Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1876, p. 8

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. - .. -visa '» I • , ;,T , ir.-5 T-A r>s 4 jr i^fe' J •*» "• » V # -*•"* ~j atftw f MMHi LATK HAIKYMAKKKW. WAT*nrowN, sr. Y., June 17 '7ft. Thernarket opened very^jood^Jt boing the llrsi flay that offerings bare l>e«u ma^C this «e*sojv Twenty-two factories, ofteriuj?! 369ti«Ss:c8 register­ ed. Fhro hundred and ninty-neven boxti were sold at th« following prices: IJ6 boxes at 11l-4e, 874 at lie., 85 at 10 3-4c., 57 at 10 Mc., 26 at 10 J-ac* and 3 00 boxes on private terns. The hifh- «*l price, H l-4c^ras paid by James Jims, of Hew Title, for tke HV^alA r,Stoie Mills. -Tlie Little falls market on Monday waa brisk. Not much cheese ***brongfct Into market, most of it being sold <$§ representations. The wales of factory cheese aggregated i 4,196 bona, at 1014 to 11 1-Je. There were sent on commission 214 boxes of factory, some with'a guarantee of 11 We qw>te Range, 101-2 to 111-Jo; leading factory, 11 l-Sc; average, lie. The lot sold on private terms, it is sup­ posed, brought more than 11 1-fita. iXearljr all the oheeae oftred were taken.. ; Of farm dairy cheese, there were •ate* o? 316 boxes at 6 to 103-4c., as the ( range, and 8to 10; as the leading fig­ ures, But 27 went below 8c., ouly 16 brought 10 3-4c. Seventy-five boxes were sent on commission. Blttbr.--Sales of 75 packages at 20 , to 26c., as the outside, and 22 to 26c., as the leading figures. Grass bntter was not in great supply, but what there was •old readily at 24 to 25c., one tub bringing 26e. CASH IS NOW KING. >-1 sglmJiiOC G. F. tf ALL, but first Read^f NOTICE. 60,000 lbs. of 't 11 Wool Wanted t «ai ,1 m: " I f mn i* JMESVILLE WOOLEN MILLS NQRTH MAIN STR&SaS. , - THE subscribers wish to inform their patrons and everybody that they will manufac­ ture their Wool into good substantial Cassi- meres, Doeskins, Flannel and Stocking Yarn, on .shares or by the yard or pound, on satisfac tory terms; or will buy their Wool and pay the highest market price, and sell them good substantial Citssimeree at $1.00 pervard, and all other goods at the same rate. 'Will pav half Rush ">> irnru.! fine lot:;, not too small. "Will pay Express charges on all lots of Wool of 50 pound* or more and return the goods free ot charge. Will card their Wool into rolls for 6c per pound: also card Wool the same day when Drought from a distance, if possible. Will dress their cloth on the usual terms. Carpets washed; price 5 cents per yard, Farmers, pa­ tronize home industry. lAlontiul IX exchange for Goods. WW ttil Wool-Grease, Tallow and Wood, toe which the highest price will be paid. • F. A. WHEELER A CO. Janesville, Wis., May 30th, 1876. PRICE .....ft to 7 cts 10 cts ; O «Jt Best Prints,..,, .,....... Best Bleached Cotloh-- Best, })iibleaehed do.......v..... 9 eta AH. Cambrics --.v..X.s.i Sets All Dress Braids Sets Bleached Table Damask,.....,... 50 cts Unbleached do ................ 40ets Theviot Shirting..............U...... Carpeting,.... Coats Thread 1 lb Linen Thread 100 Yard Spool Silk. Good Shoes Good Corsets Job Lot Dress Goods •••• Xo 1 Alpacca .... Mens Suits y#>... • Bovs Suits licit Young Hyson Tea Best Japan Tea HestGunjtowdcr Tea 1,00 12 1h Rice 1,<*> 25 liars Soap 1,<W 12 Cakes Fancy Soap 25 cts N O Molasses 6S cts XST No 1 Syrup, Purtn.v.. 1 fl> Castile Soap.:......'., Box Layer Raisins.,..:.. 12 1t> 1'aVed Poacliea.*... Rest Saleratus S G Starch Corn Starch \ 11 cts t'20 I** White Fish. r-'-M mazx 35ct> fi ots 60 cts 10 cts 90 cts 60 cts 12 % 25 cts 0) to $25 $.50 to 10 90 cts 80 cts 20 tbs Trout 20 lbs Cod lisli 25 lb Pallo«k., . . . .t . .V.x,. . . . . . . l ." 8 1b,s Layer Raisins.. .v.,/.... J.; 12 lis Prunes 12 lbs/ante Currants. No 1 Fine Cut Tobacco.,c...; . 50 <3 ood Cigars . Stove Polish ........ i Best Axle Greasd ....J.. Ladies Shoes (Hiildrens Shoes. f 60cts to 1.50 lies t K ip Roots....' } 4,50 Good do :j,(to Roys Roots .... - to |3.00 No 1 Floor Oil Cloth. ... 50cts l^H»le^.Oil Cloth Patterns 50 cts 65 c** Wets 2,15 Sets 10 cts 10 cts 1'OQ 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 60 cts 60 cts 5 cts 8 cts 1,00 Am prepared to save yon Money and an examination of Goods and Prices will convince. My Clothing is all Home-Made and Custom Made, and will be sold in all eases at less than Consult your own interests and patronize a Store Everything as represented or money refunded. Wholesale Prices. Cash. that deals ftrictlv for WANTED--BUTT Kit AND lOGGS. * C. F. HALL. NAILS^ NAILS, NAILS, Fence "Wire, Crowbars, Mauls; 7** Iff"- 7 - _ 7 Forks, Rakes, *T SHOVELS, HOES, aad * Full Line of HENRY COLBY, -DEALER IN- 1 .Drais, Medicines, & PAINTS, OLS, Painters Brushes, Dye Stuffs Ac,, &c. sicians Prescriptions We3iave|a| fine Stock of Cap, Bill, Note and Mournin JPaper, which we are selling very Cheap. AJlne.assortment of the latest Styles Box nd Fancy Papers, constantly ou hand. All Goods Warranted J* represented and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. H. COLBY. McHenry, July 27th. 1875. J. S TORY, --DEALER IN- We have a large Stock of Pans, Pails, Milk Cans, and a FulJ Line of Tinware of all kiuds. s ALSO SCREEN WIRE, CLOTHES WRINGERS, In feet everything you want and at VERY BOTTOM PRICES. |^g~Call and examine. No trouble to show Goods. jg=| JOHN M. SMITH. McIIenry, 111., April 3d, 1876. «mii«J * Can Saved STAWiLixM By Bvying Tour Farm Machinery ̂ [fj mm1 Jkiinifc >v,ciwsfekrr FOB P. P. iMst tttfs CMJEBRATED OF SX'KlNGfTELD, OHIO, Keeps Constantly on hand and offers to the Farmers, Farm Machinery, Of all kinds, among which can be fouud the • Sertrssd £. games Celebrated Stilky Cultivator, That Stands without a Rival. Also several other Leading Cultivators, and in short Farm Machinery of all kinds, which I am prepared to feell as low as any other First Class Machinery in the country. • -- O-- Prices Low and Favorable Terms. Cash « and Close Buyers are invited to inspect stock and com­ pare Quality and Prices, as I will not be undersold in the same qual­ ity of Machinery in McHenry County. 33*) M.. OWEN. McHenry, 111., May 17th, 1876. T PERRY & MARTIN. -o i MILLINERY --AND-- Dress Making! >!*-*». S. AaiKIl> Shelf and Heavy H a r d w a r e , STOVES TINWARE. MECHANICS" TOOLS, FARMING IMPLEMENTS*1 CLOTHE& yVlilNQEltis, f *f? • Ac, &c., Ac., &c., , WHICH WILL BE SOLD 0 yy g JliM USUAL PRICES! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon- *y. I beliet'6 ItuU I can furnish g«xxl good a at low prices, M anyone in the county. Also keep on* hand a full Stock of BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof. Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL AND SEE ! ' w' Hepaii'ing: Blkst aide Public 8qaar<v WOODSTOCK, . . . . •: LLI*0IS* Keeps constantly on baml the latent styles of Millinery Goods of all kinds, Embroidervi Coiabs, Collars, Tics, Veils, all colors, Wed- Hat**aB<idtwnestic Patterns Dresses Cut and Fitted In the latest Style and made if desired at very low rates. We also have a New Style if Lafe Cloaks! To which we invite the attention of the Ladles ;V We ate also Agent for the celebrated NORTHWESTERN OKGAJJ Which sneaks for itself I will not be under! sola. GaU a&d aee. Mrs. 8. A, REID. Woodstock, Oct. 18th, 1875. ^Promptly attonded^to. J. STORY. Opt*osite Owen MiUs. James Robbins. Manufacturers agent for the Champion Reaper and Mower, the Gor ham Corn Cultivators and Diamond Plow warranted to 8cour in any soil, the Forest; City Seed Plow and State Beam 8tubble Plows Corn Planters, Horse Rakes, Ac. Will take Cash or Good Notes in exchange for any and all of my Goods. Post Office* Solon Millib lll.» LAUER & BECKER, Merchant Tailors, Pttrker House. Block, MCHENRY, - ? IUUNOIS The suljseribers havinv opened a Merchant Tallorlas establishment in McHenry, are now prcpaixa, wi th ft Stock ot Tins lo ths of alt Kinds, To make to order Coats, Pants, Vests or en­ tire Suits, on short notice and on the most Reasonable Terms.. as-Good Fits Guaranteed and §U Work Warranted. Headquarters for all Kinds of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Groceries of all Kinds, Crockery Glass-Ware, FRUIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First Clas Stock of General Merchandize. We also Keep a Full Line ef GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, €aps» Which will be sold as Low as at any estab- lishment In the County. We have come here to stay, and respectfully ask a share of public patronage, pledging our­ selves to do our best to please all who may give us a call. Clothes Cleaned in the best of manner and on short notice. LAUER & BECKER. McIIenry. March 90th. 187s, IflSS PAPER IS OK 1IUI WHS S**kitoYfg: bewfti JOS. WIEDEMANN. SALOON and RESTAUJRAHT A new style of Estey Organ, which is the handsomest instrument ever put on the market. Call and see it at O. W. Owen's. I f>ON'T I Board at Wiedemann's | But wish 1 Did Near the Depot, McHenry, III. iGrYtn also keep the Celebrated Milwaukee Lager.Ucvr constantly ou hand. We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, and buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods. We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in this neck of the woods. Our LABGE AND CONSTANTLY! IN* CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. .IFS : : : . -- ' %-e alwa>i; guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are, always ready to make good our word. We are here to get a livelihood and henco cannot afford 16 be undersold or. to deceive the public, nor to ask enormous profits on our goods. We intend to " Live and Let Live!" And while we are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time pastj we hope to merit the same in the future. t&*GIVE US A CALL and we will show you our Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother. M c Henry, 111., July 27th, 1875. A . R E I D , --DEALER IK- WOODSTOCK, ILL., Has determined to give his customers the BEST VALUE for their MONEY to be oh- tained anywhere in the County. In order to do so.he has Reduced his Prices! Materially, and opened a Beautiful Stock of themosjt desirable new styles of urn AND GENTS SHOES, He is confident of his ability to satis­ fy and please all those who will take the trouble to call and inspect his Goods and Prices. Remember the place, East Side Public Square, Woodstock. A; REID. Woodstock, I1L, May <30th, 187G. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Sloes For the Spring & Summer trade which I can and will sell at prices that DEFY Competition. fty At.t. Goods Warranted as repre­ sented. Call and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, Opposite Perky & Martin's Store McHenry, 111. BAYLIES. GREAT Mercantile College, Keokuk, Iowa, on tin-. Mississippi. Prof. Wm. 11. Miller General Manager. Nineteenth year. About sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership lloafrt and Stationery. HoMckeei>ers, l'enman, Hemtrters Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly Htted. English branches free. Free Lectures l)y eminent Orators. Free Festivals with ttrass Hand in College Ilall. Free furnished rooms for self boarding. Telegraphing free. Short hand writing iree. (Jood 1>oaraing clubs and family lioard. Railroad fare deducted. Immense business in Keokuk. No vacation. Address Itaylies College, Keokuk, lowu. Stale where you saw this advertisement, ^ Chicago & Jocth-iWes ttAttWAY. passengers for CHICAGO, Detroit, Toledo: Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, PfttsbnrKi Cincinnati, Rochester, Albany, Toronto, Mon| treal, {Quebec, Portland, Jioston, New YorkJ? Philadelphia, toltimore, Washington, Sft, «. Og. Bluffs, , )>a, Me. naslia, Madison, Chevenne, Omaha, Yankton. Winona, Duluth, (rteen Biiy, Milwaukee, an«l all points North, West, South aud East.shoukl bny their tickets via. the Chicago ft Nortli-Weitern Kail way. Close connections are made at Chicago with the Lake Shore & Michigan Sonthelii, Michi. fan Central, Baltimore & Oliio, Pittsburr ort Wayne & Chicago, Kaukakee Line ana Pan Handle Routes, for all points EAST and SOUTH-EAST, and with the Cliicairo Jfc Alton and Illinois Central for all points SOUTH. Close connections are also made with the Union Pacific R. li. at Omaba for all far Weak points. Close connection% are made at junc­ tion points with traina of all cross roads, Pnllinan Palace Cars. These celebrated cars are run on all night trains on all the lines of this read. This is the ONLY LINE running these cara between Chicago and St. Paul or Chicago and Milwaukee, At «' >i rim la our Sleepers connect with tho Overland Sieepera on the Union Pacific ltaili' road, lor all points west of tho Missouri River. Among the .Iiiuemtr ofTereft bf this Route to the traveling public are all the modern irn- provements: Rock and Gravel Ballasted Tr Steel Rail, Rock and Iron Bridges, Parlor P« [irovements: Rock amiGraveL Ballasted Track. an». Dmwing Room Dav (Joachoti, Smoking and Lounging Cars, Westinghouse Sfifty Air' Brakes, Miller's Patent Safety Coupling and Platforms, Speed,-Safety and Absolute Com­ fort. Burning through Five Great States, and operating over 2,0<)0 miles of road, thife Company presents to the traveler facilities that A1{]R NOT and CANNOT be offered by any Competitor. All tickets agents can sell you tickets via this route. If you wish the best traveling aecommoda. tions, you will buy your tickets uy this route, and will take no other. ^ MABVIN HUGHITT W. H. STENNETT, General Supt. Gen'l Passenger Agent 1 8 7 6 PHILIP &IESELER, At his new Store, near the Depot, ia now read If with ttie Largest And Best Stock of Goods I Ever brought to this market, ton which lam prepared and will make prices that will Defy all Competition. My 8tock Consists ia. part of Dry Goods, ClotlL Gmn, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, &C., To which I invite the attention of tl^e bnyinc public. lalsokcopon band a large and welv selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinds, to which "the attention of the- Ladies is especially inv ited. Call and see. PHILIP GIESELER McIIenry, I1U April 3d, 1876. For President in 1876 THS MAN WHO SETS TH&M08T VOTES. And the Man wlio gets thel MOS*F „ GOODS for his money, buys of "(SrocKe&OK TO G-fTnoMBSOM,) ffiffiiDA, - - ILUNOift Larpst Stout Best Assortment, LOWEST PRICES. B^^The Stoek is New a»d Larger ani Consists of Dry Goods, Clothing-, Boots and Shoes, Hate and Cups, Choice Groceries, &c., &c. *S"Give m%a Call and Save Your Money^ by bnying Goods Cheap. L. ROf HGERBER. Nunda, 111., Nov. 30th, 1875. NED ALHAMBRA. This highbred trotting Stallion will stand the season of 1876 at the barn of E. M. Owen. Ned Alhambra was sired by C. S. Dole's A1 hambra, dam Norma by Little Douglass he by a grandson of American Eclipse. Dmle'V Alliambra was got by Clay 's Membrino Chio; he by Membrino Paymaster, by Membrino oui of a mare, by imp Paymaster. Membrino wai a son of imp Messenger, the sire of Abdallal and the grandsire of Rysdyck'sllambletoniaiii ROBT. GOSLING, Proprietor, j BARNEY SEARCHER, JR This thoroughbred Colt was sired bv Bamc Searcher sired by King Searcher by Si' Henrv bv Margrave by Ecl'pst by Duroc ou of Gillett's celebrated mare Damsel sirwl b Messenger. Harney Searcher's dam was sire bv Young Weasel he by Weasel he byimportet Hlack Hawk. His dam was a full-hloode Bhick Hawk mare. This Colt can he seen a the village of McIIenry. lie is owned am was raised by the subscriber. JOHN jr. HASH. For Sale. The Wheeler farm, situated ftflfrods sonth o the village plat of McHenry, containin 200 acres of prairie, and 80 acres tiinbei with a good brick house, cistern, two pumpi and usual apendages, Also 150 acres of tim ber joining the village of McIIenry on the easi together with the personal property. Inquir at the premises, or address J., McIIenrv. P. S. Household furniture, etc., togethc witlrai'tual jiossessiou can be had furwith b purchasers. '

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