Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1876, p. 5

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4 * > «wi« mm MH'..<L rtwtnytrrwrr'i'liiri^^n- \ t)m\ m f% 7% WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7th. 187G. Railroad Time Table. COI.VT, SOCTH. GenevaLake i*sis«enger.. ... Genera Lake Freight ] „ „ OOIXG VofttH. Geneva LnVe Freight Geneva Luko Passenger.. ?:25 A. * ... i\ M. ...10:00 A. M. ,...7,:06IVM. MASONja .WcWkxwV nnAPtEK No. « ft. A. M.-Tlctru- *5 £on\orations- hel l on the secoiul and fonrtn Fridays in each month. ' «i w n * IL C. Ifcisu H. P, O. w. Owirv Sec., . • • OHtrp.OII DTUKOTnttV. MtTHficisT,--UPV, .J. T. Ooo|ier, Pnsfor, every Suntlar momine at 10W A. M. Sunday Schofrtat 12A. M. ff\r. 1»A«K, Super­ intendent. Services at Rinmvnod at -2 P. M. If you want a Xo 1 Pair of Sheep Shears go to John M. Smith's, at the Post Office, Oxa of the needs of McHenry at the present time is a News Room. We believe one rightly conducted would be A paying investment* THE Ladies Sociable of Ringwood, Will meet at the bouse of Mr L. Sim­ mons on Thursday next June 8t.h 1876. MRS. WM. LAsr.iiAM, Secretary. .TottN Jt. SMITH has just received a line lot of Slieep Shears, and those in need of such will 4a well to calland examine them. J. 3. GiiiLis Is now at work remodel­ ing the Stoddard Store, and building an addition thereto. The appearances in that locality will be much improved when it is finished. * WE are informed by the Principal that our Public School will close the present term with a grand Centennial Exhibition. The time and other par­ ticulars will be duly announced through these columns. MRS. S. F, GIBUS will preach in the Universalis^ Church, in this village,„on Sunday.June 18th, morning and eve­ ning Mrs.Gibbs is an eloquent and impressive speaker, and the public generally are invited to come out and liear her on that occasibn. IN another column can be found the call for a Democratic County Conven­ tion, to be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, on Saturday, June 17th, for the purpose of Choosing delegates to the State convention, to be held at Springfield for the nomination of can­ didates for State officers. AN exchange says: "The amount of money now in circulation in the Uni­ ted States would give $19.22 to every man, woman and child, if equally di­ vided." As it may bo some time be­ fore it is equally divided, we are will- to except the even $10, if it is paid over now, and let the twenty-two cents go to the poor. JOHN W. SMITH'S Martial Band, con- rtsting of two tenor Drums, a Base Drum, and three Fifes, treated our citizens to several tune* on Friday c ve­ toing. and it made one feel that Inde­ pendence Day had come sure. It was pronounced by all who listened to be the best Martial music they evel-heard. They will attend the Old Settlers Meeting; at AVaukegan to-day. THE front of II. S. Gregory's Harness Shop is receiving* new coat of Paint, lind still ho is not proud, but keeps fight on making a No 1 Harness, just as though nothing had happened. Tl>e Hardware Store of J. M. Smtih, next «§pcr, • coHies -;;ost in order,• ar.el is, als© * to receive a new coat, which will great­ ly improve the appearance in that section* - Ax up town man, who believes in self-improvement, suggested to his wi$e recently that they should argue some question frankly and freely every evening, and try to learn ^norc of each other, The question for the first night happened to be, whether a woman could be expected to get along without a Spring hat, and he took the ,affirma­ tive ; but when he was last seen, he had climbed up into the hay loft and was pulling the ladder up after him. BY a special dispatch from Woodstock we learn that Mac Church and Gard South worth experienced religion one day last M eek. "Glory enough for one day." That the reyival minister* hrtve commenced at the 4,root of the evil*' in Woodstock is evidenced by the above fact, and that they have selected sub­ jects on which there is still great chance for improvement., is also evident. We knew that Mac was runijjng for office, but what is Gard after? Will some pne "rise and explain?" WR would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of A, Heid. dealer in Boots and Slices, .and Mrs. S. A. Reid, Millinery, of Wood­ stock, in another Column. Mr. He id is doing a large and increasing business in the Boot and Shoe line, and his goods arc giving satisfaction to his /many customers. In the Millinery de­ partment. Mrs. Be id is doing - a la pge business, and sells goods lower than ever before offered in that part of the countjC, Bead the advertisements, and when in Woodstock give them a call. "Ho for the Lakes" now seems to be the watchword, and almost everv. train brings a party fr^ni the city bomid for these popular pleasure grounds. Tlie Chicago Club House, Elgin Club House, and Col. Lippincott's Resort are now alive with pleasure seekers, and our two Steamboats are almost constantly plying between this village and the Lakes to accommodate fie travelers and their com.nissary stores. There certainly is no pleasanter summer re­ sort in the west than in and around Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, aud as they become better known they become more popular. Fono has been inakingsome decided improvements in. his Art Gallery,"but we have refrained froui mentioning it until completed. We now thiuk we do not exagerate when we say he has the most tasty and best arranged Gallerj' in the county. The walls have been newly papered, a new carpet put upon the floor, pictures re-arranged, and a general overhauling gone througli with, which makes it complete in every particular. lie has also engaged a lady of experience from Aurora, as a re-toucher, and is now ready to accom­ modate all with plctu-cs oi'r.ny style, and guarantee satisfaction. As it is well known as a Photographer Ford has feu equals and no superiors in this section, any wishing pictures of the "human (ace divine"'can do no better than to call at Ford's Gallery. By request of several of our citizens the Steamer "Athlete" will make an "Excursion to the Lakes on Thursday of liext Week, June loth: She will leave McHenry at 10 A. M. and return about 6 I*. Aj* The scenery around the Lakes Is now splendid; and our citizens should turn out aiid take along the Whole family. It M ill be a pleasant trip. mm :'W Business Notice*. THE preparation for the celebration in this village oil the 4th are progress­ ing favorably, and everything promises one of the biggest times ever held in the county. The committee are mak­ ing preparations to have ohfe of the grandest displays of Fire Works ever witnessed, aud during the day there will be Steamboat Excursions, Snck aud Wheelbarrow Races, » Base Ball Game,and in short amusements of all Kinds to amuse and entertain the crowd. The Posters and a general pro­ gramme will be issued in a few days, but in the meantime when making your arrangements to celebrate do not for­ get to take McHenry into eon*idera* tioh. She intends to get Up a celebra­ tion that will be an honor to the vil lage and the Centennial year. The following are the Speakers for the occa­ sion.- Hon. Richard Bishop, Hon. F, K. Granger, Hon. Geo. Gage, and Wm Xicklc. \ THE Steamboat "Athlete*' made a trip ou Friday night, from Fox Lake to lier dock in this village, nine miles, in one hour and fifteen minutes. Tills we believe wa» the quickest time she «Ver made. She has just received a liew coat of paint and been otherwise Improved, which we presume makes her feel a little proud, and consequently, bound to do her best. O. Bishop was •'fireman'1 on that occasion. ^ THE "Little Pilgrim" Washing Ma­ chine, of which we spoke last week, has ^tceived several trials, and the ladies pronounce it equal to the emergency, *nd that it Mill do even more than is claimed for it. fins, with its simplici­ ty and cheapness makes it almost an indispensible article for every familv. The Agent is now in this village and we presume will jail personally and show its beauties. Aa we issue our paper a little earlier than usual this week, in order to attend the Old Settlers meeting at Waukegan our readers will excuse any lack of local news which tliey may notice. It l« necessary that editors as well as other people, should once in a while have a day of recreation, and where, as in our case, there is no one else to take the "laboring oar." one is obliged to steal time in order to get any at all. TnE Sherman Patent Gate, of which we spoke a few weeks since, is selling .rapidly, every farmer who sees it at ouce pronounce it the best, cheapest, most easily handled of any they ever saw. We believe this Gate is bound to take the place of all others now in use. i£. Kelter of this village, is the Agent; and with the model has no trouble in convincing farmers that the Sherman date has no superior* WE are all of us dependent upon oth­ ers for our own prosperity. As a rule, the man who declares that he experi­ ences nothing of the hard times, that he can't see. what cheaper rates of freight or cheaper raw materials would do for him, is a selfish braggart, who will be sure to pay for his ignorant egotism sooner or later. Merchants cannot prosper when our 'manufacturing in­ dustries are being operated at a loss aud are largely idle because there is no profit in the business or because a mar- lwt.^"««fr^^c.|,ir9d. . It will be dis­ covered that we are all iu the same boat, and that one of the best plans to make our own business good is to aid others to do a good and profitable busi­ ness. Let us all support our own mer­ chants and tradesmen. Those Mho negleot this will only the quicker be overtaken themselves and the ruin con­ sequently become more general. THE improvements iu this village are still being pushed, and makes business look lively in almost every 4>art of the village. E. M. Owen's Agricultural Warehouse is fast approaching comple­ tion, and is certainly'a model building for the purposes for which it is intend­ ed. The foundation w&Ils for the two stores being built by Blake & Bros., and Blake »fc Benlield, opposite the Brick Church, are being laid, and it is the intention to put on a force of work­ men aud push them to a speedy com­ pletion. The new Cabinet Shop,being put up by Johu Shoen, opposite Buck- lin & Stevens" .Store is being rapidly finished, and will be ready for use soon. Besides these private residences are receiving new additions, being re­ paired and painted, aud in short a gen­ eral improvement is going on through­ out the village. This is as it should be and we hppe to see it continue until we shall have, wliat^ our location can be made to be, the handsomest village iu the Northwest. " A CHALLKNCiK. The Fox River Base Ball Club, of MeHenrj', hereby challenge any club in McHenry Couuty to play a match game to take place on their grounds, in the village of McHenry. Or if preferred they will play a series of three games. Tlie first to be played iu McHenry, the second on the grounds of the contes­ ting club and the third on neutral ground, to be agreed upon by the Cap­ tains of the two club®. All communi­ cations should be addressed to _ _ • OLIVER X. OWEX. Sec y Fox Uivef B. U. C., Mclleury, 111. WE learn that some individuals, who have neither the fear of God or man before their eyes, have of late been laying their pointed hands upon the decorations around the graves of the dead in our Cemetery. The last act of this kjiul of which we have heard is the destroying of a likeness .set in the tombstone at the head of the grave of a child of R. J). Scott. We also learn, that this same wanton act was com­ mitted some eight years ago, and that Mr. Scott, thinking it was the act of some thoughtless boy, had it replaced iu a more substantial manner, but it has lately been again broken out, and not only the picture distroyed but the stone defaced. Now if it was the same individual who committed " this act eight years ago (and ft looks as though y; was) Mho has done It now, and it ho was a boy then he now must be old enough to know better, and he can only be classedas> a low, degraded wretch, too mean to live in a civilized community.' Could lie be caught there is no law but Judge Lynch that M ould be equal to his case. This desecrating the graves of our departed friends is an act too low to be classcd iu any category of common law. Sl'LlXTlilfci Remember McHenry will not be out­ done on the 4th of J ill)-."... ̂ .^{Straw­ berries have made their anpearance in this market ...The Picnic fever has broken out in this suction. A good joke on the steamboats .The gay and festive Potatoe Bug now rambleth and garduersare not happy ,An exchange says the jingle of silver is again heard about town, but we ciln't hear it from where We sit .Tlie new spring hats for ladies are vety pretty, and are now worn on the upper edge of tlie left ear. That position makes one look arch and piquant--like a chicken looking through a crack in the fence....... ."Let no single man es- eupe* is the leap year motto for the ladies. It is said thatDom Pedro is anxious to meet the poets of Amcri ca. So were Me--before we went into the newspaper business Fishing is now good on the river and Lakes . .Come and see the grand display of Fire Works on the 4th of J ily .. . It is difficult for the wayfaring man to tell, these days, whether he ought (o wear a straw hat or an ulster.. "1 M ould not for any money," says Richer, have money in my youth." That's the May we feel. We M ould rather have it now There is some great attraction in McHenry for one of Woodstock's boys. lie drives a Blonde horse and goe< to see a--fishing. ....One of the governing bodies of Russia is known as the "Prawitelstwu- juschtschi Senat," Now, why didn't we know that before the spelling matches went out of fashion? The Fox River Base Ball Club have is­ sued a challenge to play any club iu the County, for the championship ... .Two weeks never slip away quicker than when your wife tells you that she wants you to help take dofrn stoves and shake carpets week after next. But sometimes the man hiusself slips away quicker--and he is sorry for it after­ wards ... 4.. .We expect to 9 receive another anonymous letter thi's week. If we don't we shall be disappointed .... Bills for the Fourth of July Celebration will be issued iu a few ('avs A. T. Stewart's funeral cost $12,000. That's what comes of be­ ing a rich merchant. If Stewart had been an editor, he would have died much easier, and been buried a great deal cheaper .Our Street Com- migsionerstill continues his good Mrork and our Mra}'s are being mended rapid* LY Sunday last M'as Confirmation Day at the Johnsburgli Church 1 ravelers are anxiously inquiring when the Cisco Train is to be put on the Fox River Road .Bad luck is simply a m au with his hands in his pockets and his pipe in his mouth, looking to see how it will come on. Good luck is a man with his sleeves rolled up and working to make it come outright. A lot of the finest Sheep Shears ever. br9"«htto this markotf can bo found at John M. Smith's. Proceeding of the Board of Trustee* MCHKXRY. Jone 3d, 187S. Board assembled in pursuance to ad­ journment.' Present, President Bishop, Trustees, Walsh, Vebber, Searles. Hauley and Story. Meeting called to order by the Pres­ ident and minutes of la»t regular meet iiig read aud approved. Minutes of special meeting of May 27th also read and approved! Ou motion the Committeo <m streets was directed to pay $1,25 per day to men to work on the streets. It Mas aisn «M>rri?d that persons owing a Poll Tax pay *1,85 or in lieu thereof work 10 hours. < Countyssionef Wentworth's bill of $122,06} for work done ou streets, was, on motion, allowed and ordered paid by oi'der on the Treasurer. « Also bill of O. Bisbop of 934,00. for Ploti, Scraper^ Ac., allowed and order­ ed paid. Likewise bill from Constable Leick* em of $0 for services, allowed and or* dered paid in like mnnuer. : I Mr, Granger reported in relation to the Owen matter that he talked with Mr. E. M. Owen as directed by the Board, the result of Mhichwas that Mr Owen did hot propose to do anything about the matter, as he, Owen, consid­ ered the whole afiair now rested with Mr, Luft. On tlie acceptance of Mr, Grangers report the President, by mo* tion of the Board, appointed Searles and Story as a committee to settle this matter if possible with Mr. Owen, aud report at next meeting. The Committee on Streets and Alleys not being in harmony Mas on motion disbanded. Mr. Webber presented A bill of #11,00 claimed by Mr, Curtis for damages done his buggy on account of the bad condi­ tion of the streets within the Corpora* tion, which oh motion Mas rejected,-- Ayes--Searles ahd Webber. Noes- Walsh, Ilanley and Story. Moved by Mr. Story that the Street Commissioner he instructed to lay down a sidewalk from the premises of l>. S. Smith along the street on the west side of the Public Square to the Ger­ man School. Mr. Walsh moved an amendment to the motion that tho Commissioner be instructed to lay a sidewalk from the Public School grounds to the Cemetery which was lost on vote. Ayes--Walsh and Hauly. Noes--Searles, Story aud Webber. The original motion was then put and carried. Ayes--Story, Webber aud Searles. . Moved and carried that this Board appropriate $7® to assist in fencing the Public Square. On motion President Bishop was di­ rected to notify Township Board to re­ move the old Town House oil* the Pub­ lic Square as soon as possible. On motlou the Commissioner of Streets was directed to take his orders where to lay out work en the streets from the President of the Board. Adjourned to Saturday evening, June 17th, at 7$ o'clock. It' Bisnor, President. M. KELTER,..Clerk. FOX LAKK. Th« Elgin Advocate of Saturday last, says* -On Tuesday next the members of the Elgin Wjtftonian clfab leave by special car fof their club hotise aud grounds at Fox Lake. Some of the members Will take their ladlfe* and a uuinber of gnests, making a large par­ ty. Cooks and servants Wilf accompany them ahd abundant commissaries will be provided for the occasion It |s the second anhflal gathering of the club, and a pleasaut time is autieipated. Fishing is reported to be very good! Fox l^ake a words more real S|»rt and rustic pleasure than any other resort in this part of the world. It beats Gene­ va Lake "all hollow.* At the latter there is no fishing or hunting, qf style, while at the Fox, the biggest greenhorn in the crowd can catch from fifty to a hundred pounds officii a day, and a fair marksmen can readily bring down from ten to thirty ducks in a few hours. It is becoming a popular resort. Two or three club-houses are now built ts from SALT! ' r /;\y Fr£#h Salt for Sale at oitf WnrofaittM at$1,60pier Biirrel, SMITH & SNYI>ER A brjt.n rie# Organ at W; fllweii'* * for #100. Dr*?ss Gtftfds of all ktfttfo iiud at prU •' cesto please^ at Bncklitf Ik Strvetut'. ' B«at thing InPloita, C*ll and im I B. ll.Owittfc A fhii iiiit! of .Clothi ng sit Bncklln & -i Stevens'. A fiill shit from |6,M> up. j One two-seated Democrat ^Tnjfrtfi for ^ sale Cheap. 0j Wj OlrtK: j Groceries rtt Panic. l^fces, it f. K. ! Granger s< at Howard A Sbifsold stand. J If you want any kind of Farm lmple* 5 ment8or repairs fall rfti E, lU Owon, Ladies Ties in great varletf itid ' very cheap, at Bucklin & Stevens': The Union Corn Planter, the best IH market, for sale by L. Fraucisvo. Shojy opposite the Parker Hottse. . CHEAPER THAN EVE& All kinds. of Goods At .Bucklid £ Steveus'. OH 1 1 1'A HV, DIEI>.--At his residence, In the town of Nunda, on Sundav, Ma.v 28th, 1870, SOLOMON B. DORAN, aged ?8 years. Mr. Dorau, by a misstep, received a severe fall iu October last, from the eflects of which he never fully recovered. One disease followed another since that time, until finally he died on Sunday evening of Dropsy of the Chest. lie has resided in this county about 25 years, aud has been i resident of the State over 40 years living in Chicago when there was but a half a dozen buildings there. He was a native vf Vermont, and a soldier in the M*ar of 1812. His funeral was at tended at his residence on Tuesday, the 30th, by a large concourse ot rela­ tives and friends* Who gathered to pay their last respects to oiie whom in life they had honored and respected for his good qualities of bead and heart. The services were conducted by Elder Whittier, of Greenwood, assisted by Rev. Joel Wheeler, of this village. RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Sunday ove. nliig our little village was disturbed by three young men (if we may call them men,) from Greenwood. They made their headquarters whilo in RingM ood in front of Mr. Christy's store, where they made nse of all man­ ner of abusive language to all who came M-ithin hearing of their vulgar tongues. They were all well filled with rot gut, and had an extra bottle or two to take on the road home. We would advise those youngsters, the next time thev come to our village, to come so­ ber unless they want their names pub­ lished in the paper. OKB WHO SAW THKX. STORE TO RENT. I offer for Rent my Store, near the Depot, in the village of McHenry. Or M ill trade the same, with goods, for a good farm. PHILLIP GIESELEU. Mcllenry, HI. March 14th, 1876. WANTED TO SELL. At Ringwood, Corn, Oat«, Wheat, Flax Seed, Buckwheat,Hungarian Seed and Potatoes. Enquire of JAS. W. CRISTT. Forsyth's pay Scales. Counter Scales and Portable Platform ScaicS, for Salfc by O. Bishop. , Go and see the piles or new Goods being received daily at P. D. Smith's, at SmitliBros. old stand. F. BEST of the McHenry Bakery, now makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays aitd Thursdays, Volo and Waucoilda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Rest is a first class Baker, and Will deliver at their doors anything they may want In the line of Bl-ead, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned, NUNDA. EMTOB PLAIN UKA LES :-**AB the Old Settlers Meeting convenes oil pub* lishing day, we will very briefly note the local ue ws for wo Want you to be "thare." We hatuall kind* of weather from hot to cold with all tho intermediate degrees^ so everybody *miKt be Many new buildings in prooeta of construction, so Nunda it not dead. Charles Suud is about to rebuild his Furniture room. L. D. Lincoln has been appointed Street Commissioner. Our Pickle Faetory has been sold for taxes. F. B. Dorau la the buyer bear. Wm. R, Willard lost a valuable horse Monday morning. Overfeed the cause. Capt. Kelley has opened his wagon shop, so bring on your joba. New firm iu the Livery bnslness, Mr. Michani has sold out to David Magoon and now the signs reads Ellsworth & Magoon, Liverv. TYRO. A NEW THING; Double chitin, Ingrain Cfarpeting beats them all. For sale at P. D. Smith's. New arrival of Cloth! Kml Caps at P. D. Smith's. M. Sel£ A warranted to at Bucklin A Co.> fef/oti and Shoes, jive perfect satisfaction* Stevens'. The Bianctiard and Etnmett Chums; ami others are in prospect. A Chicago j tbe best In the market. For Sale by club has a fine one near the Elgin club. I O. BISHOP. The Lake is reached by small steamers which run tip Fox River from Mcllenry. K«al Transfer*. Conveyances filed in the Re cordis Office of McHenry Connty, Illinois, for the week commencing May 29th* 1870, and ending June 3d, A. D. 187G: Chas Zimmerman and wife to Josiah Hamuli. Lot 4 blk 8 Hartuian* addi­ tion to Ridge field, $250. Ellaaheth Bauer and hnsband to Mar­ garet Marshall. Lots 8 and 9 blk 8, Hart s addition to Harvard, $3,100. P Whitney, County Clerk, to Lewis Hatch. Lot 11 ftml 12 blk 4, Lots 2, 8 and® blk 7. and nc pt lots 2 and blk 4, Crystal Lake, and pt lot 40, Mareuiro, Tax Deed, . Austin Dilly and wife to Jacob Sara- 2^44'8' Spring in David Kern aud wife to Wm Lade. Lot 3 blk » Hubbard's 1st addition to Algonquin, and piece on west side liel 84, 43, 8, $200. Joseph S Reynolds Assignee of C C P Holden to Robert E Jenkins. hW Be 6. 44, 0, 04ii. Robert Sibley Knd wlfti to F W Mead and Bernard Harrison. Lots 1, 2, 8 and 4 blk 1, Railroad addition to Richmond and other pieces in Richmond adjoin­ ing said lots, $>,500. Bernard Harrison to Frank W Mead* Undivided oiie half of same $2,233. Mary M Shearer and Martha II Fur- ney and imsbands to Sarah V Austin.-- Five sevenths interest in Hunter Estate in Dora. 02,000, Mary M Shearer and Sarah V Austin and husbands to Martha H Furnev.-- Four sevenths of same, #2,000. John Turner et a) to Janette A Tur­ ner. s pt nw 24, 46, 8, $1,950. John Colby to Nathan D Stevens.'-- Plcce iu section 9, 45, 8, $1,600, OUR Richmond correspondence baa failed to reach ns this week. If you want au extra good Shave or. Italr Cut* ciill otf Charley, atthe Parker House. A splended Piano to Rent on rea$R¥- able terms J a W. Owix. FOR SALE. A House and Lot In the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, M-ell-fin- ished b:irnT well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. M., Richmond, IB, A SURE CURE FOR DIARRIICEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family iu Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea, 1 tried everj'thingthat was reco-nvuren * ded to me (but did me no good) for over live years, until 1 got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above- to be> true amino humbug. I have prove*! ft to equally as good for billions com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is beat bitter* I ever used. JOHX pssiMir SIR. Town of Seneca, McHenry County, State of Illinois*. Subscribed And sWtilrft bfefbre hie this 28th day OfS^ptamber 18t5i E. iUM>wiir JL Pv McHenry til. Jna. 11th, MV. Remember that Bucklin & Stevens ofter their good* at the very lowest living price*,and pay Cash for Butter aud £ggs. 1IATS.* IIATS! A tttrt foifd just received at Bucklin & Stevens^ dt vef-y low ftfiees. Good dress Prints* fsfst colors, only 6 cts., per yafd,at P. D. Smith's. The Pea'rt Gftng Plow hate no equal. For sale by L. Franc{s66. Shop opposite the Parker liouse. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shade's I# Kent Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges; AMffrtoaa, at P.O. SmithV. LtfCfiL BLANKS* • Legal Blanks of all kinds for sale At the Corner Drug Store of Murphv ft Hoy. Woodstock. 111. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. The new American Sewing Machfrte*, the best in the market. They are war­ ranted In every particular, run easier* and make less noise. Call and seo* them. 0« W, Owen, Agent. , Elegant patterns of Notihgbnirii1 Citf? tain Lace from 20 cts.. and upwartts; Also a hew invoice of Wall paper aBW- windoW shades, at very low prices. P. I>: SM^T& ft Is the universal testimony that ih6v Itachester-aud Buffalo Boots add Shift)* ̂ for which we are the sole agents iff ihrla Village, are relatively the bes£ aWWf cheapest iu the market. Give' .thfetn ak trial. PiDjS&rrifr If you want to get the !ntes{style. best quality of Photographs call M$ Ford's Fine Art Gallery, Mcllenr^, Ms Price only $2 per dozen. . NOTICE. • and late Arm of Smith Bra* & Co"., .rife »oi^N in the hands of Job*? If. Spilth EJKI^ for collection. All persons knowlng- themselves to be indebted td said firirt will do well to call aud settle the satnov- 'without delay. ^ .. IK 8. siitm >1' KcHeary April 34th 1879, EGGS FOR HATCHING. | From Pine Blood Brown Leghtiftfc. Fowls and one of the best strains tri bo* forrmi in the United Slates. As ldibfit. tl»e Bro>wn Leglvorns have no equliSi. Priee per dozen $2. All orders prdititH^- ly atteaded to. Atidress. Taos. WUITSON. Wood»te«)|| ||if VOR »AL% I have- choke Village Lots and acrtf Property, fn and adfoining ihe Village ©f McHenry, that has heretofore beet^ hold out of market, whioh I am selling to those who will build iliht. improve, on very reasonable terms. K. M. OTVE^ft. \ •sa» :. Fancy Note and Letter Paper,, with envelopes to match, Very naat styles* At O, Sv. Owen's. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Frwu Pure Bred Domlnfc FomH^; I rtvall be prepared to ftirulsh 4 limited, number of settings of Eggs from tit* above breed of Fowls, which are Ac­ knowledged by all to be the best li^er* in the country. Eggi* can be Obtained by cadling at ray farm. 4 miles S'dMth- east ot McHenry, «r orders can bfe 18ft at the PLAINDKAUSR Office, which receive pranfit Mttentiou. Prwe M ents per dkww^ H. T. Doljik**. in WooalatiK-k, Jifi-IU-nrv Co.. 111., ou thuovr* ainurof the 3Dth inst., In- tho Rev. R. K. To Id. l>v the Kt'V. T. C. Xort»hr«itrv at tho r*»lrl«if>«ot' the bride's parents, Mr, Jvri'miah Richnrda to Miu Floni, eldest daughter of" JACOB Kckort K.-MJ, Thoroughbred liorae A M M A D t ' S , T*ht«relehmtPil Rhnriinsr Horse ilk. •J. |8(f3, and bred by Qoh JhiViiiA Ai ,<lrim?t^d^ Lexington, Ky. Sired by RivoH. lit' ,c«ji ba» fotmd during the reason »t thr Ranklii's BAra­ in the villas*) of McHenr.r. KHTitAV ?nyj*t K<. rujlB i»f-» u ii# 1> efre lS»h CSStK HtKi.-- WOiKht iil*1 roi>iht by notified to iwopertv, mv ciiHrcoi »i»d trtke hiin »way. VII.LARD : JlL'Ueuiy, I1L, TV» wnc'r is l»«»r<». tv chHriro COLBVx

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