Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1876, p. 8

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*' * ' .'tATK DAmrMAKKKTS. • I * UTICA, K. T., May J?" J GUTTER.--Is dull aiid weaker* The v/ •« ( futipplj is light. 23c is al>out the top of th® market; bat 24c was paid this morn­ ing for a few very nico tubs. Our ad­ vices from Philadelphia report a quiet market with quotations, both of butter and cheese, nominal and unchanged. CHKISK--The attendance upon th© Utlca market on Monday was larger jfc than on the previous day. There were I represented 48 factories. There was ^ but a slight change in the attitude of buyers and salesmen since last week. The quality of the offerings w*s good, the cheese being chiefly foil cream, A few iot»of partly skimmed -eheese were submitted. I'he transactions of the day are summarize^as follows: Re pre- eeiitatives of 48 factories offeredcheese aggregating 3,867 boxes. Of these there were sold2,350 boxes «t prices ranging from 19£@llv for full cream cheese. Twentyssixr factories made •ales. The extreme price was gained by fire factories. Eighteen factories wo!d at lOJc, and 1>000 boxes were con­ signed. We quote: Extreme price 11c; folding factories 10|; avergae, lQfc. NOW KING ?•' 'CM pmam C. F. HALL, but first JIY PRICE OSTI' Rea^ 49*The advocates of "cheap trans- portation'^ught not to complain; of the freights now charged on the great through lines between the Atlantic cities of the West. Fifteen cents per hundred pounds from Chicago to New York ! would seem to be moderate enough. If passengers were carried at the same rates, the fair would be about ten cents. HENRY COLBY, --DEALER IX- Best Prints . « to 7 cts Best Bleached Cotton lOcts Best Unbleached do.................%. Bets All Cambrics . , . .j . . . .••>• • All I>rcss Braids -- • Bleached Table Damask,. Unbleached do Cheviot Shirting. -- Carpeting, ...... Coats Thread 1 lb Linen Thread.,,,... .. 100 Yard Spool Silk.... Good Shoes -- <tood Corsets •> Job Lot Dress GoMtv.i No 1 Alftacca ...... v..:... Mens Suits, 1 Bovs Suits.... .3. Best Young Hyson Tea... Best Japan Tea Best Gunpowder Tea 12 lb Rice 25 TUtrsSonp. * 12 Cakes Fancy Soap NO Molasses 8 fits 6 cts 80 cts 40 cts 11 cts 85 cts 6 cts 60 cts 10 cte} 90 Cts 50 cts 12* 25 cts to $25 2,50 to 10 5)0 cts 80 cts 1,00 1,00 1,00 25 cts 68 cts Nol8yrnp, Pure...: 1 Tb Castile Soap «... Box Layer Raisins. 12 Pared Peaches.., ;•.... Best Saleratus,....... . S G Starch Corn Starch ...... 20 1bs White Fish............... 20 tbs Trout 20 tbs Codfish ........v...... 25 lb Pallock....; ...... j-ii, 8 lbs Layer IlaisinS............. 12 lbs Prunes 5 ....v.... 12 IbsZante Currants, No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco.....*» 60 Good Cigars .............. Stove Polish Best Axle Grease.....,.../.... I.adies Shoes .....v.... Childrens Shoes..., ttc 8,15 1,00 ....... 8 cts ,..v<... 10 Cts ....... 10 cts . . . . . . . l 'OO 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 . . . . . . . 60 c t s . . . . . . . 50c t s . . . . . . : Be t s 8 cts . . . . . . . 1 ,00 SOcts to L60 Best Kip Boots 4,60 Good do 3,00 Boys Boots $1 to $3.00 No 1 Floor Oil Cloth 50cts Table Oil Cloth Patterns 60 cts Am prepared to save yon Money and an examination of Goods and Prices will convince. Mv Clothing is all Home-Made and Custom Made, and will bo sold in all cases at less than Wnolerale Prices. Consult your own interests and patronize a 8 tore that deals strictly for Cash. Everything as represented or money refunded. WANTED--BUTTER AND EGGS. Ga Fa HALLa Can^eNSavedrr By Bvjwg Your Farm Machine^ M. AGENT FOR P. P. MAST & CO'S CELEBRATED Airicultural Worts, OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Keeps Constantly on hand'and offers to the Farmers, Leading Farm Machinery, Of all kind#, among which can be fotmd the Bertrand & Sames Celebrated Sulky Cultivator, That Stands without a Rival. Also several other Leading Cultivators, and in short Farm Machinery of all kinds, which I am prepared to sell as low as any other First Class Machinery in the country. --; o Prices Low and Favorable Terms. CASH AND CLOSE BUYERS are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not he undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry Cotmty. E. M. OWEN. McHenry, 111., May 17th, 1876. Chicago & North-Westerii BAILWAt. ^ 4 v? - * • * Passenger* for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo- Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Moa» treai, Quebec, Portland, Itoston, New Yorkj Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Sti Louis, Cairo. San Francisco, Sacramento, Of- den, Salt Lake City. Denver, Council Blufllt 8i«>nx City, St. Paul, Marquette, Escanaba, M#. nasha, Madison, Cheyenne, Omaha, Yankton* Winona, Duluth, Green Bay, Milwaukee, andV all points North, West, South and East, should T buy their tickets via, the Chicago A North- Western Bailway. Close connections are made at Chicago with , . . -- Chicago and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with tM Union Pacific K. It. at Omaha for all far Wert points. joo wjttTicCvtoTis aire yncEcZo cct , tion points with trains of all cross roadt\ 1 Pullman Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINK running these car# between Chicago and St. l'aul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Omaha our Sleepers connect with th# Overland Sleepers on the Union Pacific Rail­ road, for all points west of the Missouri River* Among the t) til! Kim NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, Painters Brushes, Dye Staffs &c., &c. * v. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. , STATIONERY. WeTiavetaJflne stock of Cap, Bill, Sole a»d Mourn in •Paper, which we aw selling vei*y Cheap. A-Jine .assortment of the latest Stylos Box nd Fancy Papers, constantly 011 hand. All Goods Warranted 4# represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. Ifdtenry, July S7th, 1875. Fence Wire, Crowbars, Mauls, Forks, Rakes, SHOVELS, HOES, and a Full Line of J . S T O B Y , --DEALER IN-- Shelf and Heavy Hardware*, krovES >TINWARE; MECHANIC5T TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS*. CLOTHES WRINGERS* &c., &cl, &C., &C., WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R flAHJSDAL PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at M )ow prices, as anyone in the county. Also keep on hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Waterproof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. 'AND We have a large Stock of Pans, Pails, Line of Tinware of all kinds. - Milk Cans, and a Full ALSO SCREEN . WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, In fact everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES. gCgPCall and examine. No trouble to show Goods. .jgFfl JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, HI., April 8d, 1870. wo BLAKE & BRG., -DEALERS I>T- Furniture! KAWL Repairing Promptly attendedjto. J. STORY. Opposite Ow Mills. McIIenrv 111., July 23. i s 7 e. J| PHILIP 6IESELER, ,h0 Dcpot' "now : *And Best Stock of Goods 1 % Xver brought to this market, ion T*iirh I a " ycepared and will make prices thai will Defy all Competition. My Stock Ooiibi.sU in part of Bry Ms, Clotbiai, toceiis f BOOTS. SnOES, CBOCKEHY, Ac., <Po -which I invite the attention of the buying Jfulilu'. I also keep on band a large aad well Ijflpctyiti stock of MILLINERY GOODS, 0t all kinds, to which the attention of the „.2*adies is especially invited. Call and see. LAUER & BECKER, Merchant Tailors, Parker House Block, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS The subscribers having opened a Merchant Tailoring establishment in McHenry, are n< prepared, with a Stock ot Fine Cloths of all Kinds, To onnke • U ordev C.c.ts,"T.tiits, V, jts -r en­ tire Suits, on short noticc and on the most Reasonable Terms. JCS~(;OO<I Fits Guaranteed Warrautcd. and »U Work Of all Grades and Prices. Wareroom Nearly Opposite the Post Office, McHenry, III. Wareroom Crammed Full ! Where will be found anything from Common Kitchen Styles to the nnest Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth and Reps. They have Chamber Sets, and can suit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES, AND PICTURE FRAMES, UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and made to order on short notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. All Goods Warranted Of the very best quality and sold LOW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1876. We alao Keep a Fall Line of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, &o.y Which will be sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in the County. , We liaveeome hero to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. McHenry, March 20th, 187s. as PHILI McHenry, PL> April 3d, GLESKLEBT' ESnSBG PERRY & MARTIN. Headquarters for all Kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Clas Stock o^ General Merchandize. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kind?, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and arc always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and hence cannot afford to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to ask to the tra veling public are all the modern provements: Hock and Gravel Ballasted Tracki Steel Kail, ltock and Iron Bridges, Parlor and. Drawiujr ltoom Day Coaches, Smoking and) LoKtlging (•are. Westinfrhousc Safty Aitf Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling aad Platforms,•Speed, Safety and Absolute Com­ fort. Stunning through Five Great States* and operating over 2,000 miles of road, thia Coin pa nv presents to the traveler facilities that AHk NOT and CANNOT beoflferedby any Competitor. All tickets agents can sell you tickets rift this route. If you wish the best traveling accommoda* tiuns, von will buy your tickets uy this routej "" and will take no other. MARVIN HUGHITT W. H. BTENNEIT, GeneralSupt. Gen'l Passenger Agent CLOSING OUT SALE. On account of poor health I will sell at COS3? FOtt CASH my entire Stock, consisting of CMs, BeaTers, Cneres, "JPaaey Testings, Trimming% Ready - Made clothing For Men, Slock of Youth and Boys. a Fine Gents' Furnishing Goods. BST'My Stock is in good condition, % large part being purchased this Spring for Cash, and as this is no catch, but a sale to dispose of Goods at Cost. I wish to gay to my old Customers and the public generally, Come and Get Bargains! As I am determined to close business a short time to try and recruit my health. fig^Sale to Commence on Monday, April 24th, and continue each day un­ til the Goods are disposed of. F.C. MAYES. McHenry, 111., April 21st, 1878. For President in 1876: THE KAN WHO GETS THE MOST VOTtS. And the Man who gets thej MOST GOODS for his money, buys of L (SUCCESSOR TO O. 6. (THOMPSON,) NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. flgyGIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. McHenry, 111., July 27th, 1875. 1. axui mu ko si HsuTa sm JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT ^ For S&le. T^he undersigned offers for Sale, me Brick J- Store on Water Street, in the village of Memory, now occupied bv Mrs. C. IT. Morev, as a Millinery Store. It is 14x35, the upper story being finished off as a residence. TICKMS B-KASOSAIILE. Inquire of C. 1L MOUKY McHenry, I1L Nov. 1st 1876. JF' -J?®:,.. DON'T X Board at Wiedemann's I But wish I Did Near the Depot, McHenry, III, 4&*Wc atso keep the Celebrated Milwaukee Lagor.Buer constantly on hand. To- all Whom these Presents Hay Come, Me: We are now prepared to show one of the LARGEST stock of Goods ever offered by us in this market, bought for Cash from first hands, in one of the dullest Markets the Eastern merchants have witnessed since 1857. IN DRY GOODS! We are full in all departments, from a 6 cent Print to a Camels Hair Dress Goods Clothing for Men, Boys and YO UTHS\ that is both substantial and Cheap. Men* Boots, we commence at $3 and upwards, Arties and Ladies Gaiters equally low. Hals in Style and Caps that will makv the head smoke with heat when the Thermometer is at 30 below zero. Buffalo Robes, not 100 Bales, but enough to supply the wants of our people. Carpets* Oil Cloths and Oil Ruggs, whose beauty will produce a smile from the young miss or aged matron. For Fanoy Goods call and see for yotirselves, as tve are unable to describe at this writing. We only ask an inspection to verify the above Proclamation, and by doing so will confer a great favor on the General 6tore Man. > TV. DONNELLY. Woodstock Oct. I8th( 1870. test IM, M Awte!» " PRICES."" 8@rThe Stock is New &JMll*Arge, and Consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Choice Groceries, &c., &c, *5"Givo me a Call and Save Your Money, by buying Goods Cheap. X>. ROTHGERBE1L Kunda, 111., Nov. 30th, 1875. For Sale. Tlie undersigned offers "or Sale his property situated opposite the Riverside House, ini McHenry, on the most reasonable terms.: There is "a good and substantial builtling, suit­ able for a store or other business, the l part of which is fitted up for a residence. nected with this is four acres of choice land, a good barn and some fruit. Por.sons contem­ plating purchasing will And it to their inter est to call and look this property over, V. A. HLBBAKD. McHenry 111. Aug. 16th 1875. NED ALHAMBRA. This highbred trotting Stallion will sltand the season of 1876 at the barn of E. M. Owen. Nod Alliambra was sired by C. S. Dole's Al- hambra, dam Norma by Little Douglas* he b* a grandson of American Eclipse, Dole's Alliambra was got bv Clay's Membrino Chief he bv Membrino Paymaster, by Membrino out of a mare, by imp Paymaster. Membrino was a son of imp Messenger, the sire of Abdallah and the grandsire of Kysdyck's Hamblctonian. ROBT. GOSLING, Proprietor. ' BARNEY SEARCHER, JR. This thoroughbred Colt was sired by Barney Searcher sired bv King Searcher by Sw Henrv bv Margrave by Eclipse by Duroc ou of Gil'lott's celebrated mare Danasel sired bi Messenger. Barney searcher's dam was si bv Young Weasel he by W@a«©l he by importe Black J lit wk. His dam "was a full-bloodei Black Hawk mare. This Colt can bo seen at the village of McHenry. He is owned and was raised by the subscriber. * . JOHN F.NASH. _ for Sale. mcPbrSn new two seat O Bargain. Inquire of Hclwnry, 11L Nov. 1st, 1875. for Sale '• V. OWEN.

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