""""" *. - •> L TERRIBLE DEED. A twMg Man Poisons his fatlff tad Mother and a Boarder at their House. [Burton (Pa.) Cor. New York Tixaas.] The mystery attending the deaths which have occurred in the Laros family ^prithin the last few days, by poison, has at last been cleared tip by the confession of the murderer, Allen C. Laros, the •on of two of the victims. On Wednes day last the family of Martin Laros, re- sufmg on the Delaware, at a place called Mineral Spring, about five miles above Enston, consisting of himself, his wife, six children--Allen, Alvin, Erwin, Alioe, Clara, and Flora--and Moses Schug, who boarded with them, were taken more or lews ill immediately after supper. One of the younger children, who was not so much affected, was sent to seek assistance, and she at once sought out an elder brother, Clinton J. Laros, who had not supped with the family, and asked him to go with her to the house. He did so, and upon his arrival he saw that the greater number of the family were desperately ill, and immediately sent for medical aid. Dr. A. TL, Seem, of Lower Mount Bethel, was called, and, finding that all the symptoms indicated that they had been poisoned, adminis tered emetics and applied other reme dies to relieve their Bufferings, Toward midnight they all grew worse, however, and Dr. Junkin, of Easton, was sent for. At Ms suggestion other antidotes were administered, but they did not prove efficacious in all the cases, as Mrs. La ros, the mother of the family, died at 7 o'clock the next (Thursday) morning* Mr. Laros, the father, died At 1 o'clock on the same day, and Moses Schug, the boarder, at 3 o'clock on Friday after noon. As it had been remarked at the sapper table that there was a strange taste about the coffee, the vessel in which it had been prepared was exam ined, and a heavy white sediment was found at the bottom. An analysis of this substance was made, and it was found to be arsenic, and the quantity was stated to 1m sufficiept to kill 100 persons. No cause could be assigned for the act, and for some days the whole affair was enveloped in mystery. At length it was discovered that a secretary in which Mr. Laros was known to have deposited a sum of money had been broken open and the cash stolen, and that Mr. Schug's trunk had also been robbed of a pocket-book containing $150 in United. States currency. When this beoame known, suspicion was directed toward Allen C. Laros, one of the sons of the family, a young man about twenty- one years of age, who was engaged in teaching school at Schneirnertown, near by. His character was known by many persons to be bad, and they had no hesi tation in expressing their belief that he was the murderer. This opinion, how ever, did not seem to be borne out by by the facts, for he had supped with his family on the nicht which they *vcrc poisoned, and he" himself complained of having experienced the effects of the poison. At the Coroner's inquest, Dr. C. A. Yoorhees, of Easton, said that, a few days before, a man had called at his store, and purchased fifty cents' worth of arsenic for rat poison. Since that occur rence he had seen Allen C. Laros at his residence, and to the best of his know ledge he was the person to whom he had sold the arsenic in his store. The jury, after a short deliberation, retained the following verdict: We find that Martin Laros came to bis death from the effects of arsenical poison, aumiiiiu- tered in coffee, on Wednesday evening, May 31, 1876, and that we believe the same wm ad ministered by Allen C. Laros." A separate verdict was brought in for each of the victims. A warrant was im mediately issued for the arrest of Allen C. Laros, and officers of the law went to his room, where he was lying in bed, ind informed him that he was their pris- •ner. Clinton Laros, a brother of the >risoner, asked him if he knew anything* .bout the affair, and he replied that if he mew anything about it he would tell. The officers then began to search the ouse, and, while they were engaged in his, about ten minutes after the arrest tad been made, Laros suddenly called ut, " I did it." Mr. Sandt, one of the arymen, and the offioers then went to the room, and tho prisoner made e following confession, which was fe nced to writing and signed on the ot: woman. After studying the sky and ocean for about one hoar in silenoe, he turned to her and said : " Dear Georgiana, you will be mine ? You will give me your hand and heart!" •« Oh, Alfred," she answered, turning deadly pale, "I'd rather give you my stomach."--Brooklyn Argus. The Washington Monomeat. To tte People of the United States: The approach of the one-bundxeath anniversary of the nation's birth vividly brings before the mind of all true lovers of the country the memory of him who was 44 first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." The monument to commemorate a peo ple's gratitude to George Washington has remained in an unfinished condition for more than twenty years, under the shadow of the MationalJCapitol; it is now 174 feet, and when completed will be 485 feet high--a plain and simple obe lisk, surrounded at the base with a stone terrace twenty-five feet high andUOO feet in diameter. The cost to finish it is esti mated at $500,000. In th.<? name of gratitude, patriotism, and national pride the Monument Socie ty renews its earnest appeil for aid to discharge a duty our country owes to the brightest name in human history. What more fitting time for the people throughout the ieugtfi « rt i bread tli of our land to make their grateful offerings to this noble work, to show their reverence for the name of the *' Father of his Country/' than this Centennial Jubilee of universal rejoicing for the possession of out glorious free institutions and amaz ing progress in all that makes and con stitutes an enlightened, powerful, and great nation ? We appeal to the ministers of the gospel and Superintendents of Sabbath- schools to take up a collection on Sun day, the 2d day of July next, or any con venient day before or thereafter ; above all, we appeal to the sovereign people, the impregnable bulwark of tlx© nation's safety, for tho means of completing the monument We respectfully request that all con tributions may be sent direct to J. B. Smith, Treasurer of the Washington Na tional Menument Society, at Washington,, D. C. We ask the liberal and patriotic press of the country to keep this appeal before the public up to the Fourth of July en suing. By order of the Society. John B. B&akb, Secretary, Washington City, June, 1876. From Humility to Excellence. A few weeks ago an English gentle man gave an address in Philadelphia, in which be alluded to the effect of the Ex hibition of 1851 upon the British people. Up to that date, he said, the people had been vain of themselves, and vain of their achievements. Brought face to face with other nations, and beooming for the first time aware that in many de partments of art they had everything to learn from those whom they had previ ously despised, they were left by that Exhibition utterly humbled. They had nothing to say for themselves, except to confess that they had been self flattering fools, and nothing to do but to put themselves resolutely to the task of over taking the world around them. The re sult of a quarter of a century of work has been wonderful. During these twenty- five years the art of England has been transformed. The South Kensington Museum is a child of that early Exhibi tion, and is probably the finest museum in the world. There are fiye hundred schools of art in Great Britain, nearly all of which had their roots in that national IxumiJiatiou. This frankly-speaking gentleman dil not leave his lesson to be inferreds but told his audience that he thought it likely that when the CentenzJai Exhibi tion should be closed, the American na tion would find itself precisely in the condition of the British nation in 1851.-- Dr. J. O. Holland; Scribner for July. Two married ladies, said to be re spectably connected, have been commit ted for trial at Sheffield on several charges of "shoplifting." They had purloined, from various drapers' shops, articles to the value of over £200. When caught, one of them offered the shopman £100 to say nothing about it; the other attempted to strangle herself with her bonnet-strings. Men, women and children, at this sea son should take Dr. J. H. McLean's Strength ening Co dial and Blood Turifier. It will give you strength and health, vitalize and purify jonr blood. Dr. J. H. McLean's office, 314 Chestnut street, St. Louis. $25 TO $50 PER DAT Can Actually be Made with the emit Testen autwuiy oe juae witn in Well Auger 's pocket- i his chest I did it; the money is out between the pri v id sheep-stable; this was done on Wednesday railing, the same night that I put the poison t he coffee-pot; I knew he (his father) had honey, but did not know how much ; I took fe money before 1 put the poison in the coffee- 9t; 1 took Schug's money, too, but don't know jw much ; I took none of his papers; I did |is so that they might all be dead, and I could with the money whatever I pleased--that |>thing more would be said about it; I confess, that the money taken from the place a time ago I took, too ; I don't know how ick it was, but I think it was $50 or $60 ; I ok swallows of the coffee, too ; I was just as bk as I pretended to be ; I only drank it so as I throw them off suspicioning me; I took a false this afternoon ; I know it is very wrong iat I have done ; I want you to pray for me, Id aek all of God's people to pray for me ; I Ive no wife nor children ; my name is Allen 1 Laros ; 1 took the silver out of my father's iiwer and put it in Moses Schug s pk; I found Schug's pocket-book in the garret; Schug's pocket book was a new and father's is an old one ; this is my lfession, true and faithful, made in the pres lice of Samuel Sandt, Jr., William Bitters, . George bchooley. Allen C. LAHOS. [?he money was found where the pris- 3r said he had placed it. Mr. Laros' jket-book contained in all $91.80, and kt of Mr. Schug $250. When taken [ere the bodies of the victims lay, the tht did not seem to make much im- ^ssion on the murderer. He attempted iss the faces of his parents through openings in the ice boxes, but not lg able to reach them he passed his lid over the faces, and shortly after the room. He was then taken to |*ton by the officers, and lodged in jail. _ srsonal aypearance, the murderer is jier prepossessing, and might be called Imdsome young man. livin Laros, ten years of age, was jse yesterday, having quite a high fe- and was disposed to rest the greater |t of the time. The two still sick are quite out of danger, as ulceration _ set in, and the patients may die liin a week or ten days. The others |n to be well and entirely out of dan- A Nautical Incident. I hey were returning from a moonlight 1 irsion to Rockaway. The sea was |e rough, and the little steamer rose fell, with every pulsation of the I t deep, like the bustle of a stormy Yankee Doodle. After the Ministers Plenipotentiary of Great Britain and the United States had nearly concluded their pacific labors at Ghent, the burghers of that quaint old Dutch city determined to give an enter tainment m their honor, and desired to have the national airs of the two treaty- making powers performed as a pari of the programme. So the musical directors were requested to call upon the Amer ican Ministers and obtain the music of the national air of the United States. A consultation ensued, at which Bay ard and Gallatin favored " Hail Colum bia," while Clay, Russell, and Adams were decidedly in favor of 44 Yankee Doodle." The musical director asked if any of the gentlemen had the music, and, re ceiving a negative reply, suggested that perhaps one of them could sing or whistle the air. 44 I can't," said Mr. Clay; 44 I never whistled or sung a tune in my life--per haps Mr. Bayard can?" Mr, Bussell, Mr. Gallatin, and Mr. Adams in turn confessed their lack of musical ability. " I have it!" exclaimed Mr. Clay, and ringing the bell he summoned his col* ored body-servant. "John," said Mr. Clay, "whistle 4 Yankee Doodle' for this gentleman." John did so, the chief musician noted down the air, and at the entertainment the Ghent Burghers' Band played the national air of the United States with variations. } Owned up Beat. Says the Green Bay (Wis.) Advocate: 44 It was many years ago, in 1843. There were not many white men around Green Bay at that time. Five was a crowd, and a dozen a convention. There were sev eral at Kaukauio (now called Kaukauna) one day in that year. A blue-bird was observed in the distance to fly and alight. Col. Tuljar, of Green Bay, ex pressed the opinion that he could shoot it. The idea seemed ridiculous, but the Colonel picked up a Kentucky rifle a]bout six feet long and blazed away, and the bird fell. An investigation proved that the bird was shot in the head, and that the distance was about a mile and a quar ter. The Colonel was no shot, but this triumph was a mere accident. . George W. La we kept a house at that point, and it was here where the feat had been performed. An Indian stood there, clad solely in a breech clout, and when the result* was made known the Indian privately inquired of the Colonel how he aimed. He answered: 44 Bight between the eyes." The Indian stepped up, took off his sole article of dress, and laid it on the counter, exclaiming: 44 Treat run white man; whisky." Revolting. The journals of Sweden publish de tails of a revoltingscene at an execution in that country. Two men named Hjert and Fektor were guillotined for the murder of a railroad engineer, whose carriage they had mistaken for the mail, which they intended to rob. A large crowd of spectators assembled around the scaffold, and after the criminals had been dispatched drank or licked the blood, taking it up with spoons or with their fingers from the wood of the plat form. There appears to exist among the people a belief that the blood of a crim inal is a remedy or a preventive against many diseases. A msBB who kept his money in a jug has just died near Polrick, Va., and among the $1,170 found was the first piece of money he ever owned, a dime. During his life it'was not known where he kept his treasure, and he always said that none of his kinsfolk should ever have any of it, but he once expressed a wish to be buried near his money, so that he could guard it, and a hunt near the spot he designated as his burial place disclosed the jug. The money was divided equally among eight heirs. At our request Cragin & Co., of Phila delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers gratis (on receipt of fiftetn cents to pay postage) a sample of Dob- bias' Electric Soap to try. Send at onoe. Symptoms of Catarrh. Doll, heavy headache, obstruction of the na sal passages, discharge falling into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, acrid, thick and tenacious mucous, purulent, muco-purulent, bloody, putrid, offensive, etc. In others, a dry ness, dry, watery, weak, or inflamed eyes, ring ing in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear the throat, ulcerations, ecabs from uloere, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired smell and taste, dizziness, mental de pression, tickling cnugh, etc. Only a few of the above symptoms are likely to be present in any case at one time. When applied with Dr. Pieroe's Nasal Dooohe, and accompanied with Dr. Piereo's ftelden Medical uiscovery as GCuatiluuuiiai treatment, Dr. Sage> Catarrh Remedy produces perfect cures of the worst canes of Catarrh and Oxrona of many years standing. This thorough course of medication constitutes the only scientific, rational, safe, and (successful manner of treat ing this Odious disease that has ever been of fered to the afflicted. . II t WE MEAN IT! And an prepared to demonstrate tk« flirt OUR AUCIERS in operated entirely br HOUSE-POWER, and will bore at the rate of SO FEBT FEB KOTO. They bow from 3 TO 8 FEET IN DIAMETER, And ANY DEPTH REQUIRED. They will bore la All kliMl« of Kurth. Sort Sand and UM> Itonr, Bitiiminftsc Stone Coal. Blate and Hardpan. Aad W» XAU THE BEST OF WELLS la QUICK SAND. ^ GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted in erery State and Comity in the United States. Send for oar Illustrated Catalogue, terms, prices, Ac., preying our advertteementa bonafote.' Address GREAT WESTERN WELL AUGER CO, BL00MFIEL0, DAVIS CO., IOWA. WState in what paper you saw this >1i rrMnmnwt. Hurst Hotel, St. Loots. European plan. Booms, f 1 per day. Meals at ail hours. Col. L. D. Watson, chief cleric. Wilhoft's Tonic !--A Safe, Sure and Scientific Cuke !--The unprecedented sale of this world-renowned medicine proves incontest- ably that no remedy has superseded the use of this reliable Tonic. No sploen lias been found bo hard as not to yield to its softening influ ence, and no liver so hypertrophied as not to give np its long-retained bilious secretions, and no Chill or Fever has yet refused to fall into line. G. R. Finlay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. Fob balk by aix Dbttooistb. Chapped hands, face, pimples, ring worm, saltrheum, and other cutaneous affeo- taona cured, and rough skin made soft aad smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care ful to get only that made by Caswell, Hazard it Co., New York, ae there are many imitations made with common tar, all of which are worth- leas. Toothache proceeds from ague in the face, operating upon the exposed nerve of a dacayed tooth. Rub the gum thoroughly with the finger, wet with Johnson's Anodyne Lini ment, heat the face well, and lap a flannel wet with the liniment on the face, also, put a little of the liniment into the cavity of the tooth on cotton. The system frequently gets out of or der and should be at ones regulated, else other troubles will ensue; when phyaic is needed take Parsons'1 Purgative Pills ; they are & safe, wholesome, and natural medicine. Invincible Threshing Machines with mount ed horsepowers or portable engines. Send for ottaiogue and price list, Kingsland, Ferguson & Co., manufra. Office 823 N. Second st., St Louis. Have you ever .heard of a ease of Ague that Shallenberger's Pills would not cure ? Yegbtine is perfectly harmless from any bad effect nposi the system. Or. Mienck'iPuiuitiuio Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake PilU.-Theee medicines have undoubtedly performed m<ye euree of Consumption than any other remedy known to the American public. They are compounded of vegetable ingredient*, and epn- tain nothing Which can be injurious to the human oon- •tttnUon. Other remedies advertiaed as euree'for Oon* sumption probably contain opium, which la a somewhat dangerous drag In all cases, and if taken freely br con sumptive patients, It must do great Injury; for Its tend* ency ls to confine the morbid matter in the system, which, of course, must make a cure impossible. Scheneklt Pulmonic Syrup Is warranted not to contain a partlole of opium; it Is oomposed of powerful but harmless herbe, which act on the lungs, liver, stomach and blood, and thus correct all morbid secretions, and expel all the dis eased matter from thebodr. These are the only means by which Consumption can be cuied, and as Schenek'a Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills the only medicines which operate in this way, it to obvious they are the only genuine cur© for Pulmonary Consumption. ISaoh bottl® of this invaluable medicine (S accompanied by full directions. Dr. Schenck is pro fessionally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Arch Street*, Philadelphia, every Monday, wheN all letteia for advice must be addressed. , Peahcr A Co., General Commission Merchants, 213 If. Second street,, St. lx)uls, Mo. Oonsigninonto solicited. COLLINS' Voltaic Plasters AFFORD THE MOST GRATEFUL RE LIEF IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED. Meeara. Wkkks A PoTTEii-Smd/wn .• Having for many months past suffered with a very lame side, called by my physician Chronic Pleurisy, caused by a former in jury and strain, and for which I us««l many prescriptions and liniments, as well as the so-called Rheumatic euros, without the least benefit, my physician recommended one of your Collins' Voltaic Plastere, which, to tuy great surprise, relieved the pain and soreness almost imrnedi- ately, and I have been able to attend to raj- household affairs ever since with perfect ease and oomrort, whereas before the application of your inmluable plaster I was scarcely able to do anything;. I consider them Inesti mable, ('Ad Shall with pleasure recommend them to the Youre, respectfully, . MRS. FRANCES HARRIMAN. OKUID, MK., April SI, lR7tS. AllMg|eCOI,I.IVS' VOLTAIC PLASTER, rorliOCjal Paln«, Iiainrnrim, Sorem-ss.vt'enk- neas, numbness, mud Inflammation of the J$j»n|r«, Ijlvir, Kidneys, Spleen, Bowels. Bladder. Henri and Muwlea. 1* eanial to ai nd 4} HALF A mm will Pat (or Iht CHICACO For the Next Half Year. The LHMSK is a large ?*-pasre, Ef column, Independent Newspaper, which no intelligent family should be with out. The best gtoii P»t>er iinr't'd. Tg «t. AddNH. raE LEDGER, Chkafe, 111. LEDGER LEDGER The Enemy of D Bain to Man and the Foe of 914 MUSTANG L I N I M E N T , WHICH MAS STOOD THE TEST OF40 i T11SKE1S KO SOKK KT WIIJL TEAKS OF A ROHSIS OR OTHEH T,J AT »OEO NOV J TOrCH, A bottl* tn>v,«r«i.Oil,haswv«4 ia*l(r*ufakainaa bflatia»« nsatarad tm waadaMfUUtMuayaTaluMiliorM, "THE VIBRATOR" 1000 SOLD LAST SKAflON WITHOUT ONE FAILURE OB BEJECTME This Is the famous Threshing machine that baa "swept the Held " and created such a revolution in th* trade, by its matchless Grain-Savino and Tnm6ar> imo principles. |r ' --- 1 HALF A OOLUk Will Pay for th* CHICACO For the Next Half Year, IXDtMH t« a Inrga fl nsf. , wijicii no intelligent ,tMi Ktorw T* ' " Addtees, TheWonders of HodentGheinuti]|^ SarsaparQIian if % Associates. r&JM .p'- •M! CfcftBges m Seen and Felt as Tk®y nsa«ljp***'v Oscwf after Ustmg «, Few Poatiif - *»•>> DB. BAD WATS Sarsaparillian Resolvent} THE GREAT BLOOD FUBIFIKR. 1. tlm$, spirits, dSstpiiearaiioe of weakness, langeoe MalnneholyIncrease and hardneea of Wash mkS. m*£~ eleo, etc. 3. Strength inereaaea, appetite improves, relish tm food, no more sour erootaoons or waterbraah. nod at C«stkm, calm **><\ nndtatBirtted stop, awaken fraeh aov - bid and cloudy appearance to a cSear sherry or ambsa color; water passes freelf from the bladdei thronghtlM nrethra without pain or eoaldteg, little or no sedimenk; no pain or weakness. in^^w^eSi^^ with oertainty of permanent em Increased aUangtfc exhibited in the secretin* (lands, and functional hai" ww restored to the several orrane 8- Yellow tinge on the white or the eyes, and the swat thy.eaffron appearance of nte akin chanced toeolem lively and healthy color, * 6 Those sufferinc from weak or ulcerated lungs <M tnberelee will realise great benefit In expectorating ireely the tonjh phletpnor mnoons from the hinca, ifi cells, bronchi or windpipe, throat or head; dlmlimhinc of the frequency of oonch; general increase of strength throughout the system; stoppage of night sweats ana pains and feeling of weakness aroondfuie ankleaiegk should en, ete.; cessation of cold and chilli, MM «f suffocation; hard breath faff and paroxysms of coogh oa Wag down or arising in the morning. All theee dlrti ue« "ft symptomi gradually ami surely disappear. ?• As day after darthe SARSAPARILLIAN |» 7 M taken, new signs of returning health wul appear; as th# blood improvea in strength and purity, disease willdS .. minish, and all foreign and impure draoatta, nodeZ tumors, cancers, hardlnmpa, etc., tm reeofred awayan# the unsound made sonna and healthy; uloera, fevs* i oores^syphUitie wres, ehmmi® nfcta dlaaaaaa gndniQ oases .where thesyetem has bam salivated, an# 7, Quicksilver, O " ^ pal coastituent in the ad Mercury, Quicksilver, Corrosive Sublimate, (the prinet-' Ivcrtfcsd SarsapariHas, ssaoctafr of doctora and der, Henri and Muwlet, 1* equaat to a acres of plant* a its. S' •il)t «>i . i yrapped and wananw, tiy l POTTER, Proprietors, Iloston, illana. army o; sliruDs, Price J45 cents. Sold by all DrnKgist * "" for one, „ri'fally WEEKS & Mailed on receipt of pries-' 25 rentV |l.<ft for aix, or for twelve, carefall WANTED ticulan free. I One or two good men in every oounty. > Large salary to the right men. Par. Variety Maxur'a Co., Cincinnati, O. 0^ WATCHES, a ureat ssei Jajf Watch and Outfit fr*» to Agen Gold. Address A. COULTER A Great) Sensation. SampU ent>. Better than & CO., Chicago. 1776 1876 »'A Century of GOSPEL. WORK.** New Subscription Book. Agents Wanted. Ad dress n. d. thompsonI cq„ cuioago, m. $125 Address Mi A MOIVTH and traveling etpensss for SALESMEN. No peddlers wa gln( MONITOR. MANUF'G CO., wanted, icinnati, Ohio. S3S0 A Montb. Agesta wanted.. SO beet sell ing artioles In the world. One sample free. Address JAY URONSON. Detroit, Mioh $250 A PORTt'ME can be made without cost or risk. J% Combination forming. Particulars free. AddrsM J. B. BURGES, Manager, Rawlins City, Wyoming. OutfitspOCWPRIBTTS of the AGES, Our ^Government and^ History. Goodbpred'S S FREE Book, Bible and Map House, Chicago. JETTINEi Ladies, ask for It. Me Bbet Dressing for I^adlet' 8hoea. Satisfaction Gcaiuntxkd. . erchants, send for CiRctnil. ORVKL HOLDKN A CO., 187 E. Kinzie St, Chicago. OPIUM hlng&tB S&.. Ohloaeob ML m i l PKR WSEK «UAHAKTEED to Asanta. Male and Female, in their own Innayt Terms aad OUTFIT FREffi. Addms VIOKBRY A CO., Augusta, Mala* OPIUM nials Describe case. HABIT CURED AT HOME. No publicity. Time short- Terms moderate. l.Wltl tcstimo. Da F. K. Massh. Quincy, Mich. THE ENORMOUS WASTAGE of Rrain.oo faevtfoMt irito other street of Threshers, can be SAVED by this Improved Machine, mffirtmt, on every job, to mors (Aaa pay all expenses of threshing. FLAX TIMOTHY, MILL1T, HUNGARIAN and like seeds nro threshed, separated, eleane<l and saved aa easily and perfectly as Wheat, Oats, Ryp or Barley, AN EXTRA PRICE is usually paid for grain anil Seeds cleaned by this machine, for extra cleanliness, IK THE WET GRAIN of 1875, these were substan tially the ONLY MACHINES that could ran with profit or economy, doing fast, thorough and perfect «orfc„ trim othert utterly Jailed. r s A tioii *' Pic' _ ^ ^ ^ one-half the usual Oearsa, Belle, Boaes, and Jonrnaiel, easier managed; more durable; light running; no cost ly repairs; no dust; no " littering*n to clean up; not troubled by adverse winds, rain or atorms. FARHSRS and GRAIN XAISXRS who am potU4 in the large saving made by it wiH not employ infe rior and wasteful machine*, but will imin on th'« Improved Thresher doing their work. 10 ed In some oases with I lyd. of Potaasa))iave sriminUfc - ed and become deposited In the bones, joint*. causing caries of the bones, rickets, splnaJ curvat. SARSil --* -- T~ *ti it Tim* nftnti 1lsns*n flit system. : .... ft If those who are tatrtn« the«w medkriBeafartliaaai*" of Chronic, ScrofuloM or SyphJiitic d^My^twwwr^: ,uW ' and FOUR SIZES made for <L 8, Powers. Also a specialty of Setakatou, ct**|jnni IS Hon* and made expeessi.t fob 0team fowkr. TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS, viz.: <mr te. proved "Triple Gear»"and our "Spur Speed" (Wood- bury Style), both " Mounted " on ftmr whiesla IF 1NTXRESTEO In Threshing or @mln Ratalnc. apply to our nearest Dealer, or write to as for Illu*tm> ted Circular (*ent free), giving full particulars of SIMS. gjpl»% Priam, Term*, etc. fflchohp Shepard & Co., BATTLE CREEK, KIOH. 1 Blow mar be the euro "feel better, ' eral health improving, their flesh and weight innressina or even keeping it* own, it is a sure sign that the cure S prof^esaing. In theee disease* the patient either cetf better or worse--the virus of the disease is not inactivet if not arrested and driven from the blood, it wUl S| and continue to undermine the constitution As as the SARSAPARILLiIA.lv makes the pi "feel better," every hour you will grow better and «nm in health, strength and flesh. The great power of this rented th--as in remedy i* in diseases that' ana Consumption of the Lungs • deatL _ _ _ Tuberculous Phthisis, Scrofula, Syphiloid Diseases ̂ Wafting, Degeneration, and Ulceration of the Kidneys. ' ™" ' ' " a» i diM^yly it«n« in the bladder, and in all cases of Diabetes, Stoppage of Water (instantaneous relief i where catheter* have to be uaed, thus doing u painful operation of using theee instruments r, and bi forded w with the ere catheter* have to be uaed, thus doing awa# Kktn<?B, in Chronlt |^| syphiloid ulcers; the Bladder -Thea and UtsrL. In tumors, node*, hard lump* caaes of L«uoorrhea and yterine d^easea dropsy and venereal sore throat, uloera, and in tubercl of the lungs;in gout,dyspepsia, rheumatism, ricketel In mercnrial depo<iU--it is in these terrible forms os disease, where the human body ha* become wreok, and where every hour of exbtsnoe tsrsSx all the pleai unfortunate, •gency.it n existence where this gnat remedy might and power. . In the ordinary skin diseases that every one is more or troubled with, a few doees will iu most cases, and % i pleasures of existence appear out onate, aad by Ms wonderful/almost '.it restores the hops lis* to a new a <iay IMaitntfol cataloguefr*t% ofour fmi3 Chromoi^rayont, and beautiful Picture Cards of not«d men^womfn, and Pr««ideuts o f Visiting, Reward^ Motto, Comii% mid Tranfr- sanmlep,worth seat i>o»tt>aid for H6 cent;. I. H. BUFFOKD'S SONS. BOSTON* MASS. EsUblUhed 1830. ABOOEfor the MILLION. MCfllfUII AnUIPC -» pajte Painphlvt on mCUIUHL HUVlUC mill C'hronic DiK-aiK-i. Cancer, Catarrh", lUiptarp. Opium linlui.&v., 8KNT FREE on 'eceipl Biftta'̂ iipensary |fo. J#N. fthSt,BlLofis, tfa i i i ,i • i. i .1 ITwns'f Will hg« bores 20 feet per hour, by one man and horse, without lifting shaftinp. Bores from 1 to 4 feet in width. The Auger is filled andraised bynorse and lowered by hand. Rights for sale. Circu lars free. A. T. wurfau, Olefin's Bl'k iBdienapolit. REVOLVERS! SEVEN SHOT New Dutfaio Bill Ktvolvar S«*n( with 100. Cj Mk'rbi, Katisfaetioa sruarant#«d. llliiatratol Addreso WESTERN GUN \yORK>S Chicago. I1L $3.00 YOUR own likeness In oil colors, to show our work, painted on canvas, 6>£i7>j, from a photograph or tin trpe, free with the Home Journal, $2.50 a year. Sample of our work nnrii paper, terms to agents, Ae.. 10 L. T. LUTHER. Mill Village. Krie oounty. Pa. AM A V FI TV Your name printed I"*'" I W b SO Transparent Cai'tls, containing a scene when held to the light (60 designs), sent postpaid for 25 cent®; g pacts,5 names,#1. No other card-printer has the same. Aeente wanted : out fit 1U ete. Caud-Pkmtxb, Lock-Bos I). Aahlaad, "" L» AIPbks BEST! MEN and LADIES. oTpfRHvfr Sad! to yfn5 ' r<5: Address, with stam SHERMAN TEL. CO..OBERLIN Mind 8i*oiNo, psychomancy. fascination. Soul Charming, Mssmsrism and Lovers' Gukfa, •howinx how either sax may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they char.se instantly. 406 By mail, 60 st*. Hunt A Oo., 181S. ?th St.Phila. fit | ,1 * O --The choioest in the world--Importers' I XjixVCTe prices--Largest (Jnmpany in America-- Staple* article--pleases everybody--Trade continually in. creasing--Agents wanted everywhere--best inducements --don't waste time--send for circular to ROBT WELLS, 43 Vesey St.. N. Y. P. O. Boa 148T. $12 &i*MKswR3sri£2£ffiir Box ^53, Providence, R. L, will tell how to keep health and be ' " l beauty. Send stamp. «*rofltable. Pleasant work; hundreds now m> vMyed. hundreds more wanted. M.N LovaiLKHa,^. OA KTtra Fine MI.V10U CARDS, with nai 4dV 10 cents, postpaid. L. Jonkm k Co..Nassau,"" 6 VERT desirable NEW ARflCLES for Agents. Manfao'r'd by O. J. OapeweU A Oo., OheshireTOona. POPHAM*8 ASTHMA SPECIFIC, Sect iiit World. Trial package ft*#. T. POPHAH & CO., IVB. 9th St., PkUa, Pa. $5 tO $20 bee. irasoi A Oo.". PortlaodTMa. k day at ho •aaple* worth |11 A AGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY It Bells faster than any other book ever published. One Afent sold 61 copies in one day. Send for our extas terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., OHICAOO, III. $40 TO $60 \ me BOSS WSLL AUGi BAT mad* by operating VGBH. Bores aMsflrnraSOtptOlnobssIn diane* tsr, JOO feet a day easy. Scad for illustrated catalogue. Elevate* the dirt without removing the shafting, O. MARTIN, Patentee St Proprietor, Bl»omfield, /MM. The filled Auger raised from the bottom of the well without lifting the shaft. Bores a xy inch hole from goto too feet in one day. Can make any size. Soulders and Quicksand handled with ease. Complete Rig $ioo. Ter ritory selling rapidly. Send for Circular. O. RUST, Patentee, Macon, Ma DnrinK this month We will dispose j»/ ILL. CATALOGUE OF ARTICLES FOB leCIITC Free. BOSTON NOVELTY CO.. Mass. AfatH I O $444 rerxnonth. Agents Wanted. Bn&iroesahc-nor- •Ue, lucrative, perm*n«u(« Ptrtictii«ra Addma, i« O* Hetttoton * Cot* OUol|^ 1U* A 6REAT OFFER 100 new and «e«ond<hand PIAVOS and OR- OA VS o/'lirst-class maki'M, including WATr ERS',a(l»wy prices than ever I>efor«S\ offered. Mew 11-3 Octave Piano* for 1*475. Boxed and Shipped. Terms, |JO cash and $10 monthly until paid. Kew 3 Octave 6 »Tk clOBAtjl rinditiMll. W»I"" t. ISErrSi A 85 AKTiOLE. •Several are wanted in every house. A purchase leads to a desire for our 115, S3l> or 94 O article. AL1. OF GllEAT UTIMTY. Pli>'hicliins, Nurses, Scientists, a ltd all I'xer* approve them. No c»ru|>e4i*lon to speak of. Full info^ matiois on receipt of stamp. WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET C0H 30 Dey Street, New York. C*8 CENTENNIAL dt(Ua HISTORY OF the B to (be present nine. The only few bottles in the more aggravated forme, work a pez> EDAJQOQt euro* Those afflicted with ehronlc dteewes should purohass & package oontalniiur one doMit battles. Pnc© $IQ E S'by do*®abotUee,°r |l parted RADWAV8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD DfSTAMT EASIk , DfFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAjjDEIU , . inflammation of TiariiowVbfc* CONGESTION OF THE LUNGST SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BRF PALPITATION OF THE HF IROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING, iPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERIC8. CROUP. DIPH^x* CATARRH. INFtXJENZA. nr^TT.TJt 'ilse applloatioM of the READY RELIEF to th* part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will afford ease and comfort Twenty drops in half a tumbler of water will, In a few moments, cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR 8TOM. ACH, HbaRTBURK SICS HEADACHE. BIAE. RHEA. DYSENTERi* COLIC. W1KE IN TH5J- BOWELS, and aU INTEEKAI. PAINS,, Travelers should always carry a battle of gSAS®* WA K'» RELIEF with them. A few drops in water wilt prevent alotossB or pains from change of water. a xb JKTTKH THAN FfcEKCK BRANDT OE- BITTERS AS A STIMULANT. L O S S I N C OREAT WORK; NOW BEADTI CicM.vMjLcitluoa by au cmln«nl author,or wortbr to be pub lished In both EngUth and Oerman. Onslarge and 1 ,.npifv profusely illustrated, yetiow-priced voioms. JVricethe W A VmS^PII' f « /rl contents of any other. Splendidly illuntrated account ofipproach- SZ,„, tIJ» Sm IngGrandOemennialCelebration.AQENTS WANTED! ! FastgrowincintereKtererywherein the thrilling history or our country: hence, rarflchmoeefhr Aeeuts. Btod al one* (br dpiOriD ttoQaudtenB9,toSOAMMELLA.CO.,OhlOaSO(llk Price SttCeata. Sold hy Draggiata. DR. RADWAV8 REEDLAIW PILLS f to btur i Jo sell him. How to train hiia. How to tfill a trot-' ter. A NEW BOOK ol treat interest to Horse *an- Sent by u.aU foi ftO oenta, Address 5. P. VINCENT, M.Quoaao. Iu. Perfectly tasteleM, elefantlr eonted with iwm< fan, "f, oleanse and strengthen. RAGN* or the eure of all disorders of the hujiiiBim, jui»oi, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headaohe, Constipation, t^ostivoness. Indigea- tioa, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammf tii in of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangements of th® Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drug*. fflfOtiserve tho toll'twin* symptoms resultinf from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn* Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach* Sour Eructotlorie, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit oftha-® dTHu e Hbl ., ness of Vjaion, Dota or wt,fe Fever of the Head, Stomach, Swimming finult Breathing, Fluttering at the* Heart, Suffocsting SensatiooB when in a " ' urried aad Dif- Choking or itore, Dim am! Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency "of" Pert^temUo?* Veilowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side*. Chests. Limbs, and Sudden Fiuubee of the Fiesh. A few doses of RADWAT'S 1 delayed auti Liquul E'tr^ct of L IndlgestioD, Hiiiou-ne*-, Liver, Bladder, K!«in<y t eiano •&>- it n»v<>r fails in femaiediseases Is a •• Ootl-st'ini to feuin « School Phyeiciann r^j»ort( withTonfc'a «iJt V^lmrtios we *ji' rrvwHI.c." ..fticetlj* bottl*. • Tin' 1 d ^ ̂ Tonic Elixir rrjuTt inauv cures In "lieiifis. Pi!"'. Lung. «»>«. Fctanle Phyw- ..nd weakne**ea, oyathic and Old fiti'n, thfi rry medicin* 'Liquid Kxtrsot of Beef RICHARDSON A TIUID8I, CIICIIIIIATI.i. PORTABLE P. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! siu mommy until paid, new 5 Octave Stop Orga us, witft book closets and stool, wai ranted,>r cash, and $5 montiil «ntil JPald. Illustrated CataloKues mailed. HORACETVATBaS •••• & 8ONS, 481 Broadway, JlewTork. Bend stamp A PEINTINO- PBS1I: For Professional and Amateti>* Printers, Hrhooli, Societies, Man. ulUoturers, Merchants, and others it is the BEST ever invented. 18.000 In use. Ten styles, Pric " BENJ.O. WO Heat, Burning system from all the above Mined disorders. "pritiiiWI Cents per Box. SOLD BY DBUGGISTS. Read " FALSE AMD TRUE." worth thousands vill be Bentfoo. 10 ""i1 * 3-oent stamp for BQ White Bristol Visiting Carda Printed by a new process. No nicer ones ever soen. Prices never before named. . . . Ijirpest variety ever shown. All other kinds correspondingly low. Circulars, 3-cent stamp. Inducements never before offered to agents. Territory fast being taken. W. C. CANNON, Boa »T9, Boston. Masa , A , There are probably a majority of «h» nnmin race •offering from kidney compauto. Thv show themselves in almost pn»tean shape*, but WWW! to the injury of the patient. Thv.v tvuise mdeeciibBwB a^ony. The* experience of thirty years shovn th&fe beat remedy for this class of diseases is TarrautN Seltzer Aperient. Ite properties ar» diuretlo, which are specially 1 for eure;. "solo by a l l druggists . O. N. U. No. M H3CW WRITING TO ADVERT Vf nlcast My you mw tba advert! tetitapapw. •