Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1876, p. 7

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r ' ' * * , * i * mmgmmm v« ^fps \M • m*:,: A CENTENNIAL COUPLE, i Sketch of the Iat* of George Finite, lis Twn Old, and of His "Wife, 90 Teui-- Probably the Oldest Married Coaple 1b the World* [From the Indianapolis JotmnL] In Ripley township, Montgomery county, and about nine miles from Crawfordsville, there lives an old rnan named George Fruits, whom every evi­ dence goes to prove has passed the 113th milestone. He was bom in Baltimore, McL, in the early part, of January, 1763. Win par­ ents were Germans, being emigrant?? from the Fatherland to America. They were poor and rather illiterate- Th« boyhood of Mr. Fruits was principally spent in Maryland, where he was en­ gaged as a laborer. His education was neglected, and as a consequence he can neither read nor write. He says he don't believe he ever attended school to ex­ ceed a month in his life. He is the last one left of a family of twelve children, eight girls and four beys. Leaving Maryland accompanied by his friends, Mr. Fruits went to Pennsylvania, where he remained a short time. When Ken­ tucky was opened to settlers he went there, where he took an active part in the , Indian wars. His comrades were Daniel Boone and other well-known characters in the colonial history of Kentucky. He spent much of his time in the erection of block-houses and other means of defense for the settlers, and was well-hnown as a daring scout. He took part in all of the principal battles of the Indians, and now carries in one of his legs a ball which was shot there at the time of the battle of Blue Licks, on Licking creek, abouiy eighty years since. After the settlements in Kentucky were perfected, Mr. Fruits removed to Ohio, remaining there dur­ ing the first years of the present century, He was married near Hamilton, Butler county, O., on the 4th of October, 1806, to Miss Catherine Stonebraker, who still survives. When Indiana was admitted into the Union in 1816, he entered the farm which is his present home, and bringing with him Ins family, removed to Indiana. He showed me the deed for Me farm, which was given several years after the purchase. It bore the name of John Quincy Adams as President. In Ms better days Mr. Fruits was six feet three inches high, and weighed about 225 pounds. He was rather slender for on© of that weight, his flesh being very compact. His arms were long and sup­ ported by powerful muscles. He had the reputation of being one of the strong­ est and most athletic men in his neigh­ borhood. His hair was rather light in his palmier days, butisnow a dark gray. The top of his head, a few years since, was entirely bald, but is now covered with a very fine coat of hair, similar to that of an infant, His eyes are of a light blue. While the lid on the left has fal­ len, completely closing it from view, the sight of the other is good, and he can readily distinguish objects with it. All of the permanent set of his teeth are out, with the exception of one, the eye-tooth on the left side of the jaw, but in their place a new set, the third, are making their appearance. The most of them are through cutting, and he tested tlieir strength sufficiently to satisfy me by bit­ ing my finger when I was feeling of them. His forehead is high, and his other fea­ tures quite regular, and he was con­ sidered quite a good looking man. One rather strange feature about his feet is Ms toe-nails. .They will at times almost disappaar, and then suddenly put forth into a thick, spongy growth. He has met with several accidents during his life, at one time breaking several of his ribs, and at another mashing his ankle, besides being wounded at the battle of Blue Licks. But, everything considered, he is as well preserved generally as most persons that reach the age of eighty. His habits have been good, generally, •nd especially since his settlement in Indiana. He has always been an early jriser, and regular in his eating. He used lobaeeo a good many years, and whisky occasionally, but never to an excess. -p?ith the exception of the time he was a got into a car, having money. I am afraid you'll give information, so I wont tell where I am. Teii my mother as soon as you read this letter that a lady wanted a girl that would live with her as she was very old, and owned a cot­ tage, and I went to her. She lives all alone, so I am there y«t Believe me your sincere friend. *' GHACTR Whukleb. 14 To Gus8ie Lai and, i?'ifty-fourth street and Sixth avenue, New York city." Gracie promised to go back to school, provided it should not be the same one she deserted so unceremoniously. The One-Rail System for Railways and f^omnla The knotty problem of cheap trans­ portation, as well as the vexed question of double tracks in narrow places, is likely to have a practical solution, should the new system* which is said to be working successfully in France, where it originated, be adopted in this country. The track is a line of light rails, spiked in the oenter with light ties, with two bands of macadam or longi­ tudinal planks laid on the ground par­ allel with the rail, A road of this char­ acter is claimed to possess the advantage of costing SI ,000 less per mile to con­ struct than the narrow-gauge nowt so popular, besides allowing trains to turn very sharp curves as easily as on a straight line, the resistance of the cars being four-fifths of what it is on the narrow gauge brack with two rails. The engines are furnished with steel cog-wheels, an improvement which is said to allow them to draw heavy loads, at small speed, in all kinds of weather, and more than a | narrow-gauge engine of double weight' could do. They are built with or witti- Thankfs « From the Depths of the Heart." WraxmevroN, Lorain Co., 0., A rug. 24 1874. Db. m, v. Pierck, Buffalo, N. Y.: Deab Htr Yout medicines, Golden Medioal Discovery, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, have proved of the greatest service to me. Sis. months ago no one thought that I coold pos­ sibly livelong. I had aoomplioation of dis- wes--ecrofola, manifesting Itself in eruptions and great blotches on my head that made such •oh* that I _ could, not have my hair eombed without causing me much suffering; also cann­ ing swollen glands, tonsils enlarged, enlarged or "thick neck," and large and munerotis w*i0. a also suffered from a terrible Chronic uatarrh, and in fact I was so diseased that life was a burden tv» me. I had tried many doctors Jith no benefit. I finally procured one-half bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery and one dozen Sage's Catarrh Remedv and com- menced thfiiP fr2t j ^; oouraged, bnt after tekmg four bottles of the recovery I began to improve, and when I had taken the remaining 1 was well. In addition j wthe use off Discovery I applied a solution of xoawe to the Goitre or thick neck, & a you ad- vise in pamphlet wrapping. ?>ml j* «v>tirely dis­ appeared. Your Discovery is certainly the ,TOIJ^erf^ blood medicine ever invented. JL thank God and you, from the depths of my near^ for the great good it haa done me. v v* gratefully, Mns. .L. Chaffer. iieet medicines which are advertised as blood pnrmere ant! liver medicines ccntaiu wither mercury, in mm® form, or pottassinm and iodine variously combined. Alf of these agentB nave strong tendency to break down the Blood, and debilitate and otherwise perroa- nently injure the human system, and should therefore be discarded. Dr. Pierce's fleWsn Medical Discovery, ou the other band, being ootrposed of the fluid extracts of native plants, narkB and roots, will in no case produce injure, us effects being strengthening and curative only. bareaparilJa, which used, to onjov quite a reputation as a Moot! purifier, is a. remedy of nurty years ago, and may well give pl&ee, as'it is doing, to the more positive and valuable vege­ table alteratives which later medical investiea- LlAVI An/1 <1 IAAA m «- • - i. fe I • • » m . ®_ $77 fKK WEEK QUARAJmBD to Agwita. jSgSi P. O. VIOKKRY It GO., Aagasta, Uf • UTin-A few reliable, energetic men •I I til solicit orders. No peddling. Trav- "*• w •Stag and hotel expense* raid. libera] Tute*51* oommisiiEin. Address ('ntoB Indastria! Work*. Cincinnati. O. All applications answered. Habit cored. Chinees mode of Our*, Painless. No publicity. Does not interfere with bailn-- or pleasure Care guaranteed. Address DR. J. B. WILFORD, Toledo,O. THE VIBRATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST SEASON WUHODT ONE FAILURE OR BEJ10II01 •,***•. Threshing machine that h*a swept the field and created such a revolution in the """"" »» jioldier, and four years as a tanner, and lix as a distiller, he hAS been a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Fruits together consti­ tute the oldest oouple in the State, per- \«ap;js a««t probably in tbc natloa. Their combined. ages amount to over 202 years. 'Tiioy fcfe la-??!; persons living of two Ifirge families, and are outliving the filch generation. They are the parents of thirteen children, twelve of whom are living, and are the grand and great grand­ parents of over eighty children. An Enterprising Little Girl. The New York World of a recent date tells an interesting story of a young girl named Gracie "Wheeler, aged fourteen yearse who ran away from school and was missing for twelve days. Her dis­ tracted parents thought she had been kidnapped, and sent circulars contain­ ing a description of her to all the police stations within a radius of twenty miles ; but without avail until the re­ ceipt of a letter from the runaway by a school-mate, in which Gracie stated that she was living as a companion for an old lady. This letter gave the detectives an idea that the girl had applied at some in­ telligence office for a situation, and one was found where she had been. From this point it was easy to trace her, as she had done some light-house work in two different houses, and she was event­ ually found livingwith a Mrs. Smith, in Bergen, N. J. The letter gives a his­ tory of Her troub'es, and is as follows : " Dear Susie : As you have been my friend so long, I feel it my duty to in­ form you how circumstances stand with me. Aggie Cassidy told me one day that if I wanted money I could get a blank book for a few cents and go around collecting money, by making out. that Sister Antabasken sent me. So I did so, and saved up till I had a dollar. I went and bought a lot of things and had a feast. Then on Friday noon I was counting my money when the teacher asked me whose money it was. To hide the fault, I said my mother told me to buy three yards of ribbon, and she said, ' Oh, it's all right.' On Thursday I took off my shoe and stocking to show Maggie Smith my funny toe, and it happened that a girl who was going' past said I was begging. She told Miss Kirsted so, and Miss Kirsted said she would see my father and mother. She kept Maggie Smith and me in at 12. o'clock. Then I ' asked permission if I might leave the room, and she said yes. > I had my sack on, and took my hat. When I got oat I out cog-wheels, and are far superior in power to the ordinary locomotive. Their driving-wheels have rims from eight inches to one foot wide, surrounded by a band of india-rubber. The locomotives and cars have two oenter wheels, one in front, one behind, which are .double flanged, and run on the center rail, guid­ ing the "train and supporting the whole weight of the cars. The side wheels, one each side, merely maintain the equi­ librium and hardly touch the macadam or wood on which the driving wheels run. This system is indorsed by the French Government, the inventor hav­ ing a right to build several hundred miles of cheap railroads as feeders to main lines, also the concession of the transportation for fifty years on the canal de Bourogne. Here the track is laid upon the towpath, and with a small locomotive weighing four tons, at three miles an hour, a boat containing 200 tons cargo can be drawn. This system is said to be preferable to the screw steamer, for there is no loss of power due to the "slip " of the screw, which is about forty-nine per cent on an average. A tank locomotive of thin system, weigh­ ing 8.3 tons, will haul, at four miles an hour, 600 tons of cargo, requiring sixty horse-power, while a screw steamer would take eighty-four horse-power. If the new one-rail system will do what the inventor claims, canal and railway trans­ portation bids fair to be revolutionized, and a new era in railway building, open­ ing up hitherto inaccessible places, will be inaugurated.--Toronto Globe. A Story of the Connecticut State Prison. Apropos of amelioration of discipline in the Connecticut State prison, during the past thirty years, the story of Pool, of New Haven, sentenced lor life for burning his store, is told once more. Another man on his deathbed confessed the crime, but Pool did not live to reap the fruits of the confession. Naturally of fine sensibilities and noble manhood, he became at last frenzied by crael treat­ ment, and forfeited his life. Pool was placed in the shoe shop, and compelled to finish six pairs a day. Unused to work, it was with great pain he accom­ plished this task. But tiie greedy con­ tractors, not content, soon increased the burden to eight pairs. An expostula­ tion or a murmur only brought a blow. An eye turned to heaven for help was answered with the lash. No eye could look up. With this task, Pool found his health failing, his mind going. His nerves were unbalanced by the least irri­ tation, The eweat poured from his brow9 and. for wiplag it off he was repri­ manded and pmasLed. Every keeper seemed watching with an evil eye amd taunting him with threats and jeers. To add to his distress his task was increased to ten pairs. He demurred, protested, flew into a rage. That night he was flogged, throat into a dungeon without food, without bed, and next day, with his back all raw and not a moment of sleep, with but a crust for his food, he was ordered to finish eleven pairs. Pool felt that the hour of his dissolution had oome. Innocent of the crime alleged, yet having no hope of liberty on earth, he concealed a knife, and resolved to sell his life as dearly as he could. He did what he was able to do of the task that day, and even more, but the bell struck and the eleven pairs were not finished. With fiendish malignity the keepers ordered him to the dungeon to await the Warden. The Warden came, and, without listening to entreaty or hearing a word of explanation, ordered liirn to strip himself to the raw flesh again, place his hands against the wall, and receive the lashes on his already lacerated back. " No, never I" said Pool. " Take that!" and Warden Web­ ster fell dead. From that hour cats and shower-baths, and brutalities in general, were at a discount in the institution. Brute force was found unprofitable. Contractors demanded coffee and whole­ some food and better treatment for the men, on the plea that they would do more work. _ Boston, by a Foreigner. Dr. Von Bulow says : " Everybody in Boston--that is, I mean, in the best musical circles--goes about in a sort of trance, as it were. When I talk to a man about a tiling there, even of business, he says yes, and yes, and yes, mechanical­ ly, and looks out of the window. I recollect I said to a large publisher who was gazing away through the window at the other side of the street when I was talking to him. ' You must have a great number of poets in this part of the coun­ try.' 4 Why ?' said he. 'Because,' said ' there are many accomplished dream­ ers among yon,'" Uon and discovery hag h-vugus. w AU scrofula or King's Evil, White STrclhiica. uioers. Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, oorofuJouB Inflammf tions, Indolent Inflamma­ tion, Mercurial affections. Old Sores. Erup- ,e 811111 Rtld Sore Eyes as in all other Wood diseases Dr Pierce's Golden Medical inscovery has shown its great remedial powers, coring the most obatiuate and ioteMiftble nanr* 8oM5y all dealen in medicines, Chapped hands, face, pimples, rfug- worm, saltrheum, and other cntaneona affec­ tions cured, and rough skin made eoft and smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care­ ful to Ret only that made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, as there are many imitations made with common fcarf all of which are worth­ less. ^ Db. 8hai<i<knbkbgeb celebrates the Centennial by putting the price of hi«? famous Ague Pills at one dollar. This old- and tried medicine is cheap at any price, because it cores promptly auv ca^te of chills whoa all other remedies have failed utterly. There are several kindw of worms which trouble horses ; the pin-worms (pointed at both ends) ar«J the most common and most dangerous. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders will in a few days eject the worms, and the horse will begin to thrive. Factories and machine shops should not be allowed to run a day withoal Johnson"$ Anodyne Liniment. In case of a sudden acci­ dent, an immediate use of it may save weeks of offering, and perhaps a limb, or even life. Vegetine purifies the blood, renovates and invigorates the whole system. Its medi­ cal properties are alterative, tonic, solvent and diureth. The attention of all lovers of the horse is called to the advertisement of E. C. Stone in another column. (Vj inu READING, PSVCHOMAWCY. FASCINATION, Soul Charming, M«cm«r<sm aad Lovers' Guide, •}"* elth«r mx mar fMolnat# aad gain the love &nd affection of my person the* chooca tnatantly. 400 Bj m»il. 60 eU. Hunt A Co., 189 8.7th Sti/PhlU. ELIZA BEMS YOTOO.fe»ft1.?a:«S;1Sfc£!K YOUR own«ne«« In oil colors, to show onr work, P»inle<l on canvas, 5W,x7^, from a photograph or tin type, free with the Home Journal!. a gf '.vorj; ar.u u»u«r. terms to sger.ts, Ac., 10 centa. Ij. T. LUTHER, Miii Village, itrie county, P*. Yon* Xaue Elegantly Print- •j on 12 Trakspabext vrsmiro --. . Cards, for 36 Cents. Each card contain! J'**?" *kich te not visible until held towiada the light Noth-p.glikethemeverbeforeofferedln America. Bi*induce- Tenta to Aetna. KoTitrt Pbihtjho Co., Aihlaad, Ma ^1* J.,1 A C -Th» ehotoaat. (n ttao world--I.Ti;<i>> t»r»' A JOlmO# price#--Largest Company to Ammioa-- •tapir article--pleasoa ererjbody--Trade eontinuniiy In- crpRMiig- -"Agents wanted e«srvwhere--best tiiducpraanta --don't waste time- *?nd for circular to KOB'I WM*U3, 43 Vesey St., N. V P. O. Box 1*487. VATTlTfl Hit HI Wanted to team Telegraph/. • 1111 Pi IT • • IV Situations famish p<tJ3teadjr * V U*IV 111 till promotion guaranteed. We •upply all operators hired hw Aivioiioau arisuk't t Plejnuph Ooa.,Chicago. Circulars mailed trw*. N. W. TFLEGRAFH IKSTiTUm Jane*vill«, Wto. A BOOK for the TffTT.T.TOTT MEDICAL ADVICE nnd (Chronic Itficaurd, Chancer, Catarrh, Kupturv. Opium Habit, fcc., SENT FREE on rcceipt "* Address, . Butts' Dispensary No. 12 K. 8th St., St. Louil, Ma MNEMONIC JKETilVO OF S H O R T H A N D , Giving a apwd of from 60 to 150 words per minuta. Now in u*e by the principal schools Rnd colleges. Any -ne of ordinary intelligence can become proficient in thia ft within one week.. Send for a copy. Price, $1.00. Published by SHftRS BROS. A CO.. Exchange Build- ing, oorner Clark and Washington Streets, Chicago, 111. g5$swtuAu*«. MO TO $60 * aJIAUTW^f tbe BOSS WELL AVG m DAY made by op«ra4ag VGEB. Borw tieU ftom 10 to 40 inches in dlmme. tCT. 100 reet a day saav. 8soil Ikr illustrated aatalogae. fcleraMs the dirt witheM removing th* shafUag. O. MARTIN. Patentee A Proprietor, Bloctuflcld, Am. Baat'iSlidlar, MMlmpitlnii Well Ainr, LATEST IMPROVEMENT. The filled Auger raised from the bottom of the well without lifting the shaft. Bores a 17 inch hole from 50 to 100 feet in one day. Can make any siie. Boulders and Quicksand > handled with ease. Complete Rig $100. Ter- ) ritory selling rapidly. Send for Circular. O. RUST, Patentee, Macon, Mo. Morgan's W«U Angtt bores "20 feet per hour, by one man and horse, without lifting shafting. Bores from 1 to 4 feet in width. The Auger is tilled and raised by horse and lowered by hand. Rights for sale. Circu­ lars free. A.W. MergU, Glenn's Bl'k ludianapotia. To aix, particularly Invalid*, spring la a trying mmod Iadloations of sickneai should atonoa be attended to Fatal dlseaaes may be caused by allowing the bowels to become constipated, and the system to remain in a dis­ ordered condition, until the disordar haa to develop lteetF. An ounce of prevention ia worth a pound of our*, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who an troubled with the complaints now very prevalent --headache. Indigestion, disordered Uver, want of appo- Ute, nausea, or feverish skin--tc take, without delay, Sehenck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no remedy so harmless and decisive In its action. It at onoe strikes at the root of the dt--••> and produces a healthy tone to tbe system. People never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition of the Uver If they would take this excellent medicine when they feel the first indications of the malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three or four boxes of these pills with them. They have an almost instanta* neons effect They will relieve the patient of headachs in one or two hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding bile, aad will effectually prevent a billons attack. They mm sold by all (trauMa. $6 to $20 a fiiav at hoaM. Sssisgilse worth Meant free. gxmsoH A Oo.. Portland, Ila. M*ttm Hum Geld. A. OOULl'MB * OO.. Ohtcer** OA Extra Fine MIXED CARDS, with samo, 1(9 oents,postpaid. L. JojfffiSA Oo.rHaaaan,K.Y. 29$250 We offer eitraortlinnry inducements--New Seven Octave full iron frame, overetrunK bass 1'ian™, with Rosewood case and carved legs, for liiuO--Ifcued and delivered at any R. R. Depot in Chicago--'Ternm of payment, $35 cash, remainder $15 monthly: or $50 ca«h and $10 monthly; or Jj-KKI cash and $26 quarterly--Send for cata­ logue with full explanation. ltl£Ei)NS TKiHPLB OF MUSIC, U4 Van Buren Street, Chicago. ICut this out and inclose it in your letter. O. U I THE ENORMOtTS WASTAGE of grain, so ia«rifaM* with other dale* of Threshers, can be SAVED by this Improved Machine, oa fvery job. to mora them, pay all exptuitft of threshing. PI.AS, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN and llfee seeds are threshed, sepanited, cleaned and saved 1 easily and perfectly as Wheat, Oats, Bye or Barley. AN EXTRA PRICK is usually paid for grain and Seeds cleaned by tins machine, for extra cldanunees. | IN TH® WET'GRAIN of 1876, these were snbetan* tially the ONLY MAflHITfKS that could rtui with profit or economy, doing fast, thorough and perfect work, uhirn others utterly failed. ALL GRAIN, TIME and MONEY wasting eomplicA* Mens such ns "Endless Aprons," "Raddlt*," "Beater*." ,cilh •' than onp-Jialf the usual Gears, Beits, Boxes, and Journals' •aeier managed; more durable; light running; no cost­ ly repairs; no dust; no" titterings" to cleao UD" not troubtedjby adverse winds, rain or storms. FARiraRS and GRAIN RAISERS who are iKMtot in the r.;«u« 'u,y it wiii not employ infe­ rior and wasteful nmcfc!scs, bat will uu>« an thia improved Thresher doing their work. SaI.7'KS made, ,for *1 10 and 18 Hone Powers. Also a specialty of Sxpaeatohl daabned •nd made expressly fob stcax power. TWO STTtlS OF HORSE POWERS, lit., our te. proved Triple Gear," and our "Spur Spaed" (Wood* bury Style), both " Mounted " on /our wheels. IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Grain Raising. W'X10 °wr "oarw,t Dealer, or write to us for lllustnt! ted Circuiar (gent free), giving ftall particulars of Sizea, •tylei. Prices, Terms, etc. ^ Mekot», Shepard <f Oo», BATTLE CREEK, MICH. The Wonders of Modem Chenattajy SarsaBariilian aM Its Associates. Ckaajts mi Seen aad Felt aa ThsfHi OncwaftcrVilnf a FcwDosndT DB. KAOWATV Sarsaparillian f Resofven! TBE GREAT BLOOD FUBIFOSL 1. Goad spirits, ^jwinmriimi cf wsskiNss. Em •wieacholy; Incnaae and hardnaaa of leak1 aa41 9. Strength increases, appeti' ro»d no more sour eruct»tlonB grestion, calm and undisturbed Bleep, *wi vigorous. ~ . 3. OisaprKiaranm of spots, blotobea. tte jfjokb clear and healthy, th" uiin® chanced bin Ite tB- old and cloudy appearance to a ch«ribnTT«a^te frF«!-y ^wthebladdMtSrw^tS 4. Marked diminution of quantity and frmisM. ̂ tavoluntanr weakening dlscharRee (« afflict®dXJ»«S with <Mrt«fnty of permaaent cure. Increased -shsbited ia the eecreting glands, erid 'itiiIIim (Man. resioredto the several onans. ,,5' tinjse a® the white of the eyes, and *»~«----. h^andh^Ktor? °f ^ . ? y?!0®6 s^fffrtnit from weak or ulcerated IT una mt tuhercfos wii-reUire great benefit in hedythe«m«h Phleraior mucous from the luualilr cellr., Itrottchi or windpipe, thrott or head; dtBuhsBid* of ,;ho_frr«jF?e!iny of coo*h; general increase of ittMsaS tbe systafh; 1stoppac® of nUrht nntTal» and feeling of weakness around the aniUea. 1mm. shoulders, etc.; cessation of cold and s hilla, eei*m%E mffocation; hard breathing and parojvam* of vcmxt, tm lying down or arising in the mornW. AH these blood Improves in strength and parity. dfieSei^l 4k § - i $25 TO $50 FEE Dil Can Actually be Made with the m Well Auger ii t sores, syphilitic sores, chronic uwppear. a i n e a s e s « « s r s t h e « y i > i « n h a s N n ^2UT»,.?nlc4kfU!2r' SubHnwt^ (tka pal constituent in the Advertteed Sampaim, ed in some oises with Hrd, of Poiae*)Gie postts and «KtMmftimta tfc® trtma of Ifatem. 9. If th<» who are taL_. of Chronic, Scrofolous or slow may be the cure "feel better, health improving, their flesh and weight lai ren keepinc Its own, it ia a sure sign that the aura pressing. In " eral FOR THE CAMPAIGN. The events of the Presidential campaign will y>e faithfully and fully illustrated in 'I'UK ,\K \V VOH SUN as to commend it to candid men of all partis.. We will send the WEEKLY EDITION (eight pages), postpaid, from June 1st till after election, for 50 eta.t the SUXDAY KDITIDN, suttie size, at the aame priosI or the DAILY, four pageK. lor $3. Address THE SU1V. New York City. tK leal D E A T H !• delave«l nutl life prolonged by iTm# R, ^ T. romc £lint mnd Liquid Ertract of Bttf. Ph> nicinuR rejwjrt manv cures ia Indl?cf tioD, Kiliou8nt>K«t Oonntlpurlon, Put's, l-unpf Liver, Bladder, Kiduev nnd dipcji^s. Female Fhyni* CUD8 it never fails in FEMALE DISEASES aud ta b " God-apod to frm&Ji'H." Homeopathic and Old School Fhysiciaus ro|H>rt: "It ucvr faiU, thtvery medicine for'thildrtn and ft ma ft." " Tlu* only J.iqitid Katraot of Bet'f with Tonlo <'Hthart»CB we v,ill pVi^crlb*-." Price $1 |>er botti*. RICHARDSflN A T0LLII6E, CINCIMIIATI, 6. DO YOUR OWN PIIHTINC! jfirOlTBbTT WE MEAN IT! And arc prepared to demonstrate ths ItMt OUR AUGERS are operated entirely br HGHSF.-I'OWEH, sua Will bore at the rate of 80 FEJET PER HOUR, They bore from 3 TO 6 FEET III DIAMETER, And ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They will bore la All lctnda of Earth, Soft Sand and Lima- •tone, Bituminous Stone Coal, Slate and Hardpan. And wa MAKE THE BEST OF WELLS in QUICK­ SAND. GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted In eveiy State and County In the United States. Send for onr Illustrated Catalogue, t< mi*, prices, &c., prtrli| onr advertisements bona fide. Address GREAT WESTERN WELL AUGER CO, BLOOMFIELD, DAVIS CO., IOWA. VState in what paper you saw this advertisement. *4 VERY desirable Nfw for Aaeate. V Manfao'r'd by G. J. Oapewell A Oo., Oheshire, Oono. At our request Cragin &Co., of Phila­ delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen oents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Bend at onoe. Profitable. Pleaaant work; hundreds now ana. ployed; hundreds more wanted. M. N. Lorell, Erie, Pit. Centennial Hand Boole mailed for 15 centa, BENJ. F. LEWIS, P. O. Bo* >666, Philsdelphia, Pa. OR PANCY CARDS, 7 styles, with name, lOe, ArfOpostpaid. J. B. HUSTED, Nassaa, Renss. Oc..N.Y. RIG pif To Sell RUBBER STAMPS. Terms free. DID mi M. S. PARRISH, P. O. Box 295, Chicago. 4k "1 f? ft a month and traveling expenses to salesmen. tp JL fjt> Address Gem Manafng Co., St. Loais, Mo. ASTHMA SPECIFIC, . Mi 8t, Phil*., Pa. TVVORCES legally and AJ patibility, Ac.: resid decree. A. GOODRICH, quletiy obtained for Incom- resideace anneeessary: fee after P. O. Box 1037, Chicago. A Jf° A. Com jrb. bi RTCIBTE can be made without oont or risk* mbination forming. Particular* free. Address BUKGES, Manager, Rawlins City, Wyoming. S5^SIO a<1av>Mr< Partieulartfret. N. r.ftxn t»xn " Cl-K*»«i ]>natie ftt ,N.V,» it rrn, ittble. He offm Ag.nL "Aordtnary iutSuctj.' O/? A MO!VTIf and traveling expenses paid (px^O for SALESMEST. No peddlers wanted. Address MONITOR MANUF'G CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. $3(0 A Month.--Agent* w»nt«d. 36 bestsell-ing articles in the world. One sample free Address J AY BRONSON, Detroit, Mich $444 T>r month. Agents Wanted. Business bonor-able, lucrative, permanent. Partlcnlars free. Aildi-esx, A. O. Nettleton a Co., Clilcago, 11L A f i F N T f i " mbtcrihtr* in one day. Be*t literary n UK II I o. paper. Only $1.50 a year. Three flO chromos free. Muktok A Sponblkb, Pubs., Phila., Pa PER MONTH GUARAIVTEED. Business first-class. Agent* iranfetl every* Address, with stamp. T. S. PAGE, Toledo, O. §0utfH8BF«H>TPRINT8 of the AGES, Our core r (Tovernment and History. Goon SPEED'S H Book, Bible and Map House, Chicago. OPIUM nials. Describe case. HABIT CURED AT HOME. No publicity. Time short- Terms moderate. 1,000 testimo. Da. F. E. Maush, Quincy, Mich. REVOLVERS!! ?Ey-8H?T Bufialo Bill RcroWtr Scat with I'JO Cart- latx. euarnnt®M. arrKTSnv riirv n'notrc $3.00 fidges fur £3. Fcul Nu kbl Flat*. 8»ti«fAetkm euarnnt®M. Hln8trat®a CwkVM Fin. Address WESTERN GUN WORKS. Cmjcaso. III. opioi W ton. UfT Washington 8V. Ohloa»„IlL jft*f A A MOUTH--Agsntswantedevatywhss« U* *11||| Business honorable and lint alaab. F«- u)ZilU oallst Addz*m WOBTH * to |60 a Week and Expenses, . forfeited., ^ All the new and standard Novel •100 eltles. Jhromos, etc. Valuable Samples Ires with Circulars. B, L. FLETOHSR. Ill Chambers Street, Hasr York. T Best Dressing tor T • dtss' Shoes. •I JCi X X All JCi SatufACTION GCARAKTKKD. Ladies, ask for it. Merchants, send foe OiactTLA*. OBVKL HOLOSN A CO., 1ST K. lUoxio 8^ Ofaicago. I PSZNTING- PBS8S. Fop Frotwsisaat k.b«b amateur Prlntere. Ki'heotn, Sorlciles, Mac • unsctuperc, BEerrhuntn, and others it in the BSST wit invented. 1S.3S3 la uie. Ten styles. Prices from $6.00 to $160.00 BENJ. O. WOODS At ftO. Manafrs dealers in all Kinds of Printing MatarlaU ' " " 49 Federal St. Boston. 6eud stamp for Catalogue, j CM8EMTS WANTED FOR THE EIMTENNIAL HISTORY OF THE U.S. The great interest in our thrilKritf history makes thia tbe fastest-selling l>ook ever published. It contains a full Sccount of the Grand Centennial Exhibition. CAI'THW.-Old. Incomplete and Unreliable works are bein^r circiiteScsl; see that the hook you buy contains 44it Fine Kiigravliigi* and '.lil.i Pitgea. Send for circulars and estm terms to Agents. AddreM NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Chicago, III. Twelve Points Sefentifically, Anntomirnlly, Physlolog. icallyancl M«cltnnlrall>' Kxplalned l»y Illustrations. A book of importance to Horse Dealers and all lovers of the horse: sent postpaid to any mldress for SO cents. Addrc : E. C. STOJfE, Publisher, <70 W. Monroe Street, -Chicago, HI. ' - COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTERS. abedded in laatHr. THIS CLAIM-HOUSE ESTAnUSHED IN 1N05. ,3 @ obtained for OCSmis, Soldier and Suz • w mc.n of WAK of ISSI and '5. au<2 for their heirs. The law includes deserters and those diehou(,!iib!y discharged. If wounded, iuiured, or have ooatcastW any disease, apply at once. Thonr,:..nds oa- titlsd. numbeco to sn -iassoaoed mn ahot'lf? sjmly in;:nediatc!y. All SoldUn« r.sici Seamen of the W A Ii of >« 3 '-i who served for any period, however short, whether disabled or not, and ail widows of such siot now on the Pension rolls, are requested to send ma their addres* »t «-n<:e. UnilAITV • Muny who enlisted in 1861-'2 and '3 are OUUn lis entitled. Send your Discharges and have them examined. Ri)sln««« the PATE5T OI^Klt K Solicited. Officers* returns and accounts •ettled, and all just dainiK prosecuted. lie procreaalns. In these dlaaaan the patient iilllia «•>• better or worse--the Tirus Of the diseaee la not Insiitf !•- if not arrested and driven from tbe blood, it win apnarii and oontinue to undermine the oonstkottoa, Aa aaaaa aa the SARSA PARI1.LIAN makeTute jnwTSl. "feel better " e»wry hour you will grow better sad taa. •reaae in health, strength and flsah. ^ The great power of this remedy la in dliiaam IMl threaten death--aa in OoanmpdoB of the Laaaui Tnberonlooa Phthisis, Scrofula, Syphiloid DIhml Wasting, Degeneration, and Ulceration of the KUrja Diabetes. Stoppage of Water (tostantaaeooa nSrC forded where catheters have to be used, thne Macsasr with the painful operation of using thasc ir~^~-- dissolving stone in the bladder, and tn all flammatkm of the Bladder and Kidneys, I cases of Leuoorrhea and Uterine itissaiss. psand syphapM afcan; nloeia, and in t< , rhaninattn, . - - -- theea tarrible f disease, where the human body haa beoome a i wreck, and where every hoar of ezistenoe la In ttftnorc, Iropsy and v nodaa. the astoi wherein this great remedy _ and admiration of the tick, it fcT sll tho pleasures of existence appear oat off fees* unfortunate, and hy tta woodeifttl, ahnaat simii Nkasl restores the hopeless to • new lift aad Mar aalstence where this gnat mmedr ata*A aJwne .ha tta might and "intt 1 power. . --,ttte .ordinal^ akia dlseaaes that every onetsmcMV Ma tronbled wiw, a few «Im<m will in most cases, ^ aggravated fwas,«wka|» manent cure. Those afflicted with chronic dtaaaaaa aboald nntea a package containing one rloion hottlwLPr^» --^ G C n S f a ' t 0 / i l C w S T RADWAVS READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INST AWT ""ME?.?*MlSl HY8TKRIOS, CTROl:P. DIP H.THI3K3. IT. DIPHTHBUA» The application of the BL12ADY RELIEF to part or parts where the pain or difficulty " ' afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will, momenta, cure CRAMPS, SPASMSL SOUR ACH, HEARTBURN, RHEA. 1 BOWELS, Travelers should always cany a bottle of H WAY'S RBlJTEF with them, A few drops te .. will prevent sickness or pains from change of watar. ikARTBURN, ' steK ' HBAbAOHK. " DYSKNTRRV. COLIC, WIND IN S, and all INTERNAL PAINS, IT 18 Price SO Cents® §old by Dragglstta. DR. RADWAVS. 1 REGMTKfi PILLS Bur«c,_rajplate, purffy, cBobiSo M^d'strenk^r."^.!^^ W- A¥'& pEIifcg, for the ewe of of Sb& klimfiR.pMto. finnrtinatinw &2t!TOns_- fiioFtij UfllouiK tion the Bowels, Piles ana all Derangemente of Ite Warranted to effect a poeitlve cat Purely V@gekb!o» cnntAintng nn mateoi?, minnral^ 4 Ab i make no charge unless succeuful, I request all to Inclose two BtampR for reply and return of papers. GKORtiriG K. LKMONg Lock-Box 47, Washington6 D. O. I recommend Captain Lemon as an honorable and sue- iful Practitioner.--S. A. HurShut, M. 4th Congres­ sional Distiictof Illinois, late Maj. Gen1! 1L S. Vols, In writing, meaaUaim iime oi: this pupec. The Enemy of Disease, the Foe of Pain to Han and Beast, Is the Grand Old A Constant Electric Battery Im a Porous Strengthening- P] PRICE Stb CENTS. I T C U R E S Bheumatisiiiy Neuralgia, Paralysis , Cramps, Sts Vitus' Dance, Sciatica, Hip Complaints, lervous Pains, Spinal Affections, Raptures & Strains, Weak Muscles, Kidney Complaints Lame Back, Skooting Palis, and all Pains and Aches. The Talas of aa a oorattv* agent in dls. eases and ailments that re. stot all other modes of treatment cannot be over, estimated. Its constant and eontlnuooa application by means of a highly medica. tad strengthening plaster, aa in Collins' Voltaic Piss- ter, which is a anion of two medical elements in one form at one price, is posi­ tively the greatest medical triumph of this century Ita curative action begins the moment of application and accomplishes more in ten days than the old plas­ ters in ten months. MUSTANG L IN IMENT, WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEAItS. THERE IS NO SOKE ITWILI, WOT HEAL.NO LAMENESS IT WILI MOT C(TKE, !IO ACHE, NO PAIN, TH A1 AFPUCT8 THE HUMAN BODY, OR THE BOBT OF A HORSE OR OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMAL, TIIAT DOES NOT YIELD TO ITS MA<>IC TOUCH. A bottle costing- arte.. fSOc. or 91 .OO, baa often saved the life of a human being, and rcatored to UjCtanduiefuliicii msuy • yaluable borio* deleterioa« fyObservo tli. Disorders cf the Digestive . Constipation. Inward Pi the Head, Acidity of the Stoi pr*pbsery© the followlnp eymptoma estiveOrj Constipation. Inward Piles. Fullasss of the Blood te le Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heaitfranv Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the f" Sour Eruotatlons, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit i Stomach, Swimmtav of the Head, Hurried aad DK- ficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, _ Suffooatlng Sensations when in a Lying Poetttre, nessof Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Persti Yellowness of tho Sidn and Eyes, Pain in tlii fTMa^ Chests, Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Haat, 1 I i the Flesh. A few doses oS MADWAY'S PILLS will system from all the above named disorders. Price 9M Centa per Box. SOLD BY DRUGOIS1B. Read "FALSE A!H)TRUE." worth tliousancls will bo sent you. .'SE P R t S s ov; FOUR i 1/ t S . - "J A CRFAT s u r c C ' '• S E N D 2 S T P T r p H : J.C00K ^ Co * MA fs U r A i. ' r WEST MER ! D F! N .Cr- COLLINS* VOLTAIC PLASTER la rfcei •2 (lata. Sent by mall ow goldbjrallDragKUt.. cefpt of 25 cents for one, §1.35 for six, or .*5 for twelve, csjrefoll^ wruppen *nd warranUd, by prietors, Boato WEEKS < Mass. SPOT' apped TEH, IT PAYS Any smart man who wishes to make 82,000 a year oa a aMALl, capital, to commence in our line of business. Roofing ia a Specialty. There is no one in your county who carries on the business. Yon can learn it in one week by studying our instructions, which we send to all who ask for them. Any many having $100 capital to start with, can purch.tse enough material to roof THREK ordinary houses. The sum realized from sale and profit on this supply, added to the regular pa* for labor as Roofer, should amount to not less than 12(H). An expert man could easily do the work in nine working days. Two person* of small means can join together to advantage--ONE canvassing while the OXHXR attends to the work. Send for onr Book of Instructions (HUM if you write at once), and STUDY It. Aak for terms. If you are unable to advance the money, present the matter to the principal storekeeper in lODB FLACK, and talk It over with him. He will o« a lad to furnish the stock and divide the profit with you. We will guarantee the terri. tory to the first responsible applicant. Address K. ¥, SLATE ROOFING CO., Luum>, 7 Cadar St, H. Y. j#J»| p P0RTXBIE ^ f. &C» C9 % % A iriaii jatoteil was asked hotr II= he •eemed to Ifp alwaj* well. I- not ^ - » m/ meals; I eat what I like, aiid whenever I fc®l tbe weather, I resort to my Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient, which I keep always in the house." Wise man.and mmaa leal as well He does not resort to violent means tor He oces Nature's remedy, in the shape of thi.- SOLD BY ALL DKUOUiiSllS. • O.H.U. xxnsKS wRirnAfOADTOrnsEita TTnleaM aay jrWMWttH " kOUipspcr. /

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