Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1876, p. 5

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At ,SI WEDNESDAY* "MAY 24TH^ 1876. Railroad Time Table. OOlNO SOUTH. . ; GENEVA L&fce Passenger ,F{25 A X V>enova Lake Freight ..^».alliS5 P. M. GOING XOSTH. ^GENEVA LAKE Freight 10:00 A. M. tteneva Lake Passenger „7:05 P! M! MASONIC, WCTKMNTR CHAPTKR NO> 54 IL A. M*-Re*u- KJ£°JJv,<'f*ti<ln8 hwl(l on the second and mirth Fridays in each mohth. A _ • A .. IL C. iKlBh IL P. O. W. OwnsSec.. V - - --• • • „ CHURCH DIRECTORY". MBTRODIHTS-- Rev. J» T. Cooper, Pastor Bervices every Sundftv morning nt V)^ A. M* Sunday School at 12 A. M. W«. }' A«;K, Super, intendent. Services at Uin»r\vood nt •> P. M. JOHN KING, of the ARM of King & Herbes, Brewei-s, lost a valuable cow one day last week. OWING to the severe storm Oft Fri­ day evening last, the Hay Party at the Parker House was indefinitely gftstponed. O. W. OWEN* of this village is selling It fine Stem Winding Watch, Warranted in every particular, for $15. Call at his Store anil see it. *fos. WIEDEMANN is making some good improvements in his Restaurant, by enlarging it and otherwise making lit more convenient and pleasant. THE Centennial Ink Stand is the latest new thing out* and is both* use­ ful and ornamental. They are for sale by O. W. Owen, REMEMBER the big Centennial Com* bination Which exhibits in this village to-morrow Thursday. See notice else- Wbtfcre. SEE the new advertisement of the "West Side Meat Market, in another "column. Mr Eldredge is now In full blast and ready to supply customers With fresh meats of all kinds. -ROBT. STANLEY, the noted Hunter and ¥^shetman, of Nippersink Point, will l^ease accept thanks for three line Pickerel left at out sauctUm one day last week. IFON. iJiciiARi) BISHOP, \vho has one of the handsomest residences in this Village, has just been treating it to an efttire new coat of paint, Which adds much to its already handsome appear­ ance, TfiE Steamer "Athlete" was again launched on Saturday last, and is now to receive a new coat of paint, when •hi Will again be ready for duty. It is expected that she will be ready to run the last of this week. DR. JAMES MORRISON* Homtepatbic Physician, who formerly resided in tbtt village, has again taken up his res­ idence here, where he will hereafter practice his profession. i)r. Morrison ha* a first class reputation as a Physi­ cian, anil we have no doubt will secure fc lucrative practice. We wish him Ruccesst - Tne Vice-President of the 4ilferent towns in this county should call meet­ ings soon in their respectives towns to raise the necessary funds to defray expenses to the Old Settlers' Re-union on the 7th prox. Let it be done at •nee. jthere is no time to lose. The ?th of June will be here before We know it. , t. - P. D. SMITH, at the old stand of fimith Bf o«. & Co., has resumed specie )Mtyment, and Is now paying otft silver Ibr change over his counter. If yott ^rant to see how the shiners look call *1 hi* store and make a purchase, but aot tuck away all you get in au old •Stocking. Ktfep it moving, and then there will be HO scarcity of change. Two Weeks from to-day tlie Old Bettlers Meeting will be held at Wat'i- kegan. If you have not already done so make your arrangements to be there on that day. Fill your knapsacks the »*t before, and be ready for an early start', As the crowd will be immense. But We %re assured by our Waukegan friends that they will have .Beef euough for all. fake along your other fixings. THIS section has been visited the |>ast week with some of the severest tain storms, accompanied by thunder and lightning, which have occur*d in a long time, and as a consequence the tiver and Lakes are higher than known for several years. The weather has al- •0 been extremely Warm* but at the lime of writing, it has materially changed, and a cool North wind makes Winter clothes not Uncomfortable. What the next change will be remains to be seem FBOM the best advices we can obtain from all parts of the County, we are of the Opinion that the turn out to the Old Settlers* Meeting at Waukegan on the 7th of Jone, from this County will be immense. Should the weather prove good every mail should make it a point to go and take his whole family. The citizens of Waukegan have left nothing undone"toma"ke it pleasant for all who make them a visit on that occa­ sion. Tables will be set for each town, and am Die roast ox for all, and all you will have to do is to take along enough to sandwich ir. Make your ar­ rangements to lay all business matters aside for one daj%Jtnd with the Old Settlers talk over the memories of ye olden time* It will be a day long to be ftinembered with pleas are by all. WE learn that the East end of Johns- burgh Bridge fell on Sunday last, a team that was crossing at the time barely escaped going down with it; The timbers were found to be rotten, aud it is a great wonder that some ac­ cident his ttbt happened there before. The work of repairing will immediately commence* but it Will be some d*y» before teams will be able to cross. -- « . 9 E.M. OWEN was attacked by a Cfafcy steer that was being led through our streets towards tile slaughter house, one day last week, and had a Harrow escape from sevfert injury if not death. To save himself he jumped into the Mill Race where the watei* waa lip un­ der his arms, where he was followed by the steer, and it was only by good luck that lie escaped being gored. It was too close a call to bear repeating. WE hear of several cases of hfeit roost robberies of late in this village, and in one case some very choice blooded fowls were taken. The iowfest sneak thief in the world is oiie that will rob a hen roost, and if caught a special law should be made iipoti the s|Jbt for his4 especial case,'and he be made to ffeel that in the rise of sole leather the ghost of departed chickens were being revenged, and that no "guilty chicken thief be allowed to escape.* Y Now is the time that housekeepers have a perfect mania. They are seen with a towel around their back hair and neck* Thay tear tip Carpets, throw soap suds about, set a cold bite upon the pantry shelf for their liege lords, wear out brooms, scold incessantly,cry "more watery send a man two days looking for a little straw, leave a chunk of soap on the top stair to break necks With, and at the end of a we«k send for a doctor and a nurse* PISHING was good last week, and the bridge Was lined day and night with experts in throwing the spear, and the haul of the Red Horse promised to be abtindant when the heavy rain set iu Which raised the water so high that spearing is now out of the question, and in fact fishing of any kind will be poor until the water settles and lotoehs somewhat, which will be but a few days after the weather once gets settled. Then look out for some rare sport in that line. E. G< PAYNE, the new dealer in Ag­ ricultural Implements at Volo, is doing a lively busiuess in this line, and is supplying the farmers lit tlifct part of Lake County with the best of .Sfachin- ery, and at prices that give general satisfaction. Ho also has a store well filled with a general stock of Hardware Dry Goods, Groceries Notions Ac., which the buying ptiblicWill do Well to call and examine.* "Quick sales and small profits" is his motto, and Satis­ faction guaranteed or no sale. ONE of the biggest feats of spearing that ever came under our observation took place from the bridge One day last week, when thirty four Boll heads were hauled ifp at one stroke of the spear. If there is any fisbeftnftn in this or any other seetion that Can beat that we Would like to hear fromi him at once. (It vrOuid sfwll the story to say however, that tliey were strung upon a line, and had escapad frtfiri u fisherman above, so we won't saj* any tiling about that.-) WHii/E fishing one day last week, a small boy fell from the Steamboat pier, and came near being drowne'd, before he cotild be rescued. He" was goiug down for the last time Wh«n he was hauled out. Taking into Consider­ ation the reckless manner in which these youngsters are allowed to run around the boats and bridges, it will be something strange if we don't have a job for the Coroner before the sum­ mer is gone. A little cantioil on the part of parents might save this unnec­ essary expense. WE present to our readers this week the first of our regular letters from the Centennial, which together with our Washington letter, will hereafter ap­ pear each week, and will prove highly interesting, particularly to those who do not find it convenient to visit Phila­ delphia in person. We are sparing no pahis to make the PLAINDEAL£K interesting to1 all, and to please oar many readers shall be ottr aim in the future as in the past, and that our ef­ forts sire appreciated is evidenced by onr constantly increasing subscription list, which now stands second only to any in.the county. %<ilAYO,s Centennial Combination" is advertised to give two entertainments in this village on Thursday, (to-mor­ row) which promise to be highly in-, teresting. Among the attractions pre­ sented will be Prof. Mayo's School of Educated Horses, Ponies, Mules and Dogs, whose performances are pro­ nounced by both the public and the press to be the' most remarkable 6f any trained animals ever exhibited. Dur­ ing the performance Prof. Mayo's cele­ brated trick horse "Fire Fly" will jump through hoop of solid fire, a feat never performed by a horse before. There will also be two first class Clowns, a popular Minstrel Troupe, and many other attractions, all of which Will be shown under one large T^nt for one price of Admission. Reitietnber this graud combination will be in HcHenry Thursday (to-morrow,) May 25th; and will exhibit afternoon and evening; ONE of the saddest events which it is our lot to record for many a day is the death of "Will" Thomas, (as hi Was familiarly known) of Woodstock^ who took his own life while in a fit of tem­ porary iusauity on Friday l&st. From One who talked with & friend in Chica­ go, where '-Will" has resided for this past few years, we leard that hi lias acted strangely for some Weeks, the canse being attributed tb to6 close ap­ plication to duty, being employed in the Abstract Office in that city, and he has been repeatedly Urged to take a vacation. On Friday morning his wife did pursiiade hind not to go to the office at the usual hour, but between 8 and 9 he left the house and not fretur- ning at noon, and it having been asceF» tained that he had hot been at the office, the telegraph was put in u6e and the sad st^ry told. It Appear* that he left home just ih tinie to catch the 9 A.M. train from Chicago, and reached his.fathers hdu&e at 11$, where he com mitted the unnatural act, aud before any one knew of his arrivali He was a young man of more than ordinary abil­ ity, sociable, large-hearted and loved a nd esteemed by all who knew him. That there was any cause for this rash act except an overworked body and mind, producing temporary derange­ ment, there is not the least cause to suspect. He leaves a wife and two children, who, together with his pa­ rents, brothers aud sister hav4 the heartfelt sympathy of all. His funeral was attended on Sunday last by a large concourse of friends, the services being conducted by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was an honored member. THE improvement on Farm Gates lately patented by the Sherman Bfos^ of McIIcnry, is in our opinion iuidoubt- edly the cheapest, most economical, easiest operated and constructed of any gate we iver saw, and must ultimately take its place on every well regulated farm in the United States. The im­ provement consists first ih the method of hanging, Which consists of a piece of fenee wire and asmali cast iron pivot, the cost of whi£h does not exceed fifteen cents to a gate. The tiiiluner in Which they are applied most effectually Swihgft the gate with the greatest ease, security and durability, and can be at­ tached to any farm gate in a few mo­ ments bv anyone having the slightest experience in the use Of hatchet or saw. Secondly the Latching arrange­ ment is the most simple and perfect ever gotten up, and is a peculiar fea­ ture of the Patent, and in combination With the hanging arrangement makes the Whole improvement a simple per­ fection'. In connection with the hang­ ing method they have also Patented an improvement for openiug aud clos- ing gates from the carriage or wagon without stopping, which, to say the least,- is ah iiigertious invention ofmiich merit and deserves patronage Tor its utility and labor saving services. This arrangement is simple,- durable and easily attached and ope'rates a gate with mechanical certainty in the hands of man or boy. M. iCelter, of this vil­ lage,- is abont starting out t<* sell form,- town and County Rights for this indis- pensible invention, 4ud we bespeak fefr him a candid hetirirtg and careful ex­ amination of the model,- as we.,are sat­ isfied there is no more common sehse and useful inventfou now before the public. No farmer can afTord to do without one of these gates. FOURTH OF JULY. The Committee bf Arrangements for the 4th of July Celebratiuu, held a meeting on Monday evening aud made the following as permanent Officers of the Day: President qfkAh# Perry Esq. Vice Presidents--A. H. Ilanley, Mc- Heury; James Crow, Crystal Lrtkfe; John C. Smith, Richmond j J; Wj Cristy Bingwood; J, Compton, Volo; L; Bonslet,- Johnsburgh; J« G. Cooley, Burton; Geo. H. Garrlsod, Greenwood Capt. Chas. II. Tryon, Hebron J Col. Palmer, Nunda; James Pliilp, Algon­ quin; Cole Townsend, Fort Hill, Lake Co.; Mr. Bnrritt, Wauconda; Mr. King, Atitioch; Woodstock, Geo. K. Buuker. Historian--Hon. Geo. Gage. Chaplain--lie v. J. T. Cooper, Header--Dr. II. T. Brown. | Orators--Hon. Richard Bishop, Hon. F< K< Granger, Hen< Geo. Gage( Wm. ifickle.- Marshal---Smith Searles. Gttrmdr--Col. 9. F. Nash. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the" market; They are war­ ranted in every particular, ruu easier, and make less noise. Call and see them.- O.-W. Owen, Agent.- NOTICE. All the Notes and accounts of the late firm of Smith Bros &Co., are now in the hands of John M. Smith Esq., for collection. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said firm Win do well to call and settle the siune without delay. „ „ If. k SMITH, McHenry April 24th 1876, Proceeding* tlie Board of Trunt«*4. MCHSNKY. Mav aotb LAJI Board assembled as per adjournment. Present, Messfs; Bishop, Searles, Walsh Hanley and Webei*. Meeting called to order by the President, and fninutes of the last meeting read and on motion approved. Treasarer Colby t>f6atfnt«d a report on finance, showing the amount in Treasury May 20th, of funds unexpend­ ed to be •GOS.Ot. Ou Motion the tt* port was accepted and placed on file. Mr. G; Ti Howe*s bill Of #10 for ufee of grouud on which the Calaboose stinds was on motion allowed add ordered paid by ordei-on Treasurer; Bond of Casper Wirfs and Sttfatiel approved and accepted and Cleric or­ dered io grant License on same; Committee ouSthee ts and Alleys re­ ported in relation to Mr. Gage's esti­ mate of grade necessary JMI Mai* to 4th Street Unfavorable to fading aa the work would be beyoml the available meins of ths aorpoiaUou, Committee discharged. Report of Committee ih delation to sidewalk to Catholic Church aiid School unfavorable to construction. Report accepted and Committee discharged. Mov#d by Mr. Searles that the Com­ missioner be instructed toi proceed to lay a sidewalk from Mr. D. S. Smith's premises to Catholic Church and School. Ayes, Searles and Weber* Nays, Walsh, Hanley aud Bishop. Ordered that the Committee ort Streets and Alleys confer With Mr. E. OwiSn in relation to enlarging wa­ ter course and request him to have the same done as £0on as possible in con­ formity with his agreement. Considerable discussion by Board in relation to repairing Streets ensued a uiotion by Mr. Searles td instruct the Commissioner to go on and repair the worst parts of the streets ai pfesetft was lost. Amotiou by Mr. Hanley to begin at West side of CorportiOtt fetid repair the streets in a good substantial manner was also lost. It fiually pre­ vailed on motion that the Commission­ er commence on Water street in the Old ToWu ahd repair the streets to Depot in a good substantial, manner. On motion the Committee on Streets and Alleys W*s directed to confer with Messrs. Granger and Perry in relation to bridge on the Owen Mill Raee, and find out whether the Corporation is li­ able to keep said bridge in repair or not by any former actiOh Of the Town­ ship officers'or previous Boards. Adjourned to Saturday evening June 9d, at 7 J o'clock sharp R - B ISHOP, President. M. KBLTKR, Clerk. awrjuk-g' A nice lot of new Dress Goods at F. K. Granger's, at Howard & Sou's old stand, Mcllenry. Elegant patterns of Notinghftm Cur­ tain Lace from 20 cts., and Upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at vCry low prices. P. B. SMITH; WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER :--Such dash­ ing, pout ing rain, such lurid lightning, such claps of thunder, are seldom wit­ nessed as was ours to view on Thursday night of last week and on Friday mor­ ning, city, and country could boast of waterfalls rivelets and lakelets. ften gathered in groups and talked excited­ ly over the* sc*ne, Women were enthu­ siastic, Boys, busy in the construction of minatnre mills,- eanals and water- crafts,- plunging in regafdics* of depth 6r current, and girls looked on and sighed for girl-liood rights to romp and plunge as well as boys. Farmers rehearsed to one another of soil, grain, and fences washed away, of gullies dug, bridges destroyed and other mischiefs "too numerous to mention^" Thus did gossip while away the forenoOn. Would that no sadder theme had oc­ cupied from then till now. But alas not so. The suddeu and untimely death of Geo. W. Thomas, betted known by the cordial name of "Will," monopolise the conversation. Will had groWn fioUi Loy-hood CJ instils estate In our midst aud won fof himself the gsteeftt of all who knew liim< lie was one 6f the few of whom It cdU truthfully be said, lie knew or did ho# Wrong, with evil intent; BefoVed by all, esteemed by all, the inducements which led to tbis Unnatural act is shrouded in mys­ tery,- and the inquisitive world must wait aud wait, and perhaps in vain, to know the cause. The shock to his pa­ rents was doubly severe as they were wholly ignorant of his presence, until notified of the fatal deed. To Witness the agony would melt the hardest heart and force the tears from eyes 0f adamant.- The large audience gather­ ed to witness his burial,- the conver­ sations all in under toues, the gener­ al gloom worn by every countenance* the fraternal graspof friendly hands quietly but cordially extended all joined to tell the deep toned Universal sympa­ thy tendered to the bereaved, and sorely afflicted friends. That widoWed wife, those two fatherless children, that father, that mother,- that only sister, that brother present and brother absent all have the sympathy of tyeir large circle of friends and ac­ quaintances and may it aid them to endure trials so severe. L. P. 8QUABB. Richmond Departments Fancy Note and Letter Psper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O.-W. OWen's. • FOR a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries,- &e.. go to F. K. Granger's ait the old stand of Howard & Son. A new style of Estey Organ, Which is the handsomest instrument ever put on the market.- Call and see it at O. W; Owen's.- Go and see the piles of new Goods being received daily at P. D. Smith's, at Smith Bros/ old stand* B. A. POTTER, KDl-VHt. Passenger train® pass Richmond station as follows* OOUTO sotik Geneva Lake Passenger.::;;....,.. 7 lxi a * Geneva Lake Freight ;.. 12:5o i\ n. GOXXG Koai* Generil^ke Freight .i. 10:40 A. M Geneva L<ake Passenger .irtl F! it! OnURCH DIRECTORY. Co*0*E<JATio*Ar,:-^Rev. R' if. DmkUm Pastor. Services at a P. M. " » METnoimfRev. Saml Earngev Pastofc Serv ices 10:30 A. M. Satitoath School V:30 A. M. J. L. Downing, Supt: BAPTIST:--Elder Wheeler Pastor, services 10:30 A. M. Sablxtth School 13 M. The past week we have had frequent showers With plenty of mud and water, and farmers cannot prepare their land or plant their corn, except on rolling or up land. Inuring most of the week It haa been very warm, TheroloRiet^r «S high as 80 and 85 in this shade, with Wind south and southwest. Sunday night wind changed to northeast, and Monday was clear and cold with thermometer at 50, With prospect of running down to free­ zing point; Our merchants are having a fair trade and business frevlf iug. Jas. V. Aldrich ef the firm of Smith, Aldritili & Hay- thorn, is in thfc city purchasing goods, and goes frOm there to Springfield to attehd the Republican State Conven­ tion, to which he is a delegate from thia coUnty. D. A. Potter is in the city selecting goods, and is expected to return this week with a stock of Goods that will ihake his stock complete; C. F. Hall is receiving an addition to his stock. Alexander & Hyde are constantly re­ ceiving new goods in their line, such as \Vall Paper, Notions, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Drugs, Fruits, &c. Mrs. G. B. Carpenter has just return­ ed from the city with au assortment of the latest styles of Bonnets, Hats, and Millinery Goods in general, which she has got tastefully arranged, aud her store is constantly thronged with cus­ tomers. First come first served; Mrs. L. P. Wodell has a large stock of Millinery Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, from a Bonnet and Hair Switch to a full Suit of Linen or Graks Cloth, and is crowded with customers from early dawn until evening. Mrs. Clara vGreen has just returned from the city with a stoclc of the la­ test styles of Ladies Linen Suits, Ready-Made Cloaks, Ladies Under­ wear of all kinds and of the latest styles and lashious. Also Paper Pat­ terns for Ladles and Childrens Dresses and Cloaks, and is prepared to cut, fit and make dresses on short notice itid satisfaction guaranteed, Downing & Dennlson and J. Cluny have In each house a choice stock of Furniture, which they are offering cheap. So no one wanting Furniture need go Or send away from Richmoud to' buy. , We are to have a sidewalk laid to the Cemetery within the present week The amount is already raised and men at work grading and preparing the ground to lay the walk. It is to be completed before the 30th Inst., which is Decoration Day, and we are to Deco­ rate the graves of our noble boys who fell to save our country. May their memory ever be sacked to us and those who may live after us. NOTICE* •» W.- A, ilcConnel, Vice PreaUsnt of the tiid Settlers' Meeting for the town Of Richmond, has appointed the fol­ lowing Committee. Richard Wray, D. A, Potter. 1st, Geo. Purdy, E. W. Smith, B. C. Martin, Wm. Gardner, R.- R. Crosby, and R. L. Turner. Said committee are requested to meet at the Richmond House art Saturday, the 27th inst., at 4 o'clock P. M„ for the pnrpose of eonsnltation as to whether it is best to procure an excursion train On the Northwestern Railroad on the 7th of JUue,to run from Harvard to Wankegan and back the same day, via Alden, Hebron, Genoa Junction, atfd Kenosha, to Waukegan. A general at­ tendance is requested. W. A. MCGOKXKL, Vice President FOR SALE. A House and Xot in the fili&ge of Richmond, favorably sitnated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery aud Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. 31., Richmond, 111. To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchaaed and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, "R. EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen F1 easiire-Seekers and the Public gener­ ally, that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to aud from Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, and also' Wilmot, Wis., on short' notice and guarantee a quick trip ahd pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort <Jf passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road; Persons wishing to engage the Boat for aily special time can do so by mail or telegraph, bv address*- in&« . SNYDKR & CUUMC. MCllEXW, III.,, A|>ril Hth 1870; mmUm1 \ Bixsisietis Not!ee& **> , '.\i . '• ' T -Joquei Srtfc froin one dollair: lib 4 O. W. Oweu's. SALTf SALT!. Fresh Salt for sale at otir WarehoM# at 91.60 per Barrel. SMITH & SXYMOI A bran new Organ at O. W. Qwerii for #100. ' Dress Goods of all kinds aod ces to please, at Bucklin is Stevens'. Best thing in Plows. Gail and SMU - k. M.ona A full line of Clothing at, Bucklin A Stevens'; A full suit from $6,50 up. One twb^skated Democrat Wagou for sale cheap. O; W. OWEN. •r • - .« m Groceries at Panic Prices, at F. Granger's, at Howard & Son's old stand.!' If you want any kind of Fsirni imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. Ladies/.Ties in great variety and very cliCap; at Bucklin & Stevens's. The Blanctiartl and Fimmett Churns; the best In the unirket. For Sale by O. BISHOP; tfhe tlpion Corn Planter;the best in market, for sale by L. Francisco; Shop opposite the Parker House. CHEAPER THAN EVElt " All kinds olf Goods ££' Bucklin A Stevens'. A NEW THING. l)ouble chain, Ingrain Carpeting beats them all. For sale it P; D. Smith's. < - ' . T. •' - - • * New arrival of Cloftii xd arid Hats ami Caps at P; D. Smith's. M. Self <fc Co.'s Boots Snr^ ShOes^ warranted to give perfect satisfaCtibn^ at Bucklin & Stevens'. • "^0, If yon want an extra good Shtfvti br; Hair Cut, (hill on Charley, at the Parluir House. A splended Piano to Rent (it reason­ able terms. • • O. W. Owilr. Mcllenry 111. Jan. llth,1876. » Remember that Bucklin & Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Butter HATS! HATS! A cart load just received at £tickiiti & Stevens', at very low prices; Good dress Prints, fast colors, bniy 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. The Pearl Gang Plow has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite? the Parker House. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Couritei' Scales and Portable Platform Scales; for Sale by 0. Bishop. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades in Ecru Plaids, Moliairs, Melanges, Alapacaa, at P. D. Smith's. It is the universal testimony fjiat the Rochester aud Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best tfUd cheapest iu the market; Give them tL trial. P. D. SMITH; If you wirnt to get the latest style and best quality of Photographs call At1* Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McIICury, IlW? Price only $2 per dozen. STORE TO RENT* , , I offfer for Rent my Store, near tbo Depot, in the village of Mcllenry. Or will trade the same,with goOds, for it good farm. PHILLIP GiF.gELiub Mcllenry, 111. March 14th, 1876; , FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots and acre Property, tn and adjoining the Village of Mcllenry, that has heretofore been . held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms. E. M. OWKH. EGGS FOll HATCHING. From Pure Blood Brown Leghorn . Fowls and one of the best strains to be^ ';'|1 found in tlie United States. As layers ' tlie Brown Leghorns have no equals^ J-m Price per dozen $2. All ordSrfc prompt-, " # . ly attended to. Address. Tiros. WHIT gov, Woodstock, <11, MAllHIKD; HARTLKTT--MAYES--At the residence of the bride's lather, in thin village, on Thursday evening, May lSth. by the Rev. J. T. Oooner, Mr. KlJvin H. Bnrtlett, and Miss Laura E. Mayes, both of Mcllenry. For the liberal supply of cake accompanying theabove notice, the happy couple will please accept thanks, and onr best wishes tor a long happy and prosperous lifp, and that life's thorny piiths may never be found rougher than at the beginning is our heartfelt wish. Persons desiring to takffmt Patents, or d«. siring information from the U. S. Patent' Offlctf should consult F. A. H2HM ANN, SOLICITOR, OF AMERICAN A2il> FOREKUf fAT^STS, Washington, D. O- Examlnationa free. NO P ATENT NO P AY. Send for Circular. H. MAIMAN, ANT TAILOR. a. WAUCONDA, Lake County, - • • Illinois. Has Just received the Larcrest and Be«t- Stock ot dot!*!, Otssiineres, Fancy V estings, and also OlothinK of all kinds, ever bnuight to this Market. Metis', Youths and liny* SvuiU of all gratios ami ^rtees. I am prepareu to I- Suit you in Clothing Suit you to Order. Suit vou i» Price. Suit y Suit you iu Style. Suit you ou Fit. Youas TuvifX, Wr

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