Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1876, p. 7

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* •- • X * *-' , - THE BIG SHOW. . •---,;- -- TMM NOBXjis BBlfON. V % j|The prominence and perfection of the ilritish exhibit are remarkable. It was the determination of our mother coun­ try to make such a show here as she has never before made outside her own lim­ its, and she has nobly carried it out. She has put up the most artistic special buildings on the grounds, made the most notable show of mechanics, next to the United States, profusely filled her zoom in the Main hall with the finest examples of her potteries, looms and other mechanic and useful arts, displayed her agricultural inventions and commer- pTOi^noija^ in qt4^ tniC-CCCHdsd the representation of any other country. Truly, we have occasion to be proud of our ancestral home. England, Spain, Brazil, Norway and Sweden and the Netherlands have taken the greatest p&ins with their representations. DisrracmvELY AMERICAN. In s^ite of the vastness of our com­ merce, notwithstanding the great extent and scope of oai manufactures, we Americans are a nation of farmers, and the section of most vital value to us as a people is that wherein agriculture is en­ throned. The fountain head of knowl­ edge for our land in this direction is the Agricultural department at Washington, and a full representation of the workings of this great bureau is to be seen in the United States building here, lo give even a few ideas of the service performed to our farmers, and through diem to us all by the Agricultural department, would require a chapter longer than you oould pause to read this busy week. From there are distributed the seeds which feed us year by year. Will you believe that the Commissioner receives 4,000 letters, on an average, a day from our hardy tillers of the soil, asking him for seed? Why, all the money which changes hands each month in Wall street is of less importance than the seeds the Commissioner of Agriculture sends out to be planted in the fertile earth. VIENNA AND PHILADELPHIA; To sum up the comparisons, I would say that this is more truly a world's fair than that at Vienna--than has been ever seen before in an international exhibi­ tion. For the two or three nations we miss we have a dozen who were not in the Prater. If we miss the prodigious show of European civilization, we have enough to show what it is. Above all things we have our own oountry in her strength. This is enough to rejoice the heart of the American, who was taken to the dingy collection of sewing machines, false teeth and California wines, and asked to regard it as an "American de­ partment." This is, the first of all, an American show, and second an Anglo- Saxon show. We see what we have done in a hundred years. WE see wherein consists the greatness of mighty Eng­ land and the group of colonies which al­ ready threaten her supremacy. We see also what our sister American nations of the South have done. And, although the display is rare and crude, before many weeks are over there will be im­ provement in every department. . sometimes think that this Exhibition will not be in its fullness before September. ABOUT PRICES, ETO. Much has been said about the prioes of the restaurants in the Centennial grounds, and the restaurants and hotels outside and down in the city. There ** has been an advance in prices in some cases, and there have been many at­ tempts at extortion, but, on the whole, when we remember what human nature is, the Philadelpliians have been pretty decent, or, at all events, not so bad as they might be. Certainly they have not come up to the Parisians and Viennese in the great years of '67 and '73. It was that extortion that kept the great public away from the Vienna Exposition, and brought ruin to thousands of specula­ tors. The PhiladelpMans determined to avoid this pitfall, and altogether they have done fairly. There are a good many abuses and extortions; but they are not a circumstance to those at Vienna. The worst thing now, to my mind, is the price of beer--ten cents-- inside the grounds, A aian must be rich who is an habitual beer drinker and wants to do the Centennial thor­ oughly. To keep his head clear and his boty in good condition, he must take his beer regularly at frequent in­ ternals. Think what an amount of cash jhe will get away with in a month with [beer at ten cents! He can wait for his !ood until he gets outside; but, when it mes to beer, he cannot wait. chosen people must protect themselves. The Hittite and the Hivite, the Amalek- ite and the Jebusite, are ooming down upon the land. All about the Centen­ nial grounds are costly but ephemeral hotels, and at Elm station, on the Penn­ sylvania railroad, three miles- west of Memorial hall, there has just been fin­ ished a caravansary with 1,200 apart­ ments, capable of housing 4,000 immor­ tal beings at $1 a bed and 50 cents a meal. A narrow-gauge railway encom­ passes the grounds, with three-score open cars for the convenience of the vis­ itors. The Pennsylvania company s rails intersect the neighborhood at almost every turn; and provision has been made for 10.000.000 visitors---9.400.000 more than went to the International exhibition in New York in 1853 ; 5,466,536 more than went to the International exhibition in Paris in 1855 ; 3,830,000 more than went tovthe International exhibition in London in 1861, and 2,745,133 more than went to the International exhibition in Vienna in 1873. The Main building cost $1,600,000 ; the Art gallery $1,500,- 000 ; Machinery hall, $792,000; Agri­ cultural hall, $260,000, and Horticultur­ al hall, $251,337 -- total, $4,443,937, which, with the cost of fittings, prepara­ tion of grounds, etc., will reach a gr»*nd total of $6,724,350. The five principal buildings cover 48 J acres, and their "annexes" 26| acres, making a total of 75 acres, Or 25 acres more than were cov­ ered by the buildings of the Vienna ex­ position of 1873, and 34J acres more than were covered by the great Paris exposi­ tion of 1867. IN MACHINERY HAli. Now that a number of interesting manufacturing processes are going on in Machinery hall, the number of visitors has considerably increased. There does not appear, however, to be much close study of new inventions or complex mechanical processes. For the most part the people ask amusement, and simple apparatus for producing articles with which they are familiar, such as cakes of soap or pressed glass tumblers, are watched by larger groups than sur­ round the Jacquard looms that weave flowered silks. The rival printing presses attract a small crowd as long as they are in motien, but in five minutes' work they print more papers than can be given away in an hour, so that it is not feasible to run them long at a time. It is curious to see how it lessens ttie value of an article in people's opinion when they can get it for nothing. Many look at the presses and go on their way without taking a paper who would very likely pay five cents for one if they were for sale. The lqpg table of the Ameri­ can Watch Company, with its delicate machines and its double row of young women employed in making and put­ ting together the delicate parts of watches, always attracts an interested throng. The numerous looms for weav­ ing cottons, woolens, carpets, figured silks, and suspenders, attract attention, but not so much as some novelty like the type writer. Two or three of these machines are kept busy making letters for visitors from the country, who de­ light in anticipating the surprise of the folks at home at receiving news in print of the doings of their friends at the Fair. The sewing-machine companies make brilliant displays of machines cased in handsome woods, of embroider­ ies, and of costumed figures. Various are the devices resorted to for the pur­ pose of attracting the attention of the fickle crowd. One concern, for example, shows a miniature parlor under glass, with a doll sitting at a sewing-machine, another sitting on a sofa, and a baby doll playing with a poodle on the carpet; and a neighboring lival has a Litlle Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in life-sized figures. Comparatively few people throng before any of these handsomely decorated pavilions, however. Sewing- machines are an old story; everybody has seen them at the county fairs, and has time and again fcdmired the pretty things which the exhibitors make so deftly upon them, but which' nobody else ever snoceeds in making. FOSSHa SPECIMENS. CARTRIDGES. The United States building aims to )mbine the most interesting features of the various departments at Washing- Mi. It purposes to show the methods id facilities of our oountry in time of and time of peace. The first im­ pressions OE entering the building are Exceedingly warlike, for the spectacle of rls at work feeding machines formak- lg cartridges greets you at the outset, "le girls ^ear silver badges which bear le inscription " Ordnance Depart­ ment," acd they have decked themselves . honor of the occasion with tri-colored ackties and patriotio rosettes of the le hue for their hair. The work of iking cartrilges consists in sitting at machine monotonously feeding its aly teeth with little brass saucepans kch as your \>aby plays with in her pll-house. It t»kes five "draws" to te a cartridge-vthat is to say, each tridge has to pvss through five ma­ les and be manipulated by five WO­ RD before it change from the thimble- [e condition which sa its first stage to it of the hollow brags cigar which is | completed state. Lirty work is mak- cartridges. You must dip your fin- s constantly in oil and keep a mess of ate by you to Wipe your machinery an, lest the grease clog ft. More than one-fourth the «pace in the United States GoTCiSEwiit building la INFORMATION BOTTIED DOWN. it is almost incredibldthat in so primi- a state of society three separate of policemen shoul\ be thought issary to protect the city But such le fact The regular pUice force, Ich 'number 1,175 patrolmen, have |n increased to 1,675 ; the I\irmount police consist of 500 men, Wl the kibition police, called " Cenl«mial rds," muster 1,000strong. Ala^ the stines are on the march, and fancy fishing is illustrated, a few feet distant from the last-mentioned articles, by some of the hooks and lines used by hardy fishermen of the coasts, which hooks and lines look more like anchors and tow-lines for sailing vessels than materials for the capture of the inmates of the sea. Some of the former are fif­ teen inches long, made of the strongest iron with a chain attachment. THERE are tw6 obscure but still great men in Boston. They were refused seats in a ward committee meeting the other night, and were both grieved into making an announcement of their greatness. One said modestly that he had done as mucli as nnv ntiwr en earth to iu£,ks this a country. The other electrified the audience with the assurance that he was mortally wounded in the late war. AT our request Cragin & Co., of Phila­ delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (en receipt of fifteen cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at once. JouRNAiiisno. --The success of the New York >Sun is something marvelous in journalism. It prints over 1,000,000 copies per week. NoW tor the Cente unial! Everybody is going. The tide nets toward Fairmount Park. Nona of us will be at th# next American Centennial, and such a chance should not be missed. Go by all means, if you can. The month of June is the beet time, when the Great Exposition is fresh and in good order, and before hot weather comes. Bat just a word before you start. Get & General Accident Policy in THE TRAVELERS' INS. Co., of Hartford, Conn. It covers aii the risks of accident, and costs but a small aura. A yearly policy is the cheapest and best. Whether you go or not, accidents will happen, and evarv prudent man will be insured. TIIE TRAVEL­ ERS has paid 24,000 losses, amounting to over #2,000,000. Auy agent will write a policy at» moment's notice. This Co. also furnishes the best Life Insurance, all approved forms, with ample security, at very low cash rates. CATARRH is a common disease--so common that snuffing, spitting, and blowing of the nose meet us at every turn on the street. Your foot slips in theee nasty discharges on the sidewalk and in the public conveyance ; and its disagreeable odor, contaminating the breath of the afflicted, renders them offensive to their associates There is the highest medical au­ thority for stating that with fully one-half, if not two-thirds, of those afflicted with Con­ sumption of the Lungs, the disease commences as Catarrh in the nose or head, the next step being to the throat and bronchial tubes--lastly to the lungs. How important, then, to give early and prompt attention to a Catarrh! To cure this loathsome disease correct the system by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov­ ery, which tones it up, cleanses the blood, audi heals the diseased glands by a specific influence upon them; and to assist, use Dr. Sage's Ca­ tarrh Remedy with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche. This is the only way to reach the upper and back cavities wuere the discharge comes from. No danger from this treatment, and it is pleas­ ant to use. The two medicines with instru­ ment are sold by dealers in medicines. PntPiiES on the face, rough skin, chapped hands, saltrheum and all cutaneous affections cured, the skin made soft and smooth, by the use of Juniper Tar Soap. That made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York^ is the only kind that can be relied on, as there are many imitations, made from oommon tar, which are worthless, «pace biiilu devoted to the display of articles from the Smithsonian Institute, and the com­ mission on American food and fishes. The exhibit is carefully prepared and adjusted with good judgment by the several gentlemen in charge of its sec­ tions, which occupy all the room on the right and part of the left of the main avenue. At the rear of the structure the first objects that attract the attention of the visitor, are the numerous animals which the taxidermist has prepared to present the resources of the country in t.hifl important particular. The collec­ tion embraces fierce-looking white and polar bears, sportive seals and walruses, graceful deers from every quarter, and mammoth whales from northern _ seas. In covering this subject the superinten­ dent of the department Prof. G. Browne Good, has demonstrated admirable ideas in his arrangement of the goods at^ his command. Animals beneficial or injuxi- ous to Tnftn are first shown, including pnimaTs, birds, reptiles, amphibious fishes, insects, crustacea, worms, mol- lusks, and radiates. Then the means of pursuit and capture of these animals for their skin, fur, or food are illustrated by implements, utensils, and traps ; prepa­ rations and preservation of foods, manu­ facture of fabrics, mechanical products and preservation of animals for scien­ tific uses are shown, and, finally, the protection, cultivation, and propagation of useful quadrupeds and bipeds are in­ dicated bv models, and in other ways. A tour tKough this department is re­ warded by ample information and the richest results to the student. Along the northern wail are photographic spe­ cimens of curious and common species of fish, and hung opposite them, at the entrance to the section, are models in plaster and wood of the ways and means employed in the northern seas for the capture of the whale, portraying forci­ bly the excitement and perils incident to the fisheries. In connection there­ with are cases of knives, spears, java- lins, ropes, and other instruments used in the dangerous but profitable busi­ ness. Near these is a collec­ tion of samples of alligator and other leathers, and of the various stages in which they appear from the rough hide to the manufacturer of feet gear. Next to this are all sorts of files, hooks, and reels which must needs fill the piscatorial sportsman's soul with delight to gaze on, but the direct opposite of \ JttitgBffasss St. Loo*. Mo. A NEW Sxwnra MA asm. Ibo timpl* to mar Sent Free for S3.00SI! JAMES DEK, Newark, N. J. REVOLVERS!!! BBVKN PHOT !l«v BuffWo Bill Bent with 1W) Cart- ndgtt for Feu. Nromrt PLATS. cutranteeA. Dl--lritH Otulofu* rm. AUw WESTERN UUN WORKS, Omuoow llL $3.00 JETTINEi Lading, ask for it. Me Beet Dressing for Ladies' Shoes. SATISFACTION GUARANTKKIX --erchants, send for CIRCULAR. ORVKL HOLDKN A CO., 1ST E. kinzie St., Chicago. •nfl Morphia* habit ADIVlIf ; OP MMK vi iuia $71 PER WXEK GUARANTEED to Hale 4*1 Female, In their own Term* and OUTFIT FREE. Ad P. O. VIOK.EEY A CO.. aiiuti, of our work and. p» per. terms to agents, Ao., 10 L. T. LUTHER, Mill Village, Krie oountj. Pa. VAITliri IfPIT Wanted to learn Telegrsrow. I 1111 la IT ill P.H SituM !n-!F rninhed. Steady A V Ull W 1UU1! promotion guaranteed, Ws supply all operators hired by Metropolitan and American District TaloRrapb Cos., Chicago. Oircuslars maiicxi N. W. TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. JanesTilla, Wis. mcle--pit creasing--Agents wanted everywhere--best inducements --don't waste time- send for circular to KOB'T WELLS. 45* Vesey St., N. T P. O. BoxJ 48» FITS. FITS. FITS. One of ifi® Greatest Indian Discoveries e» 'hi Age--Will cure all forma of Epileptic Fits. Convulsions and Core a. For further information send •tamp to DR. J. OL8KN, Bo* 808, Galesburg, UL "pSl'CKttJIASCr, or soul Charming." • Mow either sex HIM) Stuiciiinte ami Uiu love und affection of any |»ei>on they chooee, ltmt«utry. Tills art all can poeseas, free, by mull, 25 mit*; togethri villi a Lover's Guide, Kfffptlsm Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladtes, Ac. 1,000,000 sold. A «*eer book. Address X. WILLIAMS & CO., rub's, Philadelphia Tour Name Elegantly Print. •d on IS TRANSPARENT VISITINO CAKPS, for 35 Cents. Each card contain* « Sfene which Is not visible until held towards the light NothlDjrlike themeTerbefbreofferedin America. Bipindusc- msnt* to Agent*. KOVKLTF PKINTIMO Co., Ashland,Mass, AHN . ELIZA TOTOOjgSoftteaSttfeaB: /1AKDS.--SII whit® or tinted Bristol, '40 eta.; 50 %_/ Snoirflake, Marble, Rep, or Dama»k, 35 <•».; 5A Glass, 40 ota.; with your name beautifully printed on them, and 66 ssssplcs of typa, Mgtai*' price-list, etc., •ant bjr return mall on receipt of prioe. Discount to Oluba. Best of work. W. 0. CANNON, #6 Knaeland Boston. Refm to B. M. PXTTXKaii.L A Oo. ABOOKfor the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE and (Chronic ofipstee. Cancer, Catarrh, Kuptim-. Opium Habit, fcc., SENT t'REE ou rcceipi Oi stamp. AiUlress, l)r. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 N. 8th it, 8t. Louis, Ma MNEMONIC METHOD OF S H O R T H A N D GITOJE a, e;WE<! of from 00 to 150 word® per minute. Now in iw by the principal schools and colleges. Any one of ordinary Intelligence can become proficient in this CORN and flour are staple articles; bat not more so than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, where known. It ia good for children or adults, for any internal soreness of the chest or bowels, and the best Liniment prepared, under whatever name. Surra, LACES, SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS, ETC.--J. W. Oriswold & Co., manufacturers, 54 Madison-st., Chicago, offer the trade the largest and best lines of these goods at prices astonish­ ingly low. THE all-gone feeling which people sometimes Bpeak of Is caused bv want of proper action of the lirer and heart These may be as­ sisted, and the bowels regulated, by Parsons' Purgative Pills in small doses. VEGHTINE thoroughly eradicates every kind of humor, and restores the entire Bystem to a healthy condition. THE attention of all lovers of the horse is called to the advertisement of E. 0. Stone, in another oolumn. To AIA, particularly invalid*. »prla« to a trying ••MOB, Indications of steknaw ajlwcld atooo* bttttnM to. Fatal diaeaaea may be caused by allowins the bowala to become oonstipated, and the system to remain in a dis­ ordered condition, until the disorder has time to deralop its-!!. As sr~cs o? ;r --~rih i pjtuid of dure, fsanold s.nd truthful saying. Therefore, we advise aii who are troubled with tha oomplaints now ray prevalent --headache, indignation, disordarod liver, w«»t of &ppm- tito, nausea, or feverish akin--to take, without delay, Schenok's Mandrake Pills. Wo know of no remedy so harmless and decisive in ita action. It at onoe strike* at the root of the disease and produoes a (healthy tone to the system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition ef tha liver if they would take this exeellent medicine when they feel the fint Indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost Instanta­ neous effect. They will relieve the patient of headaohe in one or two hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, and will effectually prevent a bilious attack. They are sold by all druggists. art within una week. Send for & copy. Price, S1.U0. Published by SEARS BROS. & CO., Exchange Build­ ing, corner Clark and Washington Streets, Chicago, HL BUY THE m SOLD BY CEALIRS. 'Made !m CINCINNATI. to bnyhii to sell him. How to trains him. How to toll a trot tar. A NSW BOOK oi great interest to H< •Ma. Sent by mall BO eents. Address J. P. VINCBNT, Box ftSeCtaoaoo, ILU FAMILY Agents Fmit and Jelly Press! One-third more juice than by the old process. A household necessity. Kv- ery family will buv one. Quart and gal­ lon sizes. Liberal discount to the trade. For circular and terms, address, with stamp, American Fruit and Jelly Press Co.. _ CINCINNATI, OHIO. anted in Every 'lownsndCoontft 6 VERY desirable NEW ARTICLES for Agents. Manfac r d by O. J. Oapewell A Oo., Cheshire, Conn. OA Extra Fine MIXED CAIiUS, with name, frdXf LO cents, postpaid. L. JGNK8AGO.,N N.Y. Profitable. Pleasant work: hundreds now em- •loved. hundreds more wanted. M N Lovell. Erie. Pa. w AGEirn. HmmpUt mU Wi A. OOULTBR A oo:. Ohieago. Send tor CbromoCatalogue. Burro XD'B SONS, Boston, Mass. Ibrttcntar* j yftj" <\ A. ((V.t lhtan* st ,N.Y.>U • iWe ii r>' mutt. Me offers AgeuU fxiraordiuary lDducemmlt*' Book mailed for 15 oenta. B&NJ.a. LEWIS, P. o. Box2596, Philadelphia, Pa. 'ciHisnii a r mva%soafiry •ooi eonu qi|a seti»« t 'sailV.) SO ASTHMA. JS.T.'arTSsSfiT.^csrs: $20 a Da y. no W TO MAKE IT. JBurtnes* If,iu> A HonorabU. C»E, YONQE A CO., St. LouU.Mo. fipa day at borne. Agents waated. Outfit sad terms • I £- tim. Address TRUB A OO.. Augusta. § OutfitspWOTPRIWTS or the AGES, Our O rpec I t»overnment and History. GOODSPEED'8 »-< Book, Bibie and Map House, CHICAQO. $444 F«T month. A^enti Bunineatbonor* •b!e, lucrative, perniMieut. Particulars free, J-Udreu, A. G. Nettletoa k Co,, Chicago, 111. Ill MONTH GUARANTEED. V Uusine«8 nrst-cl&es. Agent* \canted evarr- Address, with stamp, T. S. FAGE, Toledo, O A CCIITQ ^ subscribers in one day. Best literary HllfcH I 0« paper. Only $1.50 a year. Three 810 cjroraos free. MUMTOK 4 SPONBLKR, Pubs., Phila., Pa. XHdress M< $3511 A MONTH and traveling expenses paid U for SAI>ESBIE!¥. No peddlers wanted. MONITOR MANUF'G CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. A Month .--Agents wanted. 30 best sell- ing articles in the world. One sample free. Address JAY BRORS3N, Detroit, Mich Imitation Gold Watcnes ana Chains. $15. $20 and $25 each. Chains f l to $1'2 , to mutch. Jewelry ofme name. SestC.O. D.. by Kzprssg. Send sump for IUortrated Circular COUJIS MmLWAVCM FACTOBT, M6 Broad wayi HswYeik. Box MM We offer extraordinarj' inducement s--Now Seven Octets full iron frame, overstrung bass Pianos, with Rosewood case and carved l«>ge, for Bosed and delivered at, any R. It. Depot in Chic ago--Terms of payment, $'35 cash, remainder $15 monthly; or $50 cash and $10 monthly: or $100 cash and $25 quarterly--Send for cata­ logue with full explanation. S5.EED S TEMPIJE ffF MUSIC, 9a Van «•*?» mrzrl, ̂ Miags. thla out anl inclv-J it ia hMss^ 'J. fJ.l F O U T Z ' S HORSE AMB CATTLE P9WOSRS, core or prevent Disease 12th Terse. " By the rivers upon the banks thereof shall grow all trees for meat whose loaf shall not fade, and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medi­ cine." Our Kreat Redeemer has made a provision for tbo cure of diseases of man and beast, yet thousands upon thousands are overtaken with sickness without suspicion that it is caused by mercury or other subtle poisons that are so freely used in many medicines and remedies of the present day. A Walking Miracle. Mr. H. R. STEVENS : Sir-Thouirli a stranger, I want to inform yon what Viiii-FTINK has done for tne. Last Oiiristmas scrofula made its appearance in my system--large running ulcers uppe«rin?on iu<9 us follows: One on enra "t arms, one on my vinch, v. mcli "itt-nd- ed to tho seat, "ne on my head, wuich cut into the Skull bone one oil my left le*, which b.-came so bad that two phvslciaus c.iinr to amputate the liuib,t!imi(ch upon con- sultation onclnded not to do so. as my whole body was so full of ecroiula they deemed it advisable to cut the gore which was painful beyond description, and there was a quart of matter run from this one sore. The physicians all gave me up to die, and said they could do no more for me. Both of ray less were drawn up to my sent, and it was thought if I did get up again I would be a cripple for life. When in this condition I saw VKGETINE advertised, and commenced taking it in March, and followed on with it until I had usodf sixteen bottles, and this morn­ ing I am (roinp to plow corn, & well man. All my towns­ men say it was a miracle to see me round walking and "Tn^conclusion, I will add. when I was enduring such great suffering from that dreadful disease, scrofula, I prayed to the Lord above to take me out of thiB world; but as VEUETINE has restored to me the blessings of health, I desiru more than ever to live, that I may be of some service to my fellow-men, and I know of no better way to aid suffering humanity than to inclose you this statement of my case, with an earnest, hope that you will, and it will afford nie pleasure to reply to any communication which I may receive therefrom. I am, sir, very respectfully, WILLIAM PATH. Atniy, Berrien Co., Mich., July 10th, 1873. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. 178 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.„Nov. loth, 1874. H. R. STEYENB, Esq.: Dear Sir--From personal benefit received by ita use, aa well as from personal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily and sincerely recommend the VEGETINE for the oomplaints for which it is claimed to cure. JAMBS P. LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary Bap. Church, Sacramento, OsL Vegetine is Sold bj all Druggists. COLLINS' PLASTERS A H KtoetfO^Galvanle Batterr, combined with the cele- 1V brated Medicated Porous rfaster. forming the grand est curative agent In the world of medicine, and utterly surpassing all other Plaster* heretofore in use. They accomplish more in one week than the old Planter* in a whole year. They do not palliate, they CUUK. Instant relief afforded in KhtnnutJam, Neuralgia, I'aralytits,Cramp*, St. Vit u#' IHtneo, Sclatlcaj Hip Complaints, Spinal Affections, Neryoms Pains and Irrlt*- i;|iiir|isy or *tr« proceeding from bhocks to the Nervous System, Kiipturr* and Strains, Fractures, Bruises, Contusions, Weak Muticlesand Joints, Nervous and Fee­ ble Muscular Action, Oreat. Soreness and 1'itin In any Part of the llody, Weak and Painful KW'iJPys, Gcuai) xeuderueM ol the Kidneys, and Weak and Lame Rack, caused by Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys. "THE VIBRATOR 1000 SOLD LAST 8XAJ05T ' ( ITITHOUT ONE FAILURE OB BUECRAAIR Thb is the iaznotm Thrcahlng ir.a.- "swept the field " sad created such a revolution in trade, by it«= MATCHI.E8S GKADT-FLUTTIIRA ASP TUURFUT Ola principles. So confident are the proprietors in the great value of • -- • " ' pi, - po curative pmpertiee than all others combined, while the this Plaster over all other itate to WARRAXT it to taster#, that they do not hes- Kissess graater--far greater-- price of each, viz., 54$ cents, is within the reach of every sufferer in the land. Insist, therefore, upon bav- injt what yea call for. Sold every wlicre. Sewt by mn.Il, ly wrapped rand warranted, on receipt oi l'rtce, '<"• cents for one, Sl.*.> for six, or h'i.25 for twelve, by WEEJ&S &, POTfEB, Proprietor*, Boston* ROOFS that leak are costly property. The damage to your housed ..... •tonn is often more than the cost of putting your Barn Ton cannot afford them. crops which result* from one Roof in order. The yearly decay of agricultural machin ery ana Implements, arising from leaky roofs on out­ houses, would snore than pay the cost of moling every jhed, crib and storehouse on your farm. Your stock suf­ fer from the drippings of your stable roof and the neces­ sity of their lying in wet stalls. These evils affect prop­ erty, but when your house roof leaks it Is worse yet; then comfort, departs, and you have a garret full of pails and pans to catch the steadv streams; there are wet ceilings and falling plaster; there is spoiled furniture, damp bed­ ding and rneuin itlKm ; there is the anxious wife, wearied with running up stairs to guard against new leaks; it is decay, and ruin, and property wasted. I'OH RAMM* afford It. Our Sbuo Rooting Paint will end your difficulties and make your roofs water-tight. For «nt roofs, our Rubber Roofing Felt, covered with Slate Roofing Paint., will give satisfaction io any one. For full inf«rination in regard to Roofing and House Paints generally, send for our 100- page Hook, which it free to all who write at oner and mi-ntion this ntirspafier. Address N. Y. ULAT& ROOif1- 1NU OO., LIMITED, 7 Cedar St., N. Y. $25 TO $50 PEE DAT Can Actually be Made with the Great Testers THE ENORMOUS WASTAGE of grain, so inertia vwh other di/les of Threshers, can be SAVED by " Improved Machine, mrfieirmt. on evety Job. to more I pay all erj>eM.«es of threshing. AN EXTRA PRICE is usually paid for grata Seeds cleaned by this machine, for extra cleanlinew. IN THE' WET GRAIN c.f 1875, these wet* substsn* ttelly the ONLY MACHINES thatcould run with pioflk or economy, doing last, thorough and perfect wort token others uUertij failed. ALL GRAIN, TIME and MONET wasting complice tions, gtieh as "Endless Aprons," "Raddles," "Be.iTem* " Pick era." etc., are en thtly diipented with ; less tha% one-half the usual Gears, Belts, Boxes, and Journal* easier managed; man durable; light running; no eosjf ly repairs; no dust; no " litterings " to clean Bp; n<A troubled by adv«rse winds, rain or storms. !TA?.S!E£S and GRAIN EAISEEs who are jxutdt In the largo saving made by It vrill not employ Infft. rior and wasteful machines, bat will Auuf on thv* Improved Thresher doing their work. FOUR SIZES made for Powers. Also a specialty and made EXPRESSLY FOB STEAM POWER, TWO STYLES OF HOME POWERS, fit.: oar to* proved "Triple Gear," and onr "8pnr 8p*edw (Woo9 bury Style), K>th " Mounted " on wheels. IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Oftln B«l«ina apply to our nearest Dealer, or wnt* to na Ibr IlluitiS ted Circular (sent free), giving Ml particulars of filial Btylea, Prioaa, Terms, etc. Xiiclwla, Shepard & Oo,,, HCRIIKK. MT«. 6, 8, 10 and 18 Hon* of Rr.r-A*ATrm, dadgnef* tnimno Well Auger WE MEAN IT! And are prepared to demonstrate the fmct« OUR AUGERS are operated entirely bv HORHE-POWEK, and will bore at the rate of 80 F35ET PER HOUR. They bore from 3 TO 6 FEET IN DIAMETER, And ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They will bore In All kinds of Kartlt. Soft Sand and LlaU* •tone, Bit u mi mm* Stone Coal. Slate and Ilanlpaa. And wa WTAitR THE BEST OF WELLS in QUICK. SAND. GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted In every State and County in the United States. Bend for our Illustrated Catalogue, terms, prices, fco., proving our advertisements bona fide. Addresa GREAT mm III AU8EE GO., BiaQlHiLMAV18S0., IOWA. Sar-St3to 1b T/Siat paper yon nar7 this advertlaem«n3. Bnally ""flame BM A *vou in -new aiiTvithiu Itself been erected on the grounds, J magistrate appointed, treg passers can have speedy jiwtiw mete' out to them. Some days since a whole boat lo»« « alligators w» rccl.c.t from Flor to t be tuvned looM In l»k«; , '•open countenanced* long tille mhiu" are more likely to be kept l curiosities than pets. . L 0. C. WISH1RTS PINE TREB TAE CORDIAL Are You Weak and Debilitated T Po You Suffer from Indigestion Po You require a Tonic Have You No Appetite ? Po You need Building TJp ? i PSE Ds. L. 0. C. WISHARH PICT TREB TAR CORDIAL Bold by all Druggists. Principal Depot, No. 232 North Second St.. Philaia $6 to <20 fir**!' ̂ rmoii Twelve Points FOR THE CAMPAIGN. The events of the Presidential campaign will be faithfully and fully illustrated in THE NEW YOU SUN as to command it to candid men of all parties. We will send theWKKKLY EDITION (eight pajtes), postpaid, from June 1st till after election, for 50 cts.i the BUNlJAV KDITIOIS, same size, at the same prico; •r the DAILY, four pagm. for $3, • Addiess THE SI'S, New York City. It iwQtnnB POR W. A.DR0WN & GO'S UMBRELLAS. PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK.--The quallUelmiarked with their name are oonfirtwiUy rooom> mended. w. R U S S E L J - 8 c C f OW\Q* Selected French Burr Mill Stones Of fill and superior workmanship. Portable Grinding 91111m, uppt1!' or under runnerx, for Farm or Mrii'lmnt work. <^«"88a»gie 1> is toll An> berUolliiiKllotli, Still Pick*., Com iSliellors and C'luautrs, SKiiftinsr, Pulii«s, Iliinsrci's, etc.; till kinds of Mill Machinery IUHI JlilU'iH' etipplii's. Send for Paniplilct. Mmub Mill Couil>uny, lies 14 >10, ClnelBBali, Otolo. M»ttfleall]r, Anatomicalijr, Pliy*loleg»- lcally and Mtclianically Explained by Illustration*. A book of imoortanoe t« Ho»w *>sale?« ssd ft!! . ol tho 5j ; poatiwlu to auy widic-J Addrpss B. STONE, Fablishsr, 778 W. Mo~i©a Stre# Ohioftso, 111. There will fee many, who resorted to the fhabi tenable mineral springs in by-*one yean, who* pookate will not permit them to lea*e this rear, as all most ftott the Centennial. We advise such to buy Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, drink it, get eood from it, save money, and Tiltt Ckflar delohia. A woi-d to the wise is sutsoient. p SOLD BY ALL I>HU<;GIST8. The Enemy of Disease, the Foe of Pain to Han and Beast* la the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT, wmoil HAS STOOl* THE TEST OF40 VKAltS. THKltE 18 NO SOKE ITWIIX SOT LAHENE88 IT WIIX MOT O IK SO, SO ACHE.NO PAIJV, THAT ArFLIfm THE IIllKAN BODY, Og THK »t<!ftl)Y OF A HORSE OR OTHER 1M»»E S-'.STfiC AIVIMAL, TH AT 1H>EM NOV tIK5.ll> TO ITS MAUIC TOCCH. A bottle costingi."»cv Slic,or Sl.O<l,haioften sa-red lUkofannmsn being, and restored te the! lUbanduaefblneaa maujr • Taluablc horM* O. N. U. Na XI WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTiSEKSk y°u*awthe ^.JOHhiSj WEN* A»beatos WTTH LIOHTGBAY FM PBOOF OOATISQ for steep or flat mbstitute for tin. In as* by all ol the LABOMT llMnjraOTtiBBBa aud R. R. Oo-'s. Keadr "•' ®J|FB * aubstitute for _ AibHtss Paints, all colors. ' for use, uaaxoelled in rlohne with all othsn. Sati»» ramt, for i in Koots. iron wori, eto. Flre-Preei vectuns, (or baicgie gheatlilsxh Terala PreafLfaitagi, etc. . mn.„ Send tor Pamphlet, Prioe List, Sample* and Hat of parties Ming oar good#, Cd ariose to eooromers faetoiy indaoemento and exolnuve right of sale will be giron to responsible_p»rtjse. y aaaSS^^!S»Ste-«-..HP W. J0mfst 87 llaidsn lai»s,M.*, " / r

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