Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1876, p. 5

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T. JUNE 14th. 3S76. WEDS Time ": flOJ® SOt: TIL Geneva Laiw» JtaMengcr Ciacoette Passertpcer......,,! GeMn Lake Freight •rrr fntteht fiuen 'tm&aear.. lar 0*> fourth Fr 7:B A. X A, M. ...Jf3& IK M. >> > ^ A. SI. p. M. .7:06 p. SI, GOING N0®^a™'t a W. OWBSf See _ tTttr -! Methodi '. <fc tw«(!c» et4 „#i- -4 Sunday .Schfl»lati j. ?**. lnten>H»nt. *%Aso*m •" • RiiPTEK No. 34 A. A. |f^-Eesru- tlona held oo tjw mtSfiii and ya in oach mftnth. B. C. T.J Martial B On Satu dtiz jwtory. T. Oonpor, ^Pastor. T<1 illT Ht. t«'V A. M. WM. I'ACK, Suner- ntrw oo<1 at 2 P. M. ;>We'hare received thfe ;W>py f<# ticket for a Graud Independence Parti to be held at the Parker House,: in thfs vitfeg, ,.on Tuesday evening July 4th. By It we learn that Major Nevaw^r cel­ ebrate rt BandV "of" Chicago has,been engaged to furnish the music, Which,fey the tray is one of ilfe best Bands lri# the Northwest. "Jfessrt! Parker & Son are preparing |ogiv© all, bcside' T-r them withtcall on that occasion thai t0" to roentk* best of aecositnodations and a general food timgjf, to«k x»*t for tht tickets this weslL" Ringwood:, with bis aid our Village a visit "ening, &<$ tfcatejjf* our # mi»{^ {•/*• JOHNM. Ssyrtra has Just received a line lot of Sheep Shears, andthotfe in need of such will do weiL ,to, c|U and examino t fcem. . • ' • 0 ' THE LIRG? rosters PARTITE.., Foil? Ji®y Celebratipn at Woodstock printed in roi the Woo ilstook Prf n tinjg sjioaldaay, -^i4. lHm > i-.' 'Tii*Cftiieago t^a^teWiig iri < misfortune tol |p§e soto | $200 between "Richmond an " Gr^)ve oneway last week., lie f| reward of $25 fdr iLs ree<v J-THE Palatine Herald has chart ^ Frank K. IIo]ton having sold the office jr * to J. W. Smith'^f^at place., 4*$r. IIol- * ••• % ton spent ,a few days last week*in this :'•> ..iit-- T|iE little SteAmer,'"Grace Llppin* been anchored .near the bridge4he tyfat She is owned by Col. 0: TJippineott,1 and 4 'uiftfjf at hiiResort otfFoxXatee. ; \ REV. P^TAT ARVKWSON will bcldaeiv %;•% Vicea ip WwHJrick Ch(ii?eh on Bimday ^ ntext, June IRtji, at -I0J •>& M;.^ Tie will ",Ju® visit" this villatf^* m BELVIDEKK h:is lately had an adtVi- tioto to i#ttiitff)«rr of Societies. It is \>'| knourn astjie tlfthe'".^^ -' ",j of Beividei^,i^n9 itioJy^ct )s'stated to A be tj»e purplia?q aiid d^plwimgi of. 8e$r i--J the gljon-; • ^.' 'gucss tlxe'^v;jbaVe zg teKo Licetii MRS. X A tion, a . G i ni}8 w III pr.e ̂ ejLi 4ff; the ^ ^tiive.i$*lU%££H?toh, ii) tuis villAg«,on Sunday, Jwni md*mu£-.>a*4. # ning Mrs. Gibb^is an t?|o<i[titen4 sfttd impressive |tw1 pwhlici "' generally ar<| Uitjjgffizo cojiie/ tnit ;fehd] 4.v-" hear her oft-tlx^l- ^ "I 'ftl: St^fnboati'liAthk^,,:*!li;^ Cthe': t,yq bad luck to jj^k uj?on ' tlio bar * ' a t o u p Q I n g P o i n t o n ^ W e d - L ' iiasdqgr^Ufat an4,;w»t«ji; m * tling m|J#!y i: w'ii- nearly k' < befole alw -wjfe got bM>k into thaf tihm- n«r. She U now 1* right wady for IpshiesC^ c . • m •' , j HANS,ai|d"liiSi^ " """"" " long diisty itot t; wero a w^«tt sh«i feeing aii.sted, ,e*«-laiio^d, ' J^ine ^h l v^iiguui%i r wliich to the aiturt- "X In a while she *i , % rtMftrietf' -Vfell' yoa is pooty, echttiaH iypu aliriyft ¥ish de be6ht." V Tassditor o£ tw» ^fickfuru SegMiar 'pi&u vn ajpi^e^^'a farm .m that he®^^^S'fc;C"BaW;&"n&Stiy'<Zn y awm>?I6 I>0* 'dt0^k'^ffolden butter ?" IJe tlx#., the farmers "grasslaud nJP Wo tfhall next expact to i teil of shooting fish from the trees.'- atad matching ^dueks wills aspoon hook, . . ;s n: 'H"- J: As will bo seen by ah advertisement in another eolomn,the RSverslde House in this village, 1%-opencd for the accommodation of1 the public QIJ the 26th inat; The new landlord, Mr. J. Weber, is an old Hotel man, aM c^mes highlyteeoWtneililM 'ad a first VHotel k#e?per^vfyll^ Tf^der^tand- waat^of t^» traveling pitylic, and sparing% n»eet thtm. Wo befspeak fops Ij^aAk^aii'share i,«f IMrtrodftg*. IWWBS' glye rttt i>artVI>n*tho^¥4»Attg of July-^th^ the b^st of where he hopes to meet kis lut^rfl'^a^ rons, old and young, j ^ WE are glad to be able iojlnform our • Wftdera that B. A* Howainl is preparing to opeti,?at the old stand of Howard A Sou, k Restaurant, Frnit aud HQonfec- iidn^ry Stare and News Room. Thia j is what ̂ as long bean n^edid^ M<$eo- rsy, jind cannot help but: a profit­ able investment. IJe intends keeping all' kindir'<*f Fruits in their Report, Cigai-s, Tohaco, Soda. Ex^dlslot- Watof ̂ and otlipr Temperance drinks, and in cotmeetioti will fit up a Boom in a neat and tafity manner -expressly for a ladies Ifcc Cream Parlof^ MAte'ffe this cool anddelicioui article pafe t>0 ob- X^ned at all hours of the day or eve­ ning.; In his News Room de{£artment he1 n ill keep all the leading daify arid weekly papers. Magazines, &c., together ^vitli otf^t btankard works from the bo$ft .^nthors. ^4 ^hia enterprise will bq.highly heuelici&l to our citizens,w« hope they will, one and all, lend tlielr aid to help Mr. Howard to succeed. He expects to-^JfflTAlftifig on or about July lst«, at which time we shall speak of it agkin. •• '"•s- • ' t '^= ; i »<W .... .1--•• .,w t ;,ir ,. _^INNERA 05*1 BEIRTT^C"YAMWTE *' BIKSRY, •IfSodSftofk^?-"- - />••-! .1 OJIE reason why IFE ought to brute the ooniing FourH» of, July with wttistial vim is Imoause an old' 'prophet" predicts the end ©f the world on that day. The pi$.dicU,onJs based 6n Is: $ 65-20: /'For the ch|iil ^hajl die ahun- w ^ dred years old." He is of the firm be- '"ff. * Mef that tho child means Young Amer- {*•»>- ica. If he ia. right we certainly ought 4'tb ugo down with our colors flying." P? : * THE Yankee Baker, at Woodstoel^ m threatens to malke a Cheese Factory of, our carcass if we don't stop telling folks ,» * »* about those good dinners he furnishes § to the public for 25 .cents. Willi, as we • «re willing to. die .anytime , in a good t -f% cause, allwe have to say is "Yojfre t J iitnother," and if you don't , believe he 1 gives good dinners, and makes j ust Uhe ?.# nicest|ce Cream Of dny ^st^ttist^cnt * *. " in thfit ^ncck of the wost^* Why all if- U t you bav© got to do is to read his no­ tices in another column and call around -*.# 4*. + % 1 M ^ and tee. BT invitations Issued it wiU be aeen that the Ladies are getting,-up an en­ tertainment, to take place at Owens' new Hall, 6n Thursday cfrsning, :t!ie proceeds. to"f>e' applie d fbrtlic iittprova- ment of the Cemetery Grounds, /Phis is certainly a worthy object, and one ^ that should, and no doubt will, receive, J the hearty support of Our citizens. •f Therefore let all turn out and#swelltltie- proceed to an amount sufliQient to c»|- & sure the (jemetery Grounds heij^g in shape that will be the llfli^r' W3 pride of bttr village. | • ;Diiiner%M^im. Woodstock. >. M ' ,^'Si QUITE a numfier of our citizens tamed out onJ j!fil|$|y last, a^d with scythe, spad^ioi^yfife a«^ pruning knife, f. repaired to the Cemetery Grounds, and did a noble and much needed Work in tnowing^ trimming and otherwise fmj^-oVing the last resting places -0-our ileiad-' A gjreiflE- improver inenfc wpmade, but stAlltbere is, room for aiTOFSi.. JEvary ^rson who tiwnft/.* l«t there istiooldat once eef^hat it is trimna^ja^%%^'t de;cbrat^d;, iWd' th^i there Is^jio reasoa why w« c^unpt haf© one, of t be. handsomer iii th»;counQr. VJ tAs will be seen 'by tho Time Tabie at) head of tlie local pa^e^ a tie w tfcaitt :ufoy the .'iPoxyRiiry ? Roa4 on Monday morning, which passes this Statiwi as follows: Going; South 8:35 A. M. Going North 5:45 P. M. Now th is e^tra traih, or the Clscoette, as ft last j/jfcr calieicl, hasten anj:ious|y kH>k«)4< ^or tW®, .swmmqr" 'fey travelipi aildibu«iness men along the lino of thjki road, hut the way that It 4s running how it lb practically of ho benefit what­ ever. It accommodates no one but what,the regular mail train will just as up fetwt $er aceom modate. What •111e- ]>&U3}£fc«f'ttKl« road w«Rti» ft train gwtJg;ff?|ft«i;-wuaHecting with' till mail trifn on the Northwestern road at the Crossings at It A. M., passing McHenry at about 11:30, thus giving ns a moraT ingtrain from Chicago, and one g*oing south passing this Station about 4:30 M., I'pnuectlkg With the 4ve o'clock tr$£u; at * the prossing$ foj 0hicago» Sucii.a train wMtid be a gr«i<t heneft to the patrons the road, while tho one now running i# of no earthly tiso, and cabiioi be a paying arrangement for the stockholders. We sincerely hope the officers of the toad will ,. see this in its right .lifjfct, • Change accordingly, .jt ,. ... Haiti* tpw . ... The attractions "oflored for the tng Celebration 1n tliis village «n» ly biihg ad^|d : '1|^ •; attfl"- e ve ryt|l promises a large icrowfl and a go time. ^1hero wili be^^at liaoo for! purse off 15, IvnitMov Baee. '$# Ipr- a Oli tennmf ^6up, a Base Ball Match for i •d to Fire Works the Committal us tlMt they wUl heje t* gripa^t dfeplpy ever witiis^d' iMI County. We ihiA «*xt yrm:Tmm programme in full, and during t^e uine the large Posters will 1m> eirenlattod«i «O that the people may bewme infotihed in relation the Celebration. If you want a gooddavs sport d6 no^ fali' w) visit Mcllen?y on tUe 4th, There is no town in the oeunty^hat oPtera uoat tue attractions in the line of a Celebratioii. Lookout for the Potters and mal<? your arr&nge ments to COme, a^d cpt^e prepR-rsd to stay in thaev^uing^ . NP„ , WOODSTOCK,, ""W \T,' iHirroR PI.ATNI>K A rAsft :--ltutfttnrftys are theorder of the day iu ^o<^Sfet>ck tbout these day§. The team of ofehn Sf. Young andertook to break into 09 Thursday, and in tho.attempt smashed that new and «hinihg pedlars "fe agon effecttrilly and did joot gei'frttb jail after"tilJ, Oi^|pa<®r<!Miy' ,|St|e¥tJ Com missio ne r ?eli*?'s te %m iun t1^-; took to "paddle their own canoe" for home about quitting time and the "Way they scattered the d£%M* ofold'brldgee ,alof?g itoMlreet leallp; one |t>;r" 'belief tl^they wo«|£S^^ jo^i»Mijlt to ia man nf** time, * fcj»t#iit ^Hf^in>- MARRIED:--•'"At tJrefelw'Opd Hrt ^He 6th inst, by the Rev. R. If. l%dd;^t the residence of the bride^s parent!*', Mr. 3b>hu P. Zimpletnann, with the Iwirt of Hoy ft SNjrf/ of this city, with hitte N. eldest daughter of P<£tt#r er Esq.-^-xV^MJ Era June 8th 1^76. Now the question lfs witll whom fe "Johule" ni^rr1^'* 1 D. JToy& Son or with both? If not? ho said of hi qtia^ly yok^j^ "^s";the . evehly and harmdiilouglv together the existence of tlie taid firm. If wlui' Josephine N; then will he he prospered and happy, if tiie good wishes of this community avail, but if with both it is feared th*t Johnnie will be obliged to emig^at^ to Utah if he woifld pros­ per with his multiplicity of marriage. That paper is arround for She where* ' wit^ to eelebrate the 4th. The Posters itp and portend a prond day for Wpod^toc^and the ebunty at large. As it is a eoMty ce}ctattibioii: none should istay at home, cxcefftragofcourse those WliO prefer to go to MkJHeury. fiSheep Shearing claims Itir share^ of ktteniori among woblgro^ers^trtt now; nevertheless the Sulky Qulti going off like hot «akes. • Notwithstanding the big fallsof rain a lew weeks ago farmers complain for the lack of rain, qlso that the grounds aiw hard baked. ^ L.P. SQUAKB. 4J0IU1 I m JdBbl SnWge; i the firm of M. i Josephine N. first iican- • HONOK TO WHOM HOXOtt ISf lDCK*' BmiOft PLAINDEALEia--As consid4- erable has been said about the muse of the Steamer "Athlete" running uj^oi. the simd^Mir at Nipperslnk Ptoint, I wish to fctate a few facts t^at came to wy jpeisonal knowledge. " The young Steamboat Excursion. . who Piloted tho boat on that , _ , . , . - - • Iftning told Mr. Oi Bishop, who was BY request of several of our citUeHr ® .. _ ,u \ ?\ ^ ' Ttihuinic.the Engine, that he knew the i i the Steamer fjLthlete" will make an Excursion to the Lakes on .'Thursday of next week, June 15th. She will leave M^-IIenry at 10 A. M. and return about B P..M' The scenerf aronnd the Lakfls isriiow splendid^ and our citizens should turn oiit and take along the family. whole . * 1 It will be a pleasant trip* ! Dfnuers 25' cent# Woodstock^ 11; kOe Bakfcry, F. BEST of the McHenry BakeVy no,w makes regular tifps as follows: RihgAvood and Rielijnond Mondays and Thursdays, Yolo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridaftg. We can assure our readers in th»e above named places that Mr,jfe^st is a first class Baker, and willjj del1V6r At^heir doors anything they may wan^iri the lipe of Bread, Pie* -.€j»ite%'flfbc.,.o|i. the days mentioned. ? , . ijW; iJcUeury, 111., May 30thj 1878. / Received Uiis day of American Insur­ ance Co., of Chicago, 111., §515,90 for loss occasioned by the burning of ray dwel­ ling at Fox Lake, Lake Co., 111., April J6' the same being scttled tp my adentilwwicti'oi. '. * -SOBEsir^i. 8T48UT. MONEY TO tOAN^ On One, Two attd Three YeaV» time, Inquire 0 f*", Cuisi^*, 1 " '{ i'mingvMA, m. June 14th, 18TO. r • -Ui ' tfK. ..wr'V ' < • i ' *W. il.l(i>l lilit ! •• f*\V-; PROHOSM.S. i ' JHfotY^Is lilreby .glreif d proposals will be received at the office of the Town Clerk of tffc Town of Mc­ Henry, imtil 12 o'clock A. M., Saturday Jttne 24th 1878, fat the building of a bridge iu road District No. one (1) (near John F. Smith**) M2IIenfy, PMn and speoiftMifw«5 te bt sscn sit tfe© offiooW Town Clerk, ICbSenry 111. TO Si GL ^rAMcBB lOattHnisBloiiehi j x . ' J , . f t : Mcltonry", June ^hjiwe, /: , _ -- - . t -- ' y , . f ' . - ; . ; Dinners 25' '-cents Yankee Bakery, Wo«deto«lb * •» i ^ -••>*?»•' .. ton) a ; s { » \ ' >•;£ 1 All sizes, at L. Stoddard. / ' E 'Rariy in the iftofith^"S: p ivf yery hady beaten ia| j»o]itieal honors Havi •ever allowed myself te though of defeat in any f Was, as yoh knotf, v^r y^ep^r^.d ,|p put on a ouiiie of1 recOn^i iation very suddenly, consequently iihmediately upon learning that vio- f ry had perqtMd hit banner on the de of my opponents, I was seized ||rith a deslre td tetreat ttvm the scene •* »y slaughtir at on«e(lwJh)Mi I pro­ ceeded to •« doubt wltli A feeling of disgutf written upon my counte­ nance, not stopping to play or joke or even talk v?ry much by the way. till I found myself once more in my little old dingy store, in the quiet village of Rlngwood. surrounded by friends who 1 doubt not felt ii#y defeat as keenly as myself. This <H}ndition. however, did not seem to allay a certain uncoiiqviereu feeling which I found had taken com- plete i>?¥session «f ,my mind. < indeed, my futtire liapplnesl seemed to JWkt»g on wreaking vengeance on something, and only when left alone, surrounded by barrels and boxes, nail kegs, pails arid baskets of eggs, goods ©fall kinds piled upon the counter, in eVterjr con- criirable f/hape, did it occur to m<» how I might test satisfy this splrii"^ r«-, sentment and do myself no harm. The thought suggested was something like this: I can now take the time and la­ bor which has heretofore bceu devoted to the duties of Supervisor,, and bullld a# addition to my store» ot ^ine and convenience twet adaptM to the waMs tff^wili stock- it with* the best gp'Od^o^' every kliid found In t|ie market, cailpay for them of course |\"itli the mouey I have here­ tofore made out of the town, and. thus bfe able to sell merchandise^ «t such ^rgtes; fcs wflW amply rewaW m my fnpntfeTTor their former services in my behalf, and to lay enemies, who may also embrace the same opporti^ities it shall be like placing coals of fire on their heads, a punishmefit far exceed­ ing any other in my power to invent. Thus shall my defeii in t^is blectiOn be turned ipto joy for lnyf^If^nd , my friends,iiid into deep horvow lto my enemies. ; .. . , These thoughts I at once proceeded to carry into execution and have 5 how the pleasure of announcing to the citi­ zens of Ringwood and vicinity that I am now fully prepared to avenge my­ self in thc« way and manner above alluded to, and that I may "do so to the full extent of my most sangnine ex­ pectations, I do. hereby mo^t respect­ fully and cordially invite All, both frtejyHtod toes, to avail yourself of ai- Vantagcs never before ' offered you in Ringwood, viz : First ctags goods in great variety of any ^ind usually foisnd in a co»»ntry store and .fit prices es­ pecially deslguhd to seoaro* riiy share of your trade.' I will sell goods*1 lower for cash than <iil six months 6r long^ credit. Aside [ from that I will 'treat ̂ l alike^ Try nie and see. I liaye a few hundred pounds of very diOice new Maple Sugar just received from Ver­ mont in tin c&ritV 'Twill dp y<op good to try some. > ; All tliose who know them#«hie« in­ debted to mc on book accomit which was due on or before January 1st; 187B, will c$?ifer a favor on themselves if they call and settle the same on or be­ fore July 1st, as all such accounts, re­ maining unsettled on that day will certainly be left for collection. . J i r Very Renpoetftilly. ^ • i. w-eiuist*. ... '^A, PfTTBt. ®»IT nger brains JKISS Ricbmonil atatioa as o socrn '.: . if A.*. .h?4Sa. 11. -„7:« p. *. OIM6 NORrttfi"/,' « e n e * a L i b r . . L . v . ^ . <j«neva £.ak« oengtMMi OHtrftttl ©WECTOU*. *££us®zrstes; ^ xan«ay MM. •rwK?A^.**to,h "w-»f * Our dealers in Agriouttliral Imple- meats are having a good trade. We %ear 33J cents o^ered for wool, and soqw ibeit^r s#id ;«K that prioe RichmoRd merchants are liarijsg a good trade, business lively notwith­ standing the low prk* of prot?u<^rf • Richmond Cho*m Factories, thren in nnmber, am making JO or more cheese dail^r ^f a superior quality which Is be­ ing sold as soon as fit fpr market. The fine showers of rain this Wfiijk are making everything iook lovely. Pirospeet for crops of all kinds good), farmers happy with plenty tai do only tfhey would like better prie^, pro- >i tu­ rn !(! chall^ll^&pll^^ell, and could round the troublo. But when near tlw* Poi^jy^ Bifhop went for­ ward, aud fearipS^ie might get ground­ ed, pointed ont* tfiot'i channel to him, and directed him to so guide the boatJ lie then went.back to the Engine, and his orders being entirely disobeyed the Steamer was run aground in such a po­ sition that it took over two days to get her oft,and at no small expense. Nofv what was don# in Igtiorance one might excuse, but when he found the boat was high and dry ashore, did lio aid in getting out of the trouble ,.3be had) caused, or even offer his servises in that direction? Not a bit of it, b«tt on the Contrary $trood about the streets and laughed at the dilemj^ in which Mr. Bishop was placed^ For this, if, not for pretending to know that which fie did not, we say he desei*ves the ^n8ttfiarof all fairininded citizens. ": V AT«£.ete. 1 iWAJ?TE& TO SELL. At S^ngwoodi Corn, Oats, Wheat, Ftax See^, l^ucl^ heat, Hungarian, Seed andPotatoesK .Enquireof :! j JAS. W. CRIS*Y. ' • ^ep4dia5isiSao||Uf Yftuke* Bajk*ry> .Wto^Btock, :J. :,UA CARD. . • u i-afi . • The undersigned desires to tender jhis bjd^rtfelt thanks to all his neighbors apJ Ai^nds for tWirinany and oft re­ treated expiessioils of sympathy and sacts of kindness through all those Wef^y lieartaching months of sickness sorrow and death iu Jits household. They are the golden links that bind still stronger the cords of friendship, the silver lining that ponetrates the storns cloud of life., *l f I have a frien&'hi Gtfetf. Tfie eyes see ct^t^rer tl^t am wa^he<l tear*. The sacredness atrtj power and mjHWerjr of life * /V ' brighten With sorrow's tilght, as »t*r AB star *' appears, : ' " ' T i Througtt pain ami anguish do I team to priae Ohmpansion's Hweet and tender ministries. And o'er those wailing' etriags aa ahgeiatrafei is borne Tofmc ami all the warld,--•'Blessed are they, that woava.^^ C f:o: Hebiott, Jnno8, J6576. 1 mw.mwsp*' If you want a No Splendid Ro6t Woodstock. Pair of Sheep SmitlfA,a!tthe ft bf st in , YAC^T FOR SALE. Thl# sYficht was built last se Lobdefl Bros;, aud is one of the the Northwest. Can be seen (>!>",Long !Lake, ' For further particulars am! terms cfitlib^or addres^C. & L.Lbbtlell ^010,111. '.Residence In Town of Gtant J mile South of !Loug Lakfe. ; ^ T Go and see the piles of new CoodS being received daily at P. I>. Smith's^ at SmitliBros. old stand. . tr POCKET CtlTL^RY. Tlie best'lfi tlie market at L. 8tod-> dard's, • % *•:{! «n..••• . .ir. 'ft.1#". ny" . ^ • * A lot pf thp finest She^p ShfM*r« over brought to this market, pi% at John M. Smith's, • - - ' x" t: * ^ ' , ^ '* ? -f . •"</%' w '$ .'A' 'yfTj , v^ w * "impfoverh^itii are gol-^g fotwird, ^Vr"B^ndf^plfoohllMg' up'-lirftftnd lis, and matorisil,being brought for others^ whi^^^e^ itlookas though tlie Cpn- tennhcfi^iir would be aw ted year in ^RWhfff^nfd fbr new life and progress.? > '• of \ iNniiaibtei amCmiii of tV^ile "ffrottglit tiitli t&Wri calls loudly for the Railrdnit company to roplank the bridge over the railroad on Broadway, aud our X5ity iFathers to hurry up the long talked of new bridge or old one retired Ota Jhioititl^Mtr the mill, tor the traveling public con­ demn that bridge asv dangerpuSt^ahd tlie authorities ought. , , f r j:.: --r--- . ' ." • Ijl^et us see public improvement move with the same spirit with private ei* lirprise. Let out streets be piit in good repaid," old leldeWalki repaired, more new ones built, old rubbish imd filth cleaned out.of the streets and al­ leys, before, the ligalHk tpfiicer «a}ls around and orders it done. "A Word to sufficient." ^ , ' ' " Trom the Richmond Oaa^ttc. BDRtAL OF MH& UlffiA 'r ' ' 'TlftTON. ' i ipn Wednesday, June 7th, was com-r nutted to the dust t|io mortal remain^ ,of Mrs. Laura Trj^oh, wife or Capt C. 11,4 Try on, of Hebron. Mrs. Tryon de- :<pijxt£d this life on Monday, the 5th iVlst., ,at tlie age of BO years. She had long bMn expecting, and expecting cheer­ fully, the coming of the messenger, her physicians having gently informed her some time*since Wiat her case was hopeless. She met the announcement with the utmost calmness and resigna­ tion and up to the time of her death often spoke dieerfuily of the approaclr* ing event and even seemed to iook forward to it joyfully as a blessed re­ lief from the pain and distress of her condition. A day or two before her deatli nlie rode to the Cemetery, where she so soon expected to sleep, looking with interest to the condition of the family burial place, aud arranging a boquei of flowers, gathered there, seeming lmtittoised with the foreknowl- < edge that it was her last ride on earth Snd that It was the last time her hands would arraugo ft boquei of earthly flbwers. A-'few moments* imy, over, a moment before Iter deiianure to-ih© Bottet Lasd, fil^ vm converse with her family, •peaking of the iael» dents of tho departure of % iMtud who had preceeded her, and lying gently back npon her pillow she peacefully passed away. The funeral services were hold in the Open air beneath the trees she had loved aud tended so many years. A beautiful and hop«jftSl sermon was i>reached by the Rev. Mr. Balch, of Clgi®. Prtceedirig the sermon the Richmond Choir sang that beautiful "hymn: "Shall we know each other. There," and' that question, always haunting the soul'of tnaii^ Was most satisfactorily answered iu the sermon After the sermon the choir sang ^There's a home Beyond," and the large ootyoouiae of sorrowing friends follow­ ed thefremalns to th® grave, where they Reverently committed to the dust wvRe the notes of that Hymn of Im­ mortality .the uSweet By and By," swelled on the air and seemed to bear to heaven the prayer andhope of every ..heart. Mrs. Tryon was a woman of singular pvriety and nobility of life. In all her relations as a wife, a mother, a neigh­ bor, a friend, her life was absolutely without known blemish. The writer, who has known her for many years, has yet to hear one word spoken against Laura Tryon. Her influence in her familv aiid among her neighbors was ennobling »»<i sweet, aiki from the family hearth and the social circle has departed a presencp that «an never be replaced by another. ,• The con tern juatiop. of tuch a life as hers can only elevate and purify the heart and make more earnest our as­ pirations for that rectitude W life which makes earthly ills seeni light, and the prospect of the future life joy­ ful and hopeful. Words are weak to 'pay a meet tribute to all Iter worth. Her mortal presence has vanished from our sight, but the influence of such ex­ amples as hers lives and bears blessed fruit forever. Blessed with a lively fhitii in th: t immortality the conscious­ ness of which wa» sever .present with her, Vre can patiently wait the Mmje when tlie hand of Tli^e Father ehajl lead us into her glorified presence, and w#' •gain meet her faco 40 fa«». # . ; • In.behadf of tte; family ps return Uianks to the Re% l|r. Balch for the com footing. assurtinCe and kindness of |iisssermou; to the lingers whose sweet notes breathed so touchingly of tl^t better life beylfed. and "to the klSl n, , 4 , " w- •• -f-:m •j --m& deMrted. Toftn» Bereitved fwnlljr tad as w^wetl (How, n*^i * : ofleriwlac^kt^b^ ar it# ownac 1 myr*Wii ° peiaoe over therV wWnd^ wbl^ has rsS'raapL Friendship era our i««rs wttk_ with von forth# passes away. fW& Strawberries and Bakery, Woodstock. Croquet Sets from one dollar up O.W. Owen's. _ _ 4.. - 3 R 1 •' SALT I SAI4N '/F-' Fresh Salt for sale at our Warehouse at $1.00 per Barrel. SMITH ft SNYUBR Business Notices. OwetfV., A brau flow Organ at' f^rtioe: ® ft Dr^ss Goods of all kinds and al ocs to pleaso, at Byckliu ft Steven#*.- B^tthihgln^lbWs Call and4m* :mk" A Aill lino of Clothing at Bncklla "1 Btevens*. A full suit €rom ^6,50 tip*.. One two-seated Democrat Wagon*fbr* sale dieap. O. W. OWIQR. Dinners 90 Woodstock. cents Yatakee fltltery, Groceries at Panic Prices atK.ijH'c*M Granger's, at Howard ft Soul old sta^d. ^ If yoli want any kind of Farm impla- ̂ nnints or repairs call on E. M. Owen. * y Lailos Ties in great variety sad .• * very cheap, at Bucklln ft Stevens1. ~ | •. She Blapcbard and Emaptt ChiilM, ^ M the best In the market. For Sale by % O. BISHOR , ^ Tlie Union Corn Planter, the best in matket, for sale by.L. Francisco. tpjppogite the Parker House. CHEAPER, THAN All kinA Stevens*. » A NEW* THING. Double chaiiv Ingrain beats them all. For s\le S m i t h ' s ^ ' • • • " • ; • ; New arrlVil of ClothligwdHate and^ Caps at P. D. Smith's^ 1 , • f v. M. «ela ft Co.'s Boots and fihi^v- ^ warranted to give perflbct'satb|b»thlnr4 ^ at Bucklin ft StevensT. ^ - Mnners S6 cents YankM*<B4wff Woodstock^ ? ^ f you warit. au extra good ' Sliavo fit. 4 " "ut, call on Cliarley, at thePirkiir r ^ Asjplended Piano to lt^nt on rtsstik- able terms. 0» 'W* - ; MfcHenry III. Jan. litis, Wf?6. ,v' "• RemembeT that' Buekll«*ft -•Stev^M ofter their goods • at tlie . very lowept s/ living prices, and pay tisflfcifos. B^tfy W and Eggs., •, ; .. % KVKR. Gbods HATS1 HATS! ^joartloud just received ft Stevens', at very h«v prit» Good dress Prints, fast colors, OM$y 6 ^ts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. 1 Dinners 85 Woodstock/ cents >•/ , Yankee BateiTt Elegant patteris of 3Bot tain Lace from 20 cts,» 1 Also a new. invoiofr o€ WaU. windowshatkis.atvswy low '••'««|nneis'r^5. peo^i Y*^ks^'| Woodstock. - at|a MUSM 00©m«. : New and desirable sftadss ta-Uesn , '< Plaidi, Mohair®, JgQhsrpz* o-| •ftJT ! W iS. Sinlla'Si Ifyou wa«t to gert the latest stjrfta satA; best quality of Photograph* c*ll :«i v',' Ford's FTne Are Gallery, McHenry^ III. Price only $2. per dozen. w . , NC^TICE^ th^fifWtes and' aeewiaiis late firm of Smith Bros & Co„ aro.SMiW In tho hands:of John M. .Stn|fch»|BsB», for wllection. All persons kncnKing 1 themselves to be indebted to sftM.ftwn' ; will do well to oallaiidsstll»...t!^V|^||iW | witiioitt delay. ; ^ McHenry Aprtl «th »7»l, ^ EGGS FOR HATCHING, t Pure Blood Brown LegUMn*. Fowls and one of the best strains' to bo found in the United States^ *As.lapsurs the Brown Leghorns have no «qqp4*. Price }>er dozen |1 AU orders prqpRpt- ly attended to. Address. Twos, WniTeoK, WcKMisteek,,;!^, ; ' ^ i t o r s a l e . Ilwre dbhice Village Lota and^i Property, In and adjoining the Vlf of McHenry, that <€ae hsrstoforo.' held out of market, whitih I am, selling to those who will bulk improve, on very reasonable tei & at. m Jitai. Z1M r I. EM ion thu fith inst., to th« [ the residence «ft§e ttrMU F. Zintplmia*, with HIM daughter of Ipcter Sen COLBY --St> AF T«R- 13th inst., at the resule ent.% in the'village oini*ty 111^ bv the O^liloVh Wis.I Miv EmmaJI. 81;ifter»al| Tlioroi Thtaedebr »ri, Lrxhrtr'- iu the

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