbanspareht 'VisiTtsk. -- . Cards, fortft Cents. Esch card contaim msc which is not visible until held towards the light. NotMngHks them ever beforeofifered in America. Biginduce- rasntsto Ayanto. Novbltt PaiKTiira Co .Ashland.Mass. "PSTCnOMAHCI, or Houl Charming." © How cither st'X may tnHoliiMte mid Kniu tlie love and affection oi any perw(»n they choose, tnafaul/y. This *rt all can jgess, free, by m*tl, 25 cent*; togethei wltUa Lover's Oalde, vptfeB Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladles, Ac. 1,000,000 sold. A eer book. Address T. WILLI AM3 * CO., Fob's, rhtladelpMh pO»8' Bgyi ELIZA pAI Glass, AROS.-5U white «r Unted Bristol, »0 ota.; 50 Snowflake, Marble, Rep, or Damask. 35 cU.; ft" 40 eta.; with your nsins beautifuil? printed < 'i* prfoi "" them, and 06 samplse of type, agents* prioe-list, eto., Mnt m return mall on receipt of fries. Discount to Olubs Beet of work. W. O. GANNON 45: Kneelaad ateMt Boetoo. Refers to S. M. Fimisiu. * do. ~ ABOOKfor the MILLION. ** V aftts%iipeniaiy No. 18N. Jthst,St.Louis.Ma Acents wanted for s new. permanent, *nd respeeta- ble businefji, in which any active man or womau can easU^g-- J iy make *5 to 910 »<!»>•• Onu wbo^Sisd aeve canvassed before made la hour; aa experluiced sgei tioul^rB :>ee. C. A.OLKUU. Mana«*r,6» lo^jjC^§^.7l*^*Du»ne it.,N.Y. "We know C. A. nifiwr to be respsMlblc ami relja- fc'JP^bie, aa« think he offer. AcentoestraordIn- ^ary lndMCCMfltw " v Y, Weekly Sunt April 19, loTo, P I A N O S O R G A N S We have Just purchased 1,000 Plan " " first-lass Pianos and Organs for the SPRING TRAD®, and will sell thsm at the discount from factory star offered. Terms of pay­ ment $25 to $100 cash, remain- inarterly, or §1(J to montmy. Catalogues, with i oZpuuiduuu Mat ins. R E E D ' S T E M P L E largest prices it pay- ain> f ̂ MU8|Os fiO. some service to my fei way to aid suffering 1 statement of my case, uublish it, and it will communication which I am, AMfy.-BertleaOo.,: 178 Baltic Street, Brool H. R. Stevkns, Esq.: Dear Sir--from personal well as from personal knowL thereby have seemed almost heartily and sincerely recon complaints for which it is cl JA1 Late Pastor Calvaijr Bap. O Vegetine is Sold by^jpruggists. der qafti Q^lj. »LE M VAW BV7RKM ITBEBT. CHICA* CPT-Out this out and inolose it in sr#«r letter.] EzeiUlCbier, 12th Terse. " By the rivers upon the banks thereof shall grow all treee for meat Whose leaf shall not fade, and the fruit thereof slmli he for meat, and the leaf thereof formed! cine " Our ureal Redeemer ha® mado a provision for the cure of diseases of man and beast, yet thousands upon thousands are overtaken with sickness without suspicion that it is caused by msrcsr^ or other public poisons that are so freely used ia many medicinee and remedies of the present day. A Walking Miracle. Mr H R. Stevemb Pear Str--Though a stranger, I want to inform you what VfuKTINK has done for me. Last Christmas scrofula made its appearance in my system--large tunning ulcers appearing on me as follows- One on each of my arms, one on my thigh, which extend­ ed to the seat, one on my head, which eat into therskoll bone, one on my left leg, which became so bad that two physicians came to amputate the limb, though upon con­ sultation concluded not to do so, as my whole body was eo full of scrofula they deemed It advisable to cut the sore, which was painlul beyond description, and tbere was a quart of matter run from this one sore The physicians all gave mo up to die, and said they could do no more for me Both of my legs were drawn up to my se*t, and it was thought if 1 did get up again 1 would bo a cripple for life. When in this condition I saw Veoetine advertised, and commenced taking it in March, and followed on with it until 3 had used sixteen bottles, and this morn­ ing 1 am going to plow corn, a well man. All my towns­ men say it was a miracle to see me round walking and working !n conclusion, I ,will add, when I was eaduring such great suffering fnVn that dreadful disease, scrofula, I prayed to the Ijord above to take me out of this world: but as Vegetine his restored tome the blessings of health. 1 desire moreg han ever to live, that 1 may be of -men, and I know of no better ^inanity than to inclose you this rith an earnest hope t hat, you will (ford me pleasure to reply to any ' may receive therefrom. •'""Slfixfm... RELIABLENEVIDENGE. , N. Y., Nov. 10th, 1874. t received by ite use, as s of those whose cores •iraculous, I can most \the Vegetimb for the > cure. tP. LUDLOW, 'i, Sacramento, OeL a acl Ctoa Baits Dimtw. AUCTION AND SALE ROOMS 0* NORSES, RIAOES AR0 HARNESS. WKBTON AOO.U, 196 aad IM B. Washington. Tuasday, ttmnday aad Saturday, at IS a. m. AUgfW MART FOR TNE SALE OF HORSES, MAR. MLftfi VEM'OLES OflVERY OESCRIfTlON ' »T AUCT10N ANP PRIVATE SALE. WOIWHNMI'KRN TATTKR8AUA 1 tot Monro* AMNHNOt, TENTS. TWINES AND CORD ARE. OILBBKT HUBBARD A OO., MtoSN SoeUi Water. RANRERS AND OLASS SHOW-CARD WRiTBRS. MUm A DRUM, WW. Madison. desmner and enrraver on wood. J. MANX, n LaSalle, sor. Waehiagton. ENSRAVERAN0 DIE SINKER, STENCILS AND STOCK. Ik B00HX, 171K. Randolph. ENRRAVER. iEALf,JPRESSES. STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOCK. O. H. HANSON, SB South Clark. ENGRAVER, DIE SINKER A MANFR. OF L. BOO HUB, 171 K. Randolph. ENGRAVERS ON WOOD, Etc. RSARS BROS. A OO., S.W. oor. Olark end' FLOWERS AND STRAW 6000S--SPECIALTY. . D-ALY, HRNROTIN 4 OO., 144 and 146 TTnliasl>». GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS. AUHCRT MCKINSON. 117 and 118 HARDWARE AND CUTLERY--WHOLESAUE. KDWXN HUNT A SONS, M ftn<1 <60 HEAVY NARDWME-WHOLESALE. ITMBARK BROS. A CO., 80 to84 MichigaMv. . HOTELS. WOOD'S HOTEL. 116 A 118 Fifth-av. Enoch Wood, prop., Iftte proprietor of Woad's Hotol, Stxts-st. BRKVOOKT HOUSE. 143 and 145 E. Madison. Oatha JStw.ipepti p!®n. H. St. Tlwrnpaon, proprsatur. OQDKNHOUSE-^-First-class ir. every particular. Bar­ ber m x orrey, ptop're. Ciw. Washington and FtinkUa •RRIFRS. ^ WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMRIA SAU- CES,IMPORTED CATSUPS, FtAVOMNO EXTRACTS. IsKWIS A CO., 3® R. Kinsie. Send for prioe4let. WLE?!,iLP?J^NT-AD,l,ST*@LE CHAIR FOR IN­ VALIDS, IRON FOLDING DEDSTEADS, ETC. M. KLEIN, 237 South Dearborn. Send for ciroolaa. "TBEYBRAIOI" 1000 SOLD LAST SXAflOH WITHOUT on FAILT7U OS BEJECTTO* Tkh ia the Ions Threehing atachlne that haa "swept the field " and created such a revolution in the trade, by ite matctilsmb Orain-Savi**} Tixc^av- INQ MtadflM. SPECIAL XOTICE TO OUR BEADEH| SPECIAL CALL. A G E N T S W A N T E D To aaft the Slav Patent Improved ITS COW. Ouarmntttd to be tM b**t pmtfing brmntm a fered # Aemtt by any Hmm. An may and pUmant «i» '• The value of the celebrated new Patent. Ef* Oimm tor the nglocattaB at Mcht teeate^ot aai biases in the evldenoee of over t,000 geeoias teetl-the evldenoee of over monlale of corea, and 1,000 of oar beat phsraiotaaa In thetr plmfataaaln • Cm ana f, and aa Au theft at>, in mr dehopttod mat aat branch of THK ENORMOUS WA8TAOB of grain, so inerilabU with otJur ttglm of Threehwe, can be SAVED by this Improved Machine, *H0Ieieaf, on every job, to more ihrn ym aU expsNses ef threehing. "NATURE'S 6REAT REMEDY." TKla Cordial la a CERTAIN CURjfl for Couglu, Colda, Inflamwrtloa of the Lung*. Sore Throat and Bra«at» Bronehi« tie. aad if taken in time, will arnit that final dlaeaae Conswnption. The baata of thli medicine ia a preparation of Tar ob­ tained by a peculiar proeeea from the aap of the Pine Tree, the mediclaal proper- tiea of which are well known, with this powerful element are thoroughly incor­ porated aeveral other vegetable in^redi cnta, each of which 'poaeeeaee eoothine and hediag attribaites. thns makins It the moat POTENT, ANTAGONIST to all dlaeaaea of the pulmonary organa_that haa yet been introduced. DE.'L. fi. O. WISHAET'3 PINE.TREE TAR CORDIAL Ia not a new remedy that haa never been heard of before, but. an OLD, REIiI- AWT.F, AND WELL-TRIED medicine that haa been in dally nee by ftunillee and lntelligrent phyitckm for the lfMt alxtoen teat freara, and la "mnkw s of In the»high •maw *»*r «iM t-.* wmi V, ̂ ihm.. aande of wmsOLZCITED T^STUKO* XIAX& prove.'- If you avAer" from' any" diaease ~ for which this Cordial la recommended, we unhesitatingly aayi " TRT IT, WE KNOW rr WILL DO YOU GOOD." A alhgl* bottle will demonatrate lta vain* able qnalltiea. SILD IT III DRUGGISTS 110 STIfiEKEEPEBS. PRINCIPAL ̂DEPOT, »32~North: Second, St., IFhilaffa* ROOFS that lsak ars cosUy propeitjr. Too eanno( afford them. Hie damage to foor boosed crops Which matte (Ma oae storm is often now than the cost of putting your Barn Roof in order. The yearly decay of agriculture machin­ ery and implements, arising from leaky roofs on out. boosss, fnili raore than pay the cost of rooftng ereiy shed, crib Stal Storehouse OA your farm. Your stock suf- fer from the drippings of your stable roof and the neoes. aity of their lying in wet stalls. Theg® evils affect prop comiort depart*, and you have „ ... to catch the steady streams; there are wet cei eiti\ but when your house roof teaks it in worse yet; then garrat full of paile end s; there are wet ceiline* falling plaster; there is spoiled furniture, damp bed* : and rheumatism; there is the anxious wife, wearied running up-stairs to guard against new leaks; it ia y, and ruin, and property wasted, you cannot a ford it. Our Slate Boob ig Paint will end your difficulties and make your reefs water-tight. For new roofs, our Rubber Hooting Felt, covered with Slats Bor.Sng Faint, will erwa satisfaction to any one. .For full infonsatics la regard Kooiins find Houe® Feinte generally, send for our MO- page Book, which is free to all who write at onre, and mention this newspaper. Address K. If. SLAT£ ROOF­ ING CO., y"Xr£~XZXu- 7 Gcuar oi.a H. s. O E N T E K f i l A L BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY of the great men of the FIBS? 180 YEARS OF OUR INDEPENDENCE. The slot? of America is her great men. Everybody wants to read their lives at this Centennial season. AGENTS WANTED. Agents »ellin«r hisfawtae should sell this book also. Everybody buys it. The grestest success of the year. Betid for circular. F. W. ZIKGLKR A CO., HOI South Clark St., Chicago. 111. FOE THE CAMPAIGN. The events of tfie Presidential campaign will ha ja fslthfall}' and iully illustrated in THK SEW YORK SUN SB to eommend it to candid men of all parties 1 We will send the WKKKLY KDITION (eight pages), Dostpeid, from June 1st till after election, for 50 eta.t the SUNDAY BDITION, eume size, at the same price; or the DALLY, four pages, for $3. Address THE SUN, New YorkCUf. P O U T Z ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, FLAX, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN and like seeds are threshed, separated, cleaned and eared as easily and perfestiy m Wheat, Oats, Rye or Barley. AN KXTRA PRICE is nsnally paid for grain and ilinsai cleaned by this machine, for extra cleanliness IN THJB WET GRAIN of 1BT5, these wer* tsnbstaE* tUlly tho ONLY M ACHINKS that could ran with profit or economy, doing fast, thorough and peiffest work mhiH urnei * mierifj jauffL nms or prevent Disease. xttqu inn W.A.DK0WN & CO ̂ UMBRELLAS. PHIL.ADE1.PHIA and NEW YORK.--The qualities marked with their naa^^ga aonifeittyVeooin. mended. " " SEE THE OLIITIEAIEIS. e in CINCINNATI. Should write for CSrcular tar FaatSelllng New Book to amuel Junkin Publisher, 140 K1NZIE STREET, CHICAGO. Also, tor his unrivaled editions of the Holy Bible, containing e^Hrilg dt ©no h*',f the asunl S«ar«, jBolts, Boxes, ana Journals; easier managed ,• mor<* lurabst*; light ntnnlAg; no coeV Iy repairs; no di<»t; no " letterings" to clean ap; not troubled by adverse winds, rair< or storme, FARMERS and GRAIN RAISERS who are pottm" In the large saving made by It will not employ infe rior and wasteful maohin**. but will AuM on this toproved Thresher doing their work. FOUR SI9HB mads for 6, 8, 10 and 18 Horse Powers, Also a specialty of SKPAaatou, Assigned and made cxraassLT for dtram fowkk. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS, vta.: mr its. EroTed "Triple Gear,"and onr "Spur Speed" (Wood-uty 8tyle), both * Mounted " on four wheels. IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Orain Railing, apply to onr nearest Dealer, or write to us for Illustra» ted Olrcnlar (sent free), giving (tail particulars of 81ml Styles. Mm®, Tenns, etc. & Co., BATTLE CREEK, MIOH. $15 TO $60 FEB D1T Can Actually be Made with the Great festers Well Auger ii t The Patent Eye i •ophieal diaoorery, and aa Aul B. Won, 8. Dt and Wm. Bkatur, M. D.. wrltee, they an certain# the greatest inTenUon of the ege. Read the following oertifloatas: Tnouios Buini. Lona Oa, Ky- Hm L lid - Db. S. Bau k OoVOeollsts: , ! anTLnm: Your PuUnt JBVs (>pe are, in judgment, the moat splendid trnuoph which < ' ecienoe haa ever achieved, bat, like all important truths, in this or in any other Msienoe aad phlloeophy, have araeti to eootand with ifOIA UM V* ^ iyu BluMpciiodi public; but truth is mi^ty and will prevail, and it is oaly a question of time aa regards their general aeoeptanoe and indorsement by all. I have la mf hands certificates of persona testifying In ucqiitaS* sal terms to their merite. Ttte most prominent phf^> •ioians of my oonnty ieoon»eiad yonr Km (Vp«. I am, M^pectfnlly, j. a. L. BOYER. Bsatlkt, M. ©., SiiLTDM. Kt„ vritest "TtosAn toypu for (As ormieetof *11 inrnntum* My sight Is folly restored by the use of yonr Patent, Eye Caps, after heiag.almost entirely Mind f# / tw«nty-six yean." Aunc. B. Wtxtk, X. D., Atctisok, Pa., w "'After total Mtadness o* my left «ye ic-r four i by paralysis of the optic nerV«, to my utter mtmis 1 jovs £'nie:ii Syz CTupi *tj?ik>rea my eyesigl permanantljr ia thiaa minutefs." ROT. 8. B. Faxjumauao, Minister of the M. M. iJhuroh, writes: "Your Patent Jfya Cues have ra. ih 1 am moot thankful Is By TOUT ml mil Is annum 1 aaw at a glanoe that your invalaabl* Syt Oajw per­ formed their work perfectly In accordance with physiological law; that they literally fed the eysa that were starring for nutrition. May Gofi greatly Mesa yon. and may jrour name be enshrined in the affectionate memoriae of melttpfcM ttmnmnds as of the benefactors ef yonr fini" aoBAon B. Dunaar, M.D.. aayis: M1 sold aa* effected fatnre sales liberally. The PoUnt Cup*, they will make money, and make It fast, too; ao amall, oatehpenny affair, bat a snperb, unmbar one, tip-top btunnaw, prnlw, m far as l oan aea, to be life-long." Mayor B.O. Buun wrote ne» Ho-ramber 19th, IMS: "I have tested the Pstenf Ivory M]f€ Oiept, and ap satisfied they are good. I am pleased with them. TJksy ***« otrtatnltfliU greatest <w»swWsa of tAe «m." Hon. HoaAax flimir, late Editor of the Ktv York Trib*m*, wrote: "Dr. 3. Bau* of oor«ttr»4i a oonsdentioas and responsible man, who la lnosf»> ble of intentional deception s* imposition." Prof. W. Mxbbiok writsa: "Truly I am gnMfi to your noble invention. My tight Is restored bjr your .Pttt^Mt By Cups. May heaven Mesa aad pre­ serve yon, I have been using spectacles twenty years. I sni 71 years old. I do aU my wrltingwith- nut glasses, and I bless the inventor of theft>n< Eye Cupa every time 1 take up my old steel pen." " ' * * Emi stored my sight, for which I am mart th@ Father of Mercies. Bior»> and hf WE MEAN IT! & Aad sire prepared to demonstrate tits flwt> OVH AVOIBS' are operated entirely bv HORSE-POWER, and will bore at the rate of 90 FEUST PEH 2XOU2L They bore from 3 TO S FEET III DIAMETER, And ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They will tore in All kinda of Kartli, Soft Sand aai !>!«•• atoae, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate and Hardpan. Ant we MAKE THE BEST OF WELLS in QUICK­ SAND. OOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted in every State and Oounty in the United States. Send for oar Illustrated Catalogue, terms, prices, Ac., previse our advertisements bona flde. Address GREAT WESTERN WELL AUGER CO., BLOOMFIELD, DAVI8 CO., IOWA. IVState in what paper you saw this advertisement. PORTABLE GRINDING RILLS. Beai French Bsurr Htiirspln- dle> unik-t-ruunera, cock head upper-runners. Iter Farm or Bl« --" -- ---- erdftttti4 „ rlor Mill Atone* of mil slMtienaine Daich Aa> ®r.T5 Cloasera. Se&riag, SShuuuk, Pullies. Hangei ' ,. etc.. a!! kinds of Mill Machine s ; ana Millers* BiippUes. 8end for Pamphlet* Mtralib Mill Company, osos Hsn, t'lnrinuati, 0» AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HISTORY oftheU.S. The great Intersst In the thrilling htotoryof our coun­ try makes this the fastest-selling book ever published. It contains a full account of the grand Centennial Ex­ hibition. CAVTION.--Old, Incomplete and Unreliable works are being circulated; see that the book you boy contains 44$ Fine Bngravtnga and 925 Pages. Send for circulars and extra terms to Agents. Address HATIONAL PUBLISHING OO., Chicago, HL DOVER ESS BEATER. Family KM Under 3nlr7.ieC and eUsssa, AI;olph Biobmbxro, M. D., pbyaician to ] Mapoloon, wrote, after having his sight restored to onr Patent By* C*p#; " With gratitude to Ood, aal thankfulness to the inventory. Dr. J. BILL A Co.* X hereby recommend the trial of the 2$ps Oujm (in fall faith) to all and every one that haa any impaired eyesight, believing, aa i do, that since the expetf» ment with this wonderful discovery has proved sn»> oessful on me, at my advanced period of life--10 years of age--I believe they will restore the vision to any individual if they are properly applied." ADOLPH BIORNBERG, M. D. Commonwealth of Ma*»ac.h\uett», K*»exl ssv June r"" berg, hims WM. STEVENS, J, XcAwbbkcb Orrr, Mass., June 0th, 1873. We, the undersigned, having personally knows Dr. Adcipu Biorab*;g Cor yeuw, believe him to hf an honest, moral man, trustworthy, and in truth aatf veracity ?aspotted His character la without re- •MMh. M. BONNEY, Ex-Mayor. S. B. W. DAVIS, Ex-Mayor. GEORGE S. MERRILL, P. M. ' ROBT. H. TEWE8BURY, CityTHsaa. Beader, these are & few certificates out of thoa* Mnds we receive, and to th© asred we win jook ««it «««»».»* «a»n m* aeifgf yew impaired sight, dimness of vision and overworky, eyes can be restored; weak, watery and sore ayw cured; the blind may see p spectacles be discarded, sight restored, and vision preserved. Spectacles and surgical operations useless. Please send your address to us, and we will SSMd you our book, A GEM WORTH READING 1 A DIAMOND WORTH 8KRXNO. Am four eyes and restore your light; throw awtff '. your ipectaelesl By reading our Illustrated Phipiology and Aiwtmrn If the Eytsight, oi 100 pages, tells how to restore iat paired viaion and overworked eyes; how to COM weak, watery, inflamed and .war-sighted eyea, and all other diseases of the eye- Waste no more i by adjusting huge glasses on your nose and dlflgint ing your face. Book mailed free to any ptmafc 8end on your address. AaBNTB WASITXIX) to sell the Patent Eyt Cups to the hundreds of people with diseased eyes and impaired sight in your opuniy» Any -person can actns our Agent. To gentlemen ot ladies $5 to a day gnaran! Vail particulars sent free. Write immediately DR. J. BALIi CO., No. »1 LIBERTY STREET, (P. O. Box 987.) NEW YORK CITY, N. T. Do not miss the opportunity of being first in tlMi Add. Do not delay. Write by first mail. Great t|h» ducements and large profits offered t-> any persifc. who wants a first-claes paying business. Or THE LARGEST commission AI.I>OWKD V# Aoxnts bt axt HOUSE in thk united dPVgPTlS^i Can do to in the CHEAPB8T aad BK8T mannsr by using one or more hections of our fiBKiT fMLAk EKATi11 KlWSPArjtce liISTS. For catalogue at sstr.asfrss auufdwE. a. • acksonSt.i aloguaat .Cbleaw. welve Points •elentlflcalljr. Anatomically, Ptoyviolog* ically and Mechanically Explained by Illnatratlons. A book of importance to Horse DeitJen slid all iovaa of the horse: sent postpaid to any address for 50 cents. Address E. O. STONE, Publisher, 770 W. Monroe Street Chicago, 111. ; i." -i "ii ••••• The Enemy of Bfsease, the Pum to Man and Beast mm tlae finiid Old MUSTANG LINIMENT, WHICH HAS STOOP THK TEST TEAKS. THERE1S NOSOBBJT 18 NO SOL. JLAMEITES ?,W£TVo6 B OR O T DO EM .. 1CH. A k. costlnar 85e., 5»c. or SI .OO, has often aa' ||»® lift ofa nnman being, and restored Slita and usefulness many • vslaaUkkor NOT HEAL NOTCVKE AFFLICTS THE BODY OF DOMESTIC AH TII2L.DTOITS O. N. U. No. 19 tXTHEN WHri'lWO TO ADVEKTISKK% JTfjgaaae say yon aaw Iks mdwaHUtmom tfViJOHNSj PATEtjf M a t e r i a l s . Asbestos Roeflnc--With IaoaT Gbat Fob Pboof Ooatxno for 8t«®j In weby mil of the Largest MiNuriCTCMisa and H. R gabotltate lor Un. chewMt ab ixwn aa am -«-w ¥Jten*Faefcln®--Indestructible.s5ff-lub*loatlng. WittWEA*!^Tr̂ kySoS£." Aabeatoa Reef Font!ng7for restoring.ani araeerving Roofs. CJementa, fa* Leaay • Paint, for Tio Roofs Iron^Work etc-^Mre-KsScoaeln®, for Shugla Roof®, etc. WK BkieathtiM[a. Vernsla Proof Linton, ete. . md for Paraphlet, Prioa List, Samples and list ef naittss nsins ©»r »with allethssa. W7 JOmTs, 87Maiden Lane, N.Y. whsra onr m ~ si Establisbed

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