Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1876, p. 8

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MTK OA IKY MAKKKTS. i i . 1 I WAT1BTOWN, N. Y., Juuc 17 7ft. The market opened very jfood,, it being the llrsi day that oftferttig* been made this reason. Twenty-two^ factories, ofteriuj? 1 boxes register­ ed. Fire Hundred and ninty-seven boxes were sold at the following prices: 66 boxes at 11 l-4c, 274 at 11c., 85 at 10 3-4c., 57 at 10 5-9c., 36 at 10 J-fe* and 100 boxes on private terms. Tfcfe high­ est price, 11 l-4c.vw»s paid by James Brans, of New Y#rk, for the Howard JUfrtfiTj, Swic mil!?. OwEESfc- TUe Little Falls market on Mott&gr was brisk. Not much cheese brroigkt Into market, most of it being i(M ill representations. The sales of factory cheese aggregated : 4,196 boxes, at 1© Ml to 11 1-Se. There were sent on commission 314 boxes of factory, some vith'a guarantee of 11 ^!==fe. We quote Sfcnge,101-t to 11 J-9o; leading factory, 11 1-tĉ average, 11c. The lot sold on private term*. It is sup- ; ;,po«9d, brought more than 11 1-Sc. , ,'Ntwljr all the cheese otfsred ;ttm ' • taken. Of farm dairy cheese, there were •ales of 315 boxes at 6 to 103-4c., as the Grange, and8to 10;as the leading fig­ ures, But 27 went below Sc., only 16 brought 10 3-4c. Seventy-five boxes were sent on eemmission. Bdttxr.--Sales of 75 packages at 20 , to 36c., as the outside, and 22 to 25c., as the leading figures. Grass bntter was not in great supply, but what there was sold readily at 34 to 35c., one tub ' bringing 26e. NOT1CE3. C0,000 lbs. of 1 Mil I SHI CASH-IS NOW KIN opkhiisO* s>< --AT THE-- JANESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS .JSOJim MAIN SIJUUBU ., HpHE subscribers wish to inform their pat rone X anil everybody that they will manufac­ ture their Wool into good substantial Cassi- meres, Doeskins, Flannel ami Stocking Yarn, i on shares or by the varil or pound, on satisfac 1 lory terms; or will "buy then* Wool and \>ay the highest market price- and sell them good substantial Cassimeres at $1.00 per yard, and all other goods at the same rate. "Will iiav half cash on good line lots, not too small. Will pay Express charge* on all lots of Wool of 50 pound* or more and return the goods free ot eharge. Will card their Wool Into rolls for 6c per pound; also card Wool the same day when f | brought from a distance, if passible. Will -- 1 drees their cloth on the usnal terms. Carpets * washed; price 5 cents per yard, Firmer*, pa- _j tronize home industry. IX exchange far Goods, • Wool-Grease, Tallow and Wood, for which the highest price will be paid. • F. A. WHEELER A CO. Wanted," Janesville, Wis., May 30th, 1878.' HENRY COLBY, -DEALER IX- OLS, Milters Brushes, Dye Stuffs 4te»» &c» V !|$ician« Prescriptions JfitaefWly W«*haTeto|fine Stock of Cap, Bill. Note and liourmn JPaper, which we are Belling very Cheap. A^flne .assortment of the Litest Styles Box nd Fancy Papers, constantly on hand. All Goods Warranted Jfe tepresented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. , H. COLBY. McHenry, July 37th, 1876. J. 8 TOBY, --DEALER IK- Shelf and Heavy H a r d w a r e , . *«tmmm »*rf an,. ©. F. HALL, but first Read^l • "-V." • Btor PRICE 8 io7 cts 10 Cts USTs i W * Best Prints,..., Ilest BleachedChttoh.;V...... -- _ llest I'n bleached do......Sifts All Cambrics .. i. .A.'.*. 8 cts All Dress Braids., . Sets Bleached Table Damask............... SOcts Unbleached do .............. 40 Cts Cheviot Shirting IIcts Car pe t ing,.... SB cts C»ats Thread...... --.... fiats 1 1h Linen Thread . ... 60cts 100 Yard Spool Silk... lOcts Good Shoes 90 cts Good Corsets.............. 60cts Job Lot Dress Goods VI )4 No 1 Alpacca 25 cts Mens Suits >«••'••• #Bto$i5 *.50 to 10 ..7....CT.. 90 cts Bovs Suits.. Best Young Hyson Tea.. Best Japan Tea Best Gunpowder Tea 12 1T> Rice 25 I tars Soap 12 Cakes Fancy Soap N O Molasses 80 cts 1,00 1,00 1,00 25 cts 68 cts •r*Ui i..i' •H No 1 Syrup, Fur*»,vv ] Castile Soap........ Ilox Layer Raisins .... 12 lb PaVod Peaches./. Best Saleratus......... S G Starch Corn Starch.....,.*... . 20 lbs White Klsli.. 20 *>« Trout 20 lbs Cod ilsh •»,. 25 lb Pallock v.. * .v..,,. .i. i;. .1,. 8 lbs Layer Raisins...*., j 12 lis Primes 4 12 tbsZante Currants No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco.if. 50 Good Cigars Stove Polish Best Axle Greasd ; .... Lallies Shoes i „•„! Childrens Shoes Best Kip Boots....' Good do Boys Boots... No 1 Floor Oil Cloth...... Table Oil Cloth Patterns «ct« Wets 1,00 . 8 cts 10 cts 10 cts I'OO 1,00 1,00 1,60 1,00 1,00 1.00 . 80 cts ....... JWcts 5 cts ....... Sets 1,00 SOcts to 1.50 4,50 3,00 , $1 to $3.00 50 Cts 50 cts Am prepared to save yon Money and an examination of Goods and Prices will convince. My Clothinjr is all Homo-Made and Custom Made, and will l>e sold in all cases lit less than Wholesale Prices. Consult your own interests and patronize a Store that deals strictly for Cash. Everything as represented or money refunded. WANTED--BUTTER AND EGGS. •' -Ca Fm i HALL. NAILS^ NAILS, NAILS, !F Fence Wire, Crowbars, Mauls, Forks, Rakes, SHOVELS, HOES, and a Full Line of Bonders ami Shelf Hardware. We have a lar^e Stock of Pans, Pails, Milk Cans, and a Full Line of Tinware of all kinds. x ... ALSO SCREEN WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, In fact everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES, pgr"Call and examine. No trouble to show Goods. jg=J JOHN M. SMITH. McHenry, 111., April 3d. 1876. STOVES TINWARE; MECHANIC5T TOOLS\ FARMING IMPLEMENTS*1 CLOT11EX W1UNUE11& £ &c^ &c., &c., &c., WHICH WILL BE SOLD L O W E R 1HAK0SUJL PRICES! Now is tiin time to purchase, and save mon- «•. I believfi that I f-an furnish g<nxl goods at M low prices, M anyone in the county. Aleo keep ori- hand a full Stpck of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Waterproof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet [Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! MILLINERY _ --AMD- Dress Making I Mrs. S. A. mai> B*st Side Public Sqnaret WOODSTOCK, .... LL 1*013. Keeps coHstnntlv on hand the latent styles of Millinery Gtuxts of all kinds, Kmbroiderv; Combs, Collars, Ties, Veils, all colors, Weil- dn^giHatr^ Crape Hats, and domestic Patterua Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Style and made if desired at very low rates. We also have a NUT Style of Ladies CMs! To which we invite theattention of the Ladles We are also Agent for the celebrated SOUTHWESTERN OKGAJf Which speaks for itselL I will not be under! sold. GUiMid see. Mrs. 8. A, REID. Woodstock, Oct. Wtto, 1875. James Robbins. MANUFACTUttEltS AGKNT for the Champion Keaper and Mower, the Gor ham Corn Cultivators and Diamond Plow, warranted to Scour in any soil, the Forest City Seed Plow and State Beam Stubble Plows Corn Planters, Horse Hakes, Ac. Will take Cash or <jo»d Notes in exchange for any and all of my Goods. Post Office* Solon Mills lll.» Hepaifing: Jftmaptiy attendod^to. J. STORY. Opposite Owen Mills. WO A new style of Estey Organ, which is the handsomest instrument ever put on the market. Call and see it at O. W Oweu's. LAUER & BECKER, Merchant Tailors, Parker House, Block, MCHENRY, - • ILEINOIS :Slone^Oaii|i)e Saved A usU r jjiyJi < »if l&WW,: at •* >* -m ff< ' 8'7Am£AitIWvyin8 Y»?r Fann _ GF^ErG"iM.^3WEN FOB f . P. MAST ttCO'S CtLiEBBATEO The subscribers having opened a llerchai^t Tailoring establishment m McHenryt aro now prepared, with a Stock ot Fins lo ths of all Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en- tire Suits, on Bhort notice and on the most Reasonable Terms.. *3-(ioo<t Fits Guaranteed and all Work Warranted. We also Keep a Full Line ef GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HatSy Caps, Which will lie sold as Low as at any estab­ lishment in the County. We have come here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronagre, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. Mcilenry, March 20th, 187s. PAPKB IS OK KTU3 5S?ycRoy<j5>: JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAURANT »>;« it 4k: - '-:- v OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, Keeps Constantly on hand and offers to the Farmers, fading Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, among wftlclfcan be found the Bertrand & games Celebrated Sulky Caltivator, That Stands without a Rival. Aleo several other Leading Cultivators, and In short Farm Machinery of all kinds, which I am prepared to jkell as low as any other First Class Machinery in the country. . :--o Prices Low and Favorable Terms. Cash and Close Buyers are. invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Qualitv and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry County, E- M.OWEN. McHenry, 111., May 17th, 1876.- PERRY <fc MARTIN; :--o---j Headquarters for all Kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-"Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Clas Stock of General Merchandize. I Board at Wiedemann's | But wishT Did Near the Depot, McHenry, III. H3r"W<! also keep the Celebrated Milwaukee Lagcr llecr constantly uu liaud. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LAROE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. ¥ \ a ^ We always guarantee our goods ta be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood an ft hence cannot afford to be undersold or. to U&eetve the public, nor, to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend t© ' " Live and Let Live! 19.. And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time pastj we hope to merit the same in the future. ifiTOIVE US A CALL and w® will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. M c Henry, 111., July 27th, 1875. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. A . R E I D , --DEALER XX-- WOODSTOCK, ILL., Has determined to give his customers the BEST VALUE for their MONEY to be ob­ tained anywhere in the County. In order to do so he has Reduced his Prices! Materially, and opened a Beautiful Stock of the most desirable new styles of IiADIES AND GENTS SHOES, lie is confident of his ability to satis­ fy and please all those who will take tne trouble to call and inspect his Goods and Prices. B^uBemember the place, East Side Public Square, Woodstock. ' A: REID. Woodstock, 111., May 30th, 1876. v JUST RECEIVED. BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile CoUcro, Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mississippi. 1'rot'. Win. 11. Miller Gonsral Manager.. Nineteenth year. About sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership Board and Stationery. Bookkeepers, Penman, Keitortors, Opera tors, Architects, Surveyors ana Tcachers thoroughly iittetl, Tiuglish branches free. Free Lectures by eminent Orators.- Free Festivals with Brass Band in College Ilall. Free furnished rooms for self boarding. Telejrraphinjr free. Short hand writing n:ee. <Jood lioarding clubs and family lx>ard. Railroad fare deducted. Immense business in Keokuk. No vacation. Address Baylies College, Keokuk, Iowa. Slate where you saw this advertiseweut, (Jliicago & : " ! ! ' R A I L W A Y . Passengers for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, PlttsbnrSL Cincinnati, Rochester, Allianv, Toronto, Mojt treal, Quultcc, Portland, Boston, New York. Philadelphia, Hnltimore, Washington. St. Louis, Cairo, San Francisco, Sacramento O*. den, Salt Lake Citv, I>env^r, Council ltlnflS. Sioux City, St. Piuil^Marijuette, Kscanaba, Me- nnslia, Madison, Chevenne, Omaha, Yankton Winona, Duluth, tureen Bay, Milwaukee, and all points North, West, South and East, should buy their tickets via. the T Chicago ft North-Western Hallway. Close connections are made at Chicago wIM the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Michi- fan Central, Ttaltiniore & Ohio, Pittsburir ort Wayne & Chicago, Kankakee Line and Pnn Handle Itoutes, tor all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Chicago & Alton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific U. U. at Omaba for all far Weak points. Close connection* are made at junc­tion points with trains of all cross road$9 Pullman Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all nijrht trains on all the lines ©f this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these car* between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At Omaha our Sleepers connect with the Overland Sjeepera on the Union Pacific Rail­ road, for all points west of the Missouri River. Among the A full Stock of For the Spring A Summer trade which I can and willsell at prices that DEFY Competition. yyAi.r. Goods Warranted as repre­ sented. Call and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, „ Opposite Perky & Martin's Store, McHenry, III. * U to the traveling public are all the modern im­ provements: Koek and Gravel Ballasted Track. Steel Bail, Hock and Iron Bridges, Parlor ami Drawing Boom Day Coachcs, Smoking and! Lounging Cars, Westiughouse Safty Air' Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling and Platforms, Speed, Safety hnd Absolute Com­ fort. Burning through Five Great States, and. operating over 2,000 miles of road, thffr Company presents to the traveler facilitim that Alife NOT and CANNOT be offered by any Competitor. All tickets agents can sell you tickets via this route. If you wish the best traveling accommoda­ tions, you will buy your tickets l>y this routes and will take no other. MARVIN HTJGHITT W. H. STENNETT, General Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agent 1876 PHILIP GIESELER, At his new Store, near the Depot, is now reader with the Largest And Best Stock of Goods I Ever brought to this market, ion which lam prepare«l and will make prices that will Defy all Competition. My Stock Consists ife part of Dry M, Mil, Groceries'. BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac,, To which I invite theattention of the bnyintc public. I also keep on.haud a large and well' selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, to which the attention of. th» Ladies is especially invited. Call and see. PHILIP GIESELEIt McHenry, I1U April »1, 1876. For President in 1876 THE* MASWHOOET8 THE K08T VOTES. And the Man wlio gets thel MOS'F GOODS fer his money, buys of L. '(SuccEfiseE-io £fc OiifEnoxssoit,). NUNDA, - - ILLINOIS; Largest StBBk, Best Assoptment, LOWEST PRICES. jg^The Stock is Kew and LargeyanJ Consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots am? Shoes, Hat* and Caps,, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. KTGive ma a Call and Sav© Your Money,, buying Goods Cheap. L. RCWIHe ERBER Nunda, 111., Noy. 30th, 1875. NED ALIIAMBBA. This highbred trotting Stallion will stand tlic : (sonson of 187f> at the barn of E. M. Owen- Ned jUhambra was sired by C. S. Dole's Al ; hambra, dam Norma by Little Douglass he by a grandson of American Eelipse. D*>lc'! Alhambra Avas got by Clay's Membrino Chioi he by Membrino Paymaster, by Membrino oul of a inare, by imp Paymaster. _ Membrino wai a son of hup'Messenger, the sire of AlMtallall and the grandsire of Rysdyck's llambletonianl ROBT. GOSLING, Proprietor. 1 BARNEY SEARCHER, JR.J This thoroughbred Colt was sired by Rarne-Searcher sired by King Searcher by Si" Ilenrv by Margrave by Eclipst by Duroo on of Gillett's celebrated mare Damsel sired lr Messenger, liarney Searcher's dam was aire< bv Yonng Weasel he by AVeasel he by in»i>orte Blaek Hawk. His dam was a fulLbloode< Black Hawk mare. This Colt can be seen a the village of McHenry. He is owned am was raised by the subscriber. JOHN Jr. HASH. For Sale. rpiie Wheeler farm, situated BOfrodB south « I the village plat of McHenry, containin 2()0 acres of prairie, and HO acres of timbe with a good brick house, cistern, two pump, and usual apendages, Also 150 acres of tin ber joining tlte village ofMclienrvou the eas together with the personal property. Inquii at the premises, or address J. Wiikki.ek, McIIenrv. 1'. S. Household lurniture, etc., togct'he with actual possession cau be liad forwitb b purchasers.

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