Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1876, p. 1

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stmt JV i ' rti Published' Brery W«fln*tfl>fy;ijf \ ' • t^tt- •iS^T mmm- r* "•4-S0 •-•, :#ti: . '.' .ii.f-' , ¥*!$&'* • "Am Editor and Publisher. $Mfico jytt lilvefsiOe Bltfck, -vfe#:, >^*31 > . ikim ^ vrdtCfaC • *$S \ \:0^ •vite* ' cJf! -m- ?» <* g t »iQvcra»nitli< Bros. & €!oi'8 Stow* | >< $ '•••' ••! : • '»} " J " nv »|«JP**M9' OF. SUBSCBIPTIOlfe J ^ t OM Year, (hi Advanc^,).. --....... .$! If. not Paid within Throe Months,-00 a*Wrip1ions received for.threo or six months its the same proportion, > ssr BUSIKES& CARDS. rf ir •-- H.' T. BROWN* M. I>. YSICIAX an<l Surgeon. Office in Brick _ AUvk over K. G. craves Clothing 3tore \*ater Street, McHenry ill. I , K. A. BKE.BS M. IX fit" £. HKNNKTT, M. !>., SURGEON and Accoucher. Diseases of 'WOMEN * Specialty. Officeand Jtesidence on Cl»y W'MKlstock, ,I1L , rt tt .i r , ? Vt. XL BUCK, lb D.t Wo^OPA'tinC Phvticiah and XL office Krt^t Side Public Square, Wood­ stock, III. Office hours II to 12 A. M„ ami 2 to 4 I'. M.' '• .. ' Waukegan Cigar Manufactory, E.«l. DENNIS, Proprietor; *5Ittiit^icjtit¥cr and 'WTiOlc^ie'fKs#^ ia: -^1 CIGARS, TOBACCO; :. ' , ' l V';, ^ -AKD-" • ... • • ••• Pipe# Of Every Description. •S 'wM GENESBE STREET*] S£ D. * «*4» 4*v na < KW. - .'iS * d 4 -M® la ; o# Htifi rfti -m fi* .,* *^-a§ O-J ? A-J 'JSf# PHYSICIAN of Howa O. J. liyW^HD yriHsstiRug^-* ... .... f|- 'i • > r .tail • P. G. MAYES/« MKITRILANT 1 • ClothingClothSj_Ca,8Siiu«r«s, Vestinc' Ae., IH. rKWiiANT Tailor, and dealer in Head v Made is. C« - . - One door north of Colby's Drugstore Mellenry BICHARD BISHOP, ATTORNEY,AXI> COUNSELOR AT lJkW, J\. Onh*e in War of Mnr|>1ir ft Bishop's Bank North Side Public Square, Woodstoek, 111. GEO. A. BUCKHV, NOTARY PrRT.IC, Convevaneer and In­surance A#ont. Office #t IUicklifi * Bteveii's Store, near the Depot, Mellenry, 111. TTS--_ n J AS a cAnrptete Abstract of Titles to , in Mcliettrr CSountv, IlVw ' County Clerk, >Jtoodstock, III. OAM with ? ; • POTTER, M ^ .. JJotary Pnblfe witd Con- Ik vevancer, TJ. 8. Claim, Insurance tt Collecting Atcent^, „ -- Tf*- D. A. TlIfTHMOND, II^Jj. ~Ptti HECHTLE.' ' VfelB, Rlcn ftarrlape rtilhterL' Mcllen. < &? til. Will dh all work prompUy atitv at reflflonaUle »at«s. E. M. OWEN. OEXERAL Dealer and ManiH^cturers Ajtent ini JLeadinif "* Farm PWces low and Tewns favorable. Machinery, ILLINOIS: --«--.• t • » iii M<?HENRY, '• - Y.. - 1 1 ;-- --~--- i- GEaSCHREINKR, , ' ©AT.OOX and Beetaunint, Nearly opposite O the Parker House, i{cHein y 111. •®"Fir»t-Clase Billiard and Pool Tables. •'S •? ' v- J. BONSLETT, SM.OOXand Restauraiit. if*a*IV' nApoeite Owen's JttU, Mr-Heii ry, Ilk Fresh 6y«ters •erved up re any B^upe ddsueil, or fot sale by tfce'Can," 4flr«HX)D STABLING FOR HORSES.^* •• "<IR lIHliiVi. II » HP-*; ,'••••• • • ; I»V mt M01EXIIY 1 .IVERY STABI.% i ^ il ; FW* an I ,ti-r JOS. WIEDEMANN. ,J O AT.OO.N ami Restaurant Near the Depot O 111. Hoarders by the day or week at reasona ble rates. Warm and eold p % i i ; ' V . f ^ g a t * l M l 0 U i : & • - a i r ?>t'j . ' *i **"Good Stabling for Horsqo.^ipv i ! , 5r> 'V .] " TH TIB* r<»',f.;• Si* I." f, m % m. - • • .to- s„. *U*>; id •»4jj • (BIT! PW H. E. WIG HTM AN, 1'mpriotor. rlK«, with or \vitho_ut NC'reanonable rates. iloae on short notice. . First class • ml. drivers, furnished Teaming or all kinds rnt- W. W. ELLSWORTH. BREEDER o the Celebrated Magie IIo; Also Light.1nd Dark Brahma Fowls. tPigs •hipped to all points by express. dr«88, Woodst(«;k, }l(., O. W. OWEN, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, MCHENRY ILL., Dealer in all kinds ot Ameripan and fl^rlss .Watches, Clo<!ks,froin the Invst facjforivsin the H»untry». Silver, plated ware, Stiver Spoons, &C., ; . ALSO AGENT FOB THE Weber and Brmlbiiry Pianos AND THE Estcy Qrg»n I Wiiicli we ljelfeve to bo the l>est Organ |n the market. W«i think wo know that br o-CjMjri- enee, and wo believe % fur it in backed up by Musicians in the World. prices than ihein to be the Ito8l I also sell other Orgnns at less the Kstev, but can't rweoiumend as good." • i OS O. VT. < » Si! : -Hi iiIt). • ink. .it Jnljr -Myf? to I_AL tili : fEN. RURPHY & BISHOP. BANKER hm"4 **\ • • S • i-fli-w'-. k\ Office North Side of Public uhre, WOOIWTOCK:, 'i 'i . . ... ILLlNOIS^il' 'TMIANSACTS a Gencfral Banking afcd Ex- JL chauge Buaine«s., Depn«U Uee.eive/l.-- interest; atl«wed on Special Deposits. Buy and Mrtl ITuited States Uondj^, Gold; Gnid'Ex<il>inigo, et«^ Exchange onufl ^i*iuci|B^I cUlc^ iQ tiiuropr- fin- sale. W<x>d»lmb III Fos River Valley Mills. M. 0. LUFF, Proprietor. " McHenry * # • - Illinois. P. O. % Wartantetl. ROBERT? MlfRFll^r, "'(']][ AW ATCh. M A K K B of 18 years, experience, has loeateil at Nunda, and will pive his atteif.. tt;A OZ PIUAKA, Watches; Ac. Shop in Watsoii & Op.'a Drug Stove. All W©rk R5P PETER LEIClvEM. ^ _ \IR« Watches, Clocks awl Jewelnf O? SILK inds. ALSO He pairs Violins iu the uost jxisBible manner, on short notice and at rea- sonable Kites. Also Violins for 8»lei Shov> first door North of Riverside Block, MvIIenry I1L •««I I 'I. ..J ;------III ,. \ - MCHENRY HOUSB^ V Mcffenrr, til. John TCargo^- Pr<H$ietor. Centrallj- located and the best of accoin-tmplations furnished. Charges reasonable. ' BICIIMOND HOUSE. RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Frank Foster Pro­prietor. Go^d aceommodations for all parties. Samplerooms for Salesmen. Lirery Stable attached. Public Hall for Lectures, Shows &c., • ; The McHenry B King & Herbcs, Proprietors. TIE best of Boer Shipped toanv part of the conn try and warranted as represented*-- K Orders solicited and promptly attended jto. k^'W y , i ? FUtelh RENICH, frn CIGAR HANUFACTUREB, --AND-- WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. For 8ale. e undersigned offers for Sale, ine Brick _ Store on Water street, in the village of McHenry, now occupied by Sirs. C. H. Morey, as aMllnnerv Store. It is 14x35, the upper story being finished olTasa residence. TERMS RKAVOX VIU.K. Inquire of C. H. MORKV R YCILCMY, 111. Nov. 1st 1875. n' For Sale. NR^IE undersigned offers 'OR Sale hts property, A situated opposite the Riverside House, TA McHenry, on the most reasonable term*. There is "a good and substantial building, suit­ able for a store or other business, the upper ]tart of which is lilted up for ;t residence. Coh- . neeted with this is four acres of choice land, a good liarn and some fruit. Persons eontein- PLATING purchasing Will HUD it to their inter •st to call and look this property over. F. A. ULBBJLRD. McHenrjm Aug. JfiUi uaa.. CONST IIAND. Bciit arut. "eatlijfistetiiwt g«wc*Mtit*ert' Thankful for past favors a continuance of patronage i« rospectfuily solicited^ *S"TKe IFTYRHVSTM.IRK&T 'Price in EA8LIRFBR -good Uilling Whe^t. Hi ®. LUFF, -u- ^qpcess6r t6 Owen ^I'OP. o, W. H. SANF( Mercliant itL Iu the store of C. IL Dickinson, East 6ide of PaMic SIIIIARE, U WOODSTOCK, ILL. TA®WL^S,;OC,£ OT'Finp GL*ths for ^UIIINGS al- ways on han<L Suits made to order aud % lit warranted- GIVE me a call. W. H. 9ANFORJX Woodstock 111., Sept. 27th, 1975. RF MOUNTT KOOf THIS BITTERS, for Its intrinsic properties, is known as one of the Best Tonics of the Age. As a laxat ive Liver Cleaning, Blood Purifv. HI# MCDICINO, it hns not its superior. It should bo taken in quantit ies front a Tablespoon ful l toasmall wine glass full three times » <lay, according to the strength and age of the LNRA* W or the degree ef sickness. For Sale by the Case or Bottle, -BY- X, KAPPIiEIi, Patentee, Woodstock, 111. Village Lot For Sale. Lot 1. Block 1., West McHenry, containing one sere of land, which is well fenced and on which is an Orchard"of good fruit, IS now offered for sale on reasonable terms. It is one of the most desirable building places in the village. For further particulars inquire at tile PLAINOEAI.KK Office. McHenry, Ill^Jtlareh 1st, 1876. GIN. CifOOK AND THK I^NIA>« A correspondent with Gen. .Conk's Expedition against the Indians, irrsiss that Red Cloud and other Sioux ihiefs assumed a defiant attitude wh^n Gen. Crook endeavored to enlist ithpih as 'allies in lite operations againtt the hos­ tile Sioux bain!?, and told hint they were neitiier children noy wjuawj tb be pervaded to iight against they bleth­ er n. The Cheyenne Sun makes ih<» se­ rious charge that the plans of ffett. Crook to draw a dividing line between the professedly friendly iHtMatis aud < who were hostile, ^KI to Secure ,the aid of the former in' siibdMing |fce latter, were friistrafett By two wlme naen, both of whom Are uigants of the govennuerit. When the General wettt to the Jled Clotiil Agency he found many of the Italians ready and willing to accompany him, wlii«h would It^e #o weakened the party riiruaiuiiig "of- hind that his rear would, have been comparatively safe. Mt that Inspector Vandever and A<;«nt ,lla?tiug8 openly and actively protested ag'iiiiigt the Kr- tangeraent. Here is anothei- mi^obief resulting front the pre«tetrt adm«lustra­ tion of Indian affairs, in which the In terior Department and the War lie- partment are continually working at cross purposes. A needless,, and i what promises to be a bloody ftjid expemive war, is brought about by jobbery in the Inte rior Department, And violations by the government of treaty stipula­ tions; and when the War Department sends its troops into the field and the soldiers meet a savage foe, Supplied by the agents of the Interior bepartmeut, with rifles and other fire arms of the moit modern improved descriptions, while the efforts of the eommamlfcr of 4>nr troops to array sev^rfil thousand formidable warriors upon ,the si<j!e of the whites,are thwjtrted by iitoiiiinent "Officers of the same xtepartmeiit,, it is i"»0 wonder tliat the urmy otttcers |>nthe frontier portent in the mfc^t vigjorous ienns agaiust ^ite exJettngg cobditkon of iaflfairs/'^ • •;<i-" ">}• •' " ' I TH£ SKW »ECB£TAR¥ OF WA& ' Dchiald Cameron, the newly appoint­ ed Secretary of War, is a son of » Hon. Simon Cameron, present United St.tWs Senator from Pennsylvania. He is president of the First National "Bank of Ifarrisbtirg, antt is also presidedt of the Northern Central Railroad. He it abowt 45 years of age, and for the past twelve years; has been connected with the contemptible and corrnnt Ttngs-^dcli have figured in State pol- itios. Tlie appoiutnieiit of sucii a man as Cameron as Secretary of War can- not but excite profound indignation in tlie bosom of every honest man. It irould be equally is well to re<4n«etate Belknap and save the country another Mirprhie^ for if Sitne and Don Cameron don't crook up something whereby the Government will be disgraced before their retirement fromofllce,everybody Fiii be astoQlshed, Old Simon *as once Secretary of War, and the conwtry Well knows his record, nnd Don is but a chip of ttie old block. SBKAIE AND B£LKNAP. ,, OW ' Monday the 2tJth , ult;!iilo, the Unite<l States Senate, by n vote of 37 !to 39, decided that it hasgtiHs'diction in t&C Belknap impea^hmeut case, not­ withstanding the fact that he resigned ftn the dajr * when proceedings were begun. This is whaflvery honest ban trnew in the beginning. It would l>e a queei*precedent to establish to decide it otherwise, and woidd leave a loop hole by which every dislionest political scoundrel connected with the govern­ ment could eseape iu case they are de­ fected in crime, in connection, With, and while administering the - Amotions of their several offices. It ' seems ttranae that so-called wise men like Conkling, Windom and McMillan and numerous other worthies should vote against ttw measure, gtvi-ng their power and jurisdiction over so palpable and gross a crime as that of wiiidh the ex-Secretary of War is guilty, Jt fan be for no other purpose than to shade the aflfttr as much as possible, ami throw it iuto tko comets s»«4 thereby give t3ie guilty a chance to escape through technicalities and the law's de­ lays. Mr. Conkllng itill IR> doabt find that the long, elaborate and eloquent speech which he made in the secret session, ef the Senate, will be a thorn in his side rather than a diadeutt of crowns for his head. 1 ' $ i Farm For Sale. 'T^HE undersigned offers for sale his farm IN « « . E Town of Greenwood, consisting of 240 acres of ffrst class land, under a good state of cultivation, well watered, prairie and .good Timber adjoining, GI>od buildings, Fruit in good variety , in fact everything const i tut ing a good farm. Will be divided if desired. Terms very low, ' Inquire on the premiseWof ^ G KO. H. GA.KKISON. Greenwood HL April 18th, 1870. We have a society 10^ the Pre­ vention of Cruelty to Animals; anotl»er for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil­ dren*, still another is needed,, for the Protection of Fools. Some persons contend that if a man chooses to kill himself by walking a thousand mites in a thousand consecutive hours, or a hundred miles, without stopping, it is nobody'* business but his own; if he p fool enough to dp it let liim do it. But the ofllcers of the law restrain insane men from committing suicide, and why should not fools be restrained from de­ stroying or injuring themselves. Last week the sporting world was excited over an attempt to ride 305 miles on a track in fifteen hours' one man riding a score or more of mustang ponies--a perfectly useless feat,even if it prpved successful. But the man, not the mus­ tangs, gave out on the 226th mile, the man being too exhausted to climb intq the saddle. What possible benefit to the world, (provided the fool survives the operation) can result from such self-infliction of torture it would be difficult to imagine. And yet these Ex­ hibitions are countenanced and en* couraged, even by men of science. *9^A little four-year-old remarked to her mamma, on going to bed, " I am not afraid of the dark." 44 No, of course not," rtepliedher mamma, " for it can't hurt you." " But, mamma, I was h lit~ tie afraid once when I went into the pantry in the dark to get a cooky.' "What were you afraid off* asked her mamma. "I was afraid I wouldn't And the cookies." The lightning Train to the FftdQe. James Gordon Bennett, the proprie­ tor of the New York Herald^ recently undertook to pay half or more of the expense? of a train from New York to 3an Francisco, which should take through Lawrence Barrett aud a com­ pany of actors, between the hour of their dosing1 performance In New York on May 31, and the time for their opening in San Francisco. The train consisted of a locomotive, a baggage car, a combined smoking ami commis­ sary car, and a Pullman hotel c«r. It was expected that the train would reach San Francisco in 88 hours from the time when it started from Jersey City, making only five regular stops excepting those necessary for the taking on of new engine* and fuel. Twenty-five passengers were taken, and a special mail was made up at the postoflice for five stopping places. The start was made from the Jersey City station of the Pennsylvania railroad two minutes before one o'clock, three 'minutes behind time. The ninety miles to West Philadelphia was run in 99 minutes. A single engine drew the train to Pittsburgh uml two others took it to Chicago, making the trip in 22 hours, Instead of 37, the usual time required. The train (totttfnued on its way at the same rapid rate' being met at every station by crowds of people. At times, with favorable grades, the rate of speed was ftally a mile a minute. The schedule time was anticipated from the start, the train reaching Ogden, in Utah, at 10SC7 a. m., Laramie time, or eight hours and 37 minutes ahead. Short runs were made at the rata of 70 to 73 miles an hour. At 9^5 a. m., Sunday, the train arrived at the end of Oakland Wharf, within the city limits of San Francisco, the time from New York being 2G minutes less than 84 hours, or days. At 9;02} the, travel­ ers were in the Palace Hotel, and were .soon welcomed at breakfast by a large number of prominent citizens, members of £be theatrics! profession and others. The eutire trip w»s m&tkt without ac­ cident of any kind. 1 U6g"Tho great fire of Quebec has fallen very heavily upon the poorer classes of the city, Seven hundred houses have been destroyed. They were generally dwellings of an inferior character, and occupied by people of comparatively little means; still the loss of property was very groat, aud 6,000 persons* more or less, have been thrown out upon the world withont shelter. Fortunately the season of the year is in their favor, and with the as­ sistance of generous friends their hard- ships will not be so great as if the dis­ aster hadoccured amid the blast of winter. j^-Nlimerous niurders by Indians of miners in the Black Hills are reported. Such a result has all along been feared, The white men there are tresspassers; they went after receiving fair warning from the Government that in so doing they placed themselves outside of its protection. But while the United States cannot with propriety undertake to protect the miners in their trespass, the object will probably be attained indirectly by means of military expe­ ditions against the hostile Sioux. I^Senator Conkling is credited with the greatest speech of the session, in the Senates secret session on the Belknap question. Of course it was in favor of Grant's administration and opposed to the impeachment of Grant's cx-Secretary or War--the scoundrel Belknap. No one doubts Senator Oonklin's ability. What the people object to is the use he makes of it. tSf It reported that a sotnewftttt* juvenile dandy said to a fair partner at u ball, "Miss, don't you think my mus­ taches are becoming?" To whiclx miss replied, "Well, sir, they may be comijig but they haven't yet arrived." OUR WASHINGTON U2TTKR. • WASlliJfOTOlr, jtt, c.,^une 2d, JWfc Washington most henceforth weAr the palm for Filial Obedience. A few day^ago a young man, under 30 years of age, whose mother had bought him up more* in the fo*r of her cowhide, than the Lord, or his fellow men, went off aud got married w ithout her knowl­ edge or consent. After the marriage, he went borne to the l>ride>* house to live, and sent his mother word of What he had douef The old lady danced around for a few minutes like a hen on a hot griddle, *nd then taking the cow* hide, which she had so often, more in sorrow than in anger, lovingly twined around him, she smarted off to pay her respects to the nowly wedded pair. Arriving at the bridstahouse, she did not send in her card, turned over at olie corne*, ornish eagerly in and fold the young oouple to her loving heart and give fhem her blesslrtg, but she pickcd up a brick and threw it against the door with a crash that brought ev­ ery inmate either to the door or win­ dows to see what was the matter. Among those who stuck their head# out of the window was the young bridegroom and brldeV As B0nh as the fond mother beheld her offspring, the fierce determined look vanished from her face and smiles and dimples took its place, like gleams of sunshine after a storm, and she hid the cowhide, that he knew only too Well, in the folds of her drew. "Come down, Thomas dear, I want to see you4" she said In her gentlest aud most affectionate tones, and he, hand in hand with his bride, came down to the door, expecting to receive her blessing, and he gbt it,-- but hot, in the way he wanted. Scarce* ly had he reached the door, when his U19 ther, Wtoo hail quietly edged up to the steps, gave OIK* bound forward, caught him by the left"Car alnd then she rained such a shower of l>lows upon him • as only an outraged parent can give. "So you went ofi'und got married did you?" she hissed. •'Well, I will show you that you are not going to ge,t out of my clutches beforo you are tw«nty-6ne, anyhow. Now come home with me, Sir," aud she rained, blow after blow Upon him, while he bore it like a little lamb, or as a dutiful son should. "Box Iter ears for her, and come Into the house," the btide said; but he was made of sterner stuff than that. "No» Mary," he replied, "Mother says 1 must go home With her, aad I must," and the old lady led him off, while the bride went in and closed the door. The young husband is again living with his mother, and running her errands as a dutiful sou ought, and to judge from the haste with which he always re* turns after being sent out, It is to be Inferred that there is so me thine kept in "pickle" for him, in case lie stays too long. , The decorations of the Soldier?4 Graves at Arlington, on the 89th, wis on a larger and finer scale than ever before knowif. The weather was de­ lightfully cool, and the attendance verj: large. In this Cemetery there are over 11,000 soldiers burled, over 4,000 of whom are unknown. The mansion' house is some little distance from the cemetery, and the road between the two was spanned by eight arches, each one'of which was decorated in the most beautiful manner with Hags and ever­ greens, each one bearing the names of some of our distinguished men during the late war, among whom were Lin­ coln, Thomas, Stanton, Farragut, Sum­ ner and Ellsworth. The tomb, of thd "Unknown' was very prettily ornamen­ ted with a large flag so shaped as to form a tent, from the cone Of which was suspended garlands of roses and evergreens, while the base of tbe tomb was completely hidden from view by wreathes of beautiful flowers. Tbe poem by Beaj. F. Taylor, beginuing with says that he paid this tttow€f itt kerff who Was dissatisfied that it "WtU rto«| •BOO. Kerr denies the charge In taik* Greene does not believe that Kerr enf; got a penny of this money.' Harnejr has made some great blunders in h|i cross-^XHmiuation and contradicted himself several times. He said that htfT knew Kerr intimately ; tkat afs memory Was excellent? nml that 5." had laeveSf1, applied to any other member of Uoi|- gress to get Greene's appointment# On cross-examination It turns out thttf his intimacy with Kerr consisted lap nodding to h5m; he could not reraeni* ber either the street or the utfiwber of the hewse where he Jived In this city f and ffnnHy,'J£r. St rouse f a member «rf Congress in 18G6, testifies that Hffffrtf applied to him for his 'assistance ancf said that he (Harney) could make ftHMf or Ave hundred doilanis If he eotakl get Greene the appointment. No mad stands higher, in tMs city at least, than Speaker Kerr, for Integrity of character' and p*fitx of life, and if lie' k found guilty theft wer may well f«rl ftavti fh|t has been one Butler's "bfldf femm christians.** The charge 9 Mgainsi Maine hwre beeff •f the most sensational, chttractei* Three witnesses from Boston tfera ex* amined by the inteslfgatffevi Gofmtt4«* tee, two of whom fully exotmvwee# Blaine from tbe charge ef feavlftg r«r+ eeived *130^W Hi bonds- Jo# <foinjg' nothing, but the third erne, by the name of Mulligan, and who Waa book" keeper to one of the other tWo,; sweMflt most emphatically that he did* 1MI* gan brought with him fifteen lelter* written by Blaiaef soiMe mi tfaam <jR#» ing back befom he ever beeanwraawn»» ber of Congress, Biainer went to seer Mulligan, and Mulligan swear* that htt threatened to commit sulefde if he dkl not let up on him; begged' hkro t» hirfsr mercy oil his wife and children,- offered him a Consulship if he would g# abroad,--all of which Blaine denies^ Blaine got posessiou of his letters ait<(S refused to give them bacSc to Mulligan, or to give them to the Committee,- ow the ground that they were private let» ters, aud had no bearing on the presenf y" . investigation. Mulligan ap|tears to# ! 1 be ready to testify. Tl»e charge# ^ against both of these geatfomen are still Under investigation, land commeni at this stage of the proceedings would be permature. .N I I M# ' J0TA number of gentlemen UiUtf from the East were eoMgregated on # street corner in Bvln? Frtxtctsee* the oth*^ # er day, when they saA- at fw#' fcoftti dray loaded down with wl»at thet toe^it to be lead bargf stalled OM Moutgemer/ street. Gre^t was their surprise #hei§|; informed that the lead bars Ware alive j . j bricks from tbe Bonanza mines, berintf *'v" taken to Flood & O^Brien's bank< that over a hmidred thousaikb doHant*' 3" iu value was intrusted to tlie custody of one man and hauled arotftid tb* sttacl* like .'ipy,other merchaudls M fSgpSome Chinese iftfnerfti empl«ye4 near Gold Hill, Nevada, had attc'ndctft* a Christian meeting, and thcrcli|T gained a conception of the etfthodefti hell. One day they wertr at work its the shaft which passed through of sulpher. A stroke of a pl<& a quantity of sulphuric gbs« which Ignl* ted and sent a flame' up the shaft. The smell of burning sidphUivthe keat the glare, reminded tl>e alrtt6nd«eyed citizens that they had brsStofli^ielto IWi and tliey Jbrthwith fled. 1 A ClTTK Doo--A N#wfoi#tadlsiKtg "Hail, fair Potomac; Mountain child set free; Bounser of STATES, and sweetheart of the sea; being unusually fine. Stewart L. Wood­ ford, of New York, was the Orator of the da/. At other Cemeteries the decorations were alio very fine. Speak­ ing. of Ellsworth, who was shot at Alexandria, at the very outset of the war, both the wife and daughter of the man who shot him are now in Govern­ ment employ. Much bitterness has been felt at thifUftnd many efforts made to have them dismissed, but without avuil. The charges agalust Messrs. Kerr and Blaine have kept our city on the qui vive during the greater part of the week. The charge against Mr. Kerr, briefly stated, is this; A man by the name of A. P. Greene, who was fomer* ly an Officer in the Volunteers, was ap­ pointed as a second Lieutenant < in the Regular Army, July 20, 1866. He says he saw Kerr several times, and that Kerr recommended him for the posi­ tion^ aiad he was appointed without tire usual examination, Greene was intro­ duced to Kerr by a then Assistant Doorkeeper named Harney,and Greene afterwards paid Harney $460. Harney dog In ft Southern city la fery* nmarsf| for bis age. He turns the faucet of thef! hydrant and lets the water ott so that it drips a gentle stream. He then fl*ea himself comfortably tfu bis back aud allows the water to trickle down hta gullet. He forgets, however* to turn the water off after fee hits quenched Ida thirst* i.i;, . , }"j. .. Railroad officials Welf teased In tlie financial condition of railroads in Illinois give it as their opinion that but two roads In the State will be ablo to stand up under the recent decision of the courts as regards (axing capital stock4 should the decision be enforced, These roads would be the Chicago, Burlington &Quincy,and the Chicago & Alton. f I 1#^ They are playing base*ball now* says a Hartford paper, in every other­ wise vacant lot within two miles of tbe state-home. Small boys predomi­ nate, and the one named t'li seems to be iu every nine. The rest are contlnu- ally calling on hinu ^ JQTA man bas been found Who does not complain at the law's delays. Hs lives in a house which Is the subject of a lawsuit, and. having been ordered by both litigants to pay no rent to lbs other, he hopes the oootest may tinue for years. m , ,15 If von want a No 1 I'air f»f Shears pa to John Mi Mnitli'l,Sl th% i*ost Officc.

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