Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1876, p. 4

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>* • *. a - fx T. ' 'V """"C, „ ' * fiT *" * ' , ^ * , ig season "VT^T - r* ••- ."""•** 4: V-» ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ *~Tv ^ %EDNESDAT, MAY 31$t, 1876. J. VAN SLYKK I^litov. THU sTAXK CONYliVlION. ^lifc result of the State Convention in Springfield last week was, to a large majority of thte people, more thau gratifying, and is hailed with enthusiasm throughout the State. We think the ticket is one of the strongest that could have been norainnted, head- «d i« it is by a man who litis been tried and never found wanting, of known in­ tegrity and ability, and against whom not one shade of "crookedness*' can be brought. And it is further gratifying because th« nomination of Hon. Shelby M. Cullom ou the first ballot was tire downfall of one of the most corrupt, ud unscrupulous political riugs that ev«r disgraced the State of Illinois. Daring the entire canvass, in this seo- tionof the St&U at least, they left no •tone unturned to accomplish their ends, and even *t the Convention a great amount of figuring was done by BevcridgeV friends to secure some ©o%y;\i etat by which he could be 110m- t1iated,«r Cullom defeated, through a combination on some other man, but a majority of the delegates had been aeot (hire by the people and not by the rings,and the machine politicians had no control over them.. The Evening Journals Springfield correspondent, in speaking of Mr. Cullom, the nominee for Governor, says: "Mr. Cullom is a banker at Springfield, a "plain common man" in Lie general appearance--of generous sympathies, strict morality, of unre- proachable integrity, and as good a practical •talesman as lives in the State. l!i««lection will secure to the Gubernatorial office a man of unaffect­ ed dignity, undoubted fitness, whose "heart is in the right place," and whose mind is "clear as a whistle." In an era when dirty hands are as plenty as blackberries, it is a happy thing that our candidate for Governor is not only honest, but so surely so that there is no honest suspicion to the contrary." 1 Below is the entire ticket uomina- M|d. e ' & For Governor--Shelby M. Cullom, of Sangamon. For Lieutenant Governor--Andrew 8haman, of Chicago. For Secretary of State--George H. Harlow, present Incumbent. Auditor-^Thomas B. [Needles, of Washington county. State Treasurer--Edward Rutz,of St Clair county. Attorney General--J. K. Edsall, of Lee county, the present incumbent. The delegation to the National Re­ publican Convention are not instructed, but it is understood to be a Blaine del­ egation. E, E. Ayer, of Harvard, !s the delegate from this county. ' NUN PA. F I *I-A IN DKA Lilt:-1- Another week has been borne awiiy upon the outgoing tide of Time, peculiarly marked with many of the interesting change.* and episodes of life. . T» maay perhaps this < '-entehnial year will be remembered by cireumstanfces that seem almost trivial in impoilruue, but which leave an impress upon the mind that Time cannot efiTaw. flatly peiv sous and firms of allluence have been wicked upon the breakers of specula­ tion and the glittering gem of wealth desert them just as the goal of their ambition had been reached. Col. Palmer has removed the saloon building {formerly owned ami* occu­ pied by Mr. Arneson) onto his own" lot fronting upon Main street and near the Nuuda Drug Store. We learn that lit' has been rented by Capt. Kelly, of Woodstock, who intends to open a Wagon and Carriage shop at an early day. Ilis skill as a workman has pre? ceded hitn and many are waiting his coining"to have their orders filled at home. He has also rented a dwelling house and will move his family in this week. He will find plenty of work but greenbacks a little scarce. ' The sale of O. G. Thompson's \v as well attended ahd most of the articles sold brought a good price, the total sales amounting to near four hundred dollars. We hear that Mr. Thompson intends to return to Chicago. Our merchants are constantly receiv­ ing* new goods, and their shelves are crowded with just such as everybody wants, while the sidewalks and back yards are filled with empty boxes, bar­ rels, and evcrv conceivable kind of packages, and if their money drawers are not soon filled it will be because they sell goods so near cost as to leave nothing but the pleasure of selling the goods for their profits. Many unexpected changes «eem to be the order in the Political Kings at Washington/from Door Keeper up. Cabinets are formed ttf-da}^ only to be reconstructed to-morrow. The Admin- istration seems determined to weed out all persons who do not bow the knee to the mandates of Party. The recent change made by Gen. Grant can really only be construed as so many steps taken in favor of some particular Presidential candidate. But let ^im build his airy castles. The people are ripe to break the bands of jparty rings and reassert a Freeman's right, to vote a Freeman's ballot. That determina­ tion, it seems, was made manifest at Springfield the other day,' and poor John L. has been left out in the cold, with a merfc handful of sorry looking officials to keep him company. An in­ dignant people have investigated the situation and declared agahfst their unworthy servants. TYKO. i&*The centennial stamped enve­ lope, issued by the postoffice depart­ ment, represents the mail deliverers in 1776 and 1876. The stamp is in the form of a shield,printed in light green. At the top appear the figures i*177G," with"U. S.wom either side, and the <*ord "postage" directly underneath. Below this is a post rider, telegraph HDM, railroad train, and the words "three cents" and figures "1876." SOT An Indiana man has patented a Mis which when once eloped, &ui <mly cpnned from the inside, and by the •tnani of the coffin himself. This will •apply a long felt want. It will be a great consolation to a man after he is a corpse to know that he can open his ooffin and get a little fresh air once in a While; and no prying individuals can Me him unless he feels so disposed--or unless they pry the lid off with a crow bar. in '-fish stories' commenced.' ' ' » * *. •*> i-: The CuekooVand Whi poo will's notes are heard in our groves and if time honored sayings have not lost their virtue*, good weather .(• foretold by , theII^welcome songs. L. I\ SQUARE. CH*:VI> KKATUNG.--1The "Waverley Magjutiue" is tl^handsomest and lar­ gest literary paper in the United States. The artielosare all complete !u each number.* It also contains a page of music for the Piano, and double the reading of *ify other paper. Six­ teen tiumbers will be sent to any part oFtW comity, post-paid, for one dollar. „ MosKg A. Dow', Boston, Mass.. NOTICE. 50,000 lbs. of --AT THE-- ' JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS NORTH MAIN STREET. Tilt? subscribers wish to inform their pntrnns nild everyljody that thov will manufac­ture th<-ir Wool into goo<l gubatantjal (Jiisfi, meres, Doeskins, Flannel and Stocking Yarn, on share* or by the yard or pound, 011 satisfae I tory terms; or will buy their Wool and pay the highest market price, and sell them good substantial Cassimeres at $1.00 per yard, and all other goods at the same rate. .Will my half cash on good line lots, not too small. Will pay Express charges 011 all lots of Wool ot 50 pounds or more and ret urn the goods free ot charge. Will card their Wool into rolls for (ic per pound.; al-o card Wool the same day when brought from a distance, if i>os.sLWle. "Will dress their clotli on the usual terms. Carpets washed; price 5 cents per yard,' Farmers, pa­ tronize borne iudustry. IX cxchangc for Goods, Vs SniCuj™" Wool-Grease, Tallow and Wood, for which the highest price will bp paid. K. A. W1IE K LEJt & CO. Janesville, Wis., May 30th, 1376. L. Stoddard, IN HOWE'S BLODK, McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS HAS just received a large and well selected stook of Hats Caps, Boots and Shoes, NOTIONS, Oroceries, &c., Which he is offering to the buying public At Prices to Suit the Times. *3*My stock of Hats an<l Caps comprises the latest styles, and wrll be sold low for Cash or Kenuy Pay.. CALL AND SEE. J,. STOBDAKD. McIIenry. 111., May 30th, 1876. BLAKE & BllO., --DEALKliS IN-- Furniture! REPORT OP THE f-or-, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close efBusines* May-12, '76 T.oana and Discounts, Overdrafts, . . IT. S. Boyds to secure Circulation.. Due from approved Unserve Agts, Due from other Xationra Banks,£» i Heal Estate and Furnitlire, (Hirrent Expenses, ...-.J ('hecks and other Cashnterns...... Jiills of other National {Banks,.. ,t..} Fractional CurrencyJ inclu(Ui| Nickle Specie,. I,egalTender Notes,. Iiedemption Fund w* RE Capital Circulation, Surpltis, Deposits, 1 Ifttex-oat...... U 8 Treas. •178,721 « 4<r.i r,tt 60,000 t*i 35.W !f5 mStXi (T? \ 1,200 00 ^ ;{ 50 ' 1,517 0O J,070 00 140 53 400 00 K.OOfJ 00 1,650 00 - KCE8. (086,227 87 160,000 00 45.000 00 •"fln.OOO (K) J8I», l-2:t 1,103 95 $m,zn 87 rtaTk or Xi,iinTO<k County of Mclleiary, I, JOIIN J. MURPHY, Cashier of the alxive named do sotemtily swear that the above statement ig true to the best of my knowledge and Ix-lief. .JOHN J. MURPIIY, Cashie*. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Gth day of May, 1878. J. A. PAKRISH, N. P. NSIIX DONNELLT, W. ILBTKWAKT JOHN J. MUKVIIT IT, ) Directors. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Shoes For the Spring & Summer trutlv which 1 can mid will sell at prices that DEFY Competition. GOODS Warranted as repre­ sented. UALL and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PEKKY & MARTIN'S STORE McXIenrj, 111. Beal Kstat* Traiufen. Conveyances filed in the Recorder's OAoe of McIIenry County, Illinois, for \ the week commencing May 22d, 1876, and ending May 27th, A. D. 1876: Lafayette Benthuysen to J Edward Beckley. T,ot 5 blk'ji Ellsworth addi­ tion to Nunda. A H "Mftehaem to Charles L Ellsworth Kot 2 blk 12. Xunda,«.">00. Elizabeth Duffy to Edward Duffy, •e ne <*, 46,7, f2O0. James Overton and wife to Leonard Boatieri. loj acres iu se se 31, 46,9. •375. ' ' Betsey Watww* to Rufug C Jellerson. Bertchy Farm. 95300. Morrl« II Allen and wife to Walter P Fillmore. Pt lots 1 and 2 blk 9 Spen­ cer's 2d addition *to Marengo. $850. John Wallace to Win Henry Wallace. 200 acres in pec J, 8, 18, &tt)00. James Ov«rw>n And wife to Gildon And George Harness. 120 &cr*s in 22, 46,8, #5000. Same to Wm Moody, w pt sw sw, 3. 40, 8, #131*66. Same to William J. and Richard W Overton, wj nw 23,40, 8.3'300. Flavel K Granger and wife to Joseph Buss. Lots 1 aud2 blk 10 West Mcile n- ry, #400. J A Parrish to Geo R Weeks, w hf lot 5 blk 10 Marengo, $200. (^Somebody gaveP»ddy MeGrath a pickled egg. PadflJjr ^)it it in two opened his mouth, made a face and «|aid: i4Be me sowl. I'll go before ony Jodge or jury in the wurreld an' take Jne oath that the hin that led that «gg the dys^ijpsy or heartburn." WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER :--Woodstock has enjoyed a reason of quiet since our last writing. The several meetings are kept up. but are .conducted so qui­ etly, and unobirusively that save for the "sounding brass" or bell ringing at the hour of service, one would hardly know of the presence of some half dozen divines besides our resident ministers. For two or three successive- days quite interesting religious servi­ ces were conducted in and around the Spring House, in our beautiful park. Why they were discontinued is not known, hence not herein explained. ijTQpwithstinding these meetings, the sound of the grinding is heard at mills, our merchants *re busy at their .counters, our farmers "drive their *tearns afield," our shops iurnish the usual hum of busy life, the Robins, the Jay, and the Thrush withold not their vesper songs, and if report says truly, "marriage and giving in marriage" is to be continued as according to old probabilities, we are to have several weddings within the week. The invi­ tations have gone forth and in one in­ stance, at least, a beautiful cage has been engaged and a "Singer" unsur­ passed in -song is daily expected to take possession thereof. May her melodies, *ver harmonise #with, and find accordant notes iu Johnny's heart. The Delegates have returned from our State Convention and with the ex­ ception of a few disappointed ones, with whom Bereridge was a special favorite, all are well satisfied with the result, and many of the opposition, who just before the convention talked loudly of Democratic victories in Illi­ nois, this centennial year, nowsoto voce, give utterance to grave doubts and virtually yield the State. To all re­ publicans our State tickets is not mere­ ly acceptable but accepted with en­ thusiasm. And in regard to the action of tlie convention in the selection of Blaine delegates to represent u6 in our national convention universal satisfac­ tion prevailed. And "Blaine of Main will beat the Cains who slew their brother Abel. Our City Fathers are making some much needed improvements upon our street!*and s-icle walk". May they con­ tinue their good w ork that our people may walk the "straight and narrow Path*' There must be some virtue »cven in grog-shops, when some of our citizens, too favorably inclined toward the crit­ ter, -find fault iu very emphatic terms, s,because the)' cannot obtain all.their ap- peti^s craves. Our pleasure seekers freely indulge Of all Grades an<l Prices. Wftrerooin Nearly Oi>i»odito the Post Officc, McHenry, III. Wareroom Crammed Full ! Where "will be found anything from Common Kitchen JStyles to the finest Parlor Sets, In Ilair, Clotli and Reps. They~have Chamber &ets, and can salt everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CITAIUS, LOOKINd GLASSES, AND PICTURE Ell AMES, UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases and Cofiins constantly on hand, and made to order 011 shoYt notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. All Goods Warranted Of the very best qualitv and sold a& LOW AS THE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McIIenry, 111., Aug. 2d. 1875. 18 7 6 PHILIP GIESELER, At his new Store, near the Depot, ianow ready with tliu Largest And Best Stock of Goods ! Ever brought to this market, jon which I am propardU and will make prices that will Defy all Competition, My Stc Dry Goods, My Stock.CVnHsts in part ot N ISLAJQLE)! Nails, !> a M Kj AT East Side Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. West Side Market. C. T. ELDKEDGE, Prop. Agricultural "Warehouse Is liow filled to overflowing with Machinery of all khids, which he is prepared to furnish at Low FIGLUES and warrant as represented. We have tlie Celebrated ENOCH & DOTY PLOWS 1 Which are WARRANTED to Scour in aiiy Soil. In Plows of any kind we can suit you both in quality and Price. The Dayton Sulky Dump Rake, Which is acknowledged to have 110 Superior. l)o not fail to call at my Warehouse aiid examine one for yourself. BOOTS, SIIOKS, eHOCKEBY, &o., To wfiich I invite the attention of the buying public. I alao keep on hand a toljfc and well selected stuck of MILLINERY GOODS, of all'kirifls, to "Wh'i<*h the attention of the .Ladies in eespecially invited. Oitll and see. 1*1111.11* UIK8ELEB McIIeiiiy, I1L, April ad, and xt'll meat us a Call. »ry CI1AS. lifft T. KLJDUKPGIS. jyicllcary, IUV May £2d, 1S70. Reapers and Mowers. We handle the WM. ANSOJC \\ OOD and the McCoKancK,. both ;>t which are so well known by ther Farming community that they need no recommendation. These Ma­ chines can be tested beside any other in the market,2.having been> tried in nianyjtields and uuever fouiidl wanting. WAGONS ! WAGONS 5 •» In Wagons vr& beat the world. We keep the1 celebrated Blake Wagon, manufactured expressly for us, which Ave warrant in every particular. In short there is nothing in the line of Agricultural Machinery, Tools, &c., but what we can furnish you and at prices. Tliat I>oly Conipe titioii. O. BISHOP. McIIenry, III., April 18th, 1876. 1876. BUCKLIN & STEVENS, NEAR THE t)EPOTT MUENRY. Have a Full and Complete General Stock for the Spring and Summer Trade. Uniformly Low Prices FOB CASH. The Highest Market Price lor BUTTER AND EGGS, in. or Trade. BUCKLIN SL STEVENS. McIIenry, 111., April 3d, 1S7G. There's Millions in It. What? Why, in Buying Your Apiltiral IijleisitsJ --OF-- J L . F R A N C I S C O Oj)posite the Parker House, MclIENRY, - _ . iLlJNOia rpiIE Subscriber havlnp open 1 cd a Market in tiic llase- •^iiH Dt of the Parker House, will Keep constantly on hand Fresh & Salt Meats, POULTRY, &c.v And respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. buy only the best of animals nuat at the very lowest liprures. Give lie is selling the celebrated Union Corn Planter, the One and Two Horse Champion Cultivator, the Best Gaiiff Plow HI the Mar­ ket, Carr, Scott & Co.'s Threshing Machines, tue celebrated two- wheeled Kirby Reaper and Mower^ The Improved MEADOW LARK ('MOWER, and other fifiBt class Macliinery. TIMJ Kirby Heaper ami Mower is now arkno\\lc(l^e« to liftvc no eutuvl, and Avill IK* POII.1 as km as any other flrst class Machine in the Market. Bt^Kemember 1 will not be imtlersoM when first class MacMuery is iu com­ petition. Calliat my Shop and examine Machines and leaxn rrices. L. FRANCISCO- Mcllunr^ May 10th, 1870.

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