1ST3 ,f^u?^.-v wit. i HJFM,UP)i« 'ijapjw » '.'{•« '.** •i. . : «ws ^%W<*B>*WIIWWN«WW< : ##f®; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th. 1876. Railroad Time Table. r.oixo sorni. Geneva T,aVe Passenger Cisc.oette Pasgen.irer. Genera Lake Freight... ! 7 :M A. M \ ...8:35.A. M. . 1:35 1*. M. GOING NORTH. Geneva T.nke Freight ."... ,10-00 A. M. Ciscoette Passenger • 5:45 r. M! Geneva Lake Passenger... V7 :te K M! MASONIC. MCTTENUT CTIAPTEU XO. 34 R. A. M.--RCMI »r invocations held on tho Recond and fourth Fridays in each month. ^ EL C. iBtsn FL P. O. W. OWES SOC.. CJIUltCII DIRECTORY. METTToni8T.--Kef. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Borvteos everv Sundav morning at 10V A. M. Sunday School at 12 A."M. WM. I'AOK, Super intendent. Services at liinnwood at 21*. M. E. M. DENNIS, of Waukegan, spent ^ Sunday last in this village. ICE CUEAM and Strawberries at Howard's new Restaurant on Saturday . evening. YE dancing pablic remember the Party at the Parker House on the eve ning of the 4th. AND also the one to be given at the Riverside House, which will be the opening party by the new landlord, Mr. "Weber. RKV. P. ARVEDSON will preach in the llrick Church, in this village, f>n Sun day evening next. Services to com mence at 7£ o'clock. THE McIIefiry, Crystal Lake and Creenwood Schools will hold a Picnic at Fox T.ake on Saturday of this week. Steamer "'Athlete" will take them up. MRS STEOMANN will accept our thanks, for a fine mess of green Peas, left at our residence. They are the first we have seen this season. MAYOR COLVIN. of Chicago, passed through this village for the J.akcs on Saturday last, returning on Tuesday morning. TURN OUT. ' Tho Fourth of July Celebration at MeHenry, is to be a people's celebra tion, and i t is expected that the people of this and-the surrounding towns will join heartily in ft. An enthusiastic, .old-fashioned, enjoyable time is what we are going to try to h&ve, and what we will have. if the citizens will turn out and lend a hand. If we have never before felt patriotic when we thought of the deeds of our forefathers, and of all that has been done for our benefit as members of this grand Republic--we certainly ought to feel both thankful and patriotic on this one hundredth anni versary of our national Independence. And feeling so, let us show it In BOihe visible manner by helping to m£ke this Centennial celebration the most complete an'd satisfactory one that has ever been held in the Fo* River Val ley. The Committee of Arrangements are working hard to bring about such a result, and what is needed now, more than anything else, is the aid, en couragement, and presence of all who honor the old Hag and love to do it reverence. Turn out, then, one and all and lefs have a rousing old celebra tion! ' THE FOX River Base Ball Club of this village, and the Spring City Club of Woodstock, will play a match game in this village on Friday next, the 30th Game to commence at 1J I\ M. B. B. liKui.N, of the Richmond Gazette, died on Friday last?* after a short illness, and was. buried on Satur day. Mr. Begun started the Gazette about eight weeks ago. JOE GILLIS will have his new estab lishment in running order by the 4th. He has fitted up a nice little Ilall in the second story, and intends opening it in the evening for the dancing public. ICE CREAM'and Strawberries will be served at the new Restaurant of R. A. Howard on Saturday evening next. Our citizens should bear this in mind and give him an opening benefit. THE Riverside House, in this village, is now open for the accommodation of the public, and Mr. Weber the new landlord, will spare no pains to make it pleasant for all who may favor lam with a call. LOST.--Between .Richmond and A. P. Colby's, a child's waterproof Cloak The finder will do a favor to the un dersigned by leaving it at this office,or at his shop in Richmond. F. W. 3!KAL>. THE Centennial School Exhibition on Thursday evening projnises to be a higidy interesting eritertrinvm&nt; It will consist) *>fDialogues. 1 leelamations. Tableaux, and will conclude" with a humorous Farce entitled "How's Your Unele.'1 The Principal, Mr. Baldwin, together with his assistants, is sparing no pains to make it a success, and we hope our citizens will show their ap preciation of his efforts by turning out OK that occasion. E. M. .OWEN has a new advertisement la our paper to-day, which farmers will do well to read, lie represents some of the best Mowers and Reapers to be found in the county, which he is selling on very reasonable terms. He keeps all kinds of tools used on a farm, and none but those of the" best manu facture. Read his new advertisement and give him a call at his new Ware house, opposite the Mill. You cannot fail to find what you want. EDWARD IIAWKE, who is traveling- for Eddy^Harvey & Carter, wholesale Hat, Cap and Fur dealers, Madison . Street Chicago, made our sanctum a call on Monday. Mr. Ilawkeie one of the most gentlemanly and.business like agents now on the road, and those of our merchants wishing anything in the line he represents will consult their own interests by giving him their or der. Everything ordered will prove just as represented, A CORRESPONDENT ofthe Richmond Gazette saj's that E. E. Richards is the only candidate mentioned for the office of Circuit Clerk. This is not true. Josiah Dwight, the present efficient Deputy Clerk is a candidate for that office, and has many w arm and enthu siastic supporters, who object to seeing his claims ignored after the manner of the Gazette correspondent. Let all candidates be brought prominently be fore the people that they may choose for themselves. Dinners 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee .uake ry^ Go to E. M. Owen for lloise Rakes. BASK WALJU. 9 The first match game of Base Ball played in this village this season came oirou Saturday last between the Fox Rivers, of this village and the Algon quin Club, and resulted in the defeat of the Fox Rivers by a score of 24 to 20. The day was very warn! and neither club played up to their regular standard.. The Algonquin Club are old hands with the bat and ball, and what,..are called •'rattling good dub,"' and consequently our boys have nothing to feel ashameif .of in losing this game. They done nobly and are not at all discouraged, but will "pick their Hint and try them again" at some future time. The Algonquin boys are not only good ball players but perfect gontle- men in every respect, and if they ever visit McIIenry again can rest assured of being hospitablj* received by our ball players and citizens generally. The following is the SC.OKK OF INNINOS. 1 -2 3 4 r» i; 7 S !> Algonquin--U 4 ft u l ;»- I i i--24 Fox RIVER--l (J u 2 u":$ l 7 0--20 The next gatno will be played be tween these two clubs in Algonquin soon after the 4th of Jul}'. TIIK News Room, which is to bo opened by R. A. Howard is now about ready to start business, and he would be glad to have our citizens designate to him what daily papers they desire to take. A good News Room is what McIIenry has long needed, and now that one is to be started it is the duty of our citizens to support it in the most liberal manner. Most every business man wants a daily "paper, and Mr. Howard is now prepared to supply hiui with any one lie may want and deliver it at his store or place of busi ness immediately after the arrival of the evening train without extra charge, All those living in the East part of the village will be supplied the same as though they lived noxt door to the News Room. Persons wishing daily paper who live in this part of the village can be supplied by leaving their names at the PLAIN'DEALER Oillce, des ignating the paper they want. We therefore say to our .business men do not get your papers on the train but patronize home enterprise. WHILE... 'in Woodstock the other day the Yankee Baker made an assault up on us, but we got even with hini before he got through, for we made sad havoc with his Ice Cream, Soda Water and Cigars, and we gave him due notice that if he tried that thing on again he wouldn't have a thing left in his whole establishment. But while he is undoubtedly mourning over his loss we are congratulating ourselves on the splendid Ice Cream we got in the fracas (or some other kind of a dish) and are bound to say that it can't be beat even it the Yankee did make it. And now we want to say a word in pri vate to all who n>ay' go to Woodstock on the 4th. W.£ le.\rn that the Yankee has engaged ob* PhcVnix Hall, which is just over his establishment, and is go ing to till it full of tafyes, and if you want a nice dish of Cr^ain or a good square meal, just give him a call. But don't tell that we told you. As will be seen by a notice elsewhere the meeting for the purpose of electing Trustees and a Secretary and Treasurer for ihe Cemetery, which was called for Saturday evening last, was necessarily postponed, as not enough came togeth er to do the business. It •will now be held on Friday evening*next, the 30th. when it is sincerly hope A that those in terested will bear it in Aiind and turn out. This may seem a small matter to some, but as the Secretary and Treas urer has resigned it becomes absolutely necessary that some one be chosen to till his place. .Persons who own lots in the Cemetery should give this matter their attention, am/attend the meeting on Friday evening. THE new business.houses being erect- ed by Blake & Bros, and Blake & Ben- field. on the corner opposite the Baj>- tist Church are up and " enclosed, and being finished otl as fast as possible. N\ hen completed they will be an orna ment to that portion of our village. Both - loro will be occupied a? soon a.» lii' > iLi- <J. EXCURSION 111- MOONLIGHT. ,. The Steamer "Athlete" will make an Excursion trip to the Lakes on Friday evening, June 30th.' Good music in attendance. Steamer leaves' 8 , P. M* Arrives at 10: 30 P, M. AT AUCTION. ^ Notice is hereby given that the <^ld Town llouse building, situated on the I uhlic Square, in the village of Mc IIenry, will be sold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturda}', July 1st. 1870, at oneo'clock P.M. By Order of the Town Board. A. H. HAWLET & So:,-9 will this week commence operation in their Brick Yard, and, as BOOB as thoy get in run ning order, wil\ put In a large gang of hands. The Brick made by this firm are justly celebrated for their good qualities, and are known all over the country.' When they get in full oper ation wo shall speak again of this Yard Their Grist Mill is running to its full capacity, and their celebrated Patent 1* lour is in such demand that they have hard work to keep up with orders. WE learn that a man by the name Of Phalan, who resided at Harvard, was run over and instantly killed by a freight train at Woodstock on Satur day evening last. He had been to ^ oodstock on some business, and not getting through in time for the passen ger train attempted to jump upon a train that did not stop at that station, but missed his footing and was drawn under-the wheels and literly cut to pieces. He leaves a wife and five children. IFIRASSD CENTENNIAL mm C E L E B R A T I O N "i-f ' f<ti {III? MCIIKXRY, ILL. WE took a short trip in the country the other day, and we must say that yever in our recollection have we known the roads so bad as at the pres ent time. To be sure we have had a large amount of rain, but this is not the prime cause. The roads have been quite extensively worked this season, and the manner in which it has been done, in nine cases out of ten. have made them worse instead of better. We ask in all candor what benefit is. it to a road to draw a load of dirt and dump- it in the middle ofthe road, leaving a pile from two to three feet high, without leveling it In the least? This is the case in many places where the road was before eompartively smooth. Even where |he road is cut- up wc cannot see the use of putting a load of dirt in ono pile when a half dozen shovels full would answer all practical purposes. If cur road Com missioners would use a little practical common sonse our roads would be in far better condition, and the strain ©n the religion of the pubjic much less. NOTICE. In consequence of the resignation of the Secretary and Treasurer of Mc IIenry Cemetery, notice is hereby given that an election of three Trustees and a Secretary and Treasurer will be held at the Village Hall, on Friday, evening June 30th, at 8 o'clock. All stockholders are requested to he pres ent and elect a new board for the ensu ing year. K. TUsiioi* President ofthe Board. F. BEST of the MeTlenry Bakery now makes regular trips _as follows: liingwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Waucoiula, Tues days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver At their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies' Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned. Tuesday, July 4, *76 On* Hundred yean having passed away sine* our'forefathers fought, bled and died in making a successful effort to es tablish lids free and independent gov ernment, the eitizeus ot Mcllenrv and vicinity have determined to observe this Centennial Anniversary in a be coming and extraordinary manner, Therefore, they invite the citizens of the surrounding country to unite"with them in the ceremonies of the day. To the best of their ability, and in keeping with the time honored custom, they have made provision for the carrying out of the following programme, which, shonld the weather permit, will bf faithfully carried out. A Salute of 13 Guns at Sunrise. At 10o'clock A. M. the Procession will form in front of Perry & Martin's Store, under direction of the Marshal and march to the Speakers stand, where the following exercises will take place: Music by the Band. Prayer by the Rev. .1. T. Cooper. Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence by Dr. H. T. Brown. Music by the Band. Addresses by Hon. Richard Bishop. Hon. Geo. Gage. Hon. F. K, Granger and Win. Nicklo. Intermission for Dinner. At 1 o'clock P. M„ a Match Came of Base Ball for a Prize Ball and Bat. At 3 o'clock P. M., a Sack Race for a Purse of 63. At 4 P. M., a Wheelbarrow Race for a Centennial Cup. At 5 I'. M„ Boat Races for Purses of $3, $'> and $7. » In the evening there will be a grand display of Fire-Works. The Steamboats "li. Emerson" and the "Athlete" will make hourly trips for the accommodation of those who wish to tako a ride on the raging Fox. President--.lames B. Perry, Esq. Marshal--Smith Searles. Fruit Jars in abundance at Buckliu & Stevens. HARK. Listen to the invitation all ye weary souls, come and find a refuge at Ford's Fine Art Gallery from all the care#and trials of this earthly tabernacle, and while you have the peaceful expression of perfect rest, just allow hiiu to catch the reflection of your countenance. Ilis prices are reasonable, ranging from $2 to #8 per dozen, according to the sire and style of the picture. He is do ing fine work now, having recently en gaged the services of Miss A. M. Woodward, an Artist of refined taste and skill, one who cannot beexcelled in the Art, which fact can be easily proved by visiting tfie Gallery, and examining the work lately done there. Extra pains taken with c.hildren. All pictures guaranteed to ,be satisfactory, other wise the money will be refunded. Now do not stay away on account of dark or rainy weather as the Gallery is well fitted with Sky and Side lights, there by avoiding all difficulty arising from the same. A specialty made of Copy ing and Enlarging pictures. All those wishing pictures of their friends to be copied do not fail to call, you will be more than repaid. Headquarters tqf Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic -Views at B. A. Ford's Fine Art Gallery, Mc IIenry 11IV Good dinner Woodstock. 25 cts., Yankee Bakerjr, CENTENNIAL. Bucklin Sc Stevens have ordered 1000 Fans for Free distribution on the Fourth of July. Go to E. M. Owen fqr Pumps. Ifyouwanta No 1 Pair, of Sheep Shears go to John M. Smith's, at the Post Office. Splendid Root Beer Yankee Bakery, W oodstock. V lot of the finest Shee]» Shears ever brought to this market, cau be l'ouiid at John M. ijmithV. GREENWOOD EDITOR PI.AINDEALKU Whew, liow- hot. Were we a Rothchild, or a third cousin to A. T. Stewart, wo would not wtjtrk this hot. yes, more than hot weather. Wc find ourselves laboring under many serious difficulties while attempting to fill oyr mission as a cor respondent. First of all and the prin cipal aiul fundamental difiiculty arises from our inability. Secondly, the field is too limited. Third, constitutionally tired naturally, which causes a sort of lethergetic stupor to creep over us, even to our very finger ends and before we are aware our peu falls to tlio floor point downward, partaking of the same tired nature, from the fact that when we pick it up we find that it, too, like the"littlo taelor" has crossed its legs for rest, this- arouses ant. indignation and weoiitu mora attempt to arouse ourselves to a sense of situation, but no sooner do Wc brace up with teeth firm ly set, and pen again in position than old niorpheus takes possession of us soul and body. We yield, resigned to, our/ate and exclaim, "D-r-e-a-m o-n. On Friday last quite a serious acci dent befell Mr. Seymour Whiston who resides near Northup's Mill. While en gaged in sawing with a circular saw attached to the mill, in attempting to remote some obstacle from before the saw, his right hand was caught and dr^wiiupon the saw severing the three outer fingers close to the hand. One of the fingers was thrown a number of rods. On Sunday of this week a large con course of people gathered at this place to witness the baptismal ceremonies performed by the Rev. Mr. Cox, t'astor of the Baptist Church at Woodstock and also of this place. The candidates were two young men from Woodstock, Mr. Miller and Mr. Skinner. Mr. Toles is progressing finely in re pairing his mill dam. He will be ready tor grinding again in a few davs. G. E. Adams has his new house nearly enclosed. Self sacrifice is noble to teach, but not so "nobby" when taught by illus tration, as boy No. 1 concluded a few days ago, when being punished for the oflehse of boy No. 2. In justice to the parties concerned, however, would ex plain that it happened through a mis take, it's all right now. EVEN. ; WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PI.AINDEALEK -Our Centen nial flood only lasted ten days and ten nights instead of forty as in days off yore, and right gladly did we hail the rainbow of promise, as a renewal ofthe covenant., that seed time and harvest should continue. ' On Monday mornlug of last week a double afiliction came upon the family of Frank L. Smith, by the death of his sister, Achsa A. Smith, and his little daughter Frances, who died within an hour of «ach other. Within a few years our worthy cUlzen and friend has been bereft of Father, Mother, Brother and Slst«f§ anil now he alone of a once apparently healthy familrls left. And not content with the annihi lation of his ancestral race Death need# must rob hhn of his house hold pet But thus is it even "Death lores a shining mark" and "delights to strike a signal blow, which while it executes alarms.*' For twenty years Miss Achsa has been identified with the education al interest of Woodstock and vicinity. There is hardly a person between the ages of six and twenty five who has lived and grown within or adjoining Woodstock that has not, at one time or another been favored with her in structions. With ability both natural and acquired beyond the average teacher it has not been in vain that she devoted her time and talents to the arduous task of instructress, a task too burdensome for one with heredita ry disease lurking within the system bearing Its victim to certain death in the midst of her usefullness. A kind and faithful teacher, a devoted and consistent Christian, she will be missed at the teachers desk, in christian cir cles and most of all in the family of her brother, where was her home and where she was over welcome as matron sister, guardian, and friend. The de ceased, Aunt and Niece were buried in Oakland Cemetery on Tuesday, p. M. and though the roads were almost im passible and weather incleniant, the last sad rites were performed in the presence of a large audiance who had gathered from town and country in testimony of respect for the dead and sympathy for the bereaved living. On washing day Mrs. Wm. Sherwood left her child in one room and a tub of water in another while she went to "bang her clothes a drying" Hearing a strange noise she returned to find her child in the tub apparently drowned, but luckily not so far gone as to pre vent resusitation. Robert Garret, colored while bathing on Saturday evening, was seized with a cramp in the side, and but for the timely aid of his comrades who bore him ashore helpless, he must have drowned. So says an eye witness. The Greenback question is to be dis cussed at the Court House on Wednes day evening, by,a gentleman from Ohio. If he will only make greenbacks more plenty, lie will bejikely toget a good audience, since it is the almighty dollar that draws the crowd. A little something of that nature; just at this time would be appreciated by I- P. SQUARE, BP® Business Notices. ere ant^T a Strawlwrries and Bakerv. Woodstock. Croquet Sets from one dollar ap at O. W. Owen's. FRUIT JARS. *AU sizes, at L. Stoddard's* Go and see tho piles of new Oo>o<fo being received daily at P. D. Smith's, at SinithBros. old stand. SALT! SALT! ; Fresh Salt for sale at our tVate^o^ii at $1.60 por Barrel. KMirrn A HrrvM A braa new Organ at O. W. Ovts*# for $100. Dress Goods of all klnda and at pri ces to please, at Bucklin & Htevena^* Beet thing In Plows. Call and MS« H. M.OWBft. A fhll line of Clothing at Bucklfa M Stevens'. A full suit from $6,50 op. Ono two-seated Democrat Wagon foif sale cheap. O. W. Owkff. Dinners 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee Bakeryf 0 If you want any kind of Farm imple ments or repairs "call on E. M. Owen. , Ladies Ties in great variety and very cheap, at Bucklin & Stevens'. The Blanchard and Emmett Otiwrn#, the best in the market. For Sate by O. BISHOT. The Union Corn Planter, the beat in market, for sale by L. Francisco*. Shop opposite the Parker House. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY* T|ie best in the market at L, Stod~ dard's, CHEAPER THAN iHVITR, All kinds of Goods tot Btekflni & Stevens'. A NEW THING. Double chain, Ingrain Ctoprtffne, beats them all. For snrle at P- I>. Smith's. New arrival ofClothi JganullTats ami Caps at P. D. Smith's. M. Selz & Co.'s Boots aiuT Shoes,, warranted to gfve perfect, satisfaction, at Bucklin & Stevens'. Dinners 2o cents Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. If you want an extra good Shave or. IIair'Cutteall on Charleyrat the Parke# House. * A splended Pi;mo to Bent on* reason^ able terms. o: w. wria, McIIenry 111. Jan. 11th, 187B. Remember that Bucklin & Stevens ofier their goods at the very lowest, living prices, and pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. IIATS! 1IATS! A cart load just received at Buckliu & Stevens', at very low prices* Good dress Prints, fast colors, only G cts., per yard, at I*. D. Smith's. Dinners 25 W oodstock. cents Yankee* Bakery* Dinner# 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee Bakery, YACHT FOR SALE. This Yacht was built last season by Lobdell Bros., and is one of the best in the Northwest. Can be seen on Long Lake. For further particulars ami terms call on or address, C. & L. Lobdell Void, 111. Residence in Town of Grant A mile South of Long Lake. Dinne rs Woodstock. io cunts Yankee liakeTv,1 ' To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run ning Steamer, "11, EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public gener ally. that they are prepared to accom modate all parties and make trips to and from Pistaqua and Fox Lakes, and Also Wilmot, Wis., on short notice and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time cau do so by mail or telegraph, bv address ing, SNYDER & CLARK. McIIsmtT, ILL, April Ulh 1*70. A SURE CURE FOB DIARRIICEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family iu Chicago I was taken with a diarrlnea. 1 tried evcrythingthat was recommen ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved It to be equally as good for billious com plaints. it strengthens aud invigorates the whole system, carries ofTthe bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. JOHN PENMAN SEN. Town of'Seneca, McIIenry County, State of IHinoi*. Subscribed and sworn before ine this 28th day of September 1875. E. BALDWIN J. P. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At 0. W. Owen's. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester ami Butl'alo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give thcin a trial. P. D. SMITH. Elegant patterns of Notingluwiv Civr^ tain Lace from 20 cts.. and upwards* Also a new invoice of Wall paper' auf£ window shadesTat very low prices. p. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades to Ktns Plaids, Mohairs, Mcbsuges, at P. D. Smith's. Tho new American Sewing, HlaohfiH»«, the best in the market.. They are* war ranted in every particular, run «-easier, aud make less noise. Call and sea them. O. W. Owen, Agent. Exccutor's Notice. INSTATE 1i "The TUKU i of Herman Renalkin Deceased having licen ' Executor of the la»t Will ani»I Testament of" Herman ItiMinlkin, late of tho County of Mc IIenry, and HtHte,i»f Illinois, hsrefty gives"notice that he will appear before th<* Comity Court of Mdicnry County, s*t th« Court House, in Woodstock, at tlurjti iyfbnm on tho third Monday iu July next, nt whicK time all persons having cluimi* againit Mid Estate are notified and reiiucnteit to attend lor the purpose of having the B&UIC All pennons indebted to ftiid Edt&te »ro re* ij uebted to make immediate payment to thai undersigned. Dated this 9th day of May JLm 1). 1876. llEKur MILLER Executor. NOTICE. All the Notes and. accounts of the late firm of Smith Bros «fcCo., are now in the hands of John M. Smith Esq., for collection. All persons knowing themselves to bo indebted to said firm will do well to call and settle the same without delay. D. 8. SMITH*. McIIenry April 21th 1876, FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots and acre Property, in and adjoining the Village of McIIenry, that has heretofore bpen held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, o:i very reasonable terms. " E M. oWEX. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Sits For the Spring Us Summer trad« which I eairamf will sell art prkes that DEFY Compefitioir. > ALL GOODS Warranted as repre* id. CALL aud C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PKUUY & MAITXU»'S SIOKB McIIenry, 111. sentt H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. WAUCONDA, Lake County, - - - Illinois* Has jnst rwerved the T.arfrest and Bo«t Stock of Clothe, Cftssinwres, Faney Vesting*, and also Clotikint; of all kinds, ever brought !** this Market. Mens1, Youths and Hoys Suit® of all grades ami prices. I am prepureu to Suit voir in Re:ulv-Made Clothiog Suit you to Order. Suit you in Pricc. Suit you in Style. *. Suit you on Fit. YOL'BS TKILV, . II. XAIAIAX Waucomla, 111., April ioth.lSJO.