Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1876, p. 7

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BLOOD FOR BLOOD. Booth Carolina Tragedy »nd Ha Awfttf g0qn«l--Lynching of Six Murderers. , TBS CKUOL Abb«T«e {8.. C.) Cor. Charleston Ooariar.] Tjttt* ......... The victmvs, John D. HIBDOO, aged 4Mwaaty~fi.v«, and Mb -wife, Catherine A. ion, aged fifty, lived at Winter in Edgefield county, near the Ab- Hne, and twenty miles from wood. The mturder was oommit- on Wednesday night about 8 o'clock, It is supposed, in the front or ratting- Harmon's residence, a two- stroofare. The murder was first ioed on Thursday morning by a man, Stephen Lake, who, aooord- to his own fetory, had gone, m wm vBStvBu, Ui iue urio kfljs, xne •hiarm was instantly given, and a runner dispatched to t|ie various neighbors ith the horrible intelligence. Eight nhw gentlemen repaired to the house jkad at onoe entered by the front door, ^%hidi was unloved, and by which, as ,«flras sapposed, the murderers effected an t '̂ v^fentHmoe® The sight which met the gaze was ost horrible. The room was filled with oke and the odor of blood and burn- kerosene. To the left of a ©enter­ ic, on which were placed four lamps, Bible, and a vase of roses, and upon hioh rested the bludgeon that had been in the murder, lay the body of Mr. ion. The murdered man was lying his back, with his head turned up, ^exposing to view the ghastly gash in Ms . throat, which had been cat from ear to fear, with his right- hand raised above his Jiiodjr, clutching a pencil, and with his '.-.left in the same position slightly nearer ^ the wound--the pencil touohing the left land, directly to the wound. • jBtetween the knees of Mr, Harmon lay ' bis hat, nxtd new Ms feet Ms spectacles. About four feet from. Mr. -Harmon, near the fireplace and in the left-hand comet of the room, lay the body of Ms wife, •with two gashes on her head, one on each temple, and hear throat cut from ear fo ear. She had fallen upon her front, with her face slightly turned toward her husband, and had apparently died with­ out a struggle. The floor was dved with blood, the blood from Mrs. Harmon's; body passing across the room and under the person of her husband. The fire, Which had been kindled by the assassins •for the purpose of covering up the traces of their hideous crime, was still burning when ttie room was entered on Thursday morning It had been kindled with a garment saturated with kerosene, and was slowly working its way. The oil had been procured from, the store-room in a ten-gallon tin can, which was supposed to h»v6 contained about half a gallon of oil. The dwelling and store-house had been robbed of everything of value in clothing, money, jewelry, and provis­ ions, in the search for which the fiends jcnal have spent the greater portion of the night and just before daybreak set the kerosene on fire. The inquest was adjourned from day to day, the excitement, in the oommunity Winning • very high, and fresh develop­ ments constantly resulting as to the fear­ ful crime, culminating last Tuesday morning in the full confession of one of the murderers. i THE BXPIATION. [ftcm the Charleston News.] The scene of the lynching was at or near the residence of the murdered Har­ mons, a point about twenty-five miles from Abbeville and thirty from Edge­ field Court-house. The discovery of the dogwood club and the confession of one of the murderers led to the immediate ar jeatef five other men, and of three women who were likewise implicated, one the wife of Luke, and the other, Betsy Per- rin, the Harmons' cook. The exami­ nation by the Coroner's jury, of which James Otulison, a most prudent and re­ spected citizen, was foreman, conclusive- nes, also for horn handles for jack-knives. I wuh a whale wooid swaller my school andjJI the teaohqi. Rah, is always eat Friday. I hate fish ; there is too many bones to pick out when you eat 'em. I rather eat a paper of pins Med in lard. A wha)e could lick all the boys in the Harvard Grammar school. Could lick thnnctar out of 'em and make 'em look sick, and don't yon forget ft-. Ravages of the Potato Beds lit Fni* gylvania. A letter from Milford, Pa., mpa: "The beetle which did so much damage to po­ tatoes and other vegetation throughout tiae States last year are already appearing in immense numbers along the Delaware juackawaxen rivem. md have begun their work of destruction. The injury to potatoes thus far, however, is not very great, as very few have been planted; but vegetation, m general has been consider­ ably injured. Thee© pests are much larger in size than last Tear, and after » heavy rain appear in the air like thick floating clouds before a shower. Gar­ dens as well as farms are infested with them,, and it is no uncommon thing to pick a pint of beetles from a single hill of potatoes. Fanners have applied al­ most eveiy known remedy for tneir de­ struction, but with little benefit; for as sooa as one army of beetles is destroyed another takes its place and continues the work of destruction- Many potato- growers along the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware river and along the Lacka- waxen, who usually grow large crops, will this year plant only enough for their own tyse." Br is often rematked by strangers vis­ iting our State that ans show tlug of good horses Kin State . HUB, we toll TH^M, flieWfaag to reasons; -a. tlxc first place we breed rj best stock; and in the aeoond place people TOO Sheridan1* Cavalry Condition JP aert, which In oar judgment are ot lafalefedT&Dtage,* *" "* •< on flie face, ristudl od all made Prsrpuaa ®i»PP«d hands, saltrheom and all ^ataneoog affections cored, the skin made soft ana smooth, by the use of Janiper T*r £oap. Tbak made by OaiinU, Hasard « O©., TOW fork, to the only kind that can be relied on, as there M* many imitations, made from aoimnottfcr, wWsk ate worthless. JQU«OGH,5 Anuayiie Zijpinkni give more relief in cases of Cbttmic Bheofloa- tiem, no natter how mvcn. th»n *n» oth?ir ?> fcicle known to medical men. Used internally and externally. RHAT.T.KSBEBGEB'S Pills at one dollar, are beyond qaeation thecl)e*jxwt Aguaretaedy. VEOKTIKB will cleanse scrofula from the system. Try it. ,> •• t ly demonstrated the guilt of all six of ue men, all of whom, indeed, confessed to having participated in the murder axfl robbery. The examination being «oi]ohided, the Coroner formally deliv- . the prisoners into the possession of Richardson, who was present, [e had no sooner received them mto his custody than he was approaohed by a men, who told nun they would -'ieve Mai of any further trouble, and blindfolded him. then immediately hot to death. Up- were pres- colored. and the whole d with the ut- •eason assigned A Pedestrian Failure. Joseph Spencer, who has been lately attempting the feat of walking 3,000 miles in sixty days at Gremorne Gar­ dens, Chelsea, England, has at last de­ cided to givC up the attempt on the serious representation of Dr. Crisp, of Chelsea. Notwithstanding the very un- favorabla state of the weather last week, Spencer succeeded in covering an aver­ age of 50 miles up to Wednesday last, but only got over 4'if miles during that day. On Thursday, after walking 32} miles, he felt so unwell as to require medical as&sffenoe. Feeling better on the following day he determined to re­ sume his journey. After walking 10 miles he again felt so unwell as to be compelled to give up the attempt. The distance covered during the last week was 185 miles, making the total distance traversed during the 29 days that had elapsed since the start 1,326 miles. Being thus 124 miles behind he felt that further exertion would be un­ available. Spencer is fifty-seven years of age. . ! Cooks en a Strike. According to the Constantinople correspondent of a French journal the Buitan is even harder-pushed financially than has been suspected. The corre­ spondent writes : "A few weeks ago the Sultan, returning in a caique to the found ranged on the bank about individuals, humbly bent, the eyes bowed down, and the hands respectfully crossed on the breast; before them stood a personage having MB arms raised in the air, and holding in his hands an immense arzoukhal (petition). 8 What is that?' asked his Majesty;, ' give me that paper!' Thev were the palace oooks, who declared"to their sovereign master that thirty-three months* wages were due to them, and that they wanted something on aooonnt. The Sultan got into a violent and very legitimate pas­ sion, the Minister of finance was dis­ missed, and the oooks reoeived--abso­ lutely nothing." llr. Mmtk'i Pwtmonle Sjnrap, Baa We«t Taalc rwd Maadrak* Pills,-Thaee madidine bate undoubtedly performed nor* cans of OoMttmpttoa flU' than any other rsraedr kuowa to the American piktte. Th«gr am ootapcttnded of vagetaMe «sn» tain nothing wbloh can b* injarJco* to the taimim ©®o» •tttattan. Other reatodtoc advertised probably contain opiwm, whleh Is * Mwrabat dangerous dnj* tn all e*MM, and if treelybyooa. suTOptW® patients, It mutt do injusr; for Ua tatkd* •ncr la to oonftno th« noAM matt&r IK the sy»t«ni, which, of oonrw, most make a oura imponible. Sc^oTtck*® Pnlmanlo Sjrnp la warranted not to contala a putteh of optan; Ik la composed of powerfal bat harmlem herb*. which aot ob the long*, llrtr, atomaeh and blood, and ttm« eomot all. utoxbld secretloaa, and ospel aB tho dla. mm® matter from t he bod*, Theee are the oaly meana by wMeh Ooaamnption cut JM> owed, and aa Sohenok'a Palmimie Syrup, S»r- W»4 Tonic uid Maadrafeo PUk are the only medicltiea which operate in thle wajr, it ia obviocs they are the onlj' genuine core for PolmonaiT Oonsnmpticm. E^ch botU« of thla lavahiaUe medicine I* aocompanied by foil direction*. Br. Bckawok la pro*, feeeionally at hig principal oAoe, corner SMk and Arolv Street*, Philadelphia, orery Monday, vtaaro all letter* te adfloe mnat> bm addrewed. OPC FANCY CARDS,newatylaa.wtthnaae.lO^ m fJ> poetpaid. J. HTTBTEP, N»a»an. Renaa. Oa,H.Y. ASTHMA. A*. only rare mmaar- THal paokaaa is, SMITBUOCHBT, Ole?4and, O. *®sl*S^2«!5?5.2JE«l*yL?F HAK. KORTHWKST*a* TATTKBSALM, I to t MOHM AWN'NSS, TEWTS IWINCS AND COROMC. OQAKKT HUBB1&D * OO., Ml to MS South Watac. JMNlim AMD SLASS tHOW-CAHO WRITERS. * BWiM, flt W. Madlao*. » *"d "WAVER OR WOO*. AH0 SliltER, STENCI1J AND STOCK. L. BOCHK. m » |»-- EN6RAVER, SEALS, PRESSES, STEEL AN0 BRASS STAMP*, STENCIL T00I& ANB STOCK. O. H. HANSON, m Sooth Clark. EN6RA¥Ei, DIE SINKER ft MANFH. OF STKNCILS. L. lOOUS. 171&Baado:ph. EMRAVERS ON WOOD, SKA3BS BBOS. 41 OO... S. W. <aor. Clark aad WMUi^taa FLOWERS AND STRAW QOODS-SPECIALTY. DALV, HKNROTIN A OO., 144 and 115 WubMbwi GRASS ANQ FTELD SEEDS. MCKINSOiS, 117 and il9 Kuuiu. . r v . HARDWARE AND CUTLERY--WNOLESAUL BOWIS ttliST A SONS, m and 9? ' HEAVY HAN0WARE~WH0LESAL&.-£';i' S1M.BABK BROS, A OO., 80 teSI '> HOTELS. WM, WOOD'S HOTKL, lie A 118 Fitth-ar. > late proprietor of Wood'* Hotel. *£«VOOKT HOI7SR U? and ltf R M^taon." the Bvuropeaa plan. H. M> Th^mpMk» proprtoloi. OODBNHOlTSF-FlnrtcU- ta craty paitienlar. Bar-bar < Forrer, prop'rt. Cor. WaaUngton and CVanklia. "!£!8.-..2L,!!S5*,CKSM,RI AND COLUMBIA SAII. CES.IMPORTED CATSUPS, FLAVORINfl EXT «*CTS. LBWXS A CO., IS K. Klnsle. Send for prioe^M^ "nLt2!i,'LPfJI!!'TMA0JUSTiBLE CHAIR FOR IN. VALIDS, IRON FOLDING BEDSTEADS, ETC. M. KI.K1N, ill Soath Dearborn. Bend for oixonlar. LECTRICITT, aa*. tive agent, ia not equaled "" hlatory of the ' VOLTAIC PLASTERS. , an element or aediolae the vital of aleotri reeort of all phymtolana end aor-Uwwaanda, apparently dead, from Dgmui agenoy >t|A K Dajr. MOW TO MA KB IT. Butineu A'oe (ft )£t\J MonormkU. COM, TQNGK db CO., St. LomU, MO. table, Pltaunt hnndtcda SSSTft lt£SKES.K' possible. It la the geotta, and baa reao an untimely grave iftten no other bave anoeeeded. The great dMiralty hr,e to I)IIM it Into a popular, eAoient and econoimto&l form, ana nerer until the invention of the eounft' vomir PLASTBI, which oonabta of Valtaio Plata* of Silver and One care* tar and toil " " " - . VfttY dealrable 1 I a month *nd ' Addrwaa WAITED ff iniwan OA ICxtra Vine MIXED Ju\j iOoeata,poetpaid. h. Jot •6 to S20 fiMaf "tentSw PSfaday #*»F« />srf»«War«fr**. N. T.Sun MJTI; W'1 r. A. CLEWG («H pQan« st.,N.Y.) U rtrH**- HMIAK/WW«„ Hi offen AgenU «£#reor^«'«#fjr WAN1 Uenlan One or two good men in eveqr oonnty- tree. VARQCT Largo aalar^ to the right, ijiett. Aar. Bf AHOT'O Co., OlnWhinatl, Ot: FOMDim can be made without ooet or ikk. Combtoation forming. Fiu-tioulara fine. Addraaa BUROKS, Manager, Rswllia Oit^r,, Wyoming. ieCIIT ft W ***cr<k*ri 4m m» day. MeH tttinri IIIICII I O. paper. Only 9IA0 a nar. Three SU chromoafrac. MtmxoN4ftSto»gt«iit,Pnbc.,PhUa..Pa. $aaa (pill 'Ferjnrmth, Agents Wanted, BqiIo(>ai honor» Able, Incrathre, pemnanento Particulars flre«« Xddraw, A. O. Nsltt«toa A Oo., Chicago, 11L MONITOR $250 A HIBTBB iMSMisimi i OO.. St. Iionis,- Mo. REVOLVERS 8£V£!t SHOT Kn BuSU* BUI RwalTsr ikfit vith 100 Csri $3. ridg*«tbr£& FOLR> NTCKW. PUIS. Satlsfhctisa guaraau Ciiil<mM Fm, Addrsst VoR&N <3UH WOIXB, Cf«ito, iF atsodL Ill«i<nlii $77 »R WKRK OUARANTKBD to F. O. VIOKBHY A 004 Angoata, rfiic « < nviB'Mwra .formed into line nard. of Ave ^ idbout lere wag jprooeedmg was oonc most deliberation, ! for shooting instead of hanging the^nen was that by this means the whole party might share in the execution, while hanging would have made a few of the the more prominent as ringlead­ ers, which result it was desired to avoid. The lynchers openly acknowledged their participation in the affair afterward, and oppressed their willingness to submit to tie action of any authorized tribunal. The feeling among the colored people was as strong against the murderers as ^Saong the white people, and they even said that if the wnites did nothing the colored people would take the law into their hands. One white man was sup­ posed to have been concerned in the murder, and would undoubtedly have shared the fate of the others, but no proof was found against him and he was discharged, as was also another, an old oolored man. Hie prisoners testified that the three women were present at the murder, but were not more directly concerned in it. The lynchers turned them loose, upon condition that they leave the country forthwith. They com­ plied at o*ce, and this accounts for their alleged disappearance. It _ is denied that they were violently disposed of. All the lynchers were from the counties of Abbeville and Edgefield. They listened quietly to remonstrances of some of the older persons present, but said they were fixed in their resolve. Mine-tenths of those present, and at least an equal proportion of the citi- aens of the oounty, approved of the lynching. A Boston Boy on fish. - Fish lives in the Atlantic ocean, Buz- sard's bay and some in Charles river. When they are small they are ooelfish, herrin, and sich ; when they grow up they are whales. Whales is very useful; they sometimes swaller a whole ship and all the crew. The fat of whales is biled out, and made inter kerosene oil for gas light. Their bones is made inter whale­ bone for ivory pianner keys and jdomi- Chalk Houses in Kansas. One of the onriositis of this oountxy, says the Hays (Kanses) Sentinel, is the vast beds of chalk. There is a large house built of chalk bricks at Trego, and it surpasses anything in the building line we have ever seen. The chalk is sawn into bricks smooth and regular, and the whole structure has a handsome ap­ pearance. John Henry, the proprietor, informs us that lie hat! some of the chalk analyzed by a chemist in Chicago, with the fclic^ing results: seventy- "£lit par ceE'". was pur^i chalk, one per cent, was moisture, and one per cent, was limestone. This, for |mraty, far ex­ ceeds the English chalk, which is now in general useo Mr. Henry informs us that in his vicinity there is an immense sup­ ply of it--enough to build a large city. Undoubtedly Western Kansas will be­ come celebrated for its chalk produc­ tions. AT our request Cragin & Oo., of Phila­ delphia! Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen oents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. " 0 wad gome power the gift to gfa ns, To aee oaraefa aa lther'a aee ua." BEHOLD that pale, emaciated figure, with downcast eye, like some criminal about to meet her fate! See that nervous, distrustful look, aa she walks atajg with a slow and un­ steady step. The pink lias left her cheeks and the cherry her lips. Tho once sparkling, danc­ ing eyfctj are now dull and sspi'sdsionleflfi. The onoe warm, dimpled hands are now thin and oold. Her beauty has fled. What has wrought this wondrous change ? What ia that which is lurking beneath the surface of that once lovely form f Does she realize her terrible condition ? Is she aware of the woful appearance she makes? Woman, from her very nature is subject to a catalogue of diseases from which man is entirely exempt. Many of these maladies are induced by their own care­ lessness, or tkrougli ignorance of the laws of her being. Again, many Female Diseases, if properlytreated, might* be arrested in their course, and thereby prove of short duration. They should not be left to an experienced phy­ sician who does not understand their nature, and, is, therefore incompetent to treat them. The importance of attending to Female Dis­ eases in their earliest stages cannot be too strongly urved. For If tieglected9 they _ fre­ quently lead to Consumption, Chronic Debility, and oftentimes to Insanity. In all classes of Female Diseases, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre­ scription is without a rival. No medicine has ever surpassed it. In "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," of which 11 V. Pieroe, M.D., of Buffalo, N. Y., is the author and pub­ lisher, is an extended treatise on WOMAN AND HEB DISEASES. Under this head, the various affections to which woman is incident are care­ fully considered, accurately portrayed, and a restorative ooorse of treatment suggested. Every woman, as she values her life ana health, should possess a copy of this valuable book. If she be diseased, this "Adviser" will show her how she may be restored to health, and also direct her how she may vvard off many maladies to which she is constantly being ex- i posed. Let every suffering woman heed this' timely advice and m» herwetf a* others tee her. Price of Adviser, 91.50 (post-paid), to any ad­ dress. /"! to 960 • Week aad Bxpaaaaa. 9100 U facfattjd. All toa d«w aod auSdard NorStta, > wtthjJtaiulate. L. FLBTCHKB, 111 Ohambaca Straet, Haw York. aad Morphia* madly aarad. Sandatamp fo* partiaaiara. Dr. O toa. ItJ Wsehlegtoa St.. Ohlaaao, OPIUM «*r«w Ladiaa, i oavKt (wrohanta, aaad for OlBOTJl^ua. OO.,, 18? K. Ktetfa St. OhtBigS YOUR own lUkeiitMM In oil oolon, to ahow oar wock, painted on estiva*, 5)jx7M, from a photograph or tta type, frae with too Mama Joornal, S&J0 a ff of oar work and papar. tanna to agante, &e., IS IT. T. LUTHKR, MQl VUlaca, fiiaooaa^. P* 'FD '̂LsBsr s -- foily attaohad toaaUiar and laabeddad In a Forona Plaatar, haa it appeared poasible. In thia oaao, aa In all ot her* where geaioa ia at work, aaiooaaa ia oorn-plate. When the Plaater la plaoed upon the affected part, which can be done aa qnlekly and oonTeniently as with the ordinanr pomoa plaster--that la, by mera ptaa* anre of the hand--the natural warmth and molatara of the skin canaea the platee to throw oat a ramat of aleo. trlciWao gentle that It U scarcelypocdbleto feel tt other, wise than bj the aoothlnc and grateful warmth prodnoed, TV. «o penetratinc aa to atopalmoat immediately the moat excruciating pain, remove aoreneaa, lameneaa, and draw inflammation from the lunga, llvar. Iddnaya, apleen. bowala, bladder, heart and musolea, A. single COLLINS* VOLTAIC PLASTER, bowels, bladder, heart and mnsolee, ia equal to aa arnu of doctors aSB acre»«T|iants and ahraba. It UulSnflV banlshaajpa%aad aoraMaa, glraa lifeISA vlafbr to taa wenkened M«1 jkagalsced muscleaand llmlta.anA ia ao tratefnl and aboOilngthat onceaaad In the abore aQmenti etrerr other external applioatlon^uoh aa aalvaa^iintuanta, lotlona and liniments, will at once be discarded. Am i® paiabaia. epilepsy, or fits, and nerroua muscular affao-tions, this Plaster, by rallying the nervous forcee, haa ef­fected ourea when every other known remedy haa failed. Price, SIS cents. So)<! r>r»r.vwhere. Sent by aaall,oara-fully wrapped and wsrrant«<1, on receipt of prloe, S9 centa for one, t* .45 for sk, ot 12.25 for twelve, by WBBKS A POTTER, rropnetoia. °* HALF A D0LU8 tmn Pay lor tie : CHICACO Per the Mext Half Year. WOja* taiga %yaga, W^ajamy, lndependeat r.whk»hnolntaHWawtfam% shoukl be with- ES,m. NATURE'S 8REAT REMEDY." Tfcli Caftial Is a OESTAlIf CURE Coughs, C*Ms, y.*»f •> mgai»t£og. of fifce Oils Mtdtets* la a prtpanfioa tf •aiaod oj a peeaQiwr wraceH flmn tke ean SF THE PINO TWO, TTA AMILELARIJVOW^ tfeaor wBatohaia well Icaowa. wl«feslit8 powwfld olaaaoBt «ure tboroecUf lacw^ po rated ttrcial atitar v«fetakl« bcndU rats, «oolk of wklek ao-Mim watllai #•4 naallng attdbatw, am malriwg tt Om «om POTEHTV,AJITAOOIflST to »ii dlteast* of the palaaoMsy onm tkal Ms* yet teeeaa lntroAaeed. IB./L.a..C. WISaABFS PINE JREE TAR CORDIAL la not a new remedy that haa merer been heard of btlbrt, bat as1 QUI, REM" A^AITOWELLPTRIED medietas that haa been In dalljr HM br fhaalllee and Intelligent phjralelana for the lad tlxteea yeara, and la qwkea of la tfce^hlffhea* terau by all who hara naed It, aa &aa« mnda of. VH80LXG1TEB TSSTtMO^ H1ALS prove. If m wftr'ftan aay dlaaaoe'lbg which thla Cordial ia raeomaaondod, wo JL sls^to lMttle will damonstimte Us rala) •hie qwalttlea. Sill II ILL BRBG9ISTS HI STHEUEPESS. PRINCIPAL^, DEPOT, 282 North\Second St.t PhUa<ra. The Enemy of Disease, the Foe if Pain to Man and Beast, Is the Ctaramd Old SOO^ m A Month.--Aiaata wanted. IS baal>all lng articlaa In the world. One nwpls freew AddieaaJAY BROIVSOBI. DeUoM, Mlak rfl'17 a C -The ihalaaal la the World-IaaportenT JL JJiA.0e prioaa--Laneat Oompany In AaaHa . atapla article--pleasea ererybody--Trade oonttaoally ia-ereaalng--Agents waatad eranrwhere--beat indnoemente --don't waate time <f>ttd for circular to BOB'T Wm.IH. 43VaaeySt.,N.I;. P.O.BoxlMSY. DS.-»5tt white er Untad BihUd, »Oeta.;SO " >JS^"ar£SS5*'",»'a mat 3C^r«i,"s^ them, and 06 sampleeof type, agents' aent by retorn matt on receipt of prioa. ~ " Beat of work. W, O OAK NO If,«« Bato«e»S. M. Patrairatu. A Oo. Oluba. Street. "EsaSi MUSTANG L I N I M E N T , HKTI HALF A DOLUR WRI P»f terfhs CHICAGO LEDGER For the Next Half Yew.' The LXDOKB la a large SPECIAL KOTICE TO OUR BEiBDL SrXCIAX, <3ALTt. A G E N T S W A N T E i To aall the Kew Patent Ixnprored BTB OBML : Awrantoad to be tft- paying bum'nem a^Saotte MgnUe by em# jffoitae. An emp and ka vataa of tba oelebratad new Pmtent j nel 33; S3 «raat a«S t bWBH<i I®ar Haiae Blenntly PrlnN ad oa is TuiiiMiiiir rutna CAKDS, forU C<nt*. Each card oontataa a feme which la not TUble until held towatda the light. Nothlnglikethemevarbeibrsoflfcredln America. Dlginr*-- NoUungukethemevaraelbrsofleredln A >aaat«v Ataats. KOMLTY PKIXTI** CO A ̂OOK for the MILLION. MEDIML ADVICE Catarrh, Rupture. Opium Habit, tec., SENT FB££ on roeeiot of stamp. Addms, X)r. Butts'Dl^ensa 17 No. 12 N. 8th at, 8t. Louis, Ma MNKRIOBflC METHOD OF S H O R T H A N D , OMng a tpeed of from 60 to ISO Words per tateota. Now in uae by the principal schools and colleges. Any one of ordinary Intelligence can become proficient in thia art within one week. Send foe a espy. Price, Sl.UQ. Publiahed by SEARS BROS. * OO., Kxohange Build-lac. ooraer Clark and Washington Streets. Chicago, HI. ferffeaasttr § f i S Y A W C i t w B o m I H n T m 0 n i n J " " B How either aex may Uaciuale and gala the love ©ni affection of person they choose, inesantiy, Thia art all iti Doaaeaa, frccs by raaU, 25cvntB; together with a Lorar'a OuS4% liyptlu Preams. I«sdi€e, IstM.Mt nil Jk ^uaar book, T, WILUAMS & ©€\, P '̂a, " ' ' TheMedicinethatCures .is. VEGETINE. faking into consideration the character of its Tmieh-8i'8« the history of its cures, and the immense increasing demand, VECTKTINF. mar be fairly entitled the leading medicine of t(i<» age. For Scrofula in the blood. VEOETINE is an infallible jietnedy, and no 5»t*on need Buffer from tumors, ulcera. aad all diseases aiininc from impure blood, if VEOETINB ia naed accordinsr to directions. There is not a case of Serofula in ©sisteiace that VKCUVTIM: will not cure, pro­ vided, however, the vital functionss have not lost their power of nctiou, all that may be said to tbe contrary not­ withstanding. Ve»ETINE is pleasant to the taste, mild in ita influ-ence, nnd absolute in its action on disease, aa the follow-a?idsDC@ will ^ « act cuius. • iaCINCimfATi. 'to bay htm. How kim. Howte taaia toaall •Sk* great interact to Hoi SSm J. p. viae r F s P R I S E P R t s - S i - - A C R •_ AT o u r s :• SlN [) 2 STAV PS I 0 r< CAT A . C(. v • J COOK'if Co» M'vNl'f ACT' ^mo. WEST MER I D E N ,CT. i Paid Nearly $400. January 2, 187& Dear .sir--When about alx months old I was vacciaatod. The parties who were vaccinated from the same virua dit>d tr>ira the humor. The humor spread over mi> to such an extent that I was rolled in bran to prevent me from acmtchtag my person. The disease finclly aettled in my bead. I reiaain«d in this cosidition about twenty years, troubled ell the time with sores breaking in uiy head una discharging corruption from nay ear. At thia time a email kernel appeared on lay neck, gradually increaeinx in tibn: until a tumor formed of such unmense size I oonla see is by turning my eyes downward. All this time I waa taking various remedies for my blood without any aub-Btenttoi benefit. I then wont to a promhieat phj'Blclan to Boston, who, during his ireatinent of six months. Ismceii the tumor eight timeo, which cost me nearly f4i)0. This left me with a rough, aggravated sore, without at all diminishing the size of the tumor, end in a biekly, feeble condition. I oonsoltod another physician in Natick, who, after ooj»- aiderable time, succeeded in healing the sore without reducing the size. At this point I commenced to use VKGKTINE, through the earnest persuasion of a friend. After I had taken this medicine about one week, I expe­ rienced wonderful aenaations. My whole body seemed FAMILY Freit and Jelly Press! Onu-iliird more juica than by the old process. A household necessity. Ev­ ery family will buv one. Quart and gal­ lon sizoa. liberal discount to the trade. For circular and terma, addraaa, with •tamp, American Fruit and Jelly Press Co.. CINCINNATI, OHIO. 'anted In Every Towuaml County "THE VIBRATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST 8XAS0N WITHOUT OMI FAILURE OB BKJIOISOB Tkla U the fkmooa Threahlng machine that I* "•wept the Held " and created auch a nrototlon InC1 i trade, by to MATCHUM OBAIM^UTIMO AMD TIVK^M ( m principle*. to, Boxea, and JourBalaj i jlight running; no eoa^ TBI KM0BH00S WASTAGE of grain, aojaartfabla wiM other ttolm «t Threahen, can be SAvED by tfcto Imprered llacUne. m/lcitmt, on wary Job, to asara tkm pair all txpmmi «f threahinf. FLAJL TXMOTHT, WLL1T, HTO6ARIAH aai iifec seed* an threshed, separated, cleaned aad aavol SS .aalSy sad 0eifee% m Wsa\ <hX% Bye or Bart#. AH BXTHA WM€® is ssasllj- gal-i fcr stain mA Seeds cleaned by thia laacUno, fo? esfrs el^iuinaM. IK THIS WET GRAIN of 187§, Utew ww@ eubrtaft» tially the 0NLT HAOHIffithatcould nun with prolt or economy, doing ftwif thorouch and perfect worfc, when others utUHf/aiUxL ALL GRAIN, TIMIC and MONEY waatlng eomi tfong, such "ladiaa* Aprona," HBaddlea," M.~ " Pickera," etc., are aatirab dbpmutd trillk; 1 one-half the oaoal Oeara, Belts. Boxea. and J eaaler managed; aiora duraMa ly repalra; no dart; no " llttorlngiiH to clean as; troubled by advenm winda, rain or storms. FARMERS uxt 6RAIK BAISXBS who are pa*4t in the Urge saving made by it will not employ infe­ rior and waatefttT machlnea. but will M( on this improTed Threaher doing their work. FOUR SIZES made for 6, t, 10 and 18 Hons Powers. Also a specialty of SEPABATOBS, dasignai and made ixransLY roa mix POWEB. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS, Tit: oar In* prorsd " Triple Qear," and our "Spur Speed" (Wood* buiy Style), both * Mounted " on fmr wheels. IF INTERESTED in Thrcaiifug or Grain appW to our nearest Dealer, or write to us for Illustra- tea Circular (sant free), giving foil particulars of 8las^ itylea, Prices, Terms, etc. Micboi*, Shepard & C®*f BATTLE GREEK; MiGM, and Wm. BKLTUT, M. D., writaa, they am «i«« gMatest "BTention of the «(•, Read 0>a following earttfloatsa; F*«auaow 8TAXiow,Losan Oo., In* •» U,, Da. J. Bxu. k Oo., Oenllata: Simnnitt your Patent Kyt Oupa m, judgment, tlje moat splendid trinn<ph whleh t acienoG ha<i ever acbteval. but, like all g Important truthat,in thia or in any ctbrc eoienoe aad philosophy, haTe much to eoataad wltJb, tram tba ignoranoe and prejudice at att»da|MM Enbtlo; bnt truth is mighty and will {nMl, aaftife i only a question of time aa rrg&rda thaUr gaaasaft acceptance and indorsamant by alL 1 han la aw heada certiflcateaof persona teattfyu t«l terms to their merits. UMBOHI stoiana of my oonnty raoommand aottr J Z am, raapeetfully, J. A. L.' WILLIAM BKATUCT, M. D., binu, Kt., "Thanka to you for (As msM ̂ali iatm My sight is fnlly restored by the use of yoa* j Ey* Cup*, after beiag almost fetta twenty-six yeara." Autx. R. Vim, M, D., Atchjboh, Pjl. "After total blindness of my left eye for foar ] by paralysis of tbe m>tie nerre, to my utttr i " rncnf your Patent My* Cvp* restored say permanently in three minutes." Rer. 8. B. Ftuomna, Minister <ri tbt ML WL Ohureh, writes: " Tour Patent Cmw bawa aa- stored my siftht, for which I am most thankfal |» the -Fatherof Meroiea. By yonr ailiritliiiasai 9 saw at a glanoa that yonr invaloaUa By* Ciyspsa. framed their work perfectly in accordance physiological law; that they literally fad iks «•» that w«re starring for nutrition. May Ood gsaaa^1 ble?f= yon, and may yonr name be enahrinad la MM* affectionate memorise of multiplied thnmsaSs aa one of the benefactors of ycur kind." HOBAOB B. DUBANT, M. D., aaya: "I said aaB effected future aalea libera'ly. The Cups, tiny will make money, and make it: no email, oatchpenuy affair, but a superb ̂ i one, tip-top bualneaa, prooniiee, aa far aa X aaa NL to be life-long." Mayor K. 0. wrota ns, Novambar Xtth, IHter. "I havataatad the Patent Ivar ̂By* Cum, aaS satisfied they are good. I am pleased wim Ifcsaaa. They or* oertainly CAa gr*rte*t inveatiea af tttiaf Hon. Houol aanunt, late Editor of its mm York Tribune, wrote: "Dr. J. BUA, of our city, to a oonadentionB and responsible man, who ia f Ua of intentional deception or ImpoatttQa." Prof. W. MKBBIOK writes: "Truly I ami. to your noble invention. My sight ia raatorad Hj your Patent By* Cvpe. Map heaven bleaa and paa- serre you. I have bean using spectacles twaalgr years. I am 71 years old. I do my writing wJMb- out glasses, and I bless the inventor of the JPatfmM Eye Cup* every time I take np my old steel paa.** Adolph BionmnBO, M. D., physician to Kiupui-- Kapole<m, wrote, after having his sight restored tv our Patent Bye iStpe: " With natitnde to God. aaP thankfulness to the inventors. Dr. t. BAIA h Oa,t hereby recommend Ota trial of the OqM (k ffUBi faith) to all and every one that haa any Inn'alia* eyeaight, believing, aa I do, that ainoa the ma^ ment with thia wonderful discovery I $ .:|jj •m ceasf ul on me, at my advanced period of Ufa--•> years of sga--I believe they will restore the visloa t»- ULV indlvfdnal if they are raoperiy wmllad." ADOLPH mORNBEBO, M. IKA Oommtmwfalth of Maeeaehueette, Assc, I "June 5tht *79, personally appsarsd Ado berg, made oath to the f orsi him subscribed and sworn 1 WM. 8TEVENS, J. F« LAWBSMOS COT, Mass., Juaa Sh, lSWj We, the undersigned, having penonally kama» Dr. Adolph Biornberg for years, belisve him to la an honeat, moral man, truatworthy, aad in trnth aa^ varaoity onapotted. Hla M. BO NNEY, E*-Mayo*. 8. B. W. DA* _ GEORGE 8. MERRILL, >. M. BOBT. H. TEWXSBURT, 0M» TMSSt Seader,ttaaa are a few oartiAoatea oai ct *•»- aancle we receive, and to the agad we will gnaisatea yonr old and diaeasedNyaa can be made new; jus imsaired eight, dimness of visisaaad ounioilii eyea can be restored; weak, watery and sore oy» oiued; the blind may saa; apsctadsa be dtwsrrtaa,. sight rsstdtad, and vision prsasrvad. Speataatak and surgicAl opanmoos uaeleaa. js. Please tend yauz addrsas tons, and wo will aaMp yon our book, A GEM WORTH READING! Y: A DIAMOND WORTH SRR1KS. Bute your eye* and reetore yonr eight; throw @m your upectmcleel By reading our IUustratad Phyeioio-iw and A natv qf the By*eight, ot 110 pagea. telle bow to rsstora i paired vlalon and overworked eyaa: how to m weak, w%tery, intamed and near-sighted asss*! Mi other dlsiases of thaayaa. Waste noi by adjusting huge glassea on your noss i ing your face. Book mailed free to say pax Send on yonr address. jWI JM "JL" to seU the Patent By* Cup* to the hundreds of pevfltt with diseased eyaa and impaired sight m v»xa Any paraon can aot aa onr Agent. To gentlemen or ladies $5 to f 36 a Foil partlenSasa tmnt tee. Write iaameSisti ll/iX,!, iHt- og, »1 K!B£RVY STREET,. ' 7ORS afftr, ; opi^rtunlky of being Am Write by first mall. P8PENTEMIJL LDTtllA HISTORY Of TBm a thaprcnotUBe. Tha onlf PJ A NOG $250 "tttewrdineaf ladeeemanta-Jlew Seven Oata w full Iroij fr&m«, ov«rtiiumr bouw Pi.inos, with RoMwood ease amd lets, for ISGO-Bowd and delivered at m\f R. R. Depot In Chl( "* P«tred, but my neck etill bears the ugly scars of the sore and lADoe. I am now healthy aad strong, and able to work every day. I will alio mention that I hate been an acute sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism ever since I oaa remem­ber, until commencing the use of YBOItlXK, when al­most immediately all rheumatic pains ceased. This state­ment I volunteer for tha pumose of benatitins other suf- aiuoh^Wi&yMH^t conferalanorby tfvmg it Ashlud, Masa YegetSne is Sold by all Druggists* . iiepoi easii, remainder $15 mont monthly; orft^oashaad ioa«(W «ihly; diaf« p--Twins of i qnartShr--Sand for cats-HERD'S TKUPliK |2Hije_with full explanation. OF* MllSXC, W Vaft Bsuctt lltract, Chicago lOut this oat and inobaa it iayoor latter- a U I ZM>QnrRll W.LDEOWN&CflS UMBRELLAS. raiLAPBXJPHJtA and NEW YORK r-Tha qaallitoi maeksd wtththelr iuuna are eMafldeotljriaoan> p q u t z ' S HOR8B AMB CATTLE POWOEK8, oura or pravsnt Pisssse LOSSINC GREAT *ADYt_, to^thap«»Mtume. ̂ eminent aathor.or worthy to ba pnN both EailbhaadOenaaa. OosUrjaana E-rffiiaolj lllna«rfit~J, yeilow-priotd voloinft Tvtoe lha Fsrtfrowinginlcrestcverywii m . ... . •ouDtiT*bc6C«, rarechaoi1® f'».* for asMrip tloaaodtanas,tuSOARiMSl " rat*. Bsna ai ones for desanp AOO,|Chloago,lll GRINDING MILLS. Beat FNBCII Bawr stilTspin- die uuder-rtmners, cock - Bead npper-riiDoers, Iter Fans or Herchaat Work. MM. rlor Mill Ktoaca of HI \« * Vi Jt>0A Po not mim th flsld. Do not delay. fucementtaad laige profits offersd to say wlao wauts a flrst-olaas paying buainaaa. tr XHK ULSOUT COKJCtSSlOK ILLODID JiGJiKTs BT m Hocsa D» in Umns STAKI m is §Outfits . FREE ffOOTPRIBfTs of the AGB8, V" Goremment and History. OnoDWri _ Book, Bible and Map How, OmoiSQ. t • v'̂ $ '!Wt An oTrnliiw nf IMnncr nfton darang** thi| .jm,IirinKs»n tiatulcne* mul wind colic,and sabjeotat petlaut to great luidily suffering. A single doee ot Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient will corrtsct the acidify, relieve the pain, carry oM t offending rau^c, and s;iv«j stimetinies a lona sjaBrf : i. Its effects are centle nnd thoroucb.and fia gns would prevent inuoh suffering. SOLD BY ALL PRPQQWa-- PldnBy Cleaners, Searing, BhaAiuKt Pulllas. Hancers. etc.. ^1 kinds of Mill Machinery and Milters* supplies, fiend for Pamphlet. Piiranb Mill Company, Itox s sso. { in^innafuTo! a sr. u. cirHEw WIUTTTC • l»lenae aay you am-tntfeisf p«p«r. (Xums I A T E R I ntwtltnte lortii Aaka^aa Patata,jPaokwa^iaadt for «m. aaMoaUad I Aibistssttsaa UsatssMsaa ANMtsaJUsI ( nts«to«J

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