Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1876, p. 5

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T •W" *+»-«*' --^.1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th. 187C. Railroad Time Table. GOING SOUTH. Geneva T.ake Passenger.... 7-25 a m (Jpiu'va l,ak<' Freight " i 45 i> ji Ciacofcttc Passenger " 4:45 p. m! GOING WORTH. Geneva Lake Freight ...8-25 A M. Ciscocttc Passenger.. .11:85a! m! Geneva I.ttkc I'assenger....' 7:05i\ m'. MASONIC, J'MCHKNRT CUAPTKRNo. MB. A. M.--Rogu- lar Convocations hold on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. „R H. C. IRUHT II. P. O. W. OvrPrs Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTORY. M*THoi>i8T.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pantor. Services «<very Sunday morning at A. M. Sunday School at 12 A."M. WM. P*UK, Super- intoudciit. Services at Kingwoo'l at '2 P. M. 8KE the card of F. J. Barbian, Cigar Manufacurer, McHenry ia another col­ umn. . ICE CREAM at R. A. Howard's Res­ taurant, near the Depot, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturda3rs and Sundays. WE learn that there is to be another Moonlight Excursion to the I.&keaon Friday evening of this week. THE FOX River BUse Ball Club go to Geueva Lake on Saturday of this week, to play the Crawford Club of that place. REV.O. PARKER, of Milwaukee will officiate in the Episcopal Church at Spring Grove on Sunday July 16th at 330p. H. Do not forget > the service? at the Universalis! Church on Thursday (to morrow) evening, which will 'be con­ ducted by the Revs. Mr. and Mrs Gibbs. You can always And a good Cigar at Charley's Barber Shop, in the Parker House Block. You can always get a clean shave and a good smoke by giv­ ing Charley a call. THOSE Spectacles noticed as found last week, are yet uncalled for. As we do not propose to commence wearing such an article at present, we should be ^lad to deliver them to the owner. MB. AND MRS. GIBBS will preach In the Uaiversalist Church, in this village, on Thursday evening »of this week, July 13th, and also on Sunday next, morning and evening. The public are invited. WE are not going to attempt to tell how hot it was in this section last week. There are no words in the English lan­ guage, that we can admit in our col­ umns, that are adequate to express what we could say on the subject. A simple butsure remedy for chafing, something with which many are troub­ led this warm weather,, was told us by a friend the other evening. It is sim­ ply Hemlock Bark Pulverized. It is certainly worth trying. LAST week was the kind of weather that made a man wish either that Adam hadn't been successful as a backslider or that some patriot would invent a pair of linen trowsers that button on around the neck and have arm holes. THE Board of Supervisors met in Woodstock on Morday last, but owing to the fact that the A:vessor's Book for the Town of Ohcmui:#-was no;, ready, they adjoi.-ned until' Monday rext. The Proceedings of last Monday's meeting can be found in another col­ umn. A young man who start ed for the Black llilis halted twenty miles this side the objective point and com­ menced to dig, and the result was a quarter of a pound of lead inside of fifteen minutes. He dug it out of his leg where it had been deposited by a noble x-ed man. THE M. E. Sunday School, of Wood­ stock, visited Mclfen1 y, on Saturday last,chartered the SteamboatuAthlete" and held a Picnic at Fox Lake. They numbered 162, and all reported a pleas­ ant time. Among the number we noticed our old friends, Peter Whitney, County Clerk, B. N. Smith, County Judge, M. D. Hoy, and other?. VAN SLYKK, of the McHenry PLAIN- DKALER, lias got down to base-ball. Shaw:--St. Charles Leader. We haven't played a game of Base Ball in five years, but if Wheeler don't keep that clap-trap of his shut we shall feel constrained to go down there aud play ou his "first bast."" until he is compelled to make a ""home run. OUR enterprising News Dealer R. A. Howard, has now made arrangements whereby the Chicago morning papers are received here on the 11:25 A. M. train, thus furnishing us with the daily papers as early as any town in the coun­ ty. This will prove a great conve­ nience to our citizens, which they should appreciate by patronizing him in every way tli§y can. THE Band Meeting on Saturday eve­ ning last was well attended, and the interest manifested by all looks fa­ vorable for immediate organization. A Committee to solicit subscrip­ tion to aid in procuring tiie in­ struments was appointed, who will report at an adjourned meeting, to be held at this office on Saturday eve­ ning next. As we*have before said w* have the material tor a first class Band, and we are glad to see this earnest in­ terest manifested. Remember the meeting on Saturday evening. Picnic Excursion. The Steamboat '•Athlete*' will make a Picnic * Excursion to Fox Lake on Thursday next, leaving her idock at 10 o'clock A. M. As our citizens have not visited the Lakes this season it is hoped that they will all turn out on this occasion, and have a regular old fashioned Picnic. This is the most pleasant time of the year for such an Excursion, and Fox Lake is decidelv the place. Therefore we say bear this in miud and all turn out. LEW STEWARD received a letter last week from "a poor but. deserving wid- dow, with one child," in Woodstock. Mrllenry County, asking for forty or fifty dollars. She said she understood that he was wealthy and very kind to the poor aud hoped he would give her, at least, that amount.--Exchange. But they say "Lew" didn't seud the money, as he found out that it was only a dodge of Elder Ringland's to get tlfty dollars for supporting liim in the New Era. And ti e Eidrn* was so mad about it that he immediately took "Lew's name from the head Of his jpaper, and is now looking around for some candi­ date who has more feeling (ot^apoor widow."' THE opening Party at the Riverside House, under the direction of the new Landlord, Mr. Wel;<-r, war-attended hv about one hundred and thirty couples, and all speak in the highest terms of the pleasant time and g<*od treatment they received on that occasion. Iu the matter of supper it is said Mr. Weber and his lady proved equal to the occa­ sion, the tabies being literally loaded, and with that that could not fail to tempt the appetite of one whether hungry or not. Taken all in all Mr. Weber has made many warm friends by his first party, who will not forget him in the future. He gave another partj'on Thursday evening for the towns people,which was, notwithstan­ ding the warm weather, attended, by about twenty five couples. The River­ side House is now open for the accom­ modation of all. THE Silver Wedding of Philip Gieseler and wife took place at their residence in Johnsburgh, on Thursday last, antfwas attended by a large num­ ber from this vill ge and surrounding country. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation, but a crowd of other businoss prevented us from attending. From those who were there, however, we learn that it was a very pleasant gathering. The tables were loaded with good things to tempt the appe­ tite, and each one of the family took particular pains to make it pleasant for all. Mr. and Mrs Gieseler were the recipients of a large number of very nice presents appropriate for the oc­ casion, presented by their friends with the wish that they might live to cele­ brate their Goklen Wedding, and under as favorable circumstances as the one thoy were now celebrating. Taken all in all it was a very pleasant and enjoyable gathering. WE inadventently omited to notice last week the change of the running of the trains on the Fox River Road. As will be seen by the Time Table"else­ where, trains pass this Station as fol­ lows: Going South--Geneva Lake Pas­ se tjgor, 7:25 A. M. Freight, 1:45 p. M. Ciseoette 2/assejiger. 4:45 p. M. Going North--Freight, 8:25 A. M. Ciseoette Passenger, 11:25 A. M. Geneva Lake Passenger, 7:05 p. M. Thus it will be seen that passengers are now able to reach here direct freni Chicago at 11:25 in the morning, and returning can leave hem at 4:45, connect with the mail train at the Crossings and reach Chica­ go at 7 in the evening. This makes the best Railroad connections we ever had, and our business men and others are loud in their praise of the "powers that bo" for this change. Other town6 on the line of this road are equally as well accommodated by this change. To the efforts of B. Buss, our gentle­ manly and eflioieut Station Agent, are we largely indebted for this much needed change. Miss LETTIE CUMINS, who is teach­ ing School in District Wo. 8, Nunda, was brought before Esquire Smith, of this village, on the 2bth of June, under a warrant charging her with unreason­ ably punishing a boy in said school. The case was put over from that day until Saturday last when Miss Cumins again appeared, but her prosecutors failed to put in an appearance, and she was consequently discharged, and the costs assessed against the complainant. The facts of the case are that the charges in the complaint were entirely without foundation, the boy being scarcely punished at all, but ouly com­ pelled to obey the rules laid down by the teacher, said rules being made by the cihisent of the Directors. The boy undoubtedly went home and told his parents * false story in regard to the affair, and without inquiry Into the matter they commenced the prosecu­ tion against the teacher. This is wrong. There is only extreme cases where parents should interfere with a teacher in school. If scholars are not compelled to obey the rules laid down then our schools must soon become ut­ terly worthless. We know Miss Cumins to be one of the best lady teachers in the county, and while she would not punish a scholar unreasonably under no circumstances, she would insist that the rules of the school be obeyed in every particular. And ail right uiiud- f<! p»»oji]« will honor her for ir. D. S. SMITH, who ha? lately returned from a two months visit in- Nebraska, speaks very highly of that part of the country.; Ho has made arrangements to go into the stock-raising business there in connection with his son, Byron D. Smith, and will return early in the Fall and make that his permanent home. He informs us that they have now 800 acres of land in one body. 500 grazing land and 300 Meadow, a large part of which can be put under the plow at any time. It i« situated in Furnace County, Jffebraska, 52 miles West from Republican City, .and 4S miles from Plum Creek, on tha Union Pacific Road. They intend making an exclusive business of raising bleoded stock. They have now on their Ranche about 300 head of cattle, 160 head of which are Texan aud the balance half breeds. Also 21 head of blooded hogs, consisting of Poland China, Berkshire and Magie's, . live horses and two mules. The above are said tocomprise some of the best stock iu that State, and are greatly admired by stock rais­ ers in that section. They intend ad­ ding to this, as fast as possible, the best blooded stock to be found, and in a few years will have a herd second to none in the West. Mr. Smith is pe­ culiarly adapted to this kind of busi­ ness, and if ability and energy are of any accouut ho is sure to win. His many friends in this county, while they will regret his decision to remove from among them, will wish him the most unbounded success in his new home. We believe he iutends returning as soon as he can close up his business here. A CARD. WOODSTOCK, July 11th 1878. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--Allow me in behalf of the M. E. Sunday School through the columns of your paper, to return thanks to the citizens of Mo- Henry for their kindness and courtesy in rendering our Picnic of the 8th inst., so pleasant and enjoyable. Especially would we remember our host of the Parker House, for so promptly trans­ fer! ng a portion of our company from the cars to the Boat, when we were so anxiously waiting for them. Our Judge says ho would prefer those bays and carriago to the train. Our boys say Capt. Griswold is a model captain, not above being courteous and kind to the children. So say we all. About 160 of us will long remember our pleas­ ant Picnic to the Lakes above McHenry July 8th 187U. P. WHITNEY Supt. Real EMatf Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Ofllce of McHenry County, Illinois, for the two weeks ending July 8th, A. D. 1876: Royal Edward* to Mary A Hehard. Lots 7 and 8 blk 30, McHenry, $500. Jane Ilogan aud husband to Frank Ilogan Lot 5 blk 1 Hart's addition to. Harvard, $150. John B Stevens and wife to Alby Udell, sw nw sec 17, Alden, 0800. P C Tee pie and wife to Anna Ouster- hart. 16 13-100 acres in sec 26, Maren­ go, $120. John Keating and wife to John Boyle Lot l blk 2 Saiford's addition to Maren­ go, $225. Heirs of Abner Bailey to Moody B Bailey. Part sec 34 Marengo, $500. Polly Huntley to Henry Huntley.-- w$ nw sec 10 Chemung, $100. Ceo W Partridge to Hubbard Wells. Lot 3 blk 4, Safiord's addition to Maren go. $600. David A Serviss and wife to V K Groesbeck. nw ne 12, Alden, $1000. Geo F Harding and wife to D A Ser­ viss, 6ame, $1000. R C Jefferson and wife to Patrick Jlocney. 4 15-100 acres in no 6, 44, 7, $450. J C Ohoate to August Happier. Lot 6 blk 12, Oakland Cemetery, Woodstock $25. J H Lindroth and wife to Andrew Swanson. Undivided } lot 3 blk 12, Nunda, $100. Perroelia A and Albert Bronson to Percy M Smith. Lot 98 Assessors plat 6ec 35 Marengo, £200. Sarah Gibbs to William Diggins.-- 41 1-100 acres iu I, 45, 5. and iu 6, 45, 6, $1640. Same to Isaac Lusk 35 98-100 acres in same, $1425. John Nim8kin and wife to John B Bell, ni sw 35, 46, 8, $4000. Yolo Cornet Band. Are now prepared to furnUh music for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere on the most reason­ able Terms. Address Volo Cornet Band, Volo, 111. *Rf " 1'rottfHHl iii^s of the Board of Supervisors, v The Hon. Board of Supervisors of McHenry county met at their rooms in the Court House in Woodstock on Mon­ day, July 10th, 1876, at I o'clock p. M. Meeting called to order by the clerk. I pon roll being called the following members responded to their names to wit: I, E. Searles, Z. IC. Goodrich, R. M. Patrick. O. C. Digging, James Thomp- 8°11' B* O. Southmavd, R.D. Cooney, C. O.Parsons, C. Gilbert. D. S Wood, M. L. Joslyu, Geo. IL Garrison, S. W. Browu, M. Foote, J. IL Cooloy J. M. Smith, B. F. Peck, and a F. Dik«, On motion of Supervisor Parsons,ti e Board balloted lor chairman, which re­ sulted in the election ef Supervisor Diggins. On motiou of Supervisor Garrison, a committee was appoiuted to revise the rules to govern this Board. Said committee consisted of Supervisors Garrison, Joslyn and Parsons. Board then adjourned for one hour aud met pursuant to adjournment. The committee appointed to revise the rules to govern this Board, made the following recommendation, which on motion was adopted, to wit: To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Me Henry County. Illinois, GENTI.EMEN : -- Yonr Committee on Rules would recommend that the rules adopted in 1863 be readopted, with the except ion of rule 6th, which we recom­ mend to read as follows: The equalization of real estate shall be referred to the Committee on Real Estate, and the equalization on person­ al property shall be referred to the Committee on Personal Property. Respectfully submitted. OKO. II. GARRISON, 1 M. L. JOSLYN, V Com. C. O. PARSONS, ) The Chairman appointed the follow­ ing Committees, to-wit: Assessment of Heat Estate--Supervi sors Parsons, Garrison, Patrick, Baker and Dike. Assessment Personal Property-- Searles, Wood, Foote, Cooney and Feck. On Railroad -- Thompson, Peck, Cooney, Smith and Searles. On Finance--Joslyn, Patrick, South- may d, Cooley and Foote. On Education--Southmayd, Brown, Baker, Wood and Smith. On Roads and Bridges --Brown, Gil­ bert, Dike, Cooney and Cooley. Or* Public Buildings--Joslyn, Searles Wood. Smith and Gilbert. On Fees and Salaries--Garrison, Thompson, Joslyn, Foote and Gilbert. On Claims--Goodrich, Garrison, Southmayd. Parsons and Smith. To Settle with Treasurer --Thompson Brown, Garrison, Goodrich and Dike. On Accounts--Parsons, Baker, Searles Peck and Cooley. On Claims for Rebate Tax 1873--Par­ sons, Cooley'and Cooney. Board adjourned to meet Monday, July 17th at one o'elock p. m. O. C. IlrooiNS, Chairman. Attest, P. WHITNRY, Clork. F. BEST of the McHenry Bakery now makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Waucouda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baiter, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned. STORE FURNITURE FOR SALE. One Pannel Counter, a lot of^Sugar Boxes, Shelving, Drawers, Desk, &c. The above is as good as new and will bo sold at a Bargain. Call on or ad­ dress R. A. Howard, McHenry, 111. WOOL! WOOL! I am now in the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their, interest to call and see mq.. F, R GHAJTGER. McHenry, Uh July 5th 1876- SEE notice of Volo Band in another v-niunni. ^ GREENWOOD EDITOR PI.AINDEALER :*-You have without doubt been Informed by the outside world that the weather for the past few days has been decidedly mild aud warm, good corn weather &e., and withall not a little moist. Wejlike many other tender plants, wilted, have melted, squizzled, foamed and frizzled, traveled up and down the earth seeking some cool spot not quite so hot, where weary man inay oool his tallow. We have panted for the water brooks upon whose banks we might sit beneath the shade of some overhanging treo and bathe our weary feet; longed for the appointment as Minister to Greenland, sighed because we were not permitted to explore the Arctic Regions, but all in vain. We've melted. On Saturday evening last a meteor light of unusual brightness was seen in the Eastern horizon, rieiug at an An gle of about forty-five degrees, passing up­ wards in the form of an immense Rocket, leaving a streak of red light re. eembling sparks, plainly visible for at least fifteen minutes. It made lte ap- I»earance about dusk and was seen by a number of our citizens from varioos points. Mr. P. Daily has returned from his visit to the East and Philadelphia, but for some cause did not stop to see the "Big Bonanza." Farmers are beginning to entertain fears of a failure on small grain. In many localities the rust is very bad. Mrs, Ayna Hathaway, wife of Job Hathaway, of Exeter, Nebraska, is spending a few weeks among friends here. Her oldest child is quite sick at Mr. Toles. Mrs. Wells, formerly Miss Anna Cole, of Moline, is also visiting friends here. Menoi's traveling Piano left town Saturday. EVEN. KicUmond Department,. Go to E. M. Owen for Pumps. Dinners 25 oents Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes to match. Very neat styles. At O. W. Owen's. Dinners 25 cents Yankee Bakery Woodstock. FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots and acre Property, in and adjoining the Village of McHenry, that has heretofore been held out of market, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms. E. M. OWEN. Dinners 25 cents Yankee Bakery,: Woodstock. Fruit Jars iu abundance at Bucklin is Stevens. D. A. POTTER, KoitoR. Passenger trains p&as Richmond as followB • GOING SOUTH Geneva Lake Paasenjfor, A. *r, Geneva Lake Freight v»II:50r. m. OOINO NORTH Geneva Lake Freight 10:40 *. *. Geneva Lake Passenger.. 7:S7 r. *. CHURCH DIR CTORT. V. J.. Douglass COSQBBOATIOHAIittfV Pastor, itorvioea at i P. M. 11 K'rnoDisT: --Bcv. Saul Earagwy Paato*. Servioes 10:90 A. M. Sabbath School V-J0 A. M. J. L. DtfTrnUis, Sup*. BAPTIST:-Elder Wheeler Pastor. Services 10:90 A. M. Sabbath School IS M. Farmers are hard at work on their farms, some in their corn, others com­ mencing haying. Crops of all kinds look splendid. Farmers are holding their Wftol fbr better prices, with no very flattering prospect of much advance, at present prices of cloths. • Low prices for farm products makes slow sales tor Agricultural Implements, and our dealers in those coihmoditieS look jaded and care worn. Merchants are having a fair trade, they holding to their Well established rule, small profits and qjiick sales. The Railroad Company are building a sidewalk on side of the bridge on Broadway, to accommodate pedestrians that throng the thoroughfares of Rich­ mond. Improvements continue to goon-ln Richmond. F. W. Mead's new dwelling is nearly completed. W, II. Cooley, A, J. Howe, and Fidelia Cholette have their buildings ready for and being plastered. All are being finished in a style that shows taste and refinement* Other buildings are being erected besides those mentioned above, so that the sound of the saw and the tammer in our ears in all directions reminds us that the people of Richmond are wak­ ing up to their bost interest to improve and build up one of the best located towns in the Northwest. There Is a demand now for several more dwellings a Public Hall, a Bank, and more busi­ ness to make Banking profitable. Rumor says two of onr citizens are to be made one this week. That Is,there Is to be a real wedding, and it is ru­ mored it is to take place In Elgin.-- Whether clandestine or not we are not prepared to say at this writing, but our live, wide-awake, accommodating Host of the Richmond House Is bound to follow the rumor up and intends to visit Elgin to-day, and see if he cannot get the parties to return to Riohmond. where we have good accommodating Parsons, ready at all times to tie the Silver Cord. And "Frank" says he has plenty of accommodations at the Rich­ mond House and jto necessity of parties going to Elgin for anythtng of the Idnd. But he says if they won't come back and accept of that offer he has Bridal Chambers all furnished in good order, and he will get them to come to the Richmond House to spend the Honeymoon, and as much longer as he can make it pleasant and agreeable.-- Success to Frank and Business Notice#. Go to E. M. Owen for Horse Rakes. Good dinner 2r> ct®., YankBakery. Woodstock. & FQJfL SALE. A House and Lot in the Village ef Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern and well, a large, well-fin­ ished barn, well located for Livery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash, bal­ ance secured by mortgage. Fo-r parti culars address or call on JX A. POTTER, P. M., &i«ltraond, I1L Auction Sale of Pickles. The Directors of the Union Company will eell at mblio Auction, at the Pickl« Factory, iu McHenry IlL, com­ mencing 1 O'clock P. M.„ on Saturday the 20th day of July, 1876. the entire interest of the Union Company in the Pickle crop of the year 1875. Said in­ terest includes some sixteen thousand bushels of Pickles in brine. Terms make known on the day of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. K. BKKHKK, Secretary. To Pleasure Seekers. The undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer, "R.' EMERSON," would respectfully inform Hunters, Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers and the Public gener­ ally, that tliey are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to and from Pistaqna and Fox Lakes, aud also Wrilmot, Wis., on short notice and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ae- commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the ^comfort of passengers Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time can do so by mail or telegraph, bv address- JIJAR SNYDER & CLARK. McHasar, III., April «4th 1870. A SURE CURE FOR DIARRNIEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with a diarrhoea. 1 tried evervthingthat was re com men - ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blano and others can testify the abovo to bo true and no humbug. I have proved it to be equally as good for billious com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the bile, and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I ever used. a Jofflt PVXHAK MEN. Town of Seneea, McHenry County, state of Illinois. Subscribed and sworn before me this 2$th day of September 1875. K »i\I.T>W!5 J. I*; Strawberries ami cream1 Bakery, Woodstock. Croquet Sets from one dollar Hp ft£ O. W. Owen's. Splendid Root Beer Yankee Bake Woodstock. * frRUITJAl*#'Sr AH size#, atX. Stoddardl# Go and see tho piles of as* OoojH being received daily at P. li at SmithBroa. old stau<i> Dinners oenU Jtafeadb WooxleUMft. SALT! SALT! , Fresh Salt for sale at our Warehow^Hi at$1.00per Barrel. SMITH A SHYDBR, A bran new Organ at Ob W* Owen*» for $100. • - • Dress Goods of all kinds and at prk« ccs to please, at BnckKu & Stevens'. Best thing iu Plowa. Gall and see. - . K. M.UWtK, A full lino Of Clothing at Rtickllu ft Stevens'. A fuH suit from $6,50 up. Dinners S5 cents Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. One two-seated Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWEN. Dinners 35 cents Yankee Bakery, Woodstock. If you want any kind of Fan#1 tai mentsor repairs call ou E. M. Owen Ladies Ties in great variety very cheap, at Bucklin & Stevens*. The BYanchitrd and Emmett (linrnly the best in the market. For Sale l»y O. BISHOP. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Counter Scale* and Portable Platform Scales, for Salo by O. Bishop. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLBKY. The best In the market at L. Stod' dard's, •• CHEAPER THAN EVER, All kinds of Gooda at BuckUti At Stevens'. A NEW THING. Double ehuin, Ingrain bents them all. For sale al "P. Smith's. New arrival of Clothing and If ftta «m9 Caps at P. D. Smith's. M. Selz A Co.'a Boots and Shod, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bucklin A Stevens1. Yankee Bakery, Dinners 35 cents Woodstock. If you want an extra good Shave or. Hair Cut, call on Charley, at the Parke* House. A splcnded Piano to Rent on reason­ able terms. o. w. owii. McHenry III. Jan. llth, VKk Remember that Bucklin A Stevena offer their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Oouh for Butter and Eggs. \ HATST IIAT8! A cart load just received at Bucklin & Stevens', at very low prices. Good dress Prints, fast colon, only 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. Dinners 25 cents Yankee Bakery* Woodstock. Elegant patterns of Notingham Cdf* tain Lace from SO cts., and iqmiik Also a new invoice of Wall paper atMK window shades, at very low prices. p. i>. SMITH. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades In Ecra Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapaoae, at P. D. Smith's. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester and Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we aro tho sole ugonts in tliia village, are relatively the best aaa cheapest in tho market Give them •- trial. P. D. Smtm. The new American Sewing MaGhia% the best in the market. They are war­ ranted In ©very particular,, araie*. and maTce less ftolse. .(Mi@nd them. O. V. Owen, Agent. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Slot* For tho Spring £> Summer tradn which I can aud will8cll at prloe* that DEFY Competition* fifcr A L L GOODS Warranted as repre­ sented. CALL and C. At P. W. BLAKE'S, OPPOSITE PERRY A MART-IITS S§W>IUI MoHenry, HI. H. MAI MAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. WAUCONOA. Lake County* • • • ttHnols* Has just reeeived tho Largo^t an-t Uosh Stock ot^Molli-s CaaeiinerBS, *v«ncy Vesting*.,, and also OlothinK of all kinds, ever this Market. Mens', Touthsand Boy a Suit* of all graded and jirkses. I out pieman** te Suit you 111 Koutly-Mutk CfothiTy Suit you to Order. Suit you in Price. Suit you In Style. Suit you 011 Fit. Tocaa Ttai, H.MA1MAX. Wancomta, 115., SVh.!K?&. 1

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