Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1876, p. 4

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«pr-, *L * ' r • • • ' > ~ i y p " , M i i f i i i f i i n i n g i -- •• •t^ii^i-j^iiaiLaai< W0r*"$ 1# V, ••'• &* • •;' w wm-v 3 . * .Itr.r. .,? V :\Ji WEDNESDAY, JUKE 7th, IBTR. JT. VAN SLYltK Kdlbr. t ^ 8^* The President wftlriVew the : / * ittmiiiatioii of Wirt Sykes as Consul to M ,; Florence, Italy, ami substituted the name or •Tamos S. Kiitaii.trtic of Oatne- l\, ron'i political strikers, fioiu the in- ilkl^ ttrlor of Fennaylvjutia; *«rOn last Tuesday in the, Belknap BMrrtlwSenate decided that it can ex- elfttee jurisdiction in the impeachment. Th* tote was 37 yeas to 29 nays. Sen- MO^ Logan and 0«*lesby of this State, Iboth voted against jurisdiction. Jfia^^ccretary llristow lias ordered the ftettoement of ^404.208 in legal ten- dersi. tli&t being eighty per cent of the ftationai bank circulation issited during thte ptrsipnt month. This will leave greenback* outstanding. tSST'Migs Alice. Early daughter|of Senator Early, of Kockford, was mar­ ried on Wednesday, to Mr. Daniel Sim­ mons, of Beloit, Wis. Miss Early, it will be remembered, m as the victim of the Chicago Times slanders, and subse­ quent litigation. tOF The New York World is now the sole property of Win. Ilenry Hurl but, brother lo Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, Repre­ sentative in Congress from this Dis­ trict. The World is the leading Dem­ ocratic paper of New York, and is op* posed to Tilden for President. IfifThe Philadelphia Press contends that in the Presfdental ontlook "the Independent men in the various deliga- tions hold the winning card. Tliey have only to resolve not to allow any "slates* to be forced upon them, aud they will make the card a trump." mr '2 4 V\ f ' \ tXJPTMWnWTJR> V' v WOODSTOCK. Em fok . ri.AlXDKAl.KU:--JJcligkiUS meetings are still kept up with some, variety at the SpringHouse. One.mstn struck with conviction. Hut it was t!fr Police that hit him and when lie left the Calaboose next morning his ardor was considerably cooled. ITe seeniod pretty thoroughly contwfe+l, in tins, that drunkeness islio excuse for dis­ turbing religious exercises in Wood- s t o c k . ' \ f When again ,yoii Visit Woodstock take a stroll up Jackson stcot lo the Cemetery thence over on'South Street, down 1t and Crystal l ake, St reot and as you saunter along' just make a note in regard to those ."Sploii'H T1 new walks, and when weary of your ram­ bles. return to our Sprmg JUnsjie and quench your thirst, then rest, yourself beneath the shades afforded by oar beautiful Park,-and If something does not appear in your next issue compli­ mentary of Woodstock, your, taste must have become vitiated since you left us. We seldom boast of our attrac­ tions but we think it can be truthfully' said, that for enterprise of our citizettsv for beauty and fer gener al health since our existence as a town, the city of Woodstock, in proportion to popula­ tion, is not surpassed by any town or city in the United States. Rents are reasonable, property for residences and business purposes can be purchased at fair rates for cash or on reasonable terms. Aud With our Railway facili­ ties it is a mj'stcry why so many busi­ ness men coutine their families and themselves to the stilting atmosphere of hot summers in the city of Chicago, when opportunities so enticing are 'constantly inviting them hither. If there is much news worthy of note for the past week it has been kept from the ears of L. P. GRAND CENTENNIAL C E L E B R A T I O N t |r^AT McIIENttY,' Hp. Moire crookedness has com^ to U^ht in Cook county. This time in connection with the Cook County Poor House and Insane Asylum. One Perlolat and some members of the County Board are the guilty parties, Feriolat being the squealer. The New Jersey Democrats in Convention assembled, go in lor hard money, say some hard things abont the administration, and suggest the name •f Governor Parker as the best man for the Democrats to vote for as Presi- jer*An exchange says; *The citi­ zens of Will county, where the State Prison is located, and who were best posted on its management, went baek on Beveridge pretty strong .Out of 80 delegates only 13 favored Beveridge, though a large amount of work had Iwen done for him there." V- ,« J6T*lt is said that at the Centennial "one of Philadelphia's fairest daugh­ ters, a lady of culture, and a member of one of the best families, wore a dress costing only fifty cents?" Oh! Oh! Just tliink of that! If that girl keeps on at that gate, won't the fellow that she marries be able to smoke good cigars and drink champagne witlrthe money tftat's saved. • -- m m . >n the 23d ult., the Mayor1 ef ^Philadelphia issued au order prohibit­ ing pool selling within the city limits, and to arrest every man who was found Mlling pools on - any race or game. liHrge Bums have (been paid 1y New Yorkers to the proprietors of hotels, for the privilege of selling pools in them. Budd Doble and Lew Martin have pakl $8,000 for the privilege of •tiling pools in the Continental Hotel. a&^Last Thursday two wretches were hung in Massachusetts, one Piper, ittown as Boston's butcher, and the other Frost, who killed his wife's broth­ er, nearly a year ago, near Worcester, Mass. Both the wretches were de­ praved characters, and richly deserved their fate. In the hangingof the man Frost, the fall WJIS so great that his fc«ad was jerked from his body and hung only by tire ligaments. G R E E N W O O D EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--The con­ stant mutation in the general affairs of life serve to keep up an equilibrium and equipoise, which, like the mighty bal­ ance wheel of an Engine, gives force and steady motion. "Progression,*' is oar motto as a Nation, the truth of which we see constantly developed. T'is well,--the equal balancing of the mind of man between reason and mo. tives, that actuate each to work in their proper sphere, like an ingenious piece of mechanism, cach have tWeir niche to fill in order that the work may be perfect. Wo daily live to learn our ignorance. Passing events of the day are our great educators. Mr. F. W. Barlow has sold his proper­ ty here in town t& Mr. Daniel Jones for 8S00, which is considered by all, very low. Mr. B. and wife are intending to start for the East in about two weeks, and will visit the Centennial before returning. Owing to the heavy rains many/fSK" mers throughout the county on low lands have not as yet been able toVuish planting. We hear an unusual amount of com­ plaint against our ITighWay Commis­ sioners on account of the heavy tax levied for road purposes throughout the town, which is to the full extent of the law, and to add general demoraliza­ tion to the value of all property, that ever dreaded nuisance the Assessor has put in an appearance. 'Tis strange what an effect such fellows have upon the value of property. When they are around property is not worth half the usual price. Assessors, potatoe bugs, canker worms and cheese factory bed L.:g.- ser­ vices of which can well he with. -i** Tuesday, July 4, '76 Sffstkinsr by our best Home TnU'-ht; Sleamhoat Excursions, S;iWc :md Yv'heel barrow Kaees, a Busv Bali Game, and other amus­ ing and instructive exercises will be the order of the day. Look out for the big Posters in a few days. Administrator's Notice. ST ATE of Solomon J*. I>orarj <lc«'e»s«'U J The hnvinpr been appointtHt Ai.iniiniStrtitors of .tile Is&UiU; of Solomon 15. D-nan Into of tliy CountV of McITtvnry, and State of Illinois, dorease-f,hereby f?ive"notice th'it, tli-cv will appear lioforo the County Court of MrHeivry Covinty, ;il the Court INIHSI', in Woods-tuc-k", jut the .July Term, on tlu; third Monday in July noxtiit Wltirh time all persons liayinsr claims airfiin*t said Estate, are notilied and requested to attend for the purpose of haviiiKthe same adjusted. All persons in- dehled to *<sid Estate, are to lanke immediate payment to the undersigned. .Da­ ted this 1st day of J une A. 1). 18715. FKASTK 15. DORAN J.. IT. I»KA«, • Administrators. Es Executor's Notice. STATIC of William S. Mead Deceased. The undcrsiirned be.rn ai»jM>inted Executor of tin* last Will and Testament of Willium S. Mead, late of the County of Mc- llcnrv, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby irive "notice tiiat he will appear before the County Court of McIIenry County, at the Court House, in Woodstock at the June Term, on the third Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Ksiate are notilied and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same 4idjnsted. All persons indebted to said Estate arc re­ quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. l>ated this tirst day of May A. 1). 1876. J. W. CRI8TY, Exertutor. F; Executor's Notice. STATK of Herman Benalkin I>ec;ensed. The under«i.!ined having-been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Herman Henalkin, late of (lie County of Me- Henry, and State'of Illinois, decease*!, h are by Kives'notice that'he will ttpjxsar liefofe the CJounty Court of Mc.llenry County, at the Court'House, in Woodstock, at the July Term on tile third Monday in July next, at" which time nil versons ha'ving claims against said EstaU; are notilied and requested to attend l\>r tlio purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said. Estate are re­ el nested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this !Hh day of May A. •D. 1H7(>. IIknu\ M 1 r.r.KH Executor. dispensed EVEX BAYLIES. GRKAT Mert-antiie College, Kooknk,- Iowa, on tfteMissis,ii[mi. l'rof. Win. II. Miller (ien^ral Mnnajjer. XiiiPteenth veas. Alwkut sixty dollars ]>a^all expenses, for Membership Hoard and Stationery. Bookkeepers, I'etnnnn, lieiiorters, Operators, Arcltit"cts, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly litted. English branches free. Free Lcctnres by eminent Orators. Free Festivals with Brass Band, in College Hall. Free furtrished rooms for self lMtaniing, Telegraphing fre»v Short hand writing free. Wood Itoarding clubs and family 1H»:U-'1. Ilailroad fare dt'ducted. 'linmens'e business in Kcoknk. No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. Stato where ^oii saw this ad vert isctuent, L. Stoddard, IN IICWE'S BLOCK; • WIcHSNRY, - - - ILLINOIS n.VS just received a large and well selected stock of Hats Caps, Boots and Shoes, NOTIONS, Grroceries, &c., Which lie is offering to the buying public, At Prices to Suit the Times. *®*Mv stock of Hnts and Caps comprises the latest styles, and will be sold low for Cash or Ready Pay. CALL AND SEE. L. STODDARD. ,<T13.,"vIa> COtli,' 1S7K. v;w:~,.. Democratic €o. Convention. S@»Here are two ivems which look •trange by contrast. One is aS follows: Hundreds of Hindoos in India an- ftually perish from exposure and want flf food, the lower clatses being es-* jjecially de»tiUctc of aujr comfort ot And here U the ether: The gifts received b.v the Prince of Wales in'India are miii h more numer­ ous and costly tliau iiad been reckoned ; Rumor puts their value at £5IX),- #00 (®2,500,000!) one sword alone beinc irorth £10,000. To Mil the costly trinkets and give the proceeds to the needy would he|a ; princely act. ^4 The Democrats of the several Towns of McIIenry County, are requested to. meet at thsir several places of holding elections, and appoint delegates to at­ tend a County Convention, to be held at the Court JTonse, in Woodstock, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, at one o'clock P. M., on some day previous to the 17th inst. The Convention is to be held for the purpose of electing dele­ gates to the State Convention, which Will nominate.State Officers, aud to ap­ point delegates to the National Demo­ cratic Convention, to be held at St. Lotrfs on the 22d of June, and also to appoint electors for President and Vice President of the United States. The ratio of representation from the sever­ al Towns will be four for each one hun­ dred votes cast at the last General Elec­ tion, and one for each fractional vote of fifty. All opposed to the present Administration of the affairs of our Government, are cordially invited to attend and participate in the proceed* j ings of the Convention. 1'y Order of the County Committee. Woodstock. June 2d, 1876. j l®f"IIenry Ward Beecher is expected £ |o lecture before Baylies Great Mer- ! fantile College, Keokuk, Iowa, this •eason. Theodore Tilton lectured last November, We would call attention to the advertisement in another column. It will pay any yonng man, whatever hie future occupation may be, to spend ra three to six months as Keokuk, owa, under the instruction of Prof, ller obtaining a thorough knowl­ edge of business matters. Parents ihouldsend their sons. Baylies Col- leg# is an old and permanent institn- iioa,a.nd guarantees a fwbstantial, use­ ful education to every student that en- icjs. To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, **R. EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public ̂ eiiew- ally. that they are prepared to accom modulo all parties and make trip* to and i'roDi Pistuqua and Fox Lakes, and also Wilmot, Wis., on short notice aud guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac­ commodations. This lioat is entirely new. js fitted up in splendid style, ami wit'u e>;jecinl reference to the comfort of p lingers. Close connection will be niade with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for.any special time can do so by ifuiiLor telegraph, by addres 1,1-« S.\YI>I;U & CLAUK» 1 Alan.*®!, ILL., April 2iUi ldio. A . R E I D , --DEALEK IS- REPORT OF THE c 6 n » i t i o w --OK-- ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, IllinoiSy Closeof Business May 12,764 TiOansaiwl Discount^,.,. Ovcnlrafta, I". S. Ifoixls to secure Cirt,illation., l>ut; fnwn ii|>|iroveil ltesorve A}?t«, Due from other National Banks,.. Ileal Katsit«' and Kurniture <'urrent KXIKHISUS Checks sad other Ca&h. items, Hills of other National Banks, Fractional Currency, including Nickle ,.... Specie, I.epalTcniler Notes,...J.,, Redemption F'uud w itil LT S Tread. $17C,i'2t 22 40!* fiC) &),(KK) m :irv>!> !'.> <17 v 4,2(X> «*» :j .rA> !,M7 «» 2,070 00 340 53 4(M> IK) 12,m) oo 1,050 00 FARMERS AT.TEMTIOB -o- f<a]ritai, (.'ire illation,... Surplus,. l>e posits, Interest,...... UESOtritCER. $285,227 87 $5f!,<¥i0 fK) ' 4.»,(KMI 1)0 $0,000 <H) •m.m. Hi 1,HW 5)5 1^227 87 STATU oir TLMJTOIB, j _. County of McIIenry, | * 1, JOHN* J. Mtrill'IlY", Cashier of tflvc alioVe named iS::i>kr do soleiuniy sivcur that the above statement is true to the best of my kuowledgeand bi-lief, JOIIJf-J. MlTRl'IIV, Cashier. Snhscribeil and sworn to before me this 2fitli day of May, 1«7C. J. A. PAKKISII, !•. 1*. XETF.T. UONNETLT, ) W. H. HTKWAKT, > Directors. JOHN J. MUKWIV, ^ JUST RECEIVED. A full Stoek of Eools & Shoes #or the Spring & Sam me r tr adn Whieli I can and w ill sell at prices that DEFY Competition GOODS Warranted as re pre Tite.d. C'Ai.t. !iii(t ("!_ sented. CAL^ and C At P. W. BLAKE'S, i . OPPOSITE PEHKY & HHARTIX'S STORE J MpIIcnry, 111. WOODSTOCK, ILL., Has determined ttf'pivc his customers the I'.EST VALUK for their MONEY to he ob­ tained anywhere in the County In order to do so he has Reduced his Prices! 3Iaterially, and opened a Beautiful Stock of the Most desirable new styles of LADIES AND GENTS SHOES, lie is confident of his ability to satis­ fy and please all those who will take the trouble to call and inspect his Goods and Prices. BgkRcmemberl the place, East Side l'ubllc Square, Woodstock. A. REID. Woodstock, 111., May 30th, 187(5. NAILS! Nails, Nails, W 0 M H AT H. EVIA1 MEECHAHT TAILOR.! WAUCONDA. Lake County, - - East Siclc Public Square, WOODSTOCK, ILL. West Side Market. Illinois- TIas Just reecived tho iJirgest and B<M Stoek ot (;i<»ths, Cassimeres, Fancy Vestinfs, and also Cloilniur of all kinds, ever broughljto this Market. Mens', Youths and Jioys Suils of all grades and prices. I am in-oparcu to. Suit you in Ready-Made Clothing Suit you to Order. Suit you in Pricc. Suit you in Style.. Suit you on Fit. YOURS TRULY, II. MAI,MAN. Waucomla, 111./April UOlh, IWti. C. T. ELDliEDGE, Prop. He: Agricultural Warehous e Is now filled to overflowing with Machinery of all kinds, which he is prepared to furnish at Low FIGURES and warrant as repr^efited* We have the Celebrated ENOCH & DOTY PLOWS ! Which are WARRANTED to Scour- in any Soil. in Plows of any kind 9 ^TMirc Snlwrriher haring open 1 i:d a Market i.i trie ltiinc- •i nn'nt of the l'arker House, will 'keep constantly on hand Fresh & Salt Meats, POULTRY, Ac., Anfl respectfully solicits the patronage of tho public. AfeirWe buy only the best uf aniinaU and well meat at the verv lowest fijr»ires. (rive us a Call. 0 CII'AS. T. ELDUEDUE. Mi llcnrv, 111., May iKd, 1876. •vve eaii suit you both in quality and Price. The Dayton Sulky Dump Rake, Which is acknowledged to have 110 Superior. l)o not i'ail to call at my Warehouse and examine one for yourself. sapers and Mowers. We handle the Wikr. ANSOI* VY ooi) and the MCCORMIGK, both which are so well known by thef Farming community that they need iio reconiniendation. Thefee Ma- "liincs^ can 1 »e tested beside )ther in the market,, having been 1 iod in many fields anil never found wantinof. WAGONS ! WAOON^ i I11 Wagons we beat the world. We keep the' celebrated Blaktt agon, manufactured expressly for trs, which Ave warrant in ever^ particuhir. In short there is nothing in the line of Aijricnltufal Machinery, Tools, &e., but what we can furnish you aud at prices That Defy CotnixHition* .. . ,1« r 1 McIIenry, 111., April I8th, 1876, O. B5SHOP. 4 1876. 187#. II BUCKLXN & STEVENS, NEAR THE DEPOT, M'lIENllY. Have a Full and Complete General Stock for the spring and Summer Trade. ' Unifdrmly Low Prices FOR CASH. The Highest Market Price for BUTTEIl AND EGGS, in Caeh or Trade. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. M-dlcnry, 111., April Stl, 1876. There's Millions in It. What? Why, in Buying Your Apiltiral I --OF- L . F R A N C I S C O , Opposito the Parker House, MCHENBY, - - - ILLINOIS, He is selling the celelmited Union Cjorn Planter, the One and Two Horse Champion Cultivator, the Best Gang Plow in the Mar­ ket, Carr, Scott & Co.'s Threshing Machines, the celebrated ttvo- wheeled Kirby Reaper and Mower, The Improved MEADOW LARK MOWER, and other first class Machinery- The Kirby Keai>er ami Mower is now acknowledged to have no equal, and will be sold as low as any other first class Machine in the Market. K^U-iieiueinber I will not be undersold wh^n first class Machinery Is in com petition. Call at Uiy Shop and examine Machines and learn Prices. McIIenry, May 10th, 1&7G. L. FRANCISCO- W

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