Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1876, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY. JULY ML 1876. Railroad Time Table. UOING SOUTII. Geneva Lake l'a.asiMtjrer.-. . Geneva'Lake Freight Oiscoettc Passenger .! GOIVtt KOKTH. Geneva Lake Freight Ctecoette Passcnper Geneva Lake Fassenirer 7:25 A. M. 1:45 l'. M. . . . . 4 :4S 1 ' . M. ....8:25 ALM. ....11:25A. M. 7:05 p. M. MASONIC. 1 MeHKxnv CUAI'TKR XO. 34 R. A. M.--Resu- "•*" Convocations held on the second and fourth 1? ridays in each month. w ' IL C. IRISH II. P. G. W. OWEN- Sec.. CHURCH DIUECTOUV. V METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, • Pastor. Services everv Snndav morning: ai ioi<j A. M. Sunday School at 1 '2A.M. WM. P \<;K. Surer, lntendent. Services «tt Rinjrwood at i! I*. M. ICE CREAM at R. A. Howavd's Res­ taurant, near the Depot, Tuesday's, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. MONDAY was One of the warmest days of the season, this thermometer. stand­ ing at 102 in the shade in this section. Whew! give us a rest. V MRS. J. P. Goix<> and Mrs. Isaac Jecks will please accept thanks for a fine lot of Hasp berries left at our resi­ dence. THE Board of Supervisors are ,*\gain in session this week at Woodstock. We learn that they expect to liuish busiuess and adjourn by Thursday evening. MAYOR BARCLAY and family, of Elgin f>ast through this village for the Lakes on Thursday last, where we understand they intend to remain for two or three weeks. D. S. and P. D. SMITH,"are just now taking in quite a quantity of Wool, notwithstanding the present low price. Twenty-five cents is now about the highest price paid. THE Steamer k,R. Emerson" took a Picnic Party, numbering about sixty, to the Lukes on Sunday last. She is now in perfect repair and making daily trips to and from the Lakes. THE Fox River Base Ball Club will play a match game with the "Crystal Lake Club, in tl is village, on "Friday next, the 21st. Game to commence at half past one p. M. A good game may be expected. WE republish on the first page of this paper, the two Platforms, Repub­ lican and Democratic, in order that our readers may have a chance to com­ pare them, and also to preserve them for reference during the campaign. THE new Stores.on the Corner, oppo­ site the Baptist Church, nave received a coat of Paint on tho outside, and now present a very handsome and business like appearance. They are being fin­ ished on the inside as fast as possible. AT E. M. Oweu's Agricultural Ware­ house can now be found a fine lot of Buggies and Wagons, which they are selling at bed-rock prices, If in want of a good Wagon or BugJjy do not fail to call and see them. CHARLEY, the Barber in the Parker House Block, has just had printed a lot of Shaving Tickets, which entitles a man to twelve Shaves for One Dollar. This is cheaper, and certainly easier than to make change every time you Shave. Call and see him. THE Moonlight Excursion advertised for Fridav evening last was not so well attended as was expected, owing to •ome misunderstanding about the time, although those who did attend report a pleasant time. It is proposed to try it over again at no distant day. THE hens have commenced their strife again on big eggs. Isaac Jecks left two at this oflice last week, one measuring GixSJ and the other (^xS1,. The old hen declares this is the best she £an do and if there Is any other biddy that can beat that they can cla^m the Centennial Prize, WE again appeal to our citizens to cut down the weeds along tlte walks in front of their residences. in some places OJI the main streets it is almost impassible after a shower, besides it would add much to the appearance of our Streets if these nuisances were removed. Who will make a commencement? HAYING is not far distant, with fair & prospects of an average crop. Grain as a general thing, looks unusually well thus far, as it stands even on the ground, the delightful warm weather having kept the worms at bay. Corn, although planted late by many, bids fair to be an abundant crop. WE understand that parties from Chicago contemplate commencing im­ mediately to build a new Steamboat at this place, to run between McHenry and the Lakes, at a cost of $1.>,0<XI. She is to be after the style o'f the " New­ berry," at Geneva, and be first, class in every particular, with double deck, cabin, &c. "So mote it be." OUR German citizens, together with a few of their friends, charted the Steamer "Athlete" and held a Picnic on the banks of Fox Lake on Sunday last. About 150 were aboard, and a pleasant time is reported. They re­ turned about six in the evening, and not an accident of any kind occurred to ' mar the pleasure of the day. May they all I've to enjoy many more of the same kind is the wish of yours truly. THE citizens of Solon, men, women ahd children, under the supervision of our 'friend .Tanies Bobbins, together with several outside friends, had a grand Picnic at Fox Lake on Saturday last, going up via. Steamer "Athlete."' We did not learn the number, but that the Steamer was loaded to its fullest capacity. Among the number we no­ ticed Iloii. T. D. Murphy, Circuit Judge and Capt. James Nish, County .Treas­ urer, of Woodstock. E. E. THOMAS, of Woodstock, who is a candidate for Sheriff, made us a call last week. lie was looking up his in­ terests in this part of the County, and reports the outlook as encouraging. We know Mr. Thomas'to be a straight­ forward business man, and a good citi­ zens, and as he has once held the office of Sheriff all know that, he will make a good officer. Our county would be sure of a good - Sheriff by nominating and electing Mr. Thomas. - PARKER & Sox, of the T'arker House, in this village, have lately added to their • establishment • thrfee new and handsome 'carriages, two single seat and one two seat, all coveted. The two-seated carriage is One of the handsomest in this part ofthe country, and is certainly a turn out to feel proud of, while the others are equal to the best made. The double Carriage was purchased in Chicago, while the other two were made by L. Francisco, of this village. * THE organization of a Brass Band in this village is now a fixed fact, the money having been raised, and the in­ struments already purchased. The Band wi'l be composed of eleven mem­ bers, furnished throughout with new instruments, and we believe, with the material we have, we will soon have a Band second to none rn the county. The instruments are purchased by and will remain the property of the town, which will be a guarantee that our Band cannot be broken up should one of its members happen to leave town. They will immediately secure the ser­ vice of a first class Teacher and com­ mence practice at once. We will give the names of the members next week. F. BEST of this village, .has received a letter from John B. Emines, wjio left this county last Spring for the Black llills, which does not give a very favor-"' vorahle report of that region. It i8 dated Elizabeth City, and says that while there is plenty of Gold in the Black Hills, it takes capital to get it out, and that everyone who has money enough.left is returning home. StiM the country is full of those who went there with just money enough to get them through, and are now unable to get work or get away, and are conse­ quently suffering for the necessaries of life, lie advises all who are contempla­ ting going that way to abandon the project at once, as he is sure they will regret it soon after they get there, lie says that in a year things may change, but now it look's dubious, the country being full of dead-broke, down hearted, disappointed men who would give almost anything to be at home once more. He sent Mr. Best a speci­ men of the Gold found there, but all its glitter would not tempt us to take the trip to the Black Hills. THE Picnic advertised for Thursdav last was attended by about twenty couples, who were taken to Fox Lake by the.Steamer "Athlete," and landed on a bluff just above Lippincott's Land­ ing, where dinner was spread and eaten with a relish which only those can appreciate whose business com pel them to be indoors week after week, and who only occasionally get a fresh breeze from - the-Lakes. After satis­ fying the inner Than a stroll along the banks of the Lake, and a general social time was had, after which they returned, reaching Mclfenry about half past five P.M. In this connection we wish to ask why cannot Mellenry have a Picnic Ground of her own at Fox Lake? It has been suggested that our citizens buy one or two acres of land on the Lake, and fit it up with swings, Croquet Grounds, Ac., and besides using it our­ selves, make it a free resort for' all Picnic Parties iu the county who visit the Lakes. A t"tTt^ present time a few shoddyites,who own a few acres on the banks of the Lake, are making themselves quite conspicuous by order­ ing persons oil' their grounds who are holding Picnics iu that vicinity, which does not tend to make strangers feel like coining agaiu inider^ such circum­ stances. Therefore we would suggest that the citizens of Mellenry at once take this matter under advisement. The expense will be comparatively small, and it will not only make a pleasant resort for ourselves, but for our friends in different parts of the count}* who wish to visit these beauti­ ful Lakes. The McIIefiry Picnic G rounds, free to all. would be an honor to our town, and a just rebuke to these would be aristocrats, who daily insult visitors iu that vicinity. Volo Cornet Baud. Are now prepared to furnish music for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere on the most reason­ able Tennis. Address Volo Cornet Band, Volo, 111. Go to E. M.Owen fou Pumps. Fancy Note and Letter Paper, with envelopes i<> match. Very neat stvle>. At <J. W. lh\ ens. Proceedings of the Hoard of Trustees. MCIIKXRT. July lith, 1S7<; ' Board met as per adjournment. Present, Bishop, Story, Searles. Weber, Walsh and Hartley. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Bond of Joseph Gillis and sureties for Dram Shop License approved and accented and License ordered issued en same. Ordered that Special Polioe oft the 4th instreceive^ each compensation for6ervicts. The committee appointed to frame Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year, disagreeing was on motion of Mr. Searles discharged and the President on motion of Searles appointed Messrs. Story, Searles and Weber a committee to draft Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year and to report at once, whereupon the following Ordinance was adopted and passed. Those voting in the affirm a live being Searles, Story, Weber and Bishop, Those voting in the negative were Walsh and llanley. •ORDINANCE'. SEC. i. Be it Ordained, By the •President and Board of Trustees of the ^ illage of-Mellenry Illinois, that-there shall be appropriated out of the funds of the said Village and from any monies which may be in the Village Treasury the following sums of money and for the i>ur])oses hereinafter stated. For Streets and Allevs including Street Crossings. Sidewalks, Culverts and Bridges, one thousand dollars. 1'or miscellaneous and contingent ex­ penses including Salaries, five handred dollars. For improvement of the Public Square, two hundred and fifty dollars. ^ SEP. 2. And he it Further Ordained. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage. Jul} lUli 1S7G. On motion of Mr. Searles ordered that the Street Commissioner lay down Sidewalk from the Public School grounds to the Cemetery. Aves, Story Searles, Weber, Walsh and Hanley. Nays, Bishop. Attorney Granger reported relative to the mill race matter that everything was progressing favorably to an early adjudication and that it was mutually agreed to leave the settlement of the all a i r t o A11 o r ne y Co on. Moved and carried that orders be drawn "upon the Treasurer for the amount due'each member of the Board for services to date. Bill of $20.75 in favor of J. Story for Hardware, audited and ordered paid, Adjourned to meet on call of Presi­ dent. BASK HALL M. KE-LTKR, Clerk. R* Bisjior, 'President. Excursion to Wilmot. The Steamboat "Athlete" will make an Excursion to Wilmot., Wis., (or as near as she can get) ou Sunday next the 23d, leaving Mellenry about half past nine A. M. Unless there is some ob­ struction not now known she will be able to run to Wilmot and return be tween live ami six iu the afternoon. This will be a pleasant trip and it is hoped our citizens will generally turn out. F. BEST of the Mellenry Bakery now makes regular trips as follows; Ringwood .and Richmond Mondays and Thursdays, Volo and Waueonda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days'meutioued. STORE FURNITURE FOR SALE. One Pannel Counter, a lot of Sugar Boxes, Shelving, Drawers, Desk, &c. The above is as good as new and will be sold at a Bargain. Call on or ad­ dress R. A. Howard, Mcflenrv, 111. WOOL! WOOL! I am now in the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their interest to call and see me. F. K GK.vNoint. Mellenry, 111, July 5th 1S7<>- Vor can always find a good Cigar at Charley's Barber Shop, in the Parker House Block. You can always get a clean shave and a good smoke by giv­ ing Charley a call. FOR SALE. A House a ltd Lot in the Village of Richmond, favorably situated near the business centre of the village, with a good cistern anil well, a large, we 11-fin­ ished barn. well located for I.ivery and Sale Stables. Terms, a part cash*, bal­ ance secured by ifiortgage. For parti­ culars address or call on ' D. A. POTTER, P. M., Richiunnil, 111. To Pleasure Seekers. The• undersigned having purchased and put upon Fox River the fast run­ ning Steamer. "R. EMERSON." would respectfully inform Hunters. Fishermen Pleasure-Seekers ami the Public gener­ ally. that they are prepared to accom­ modate all parties and make trips to and from l'istaqua and Fox Lakes, and also AN ilinot, Wis., on short notice' and guarantee a quick trip and pleasant ac­ commodations. This Boat is entirely new, is fitted up in splendid style and with especial reference to the comfort of passengers. Close connection will be made with all trains on the Fox River road. Persons wishing to engage the Boat for any special time can do so by mail or telegraph, by address- I«£. SNYDER CLARK. McllENur, Iix., April -24th 1*7(5. Fruit Jare iii abundance at Bticklin & Stevens. ' * * Dinners : Woodstock. '.o cents Yuukee Baker v. " FOX BIVEBS," of HeBmry, * •«. ' CRAWFORDS," of Geneva Wk#. The "Fox RiTer^ Base Ball Club of this village went to Geneva Lake ou Saturday dast. and .played a Diatch game with the "Crawfords," the Cham­ pions of Southern Wisconsin, who they defeated by a score of SI to 11. In making a report of a Ball game we very much dislike to be obliged to censure either Club for conduct upon the field, but the actions of the Craw­ ford Club, of Geneva, on this * occasion was so unjust and ur.geutlemanly, that we cannot refrain. The "Fox Rivers"' went to Geneva as per challenge from the "Crawfords," supposing that they were to play a game of Ball according to the Rides of li?7G, with a fair an im­ partial Umpire, and to receive gentle­ manly and courteous treatment at the hands of the home club. But on arriving at Geneva they were obliged to hunt the entire town over before they could find any member of the Club, no one being around to receive them pr tell them,where or when the game was to be played. The game was finally set down for one o'clock, and the "Fox Rivers"' being promptly on the ground were obliged to wait until nearly half past two before the game was called. The game opened with the "Fox Rivers" at the bat and before the close of the second innings it be­ came apparent to the Wisconsin cham­ pions that they were not to have the easy "walk-a-\Vay" that they had an­ ticipated. And here was where they commenced to show their bristles, and apparently made up their minds to beat our boys by fair means or foul. With an Umpire who eifher could not or would not interpret the Rules cor­ rectly. they attempted in the first place to rule out the Fox River Pitcher by calling a "balk," when the Rules were plainly against such decision.-- In th'.; third innings they again at­ tempted to violate all rules and put in fresh men. who did uot belong to their Club at all. This they also attempted several times (hiring the game. This wast tick No. 2. There were other small, petty tricks which we might mention, but retrain. Suffice to say that notwithstanding all this tlie Fox Rivers showed themselves superior to the champions in every point, botti at the bat and iu the field, and with any kind of a fair slnnv can beat them any -day two to one, and if they cannot do it fairly will treat them like gentle­ men at least. If the Crawford Club have won their heretofore proud title of champion by the kind of game they attempted to play on Saturday they are welcome to such laurels. The McHeiiry Club want none such The*manne.r in which our boys ac­ quitted themselves in this game, played under so many disadvantages, was a credit to themselves .and the game which they so noblv represent. They ask no point in the game which they do uot honestly win, a fair field and no favor being th<vir motto. Mellenry has just cause to feel proud of the "Fox River" Base Ball Club. Below we append the score in full. 1<)\ HI VI. 11 it. J. (Joins: If 4 A, Walsh p 4 (' Waite r 1" 2 (..Owen «• H J. Tliiirlwoll 3 b '2 A. Lincoln a b.. .2 A Ostrandor o f. .0 K Vau-Slyko 8 8..4 O Owen 1st b.. ..2 a | 31 Strenjr ... 2: sajtiroek 4 ; French .. 2i S.*irtfor<l .. 2i Kelly CRAWFoni) R. M'U'ey . (Junu ... Huml... Durktto 11 47 S -21 0 -11 91 37 SCORE OF 1 SSI NO 8. 1 2 3 4 6 B 7 FOX RIVEB-- 2 0 1 6 3 6 0 O l i A W F O K D 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 The members of the Fox lilver Club wish to tender their thanks to miue host Ransford, of the St. Dennis Hotel, Geneva Lake, for the manner in which he entertained them on that occasion. If the way to ones heart is down his throat, the landlord of the St. Dennis certainly hit our boys in the right spot, as they speak highly of the good fare they received at his hands, besides the gentlemanly and courteous manner in which he entertained them during their entire stay. They take pleasure iu recommending the St. Dennis to all who visit Geneva Lake. Itoal Kstate Transfers. Conveyances filed for record in the Recorder's Office of Mellenry County, Illinois, for the week ending July 15th, A. I). 187G : .John Adams and wife to Wm. Doher- ty. Lot 111 Assessor's Plat, sec 35, Ma­ rengo. $175. Catharine Cashion to Michael Bao- liau. One acre in se 27, 45, 8, $50. James Gall and wife to Margaret Brohan. Part lot 9 blk 3, West Me­ llenry, 8100. John Sahnond and wife to John Don­ nelly. w£ nel2, 43, 6, $1. John Donnelly and wife to Ann Sal­ mon. Same, §1. E G and E E Ayer and wives to L McElroy. Lot 4 blk 35 Harvard, $450. John II Moekler to Michael Mockler. nw sw 29, 40, G. $800. ' Elon Powers and wife to Harvey K. Booth. 13G rods in 16,40. 8, $15Q. Helen K Bacon and husband to Timo­ thy Hurley. Lot 21 Arkell's addition to Richmond. $80. Betsey and Marv Lampson to John S Lampson. se se 24. 45, 5, $20. Susannah Dufield et al to Jared Knapp s p of land in ne 18, 44,7. $20. Joseph B Young and wife to Bennett S Brown. 2 acres in ne 36, 46, 5, $20. Same to same 17 acres in same, $600. Win I Wooster and wife to Griffin Bros. Lot 1 blk 3 Hart's addition fro Harvard $300. \ WOODSTOCK. JEUITOR PI AINDEALER:--This time there is no dearth of uews,the quanti­ ty being so great that there may be some difficulty in compressing it into the limits of ouf Woodstock letter, but the attempt must be made. Ou the day of the show at this place Mr. Vos«f the crazy man of Nunda township, concluded to tako a trip southward, to pulled out with teaavand wagon. uIck" Wells, haviug a claim against him, swore out an attachment and Van Curen overtook Vose at Frank- linville; who, being unwilling to re turn to Woodstock, Van got possession of one of hit horses which was followed to Woodstock by our crazy emigrant Being in a tight place, and having a scant supply of the "Rag Baby," Clark Jacobs made a gcod trade out of him and the pair of them taking Vose'stwo horses, one by attachment, the other by a fair swop, contentedly jogged home­ ward. Our insane friend not exactly liking the situation left the county, but returned last Wednesday night and effected a trade that suited hint better, since this time it did not take two to make a trade, in short he traded back with Jacobs, and traded with. Wells, leaving one horse in Wells pasture, the other in Watrous' barn. Vose was captured near Elgin, brought to Wood­ stock, and on trial last Saturday before Esquire Baldwin, was proved insane and discharged. The question now is, "How stands that horse trade?" A charge of bastardy, was, on Thnrs- dav la|t, by a daughter of George Mathews, preferred against McGhee, Mayor Donnelly's clerk, and in the eve­ ning the parents ofthe girl n»ade au assault upon him in Donnelly's store, w'ith the iron dart of one of the coun­ ter stools. Mack retreated in good or­ der but was treed On the stall's leading to the carpet room, and but for the in­ terference of Frank Donnelly, the pair of them would probably have accom­ plished their purpose, and made good their threat, several times repeated,of killing him. They were ejected from the store, arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, and held in $100 each to appear at court. R. C. Jefferson bailed the man in consideration of his family, and John Donnelly the women. The bastardy case is to be tried on Tuesday next. The Elgin "White Stockings" came to Woodstock, by land, and the game was an interesting one, Elgin winuing by a neck, the score being 19 to 18. Joe Hall umpired the game. Our active Superintendent of the Fair Ground has cut and stacked the hay that grew upon the grounds. There is plenty of it, and it has been put up in prime condition. The cooper shop that stood on the Pickle Factory lot has been sold to W. B. Austin, and moved to the corner owned by John Bunker on the South side of the Square. It is to be used aa an Agricultural Warehouse. Our City Fathers have concluded to build a house for the band, somewhere in the Park. L. II. S. Barrows' addition to the Foundry is completed, on the outsidej and cert&iuly indicates that Barrows doesn't mind the hard times a bit. Success to him. Wm. II. Sherman has torn down the old addition on the east sido of his house and intends putting up some­ thing more to his taste--if not more convenient. The horticultural taste of our eittxons seems to havo concentrated Itself on the east side of the Square, where Blossom, the Post Office, McNett & Losce, and Dr. Stone are doing what they can to make their places of busi­ ness attractive. At present Dr. StOne has the blue ribbon. The New Era man is independent, just like the ass betwixt the two bun­ dles of hay. If he only knew how many votes are awaiting his decision he would call a council of war of the firm, Business Ncrtic< Croquet Sets from one delkU' O, W, Oweu 's. ______ FRUIT JARS. All sizfs, iit L. Stoddard**. Gu and see the piles of new Good# being received daily at f*. D, gnitb'a, at SmitUBros. oldstand, SALT! SALT! Fresh Salt for sale at oar tfarehotifr at$1.60 per Barrel. SMITH A SMYOB* A bran new Organ at O, W« Ow*to*9 for #100. I>r*ss Goods of all kinds ttttd St pit" cesto pleas#, at Buckiiu & Stevens'. Best thing iu Plows. Call aud see, X. M, OWEF. A full line of .Clothing at Bucklin-M Stevens'. A fuTl suit from 96,50 up.- One two-seated Democrat Wagon to# sale cheap. O. W, OWEN* If you want any kind of Farm Impfe* mentsor repairs call on E. M.Owei#. Ladies Ties in great variety l&Mf very cheap, at Bucklin A Stevens'. The Blanchard and Emmett Churtft, the best fn the market. For Sale by O. BishoP. Forsyth's Hay Scales, Counter Scales and Portable Platform Scales, for Sale by O. Bishop. POCKET AND TABLE CtTTLERt', The best ill the market at L. Stod­ dard's, CHEAPER THAN EVER.- ^ ATI kinds of Goods at Bucklin A Stevens'. A NEW THING, Double chain, Ingrain beats them -all. For sale at P. Smith's. New arrival of Cloth! lg and Hatr fttad Caps at P. D. Smith's. M. Splz & Co.'s Boots and ShOeS,- warranted to give perfect satisfaction, at Bucklin & Stevens'. Dinners 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee Bakery, If you want an extra good Shave'or. Hair Cut, call on Charley, at the Parke# House. A splended Piano to Rent oo ve&feotw able terms. O. W. OWtfit.- Mellenry 11L Jan. KRh, 1B7B. Remember that Back Tin & St'everis* ofter their goods at the very IbWCStf living prices,and pay Cash for Blittfer and Eggs. HATS! IIATS! A cart load just received at BllCkltn & Stevens', at very low prices. Good dress Prints, fast colors,-otily 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's. "Dinners 25 Woodstock. cents Yankee Bakery» Elegant patterns of Notin«»ham Ctor-*" tain I,ace from 20 cts., and upwards. Also a new invoice of Wall paper and window shades, at very low prices. P. D. SMITH.. DRESS GOODS. New and desirable shades in Eerv Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacaa. at P. I). Smith's. A new style of Estey Organ, which Is the handsomest instrument ever put on the market. Call and see it at O. W. Owen's. It is the universal testimony that the Rochester aud Buffalo Boots and Shoes, for which we are the sole agents in this village, are relatively the best and cheapest in the market. Give them a trial. P. D. SMITH. The new American Sewing Machine, the best in the market. They are wa** ranted in every particular, run easier and make less noise. CaU ami »e«r them. O. W. Owen, Agent* FOR SALE. I have choice Village Lots aud acre Property, in and adjoining the Villag* of Mellenry, that has heretofore been held out of msirket, which I am now selling to those who will build and improve, on very reasonable terms. E. M. OWEN. figure up the probable gains on the one- hand and losses on the other, then hav­ ing struck a balance fling his banner to the breeze, buy a gross of pencils, en­ large his daily, roll up his sleeves, wear a dictionary in the top oi his hat and pitch in a la Chicago Times. Won't there be fearful revelations when he begins to tell the truth? SQUEEKS. Auction Sale of Pickles. The Directors ofthe Union Company will sell at fublic Auction, at the Pickle Factory, in McHenry 111., com­ mencing at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday the 29th day of July, 1876. the entire interest of the Union Company in the Pickle crop of the year 1875. Said in­ terest includes some sixteen thousand bushels of Pickles in brine. Terms make known on the day of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. E. BKKSEK, Secretary. A SURE CURE FOR DIARRHCEA. This is to certify that after coming home from California to my family in Chicago I was taken with % diarrli^a. 1 tried everythingthat was reoouimeu- ded to me (but did me no good) for over five years, until I got two bottles of F. Marcus' Bitters which completely cured me. Robert Forrest,Peter Blane and others can testify the above to be true and no humbug. I have proved it to be equally as good for billious com­ plaints. It strengthens and invigorates the whole system, carries off the hile^ and gives warmth to the chilled veins of both old and young. It is the best bitters I over used. JOHN PKNMAJT, SEW Town of Seneca, Mf Henry County, State of Illinois. Subscribed" and sworn before me this 28th day of September 1875. E. BAIDWIS J. 1'. JUST RECEIVED. A full Stock of Boots & Shoes; For the Spring A Summer trade* which I'can and will sell at ptrioea that DEFY Competition.. FTA^ALL GOODS Warranted as repre­ sented. CALI» and C. At P. W. BLAKEH, OPPOSITE PERKY & MARTIN'S STOKJU McHenry, 111. H. MAIMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR.- waucqnda, Lake County. - * " Illinois-' .Has just reeeire«i the I.arpest and Best Stock ot Cloths, Cusslmero*, Fancy VestinjM, anil also Clothing of all kin.Is, ever brought to- this Market. Mens*. Youths ami Boys Suite of all grades and prices. I am prep&rea to Suit you in Ready-Made Clothiugr Suit you to Order.. Suit you in Price. Suit you iu Style. Suit you on Fit. Yocas TKCLV, II. MAUlJiX. Wiuoonda, 111.,

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