Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1876. Railroad Time Table. OOTXO socffi. Geneva Lake Passenger.. Olscoctte Passenger... . Geneva Lake Freight. «enMaUkeFS^ CKscnette Passenarer .. • .-J* Geneva Lake Passoncer. .7:25 A. M» .8:85 A. M ... ....1:35 1'. M, • .10:00 A. WJ ^..*.,.5:45 P. M; -7 ;05 p. M* MASONIC. -T McnKyRT CHAPTER No. 34 R. A. M.-Resni- ? Convocations on the second an<t t miayd iu each month. ft ' H. O. Inisn H. P. O. W. OWES See.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning -at K>K A. M. 8nn<ln v School at 12 A.^1. WM. PAOK, 8U per- lntendent. Servircfi at Rincvood at 2 P." M. •F.J. BARIIIAN has started a new Cigar Manufactory in this village. Hlg Factory is designated in the In-* t«rnal Revenue offiee as No. 171. EXCHANGES are full of warning against tricks of wandering , peddlers. People of good sense trade with home merchants, and know what th^y. are buying. .. r ' '•INSPECT your silver quarters." saj-S . an exchange. That is a duty some of ns have fteglected of late, and for a reason too melancholy to be given to the vulgar world. WE are under obligations to Mrs Orson Bugbee, of this village, for two boxes of very fine Strawberries, left on our table. They were the finest we have seen this year. POLITICAL matters are rather quiet yet, but will be lively enough within the next six weeks. The old war- 'horses are beginning to sniff the con­ flict from afar,, and are filling up with political thunder. WE promised our readers thp Pro­ gramme for the Fourth of July celebra­ tion in this village this week,but as the Committee of Arrangements have not as yet been able to complete it we are obliged to defer it until next week. LEWIS WAITE presented us on Mon­ day willi a box of his June Cherries, for which he will aceept thanks. It is an undisputed fact tint Mr. Waite raises some of the best cherries to be found in this section, J. J. GILLIS is making a great im­ provement in what is known as the old Stoddard Store, in this village, besides building an addition, entirely remod­ eling the interior of the old part. When completed it will be a great im­ provement on the former old rookery. THIS is the time of year to get up early in the morning, take a brisk walk oy a ride before breakfast, and return with a good hearty appetite, ready for business, feeling far more refreshed and invigorated than if the best hours of the morning had been spent in bed. THE FOX River Base Ball Club of this village have received a response to their challenge of two weeks ago, from the Woodstock Club, t<^play one week from next Friday, the Sbtlu The lovers of the great National Game may look for an interesting game on that occa­ sion. 1 COL. LIPPINCOTT has sold his Fox Lake Resort to Hon. E. A. Small, of Chicago. The Colonel has reserved his residence, steamer and boats, and with his family will remove to the Lake for the season in a few days. Mr. ,Small and family will also remove to Fox Lake in a short t^ne. WE are requested to give notice that Mr. John Garver, of Richmond, will Lecture at Wauconda on Sunday after­ noon next. Also at Volo in tlieeven- lng» at the M. E. Church. Subject-- "Intemperance, Its Causes, with Omens of Its overthrow." Give hiri a full house. FRANK SAYLES, who resides on Tlick- ory Point near the Elgin Club House, on Fox Lake, advertises a Social Party to take place on Thursday evening of this week, the 22d. Good music, a good Supper, etc., will be furnished. It is expected that one or both of the Steamers will run up on that evening. OWING to the bad weather the Steamboat excursion advertised for Thursday last was rather a slim affair, but few daring to venture out. Those that did go, report a pleasant time. It is hoped that it may be repeated at no distautday under more favorable circumstances, The Steamer "R. Em­ erson" took a fishing party to the Lakes the same day. THE opening Party at the Riverside House on the evening of July 4th, un­ der the direction ofthe new landlord, will be one of the events that will be Jiighly eiyyytfd by the old patrons of this House, and the dancing publicgen- erally. With the large a$d commodi­ ous Hall and the best of music, those who love to trip the ltght fantastic toe cannot fail to have a good tica^ ihe Riverside House on the 4th. THE entertainment for the benefit of the Cemetery, was, notwithstanding the inclement weather, well attended, ami highly enjoyed by all. During the evening the following named gentle­ men were appointed a committee to expend the money in the improvement ofthe Cemetery: Henry Colby, F. K. Granger, E. M. Owen, and Dr. H. T. Brown. Henry Co?by was' appointed Treasurer. After pitying all expenses about #30 was put into the treasury. : MR. WKTIEU, the new landlord at the Riverside House lias taken posession, is tuitting etcrvthing in shape as fast as possible, and will open the House on Monday next for the accommodation of the public. He isaholdind experi­ enced landlord, and promises that the Riverside will lose none of its former popularity under his control. We be­ speak for him a liberal patronage by the public. TiiV. thoroughbred Colt, "Ammadus." whose record of Races can be found in another column, is owned by Al. Han- kins, of Chicago, and is, without doubt, one of the finest blooded Racers to be fouud in this section of the countrj'. He is Ave years old, a bright bay color, and in short ono of the handsomest thoroughbreds we ever saw. No lover of a good horse should fail to see him. He can be seen at the Ilankins barn in this village. Read his record.' WK have^received Volume 1 No 1 of the Elgin Daily News, published by the Elgin Printing Company, Dudley Randall, Editor. It is a handsome four cokrmn sheet, ami presents a neat and tasty appearance, typographically and otherwise. Dud Randall is one of the best local writers in Kane county, and the fact that he is the Editor of the new sheet is a sure guarantee of its success. He was the founder of the Bally Bluff City, and while he had charge of its columns It gained a circu­ lation second to no paper of its size in the Northwest. We wish him success in his new enterprise. THE tickets for the Party Parker House. ou the '•HONOR TO WHOM HONOR 18 MJK." EDITOR PLAIN DEALER.--I see in your last issue that somo: person under the ficticious name of "Athlete", has tried to place me in no x^ry favorable light before your readers:- Now I wish to tell mv story in regard to the matter and then I.think a little of the censure will go on the other side of the house The night the "Athlete" ran aground, Mr. O. Bishop broke the engine and started for McHenry with the parts broken with the intention of getting them repaired bofore returning. I started for McHenry In the morning a foot thinking that I could reach that place before he got ready to return, but when I got in town I learned that he had gone back with a team, aud that the "R. Emerson" had gone up to the Lakes. I had been up all night with nothing to eat, aud after getting my breakfast it was my intention to find some way of getting back to the Point and do what I could towards helping to g«t the "Athlete" afloat. But on coming up town 1 learned of remarks Mr. B. had made in regard to myself that led me to believe that riiy services were not needed, and that it I did go back I would receive nothing but abuse for my pains. Consequently I did not go near him. In regard to ;the running of the Steamer aground it was simply an ac­ cident, that under the circumstauoes might have happened to any {one, no matter how well acquainted witil the channel, as the wind was . blowing perfect gale at the time. That 1 stood around the street and laughed at his misfortune I pronounce utterly false. Before "Athlete" takes up the cud­ gel again he had better post himself in regard to the facts. "Honor to whom honor. is due," is all we atk. "Only this and nothing more." C. P. WAITS. Mia Good dinner 25 cts,, Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. at • the eve­ ning of July 4t.ii, have been issued, and mine host, Parker & Son promise a good time to all who favor them with their presence on that occasion. Major Neviil's & Kretlow's celebrated Mili­ tary Baud of Chicago, have been en­ gaged to furnish the music, which is an assurance that that part of the pro­ gramme will be complete, while all who ever attended parties at this House know themselves that the Messrs Parkers spare no pains on such occa- ions. Tuesday evening July 4th is the date. THE Marengo Republican mentions the names of D. A. Stedman, of Maren­ go, and Mr. Hildreth, oi Chemung, as prospective candidates for the office of Sheriff of this county. Besides these we have heai'd mentioned the names of Mac Church, the present incumbent E. E. Thomas and S. Van Curen, of Woodstock, Henry Ehle, of Hebron, and Wm. Huffman, of Nunda. UP to the time of writing, Tuesday evening, it has rained almost constant­ ly for the past nine days, and the roads ^are reported as horrible, while farmers are becoming somewhat discouraged in regard to their crops, especially those on low land. The oldest inhabitant cannot remember of ever having so much rain before at this time of year. A newclerk of the weather is a thino- much needed just at this time. (® Notwithstanding all talk to to the contrary, the New Era can dis­ tance all others in the price of job work and at the same time guarantee its work to be satisfactory every time.-- New P'rct. * If doing a Job where the actual cost is over #<i0 for #49,75 ts "distancing all others."' for our pait we are willing you should keep on "distancingIf the Elder had *>got some School boy to figure for him he wouldn't have cut down that 25 cents for fear somebody, who couldn't figure closer than he did, might bid fix'ty dollars, "If ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise." We won­ der if the Fair Posters will be done in Chicago? Centennial Exhibition. The McHenry School will give an exhibition at the school house on Thursday evening, June 29tli, 187G. The exercises will consist of Declama­ tions, Dialogues aud Tableaux, with music interspersed. The whole to conlude with the humorous farce "llow's your Uncle." Admission 15 cts. Doors opeu at 4ialf past seven. Exer­ cises to begin at Eight. The public are cordially invited to be present. Splendid Root Beer Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. » Raptlut Association. . EDITOR PLAINDISALER :--I am sorry we did not insert last week » notice of our Baptist Association which con vened in Wauconda last Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. J. Wheeler and wife of this village were present. Notwith­ standing the inclemency of the weath­ er some pronounced it the best meet ing of the kind ever held in our vicin ity. The liberality of Wauconda is unsurpassed by any previous meeting, and much credit is due the young la­ dies for the very appropriate manner in which refreshments were served at the llali at all hours. The church was very tastefully ornamented with gar­ lands of evergreen and flowers. Chi­ cago was very largely represented and by some of its most eloquent divines, Blackall, Goodspeed, Anderson, North up, and others too numerous to men­ tion. The Chicago Association em­ braces 27 churches and lias a member­ ship of over four thousand communi­ cants. It includes only a. minority of Chicago churches, most of them being included in the Fox River Associa­ tion. The Rock Riyer Association convenes at Rockton Juue 21 and 22. Our. citi­ zens are always cordially invited and welcomed to all our meetings. YOUR ST'RSCUIBBB. Dinners 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee Bakery, EDITING a paper is a nlc8 business. If we publish jokes people say we are rattle-headed. If we omit jokes they say we are an old fossil. If we publish original matter they "cuss" us for not giving selections. If we pv^blish selec­ tions folks say we are lazy for not writiug something they have not read in some other paper. If we give a man a complimentary notice we are censur­ ed for being partial. If we do not give complimentary notices folks say we are a hog. If we do not cater to the wishes of the ladies the paper is not fit to make a bustle. If we remain in our office and attend to our business folks say we are to. proud to mingle with our fellows. If we go out they say we never attend to our business. If we do not pay our bills promptly folks say we are not to be trusted. If we pay promptly folks say we stole the money. If we wear poor clotl-es folks say that busi­ ness is bad. If we wear good clothes they say we never paid"for them. Now what ar6 we to do P , Dinners Woodstock 25 cents Yafikee Bakery, NUNDA. EDITOR PLAINHEALER :--We are the recipients of a vast amount of wet weather and at present writing, of quite a low temperature. The farmers complain of the ground being too soft to work their corn and the weeds are taking quiet and peaceful possession of their felds. Crops are looking very well in this vicinity. Much interest was manifested by our citizens the past week in the workings of the Cincinnati Convention,and much speculation as to the final result, and but few anticipated the nominations as made but most all are willing to con­ cede that Gov. Hayes is a strong and good man. Quite a number of our citizens at­ tended the Deciple's meeting held at Fort Hill, in Lake county, on Saturday and Sunday and report a small attend­ ance. Wet weather the cause most likely. My faith in their doctrine would have had to have been much larger than a grain of mustard seed to have tempted me to buffit such weath­ er as was meted out to us on Saturday and Sunday to attend a Quarterly meeting at such a distance from home. Hie Principal of our common school failed to put in an appearance this week. What is up P I hope the schol­ ars all liketl him! TYRO. Dinners 25 W oodstock. cents Yankee Bakery, NOTICE. In consequence <ft the resignation of the Secretary and Treasurer of Mo- Henry Cemetery, notice is heijpby given that .an election of three Trustees and a Secretary and Treasurer will be held at the Village Hall, on Saturday evening June 24th, at 7 o'clock. All stockholders are-requested to be pres­ ent and elect a new board for the ensu­ ing year. . R. BISHOP President of the Board. JOHN M. SMITH has just received a fine lot of Sheep Shears, and those in need of such will do well to cadi and examine them.. ? WOODSTOCK. ERRTTOR PLAIN*DEALER:--A week of dailyJainDtfinost constant rafn, with oc­ casional scalding sun, followed by tool. at present, what might be called, cold weather, marks the interim, since our last writing, iti this locality.? The National Republican Convention has met and done its work, *in a­ ner certain to be ratified at the polls next November by the American peo­ ple. While there was a marked differ­ ence of opinion in the choice of our standard" bearers there was an equally marked determination to select no man or men whose record had not the seal of Republicanism stamped npon his every official act, whose private life and whose reputation both pabllo and private, would stand the test iu the crucible of an unscrupulous opposition. While w£ in Illinois would have pre- fered Blaine, Ohio prefcred Hayes, and was Seconded by a suflicient number to nominate him, and the congratulations he received from every opposing can­ didate, the first one coin in;* from Blaine himself, are*all significant and foretell tlie unanimity and zeal with which we entef the Centennial cam­ paign, and witlfbur Platform pledging indemnity and protection to all o»r citizens whether rich or poor, high or low, black or white. North or South, foreign or native born, at home or abroad, with Hayes umf Wheeler for our standard bearers, with the eternal principles of Justice and humanity inscribed upon; our banners we are inarching on to sure and certain victo­ ry and the sooner the opposition real­ ize the fact, the less keenly will they feel their defeat. "Bart" Austiu made a raid upon our School a few days, before the close of thj* term,and bore off captive one of the teachers, and it is currently reported that another young man encouraged by Bart's success, has well matured plans laid for capturing another. This busi­ ness was inaugurated about a yedr ago by one Luman T. Iloy and unless there is something done about it our board of education will need to hire teachers of less attraction and personal worth or our school will nocessarily suffer frequent interruptions. Nevertheless*, our people exercise a good deal of for- bearauce and the happy couples have the best wishes of the community. ["Bart," a couple of dozen of pure Havanas will settle this matter now. Otherwise war is inevitable and let it come.--ED] On Friday Prof. Kline completed his years engagement and the question of his continuance for another year was considerably discussed on our streets. And judging from the general tone Mr Kline has many warm friends and not a larger percent of fault finders among the patrons of the school, than usually falls to the lot of the Peda­ gogue. Whatever the Board consider proper will be acquiesced in on the part of our citizens. i On Saturday Elmer Willis, son of W. N.Willis, Deputy County Surveyor, brought to town two genuine bald eaglets, about one fourth grown, which he captured on his fathers farm about four miles east of this city.. The eaglets were purchased by Delos Blakeslee and E. W. Blossom. It seems ominous of good to our country that these birds should put in au Appearance in time for our Centennial Celebration. Virginian No. one thinks Virginian No. two owes him Five Dollars and undertakes to "take out of his hide." gets badly scratched, a black eye, is taken before the Police Magistrate, fined $3 and cost by Justice Church, and makes up his mind that the pay comes out of the wrong hide.,, Voices of Consolation; to holler "can't you seo a hole In the side walk" when one falls through a scuttle care­ lessly left open. We of Woodstock are glad to seo that "The Riverside House" Is toj be reopened and Mr Weber will be likely to receive calls from our pleasure seekers during the fishing and hunting season and other occasions, and when we have tried him and *'know how it is ourselves" we will publish it to the world how splendidly we fared. Our Yankee Baker says he never "threatened to make a cheese factory of your carjass" and if there is such a thing as getting satisfaction he is bound to have it, since he is unable to meet half the demands of his custo­ mers who have read your article, and that to tell the truth judging by the way Editors eat, a stomach pump would be more appropriate than a cheese press. L. P. SQUARE. iMIittihli . -v-i-sr-a c. d 9*0 KKWAKD. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- I learned for the first time through the columns of your paper of the outrage perpetra­ ted by some fiend, as yet unknown, in your Cemetery. I will pay $25 to any person who will give information which will lead to the capture of this human Hyena. Such contemptable craven acts strengthen faith iu total depravity and a literal eternal Lake of fire and brim­ stone. Nothing but the malevolent malice of a malefactor could incite such wanton viciousness. If swift-hand­ ed human justice is insufficient to con­ vict and execute a suitable penalty up­ on the dcsecrators of the resting place of the dead, whel*e else can we hope that such incarnate depravity will be avenged unless there will be a future absolutely eternal, hell. R. D..$COTT. nARK. Listen to the invitation all ye weary souls.come and find a refuge at Ford's Fine Art Gallery fpoin all the cares and trials of this ertrthlf tabernacle, and while you have the peaceful expression of pbrfect rest, jus tallow him to catch the reflection > of your countennnce. His prices are reasonable, ranging from $2 to §8 per dozen, according to the size and style of the picture. He Is do­ ing fine work nowt having recentlyefi- gaged the services' of Miss A. M, Woodward, an Artist of rednad taste and skill, one who cannot bo excelled In the Art, which fact can be ea^ly proved by visiting the Gallery, and examining the work lately dono there. Extra pains taken with children. All pictures guaranteed to be satisfactory, other* wise the money will be refunded. Now do- not stay away On account of dark ox rainy weather as the Gallery is well fitted with Sky and Side lights, there­ by avoiding all difficulty arising from the same. A specialty made of Copy­ ing and Enlarging pictures. All those wishing pictures of their friends to be Copied do not fail to call, you will be more than repaid. Headquarters for Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views at B. A. Ford's Fine Art Gallery, Mc­ Henry 111. AT AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that th» Old Town House building, situated on the Public Square, in the village of Mc­ Henry, will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, July 1st, 1876, at oneo'clock P.M. By Order of the Town Board. F. BEST of the McIIcnry Bakery now makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmotul Mondays ami Thursdays, Volo and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We cftti assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doore anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies' Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best in the market at L. Stod­ dard's, A lot of the finest Sheep Shears ever brought to tills market, can "be found at John M. Smith's.. Go and see the piles of new Goods being received daily at P. D. Smith's, at SiuilhBros. old stand. FRUIT JARS. All sizes, at L. Stoddard's. The new American Sewing Machine, tlio best in the murkot. They are war- ranted in every particular, run easier, aud make less noise. Call and see them. O. W. Owen, Agent. If you want a No 1 Pair of Sheep Shears go to John M. Smith's, at the Post Office. Business Notieefc. Strawberries dittf cream YMdirt Bakery, Woodstock* Croquet Sets from w*e r m» if O.W.Owen's. - . SALT! SALT I Fresh Salt for sale at Otfr at$1.60per Barrel. SMITI^ & SxtuBB A bran new Orgau at O. W:. Owei/f for 0100. *** Dress Good* of _ ce8 to please, at BuckliII & Stevens'. ||P Best thing In Plows. Call and ae«.^| K. M. Own*. A fbtl line of Clothing at Backlln # Stevens'. A full suit from 06,60 up. One two-seated Democrat Wagon ftp sale cheap. . 0* W«- OWENtgf DJimert IS Woodstock. eeuta Yankee It is the universal testimony that the Rochester and Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them a trial. p. D. SMITH. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern ami well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. For parti culars address or call'on D. A. POTTKR, P. M., " ~ Richmond, 111. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Pure Bred Dominic Fowls. 1 shall be prepared to furnish a limited number of settings of Eggs from the above breed of Fowls, which are ac­ knowledged by all to be the best layers in the country. Eggs can be obtained by calling at my farm, 4 miles South­ east of McHenry, or orders can be left at the PLAINDEALER Office, which will receive prompt attention. Price 5§ ents per dozen, H. T. DOLBKER. Groceries art Panic I'ffwi Granger's, at Howard & Sou's If yctti want any kind Of Fftfm imp!** meutsor repairs oail6n E/M/Ovfen. Ladies i'les in great varftftj. very cheap, at BuCkHn A $t«Venb'. The Blanchard am! Emmet t Chtmjjlf the best in the market, jfor Sale bf O. BISIiof/ The Union Corn Planter, the best hi market, for sale by L. Frauctsoo*- Shop opposite the Parker House. CHEAPER THAN EVER. All kinds of Goods at Buuklin & Stevens'. A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain beats them all. For sale at P. Smith's. JtfeW arrival ofClothiig'andltatfHtld Smith's. r: Co.'s Boots and ShflUff five perfect «atisfactfoii< >tevens'. - - L Cents Yankftftj Bakery, Caps M. Selk & warranted to J at Bticklin 6s I Dinners 35 Woodatfocfe. If yoli tf'ant an extra,good SliaVWor. If air Cut, call on Charley, at thfe Paffce# House. A splended Piano to Kent on rearipo* tfble terms. , O. #. OWii. AMfetiry ItL Jan. 11th, lWB, Remember that Bucklin Sfeve'nt ' ofter their goods at the y'tftf fowesfc living prices,and pay Cash tost BufcteY and Eggs. ItATS! HATS? A cart load just received* at Buteklidf"^^ & Stevens', at very low prices. ' Good dress Prints, fast colon^Mdy C cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. } Dinners 25 cents Ylukee Bakaryj* Woodstock. -a -- ,>1$ MONEY TO LOAN* ,m On One. Ttoo an*d*fhree Years tffa#;- Inqulre or J. W. (,'RISTY^ * RingwoodJ^llfr June 14th. 1870. Elegant patterns of Notlnffhanr _ tain Lace from 20 cts., and upward!# Also a new invoice of Wall pap«r atuf window shades, at very Ipw prices. 1\ D. SMIT1L Dinners 9S Woodstock. cento Yankee To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, "R. EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public gener­ ally. that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make Jrips to aud from Pistaqna and Fox Lakes, and also Wilniot, Wis., on short notice and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time can do so by mail or telegraph, by address­ ing. SNYDER & CLARK. JUCHKKBT, Irx., April 24th 187ff. DRESS GOODfii* New and desirable shade* Plaids, Moliairs, Melanges^ at P. D. , Smith's. Siakerjv i:«M ft# Kef* A SURE CURE FOR DIARRHCEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family iu Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea. 1 tried everythingthat was recommen­ ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus1 Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved it to be equally as good for billions com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries oft'the bller aud gives warmth to the chikfed veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. JOHJT PEXMAN SEN. Town of Seneca, McHenry Couuty, State of Illinois. : <«• Subscribed and sworn before me this £8th day of September 1875. E. BALDWIN J. P. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. ' Another tumble has taken place in Railroad fare from Chicago east, the fare now being to New York #13, to Phildelphia 012, and to other prom­ inent points proportionately low. If you want to get the latest stytoan|P be»t quality of Photographs «ali if Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McHeury%t lily- Price only 02 per dozen. - . " . ; NOTICE;- - xj • j All the Notes and account* At ihf ': late flrin of Smith Bros &Co« ar& HOMT in the hands of John M. Smith Esq^ for collection. AU persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said flriif will do well to call and settle' the sam# without delay. •' •>.. / P. 8. SMTB,- McHeary April 1Mb EGGS FOR HATCHING. . From Pure Blood Brown I-egfeorr# Fowls and one of the best strains to hst* fouud in the United States. As layers' the Brown Leghorns have no equals^ Price per dozen 02. AH orderfr prompt* ly attended to. Address. Tiios. WHITSOK, Woodstoak, 411, FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lotii and aore' Property, In and adjoining the Village' of McHenry, that has heretofore bee it' held out of market, which I am1 riow selling to those who will build antM' improve, on very reasonable term*. E. M. OAfEN; YACHT FOR SALE. F. This Yacht was built last season by Lobdell Bros., and is one of the best iu> the Northwest. Can be seen on Longf Lake. For further particulars and' terms call on or address,C. & L.f.obdell' Vol6. 111. Residence iiv 'Vown o^'Gratito £ mile Soath of Long' Lake. PROPOSALS* Notice is hereby given th«t sealed' proposals will be received at the office' of the Town Clerk of tike Town of Me-" Henry, until 12 o'clock A. M., Saturday June 24th 1876, tor the building of a- bridge in roaa District No. one (l)-' (near John F. Smith's) McHenry, Plan* and specifications to be seen at the' office of Town Clerk, McHenry 111. , S, IL WALKSB )Oammissionerr G• ADAMS > OF '•••'< , - AL Wai^II \ Highway*- McHenry, June 13th, 1878, PATENTS. Persons desiring to t&ks ofct Patetttft, or 4*. siring information from the U.^.-Patent OIBo* should consult F. A- LEHMnVXN, SOLICITOR OF AMERICAN A^H PORRFGN PATENTS, Washington, D. C. Examination* "^ee. NO PATENT NO PAY. Send for Circal^-.

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