Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Aug 1876, p. 5

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se WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16th, 187§t Railroad Time Table. 0OWO gOtt» • Geneva Lake Passongor....,,/^ , 7-25 » v Otoeva Lake Pre ijrht....;. 4 itt? *' CUcoette Passenger M." , • OOIWO HOBTA*-^ i;-' - " J^evaLake Preljrht. A. M. Uiicoette Passeuper....^^^^,,,^^',!!^^ M. Geneva Lake Passenger...*... :05 j»" m! MASOJFLC. »CHekbt£jui>TER NO. 34.R. JL M.--Resru- *r Convocations tie Id on the second and , fourth Fridays in each month. , A W.OWEN SEC. IL (3. IRISH H. P. **-' • • f.;. ... .i CHURCH DIRECTORY. 7s?*? < nof>i8T.--Her. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Servirps every Siin«lav morning at 10V A. M. Suaday School at 12 A. "M. WM. P AGE, Super- intendent. Services at Rinjrwood at 3P. M. McHEVKY TOWN CAUCU& l"he Republican voters of the Town of McHenry will meet in Town Caucus, at the Council Rooms, in Village of McHenry, on Tuesday, August 22d, at 8 o'clock p. M.. for the purpose of choos­ ing eleven delegates to attend the County Convention on the 26th; and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. By Order Of Town Committee.' |6D. DOUOHERTT. Agent for the Elgin Citizen, called at our ekfcctum on Thurs- day. . REMEMBER the Harvest Party at the Riverside House, on Friday evening of next week, the 25th. OWING to the -crowded state of ou r columns we are obliged to leave over two interesting communications, but « they will not spoil by age they will ap^ar next week. AN officer from Wisconsin arrested a man at the Depot on Monday 011 a charge of robbirg a safe at Geneva Lake. He was taken to Richmond for examination. THE sun's rays focus 011 the earth about this season of the year; and those 4re the mysous for its being hot enough to scorch a paper collar. i;:" ! THE newest thing in necfc-wear arte the campaign neckties. They are white, with the names of the Republican or Democratic Presidential nominees oh each end, and are calculated to save a good deal of time and trouble in find­ ing out what a man's political senti­ ments are. • .'.J:* /- F. A. HEBARD being the lowest bid­ der was awarded the Contract for building the Fence around the Public Square. We understand that he .will commence the work at once. THE business at the Pickle Factory for this season is now beginning to open up, the receipts the past week be­ ing about 100 bushels per day, and this week it is expected will be much lar­ ge CHAS. ROUSE'S Barber Shop has been removed from the Parker House Bloc£ to Gieseler's Block, where his custom erg can hereafter find Charley ready to give you a good Shave or Hair Cut 011 short notice. THXSE are the days when 'tis pleas- ant to go forth into the open aTf and lie on the cool green grass Tunder the wide spreading elms, and, with a soul attuned to nature's harmonies float off into pleasant dreams, and pretty soon wake up with a bug in eacli ear, a swarm, of red hot ants feeling after your heart strings and a grasshopper up your trowsers-leg. , . FIRE IN SOLON. ' The residence of R. L. Turner,at Solon, was burned on Friday night last. The fire broke out about one o'clock, and so rapid did it spread that only a portion of the furniture was saved, Mr. Turner's family losing nearly all their wearing apparel. It is supposed the flre was caused bjr a defective flue. Loss $3,500 No insurance. , r > , MM)A REPUBLICAN CAlCjLSf. The Republican voters ©f the1 Town ofNundaf are requested to hreet at Barrcville,on Saturday Aug. 19th,, at 10 o'clock A, ji.* for the; purpose of choosing nine delegates to represent said town in the County Qdhvgntioifi to be held at Woodstock Aug. 26th. The Committee hope there wilt be a geher- al attcudancev By^Qfcder the JCfiUr niittee, V;_,j-\",a ^,4 ' ',STE^6l',!4So#k l<6AU ,The Republican voters oj&^tbe 'Town' of Seneca are requested • to meet*'at APPLES begin to tempt the-boys to predatory and unlawful excursions. But eveu when a boy has determined to do wrong, his conscience only sleeps to awaken again. The appearance of an earnest dog will awaken so many consciencious'scruples in a boy that he will depart in repentant haste from a neighbor's orchard, careless of the tact that the basement of his pantaloons is leit fluttering from the pickets of the fence. O. BISHOP is making some good im­ provements in and around his Ware­ house. He has talcon away the staging and stairs from the front, and is now treating the buildings to acoa' of Paint wlilch will much improve their appear­ ance. Y WHILE in Volo the other day we saw a man (we have forgotten his name,) who had a German Prayer Book that was one hundred and eight years old. The book was in a good state of preser­ vation, and was indeed a relic "of ye olden times." JOHN LANSING has leased the Hay Press near the Depot, enlarged the building, and intends to immediately commence Pressing.Hay,onan extensive scale. As there is a large crop this sea- eon we doubt not that it can be bought at very low figures. , /THE last conumdrum out is this: If Eternal Vigilance is the price of Lib­ erty, what is a horse worth that refuses to budge another inch when two miles from town and 3*011*ve got j'our girl in? And then to have another fellow try to run off"with the girl while you walk in after another horse! As will be seen by an advertisement in another column and flaming Posters on our streets, G. W. Collins & Co's Great National Menagerie and Colios- seum will exhibit in this place 011 Thurs­ day of next week, the 24th. This is said to be a No. 1 Exhibition. Read the advertisement in another column. LOT one Block one, West McIIenrv. consisting of one acre, which was ad­ vertised in the PLAINPEALKR for sale, was sold on Saturday last to E. Herbes, for the sum of $225. Mr. Herbes pro­ poses to build a residence early in the spring. It is one of the handsomest building places in the village. PRAIRIE Chickens and Ducks are now lawful game, and hunters are plentier than fiddlers in tophet. Several par­ ties from Chicago are now at the Lakes and nearly every train brings one or more, with gun, dog and other accout- riments. ready to deal death to the feathered game. It is said that both Ducks and Chickens are plenty this sea- 1 son. MR. SUTTON, who livps South of this village, left at thin office one day last week an ear of corn that was pfcVfectly filled out and fully ripe and hard. This looks as though there would be less soft corn than last year. Unless a frost comes within the next three weeks (which with the present warm weather seems almost impossible.) the corn crop will be the best that we have had for years. HENRY EHLE, of Hebron, who is candidate for Sheriff, made us a call one day last week. He was looking up his Interests in this part of the County, and reports the outlook encouraging He assumes us that if he should be elect­ ed and by any misfortune we should fall into his hands he will treat us as well as the law will allow. AH rigli' friend Ehle. we'll bear that in mind in ca«e of emergency. GIESKLKK <FC EVANS'I'OX is the name of the new firm at Gieseler's old stand near the De,pot. The new member of the firm is Mr. John Evanston, former­ ly in trade at Nun da, and who is well and favorably known to , the bhying public in that part of the County. The store is under the charge of Mr. Evans ton. who has rearranged it throughout and put in a stock of Drv Goods, Gro­ ceries, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Cap* second to none* and the new fi-m will no doubt receive a share of the public patronage. Read their advertisement ,elsewhert in this paper. BLAKE & BRO., Furniture dealers have removed to th<Mr new Store, on the corner opposite the Brick Church, which they have filled up with one of the largest stocks of Furniture ever brought to this market, to which they invite the attention of the public They have now one of the best ar­ ranged, stores to be found in the coun­ ty, built expressly for their business, which they invite the public to £t^nd^examir,e. Everything in their line warranted as represented. Read their advertisement in auother column. - THE Sale of Pickles advertised for Saturday last came off at the Factory, the Stock being bought by Curtis & Walker and George Hanley. at price* ranging from 34 to 36 cents per bushel. Under the care of that model manu- taeturer, J. F. Welsh, the Pickles now in the Factory, that have been kept two years, are as hard and sound as when first made. As we have said be­ fore Welsh has few equals and 110 su­ periors in the manufacture of Pickles of all kinds, never having lost a bushel of Pickles since the "Factory started, and his Pickles always bringing the highest price in the market. THE "'Prairie Blues" is the name of a new Base Ball Club just organized at Volo, and who, after a few days prac­ tise felt confident that there was noth­ ing in that section at least, that could get away with the 11*1. "Ed Payne's Scrubs" thought different and the result of the . dillerence of opinion was a match game on Saturday last, which resulted in a'score ot 45 to 22 in favor of the "Scrubs." "Ed" ia now happy, but the woe begone countenances of the "Blues" are sad,to behold. They are now continually singing "Of all the sad words that rhyme with jaws, the saddest are these--it mi^lit have was." OUR friends in the West part of the village mean to be'safe, if Safes will make them so, from fire, burglars or "any other man." On Saturday last the firm of Smith & Snyder put in a No. 8 Mosher. Bahmann & <'0. Safe, weighing 1,800. B. Gilbert put in one of the t<ame make, No. 4; weight 1.500. And Joe Wiedemann put in one No. 2. weight 1.100. These are said to be the best Snfes WMV in the market, and light-fingered gentry can Hereby take notice that they can carry off no more ot "Tips" old Government clothing, Ilalters. Saddles. &c.. as he is going to put them all in that new Safe. Volo Cornet Band. Are. now prepared to fur.nixh music for Picnics and Pleasure Parties to the Lakes or elsewhere t>n the most reason­ able Terms. Address Volo Cornet Band, Volo, 111. Franklinville, on Friday the 25th Inst., at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing seven delegates to the Countv Conveutionio be held at' Woodstock, on the 2Gth, and to transact any other business which may come before the caucus. $y Order of To^'u Committee. Seneca,'Aug. 7th, 1876* • •; , : THE following Is a list of the Grand and Petit Jurors for the September term of the Circuit Court which con­ venes 011 the fourth Monday of Said month: GRASD .rtJROBS. James Bmtnard , < William Howards F. W. Porter A. Rrainaril N. K. Blako Owen Mc(iec C. F. Morgan Thomas Oooiter G . W. Goodrich O. S. Turner W. W. Whittimore Benj. Carpenter PBTIT J. B. linckliart ' J. J. Ilrok&it j)ti Italpli Chelators L. va.11 Wie, P. K. Saunders ;;<• Michael Hayes Niek Graily Dennia Mc'Cee Felix Gaffinney John Megan DHuiel "Xilutn Allen Sheldon W. Cumiugd A. Povnc J. n. Ballard T. 8. Curt J. B. Chnrch *<4? CJ. L. Mead ,/jf- s A. M. Pettengale ^ Geo. MrCohne! *°f " Dennis ll'ililerinan ' C, Beokwith Westlv I.add Jo on ft. Palmer JU Paine J. B. Butler .TT-RORS. Wm. Ifartiey"' Wm. Still Andrew Scott J. H. Fairchi Id 3 ; NoVnmn Jacobs Jaiue.s KiinliMll Ashley Anderson AVm. (Whatman II. C. Alien , Lester Adams Peter* Blake Henry McOmber Sherman Stevens A. Goodwin B. W. Spar rack ul" . aij' •'•fit. T< a IF a . mau wa«ts to "dress up" lijs horse we know of no better place for him to go than to H. S. Gregory's next door to the Post Office. We called in there 011 Monday and saw, some of the finest Harnesses that has come under our. observation for,a long time. Two sets* of Single Harness particularly at­ tracted our attention. They are made of a new and tasty pattern. Nickle Trim med,with the patent Centennial Buckle, which is certainly^'one of the neatest of the kind we ever saw. The material is t'le best, while the work­ manship cannot be sm passed in the X orthwest. These Harnesses are hand­ somely stamped and stitched through­ out, and should be seen, as we cannot begin to do them justice- in describing them. Mr. Gregory has also 011 hand a good stock of common Harness, both single and double, which he is selling as low as auy in the country. He uses none but the best of stook, and doing all the work himself, has 110 hesitation in warranting his work in every panHci^ lari When iii want of a uew Harness do not fail to give Gregory a call. G R E E N W O O D 1 KMFOU PLAIN DEALER:--Many and various are the diseases of which the flesh of man is heir to. Malaria, Pesti- euce and disaster, destroy the lives of t housands annually, while the'Thousand and one little ills; of contageous and noncontageous diseases, claim and have their full share of fatalities. There are many new diseases that are appar­ ently contageous, that baffle the skill of the most wise, though not of a fatal character. We hear of softening of the brain &c., a disease which (by the way is beeomiug quite common) There is another disease, however, (Which may perhaps be a twin brother to the last mentioned,) that, has become quite common of laj;e; it is no uncommon thing to meet from three to five sub­ jects daily. It's victims are affected with a wonderful bowing, and shaking of hands witn every one they meet ac­ companied by some of their most pleasant smiles. One wotdd almost be led to think to see one of them that they were double jointed with two hinges in each joint; they are not by any meads Speechless, but their only cay is ofiice, office, I want office; prom­ ising to treat you more gentlemanly in the future than what they have in the past &6., if you will only lend your per­ sonal aid and influence in their behalf- This may be no new disease, but within the past few years it has taken (to use the language of the Hon. II. McLean) a most cussed mean form." Some lo­ calities are having it bad. One of Qur local officials has a new and rather novel process of pursuing criminals. Not having as yet obtained his patent, we refrain from further mention, but would like to have him explain a little more about that ride to Ringwood and McHenry. How about the hot sun &c. Those of the farmers who have threshed report a light crop. Oats very light weight. S. D. and J. A. Baldwin have returned from their Eastern tour and report a pleasant time. NOTICE.--The legal voters of the Town of Greenwood, are requested to meet at the School House, in the Vil­ lage of Greenwood, 011 Saturday, Aug. 19th. at 2o'clock p. ai., for the "purpose of appointing seven delegates to at­ tend the County Convention, to be held at Woodstock, on Saturday Aug. 26th, and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. By Order of Committee. , WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLATNDKAI.ER :--On' Monday evening last, the Sous of Temperance, the most of them in calico, held a soei-> able at the residence of L. D. Filu^re, and although not present, we had the good fortune to travel-that way early in the evening, and if noise is any indi­ cation of sociability, that gathering deserved its name. An intemperate sociable ceuld scarcely have made chore discordant racket, while out doors. Rev's J. E. Fisher and T. C. North- cott started for Fox Lake oti Tuesday, mojoing, to enjoy a brief vacation. On the eveniug of Thursday a Mr. Deans, with ever so many handles -to his name, and who is certainly intem­ perate in the matter of secret societies, told to a small audience in the Metho. dist Church, the old story now pretty well worn, of how he became intemper­ ate in the matter of liquors," and how he lesumed the ttiastery of himself W w e l l . ' . . . v ' \ V ; . ; : At the pickle factory the cucumbers come in slowly some being bought by J. S. W heat at 40 cents, and th« balance worked up by the stock holders, who anticipate getting at Jeast que dollar a bushel when the pickels shall be h)ai> 4 keted. .. : The R* R. company became 'nervous ou account of the damage the ' wateV was doihg to their tunnel oji Calhoun Street, and dumped iu four car loads ot stone, filling them up so as to forma wall for the(protection ot the bank. It is a good job. Now let the Council try whether an ordinance will compel the Pickle company to build a deccut side­ walk along the South eud of their lot An individual would not have escaped till this time. m t , The Daily Xcu> ifri teorrects ufe in the matter of the street corarnissioher who put in the culverts ou Chemung street, which is all light, bnt why did not the Daily find it out before it published in the PLAIXDEALER? . ' Neil Donnelly Esq. has returned from his western trip, but complains of ueu- ralgie. City business will go on again now. David Robinson Esq. Is building a large addition to his already fine resi­ dence ou Jackson Street. Our big B. B. C, went to Elgin ih Frank Hanaford's bus, on Friday, and played the Bluff City's, winning the gauie by a score of 11 to 10. By wit­ nesses. it is said to have been a very fine game, the success of our club being attributed to the Hew catcher (Hubble) from Belvidere, who is now herewith the intent ion of remaining. Many of our citizens went over to witness the ga me, at t he end Of which a telegmm was sent to A. W. Murphy, Vice Presi­ dent of the B. B. Association, inform­ ing him of the result. The V. P. Showed the disp?.teh to, two of his friends and the three proceeded to bet cigars by the box on the score. Jay Hoyt's box was won by A. W. M. young f'urer's by T. E.M. and Blossom's by •Jerry Richards who didn't suioke when the box was offered him. The other two kept their wager till near night of Saturday,when Jay got his back again. A box of cigars is rather a large bet for a joke, but why accept and, retain them twenty-four hour§? And did the public indignation have anything to do with returning them ? - Ahorse thief tried to steal a horse of Mr. Hughes of Ilartla nd, Tuesday night, but was seen and routed by the hired man with his little pistol. The New AVa office is rather exten­ sive if those who pretend to know are 'to be believed. The Fair Posters came from Chicago this week but the line at the bottom read "New Era Sitam Print.'1" The job, to an outsider, ap­ pears a neat oue, but why sail under false colors? / New arrival ofClothi ig and Hats and Caps at r. D. Smith'?. The contest for the Circuit Clerkship excites more discussion than that for Sheriff, and as near as may be consist- ant with a warm friendship for both candidates, we will give the comments we hear upon the state of the case. I11 regard to Mr- Richards, old Republi­ cans express no little surprise that one who has never been known as a Re­ publican, but as always a Democrat, should voluntarily come before the Republican convention, announcing himself as a candidate for the best office in the county. Again it is said that J. H. Johnson Esq, provided E. E. Richards succeeds in obtaining the office, is to go in as Deputy. These old liners say this i« too big a dose. The question also as to the effect Rich­ ards election might have upon those who chose to look up the records for themselves, while the owner of the Abstract Ofiice has legal possesssion of the county records is discussed. Some men would take advantage of such an opportunity. Old line Democrats say that Emery is a good fellow but his conversion comes too late, he has gone over for office and the^r wont support him on that ticket. The only objection to Mr. Dwight that has come to our ears reaches us via the Sentinel office-- that he makes mistakes in his papers sent there for publication. We do not understand that Mr. Dwight ever claimed infallibility but should more inclined t-o be of the opinion that the mistakes were made iu some other place, in view of the fact that Judge Murphy has been heard to say that Josiah Dwight is the best Circuit Clerk ha ever knew. SQUEEKS. NUNDA. ; EDITOR Pi,AiNi>EALKR:^Sincfl our lflfct jomrnGMication, our town has been visited by several gushing showers, ac­ companied with considerable wind, es­ pecially on the 9th inst., when rain, hall and wind made things quite lively here for a short time but no damage was done otherwise than prostrating the nnstacked grain and vetoing the farther prosecution of stacking for a few days. Several farmers have com­ menced threshing and pronounce the yield of grain very small and light. \Ve were treated to a Bear show up­ on our streets a few days ago which greatly amused all the boys In town and called together many of the older class. The bear was' quite a large one and was thoroughly trained and per­ formed several tricks to the delight of the bystanders. A hat was passed around in time to catch a few nickles for his bear&fcig*, whi<& wasi all satis­ factory. • • K": Mr. Daniel Holcomb took the cars thirMonday morning for Nebraska for the benefit of his health, which is very poor, lie having been confined to his room for several days last week, It is feared by his friends that the Con­ sumption claims him as a prey to its ever fata) coils, Mr. Albert Walkup, from this place, in company with Mr. Rush Morse "and Lowell Walkup of Ridgefield, started Monday morning for- the Centennial Exposition. They anticipate a good time. We have been shown some beautiful views of the grounds and residences of some of ouf oitizens here taken by Mr. Vosburg of this place, which show him to be an Artist of the "first water." He seems to be perfectly at home be­ hind his Camera whether In the street or in his Gallery, and never fails to give satisfaction. Our new Boot and Shoe Store "comes ou; in flying colors, exhibiting a choice stock of goods, selected especially to meet the wants of the ladies, the busi­ ness men and the grangers. The One Price Cash Store, H. B. Tyrrell Propri­ etor, is the place to buy your Boots and Shoes is what the boys say and it looks very much as though they were right. • TYRO. MCIIEXBY, Anpf. !tth, 1376. EDITOR PLAIXDEALER:--In your pa­ per of Aug. 2d, I find a statement that the Town Board have sold the Town House, belonging to the Township of McIIenry, to Mr. Eugeln. I would here state as one of the Town Board that I have taken 110 part in the transaction, nor have I been consulted or notified of any meeting of said Board. . IIOMKIT WATTLWI F. ltssr of the McIIenry Bakery now makes regular trips as follows: Ringwood and Richmoud Mondays and Thursdays, Vole and Wauconda, Tues­ days and Fridays. We can assure our readers in the above named places that Mr. Best is a first class Baker, and will deliver at their doors anything they may want in the line of Bread, Pies Cakes, etc., on the days mentioned. ' Easiness Notices Fruit Jars iu abundance at Buckttn A Steveus. ."•am - .-a Go to E. 3L Owen for PumpfC » ig. • ; Croquet Sets from one dollar up.s* O. W. Owen's. WlUIT.JAR^llQf; M at L. Stoddard- ^ Go and see the piles of new Gooij|0 being received daily at P< J>, Smith^* at SmitliBros. old stand. ICE CUE AX at R. A. Howard's taurant," near the Depot. Tue*dajl<| Thursdays* Saturdays and Sundays, j SALT! SALT? Fresh Salt for sale at our Warehouse at91.60 per Barrel. SMITH IFE SSTDEH* A bran new Organ at O. W. Owenftl for 9100. \ m Dress Goods of all kinds andat pri­ ces to please, at Bucklin & Stetreas'. Best thing in Plows. Call and see. r A fiill line of Clothing at Bucklin jfc Steve life*. A ft ill suit from 90,50 up. One two-seated Democrat Wagon for sale cheap. O. W. OWES. If yon want any kind of Farm implex meats or repairs call on E. Given. ~ w The Blanctiard and Emractt Churns* the best in the market; For* Sale by ? O. BISROF. Forsyth's Hay Scales. Counter Seal and Portable Platform Scalas, for, ~ by O. Bishop. > POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. The best-in the iuarket- at L. S tod- A NEW THING* Double chain, Ingrain Carpetlngf beats them Smith's, all. For sale at P. lite .«> M. Selz & Co.'s Boots and Shoe Mb If want an extra good Sliave Hair Cut, call on Charley, at the Par] i&t ft* House. A splended Piano to Bent on reason-*- able terms. McHenry 111. Jan. Ilth, LS7G°' W' °w**- ; - Some able farmer wanting to take % good smart boy thirteen years old, for three or five years, can hear of such IF one by communicating with this office^ by letter or otherwise. i - .-p* • •'Kfi.jj. Remember that Bticklitt>& fitevense ofier their goods at the very lowest living prices, and pay Cash for Buttefc! and Eggs. MRf CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON. In order to makonroom for their Fall and. Winter purchase, Bucklin & Stevens propose to offer their Summer Goods for the next 30 days at a bargain. Good Prints at 5. and 6 cents per yard. Dress Goods from 15 cents per yard up. Pant Linen at less than cost- Summer Shawls at prices to close. Hamburgh Edgings at greatly reduced prices. Ladies Hose from 10.cents per pair up. Mens Summer Coat? from 60 cents up. Clothing at reduced pride, and in fact all kinds of Goods at such prices as cannot fail to sell them. The highest market price for Butter. Eggs and Poultry. Call on them and see for yourselves. No trouble to .show goods whether they sell or not Aug. 1st 1876. nATSt HATS! ' A cart load just received at B & Stevens', at very low prices. Elegant patterns of Notlngham ain I j ace from 20 cts., atiu upwardlPf Also a new invoice of Wall paper aii«^ window shades, at very low prices. r.D. swftO. DRESS GOODS, New and desirable shades In Ecni* Plaids, Mohairs, Melanges, Alapacam at P. D. Smith's. The new American Sewing Machlue^ the best in the market. They are waiy^ ranted in every particular, run easiei*^ and make less noise. Call and seflff them. O.-W. Owen, Agent. r -Xt f It is the universal testimony that Rochester and Buft-Uo Boots and Slioed^ for which we are the sole agents in thia» village, are relatively the best anAr. cheapest iu the m^ugfet. Give them aA trial. P. D. SMITH. FOR SALE. A House and Lot in the Village 6Cu Richmond, favorably situated nearth^ business centre of the village, with %. good cistern and well, a large, well-fin*^, ished barn, well located for Livery ;u«o^ Sale St aides. Terms, a part rt«hr a nee secured by mortgage. For partly _ culars address or call on D. A. POTTER, P. Riclunond, III*," Republican District Convention. • " The Republican voters of the several^ counties comprising the Fourth Con-^ gressional District of Illinois, are re- ff quested to elect delegates to the He-® publican District Convention, to be hoi den at Elgin, ou Thursday, Sept. 7, at one o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Member of Congress, to be supported at the gen- CIDER CIDER. J. W. Freund, at Owen's old Plain­ ing Mill, will be prepared the last of | erafelect'ion in November nextanftfor tills week to make your spare Apples into Cider on short notice The Mill has been repaired in the best of man­ ner, and all "who bring their Apples can rest assured of getting their "Cider Pure and Clean. Remember the place, Owentoold Cider Mill, near Luffs Grist Mill. transacting such other business as may come before said Convention. The basis of representation will be the voten cast, for Republican Presidential eleo^ Good dress. Prints, fast colore, only 6 cts., per yard, at P. D. Smith's.. WOOL! WOOL I I am now iu the market prepared to pay the highest market price for Wool. Those having good marketable Wool will find it for their interest to call and see me. P. KGBAKGER, McIIenry, 111, July 5th 1S76- A New Hair Tonic Worth • Having. It is the best. Wood*» Improved Hair Restorative is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; re­ store grey hair to a glossy, natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling h|ir; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; restores hair to pre­ maturely bald heads; removes dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions; removes irri­ tation, itching and scaly dryness. No j article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't be put off with any other article. Sold by all drug­ gists in this place and dealers every­ where. Trade supplied at manufact­ urers prices bv C. A. Cook &, Co., Chi­ cago, Sole Age-nts for the United States and CaniMl&*and ail Wholesale Drug­ gists, . tors at the general election in Novem-»^ bcr,JlK72, and the ratio will be one delegate for every four hundred votes, and one delegate additional for each fraction of one hundred and fifty votes - or over, so cast. Under this apportion-^ ment. as will be seen by the vote of the several counties of the distriot, append*^ ed below, the representation . in gaiety convention will be as follows: Counties, - Votes. Delegate*.- McHenry...... 7 Booue 4 Winnutago M D e K a l ™ . . . t * Kane 1*. J. TL MAXWT, > A. P. ST KWART, CHAS. KEr.LUM, RB.LOOV, J. 11. MAYBOl-unt. Congressional Central Committee DIED. PARKER-August 4th, IHTti. Cora E. Parker younjjost child of L. A. a»<l Ella Jf. Parker airtHl 2 ve.'irs and 8 month*. NOTICE. CI AME into thowictosureot' the tindersisnte*! / (Ki or iilxuit July i5th, a larjre black Sow.. The owner is heroin- tmt itkM to provw proper». tv-j iwr ohargos ami tuke hoi- awav. 7 1L' D. IW. McHenry III., July "1st 1876. aw ...'I . M

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