Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1876, p. 5

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e|[eary ]}Iaiii3eaI.or. S£= WET>^ESI>A*. MAT^st. isfo." - Railroad Timp Tpble. NOIXG MLLTTF • LR • wenevaLake Passenger;.-.,J-BA. H (jfeneva Lake Freight .1:35 V. A S ©OIKOHOHTB..' .* •; WENE** Lake Freight. ........10:00 A. M. ©eneva Lake Passenger 7:05 p. M. MASONIC. MCHKXHV CHAPTfeR No. 3| R. A. 31.--Regm tor Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. . . ^ ̂ tt C. IKIB» H. P. O. W. OWEN See.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.-- Kev. J. T. Cooper. Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10# A. M. Sunday School at 12 A. M. WM. PAOE, Super- Jntendont. Services at Ringwood at 2 P. M. SEE Statement of the First National Bank, Woodstock, in another coftimu. SEE the new advertisement of L Stoddard, in another column. His Btock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Gro­ ceries, &c., is complete,and his prices as low as the lowest. IsMcHenry to bring home the cham­ pion Flag from Waukegan on tlie 7th? That is now the question, and let evert*- one answer it by reporting in Wauke- gan oa Wednesday morning next.. IN another column can be found a new advertisement of the tTanesviJle Woolen Mills, to which we invite the attention of our readers, and especially farmers and Wool growers. ELWIN H. BARTLET and wife, wffo were married on the 18th inst. started on Monday morning for Marshal, Iowa, which is to be "their future home. They carry "with tliem the beat wislie6 of a host of friends in this village.. THE Steamer "Athlete" made her first trip to the Lakes on Sunday last, and with the abundance of water now 1 IF the river, runs nobly. She is now ready to take Picnic Excursions or Fishing parties on short notice. AN.. HAN KINS' stable' of thoroughbred Bu lining Horses^ that wintered in this village, were taken to Chicago on Frh- day last, with the exception of one, '".Ammadus^' who was so badly lamed ^in a rsice last season as to be unfit for the turf this year. WEcwould call the attention of those •of our readers in search of bargains to the Auction Notice of J. E. Vasey, Bingwood, to be found in another column. He offers his entire remain­ ing stock in store to the highest bid­ der, as he is bound to close out. WE understand that J- J. Cillis has purchased the store on the East side of Water Street, ift this village, formerly occupied by L. Stoddard, and will im^ mediately fit it up and open a Res­ taurant and Billiard Ilall. He will also build an addition on the South side for a residence. THE Agent for the ̂ 'Little Pilgrim" Washing Machinc, is now in this vil­ lage and introducing this Machine by doing washings at different places. If simplicity is what is needed this must •be a very meritorious machine. IJow- 'ever, we will hear what.the -Indies say after the washing is done, 'OUR new Street Commissioner is do­ ing a good work upon the streets, and "if he keeps on as he lias commenced .McHenry wlll soon have her streets in a condition to compare with the best. „jje commenced at the Bridge and in­ tends to grade and gravel to th*e Depot. He is also putting down new crossing? Vttiioiris au ImproTernent long need­ ed. • . Pi BiiSx. of the McHenry Bakery, now Shakes regular trips as follows: Ring- wood and Richmond, Mondays and Thursdays. Yolo :in«l Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our veaders in the above named places that Mr. Best is a"first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies, Cakes, &c., on the days mentioned. OLD Centennial Fourth of July is •Expected to arrive in this village at ex­ actly 12 tf olocfc on the night of the 3d. He will be escorted across the'•border" •by the celebrated Norwegian Band, and afterwards serenaded by the Gagetown 3iiuetrels. Capt. Killsamcuss and his raginufflu troop are also expected here on that occasion. In short look out for a big time in McHenry on the 4th. AMONO the improvements we have to rnotice this week is the putting on of a iiiew roof and painting of the House Dr. H. T. Brown, a handsome new picket fence along the McHenry House lot, the putting tipof the addition to Isaac Wentwortlvs new house, besides other repairs of less note, but neverthe­ less improvements of a substantial aud needed kind. And still the work goes on. ONE week from to-day the Old Set­ tlers Reunion will be held at Waukegan, and from what we can learn from dif- ferant parts of this county there is to be a very general turnout. The ci tizens of Waukegan have made arrangements to accommodate and make it pleasant for all, and with good weather it is certain that the Old.Settlers Reunion *pf 1876 will be long remembered with pleasure by old and young. Let every­ body make it a point to have their (icnapsacks filled and ready for an early %d^|art on the morning of the 7th, and show ©ur neighbors that McHenry coun­ ty is allviHetld bound to keep alive the memories ef titers gone by. WE received, two communications this week-in relation to an item that "appeared in oar Nunda locals last week, but as they take the opposite extremes we have decided to lay them both aside, and let the matter settle itself in some other way. It certainly was not the intention of the item to do any one an injury, and we do not believe contradictory communications from outsiders can be of interest to any. TiiERt. Rer. Wm. E. McLaten Bish­ op of the Diocese of Illinois, will visit Spring Grove, on Saturday, the 3d day of June, for ttfe purpose of consecrating the Episcopal Church there, also to ad­ minister the Rite of confirmation to all wly> may be desirous and ready to be confirmed. The services will begin at 10,30 A. M. A general attendance is cordially invited. PKTKR AKVEDSOK, Missionary in charge, : ' . j ' THE subscription which was started last week for the purpose of fenciug and grading the Public Park, was very successful, and sufficient money has al­ ready been pledged to guarantee that the improvement will be made. With a good substantial fence, walks, and a few Evergreens, we will have as hand­ some ^Park as there is in the county, and we are glad to be .able to announce that thd> work of improvement will immediately commence. Thus one improvement follows another and all are more or less benefitted thereby. FISHING is now good, and those who have the time to handle the line and rod, are enjoying it immensely. The past week parties have been here from Chicago, Elgin, Woodstock, and other places. The Club Houses at the Lak es will soon be full, aud then the general summer campaign will commence. The number of pleasure seekers who will visit the Lakes this season promi­ ses to'be much larger than ever before They are just beginning to find out that there is no place in the Northwest that comes any where near it for hunting, fishing, and general pleasure. , - - _ -=»w « lunJUUB tiro an article in people's opinion jy 0411 got it for nothing. Many e presses and go on their way a paper who would very five cents for one if they were Thjs lqpg table of the Ameri- fh Company, with its delicate I and its double row of young Imployed in making and put- ether the delioate parts of ^always attracts an interested The numerous looms for weav- •nsf woolens, carpets, figured suspenders, attract attention, " much as some novelty like «My am cure this by using ery, whie! heals the upon the: WE took a hasty look over our Piekldr Works the other day, and became more than ever convinced that there is no Factory in the Northwest that is kept in so sweat and wholesome a condition as the McHenry Factory. With Pickles in all stages from the salt to vinegar, and a constant changing from the vats to barrels and bottles, everything was as sweet and free from smell as it could be in a private parlor. All of which proves that Mr. Welsh, the manufactur­ er, is not only the best Pickle maker in the West, but is also a model of good order and neatness. Owing to the fail­ ure of Heinz, Noble & Co., the Wood­ stock firm, to whom they had bargained their last years crop, they have quite a stock on hand, both in vinegar'and salt, but they are all in excellent order, aud are pronounced by good judges to be the best Pickles in the maiket. The brine in the vats is as sweet and clear as when first made. We saw one tub of Pickles that has been in the Factory two years, and are as sound hard and fine as when first made. As we have before said\Ir. Welsh is the '"right man in the right place," understanding the business in all its branches, from com­ mon to mixed and fancy pickles, chow- chow, &c. Messrs Walker & Curtis need have no fear but what their goods will stand well upon the market while Welsh is the manufacturer. This Fac­ tory has contracted for the usual amount of produce this year, and will run on full time during the season. CORN an not more soj where knot so _ Writer. Two or three of 'these are kept busy making letters Us from the country, who de- nticipating the surprise of the ome at receiving news in print omgs of their frienda at THE committee ofArrangements for the Fourth of July Celebration, in this village, are leaving nothing.undone to ensure a grand success, and those of our neighbors who visit us on that occasion can rest assured of a pleasant and profitable time. We have all the natural advantages to accommodate a crowd, such as Steamboats, row boats, cool and shady groves a short distance from the river, and in short everything that one could wish for such an occa­ sion. Some of our best^speakers will bo present, and a .|gst class Band will be engaged-M^ furnish the music. Therefore we say McHenry is bound to get up a celebration that will ^be an honor to the tow it and the Cen­ tennial year. Everybody who wants a good time on the"4th should come to McHenry. DR. A. C. B&LIVof'OFCFE CAUGHT* the "Boss*' Fish in Fox Lake on Friday last. He had been fishing in the Lakes for sevsrs! "ay? sad on Friday after­ noon hAoked one to be a monster^idjjiltn the assistance o£ hr oarsmen, Chester Howard, of this vil­ lage, succeeded in landing him. He measured four feet three inches in length, girted around the center of the body t wenty one and a half inches, and weighed forty-one and qt, half pounds. We are informed that with one ex­ ception this is the largest fisli ever caught in the Lakes. Dr. Bell caught this one with a common line and spoon hook, and that he managed to land him was Irtdeed a miracle. In shape this fish was one of the handsomest we ever saw, large or small, a beautiful speckled long and as fiueJy shaped as any pic­ ture of the finjiy tribe could be. And we can assure onr readers that this is no "fish story," as we saw this one our- self. That there are still larger fish than this in the Lakes, is without doubt true, but one may consider it pure luck to catch one, as very few lines are strong enough to hold them. Dr. Bell took this one to Chicago on Sat­ urday morning, and went home with the firm conviction that there is no such fishing grounds in the West as Fox and Pistaqua Lakes. SPKLUNG KKPOKT. The following is the report of my spelling class. lor the four weeks en­ ding May 2Gth, 187G. Grace Owen, 11- 450; Lyda Cooper, 1-400 ; Belle Stoddard 3-400: Efiie Til ton, 37-350; Jennie Beers, 10-500; Kate Kelter, 6-300; Eloise Waite. 5-475; Mabel Smith, 16-450: Ada Gran­ ger. 2-500; Nellie Holmes, 8-500; Chas. Slafter, 8-375; Jennie Searles, 10-475; Eugene Perkins, 7-450; Ettie Beers, 7-475; < S. D. BALDWIN, Teacher. Go and see the piles of new Goods being received daily at P. D. Smith's, at Smith Bros, old stand* AT a meeting of St. Mark's Ledge, No. 63, A. F. & A. M., held at" their Lodge room, in Woodstock, the follow­ ing resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHI4KEAS, By the dispensations of the Grand Master of the universe whose mysterious ways are past finding out, our Wortfly Brother Geo. W. Thomas has been called from Labor to refreshment to the Grand Lodge above. Therefore Resolved, this as in all else, we acknowledge the wisdom of Al­ mighty God and humbly bow to his Divine will. lie&nlced, That we hereby tender to the widowed wife and orplfaned child­ ren and to the bereaved parents, broth­ ers, sister. and relatives of tlie de- tarrh Remjceased the full measure of our sympa- This is thaithies as men and masons, and iii this bsok cavitiaheir hour of severe allictions pledge Nodanger to tliein anew our Masonic obligation, ant to uae. © mentares< Resolved, That the Secretary f.irnish p "copies hereof to tlie immediate rela- . "^jf^^tives of tlie deceased. Also to our sever- affectimiH < 1 ^'ouut3' for publication, smooth, by( A. L. SAiisFrnr, ] made by CM A SA W. S M i TH, the only kin are many in which we v U. N. SMITH, JOHN S. WM: VT, E. K. lMCHAlU)*, Committee. GREENWOOD EDITOR PLAIN-DEALER:--The gener­ al excitement and interest consequent upon the passing events of the present year furnish ample food for the uatu- rally curious, peculiar American genius, whose constant aim and ambition ap­ pears to be a search for a change of events, something new, some new in­ vention, some new scheme, religious, political or scientific, upon which the constantly expanding egregious Amer­ ican in ind may feed with all the ra­ pacity of its nature seeking to attain tlie acme of perfection, a point which the ever hopeful helplessness of man­ kind never need expect to attain. We have for our present contemplation, Centennialism in every form; we walk, I talk, eat, drink, sleep, and imell Cenr tennially and without doubt many of us dress Centennially, or in other words wear clothes made one hundred years ago, especially if we getshoddied, We IiaVeTsiill farther fof vur aumsement, Presiuentallsm, Beech#rism, Granger- ism^jitthfcathousand aud one other isms, eautiful lovely Spring all aature «cked in her brightest robes of beau­ ty and still we are not happy. Mr. Tolcs informs us that the break in his Mill Dam caused by the recent heavy rains will be the worst to repair that he has ever had, the channel being cut verj' deep. We agaiu have with us for a few weeks, our friend A. E. Baldwin, who has closed his labors as teacher with a view of the practice of Medi­ cine his profession aud will leave in a few weeks for Ann Arbor, Mich. A certain individual of small statute and a globular name, while engaged at laboring near a neighboring house a few days since, while in a stooping po­ sition, was caught on the back part of his pants by a very observing canine, who thought to gather up some of the slack, for fear of a gale, which however proved a failure, as it had the effect to send the occupant a number of feet in the air exclaiming as he came down, **Get out, you Centennial dog, or I will never come down to earth again." The dog has showed no symptoms of Hydrophobia as yet. EVEN. ^Richmond Department. mv. M. Geneva take Geneva Lake Freight OOISO KOKTM Genera Lake Freight... r ...... Geneva Lake Passenger..VI..... mtolved, That while we deeply mourn his loss, aud with sad hearts miss htm in the lodge room and in the bus? walks of our every day life, We yet how in humble submission to that Grand Master who loves us and our de­ parted brother, and who hides a bless­ ing in every seetniag that, when His hand misfortune, so seems to smite .10:40 A. x. ..7:*7 r. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. P. J. Dotlfflaa* COXOBSO ATION A t , R e v . Pastor. Services at 2 P. M. HKTiioms*:--'RPV. SamL Earn gey Paster. Services 10:!» A. M. Sabbath School V:» A. X. J. I. Downing, Supt. Wheeler Pastor. Services I0:J^ A. M. gabbath School IS M. Beautiful warm, pleasant weather, and farmers are iuiproviu^ it in iug planting corn. t Improvements continue, fliir btrtltV ihgs being put up, others planning and getting ready to build, others repair­ ing and repainting those already built. It looks as though we would have more improvements made in town thin year than during three years past. Smith, Aldrich & Haythorn are giv­ ing the inside of their store a new coat of paint and improving the internal arrangement so that they have the best arrauged store and largest stock of goods in this section, and their goods and clerks say come and exatniae. me, (the goods we mean not the clerks) before purchasing elsewhere. The committee that was called to meet last Saturday to make arrange­ ments to attend the Old Settlers Meet­ ing at Waukegan. June 7th, met and appointed Hon. W. A. McConnel to confer with other committees at Har­ vard, Woodstock, &c., and visit go and make arrangements, if it be favorably done, to have anexcu train to run over the railroad liu this county and connect at Ilarv Genoa Junction and run via Kenosha to Waukegan and return same day. Com­ mittee to report at adjourned meeting Thursday June 1st, at 4 o'clock P. M. Our Honorable President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Richmond, G. P. Wodell, circulated a subscription among onr citizens and raised the requisite amount to extend the much needed, and long talked of sidewalk from the west line of the Village limits, the present terminus of the walk, to the Cemetery. Men aud leanis are at work grading the ground and preparing to lay the walk* The gentleman is pushing the work ahead so it will be completed before the 30th of May, the day for decorating the graves of onr patriotic dead, which we hope this community will turn out in mass to commemorate. We would suggest this a good time to rep.*ir£ome of our dilapidated sidewalks, and to build new ones on all our main streets. Since writing the above the walk has been completed and we have a good walk, and we would suggest to careless boys and all others that our City Fath­ ers wisely makes it a penal offence to ride, drive, or lead horses, mules or horned cattle, on the sidewalks except at gateways and street crossings, and our Pc^b are on the lookout for reck less, thoughtless ones. A word to the wise Is sufficient. the heaviest we may with nnfaltering faith and trust sar "Thy will be done." He$olved. That, to the bereaved fam­ ily of our departed brother we extend alt the consolation that human sympa­ thy can give in so dark an hour, and commend them to the God of the Mason for that resignation and peace which can only come from above. Jfetolved, That a copy of these reso­ lution* ipreari upon the minutes of this Lodge, a copy transmitted to the bereaved family, and copies furnished the county papers for publication A. It ALEXANDER, I BtN*aTT, • • yCtanmittoe * •• R ^OR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured bj* mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. Richmond, III. Business Notices. Croqnet Sets from one dollar ttp at O. W. Owen's. _ SALT!. SALT! Fresh Salt for sale at onr Warehouse at $1.00per Barrel. SMITH A SNTDER A bran new Organ at O. W. Owen's for #ir~ oods of all kinds and at pri- , at Bucklin & Stevens1. Dress cos to pi thing in Plows. Call and see. C. M.OWBK. A fhll line of Clothing at Bucklin & Stevens'. A fall suit from $6,50 up. One two-eeated Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWEN. Groceries at Panic Prices at F. K. Granger's, at Howard & Son's old stand. If you want any kind of Farm imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. Ladies Ties In great variety and very cheap, at Bucklin & Stevens'. The Blanctiard aud Emmett Churns, the best in thft market. For Sale by O. BISHOP. The Union Corn Planter, the best In market, for sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. CHEAPER THAN EVER All kinds of Goods at Bucklin & Stevens'. A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain Carpeting beats them all. For sale at P. D. Smith's. To Pleasure Seekers. e The undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, "It. EMERSON." would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public gener­ ally. that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to and from Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, aud also Wilmot, Wis., on short notice and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time can do so by ma41 or telegraph, bv address- IU.S« SXYDER CLARK. HCHSXBT, IiU, April nth 187& ODITUABT. William H. Purdy was born in Dutch­ ess County, New York, December 27tb, 1816. He came West hi 1841, and set­ tled in Richmond, Illinois. For about 18 years he was engaged in the mercan­ tile business and for 2 years,, and 10 months he was not able to walk or stand uuon his feet, on account of a paralytic stiola, which affected h!s hip joiuis so as to deprive him of the use of his lower ]lmbs. For about five months past he was confincd to his bed. During all, that two years and ten months he gradually grew weaker, and life ap­ peared to be slowly ebbing. Every­ thing that kind friends could do, was done, the skill and medical aid of the most eminent Physicians was called to his aid, but, from the first, it appeared that death had marked him for his own and he never loosed his grasp, and on the morning of May 16th, at 8£ o'clock, his purified spirit left the tenement of clay, where it had been pent up so long and went to dwell In that Heavenly land, where there Is no paiu nor sorrow, there to be united with loved ones goue before. Mr. Purdy, as a business man, noted for his honesty, uprightness and square dealing; as a neighbor,kind and obliging, ever ready to lend a helping hand in sickness or in time of need. A good citizen, true to his fellow man, to his Country ttud to hie God. A kind indulgent, loving father, an affeotionate true and endearing husband. As a Christian, lie was an unwavering, faith­ ful, every-day Christian, a member of the Methodist Church for twenty years or more, and during that time was Trustee and for several years a Steward. The church has lost a good faithful Brother and one of their best ofHcial members. At a regular communication of Rich­ mond Lodge A. F. and A. M. held Mondsy evening May 22nd, Brothers S. F. Bennett, A. R. Alexander and John McDonel being appointed a com­ mittee for the purpose, reported the following preamble and resolutions which were, on motion adopted. Whereat, It has pleased our Heaven­ ly Father to call our honored Brother, William H. Purdy from the labor and cares of earth to the rest and pease of the Lodge Celestial, removing from our midst a true and upright Mason, a respected citizen and a faithful friend, New arrival of Clothi tg and Ilat* and Caps at P. D. Smith's. M. Sels A Co.'s Boots and Shoes, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bucklin A Steveds'. If yon want an extra good Shave or. Hair Cut, call on Charley, at the Parker House. ______ A splended Piano to Rent on reason­ able terms. O. W. Owix. McHenry IIL Jan. flth, 1878. Remember that Bucklin 4b Stevens offer their goods at the very lowest living prfoes, and pay Oa$h for Butter and Eggs. * HATS! HATS! A cart load just received at Bucklin A Stevens4, at very low prices. Good dress Prints,, fast colors, only 6>«ts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. The Pearl Gang Plow* has no equal. For sale by L. Francisco. Shop opposite the Parker House. " V F o r a y H a y S c a l e s . C o u n t e r S c a k s and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale by O. Bishop. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades in Ecru Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacas, at P. D. Smith's. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester aud Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for whicli we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively tlie best and cheapest in the market. Give them a trial. P. D. SMITH. If you want to get the latest style and best quality of Photographs call at Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McHenry, 111. Price only 02 per dozen. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Puie Blood Brown Leghorn Fowls and one of the best strains to be found in the United States. As layers the Brown Leghorns have no equals. Price per dozen $2. All orders prompt­ ly attended to. Address. THOS. WHIT SON, Woodstock, 111, STORE TO RENT. Poflferfor Rent my Store', near the Depot, in the village of McHenry. Or will trade the same, with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIKSEIJUU McHenry, 111. March 14th, 1876. FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots aud acre Property, in and adjoining the Village of McHenry, that has heretofore been held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms*. k E. M. OWEN. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dominic Fowls. I shall be prepared to furnish a limited number of settings of Eggs from the above breed of Fowls, which are ac­ knowledged I>y all to be the beat layers in the oountry. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my^arm. 4 miles South­ east ot McHenry, or orders can be left at the PLAIN DEALER Office, which will receive prompt titishtton. Price M ents per dozen, H. X. DOLBEEB. 'M A SURE CURE FOR This is to certify that after home from California to my Chicago I tta» tak^n with & 1 tried everYtl»iugth;»t wa» ded to me (but did me no over five years, untif 1 got of F. Marcus' Bitters Wlik'h ro cured trie. Robert Forfest, l'« and others can testify the tibt*f# to bo true and no humbtig." I hat-*' ptftrM It to be equally as good for billions Wm* plaints. It strengthens ami tnVfforate* the whole system, carries oft' tlie bile, and gives warmth to tlie chilled veins of both old aud young* Ills th® bitters I ever used. JOUST »•*. Town of Seneca, McHenry Comity* 8tato of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn before me ttiff 28th day of September 187S. E. BALPWHT AUCTION. *! ^ The undersigned being deslrovs ef closing out his remaining stock will sell at Public Anctlou. at his gtore la Ringwood, on Fridav June Sd, 1876, commencing at 10 o'clock A.M.the entire remaining stock in store, con­ sisting of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Hats and Caps, Notions ana others articles too nummerotis t«s men* tiou. Sale positive and without re­ serve. : TERMS.--All sums of $?> ami tinder cash. Over that sum aeredit of Nine months will be given on approved Notes, at 10 per cent Interest. 4, is. J.A> SBaawotm, Auctioneer. *v; . NOTICE." ' Alt the Notes and accounts of the late firm of Smith Bros <&Co., aire now In the hands of John M. Smith Esq., for collection. A11 persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to said flriu will do well to call and settle the same without delay. ^ ' A *8X1*1% *1 MrHebry April 94th IBflfc , ^ BOARDERS WA"XTED, ^ | The undersigned is prepared ^ nish accommodations to Boarders by the Week, Day, or single Meal, giving good accommodation at a moderate price. Residence first street West of the Public Square. % •». »* ... MRS»IH A, OFTAMBT HI"•• McHenry, 111.March 1st, luflfc %' LEGAL BLANKS* ' ":A T 1 Legal Blanks of all kinds for sail' at the Corner Drug Store of Murphy ft Hoy* Woodstock. III. Orders by JJUtU | promptly attended to. • .V; The new American Sewing 5factiine, the best In the market. They are war­ ranted in every particular, run easier, and make less noise. Call and see them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Elegant patterns of Notinghtfnt tain Lace from 20 cts., and upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall pnp«r and wiudow shades, at very low prices. P. D. SMITH* AH who have dull Raxors and them sharpened, take them to Charley, at the Parker House. All work (IQIM..: .; by the latest tip of the wing. v • Fancy Note and Letter Psper, with envelopes to match. Very neat style* At O. W. Owen's. FOB a fine assortment of Dry Goodt». Groceries, &c„ go to F. K. Granger's the old stand of Howard A Son. ESTRAY" NOTICE. C1A5TE Intflftheenclosure of the nn»Icrslgne«t J on or Altont the J5t,h inst., ONE IIOU.--- "Weight about 160 pounds. The owner is by notl11t»«l to prove property, pttv rhsirgeS and take him away. WILLAKD COLBtV McHenry, IIL, May 90th, 1878. Thoroughbred Horse A M M A D t T S p Thifl celebrated Running florae was foaled In. 137S, and bred by Co!. James X. (Jritn^tod, {Lexington, Kr. by RirolH, He mn be* found during the .sen»on'st the Ilankm'sllarn*.* In the village of McHenry. PATENTS. Persons desiring to take out Patents, or - siring Information (torn the U. S. Patent Olet* should oonsalt F. A. LEHMANN.SOLICITOH. OF AMERICAN AND FOREIGit PATENTS, Washington, D. C. Examinations PATENT NO PAT. Bend for Cirttltafc M H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. WAUOCNDA. Lak* County, • • • Illinois- Has jnst received the IXrge«t and Sea 8tack of Ciotlis, Cassimeres, Wincy Vesttew, and also Clothing of all kinds, ever b*>ujrt»tjb this Market. Mens*, Youths and Boys SaSp of all grades and prices. I am prepare* H Suit you in Ready-Made Ctetfung Suit you to Order. / Suit you in Priee. ^ £ Suit you in Style, Suit you on Fit. yoi'KS y " . v KttKAX." Waacondft, IU, April ftth, ISM Far Sate. The undersigned offers tlr Sa!<» hU property, sttonteri opposite the/BivovsMe Hnnse, m McHenry, on the roo*t re.v-nnalile term.-. _ There is"» andsnb^fantial building, suit*. -&T able fi>r a store or other business, the upper part of w iiich is rtttt'd up f'->r a residence. t\m„, v , nested with Hi is is fouiarrea of choice land. 1 a good bitm and some fruit. Persons iH>ntem» ^ plating purHmjiingwUl And it to their ini»^-l vvi| •at to call and look fins property OY*«\ • A. TTILIWAWIV : McHenry UL Aug. Wth J815. -» ." k'l!

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