Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1876, p. 7

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A. MARVEL OF TATTpOINft. We Subject from the Ha 8UUM Chinese Tartars* [From the New York 8un.] i Capt. Geome Coetentenus, a deScexiS- it of a noble Greek family, from the province of Albania, arrived in New York yesterday in the Servia. From, head to foot on every inch of hu body, including even Ms gcalp and the soles of his feet, he is a mass of the most artistic and elaborately colored tatooing, in let- cl " err^tA ters, birds, signs, , fishei and figures of quadrupeds, lea, and reptiles. Capt. Cos- tentenus is tell, dark complexioned, of superb phygique, and about forty-live years of age. Me does not read Eng­ lish, but converses fluently in his own tongue, and jin the Italian, Arab, Turk­ ish, and Persian languages, and speaks a little French and German, and a few words of English. The climate here af­ fects him so that he keeps muffled in a coarse suit lined with fur, with a soft round cap pulled down over his fore- Ii.ea<L and a thick pair of gloves on bis hands. His heavy beard only partially conceals the tattooing on his weather- beaten face. Odnstentenuo' early history ia that of many Albanians. He has always been a soldier of fortune. In 1867 he and eleven others penetrated Chinese Tar­ tar- and sided with the rebels. The • pa ity were captured, and two or three were killed, and the rest were submitted from the Bonanza mines, being trims to Flood & O'brien's bank, and that over a hundred thousand dollars in value was intrusted to the custody of One man, and hauled around the streets like any other merchandise. I I l • • i l l ' ̂ I : - MART K. Dallas writes : " Th©--®#*- ment a girl has a secret from her mother, or has received letter she dare not let her mother read, or has a friend of whom her mother does not know, she is in danger. The fewer secrets that lie in tha hearts of woman at any age the It is almost a tost of purity. In girl­ hood do nothing that, if discover edby your father, would zoakv you blush. A* our request Oragin & Oo.t of Phila­ delphia, Pa,, have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fifteen cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob­ bins' Electric Soap to try. Send at anoe. Specialties In M edlcina. [From the Toledo BbuSeJ We publish on oar eighth nsge a length* article describing the -r notes, apdoUdfat Dr« IL'Y, Pi»reo, of Buffalo N, in which he sate forth with considerable force and ©leanness his reasons for devoting his whole time and attention to a single depart­ ment of medicine--the treatment of lingering chronic diseases. The same arttek ate® takcm &p tii© eubjecte of diagriaate, methods of con- oulUtion and treatment, etc., and will be found to contain many valuable hints to £he invalid. I*. Pieroo is the anthor of a work which has already attained a large circulation-- •' The People's Common Sense Medical *he Wonders ofMocfernOhemiatiy. SamBariUign Associates. OkaafM aalMaaatlUI aa TkcfDaOf QiiBralUrPitag a FewDoMaat DB. EADWArS Sargaparillian T.JR^»oIvenV tap GREAT BLOOD FCKI^EEB. J relish fcl rsiSSi UMQITAILID OFFER MONTH'S AMMtTNTWOlSr FREE! nli» nf IBtrength InoMtei food, no more coar *«»tfan. trom ita ter •hwntrwbtf dm through the JT no sslliment; ,-t t » • q • , .1 vmmuwsi mina nwuiuii Adviwr"-- ® ordeal of tattooing, which only containing some mne hundred iromerously- wo survived, Capt. Constentenus and a j illustrated pages, and devoted to medicine in Spaniard, who has since died. The ' operation lasted three months, and was performed daily. Six men held him down while a seventh wielded the tattooing apparatus. At the conclu­ sion of the operation he regained his health, and was freed by the Tartars, instead of making his escape, as was "re­ ported. This tattooing was done to warn out­ side "barbarians of the danger of pene­ trating the Tartars' domains. Nothing like the Captain's person has . ever been seen in civilized countries. By the side of his gorgeously embel­ lished cuticle the tattooing of Sonth Sea Islanders fades into insignificance. The material used was indigo and cinnabar, the former producing a black and the latter a red. At a first glance the Cap­ tain's body seems to be covered with a Turkish shawl, but a closer examination shows that the pictures in two colors are produced by unnumbered points. On his forehead are animals and inscrip­ tions, and on the face star-like figures. On the hsnds are numerous red points, and figures resembling sculptures, as well as long tailed, panther like shapes. The ears are absolutely the only part of the body free from tattooing, even the scalp being embellished. On the neck, chest, abdomen, back, and extremities, the skin is a mass of symmetrically ar­ ranged and admirably eieoutuu figures of monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, peacocks, storks, swans, snakes, croco­ diles, lizards, mingled with bows, ar­ rows, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Be­ tween the figures are words in Berminian in blue and red letters, and simple points or stars and circles. The origi­ nal skin is invisible* On the palms of the hands are indescribabls figures, and little figures are on the inside of the r. ingers. On the back sides of both feet to the toes are blue points, and from the toes to the nails are red lines. Alto­ gether there are 888 tattooed pictures on the entire body--on the forehead, 2 ; neck, 8 ; chest, 56; back, 37; abdomen, 52 ; upper extremities, 101 ; lower ex­ tremities, 137--yet the Oaptain is in perfect health. . jV • The instrument used in tattooing, the • * Captain says, was divided into three Sarts. The part holding the fluid was It like a pen four inches long and an . Inch and a half wide, coming down brass four inches long, and on top was a third Eiece, four inches long, of iron, with a nob at the end. The t&ree parts were Joined by capsules. The instrument was inserted between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand to guide it, and the right hand made the punctures With extreme rapidity. p ' The Captain has several scars on his " -person m evidence of his numerous en­ gagements, and these show plainly through the tattooing. He has seen erery" country in the world except 3* i America. He is going to the Centennial Exhibition. ' all its branches, a work well oftloolafced for the j guidance and infraction of the geople at ! large, and which may b® had for il.Wl *rpost­ paid) by addressing the anthor. Dr. !*We® has now been before the general public long enough to enable the formation of a careful estimate of the efficiency of his treatment his medicines, and the verdict, we are glad to know, has been universally favorable to both. Dr. Wdmhoft's Anto-Periodic ob Fe­ tish axd A®tje Tonic !--Wilhoft's Tonic has es­ tablished iteelf h the real In fallible Chill cure. It is universally admitted to be the only relia­ ble and harmless Chill medicine now in use. Its efficacy is confirmed by thousands of certifi­ cates of the very best people from all parts of the conntry. It cures malarious diseases of every type, from the shaking agues of the lakes and valleys to the raging fevers of the torrid zone. Try it! It has never been known to faiL G. R. Fiitlay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. FOB saw BY ALL Dbuocists. ,, ,- 1 Habitual constipation leads to the following results: Inflammation of the kid­ neys, sick and nervous headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, loss of appetite and strength ; ail of which may be avoided by being regular in your habits, and taking, Bay one of Parsons' Purgative Pills nightly tor four or six weeks. . ealm and andlttarbed simp, vigorous. 8. Disappearance of spots, blotche*, pimples; the *aota clear and healthy, the uiluw «;ii*ngea trc bid and cloudy appearance to a clear she color; water passes freely from the btaddm urethra without pain or senMtas, litUe or no pais or weakness, 4. Marked diminution of (nvelunf with «m . _ „ exhibited in the necMUMrJfen*,' •on?jpwtored to the fevfrafagKaSis, .,*• wMow tinge<0* we •Hteer tbp erseyeae uijr.saSroQ appearance of tfo» skin changed UTtljtnd healthy color. 6 Those suffering from weak or ulcss rated lunge or tubercle®, will reaUzfe groat beeaflt In espectofattng "j?'J'phlexm or mucous trom the 1 tings, ate cells, hroncai or windBipe.^broat or head ;»4tt pt Ui8 irt>iio«pcy of i|liajli.tP» Mji t f thmnefcani t|e mrtbtm a£*u*» of ilmjpi pains and feeling ef weakflfedi arotsnd tee ankles, lags, shoulders, etc.; cessation of cold and chills?sense of wl««tloi; hard breathing and^wraeyeroeoi M darf tta *«w •BBWAMf BJLl" 7 Shot Smaro including 100 Cartridges We warrant trerr Bavolver fall OtHbre. Hiokel plated (equal tb bUtbt in appearanoe and wear) ̂ 0- SSldl SUllfirv tn snv KimJ... Mcoracjr to aey Itevolvar ssade, «a over moniala oa Ale inaor Thisia the Weapon for FtMce, Bankers ami Household «M0. «*ut»WESTERNGUN WOfiKS, 69 SenbonSt, GUcago^ CT-^T OFF the c«» ' toaolaar. CERTIFICATE BELOW HBTURH WITH fS^IO. >* J WORKS CERTIFICATE* i nnsoqid n b, syphiUtio Ived away and jyinft down or aiWng in the nor bloed_ Improves in strength and purity, diseue wili dr- ininish, and all foreign and Impure deposita, nodea, TOBiors, cancan, ^ard lumps* W resolved away and sores. diSSPira 8. In cases when thn «wt«B has been rUlvatcd, and Mercury, Quicksilver, Cmrolra Sublimatf r(the princl- pal oonstitoent in the advertiaed 8arsap«H laa, aasocia^1 ed in some oasea with Hrd. of Potaasa) hav ) accumolat- ed and beoome deposited In the bones Joints, ate., causing caries of the bones, rickets, spini I curraturaa, swellings. Tartooea welne, etc., ths SAASAPAR1LUAN will resolve away these de­ posits and extMrntate the Ttma of the itiwao torn Uh •yaterr.. 9.JU thorn jwho aro taking thaaa medicine* for the com WE3TBRK QM V. -A- 33'oac, of 3PJjo.O Tarsef "' ® Pt- E1JrES'rf:GUN WORKS hereby agrees, on receipt of this Certificate and THREE DOLLARS, to One elegantly Mounted *ull Nickel Plated Seven Shot "BUFFALO BILL" REVOLVER, incladine aBa* of iooCartrieoesAnd also an EXTRA BOX of SUPERFINE TARGET CARTRIDGES, loaded with extra strong Rifle Powder and made e^S^ly 5or long range. These costly Cartridges are only presented to holders ot this Premium Certificate and not sold in any otherVky. A h i s o f f e r o n l y h o l d s g o o d f o r T h i r t y D a y s f r o m t h e d a t e s t a m p e d h e r e o n . ^ ^ • -- * - J J -- ^ • ' Th'rJty J,>^YSJro"i the date stamped hereon. Fill out address below in full and enclose it' with S3.QO to WESTERN GUN WORKS,_ 09 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, and you will receive the EXTRA Remit by Money Mne these medletnea ft* of Chronic, Scrofaloue or Syphilitio diseases. aH 6 0^ J U N E ^CAGO, Premium Box of Lone Ranee Tareet Cartridges. Bank Draft, or Expreis, aTSur hslu ^ TOUB JVa,me, Town,. County^ J<rt alow mis be the care lealth improving, thoir flsah feel Sitter,"and find their| ' ~ " sad w era! health improving, thoir flsah and weight incrsaallV or even keeping ita own, it is a sure sign that the core 6 progressing. In theee dtsessBe the patient either gsta better or worae--the virus of the disease is not inaetrra: if not arrested and driven from the blood, it will spread and continue to undermine the constitution Aa soon as the SARSAPARILMAJV makes the patient "feel better," every hoar yon will grow better and arease in health, strength and flesh. w! of this remedy la in dlseaata that Coniinmptioh »f the Luntsand S-crofnla, Syphiloid Pfces--, n*, uegeneratson, and Ulceration of the BlabetM. Stoppage of Water (instantaneous 1 whi " ' - - • - The great threaten death--as in Tuberculous Phthisis, . . w Wasting, I_)eKenoratton, and Ulceration of the these instruments^ Ohappbd hands, face, pimples, ring­ worm, B&ltrhenm, and other eutaneoue affec­ tions enred, and rougb. skin made soft and amooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap, Be care­ ful to get only that made hv flswwpll, Haajftrd & Co., New York, as there are many imitations made witk comiuau uu-, all of wbioU sre worth- A Printer's Dream. A printer sat in his office chair, his boots were patched and his coat thread­ bare, while his faoe looked weary and worn with care ; while sadly thinking of business debt, old Morpheus slowly round him crept, and before he knew it he soundly slept; an«, sleeping, he dreamed that he was dead, from trouble and toil his spirit had fled, and that not even a cow bell tolled, for the peaceful rest of his cow-hide sole. As he wan­ dered among the shades, that smoke and scorch in the lower Hades, he shortly observed an iron door, that creakingly swung on hinges ajar, but the entrance was closed by a red-hot bar, and Satan ^jfedmself stood peeping out, and watching for travelers thereabout, and with growl­ ing voice the echoes woke : " Come in, my dear, it shall cost you nothing and never fear; this is the place where I oook the ones, who never pay their sub­ scription sums, for though in life they may escape, they will find when dead it is too late ; I will show the place where I melt them thin, with red-liot chains and scraps of tin, and also where I comb their heads with broken glass and melted lead, and if of refresnments they only "think, there's boiling water for them to drink; there's the red-hot grind­ stone to grind down his nose, and red- hot rings to wear on his toes, and if they mention they don't like fire, I'll sew up their mouths with red-hot wire; and •tiien, dear sir, you should see them squirm while I roll them over and cook to a turn." With these last words the printer awoke, and thought it all a prac­ tical joke; but still at times so real did it seem, that he cannot believe it was all a dream J and often he thinks with a chuckle and grin, of the fate of those who save their tin, and never pay the printear. __________________ A nttmbkb of gentlemen lately from the East were congregated on a street corner in San Francisco the other day, when they saw a two-horse dray loaded down with what they took to be lead bars, stalled on Montgomery strtet. Great was their surprise when informed that the lead bars were silver bricks ay usea io advantage where any liniment is desir­ able. In cases of severe cramps and pains in the stomach, it is undoubtedly the beat article that can be used internally. ShatiTjKnbbbqeb's Ague Pills do not sicken the stomach or act on the bowels. One dose stops the chills, and vigorous health fol­ lows. Nothing in them to injure an infant. Fob general debility the good effects of the Vegetine are realized immediately after commencing to take it. Air. achenoK'i faimomc syrup, sea w«to Tonic and Mandrake Pills.--These medicines have undoubtedly performed more cures of Consumption than any other remedy known to the American public. They are compounded of vegetable ingredients, and con­ tain nothing which can be injurious to the human con­ stitution. Other remedies advertissd as cures for Con-' sumption probably contain Qpium, which la a somewhat dangerous drug in all cases, and if taken freely by con­ sumptive patients, it most do great injury; for its tend" ency is to confine the morbid matter in the system, which, of conrse, must make a cure impossible. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup is warranted not to contain a particle of opium; it is composed of powerful bat harmless herbs, which act on the lungs, liver, stomach and blood, and thus correct all morbid secretions, and expel all the dis­ eased matter from the bod?. These are the onlj- means by which Consumption can be cured, and as Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are the only medicines which operate in this way, It is obvious they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonary ! Consumption. Each botue of t'nia invaluable medicine j p a'uuuiDpoKicd by iuii directions. Or. Bchenok is pro" fosstonally at hie principal office, corner Sixth and Arch Sixtttii*, Piiuadoiphia, svery Mocday, where Alt letters tor advice must ha a4dmsi£^i, forded where oatheters have to be used, thus doing with the painful operation of usliMC these instraai dissolving stone In the bladder, aid in all cases of In- llammation nf the Bladder and Kidneys, in Ohtonfc cases of Leucorrhea and Uterine diseases. In tswBora, nodes, hard lumps and syphiloid nloers; b dropsy and venereal sore threat, ulcers, and In tubercle of the Snnm; in goat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, rickets fa mercurial deposita--it ia in these terrible forms o disease, where the human body has become a complet wreck, and where every hour of existence M toiiurt wherein this great remedy challenges the aatonishmen and admiration of the sick. It is la «uch cases, when all the ple&Mtres of existence appear CP' off from the unfortunate, and by ita wonderful, almoa* .npernatural agency, it restores the hopeless to a new life and new existence where this great remedy stands alone in ite might, and power. IfimtmnhM'S skl? diseases that every one is more Ot • iu'afew do8®» will In most cases, and* S^nent"cure™ m°m "««wated <onns, work a per. Those afflicted wlMi chronic diMiwwi sboTild Qtsnshaa® B on« dozen bottle*. Pnce $10 RADWAV8 R E A D Y R E L I E F % WELL AFFORD IiJSTANT EASES* «H?e aaae of Bearcat Express Ofice. lne filled Auger raised from the bottom of the well without lifting the shaft. Bores a 17 inch hole from 50 to 100 feet in one d»y. Can Boulders and Quicksand State,.... mike mny siie. 1 handled with ease. Complete Rig f too. ntory selling rapidlv. Send for Circular. O. RU Ter UST, Patentee, Macon, Mot $40 TO $60 tM BOSS WF.1.L A VGBH. Beres a hot©from 30 to 401uch@& in dtsms-ter,100 fees a day wbt- 8#nd for HHi(iir»t*d estalofoe. Klcvates (he 4lrt without removlaf thp elmfiing. O. MARTIN, Ftlt idt Proprietor, Bitomjhid, Aim, IfWMB'l Will A«|W bores 20 feet per hour, by one man and horse, Without lifting shaflinp. Bores from I to 4 feet in width. The Auger is fi !!<:d and raUed by horse and^ lowered by hand. Rights for sale. Circu­ lars free. A.W.lIorgu, Glenn's Bl'k Indiu>a|j«lis. LOSSINC'S/ oataav INFLAMMATION OP THE BOI. PALPrTATtON OF THR HEART. HYSTERICS CROUR DIPHTHMUA. B*ADACHE,^VlSR™MU®fAs . t W^URA^IA RHEUlrfATISMi ! GOLD CHILLS. AGUE ctilLLS. The application of the RE \DY RELIRP to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exist* will afford ease and comfort. < Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will. In a few moments, cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR 8TQM. AOH, HEARTBURN, S^OK HEADACHE, DEAR. RHEA, DYSENTHrV, COLIC, WIND ife TliH BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS, »,wa5"N carry a bottlo of RAD> WAY S RELIEF with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from change of wttor. n B ob Price @0 Centa. Sold by DR. RADWAY'8 RMLAHSPILU MNITIOJTATKS i.wih"-S *u author, or worthy to be pain I s e a f n h o t h E n g l i s h a n d f i e r m a a . O n e l a r g e a n d pPOiutelyftlluft(rated| yctlowpricedTolame. ^a'csthe contenUof«tiy other, splendidly illustntted aooouut of Approach* Uff OimadCcnte&ulalCelebr&Uon.AOKNTtt WANTtni Failjp\>wiogtntfire*t everywhere jo toe Mruiin^Dlitory M<nr apttatry :henc«,rar«chftnce for AeenU. Rend at once fordetertiH tfa»anAt«ias,u>S0AMMELL A CO.,ChlcaBo, III. DO YOUR OWN PRINTINCt NOVELTY PEIWTIH0 PRESS. K«»r ProfesKlonal nntl Amateur a*rlnt«T», SrltmilK, iioelfll*^, HI an. uftirttiror«, ill rrcliasti, smi otlicre itis the BEST -v.T imvntol 18,«©© i»s H»e. Ten stylos, Prices from $5.00 to ffilGO.OO BENJ. Q. WOODS <fcCO • Maiiuf rs and acalcrsin an kiudsof Printing Material", Bend stamp for Catalueue.) 49 Federal St. Boston. I HALF A DOlUtR Will Pay for tk« CHICAGO LEDGES For the Next Half Year. The Lsdobb la a larre 8-ns«e, GS-cnlumn, independent «w»papar. whffih no intelligent f«m% should be with. it, Meago, 111. "THE TBRiTOE" 1000 SOLD LAST SEASON WITHOUT ONE FAILURE OB REJBCTIOH This (a the famous Threshing- machine that haa "swept tha field " and created such a revolution in the trade, by its matchless Grain-Savino and Tims^av- ua principles. 7Hf„LsSB£w"MS^^VlBRATaE jpT" AIENTS! A S5 ARTICLE. Several are wanted In evet$r house. A purchase leads to a desire for our Sift. iaUorflOaitkle. ALe, Ofr1 WlK.Vr UTILITY. PhyafciMsss, Murvi'i, Scientists, and all M|iprov<: litem. No competiti.m to speak of. Full infor­mation on receipt of stamp. WAKEFIELD EABTH CLOSET CO., 30 Dey Street, New York. $12 &mMU t OO.s AasrasK, Maine. O K F*ANCY CARDS, new stries, with hum, Ma aSO postpaid. J.B. HusxKl), Nassau,Raaaa Co.,iCy. w AHTKD AOBlfTf. 3amjrtw *M ML A. OOULTfcR * 00~,0hloum KvS. fsiai" lib* 6 VERY dMlrahto NEW ARTICLBS for A»»ta. Manfati'r'd by O. J. Oapairall £ Oo.e OhsshlraTOonn. Profitable, Pleaisat work; imedrada now eai-plorad; iiutidisd* more wanted. M. K. LsnB, bit, Pi O PZ CARDS, 8 Tints, Name neatly printed, sent for OtJ 10 eta. Advertiser Steam Prass. Waterford.W.Y. AC fA (tOfl a dn ithoM. Samplaa worth 91 nnl 90 10 h«e. Stxkioh A Oo., Portland, Ma P0PHAM*B cpp/lllflfi iMt 1& t&t Werli. Tril1 ft«S. ASTHMA oifivlllV, t. popbam a co., 1# 8. «ta OA Extra Fine MIXED CARDS, with name, £i\3 IO cents, postpaid. L. Jones k Co., Nassau,N.Y. ABENT8 UfAftlTf*H I One or two good men in every ooutv> f*nil I Lu • Large salary to the right men. Par. ticuiars free. Variety Manut'u Co., Cincinnati, O. Perfectly tasteless, elegsatSs1 coated -wttli a wast Surge, reguato. esarlf^. ' ivv ikoGum of aH Sssordss-sol niS^Sr'J4*Bowels, Kidneys, BSadder, Har?!nj» Diseases, Headache, eonfetipatieu, 6ostlvoness Indires 1 llea an4 a11 Derangements of the ifff? Warranted to effect a positive care. W&SSSSt? °°ntfttatn®no merottry-miner^or lffitehet^S?^fgSl?toni' ""UlUn*; fTOm ..uonstipstlon. Inward Piles. F«fhs«Kc fhe Blood In Heartburn, le Stomach, at the Pit of the „ .lorried and Dif-n„<Tn,.„,i „ --Jtterlng at the Heart-, Ohokiuror huffocKtinfc Sensations when in a Lying PostureTlMm- i>f uS"m\ Web* irtsrom-the Sight! Fever KjiPa?1 Psl° th© Head, Deficiency of parspbatlon. oSJowgieso of slIig and Kvey. Pain in the Sid? unease, and Sudden Plusher of Heat. Burning i the Flesh. ' •--* AfewtoofRADWAY'S PILLS will fraeth above named disorders. Price & Ccmte per llSox. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Read " FALSE A1TD TRUE." worth thousands will be sent yon. . m ... _ R. 4 T. TonicMl&r Ofta iSfwd o/ j/.' rcj)ort laa&v oures w Pilion-n-r -v ^yfi>rr»sl», Fife#, Luo«t Liver, Bladder, KMurv hth! Hhxxi Female Phrii-eians e©y it never tails in ff MALI DISEASES atitS wcafeneseeB, " God-*cud to iomulvs. lictuccpathlo sisd Old Befool Phyeidana rcj^rt: "It acvrr/•_>{:*, she very mcdidnn' ffr children n»itf /-males." *' Tlie ouJv liquid Extract of Beef with TooIcm nn<) ('AthnrtteB will prowrihe." Price $! i«er RIGMAIBSIN * THUI08I, CIRCIRHATI, 0. ^ t ^ P R , S E P R£ss c F O U R S I Z L S C 0 1 S l N D Z S T A M P S f O R C A T A L O i . ' t J . C 0 0 K ̂ C o - M A N U F A f T U H E R o . WEST MER 1 D EN.CT. THE ENORMOUS WASTAGE of grain, so inatifoble vith other eU/let of Thretdiers, can be SAVED hi'this Improved Machinc, mjlictent, on tvmry job, to mors tha* pay all erpewe» of threshing. j *' FLAX, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN anf like seeds are threshed, eeparated, cleaned and saved W easily and perfectly as Wheat, Oats, Bye or Barley. AST EXTRA PRICE is usually paid for grain tnd Aeeds cleaned by (Mb niartitue, for extra cleaiuineM. IN THE WET GRAIN of 1875, these were substan> tlally the ONLY MACHINES that could run with profit or economy, doing fast, thorough and perfect work. when other* utterly failed. ALL GRAIN, TIME and MONEY wasting ticiis, sneta as "Endless Aprons," "Raddles" * 44Pickers," etc., are entirely dttpetued with; less than one-half the usual Gears, Belts, Boxes, and Journal*: ••Bier managed; more durable; light running; no coat- ly repairs; no duet; no" titterings" to clean up; not troubled by adverse winds, rain or storms. FARMERS and GRAIN BAISSSS who are moUti In ihe Sarge Baving mad« l>y It mil! act employ Inftu Her Bad wastofHl machines, but trill imiit oh fbia improved Thrcelier doing their work. FOUll SI2ES ssad© for 6, 8, 10 Mid Powers. Also a specialty of Ski and made bju>; TWO 8TYLBB OF It forte , 4as%ned specialty of Sepahatob*, ft BTI^K POWEB. . , « W0R8« POWERS, proved "Triple Gear," and oar "Spur Bpeed" bury Style), both " Mounted " on four wheels, IF INTERESTED in Threshing or Grain Raising. •Pl'ly to our nearest Dealer, or write to us for Illusti* ted CJroEter (sent free), giving full particulars of Siie^ Bty !•% Prices, Terms, etc. Nichols, Shepard & Co., BATTLE CRESS, MtOff. HALF A DOLLAR MU Pay forth* CHICAGO LBD6ER For the Next Half Year. The Ledger is a large P-page, BS-column, indepa Newspaper, which no intelligent fjitnilj' gh««W»t>a , out. The best Story Puubi-lirinted. Try it. . Address. THE LEDGER, ChlCAfea, T Tbe Enemf nf Blseaseetftici Pain to Man mid Beast, Is the GnuidOli • MUSTANG LINIMENT, ICH HAS ST P " " AF1 Till Ml TIE costiiw «mi., nw< or ,vw, nsis onea sm -- rtwman betngisnd rertortd tm WHICH HAS STOOD THE TEST OF4» YEAItsT. THERE IS NO SOKE IT1 NOT HKAL.NO LAMENESS I<~ ' NOT CI'RE, no AD ||E. NAVAIl ^•r coatliutasc. it life 1 $26 TO S50 PES III Can Actually be Hade witU «S.Well Auirer REVOLVERS!!.., I' ••• i. KimtL PT..TK. 8«WI CsSaJoaue Fu« Ad4iw> WESTERN OUX Ffmw BHOT Buffalo KU Rc^olvsr Beat with I X) Cart- $3.00 N FORTUNE can be made without cost or risk. Combination forming. Particulars free. Address BUllGES, Manager, Rawlins City, Wyoming. tfiif A MONTH and traveling expenses paid O 1. £O for S VbKSMKS. No peddlers wanted. Address MONITOR MANUF'Q CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. S350 A Month.-uteuti wanted. 36 beet sell­ ing articles in the world. One sample fre«k Address JAY BRONSON, Detroit, Mleh $444 Per month. Agenta Wanted. Business honor- r.'uf, luomttve, perniitnent. Particular* fraa. Aildresa, A. G. Nettletou A Oo.,Cliicaso, IU. OPIUM Describe case. Db F. E. MaJtsH, Quinoy, nial«. HABIT CURED AT HOME. No publicity. Time short-Terms moderate. 1,0(10 testimo. ~ ~ ' y, Mich. E A R N T THR i . E L 'rfttf BUST OFFER ever made JikN and LADIES. Addrsse, with stam SHERMAS TE!,. CO., OBERL1N,' E C R A F H to young $77 tic ;*«*". Wawliineetoii Memorial. New. Finest NationM picture issued. KxceJlant chance for Amenta. Territory open. WlTTE-man Bhos., is4 William Street, New York. Best Dressing for Ladies' Shoes. Satibfactiok Guarantied. trchaets, said for CIiBCTJUlB. ~ 18V B. ICiwKte St., Obiosfo. PEB WEEK OUARANTEED to Agaate. and Female. In their own locality. Mid OUTFIT FREE. Addwa .OKKRT A OO..Aosestk. Meinei Mind readino, pstchomancy. fascination. Soul Charming, Mesmerism and Lovers4 Guide* The Post and Mail. Uhpkecedkiitkdly low IiATKS for thk Cf.ntkm-HIAL Campaiun, cheaper than the cheapest, good as the beet. We will furnifth Thk Post ani> Mail, Daily I'dl-H o o . f " . . . . . .:d«-for the ensuing five months, at 'two DOLLARS. Sub. aciptioiiK to he niude at any time during the month of June. TheWkekly Port a m > Mail fur the same time, only forty cents! Uongidering the sire and quality of the editions of Thk Post a*d Mail, the prices above given defy competition. The uvial commission allowed to agents. Address POST AND MAIL OO., Chicago, 111 C AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ' E N T E N N I A L HISTORY OF THE U.S. _The great interest in oar thrilling hfetovr maWos this »ne fas test-selling book ever published. It contains fall account of the Grand Centennial Exhibition. CAUTION'. I l l You* Same Elegantly Print­e d o n 1 2 T r a n s p a r e n t V i s i t i n g ... . Cards, for 25 Cento. Escheardcontain: 8rfS??a Which is not vitihit aulil Sicld towards the Kothinglike themever before offered in America, Biginduce meats to Amenta. KaviLtr Pkihiimo Co.fAfhlutil.Mau owto btwhlm. Ho®' to sell him. How to train him. .I^ow to toll & wo ter. ANEW BOOK treat Interest to Hoi men. Sent hy mail SOcente. Address J. P.VIMCEST, Box 58. Qoicaoo. III. -Old, Incomplete and TTnreliable works yj ueinjr circulated ; see that the book you buy Klnf ICngrstvIngs and Pages. Send for circulars asid extra terms to Agents. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Chicago. Ill -r ANN ELIZA' Yomro. 1 . Dustlnt Oilman 4b Ot)., HsrtfcrS, Ct, Chles-MO. til*: CiaeiaaMl.'OMo, Blrtawli*, Va. YOUR own Likeness in oil colors, to show our work, painted 011 canvas, from a photograph or tin type, free with the Home Journal, $2.50 a year. Sample of ««'• worK.and paper, terms to agents, 4c., 10 cents. L. T. LUTUKK. MiU Village. Erie oounty. Pa. the world--Importers^ Company in America-- /--Trade continually in-creasing--Agents wanted everywhere--best inducements --don t wast© time- send for circular to ROB'TP WELLS, *3 Vesey St.. N. V P. O. Box 1^87. •0 W Expenses, ©r 9100 "m 'or'«itoa. AU the new and standard Hoveltlee. T'sctvim wd".!*. tn* *itfa Olrcnlars. LETOHEE; III Ohambws Straet, Hew York. OPIUM *°°- m Weshlngtoa St, Otds--« m. Cora gagmaeyi Www Ssseisjss.4; wasted ererrwiim LEARN TELECRAPHY. But before ^roing elsewhere to do bo, send for circulars of the N. W. Telegraph Institute, Janesrille. Wis., which is recommended bv Sup't of Western Union Telegraph Co. as the ooly roUAbl© icliool In th« West. ABOOKforthe MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE and (Chronic PwaA e. Cancer, CatarTli, Ilupturc. Opium Habit, &e., SENT FREE oa rcceipl olsUmp. Addreit, Dr. Baits'.Dispensary No. 12 N. 8th it., St. LonU, Ma N O A G E N C Y I N T H E W O R L D OF MEDICINE AND SUgiERY can compare with Collins' Voltaic Plaster tar every ailment and disease for which a plaster mar be worn. They never weaken or delude the poor sufferer. They carry comfort and happiness into every afflicted household. Try them. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER Is a Great Nerve Stimulant. It equalizes the Circulation. It subdues Inilammaloiy AetlOB. sepowgj 1 PORTABLE £ WE MEAN IT! And are prepared to demonstrate the OTTR AUGERS are operated entirely br HOHSK-PIHVEK. amlwill bore at the rate of BB FEET PUB HOUR. Thoy bore frtta 3 TO 6 FEET IN DIAMETEI, And ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They *p All kinds of Burth, Soft Sand anil •tone, ItituininouM Stone Coal, " Slate and Hardpan. And we MAKE THE BEST OF WELLS in SAND. ^ GOOD ACTIVE AGEWM Wanted! la < State and County in the United States. Send fort Illustrated Catalogue, terms, prices, &c„ our advertisements bona fide. Address SELTZER « 6REAT WESTERI WELl AUGER bflL " BLOOMFIELi, DAVI8 CO., IOWA. f"SUte in what paper you saw this adverOsemeafc. Outfits ft M>TPRIXTS or the (Isr O Eficc r Oovernment and History. OookspfkU*. Book, Bible and Map House, Chicj 00. It removes Pain and Sorens It strenjfthens t he Muscles. It relaxes Stiffened Cords. It cures Nervous Shocks. It is invaluable in Paralysis. »t removes Nervong Pains. t cures Spinal Weakness, t cures Epilepsy or Fits. prescribed by Physician®, indorsed by Electricians. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER tk\TS and a 3-cent stamp for 50 White Bristol Visiting Cards. Printed by a new process. No nicer ones ever seen. Prices never before named. Largest variety ever shown. All other kinds correspondingly low. Circulars, 3-cent stamp. Inducement* never before offered to scents. Territory fsst being taken. W.* C. CANNON, Box 879, Boston, Miss. 10 consists of Voltaic-Electric Plates of Silver and Zinc im­ bedded in a Porous Strengthening Plaster,improved and medicated according to recent discoveries in pharmacy. Diseases, like rivers, spring from small causes. The roaring river may not be easily diverted from its course, nor the neglected disease from its destructive work. Taken in time, disease, which is merely an interrupted function, may be averted by the use of Xature's remedy, Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient. It combines the medicinal properties ot the bast waters in the world. SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. RUPTURE Dr. J. A-. SIIKR.IIAN respectfully notifies tim afQteted to beware of traveling impostors who are going about the country sellins imitation appliances and pal^- onons mixture as curative compound, fraudulently pi^ tending to furnish his method, and thus endangering tha lives and causing irreparable injury to the unfortunate He has no agents, nor has he ever instructed any one ia his business. Dr. Sherman is row in Chicago, wbera those interested may consult him in person, and reap tba benefit of his experience and remedies. For his addreo^ see Chicago papers. Principal office, 1 Ann Street, awr York. Books, with < likenesses of cases betore and alte^ cure, mailed on receiotof luoents. • 1 O. N. U. lie. a* WHEN WRITING TO ADVKHrl!)KB» please say yam M« the MTtltUessa ia tbis paper. The union of a gentle and constant Electric Battery with the best Medicated Strengthening Plaster yet compound­ ed, for the trilling BUSH of <5 rents, entitles Dr. Collins to be considered a public benefactor. SOLD BY ALL. DRl'GGISTS. Sent by snail on receipt of 25 ets. Iter one, Sl.ttA for six, or 84.25 for Uvelve.tareftalljr wrapped and warranted, by WEEKS & PO'llL'EK, Proprietor*, Boston, Mass. IMITATION SOLD WATCNES, CHAINS AND JEWELRY " Priori, §15, SAO and gift .This metal has all the brlUiancy and durability of Gold. ln«".t'»i*»w»in *» eaoth Iadtoe1. Gents' and Boys' iSSTPatent Uvert. BtwOnlCajes «d Chronometer Balanee^ in appearance and for time to Gold Watcbea Ghauss from SA to §I9i eaeh. All equal in appearance and for time to Gold Watches. Chams from §4 to §14'each, latest styles of Jewelry at one-tenth the cost of Gold. Goods sent 0. O.I), by Ex pi ordering six, you get one free. Send Postal Order and we willjendUie Goods free of < stamp for our Illastrated Circnlw. Adtosjs OOlsIdBBP JOBTAXi CXOBY, 389 BroadwarTNew T«k Citjr. reaa; hy

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